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Practicing speaking skill for students in grade 12

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Nowadays English has become an international language because it is
widely used in many parts of the world. The English language in particular is
firstly to communicate primarily through listening comprehension and writing
skills. This is clearly reflected in textbooks. Besides the innovative teaching
methods at all levels is big advocate of education and training sector in the
years to improve the ovetoral quality of education. One of the requirements for
education and training in the current period is to promote positive, dynamic
and creative students, making students who passively receiving knowledge of
the initiative in knowledge discovery, having capable of solving the problem or
the assigned tasks effectively in the environment as well as individuals in
collaborative environment to eventually develop self- learning style to achieve
the highest efficiency.
When teaching English to the 12th Grade students at Trieu Son 2 Upper
Secondary School I found out that speaking stages are very important in
teaching speaking and it also has significant effects on the students’ speaking
performance. If students do not prepare well enough they can not speak well.
They can not even speak anything.
How speaking stages affect the students’ speaking performance and whether
the pre- lesson activities are important to teachers of English at High School.
Based on the results of this action research, some changes and improvements
could be applied in the author’s lesson, and some appropriate strategies needed
to be designed with the hope that students will work more effectively in a
speaking lesson. Hopefully that the results of this study would be shared with
any colleagues who had the same problem or anyone who is interested in this
2.Factual basis
With the development of today’s society, each student after school wants to
have a good job and a good income. In order to do that, students not only

practice their professional skills but also promote English language proficiency.
You can not work in a foreign company if you do not speak English. Because
of the reasons above that the general language, English in particular holds a
very important role in our lives. However, how to learn this foreign languages
and use it effectively is an extremely difficult to study in the conditions of
students in upper secondary schools, especially in Trieu son 2 Upper
Secondary School. In fact, many students in Viet Nam graduated from
universities can not speak English although they have a large number of
vocabularies. They are used to doing exercises in textbooks. Besides, a number

of students in a class are often over crowded and students in rural areas often
feel shy when they communicate with other people so they have a lot of
difficulties in speaking practice English. The speaking test to date has not dome
a systematic way. Tests rely heavily on reading skills, grammar and writing.
This habit leads to the direct consequences that teachers only teach students
about the word homework, reading comprehension, and writing skills. They
ignore the most important skill. That skill is oral.
From the above realities, all foreign language teachers have developed
their own beliefs. They know how to learn a foreign language. Their beliefs are
based on their experiences after each lesson. This promotes the foreign teachers
in general and the English teachers in particular try to study to improve their
knowledge. They have to find new methods to attract their students, and help
students get knowledge in creative ways. Students must self- improvement
approach to learning in a positive direction and created from language thinking
ability through communication. The English teachers help students to develop
their four skills, reading, listening, speaking and writing skills in learning a
foreign language.
Over the years, I as well as my other colleagues constantly learning to find

out for yourself the experience and appropriate teaching methods. Innovative
methods require teachers and students to work actively to shape dut ability to
form language to communicate. The English people have idiom “ Practice
makes perfect”. For that reason I choose the topic “Practicing speaking skill
for students in grade 12”. I want to contribute my small part in the innovation
of teaching method and materials to consult colleagues and suggestions.


1. Status
1.1. The situation of teaching English.
Recent years, English subject is one of the most important subject that
the administrators give a lot of attention and facilitate the teaching and
learning in order to help students have good knowledge to take the national
entrance examination. Facilities are also given a lot of attention so that the
quality of teaching is getting much higher. The implementation of the
thematic workshops for the teaching of natural allows school level regularly.
However, teaching English is very limited, inadequate and not really have
the results. In fact, it is not practical to attract more students to participate.
During the lesson is sometimes longer reaction, heavy feeling sluggish for
both learners and teachers.

