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Organizing games in teaching speaking lessons of english 10

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Người thực hiện : Mai Thị Thu Phương
Chức vụ : Giáo viên
SKKN thuộc môn : Tiếng Anh


I. Reasons for choosing the theme
1. Basis of theory
2. Basis of practice
II. Aims of the research
III. Objects of the research
IV. Methods of the research
I. Definition of Game
II. Effectiveness of games in speaking lessons
III. Games and the ways to organize them in speaking lessons of
English 10
1. Game “ Nought and Cross ”
2. Game “ Lucky numbers / stars ”

3. Game “ Shark attack ”
4. Game “ Magical Wheel / Hat ”
5. Role play game



1. Basis of theory :
It is undeniable that the more the world’s economy develops, the wider
the cultural, political and social exchanges become. So as to integrate into the
world as well as extend international relationship with other countries in various
fields, especially to access to the latest scientific achievements, mastering
English has been of great vitality. It has been considered the core subject in the
syllabus of our country’s education system.
At present, there has been considerable reform in English curriculum at
secondary level. Not only is it renovated in content and appearance but also in
teaching method. Teaching foreign languages in general and English in
particular no longer focuses students on studying the language system but helps
them know how to use it as a means of communication. That means to improve
students’ communicative ability which is expressed by two productive skills :
speaking and writing.
Of the two skills mentioned above, speaking is considered a more difficult
task for a large number of learners. Not only does it require vast knowledge
about the topics they would like to talk but also a great deal of vocabulary and
grammatical structures to express what they mean. In addition, to acquire a
perfect communicative competence, it is essential that learners should have a
thorough grasp of suitable structures applied flexibly in diversified contexts.
The fact is that the prior interest of both teachers and students is how to
effectively teach and study English so as to improve their ability of
communication in English. Experiencing a rather long period of teaching
English at Upper – secondary level, I have realized that students possibly do
grammatical exercises quite well, however, hardly do they speak a sentence with
correct grammatical rules, regardless say it in appropriate situations or not. It is
open to question that how teacher manage to guide students to practise and

apply their speaking skill efficiently.
In recent years, teaching and studying English with communicative
approach has become widespread. Its objective is to develop students’
activeness, creativeness and initiative to enable them to accomplish their
communicative skill. As a result, students have been getting more and more
flexible and active in the lectures and so have appeared the learner centered
classes. In order to achieve great success in teaching speaking skill, it is vital
that learners should be motivated. It is Games that are regarded as efficient
motivation and environment of communication. Undoubtedly, teachers
probably avoid dull lessons as well as making students more excited and
interested by applying games in practising speaking skill.
It is the reasons mentioned above that have been encouraging me to
choose the theme : “ Organizing Games in teaching speaking lessons of
English 10 ”.

2. Basis of practice :
As can be seen, English is a rather difficult subject to students particularly
the rural ones. Among four language skills, speaking is considered the most
challenging task for both teachers and learners.
From the matter of fact, during most of speaking lessons, if teachers apply
the out of date teaching method – teachers only read or give illustrations and
students’ work is either copying or imitating, there will be only a small number
of students branstorming and working actively, the rests will passively listen
regardless understand the meaning, purposes and usages of structures and
communicative situations given. Hence, this results in low teaching quality and
few students with flying colours. To make it worse, students increasingly lose
their interest in practising speaking skill and fail to upgrade their communicative

To get a better view of the fact of teaching and learning English speaking
skill, I have carried out a survey on Grade 10 students of three classes ( 10A5,
10A6, 10A7 ) of my school by 5 questions relating to learning speaking skill and
using games in teaching it. The questionnaire is as follow :

Put a tick (  ) in your option
Question 1 : Do you enjoy learning English ?

Very much
Not much
Not at all

Question 2 : Which skill do you consider the most important ?

Question 3 : How do you enjoy speaking skill ?

 Reading
 Speaking
 Listening
 Writing

 Very much
 Not much
 Not at all

Question 4 : Do you enjoy playing games in speaking lessons?  Very much

 Not much
 Not at all
Question 5 : How do you feel when playing games in speaking lessons ?

