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Helping students learn listening skill effectively by using english songs

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Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs


- Reasons for the study
- Aims of the study
- Object of the study
- Study method


2.1. Theoretical rationale of the study
2.2. Status of the study problem
2.3. Measures for implementation
2.3.1. Some tips before teaching listening.
2.3.2. Measures for implementation
- Some ways of using music to practice English listening
- Introducing some English songs for listening practice
2.4. Study effects



- Conclusion
- Propossals




Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs
- Reasons for the study
The innovation of teaching foreign languages in general and teaching
English in particular has been emphasized since 1980s, together with the trends
in educational innovation of the country; in which people not only pay attention
to the writing skill practising, but the other skills are also interested in: listening,
reading and speaking, especially listening and speaking. However, in fact, in the

last few years the listening and speaking skills of the students and even of the
teachers of English were also limited. Therefore, in the renewal of the current
reform programs, to meet the practising requirements of the skills, we have to
overcome many difficulties, which requires the efforts of teachers and students
in a long time. In order to solve some difficulties in teaching English listening
and helping students listen better, I have chosen the theme: “Helping students
learn listening skill effectively by using English songs" ( Giúp học sinh học kỹ
năng nghe hiệu quả bằng cách sử dụng các bài hát Tiếng Anh). Because, as
we all know, if the students learn in a funny and creative environment, they will
be excited whenever going to class. And the use of music in the classroom is a
way for us to create the atmosphere of great learning, brings joy and passion for
learning to the students, because "Music is the common language of the
mankind "- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Using music to teach English has
ever been referer to, but how to make English absorbed in both teachers and
learners in a long time by using it doesn’t make me satisfied. I hope this
experiential initiative will live up to your expectations.

Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs
- Aims of the study
To create interest in learning English for students. Through the English
songs students can easily acquire knowledge better and more important, lead the
students into this subject.
- Object of the study
In this study, I focus on the appropriate English songs to the conditions
and the singing ability of students, how to design the songs to practice and ways

to practise to be good at listening skills, thereby good at English and
communicating in English.
- Study method
- Observation Method.
- Research and Practice Method.
- Synthesis method.

Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs
2.1. Theoretical Rationale of the study
At school, English as a subject has its own characteristics, causes curiosity
to study of many students but it also causes many difficulties that discourage
learners. Therefore, teachers must do their best to help students become
interested in learning English.
Stemming from the point "learner-centered'', teaching and learning approach to
has changed fundamentally. The teachers are not only the ones that hold and
impart knowledge but also a guide, an assistant, an adviser and an inspector.
The learners are no longer the passive to acquire knowledge. They are the centre
of the teaching process, have the creativity in the learning process to achieve
high results in learning and applying knowledge in real life.
For foreign language teaching in general and teaching English in particular, the
innovation of teaching methods is very important. It is hard for students to
master the language, be good at all the skills, specially for students at Thach
Thanh which is one of 24 mountainous districts of Thanh Hoa province.
Listening is one of the basic content, a subtle combination of teaching skills and

