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Gia sư Thành Được


I. Grammar and structures:
01.I have studied French……….I was a little girl
A. when.
B. during
02. She …born in 1990 .

C. since

D. for

A. were
B. was
03. I usually get up ……...six ……..the morning.

C. is

D. had been

A. at/ on
B. at/at
C. at/ in
D. in/in
04. There is ………………… apple on the tab. ………………… apple is sweet.
A. the - The
B. an - The
C. the - An
D. a - The

05. When I arrived at his house, he ……..
A. slept
B. was sleeping
06. I …….her last year.

C. is sleeping

D. sleeping

A. see
B. saw
C. have seen
07. If you….. ..ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.

D. seeing

A. arrive
B. arrived
C. had arrived
08.If I had known that you were in hospital, I…… …………..you.

D. have arrived

A. will have visited B. will visit
C. would have visited
09. We went to ………….. cinema twice a month.
A. a
B. an
C. Ø
10. “……. is your son going to Ha Noi?” -- “ On Monday ”.

D. would visit

A. How
B. When
11. If she ….. start , she will be late
A. didn’t
B. doesn’t

D. What

C. What time
C. don’t

D. the

D. isn’t

12. ……………… do you get up every morning ? - At 7:00am.
A. Which
B. Where
13. If I see him, I ………….him a gift

C. What time

A. give
B. will give
14. The bell ……….while Tommy ………a bath

C. would give

A. ring/ was taking

B. ring/take

C. rang/ taking

15. It was not until 1980 that they ............................. to learn English.
A. didn’t begin
B. began
C. begin
16. I arrive at school…….Mondays…….. 7a.m.
A. at/ at
B. in/ at
C. on/ in

D. What
D. giving
D. rang/ was taking

D. to begin
D. on/at.

17.…………………………. that he became famous.
A. It is not until
B. It is not until 2008
C. It was not until 2008
D. It was not until that
II. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

Gia sư Thành Được


18. A. parked
B. watched
C. stopped
D. endangered
19. A. take
B. catch
C. face
D. famous
20. A. that
B. there
C. think
D. this
III. Read the following passage and answer the questions:
Pele is considered one of the greatest football players of all time. He was born in 1940 in
Brazil. As a football player, Pele was famous for his powerful kicking and controlling the ball. He
joined a Brazilian football club in 1956, and in 1962 he led the team to its first world club
championship. Pele became the only player to participate in three World Cups in 1958, 1962 and 1970.
By 1974, Pele had scored 1200 goals and became a Brazilian national hero. He played for an American
football club for two years before he retired in 1977. Later Pele became an international ambassador
for the sport, working to promote peace and understanding through friendly sport activities.
1. What was Pele famous for as a football player?
______________________________________________________2. When did he join a Brazilian football club?
3. How many World Cups did he take part in?

4. How old was he when he retired?
5. What did he do after his retirement?
IV. Rewrite the following sentences as directed:
1. He didn’t get up until noon
It was not until _______________________________________________
2. No one could leave the bank until 11.30
It was not until _______________________________________________
3. I couldn’t have dinner until she came home
It was not until _______________________________________________
4. He lives in Ho Chi Minh City ( make a question with Wh- question ).
5. They usually have breakfast at 7 am. (make a question with Wh- question).

Gia sư Thành Được


Họ tên:.....................................................Lớp:A....

NĂM HỌC: 2013- 2014

01. { | } ~

06. { | } ~

11. { | } ~

16. { | } ~

02. { | } ~

07. { | } ~

12. { | } ~

17. { | } ~

03. { | } ~

08. { | } ~

13. { | } ~

18. { | } ~

04. { | } ~

09. { | } ~

14. { | } ~

19. { | } ~

05. { | } ~

10. { | } ~

15. { | } ~

20. { | } ~

I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
01.A. take
B. catch
C. face
D. famous
02.A. parked
B. watched
C. endangered
D. stopped
03.A. think
B. that
C. this
D. there
II. Grammar and structures:
04. It was not until 1980 that they ............................. to learn English.
A. began
B. to begin
C. begin
D. didn’t begin
05. She …born in 1990 .

A. is
B. were
C. was
06. We went to ………….. cinema twice a month.
A. an
B. a
C. Ø
07. I usually get up ……...six ……..the morning.
A. at/ on
B. in/in
08. The bell ……….while Tommy ………a bath

C. at/at

D. had been
D. the
D. at/ in

A. rang/ was taking B. rang/ taking
C. ring/ was taking
D. ring/take
09. There is ………………… apple on the tab. ………………… apple is sweet.
A. a - The
B. an – The
C. the - An
D. the - The
10. If you….. ..ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
A. arrived
B. have arrived
C. arrive

11. I arrive at school…….Mondays…….. 7.00am.
A. at/ at.
B. on/ in
C. on/at

D. had arrived
D. in/ at

12.I have studied French……….I was a little girl
A. since
B. during
C. for
13. ……………… do you get up every morning ? - At 7:00.
A. What
B. Which
C. Where
14.…………………………. that he became famous.
A. It was not until 2008 B. It is not until 2008
C. It is not until
15. If I see him, I ………….him a gift