The situation of learning English

With the development of the society, most of the people know the
important and the necessary of learning English. In fact, learning English

has not achieved the expected results. Although the students were familiar
with English courses from the secondary school but the reason is that they
come from rural families with low living standard and poor living
conditions, they often feel shy when communicate with friends. Besides that
there is no visual media. Students only study vocabulary and grammar
structures in textbooks. They are not voluntarily extended thought to relate
to the relationship other topics in life. Besides they have little to say to lazy
learning, lazy thinking led to the nature of language learning to cope, not
achieving learning outcomes.
2. The results of the current situation
Although students spent many years learning English at high school
did not meet the requirements of society. Students learn English from junior
level to train more 3 years but they still can not communicate in English. They
can not overcome their shyness to express and promote their own capacity.


1. Guide students how to perform
Practice speaking must be taken into the meaningful situations to
make sense to be able to meet a number of requirements communication
method. Teachers should not see the technical training is major
repeatation and replacement. We should consider this technique as first
activity to provide in put material for students. This helps students use
information to communicate.
Practice speaking is not only based on each lesson in the class but
also help students remember structures and vocabularies to communicate
with people. We should encourage students to practice English in their

free time. Teachers help students review their knowledge by setting
situation. If we do so, students can remember both vocabularies and
structures. Teachers also encourage students to be interested in learning
English. Basing on my experience, some language games can also create a
controlled exercise. While playing the game guide language, teachers
must also speak to learners repeating pattern. With how to manipulate not
only the ability to feel comfortable while learning English that teachers
can control the knowledge that his offer to use on new lessons.
Example: in class 12 board basic, theme of the lesson is “Home Life”
teachers should require students to train some verbs like; join hands,
run the household, take the responsibility for, leave home for school, to
be willing to help etc... learners can interview each other as the
following the modal dialogue.
Student1: What do you do to help your mother at home?
Student 2: I often do the household work
Student 1: Can you tell me about your responsibility?
Student 2: I clean the house, and I wash the dishes to help my mother.
Student 1 Why do you have to share your household work with your
Student 2: Because my mother is very busy. She has to do many
things to support my family. I myself want to do something to help her.
In addition, this lesson the teachers can give students a presentation on
her mother’s or her father’s work who has to take the responsibility for
running the house. Student can show the reason why they want to
share the work with other member in his or her family. Presentation to
the class and help them somewhat relieved and gradually they will
confident when speaking English, and they will like learning English.
Students can write a short paragraph to introduce their mother’s work
like the example below;

Student 1: My mother is Lan. She is a very caring woman. She she is
always the first person to get up in the morning. She often cooks
breakfast for me and for my brother. Although she is very busy, she
tries to spend as much time with us as possible. She loves us very
much. She always give good care and unconditional love to us.
student 2:
My mother has to work 8 hours a day. She has to get up very early in
the morning to prepare meal for us. In the afternoon, after she comes
home from work, she rushes to the market, then hurries home so that
dinner is ready on the table by the time I get home from school. In
order to help my mother, I often wash the dishes, and My sister takes
the responsibility for taking out the garbage. Etc...
Teachers can require students to review the old lesson by summary
the content of the lesson. After that teachers ask them to study by heart
to present to the class. If we do so, learners can remember both
structures and vocabularies
2. Ways to help students perform
Although students have learned how to perform in his speech but not
really accurate so teachers must use the appropriate sentence for the content
that they are doing so they are confident when presenting. Here are steps to
check the content that we have to guide them in the introduction. Through
this work, students will remember the structure naturally. They will take the
initiative and creativity rather than imposing manner of the teacher.
3. Assessment test results performed
After the student guide, here are steps for students to practise by
presenting content that the instructor asked. Category of exercise at home or
lessons that students have to summarize the lesson content, the teacher can

give a child up table presents that content. The under layer is also presented
his article then moves the article for you to fix the line together in each
other table. After the student finished presenting on the board, teachers
require other students stop writing to check the writing on the board.
Teachers comment the writing and guide other students ways to write, what
experiences should be drawn after each writing lesson. Note; in the
presentation of the students, we should not fix many grammatical errors as
this activity is encouraging speech. If we are interested in the grammatical
error correction apprehensive students will lose confidence before friends.