a difficult skill to achieve. From the above point, the use of appropriate songs
really helps the students interested in the subject, better at listening skill. In my
opinion, every teacher needs to find an optimal method, in accordance with the
actual situation and the individual pupils.
As a teacher of English, I hope to bring my knowledge to impart easily to the
students, and find out teaching methods for myself. So I boldly launched
research projects: “Helping students learn listening skill effectively by using
English songs". I hope the use of appropriate songs for listening skill will help
the students extremely interested in the subject, better at listening skill.
2.2. Status of the study problem
In teaching English, for teachers, combining the four skills: Listening Speaking - Reading - Writing is indispensable in order to comply with the
reform programs by the Ministry of Education and Training. Teachers need to
teach tricks for students to be distinctive, easily recognizable and well in actual
use, as well as the associated test concerned so that they can listen properly.
However, over the years, we have become familiar with such ideas as: "We do
not have listening competition for students at all levels."; "We need to help
students understand and use the phrases, grammar proficiency points as much as
possible, so that they can achieve high scores in these tests ". In fact, according
to the reforms enacted by the Ministry of Education, students learn Listening,
Speaking, Reading and Writing Skills equally, but they almost only use Writting
skill in their final exam. That may be the reason that we do not pay attention to
teaching Listening skills perfectly for students. This leads to the fact that pupils
have good grammar and are weak at listening and speaking ability. Like students
in other countries in Asia, they have been trained through a system focusing on
English grammar, very little on the listening and speaking ability to
Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs
communicate. Therefore, many students understand the rules of grammar well
but cannot express their opinions and have difficulties in listening and
pronunciation. Listening English seems to be the most difficult task of the
Vietnamese in general and students in particular. They frequently have some
errors in English as:
=) Trouble with sounds:
Students fail to recognize the same sounds and the relationship between them. It
seems that there are some difficulties in stress or negative tone between teaching
of Vietnamese teachers and the native people.
=) Have to understand every word.
Students tend to hear every word from the tapescript and think they are all
equally important. Actually, it is not true. If students do not have the ability to
select important words from the speech of others, they fail to understand others,
which will lead to utter frustration.
=) Cannot understand fast, natural native speech
This is because students have few opportunities to hear native speakers say.
Students only hear the words of the teachers who speak English slowly.
=) Find it difficult to keep up
Because students are familiar with the sayings of the teachers, when the hear
the words quickly in tapes, or direct native dialogue , they can’t understand.
=) Need to hear things more than once.
Few Vietnamese students can understand English words when hearing for the
first time. They have to listen to it so many times to be able to understand.
=) Get tired and dicappointed
Not understanding all the listening passages immediately, students have to hear
many times, this makes them tired and frustrated.
Because of these difficulties, a teaching method which is effective and
makes the students excited is needed. And in my opinion, the only music can
meet the need.

Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs
2.3. Measures for implementation
2.3.1. Some tips before teaching listening.
In fact, with the reforms enacted by the Ministry of Education, students
learn Listening and Speaking Skills in paralell to Reading and Writing Skills,
but in their final exams Listening skill isn’t refered to. That may be the reason
why we do not pay attention to teach the listening skill for students perfectly.
However, this skill is very important on the way to reach the target language of
ours. And we will not develop speaking skill if we do not develop listening
skill. To have a successful conversation, students need to understand what
partners are talking to them. Listening also helps students permeable vocabulary,
sentence structures ... So, when teaching listening, teachers should teach
students to listen in different ways. Capturing small following skills will help
students' listening skill improve rapidly:
- Distinguish the differences between the sounds of the phonetic system.
For example, we can distinguish the difference between / g / and / k / in the
word "pig" and "pick" etc ...
- Master grammatical structures.
For example, in the sentence "Would you please pick up the phone?" people
listening must recognize that the word "pick" is a verb and the word "phone" is
a noun. In addition, from the order of the question and the tone, the listener must
recognize this is a question.
- Guess the meaning of the words or recognize the unnecessary words
The guess must be based on the context or the grammar of the sentence.

For example, in the sentence, "The police hit the man with a billy club," the
listener can guess the meaning of "billy" or ignore it.
- Identify signals of conversations and connecters to
conversations with one another.



Words appearing in conversation including nouns, pronouns, articles, linking
words, ect.
- Have the ability to infer information not explicitly referred to in the
For example:
Woman: I want to complain about a man abusing me.
Policeman: Did the man hit you?
Woman: He was screaming at me and threatening me.
Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs
Through the answers of the woman, we can infer that the man didn’t beat her. If
he did, she responded "Yes" or an other sentence containing direct means.
- Skimming in listening.
This is the skill that helps students understand the content of the listening.
- Summarize
- Listen carefully.
This skill is used to search for information.

- Know how to assess when listening
Students must decide what they are listening is true or false. Students
should know how to assess the listening.
- Identify style, different emotions and the variety of language.
Office: Formal / informal
Emotions: angry / excited / ........
Variety of language: British English / American English / ...........
- Guess what the speaker will say next.
Students have to guess when people will say important issues to focus more

Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs
2.3.2. Measures for implementation
There are many different forms of activities in the use of music for
learning English, such as: self -learning, receiving private tuition or practising
in groups ( at home or in class). Specifically:
*) Some ways of using music to practice English listening
a. Passive Listening: (Teachers should guide students to practice this way
mainly at home)
- 'Bathe' language. Listen not to understand: Listen! Do not understand.
The teacher suggested students some English songs. Each song can be 1
to 5 minutes long. When they're at home alone, open it up just enough to hear,
and keep it as background sound all day . They do not need to pay any attention
to it. They just do their tasks, brush their teeth, wash their face, do all
homework, surf the internet ... with all the English sound.