Very excited
No special feeling




1. Enjoy learning English


2. Consider speaking skill the most important


3. Enjoy speaking skill


4. Enjoy playing games in speaking lessons


5. Get excited when playing games in speaking lessons


The result of the survey indicates that over 60% of students are interested
in learning English. Although over 80% of students appreciate the importance of
speaking skill, only 22% are fond of it. On the other hand, most of them (90%)
enjoy playing games in speaking lessons and the number of students that get
excited and stimulated by games organized in speaking lessons is up to 95%.
It can be concluded that organizing games in speaking lessons is
certainly effective in teaching speaking skill.
It is known that applying games in teaching brings about a great number
of benefits. Not only do they creat excitement and relaxation after stressful
hours of studying but they also change the atmosphere of the class and make the
lessons more attractive.
As an English teacher with over ten years’ experience, I have
continuously been wondering and researching for the techniques to better the
quality of teaching English. Knowing that the students’ psychophysiology is
doing what they fancy, enjoying new things, putting their noses on pleasures
rather than studying, I have been trying my best to offer them lectures in which
they can work for both study and relaxation . This method brings them the
sense of joy and easiness when they learn English lessons in general and
speaking lessons in particular through several games. In order to creat

motivation and situations in which students are encouraged to speak, I have been
getting the best out of the popular games not only to draw students’ attention but
also enable them to actively take part in speaking activities.
Through my years’ time of teaching English as well as exchanging,
referring to related materials and drawing experiences after each lecture, I
myself have found a suitable technique of teaching speaking skill for students in
Grade 10 ( the first year of secondary level as well as the background for
developing speaking skill in the next grades ). This technique has not only
enabled me to lull most of students to take part in speaking lessons actively,
enthusiatically and creatively but also creat an exciting atmosphere, raise
students’s love for speaking English and help them increasingly upgrade their
speaking skill by “ Organizing games in English speaking lessons of English
10 ”. This technique has been applied in quite a long time of my teaching

English 10 and I have got considerably hopeful result. Therefore, I decisively
exchange my initiative experience with my collagues.
This subject is concerned with ways of organizing games in speaking
lessons of Grade 10 English.
- Using the text - book English 10 to apply to each speaking lesson .
- Reading reference books to improve.
- Using the soft ware POWERPOINT, pictures and other materials.
- Discussing with other teachers.
- Applying in teaching.
- Observing and drawing out experiences.


I. Definition of Game :
A Game is structured form of play, usually undertaken for enjoyment and
sometimes used as an educational tool. Key components of games are
goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally involve mental or
physical stimulation, and often both. Many games help develop practical skills,
serve as a form of exercise, or otherwise perform an educational, stimulational,
or psychological role. In teaching a language, the focus of the games is on
successful communication rather than on accuracy of target language.
II. Effectiveness of Games in speaking lessons :
Learning speaking skill is a difficult task which can sometimes be
irritating. It is necessary that learners should make constant effort to
understand, produce and manipulate the target language. Games are highly
stimulating thanks to their both amusement and challenges. In addition, they
employ meaningful and useful language in real contexts. They also encourage
and increase cooperation.
- Games are full of fun and children are excited about playing them.
- Not only do Games offer students good chances to learn and practise
speaking but they are also great stimulus of speaking by providing a plausible
incentive to use the target language. Therefore, they encourage students to
interact and communicate in the target language.
- Games create a meaningful situations for language use. The Game
contexts make the foreign language immediately useful to the students. It brings
the target language to life.
- By playing Games can students speak English as naturally as they learn
their mother tongue without being aware they are studying even to the hesitant
and shy students.