1. Time, materials, objects and apply the teaching environment
1.1. Time: This experience initiative was researched by me from
the 28th August, 2015 to the 20th April, 2016.
1.2. Materials to research: in the process of implementing
research, I have reference material for teacher, the book
teaching English and also learn more through British
Council website: hppt//:WWW.Teachingenglish.org.uk.
1.3. Application objects: students in grade 12C4 and students in
grade 12C5
1.4. Applicable environment: Triệu Sơn 2 upper secondary
1.5. Applicable lesson: Unit6: Future Job ( part B: Speaking)page: 65 (textbook- grade 12- standard program)
2. General characteristics of the subjects taught
2.1. Class 12C4:
There are 42 students in class 12C4. Most of the students have
weak academic.

- Most students are from poor families so they are faint- hearted.
They not participating voluntarily post construction, many students
do not participate when teachers work. Whenever required and
instructors also showed no attention.
- The majority of children have homework to prepare but nature
should teachers with results not as expected.
2.2. Class 12C5:
Here is the original class of naturally selected, but the
students have academic average and weak academic subjects in
English but their attitudes toward learning harder. They often
prepare their homework at home. In the class children all
participate in building excitement. From the general characteristics
as outlined above, I studied materials and teaching method then
applied normal method to 12C4 and with class 12C5 I applied the
form of innovation practice English speaking skill.
3. How to perform
3.1. For class 12C4
As presented above, all of the students in class 12C4 have
prepared the lesson at home but reactive, during school hours on
school students in a very low class. Only some of them participated
in all speech construction, the rest is dealing with effective so
teachers’ work sometimes not achieved as desired. Therefore, to
practice speaking skills for students to conduct classes I applied
conventional methods to speak specifically the steps:

Step1: Teacher reads the questions then explain the vocabularies, after that
teacher requires students to answer the question in Task 1, textbook (SGK),
students work individually for 5 minutes. After finishing, teacher calls two or

three pairs to make dialogue.
Example: two students; Mai and Hương ask and answer,
Mai: what do you want to be in the future?
Huong: I want to be a teacher.
Mai: Why do you want to be a teacher?
Huong: Because I love working with children.
Step 2: After calling two or three pairs to ask and answer, teacher can
require learners to prune the unnecessary questions, then change those questions
to ask their friends about a birth day party that they took part in. The ultimate
goal is to turn the questions and answer into the conversation but understandable
Example: using the sentences in task 1;
Lan: What would you like to do in the future?
Tuan: I would like to work as a doctor.
Lan: Why you would like to work as a doctor?
Tuan: Because working as a doctor would be fascinating job. It’s a good chance
for me to take care of people health.
Step 3: Teachers ask students at this time based on questions and answers
acquire details then convert it into a paragraph saying. They have time to
prepare is five minutes. After writing this paper, the teacher requires students to
interchange to fix if any. Then teacher calls from three to five students stood
before his class reading.
3.2. For class 12C5
The steps are the same as class 12C4 but there are some changes as follow:
Step 1: Teachers read questions, explain the vocabularies then ask students to
answer the questions in task 1 (textbook). Students work individually for 5
minutes. After they have finished, the teacher can call 2 or 3 pairs to ask and

answer as the dialogue.
Step 2: In this step, teacher requires students to omit the unnecessary
sentences. They can add some questions which related to their birthday party.
Student can use these questions to ask their friends’ birthday that he or she had
participated. The ultimate goal is to turn the questions and answer into the
conversation but understandable logical dialogue.
Lan: What would you like to do in the future?