If students have a CD player, USB player or iPod, bring along to listen
in the downtime - for example, moving long hours in the car, waiting for
someone or waiting for their turn at the clinic.
'Language bathing' is just a matter of having the good habit of hearing,
and after some time (a long time, not a few days) students will catch the sounds
of English, and find the sounds very easy to listen, but they are completely
different from Vietnamese sounds. Do not be discouraged because of not
distinguishing the sounds after many days: remember that we have to “bathe”
Vietnamese language at least for nine constant months before we can say the
first words and understand some short words of our parents; and then we again
continue to bathe Vietnamese language for 4 or 5 years!
- Listen with moving pictures
If there is time, students should watch some music programs in English.
The attached photos will make them more or less 'understand' the song without
'translating' what the singer is singing. And this is the second way to bathe
b. Active Listening: ( Students can practise at home or in the class)
- Listening carefully to some songs they heard during the period 'language

Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs
Get back to the lyrics of the songs they've ever heard, read and remember
those words in their mind. Then put the lyrics away and listen again to
understand. In this time, they will hear and understand the sounds naturally. If
they don’t understand a word or phrase, repeat them as several times as they

have heard, then flip back the lyrics to compare.
- Some songs on the CD:
Listen many times before reading the lyrics. Then, read the lyrics, mainly
check the words they have heard or guessed , or words that they can pronounce
and write again but do not understand the meaning. By this, they will discover
that many words they are very familiar and speak in a certain way actually
need to talk and pronounce differently . Then, put the lyrics back and listen
again for once or twice more. (For example: the words “tomb”, “bury”, I surely
thought that they were pronounced 'tôm-b(ơ)” and “bơri”. Later, when listening
the words 'tum, beri' I did not understand anything . I only know which words
they are after rereading the lyrics.
- Sing along while listening
Choose a song that they like, find its lyrics then both listen to it and see
the lyrics. Then memorize and sing along with the singer, and try to pronounce
as well as keep the speed and the length right. When they are sad, they can also
sing to themselves (If they don’t have a good voice and maybe, sing a bit
wrongly, it does not matter, because the purpose is practising the pronunciation,
speed, length and English accent). And speaking correctly (through songs) is
another way to help them better at listening in the future, because the language
in the songs is often harder to listen than it in the real life.
- Answer the questions
Teachers can give some questions, ask students to read the questions and
then listen to the song in English to answer that question.
- Do gap-filling exercises.
Teachers give the students the handout of the lyrics of the song which has
been removed some important words . Ask students to listen to the song and fill
the missing words / phrases.
The last two methods are used for classroom practising is very effective.

Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs
*) Introduce some English songs for listening

Selecting songs to design listening exercises is very crucial. Now I will
give some songs together with designed exercises, mainly exercises on
answering the questions based on the song and filling the missing words /
phrases in the song. Through these exercises, the teacher can ask students to
recall the grammatical structures, phrases, verb phrases, or (if available) the
pronunciation ...
Exercise 1
Listen to a song / song snippet and answer the questions based on the song.

That's Why You Go Away
Baby won't you tell me why
There is sadness in your eyes
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
Love is one big illusion
I should try to forget
But there is something left in my head
You're the one who set up
Now you're the one to make it stop
I'm the one who's feeling lost right now
Now you want me to forget
Every little thing you said
But there is something left in my head

1. Will the girl tell the boy why she is bored?
Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs
2. Do the boy want to say goodbye?
3. Why does the girl go away? Etc…
Teachers can let students identify some abbreviations in English, such as :
wanna say = want to say, won’t = will not…