III. Games and the ways to organize them in speaking lessons of English 10:

It is unquestionable that games play an important role in teaching foreign
languages in general and English in particular, especially in practising speaking
skill. There is a wide range of games which teachers probably take full
advantages of to stimulate students in speaking lessons. The games that I my self
have been effectively applying in my speaking lessons of English 10 are :
Nought (O) and Cross (X), Lucky numbers / stars , Shark attack, Magical
Wheel / Hat and Role play game.
1. Game “ Nought (O) and Cross (X) ” :
This game is drammatically useful in practising saying sentences or short
To organize it, it is necessary to prepare a table of 9 squares numbered
from 1 to 9 as the following one ( teacher can replace 9 squares by 9 pictures or
images relating to the content of the practice to make the game more vivid ). The
requirements of practice are hiden behind the numbers / pictures.
* Note : Teacher can design this game by using the software POWER










Teacher divides the class into 2 teams / groups namely Nought (O) and
Cross (X). Each team / group takes turns to choose the number or picture they
would like to practise. Each correct answer ( good presentation ) will bring the

team a mark of a nought (O) or a cross (X). Which team earns a line of 3 marks
arranged vertically ( horizontally or diagorally ) will become the winner.
* For example : When teaching part B. Speaking of Unit 5 : Technology
and You, teacher can organize the game “ Nought (O) and Cross (X) ” in Task
1 – Ask and answer about the uses of modern inventions.
* Steps :
- Before playing the game, teacher has to make sure that students
have mastered the vocabulary relating to the uses of the modern devices, then
teacher presents the structures used to talk about them.
- Teacher gives an example :
A : Can / Could you tell me what a cell phone is used for ?
B : It is used to + talk to people when you are away from home.
- Teacher conducts a dialogue as the model :
A : Can / Could you tell me what a / an ………..is used for ?
B : It is used to + V ( infinitive ) + ……………
- Teacher asks students to practise speaking about the uses of the modern
devices by playing the game “ Nought (O) and Cross (X) ” as follow :
- Teacher shows a table of 9 pictures of 9 modern devives.

- Teacher divides the class into 2 teams named Nought (O) and Cross (X)
each team takes turn to choose the devices they would like to talk about. Each
completed and good presentation will bring them a mark of (O) or (X)

responding to the name of the team. At the end of the game, which team gets
3X or 3O in vertical ( horizontal or diagoral ) line will become the winner.
Not only does this game stimulate students to try their best to present a
perfect dialogue with correct vocabulary and structures but it also requires
students’ strategy to win the game.
* Note : We can do the same in Task 2 of Part B. Speaking of Unit 1 : A day
in the life of …. ( talk about Quan’s activities ).
2. Game “ Lucky numbers / stars ” :
This game is possibly used in practising short structures or small talks. To
conduct it, teacher has to divide the information or linguistic data into items
hiden behind the numbers / stars. Each number / star refers to a requirement of
practice ( Note : the quantity of the numbers / stars must be even to make the
game equal to the teams ). Teacher probably creats this game with the help of
the soft ware POWER POINT as the following illustrations.
* Lucky stars :

* Lucky numbers :













- To carry out this game, teacher divides the class into 2 teams / groups.
The representative of each team/ group takes turns to choose the numbers or the
stars they would like to practise. The team / group with good presentation will
get 1 point. If a team/ group chooses a lucky number/ star, their point will be
doubled. At the end of the game, the winner will be the one with higher score.
* For example : When teaching part B. Speaking of Unit 6 : An
excursion, teacher can organize the game “ lucky numbers / stars ” in Task 2
( talk about the best seats for each person on a boat trip ).
* Steps : - Before the game, teacher must make sure that students have
understood the information relating to each person’s hobby and requirements.
- Teacher presents the model used to suggest the best seats for the

passengers on the boat trip :

I think …………… should sit in section ……… in seat………because
……………( reason 1) and ……………( reason 2).
- Teacher shows 8 stars, 6 of them hide the names of 6 passengers ( Mary/ Mrs
Andrew/ Susan/ Tim/ John/ Sam ) and the rests are 2 lucky stars.