Tuan: I would like to work as a doctor.
Lan: Why you would like to work as a doctor?
Tuan: Because working as a doctor would be fascinating job. It’s a good chance
for me to take care of people health.
Step 3: Teacher now requires students to base on the questions and the answers,
summarize the detail information then convert into a passage speaking. Students
prepare for 5 minutes. After students write on the paper, teacher asks students to
change their writing with their friend to fix errors. After that teacher call 3 or
five students to read his or her writing in front of the class.
Step 4: At this stage, I give them skills in the form of expansion by asking them
to write a paragraph about a party that they joined. It can be their classmate or
other classes. When the lesson finishes, they will have to complete the writing at
home to be checked in the next lesson.
Example: Students can write as the following passage.
Student 1:
In the future, I would like to work as a nurse. Working as a nurse would be
fascinating job because I would have a chance to take care of people health.
Student 2:

In the future, I would like to work as a tourist guide. Working as a tourist guide
would be very interesting because I would have a chance to take people to
places of interest. I also have a chance to visit many places of beauty.
In this stage, I give students more time to prepare their writing. Besides I
also strict scrutiny to all to write about this event, there may be real or imaginary
or they may use the suggestion questions in task 1. I check 5 to 7 students
reading their writing in front of the class to find out the best writing as an
sample for the group.


Unit 6 – Future jobs
Lesson 2: Speaking Period: 35 (Textbook 12)
1. Objectives:
After the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Talk about jobs and give their opinions about jobs.
2. Teaching aids:
- Posters, pictures, handouts and textbooks.
3. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities
Warm – up
- Ask Ss to make a list of jobs as many as

- farmer


Whole class read out the
- Doctor
- Farmer
- Tourist guide
- Writer
- Mechanic
- Engineer
- Pilot
- Scientist
- Officer
- Electrician
- .....

Pre – speaking
Task 1: Matching
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to match a job in A with - Students listen to the
at least two descriptions in B.
teacher and repeat, take
- Have them look through the words in Task 1
and make sure that they know all the meaning of - Read the new words in
the words.

chorus, individually.
- Go around the class to check and offer help.
- Call on some pairs to present their work.
- Check the answers and give the feedback with
the following structure
A doctor is a person who……


- Make some sentences
using the words.
-Individual work
Whole class

Teacher’s activities


A doctor is a person who takes care of people’s
- Match a job in A with two descriptions in B.
- Present the answers.
+ A farmer is a person who constructs irrigation
systems and applies new farming techniques.
+ A tourist guide is a person who finds good and
safe hotels for customers and takes people to

places of interest.
While – speaking
Activity 1: Task 2: Discussion
Teacher asks students to work in pairs to discuss
the jobs and give your opinions about them.
- Divide class into 4 groups, give each of them
two jobs (hand outs)
Group1: pilot and waiter
Group2: taxi driver and electrician
Group3: policeman and journalist
Group4: singer and computer
T: Do you like to become a pilot?
S: Yes/ No.
T: Why?/ Why not?
S: Because …/ I think….
- Teacher goes around the class to check and
offer help, collect some common mistakes for
later correction
- Teacher asks Students to discuss the jobs and
the present their opinions about them.
A: Do you like to become a waiter?
B: No, I don’t.
A: Why not?
B: Because It is very boring.
Activity 2: Reportation
- Call on some representatives to talk bout their
opinions of their jobs.
- Call on some others to give their comments,


Pair work

Individual work

Pair- work
Lan: Do you like to
become a pilot?
Huong: Yes, I do
Lan: Why do like to
become a pilot?
Lan: Because it is

-Listen to the teacher
-Whole class

_ Individual works

Teacher’s activities


I would like to work as a doctor. Working as a

doctor would be a fascinating job because I would
I would like to work as a
have chance to take care of people health.
farmer. Working as farmer
- Students present their opinions of the their jobs. would be interesting. I
would apply new farming
techniques to have good
I would like to work as a tourist guide. Working as a crops.
tourist guide would be a challenging and fascinating Minh:
job because I have a chance to travel all over
I would like to be a writer.
Vietnam and meet many interest people…
Working as a writer would
be very fantastic. I would
create imaginary
characters and events.
That would be very
Post – speaking
Game: Who am I?
Students play game
- Guide the rules of the game.
-Listen to the teacher
- Ask Ss to use some questions in the game, such -Whole class guest the job.
+ Where will you work?
+ Who will you work with?
+ Will you get high salary?.................