D. when.
D. What time
D. It was not until that

Gia sư Thành Được


A. would give
B. will give
C. giving
16. “……. is your son going to Ha Noi?” -- “ On Monday ”.
A. How

B. What time

C. When

D. give
D. What

17. If I had known that you were in hospital, I…… …………..you.
A. will visit
B. will have visited
18. If she ….. start , she will be la
A. isn’t
B. doesn’t
19. When I arrived at his house, he ……..
A. slept
B. was sleeping
20. I …….her last year.
A. see

B. have seen

C. would visit
C. didn’t

D. would have visited
D. don’t

C. sleeping

D. is sleeping

C. seeing

D. saw

III. Read the following passage and answer the questions:
Pele is considered one of the greatest football players of all time. He was born in 1940 in
Brazil. As a football player, Pele was famous for his powerful kicking and controlling the ball. He
joined a Brazilian football club in 1956, and in 1962 he led the team to its first world club
championship. Pele became the only player to participate in three World Cups in 1958, 1962 and 1970.
By 1974, Pele had scored 1200 goals and became a Brazilian national hero. He played for an American
football club for two years before he retired in 1977. Later Pele became an international ambassador
for the sport, working to promote peace and understanding through friendly sport activities.
1. What was Pele famous for as a football player?
______________________________________________________2. When was he born ?
3. How many World Cups did he take part in?
4. When did he score the 1,200th goal?
5. What did he do after his retirement?
IV. Rewrite the following sentences as directed:
1. He didn’t get up until 10.00 am.

It was not until _______________________________________________
2. No one could leave the bank until 11.30
It was not until _______________________________________________
3. I couldn’t have dinner until my mother came home

Gia sư Thành Được


It was not until _______________________________________________
4. He lives in Ha Noi ( make a question with Wh- question ).
5. They usually have lunch at 11 am. (make a question with Wh- question).

Gia sư Thành Được


Họ tên:.....................................................Lớp:A....

NĂM HỌC: 2013- 2014

01. { | } ~

06. { | } ~

11. { | } ~

16. { | } ~

02. { | } ~

07. { | } ~

12. { | } ~

17. { | } ~

03. { | } ~

08. { | } ~

13. { | } ~

18. { | } ~

04. { | } ~

09. { | } ~

14. { | } ~

19. { | } ~

05. { | } ~

10. { | } ~

15. { | } ~

20. { | } ~

I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
01.A. watched
B. parked
C. endangered
D. stopped
02.A. famous
B. face
C. take
D. catch
03.A. this
B. that
C. there
D. think
II. Grammar and structures:
04. If you….. ..ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
A. arrived
B. have arrived
05. I …….her last year.
A. see
B. have seen

06. If she ….. start , she will be late
A. didn’t
B. don’t

C. arrive
C. saw
C. doesn’t

D. had arrived
D. seeing
D. isn’t

07. There is ………………… apple on the tab. ………………… apple is sweet.
A. the - The
B. a - The
C. an - The
D. the - An
08. I usually get up ……...six ……..the morning.
A. at/ in
B. in/in
09. If I see him, I ………….him a gift
A. would give
B. will give
10. I arrive at school…….Mondays…….. 7
A. in/ at
B. on/at

C. at/at

D. at/ on

C. give

D. giving

C. on/ in

D. at/ at

11.If I had known that you were in hospital, I…… …………..you.
A. will visit
B. will have visited
12. When I arrived at his house, he ……..
A. is sleeping
B. slept
13. She …born in 1990 .

C. would visit

D. would have visited

C. sleeping

D. was sleeping

A. was
B. were
C. had been
14.I have studied French……….I was a little girl

D. is

A. since
B. for
C. when.
15. It was not until 1980 that they ............................. to learn English.

D. during

Gia sư Thành Được


A. began
B. didn’t begin
16. The bell ……….while Tommy ………a bath

C. to begin

D. begin

A. rang/ was taking B. ring/take
C. ring/ was taking
17. ……………… do you get up every morning ? - At 7:00am.

D. rang/ taking

A. What time
B. What

C. Where
18. “……. is your son going to Ha Noi?” -- “ On Monday ”.

D. Which

A. When
B. What time
C. How
19. We went to ………….. cinema twice a month.
A. a
B. the
C. an
20.…………………………. that he became famous.
A. It is not until
B. It is not until 2008
C. It was not until that

D. What
D. Ø
D. It was not until 2008

III. Read the following passage and answer the questions:
Pele is considered one of the greatest football players of all time. He was born in 1940 in
Brazil. As a football player, Pele was famous for his powerful kicking and controlling the ball. He
joined a Brazilian football club in 1956, and in 1962 he led the team to its first world club
championship. Pele became the only player to participate in three World Cups in 1958, 1962 and 1970.
By 1974, Pele had scored 1200 goals and became a Brazilian national hero. He played for an American
football club for two years before he retired in 1977. Later Pele became an international ambassador
for the sport, working to promote peace and understanding through friendly sport activities.
1. What was Pele famous for as a football player?