Lucky stars





- Teacher divides the class into 2 teams. Each team takes turns to choose
one star. If they choose the star with the name of a passenger, they will have to
say about the best seat for him/ her and get 1 point provided that their
presentation meets the requirement. If they luckily choose the lucky star, they
will get 2 points for their good practice.
When the game finishes, the team with the higher score will become the

* Note : We can do the same in Task 2 of Part B. Speaking of Unit 7 : The
Mass Media ( talk about the main features of the different types of the mass
media ) and in Task 3 of Part B. Speaking of Unit 8 : The story of my village
( talk about the villagers’ plans and the possible results ).
3. Game “ Shark attack ” :
To organize this game, teacher should prepare several images/ pictures or
using the soft ware POWER POINT to design as the following illustration.
Group A
Group B


* Note : the number of the stairs must be equivalent to the number of items that
students have to practise.
- Teacher possibly divides the class into 2, 3 or 4 teams / groups. The icon
of the team/ group will stay the same if the team/ group produces good
presentation or if not it will be moved to the lower stair.
- The team which loses the game is the one with the lowest step of all or
being attacked by the shark.
* For example : When teaching part B. Speaking of Unit 14 : The World
Cup, teacher can organize the game “ Shark attack ” in Task 3 ( talk about the
World Cup winners ).
* Steps : - Before the game, teacher gives students an example about the first
World Cup : The first World Cup was held in Uruguay in 1930. The final match
was between Uruguay and Argentina. Uruguay defeated Argentina by 4 to 2.
- Teacher presents the model used to talk about the World Cup winners :
The …… ( time ) World Cup was held in ……... ( host nation ) in………( year).
The final match was between …………( winner )and………….( runner up ).

………………( winner ) defeated ………………( runner up ) by ……( score )
- Teacher divides the class into 3 teams.
Team B
Team A

Team C

- Teacher asks the teams to take turns to talk about the World Cup from 2 nd
to 16th ( using the table in Task 2 ). The icon of the team/ group will stay the
same if the team/ group produces good presentation or if not it will be moved to
the lower step.


- At the end of the game, which team is attacked by the shark or stands at
the lowest step will become the looser.
* Note : We can do the same in Task 2 of Part B. Speaking of Unit 11 :
National Parks ( talk about what the students in Nga’s class wish they had or
hadn’t done during their excursion ) and in Task 2 + 3 of Part B. Speaking of
Unit 13 ( talk about the feelings about each kind of film and the preferences
for film ).
4. Game “ Magical Wheel/ Hat ” :
This is a greatly interesting game which strongly attracts students’
attention because of the surprising scores.
- To carry out this game, it is advisable that teacher prepare a model of a
Magical Wheel / Hat like the following illustration ( or it may be created by
using the soft ware POWER POINT ).


- This game is held by dividing the class into 2,3 or 4 teams/ groups
depending on the items of practice. Each team / group takes turns to practise and
the team/ group is allowed to spin the Wheel/ Hat if their practice meets the
requirements or vice versa.
- The score of the team/ group is the total point they earn after each time
they are allowed to spin the Wheel/ Hat. The first prize will be given to the
team/ group with the highest score of all.

* For example : When teaching part B. Speaking of Unit 9 : Undersea
World, teacher can organize the game “ Magical Wheel/ Hat ” in Task 2 ( talk
about the consequences and possible sollutions to some threats to the health
of the Oceans ).
* Steps : - Before the game, it is obligatory that teacher make sure that students
have got thorough grasp of the vocabulary and ideas referring to protecting the
oceans that are given in Task 1.
- Teacher gives students an example :
A : Sea animals are being overhunted. This makes the marine life
B : We should not fish for species that are limited, threatened or
- Teacher presents students a model :
A : ………………….( raise a threat to the health of the oceans ). This
makes …………………………………. ( consequence ).
B : We should / had better ………………… ( suggest a solution ).
- Teacher divides the class into 2 teams ( A and B ), each team takes turns
to present their dicussions about 4 threats given :
1. Beaches are filled with plastic bags, pieces of glass and cigarette buts.
2. Whales and sharks are still hunted for food, medicine, and other

3. Explosives are used to catch fish and other sea animals.
4. Oil is spilled from tankers.
- Each team has to present 2 dicussions about 2 threats. The team is
allowed to spin the Wheel/ Hat if their presentation fulfills the requirements of
the task. That means each team will maximumly has two chances to spin the
Wheel / Hat.
- When the game finishes, which team gets the higher total score will gain
the victory.
* Note : We can do the same in Task 4 of Part B. Speaking of Unit 2 : School
talks ( make small talks on the given topics ).
5. Role Play Game :
This game is usually organized in the speaking lessons with long
conversations or interviews with a large number of linguistic data.
The attraction of this game is the sense it brings to the students of being a
star, an actor or actress playing a role in a scene of a film or an MC speaking in a
television programme.
To organize this game, teacher divides the class in to pairs/ groups
( depending on the content of the conversation ). Then teacher requires the pairs/
groups to play the roles to practise.
* For example : When teaching part B. Speaking of Unit 12 : Music,
teacher can organize the “ Role Play Game” in Task 2 ( talk about music ).