Whole class
- Learn by heart the new words.
- Write a short paragraph about their future job.




Purpose requirements

Teaching speaking
conventional methods

skills Speaking
skills taught
new methods

The percentage of students 40%
understand the meaning and
proficient use of the
expression that his party
was involved.


The percentage of the 40%
understand how to express.




The percentage of the
students understand how to
express but not mature.

To meet the renewal requirements under which the education policy, the
proposed method improved the fit is very necessary and urgent. Especially in
foreign language teaching, the use of knowledge to serve the communication is
very important because it contributes positively to the result in general language
learning and English learning students in particular. By experimental teaching to
practice speaking skills for the students who have obtained many results. It is the
motivation to all students in attendance must be dynamic. To use the language
they are learning to communicate and apply to the show:
- The number of the students understanding the meaning and the
words is a problem that will be easier.
- Train students not only from the structures and particularly

industrious said they would help themselves better their

- Promote self- discipline, students have to stimulate thinking and
curiosity, inspire learning atmosphere comfortable, more exciting
class will.
After a testing time in class teaching 12C4 and 12C5 class I found the
learning outcomes of the students had changed and marked progress. Students
no longer timid, shy when they speaking English in class. Each lesson will bring
comfort, lively atmosphere while building all participate.
2. Recommendations and proposals.
What is presented on my personal opinions about additional practice
English speaking skills for students. To achieve high results in teaching
combined with having to meet the requirements and purposes of education at
upper- secondary school, I would strongly suggest some comments later:
- All the upper- secondary schools must have separate rooms for students
to practice in listening.
- Classroom layout should not exceed 30 students.
- Invest more references, English books, enabling them to borrow books,
materials to self- study at home.
- Sessions organized extracurricular activities, English exams or discuss
the topics in English to the students questioned, knowledge and hone their
skills to communicate his languages. English people have an idiom;
“Practice makes Perfect”

Trieu Son, Tuesday 25th May, 2016
I swear that this experience initatives

was performed by myself, not copy
someone else. If wrong I would take full
Subjects performed by

Lê Thị Nguyệt



I: Reasons for choosing the topics..............................................................1
1. Rationale ..................................................................................................1
2. Factual basis................................................................................................1
II: The status of teaching and learning English in Trieu Son upperSecondary School No2
1. Status.........................................................................................................3
1.1 The situation of teaching English..............................................................3
1.2 The situation of learning English ..............................................................3
2. The results of the current situation. .......................................................3
B. PROBLEM SOLVING ............................................................................4
I: The implementing solutions......................................................................4
1. Guide students how to perform..........................................................4
2. Ways to help students perform...........................................................5
3. Assessment test results performed.....................................................5
II: APPLY TEACHING................................................................................6
1. Time, materials, objects and application the teaching environment.. 6

1. General characteristics of the subjects taught....................................6
2.1 Class 12C4.........................................................................................6
2.2 Class 12C5 ........................................................................................6
3. How to perform.................................................................................6
3.1. For class 12C4...................................................................................6
3.2. For class 12C5 ..................................................................................7
III: APPLICATION ON A SPECIFIC LESSON........................................9
C. CONCLUSION.........................................................................................12
1. Research results...........................................................................12
2. Recommendations and proposals................................................13


Materials to research: In the process of implementing
research, I have reference materials as the following;
-Material for teachers
- The book teaching English
- British Council website: hppt//:WWW.Teachingenglish.org.uk.
- Teach English ( A training course for teachers) published by Cambridge
University Press.







Người thực hiện: Lê Thị Nguyệt
Chức vụ: Giáo viên
SKKN thuộc lĩnh mực (môn): Tiếng Anh.