25 Minutes
After sometimes
I've finally made up my mind.
She is the girl and I really want to make her mine.
I'm searchin' everywhere to find her again to tell her I love her
And I'm sorry about the things I've done.
I find her standin' in front of the church,
The only place in town where I didn't search.
She look so happy in her wedding dress.
But she's cryin' while she's sayin' this :
Chorus *:
Boy, I miss your kisses all the time but this is twenty five minutes too late.
Through you travelled so far.
Boy, I'm sorry you are twenty five minutes too late.
Against the wind I'm goin' home again.
Wishin' me back to the time when we were more than friends
But still I see her in front of church
( Back to * )

1. What has the boy finally made up his mind?
2. What did the girl say?
3. Can they get married to each other?.....
Exercise 2:
Listen to the song, fill in the blank with words / phrases

Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs

I stand……….. in the darknest
The winter of my life came so fast
Memories (start) to childhood
Today I ………. recall
All how ………… I was than
There was no sorrow there was no pain
Walking through the greenfield
Sunshines in my …………
I'm still there………… I'm the dust in the wind
I'm the star in the northern sky
I …………stay anywhere I'm the wind in the street
Would you wait for me ……………
I'm still …………everywhere I'm the dust in the wind
I'm the star in the northern ……….
I never stay anywhere I'm the wind in the street

Would you wait …….. me forever
Would you wait for me forever
Will you wait for me forever

Lemon Tree.
* Sitting here in the ………… room.
Just another rain in the afternoon.
I'm wasting my time.
And I got …………to do.
I'm hanging around now. And wasting for you.
But nothing ever happen. And I ……….
* I'm driving around in my car.
I'm driving too …………. And I'm too far.
I like to change my ……… of view.
I feel so lonely and I'm wasting for you.
But nothing ever happen And I wonder.

I Swear
I …………. by the moon and the stars in the sky
And I swear like the shadow that's by your side.
I see the questions in your …………..
Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs
I know what's weighing on your mind.
You ………. be sure I know my part.
'Cause I'll stand beside you throught the years.

You'll only……………those happy tears.
And though I make mistakes.
I'll never break your heart.
* And I swear by the …………. and the stars in the sky.
I'll be there.
I swear like the shadow that's by your side.
( I'll be there ).
For better or worse, till death do us apart.
I'll love you with every beat of my ……………
And I swear.
I give you ………………I can.
I'll build your dream with these two hands.
We'll ………….. some memories on the walls
And when just the two of us are there.
You won't have to ask if I'll still ………….
'Cause as the time turns the page my ………… won't age at all
( Repeat * twice)

You'll Never Know

Take a ……….. around this lonely place
Where a mask is on every………..
and painted lips gently kiss
the ………….. of their cigarsettes
2. This……………. is dreesed in such finess
To cover all the emptiness
we're standing her in between
the pages of a ………….

You'll ……….. know what I feel inside me
I'll never know what you think about
Until we share what we keep in …………
Until we ………… what we're living without
3. Our ……….move across the wall
No ………….., no talk at all
Inside the crowd we dance alone
With faces made of stone

Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs

Study effects
After a year to implement innovative methods of using English songs in
teaching English, especiall English listening skill, I feel happy because of the
better results. I have found that students are interested in the subject , and
especially when they practise speaking and listening. Most students learn selfdiscipline, self-awareness and discuss the positive implementation of activities
that teachers require. After a period of teaching, students understand the lessons
better and better. The rate of weak and lazy students has decreased remarkably.
Above all of students have made progress in English listening skill, resulting in
being better at the rest skills. They are no longer timid and afraid of making
mistakes as the first time at school. They are much more confident in
communicating in English. At the beginning of the first semester I had a
listening test for the students of 10C1. The result was very low.
Total students tested: 35



10C1 35

pretty good rather good average
total %


very bad

total %
total %
total %
total %
14,2 18
51,6 10
28,5 2

The result after implementing new method
Total students tested: 35
Class Total students
10C5 35

pretty good rather good average
total %


very bad

total %
total % total % total %
48,6 14
40 1
2,8 0

It can be seen from the 2 above tables that the application of the method
of teaching listening skills as I have mentioned above in actual teaching has
been effective. And it is more important that students become interested in
listening skills, which can help students develop their ability to communicate in
English. I believe I have made the right choice when using the new method to
impart knowledge to students.

Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs
- Conclusion
Although English is a very important subject, very few students learn it
well. It is important that teacher should change the method of teaching and
learning into communicative approach. Listening skill is assigned one of four
skills that students need to be trained in that method of communication.
Listening helps students expand their knowledge about the world around them,
provide some experience in the field of culture, science and technology and
helps students understand and remember the language knowledge and practice
language skills. Using English songs help the students’ listening skill better.
Using English songs also create for students the habit and love for listening. I
think this is an interesting way to be good at listening English. And I hope if we
know how to apply activities and teaching tips and how to appeal to the
students, more and more students reach the target language.
I'm looking forward to receiving comments from friends and colleagues. I
sincerely thank you.
- Propossals
As we all know, to organize a foreign language class is not simple.
Because each method only offers high efficiency when teachers know to choose
and use the activities in a reasonable way. Therefore it requires each teacher to
choose the practical and appropriate English songs when using music to teach
English listening skills so that students can have more fun.
For students, wanting to have good results in this form of learning, they must
have serious learning attitude, ability of understanding and ability to contact
with real life. Only can students make their listening better. In addition to
classroom training they need to be aware of studying at home. Be persistent to
achieve this target language. Let your ears be "language bathed" much. Let
identify yourselves which stage you are: the passive listening stage or active
listening stage so that you can apply the right method.


Thanh Hoa, May 20th, 2016
I swear this is my experiential
initiative, not the copy of the others.
Trinh Thi Mai

Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs
1. Tran Duy Nien- listening training method (posted on EnglishTime
Forum - EnglishTime.us)
2. Marilyn Levis (1996) -Teaching English Vietnam ( A teacher training
handbook) - Institute of Language teaching and learning – University of
3. A Course in Tefl Theory and Practice - Vietnam National University.”
4. Web: Google.com.vn and English songs.com.vn

Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs

1. When You Say Nothing At All - Alison Krauss
2. Rolling In The Deep - Adele
3. Pround of you - Fiona Fung
4. Love paradise - Kelly Chen
5. Apologize - Timbaland
6. The Show - Lenka
7. Take Me To Your Heart - Michael Learns To Rock
8. My heart will go on - Celine Dion
9. Big Big World - Emilia
10. Love To Be Loved By You - Marc Terenzi
11. Love Story - Taylor Swift
12. Heal The World. - Michael Jackson
13. My Love - Westlife
14. I Lay My Love On You - Westlife
15. Soledad - Westlife
16. This Is Me - Demi Lovato
17. Happy New Year - ABBA
18. A little love - Fiona Fung
19. You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
20. Yesterday Once More - The Carpenters
21. Rhythm Of The Rain - Cascada
22. Can't Let Go - Tokyo Square
23. Nothing's Gonna Change My Love - Glenn Medeiros
24. Lucky - Britney Spears
25. I Miss You - Miley Cyrus
26. Hotel California - Eagles
27. Seasons In The Sun - Westlife
28. Prelude To A Kiss - Alicia Keys

29. Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley
30. Only You - The Platters
31. If I Let You Go - Westlife
32. Yesterday - The Beatles
33. Love You More Than I Can Say - Leo Sayer
34. Miss You - Westlife
35. Butterfly Fly Away - Miley Cyrus ft. Billy Ray Cyrus
36. Until You - Shayne Ward
37. The Climb - Miley Cyrus
38. Everyday I Love You - Boyzone
39. Gotta Go My Own Way - High School Musical band
Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh


Helping Students Learn Listening Skill Effectively By Using English Songs
40. Crazier - Taylor Swi
41. Fool's Garden - Lemon Tree
42. Eternal Flame - Atomic Kitten
43. Paparazzi - Lady GaGa
44. You Are Not Alone. - Michael Jackson
45. Top Of The World - The Carpenters
46. Bad Day - Daniel Powter
47. Boulevard - Dan Byrd
48. No Promises - Shayne Ward
49. Unbreak My Heart - Toni Braxton
50. From Sarah With Love - Sarah Connor
51. That's Why (You Go Away) - Michael Learns To Rock
52. Sometimes - Britney Spears

53. 7 Things - Miley Cyrus
54. Someone Like You - Adele.

Teacher: Trinh Thi Mai- Thach Thanh I High School- Thach Thanh