* Steps : - Before the game, teacher guides students an interview model about
music :
MC :
What kind of music do you like ?
Guest : I like ……………………..

MC :
Why do you like it ?
Guest : Because ………………….
MC :
What is your favourite band ?
Guest : It is ………………………
MC :
Who is your favourite musician / singer ?
Guest : …………………………..
MC :
What is your favourite song / piece of music ?
Guest : It is ………………………
MC :
When do you listen to music ?
Guest : ……………………………….
- Teacher sets the scene : you are taking part in a talk show named “ My
Favourite Musician ” on television.
- Teacher divides the class into pairs playing roles of a guest and an MC
of a talk show on television.
- Teacher asks the pairs to practise the interview.
- Teacher calls some pairs to display in front of the class.
* Note : We can do the same in Task 2 of Part B. Speaking of Unit 3 :
People’s background ( interview a classmate about his / her background ),
Task 2 of Part B. Speaking of Unit 4 : Special Education ( interview your
partner about his/ her lower secondary school ), and in Task 2 of Part B.
Speaking of Unit 16 : Historical places ( give a short introduction about a
historical place ).
Lesson 2 - Speaking

I. Objectives :
1. Educational aims : Students should appreciate the modern devices that help
make our life comfortable and should know how to use them properly
and economically.
2. Knowledge : - General knowledge: Students learn about how present and
future divices and equipment may change our life styles.
- Language : Asking for and giving information about the uses of modern
- New words : Words related to modern devices and equipment.
3. Skill : Talking about the uses of modern technology.
II. Method : Integrated, mainly communicative.
III. Teaching aids : Real objects and pictures showing various modern devices :
an air conditioner, a computer, a fax machine, an electric cooker etc.

IV. Procedures :
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
* Warm - up : (4 minutes)
- Show the pictures of some modern - Listen to the teacher.
- Look at the pictures and say the
names of the devices :
1. a camera
2. a computer
3. a fax machine

4. an air conditioner
5. a radio
6. a television
7. a washing machine
8. an electric cooker
- Ask students to name the modern
9. a fridge
devices in the pictures.
* Pre - speaking : (5 minutes)
- Ask students some questions :
- Listen to the teacher and answer :
1. What is used to listen to music and
1. a radio
2. a washing machine
2. What is used to wash the clothes?
- Give an example about asking and
answering about the uses of modern
- Listen to the teacher.
devices. :
A: Can/ could you tell me what a cell
phone is used for ?
B: It is used to talk to people when you
are away from home.

- Present the model :
A: Can/ could you tell me what a/ an ….
- Listen to the teacher.
is used for ?
B : It is used to + V……
* While - speaking : (24 minutes)
Task 1 (10 minutes) : Organizing game
“ Nought (O) and Cross (X)”
- Ask students to ask and answer
questions about the uses of modern
- Listen to the teacher.
inventions by organizing game (O) & (X)
- The teams takes turns to choose
- Divide the class into 2 teams.
the devices in the table then make a
- Give instructions and rules :
dialogue about it so that they can
Each team takes turns to choose the
get a line of 3 (O) or (X) vertically
device you would like to practise. Each
( horizontally or diagorally).

Teacher’s activities
correct answer ( good presentation ) will
bring the team a mark of a nought (O) or
a cross (X). Which team earns a line of 3
marks arranged vertically ( horizontally
or diagorally ) will become the winner.

