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Unit 7. Economic reforms

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Before you read
Pair work: Look at the picture in the text book (P. 74) and
answer three questions.
1. What can you see in the picture?
2. Do think that the people in this picture lead a rich or a poor
3. What, in your opinion, should be done to improve the situation?
1. The picture shows us people’s life is very simple. The living
standard is very low. People live in the cottages/huts. And
there isn’t any modern means of transport.
2. The people in this picture lead a very simple and poor life.
3. In my opinion, people should carry out economic reforms.
They should change their old and backward way of living and
working. They also change their way of thinking. In a word,
people should restructure their economy.

 Vocabulary:
eliminate [i'limineit]

Lo¹i trõ

intervention [,intə'ven∫n] (n):Sù can thiÖp
§¶ng céng s¶n VN
Vietnamese Communist Party:

BiÖn ph¸p
measure ['meʒə]
§Èy m¹nh
promote [prə'mout]
C¶i c¸ch kinh tÕ
economic reforms (n):
LuËt ®Êt ®ai
Enterprise Law ['entəpraiz lɔ:]
LuËt doanh nghiÖp

eliminate [i'limineit]

§¶ng céng s¶n
intervention [,intə'ven∫n] (n): BiÖn ph¸p

Vietnamese Communist Party: Sù can thiÖp

measure ['meʒə]
Lo¹i trõ
LuËt doanh nghiÖp
promote [prə'mout]
economic reforms (n):
LuËt ®Êt ®ai

§Èy m¹nh
Enterprise Law ['entəpraiz lɔ:]C¶i c¸ch kinh tÕ

Task 1: Give the Vietnamese equivalents
+National Congress (n) : §¹i héi toµn quèc
+ renovation (n) :
§æi míi
+ under-developed (adj) :
KÐm ph¸t triÓn
+ dominate (v):
Chi phèi
+ stagnant (adj):
Tr× trÖ
+ inflation (n):
L¹m ph¸t
+ government subsidies
Sù bao cÊp cña chÝnh
(n) :
Sù cam kÕt
+ commitment (n):
Lµm tan r·
+ dissolve (v):
Lín lao, ®¸ng kÓ
+ substantial (adj) :

Task 2. Decide whether the following

statements are true (T) or false
1. Economic reform is the most important

measure to be taken to promote the
development of a country
2. DOI MOI was initiated by the

Vietnamese Government in 1986.
3. Before
presented in all branches of the 
national economy.
4. To make DOI MOI to be successful, the

Government shifted only economic
priority from heavy industry to three
major economic programmes.
5. The Land Law and the Enterprises Law 
have encouraged both domestic and
foreign private investment.

1. When and by whom was Doi Moi officially
2. What was the aim of Doi

Moi ?

3. Name the renovation measures the
Government introduced implement
4. How has Vietnam changed since DoiMoi?
5. What do we believe?

After you read

Scan the passage and make brief
notes of the following points
• Vietnam before Doi Moi

• The government’s renovation
• Vietnam since Doi Moi

- Vietnam before Doi Moi: economy
under-developed – country and poor people
– production stagnant – shortage of schools,
hospitals – inflation.
-Renovation measures: eliminated
government subsidies - shifted economic
priority…..of export - reduced state
intervention in business + Open trade
relation…..the world - encourage

-Vietnam since Doi Moi: productivity and
agricultural export -farmers have enjoyed…..
+ Workers have worked harder. children,
especially from …, … training

• Prepare speaking lesson

* When and by whom was Doi Moi
officially initiated?
• In December 1986 by the
Vietnamese Communist Party.

* Name the renovation measures the
Government introduced implement Doi
Some renovation measures:

-Eliminating government subsidies.
-Shifting economy priority from heavy industry
to three major economic programs.
-Reducing state intervention in business.
-Opening trade relations with all countries in the
-Encouraging foreign and domestic private



You’ve just lost
half of your

You are unlucky!

* What was the aim of Doi Moi
- To restructure the economy of
Vietnam and to raise the living
standards of the people.

* How has Vietnam changed since DoiMoi?
Para 4:
Since Doi Moi, our country has undergone substantial
changes: Productivity and agricultural exports have
constantly increased, the farmers have enjoyed land
use rights and had greater choice on how to use their
agricultural land, the workers have worked harder as
their time is their money and the children, particularly

those from ethnic minorities have had more
opportunities to enjoy education and training.

* What do we believe?
• We will gain greater achievements and
build a better life for our people.




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