______________________________________________________2. Where was he born?
3. When did he join a Brazilian football club?
4. How old was he when he retired?
5. What did he do after his retirement?
IV. Rewrite the following sentences as directed:
1. He didn’t get up until his father came home from work.
It was not until _______________________________________________
2. No one could leave the bank until 11.30
It was not until _______________________________________________
3. I couldn’t have dinner until she came home
It was not until _______________________________________________

Gia sư Thành Được


4. He lives in Da Nang ( make a question with Wh- question ).
5. They usually have dinner at 7 pm. (make a question with Wh- question).

Gia sư Thành Được


Họ tên học sinh:.....................................................Lớp:....

NĂM HỌC: 2008- 2009

Phiếu trả lời : Số thứ tự câu trả lời dưới đây ứng với số thứ tự câu trắc nghiệm trong đề. Đối với mỗi câu
trắc nghiệm, học sinh chọn và tô kín một ô tròn tương ứng với phương án trả lời đúng.
01. { | } ~

06. { | } ~

11. { | } ~

16. { | } ~

02. { | } ~

07. { | } ~

12. { | } ~

17. { | } ~

03. { | } ~

08. { | } ~

13. { | } ~

18. { | } ~

04. { | } ~ [

09. { | } ~ [

14. { | } ~

19. { | } ~

05. { | } ~

10. { | } ~ [

15. { | } ~

20. { | } ~

Nội dung đề số 004
I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
01.A. famous
B. face
C. take
D. catch
02.A. watched

B. parked

C. endangered

03.A. that

B. this

C. there

D. think

II. Grammar and structures:
04. I arrive at school…….Mondays…….. 7
B. at/ at
C. in/ at
E. on/at
05. We went to ………….. cinema twice a month.
A. a
B. Ø
C. an
06.…………………………. that he became famous.
A. It is not until
B. It was not until 2008

D. on/ in

D. the

C. It was not until that
D. It is not until 2008
07. “……. is your son going to Ha Noi?” -- “ On Monday ”.
A. How
D. When
08. The bell ……….while Tommy ………a bath

B. What


C. What time

Gia sư Thành Được


A. ring/take
B. rang/ taking
09. There is ………………… apple on the tab
A. an - The
B. a - The
D. the - An
10. If she ….. start , she will be la

C. ring/ was taking

D. rang/ was taking

C. ………………… apple is sweet.
E. the - The

B. doesn’t
D. don’t
E. didn’t
11. If you….. ..ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.

C. isn’t

A. had arrived
B. arrived
12. When I arrived at his house, he ……..
A. sleeping
B. was sleeping
13.If I had known that you were in hospital, I…… …………..you.

C. have arrived D.

A. would visit
B. would have visited
C. will have visited
14. ……………… do you get up every morning ? - At 7:00.

D. will visit

A. Where
B. What time
15.I have studied French……….I was a little girl

D. Which

C. What

A. during

C. is sleeping D.

B. for
C. when.

D. since

16. I …….her last year.
A. see

B. have seen

17. It was not until 1980 that they ............................. to learn English.
A. didn’t begin
D. to begin
18. She …born in 1990 .
A. were

B. is

C. seeing


D. saw

C. begin

C. was

D. had been
19. I usually get up ……...six ……..the morning.
A. at/at

B. at/ on

20. If I see him, I ………….him a gift

C. in/in

D. at/ in

Gia sư Thành Được

A. giving


B. would give
D. give

C. will give

Gia sư Thành Được

TN100 tổng hợp đáp án 4 đề

Đáp án đề: 001
01. - - - ~

06. { - - -

11. - - - ~ -

16. - - - ~ -

02. - | - -

07. - | - -

12. - - } -

17. { - - -

03. - | - -

08. - | - -

13. { - - -

18. { - - -

04. - | - - -

09. - | - -

14. - - - ~

19. - - - ~

05. { - - -

10. { - - -

15. - | - -

20. - | - -

01. - - - ~

06. { - - -

11. { - - - -

16. { - - -

02. { - - -

07. - - } -

12. - - } -

17. { - - -

03. - - - ~

08. { - - -

13. - - - ~

18. - - } - -

04. { - - -

09. - - } - -

14. - - } -

19. { - - -

05. - - } -

10. { - - -

15. - - - ~

20. { - - -

01. - | - -

06. { - - - -

11. { - - -

16. { - - -

02. { - - -

07. { - - - -

12. - | - -

17. { - - -

03. - - } -

08. - - } -

13. { - - -

18. - - } -

04. { - - -

09. - - } -

14. - | - -

19. - - } -

05. { - - -

10. - | - - -

15. { - - -

20. { - - -

01. { - - -

06. { - - -

11. - | - -

16. { - - -

02. - | - -

07. { - - -

12. - - - ~

17. - | - -

03. - - } -

08. - - - ~

13. - - - ~

18. - - } -

04. { - - - -

09. - - } - -

14. - | - -

19. { - - -

Đáp án đề: 002

Đáp án đề: 003

Đáp án đề: 004

Gia sư Thành Được

05. - - } -


10. { - - - -

15. - | - -

20. - - - ~