- Control their playing game.
- Note down the result.
Task 2 (7 minutes) :
- Ask students to do task 2.
- Introduce students how to do task 2
- Let them work in pairs.
- Walk round and help students if
Task 3 (7 minutes) :
- Ask students to look at the ideas in task
2, then rank them in order of importance
and explain why.
- Let them work in pairs.
- Walk round, listen, check and help
students if they can’t do.
* Post - speaking : (9 minutes)
Task 4:
- Ask students to talk about the uses of
information teachnology, use the
information above.
- Let them work in groups.
- Check and help students.
- Call some students to talk to each other
then mark them.
* Homework : (3 minutes)
- Ask students to do part Speaking:
exercise 1, 2 in workbook and prepare
part Listening at home.

Students’ activities

A: Can you tell me what a radio is
used for?
B: It is used to listen to music and
A: Can you tell me what a T.V is
used for?
B: It is used to watch news, films
and football matches.
- Look at task 2, listen to the
- Work in pairs.
Keys: 1.store; 2.transmit; 3.
process; 4.send; 5.hold; 6.make;
7.send; 8. receive; 9.design
- Listen to the teacher
- Work in pairs
A: In what way is information
technology the most useful to our
B: I think…
A: Why do you think so?
B: Because…
- Look at Task 4
- Work in groups

- Listen to the teacher and write


After using this technique, I have had the following results of the convey
from 3 classes : 10A5, 10A6, 10A7 at the end of the school year 2015 - 2016 :


Before applying experience
( the beginning of the
school year )
Excellent Average
– good

After applying experience
( the end of the school year )
– good



It is indicated from the table of statistics above that the quality of the
subject has considerably changed . They are much higher and better than those
at the beginning of the school year . Up to now, there’s been enough evidence to
affirm that organizing games in speaking lessons has resulted in much effect in
teaching English particularly speaking skill.

As mentioned above, Games play a vital role in practising speaking skill.
However, from my own experience, I have realized that to take full advantages
of the games, it is advisable that teacher should grasp the following principles.
First of all, teacher has to prepare the games very well and carefully. This

is the key to control the class and endure the students’ excitement. Moreover, the
games should be short, simple and easy enough to understand. If they are too
long or complicated, they will make students tired and eazily lose their interest.
To sucessfully organize the games, teacher ought to well organize the
class with the highest attention. When dividing the class into pairs or groups,
make sure that they are equal in quality. During their practice, teacher has to
take a role of a controller and observer to know for certain that they are actively
working. In addition, the games must be diversified. If teacher organizes the
same game in every speaking lesson, students will feel bored, which results in
dull studying atmosphere, little participation and low quality.

The fact is that organizing games in speaking lessons is actually creating
motivation and contexts for students to enhance their excitement, activeness,
positiveness and creativeness in practising speaking skill.
Thanks to integrating games in speaking lessons, students will not feel
practising speaking skill a hard work and get embarrassed or lose their self

confidence. On the other hand, they will excitingly take part in the competitive
games. Besides that, games enable students to raise the sense of initiative and try
their best to drill their speaking skill better and better after each lesson to grasp
the chances to win the next games.
In the renovation period of teaching methods, there have existed a wide
range of techniques used to improve the quality of teaching and studying. From
my years’ time of experience, accessing to a various number of positive and
advanced teaching methods and techniques, I myself have drawn a productive
technique of organizing games in English speaking lessons of English 10. In
this method, I realized most students worked harder, expressed more ideas,

became more active and interested in the lessons and especially had more
satisfactory results despite the fact that they are the students of Yen Đinh 3 - a
mountainous high school.

Thanh Hoa, April, 16 th 2016
I strongly ensure this is my own work
without copying from any other’s

Mai Thị Thu Phương


1. Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom ( written by Tricia
Hedge - 2008 - Cambridge University Press ).
2. Practical English Usage ( written by Michael Swan).
3. A course in language teaching - Practical and Theory ( written by Penny
Ur - Cambrige University Press.
4. English Language Teaching Methodology ( edited by Hanoi university ).
5. Practical handbook of language teaching ( written by David Cross ).
6. How to use language games to teach English - by Andrew Wright, David
Betteridge and Michael Buckby Cambridge University Press, 1984.
7. Phương pháp dạy tiếng Anh Trung học phổ thông ( written by Nguyễn Hạnh Dung
8. Trò chơi Tiếng Anh ( written by Trần Bá Sơn ).

