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Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school

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Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.




1. The reason for choosing the subject
2. The objective of the study
3. The object of the study
4. Study method
1. The theoretical background
2. Practical background
3. The solutions
3.1. Applying some techniques to write paragraphs.
3.1.1. How to make an outline
3.1.2. How to use words and phrases flexibly
3.1.3. How to use linking words
3.1.4. Some useful languages.
3. 2. Some types of exercises relate to write paragraphs.
4. Achievements

Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

Part A: Introduction
1. The reason for choosing the subject.
1.1. Due to the demand of innovating the program, content and method of
teaching English at high schools in recent years, writing skill is regarded as one
of the four basic training skills of the teaching and learning process. Previously,
teaching of writing paragraphs was often overlooked. Because of the pressure of
exams, teachers and students only focus on teaching and learning grammar,
reading and speaking. Listening and writing skills usually do not care much.
Most students are afraid to write the paragraph in English and are afraid to do
the listening. Consequently, high school graduates do not have the ability to
communicate in English when needed, or communicate very little. Currently in
the new curriculum, writing paragraphs is more focused, especially in the
entrance examination, which forces students to practise writing everyday. To
teach it effectively and help students to be eager to writing hours, I have
explored, studied several techniques applied to the process of teaching writing a
1.2. In the trend of deeper integration in all spheres of social life, the ability
to communicate in foreign languages, mainly in English to create more
opportunities for employees as well as business owners, the leaders.The
presentation of ideas, views, his ideas in English with foreign partners to use
English to help improve the position of the speaker, to accelerate the process of
cooperation and improve the effectiveness of cooperation. High school students
will be the future owners of the country. They will become diligent workers
having solid knowledge and skill, dynamic and talented entrepreneurs, the
country's ingenious leaders. It would be a huge advantage if they know how to
use English fluently. We can say the capacity to communicate in English with
the four skills - listening, speaking, reading, writing and writing is one of the
keys of success. So why we don’t equip with effective communication skills for

students when learning a foreign language. For those reasons, With all my effort
in thinking, exploring, exchanging, discussing with other colleagues in the
education sector along with the rubbing practical work experience in teaching
English in high school for nearly 17 years, I strongly share some ideas, thoughts
through the initiative: Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph
in upper secondary school.
2. The objective of the study.
As an English teacher at high schools for many years, I am always
concerned about the current situation of foreign language teaching and learning
of students in the province. Our students seem inferior to students in other
provinces about foreign language capability. So what is the cause of this
situation? Is it because teachers are not qualified? Or those students do not have
the ability to learn foreign languages by local accent and direct communication
Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

skills are not flexible? May be due to improper care level of the school for this
subject? All these questions have yet to be answered. These obstacles not only
are in our province. Why other provincial students study foreign languages
better than our students? The main responsibility belongs to teachers who teach
in schools, In addition, the headmasters, the leaders of the education sector in
the province. Everyone must identify targets clearly and strive to achieve that
goal. My objective in work is going on learning, finding out experience to
improve the quality of teaching, make students trust in teachers and have more
and more successful students. More specifically, I want my work to achieve
success in my own ability. During the process of teaching a foreign language in

high school, I always accumulate, find out experience, innovate teaching
methods to suit each student object and generate excitement in learning so that
they have more passion, more enthusiasm in studying. And the goal of this
project is to draw on experience in teaching writing paragraphs in English for
high school students and share ideas with colleagues.
3. The object of the study.
In the framework of the subject and with limited ability, I will present a few
techniques taught to write paragraphs with capacities ranging from 140 words to
150 words as required under the high school programs and textbooks. With the
criteria of a good paragraph, it includes: tight layout, accurate grammar
structure, pure prose, expressive and flexible wording, I think that this is not
easy for many high school students. In this theme I will refer to how to build
paragraph layouts as required, how to use flexible words with the style of the
paragraph and how to use the connectors to make paragraphs smoother.
4. Study method.
The method of writing paragraphs is one of the topics that I am very
interested in the teaching process. Through years of working with students, I
find that when given an exercise to write the paragraph, students often feel very
confused and do not know where to start. The idea or no idea, or unclear ideas.
Hence, students are often afraid to write paragraphs. Understanding the
difficulties and psychological concerns of the students, I always try to help my
students to give the problem, solve the problem and end the problem to make
writing lessons more effective. Writing techniques must be practiced every day
to help the students write them skillfully. Teachers must stimulate students to
explore their own potential and help them learn how to present their ideas, their
concerns things by foreign languages that they are learning. Such has the
purpose of the new language learning achieved. Hence, the method of studying
my theme has to be started from grasping the students’ psychology, studying
the techniques carried out in writing paragraphs and training students to
write paragraphs effectively.

Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

1. The theoretical background
Since the beginning to learn English, the students are exposed to four basic
skills of language, that is: listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Of all
the skills, writing is regarded as a difficult skill to learn because it requires the
writers having certain understanding about language, which can help them
express their ideas and opinions based on writing. To achieve communicative
objective through the students’ writing, teachers need attach to the aim of the
lesson and to choose the suitable method to teach writing. Only by this way, can
students write good paragraphs in English.
2. Practical background
Currently, In upper secondary schools, the new English curriculum that
requires students to develop all four skills equally is being applied. Writing takes
the time to practise. To ensure proper and adequate teaching as well as to
develop four basic skills, particularly writing skills for students, teachers need to
research, collect and use many forms for practice, conform to the conditions of
each school’s facility to be able to raise the level of English for students.
English is quite interesting, however, it requires learners’ diligence and hard
work. If not, the knowledge will be forgotten or interrupted.
On the way to explore the experience, accumulate materials and learn from
colleagues, attend extra training courses. I have applied the combination of
modern teaching methods and traditional one in the lessons, especially the dry

writing lessons.
In the experimental process, grades which I teach gain some relatively
encouraging results; namely, the written lessons are less boring, students are
more positive, students write more correctly and many writings have higher
3. The solutions
3.1. Applying some techniques to write paragraphs.
3.1.1 How to make an outline?
Making an outline for a paragraph is the first important step in the process of
writing the passage. To get the tight layout and enough ideas, students must
know how to outline before writing. To outline, students must know how to
define the topic of the paragraph, should limit mining theme and must have
basic knowledge about the field students write. Brief outline helps students to
focus their ideas on limited issues, increase related issues and not ramble too far
the topic.

Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

* Outline of a paragraph usually consists of three parts:
- Topic sentence (main idea)
- Supporting sentences: ( from 2 to 3 supporting sentences)
+ Supporting sentence 1: reasons, examples, facts, statistics,……
+ Supporting sentence 2: reasons, examples, facts, statistics,……
+ Supporting sentence 3: reasons, examples, facts, statistics,……
- Concluding sentence (restatement of the topic sentence/ summary of the

main points).
* The function of the sentences.
- The topic sentence is to guide the reader to the problem we mention. Here
is how to attract readers from the first sentence as well as to confirm the main
point of the writing.
- Supporting sentences develop the topic sentence by giving reasons,
examples, facts, statistics, quotations. Supporting sentences are extremely
necessary. With vocabulary and understanding is limited, if the writer does not
find the ideas before, just meet any sentence ,write that sentence, the paragraph
is possible to be very shaky, do not focus on the subject and potentially surplus
or deficit reviews. Each passage just need find two to three additional ideas. Too
few ideas will result into solving the problem of lack of conviction; conversely,
too many ideas will lead to a rambling, distraction.
- Concluding sentence with a view to helping readers summarize information
acquired succinctly or know the writer's opinion and behavior about the matter
has been presented above. The conclusion is not led to other problems except for
problems mentioned in the topic sentence.
* For example:
"Write a paragraph of about 140 words about women's roles today."
This is a good topic, but very wide range. With about 140 words to say about
the role of women today, students can not finish what she/ he knows. Students
must make an outline to limit the scope of presenting problems in some of their
personal favorites and lead readers through the topic sentence or in other words,
that is introduction part.
- Suggested topics: Women today play a very important role in running
their homes, managing business and taking part in political life.
So, paragraphs will focus on solving the issue about the important role of
women today in three areas: in the family, do business and participate in
political life, society.

Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

- Suggested outline:
+ In running homes: rearing and bearing children; doing housework; looking
after the family
+ In managing business: flexible and sensible in finding partners; determined
in being successful; careful and dependable in co-operation
+ In political life: have right to vote, to be candidates as leaders and to be
equal to men.
- Suggested conclusion:
+ In conclusion, the important role of women in life today is not deniable.
+ In short, we can’t imagine a society without women’s taking part in every
field of life.
+ To come to an end, we can say that holding up half of the sky, women have
taken their active parts not only in homes, but also in financial support and
social life.
With the object of gifted students, this exercise requires a higher level of
challenge. Students practise writing an complete essay with capacities ranging
from 250 to 300 words. The layout of the essay is usually built with about 5
- The topic paragraph
- Body paragraphs (3 paragraphs)
- The conclusion paragraph
When students know how to write paragraphs fluently, they have the ability
to deploy an essay. From the topic sentence of a paragraph, they can turn into

topics for the essay section. Additional ideas will be deployed, expanded into
paragraphs. And the conclusion can also turn into a concise passage.
Here are a few examples of how to put the issue to the essay - writing the
topic paragraph.
Habits, good or bad, make you who you are. The key is controlling them. If
you know how to change your habits, even a smart effort can create big changes.
However, to break a bad habit is not always easy. It takes time and it needs a
lot of determination, constancy and support.
“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. This famous English saying
can be understood that playing or taking vacation is very important to people.
After a tiring working period, an effective vacation will help us regain strength,
energy and spirit to return to work, help us do our job more productively and
Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

creatively. But how to take a vocation is a matter. To help you to make a
vacation effective my essay will focus on three suggested measures. They are
planning for the vacation, enjoying it and coming back to work.
After having identified the topic for the essay, students find the additional
ideas. Each of the issues was given will be solved by a passage.
For instance, in the first example -the "HOW TO GIVE UP A BAD Habit?"
In body part will have four paragraphs respectively:
- Breaking bad habits takes time
- Breaking bad habits needs a lot of constancy

- Breaking bad habits needs a lot of determination
- Breaking bad habits needs a lot of support
To deploy itself into four segments for the body part, students find ideas to
solve the topic of each paragraph. For example, paragraph one can be deployed:
You need time to decide what is the worst habit that needs giving up; How
badly that habit affects your life; How many times you have tried to give it up; A
habit is often easy to be built, but it is not easy to break.
With the ending, we usually summarize the reviews mentioned in the body
part and express the thought, our views on that issue. Through the end, readers
can understand the intent of the writer.
* Here is an example for the ending theme "GIVE UP A BAD HOW TO Habit?"
In short, breaking a bad habit is not as easy as we think. The matter is that in
this campaign you must always think positively, act effectively and live
optimistically. I hope you’ll succeed in fighting yourself to give up a bad habit
and starting a new good habit to make your life more meaningful.
* To end an essay: "HOW TO TAKE A Vocation? We can write the
In conclusion, we should remember that the essence of a vocation is not to
escape, but it is to disengage from boring, miserable things and do something
refreshing, relaxing and enjoyable.
3. 1. 2. How to use words and phrases flexibly.
A good paragraph is shown by many factors, while without not saying to
how to use the words of the writer. The words used primarily fit the style of the
writing, If so, there is the high persuasion. To get tips from using words,
teachers must help students to accumulate a lot of synonyms and antonyms, the
different nuances of the word to apply to the situation. Besides, the
accumulation of idioms, proverbs, dialects are very useful for expressing ideas
vividly, rich in image and convincing wealthy.

Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

For instance:
- To demonstrate the similarities between the daughter and mother we can use
"The girl looks like her mother very much", or "The girl is much like her
mother", or "The girl takes after her mother".
- To express regret for a mistake that we can say
"I regret doing that", "I beg you for an excuse", "I am sorry for doing
that", "Could you pardon me for that?"
- To express gratitude for the help we can say
"I highly appreciate your great help", "I am very grateful to you for your
great help", "I would like to thank you for your great help", "You are very
kind to help me", "It's very kind of you to help me", "Thanks for you help."
- There are many different structures to indicate interest, pay attention to a
certain problem.
For example:
I must take the problem into consideration; The problem is still under
consideration; I'll give my careful consideration to the problem; I must pay
much attention to the problem; I must be considering the problem; A lot of
thought must be focused on the problem.
Depending on each situation, you can use these sentences, words and
gathered from showing appreciation and courtesy, social or intimate, close.
Thus, the use of words in context, style not only indicates appreciation of the
language but also the subtlety, sensitivity of the writer.
3. 1. 3. How to use linking words.
Linking words in the passage help writings smooth, fluent and logical.

Depending on how you resolve legal issues listed manually, compare, explain or
demonstrate, and depending on the relationship between the propositional
sentence or sentences in the text that the writer may use different types of
connectors together.
Here are some types of connectors used to link the clause in sentences, or
link the sentences in a paragraph.
- Sequencing/ listing: first of all, first(ly), second(ly), third(ly), first, next,
then, finally, first and foremost, in the first place, to begin with
- Adding to what you have said: also, furthermore, in addition (to),
additionally, moreover, besides, and, as well (as), not only….but also,
- Contrasting: in contrast to this, on the contrary, conversely, while, whilst,
whereas, but, yet, in contrast, vice versa, unlike, ……..

Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

- Expressing similarity: similarly, likewise, in the same way, in a similar
- Giving examples: for example, for instance, in particular, particularly, such
as, that is / that is to say, namely, indeed, in fact, specifically, ….
- Showing results: As a result, as a consequence, consequently, hence, thus,
therefore, so
- Conceding: Although, even though, even if, even when, after all, all the
same, however, nevertheless, though, still, nonetheless, in spite of this, despite
this/ that……………

- Restating: In other words, that is to say, to put it simply
- Inferring: In other words, in that case, (or) else, otherwise
- Connectors used in conditionals sentences: if, if so, if not, provided,
providing, as long as, unless, but for, if it not ( be) for…..
- Showing reasons: because ( of) , since, as, for this reason……………
- Some words used to express the views, attitudes of the speaker and
writer: according to sb, in my opinion, as far as I can see, to (the best of) my
knowledge, frankly speaking, clearly, obviously, in general, generally, from my
point of view,……….
- Summarizing: In summary, to sum up, to conclude, in conclusion, in short,
in brief, shortly, coming to an end, to put in the nutshell,……
Here are examples of using connectors:
Example 1: Write a paragraph of 120-140 words about disadvantages of
playing sports.
It can not be denied that playing sports brings about many benefits to our
life as well as our health. However, in some cases, it can lead to some
disadvantages whether for children or adults. First and foremost, playing sports
can cause injuries when practicing in strong intensity. They can be wounds on
various aspects such as skin, bones and others from simple to dangerous ones
that could be very difficult to cure and last for a long time. In terms of
pressure, it can be said that playing sports makes the athletes stressed in many
ways. The target of becoming the winner of a program puts on them much
pressure that might come from parents, coaches, organizations or even their
country. This results in many emotional disturbances and destructive behaviors
like cheating or using banned products. The last point that can not be ignored
is that it is time- consuming. Playing sports demands a big investment of time,
that's why athletes spend most of their time being far from family, friends and
outdoor activities and this makes them feel lonely. To put it in the nutshell,
besides the obvious advantages of sports, there are still many drawbacks.
Therefore, appropriate policy should be carried out to limit them effectively.

Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

Example 2: Let us study the words used in the passage connecting the theme
of the article "HOW TO GIVE UP A BAD Habit?" - Habits, good or bad, make
you who you are. The key is controlling them. If you know how to change your
habits, even a smart effort can create big changes. However, to break a bad
habit is not always easy. It takes time and it needs a lot of determination,
constancy and support.
The linking words: “or”, “if”, “even”, “however”, “and is used to express
the nuances emphasized, indicating the relationship choices, supplements,
contrast or condition and making structure of the paragraph very tight, logic and
In the process of learning a foreign language, practice the language skills
requires learners to master the grammatical structure, there is a certain
vocabulary and to have certain knowledge about the system of phonetic
language they study. Writing paragraphs in a foreign language requires a higher
level of language learning. This communication skill requires not only
knowledge of the language and practical skills that success here requires
sensitivity to language and art students from the user.
Above are three basic issues to help the successful practice writing. To write
a paragraph or writers must know how to make an outline, how to use the word
flexibly and know how to use connectors effectively.
3. 1. 4. Some useful languages.
For gifted students, they can write good paragraphs. However, most of the
normal students have difficulty in writing, to help them write easily. I often

provide some useful languages before students start writing paragraphs. Here are
some structures often used when writing paragraphs.
- Of all the + plural nouns, S + like/ enjoy/ be interested in/ be fond of Sb/ St best
For examples: 1. Of all the films, I like Titanic film best
2. Of all the teachers, I like my head teacher best
- Last but not least
- On the other hand,
- It is worth remembering + Ving
- Another advantage is……………….
- Another point is that……….
- What is more,
- to begin with…………….
- Perhaps the most important point, however, is…………………
- All things considered, S+V……..
Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

- It is undeniable that……………………….
- It is hard to believe that……………………….
- To my mind, ………….
- I totally oppose the idea that……………….
- I have convinced myself that…………………………..
- As I have pointed out, S+V
- There is no doubt that………………………
- I have no doubt that………………………
- It is needless to say that…………………………

- It seems (to me) that…………………..
- To my knowledge/ To the best of my knowledge, S+V………..
- a/ the number of + plural nouns
- amount of + uncountable noun
- It’s (unlikely) likely that…………….
- The following example………….
- I admit that…….
-As has been noted…………
In addition, I also provide students with the words having the same
meanings in order to help students not use one word many times
- namely= for example = for instance = that is
- also = similar = likewise = in the same way
- thus = hence = therefore = so
- although= though = despite= in spite of = despite the fact that
- at the same time= meanwhile= simultaneously
- necessary = vital = essential
- interesting = intriguing
3.2. Some types of exercises relate to write paragraphs.
In the process of teaching writing paragraphs, I often ask students to
practise some types of exercises with a view to consolidating how to use words
and make up sentences correctly. Exercises are: find and correct errors; find
synonyms or antonyms; transfer sentences and compete the sentences based on
Here are some of examples.
Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show
the underlined part that needs correction.
1. A huge amount of tourists come to this city every year.




2. The duties of the secretary are to take the minutes, mailing the



correspondence, and calling the members before meetings.
3. It was disappointing that almost of the guests left the wedding too early.




4. Despite of the fact that I washed my hands, they still look dirty.




5. My family spent an interested holiday in Europe last summer.




6. Developing new technologies are time consuming and expensive.




For example:
In sentence 1: Students know how to differentiate amount of and a number of
In sentence 2: Students know how to use parallel structures

In sentence 3: Students know how to differentiate almost and most + plural
noun/ of the + plural noun
In sentence 4: Students know how to use despite/ in spite of/ although
In sentence 5: Students know how to use present participle or past participle
In sentence 6: Function of Gerund makes subject in the sentence + V( single )
1. A -> a number of
2. B -> taking
3. B -> most
4. A -> Despite/ In spite of
5. B -> interesting
6. C -> is

Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in
each of the following questions.
1. It was inevitable that the smaller company should merge with the larger one.
A. vital

B. unnecessary

C. urgent

D. unavoidable

2. With the dawn of space exploration, the notion that atmospheric conditions
on Earth may be unique in the solar system was strengthened.
A. outcome

B. beginning

C. expansion

D. continuation

3. In most countries, compulsory military service does not apply to women.
A. superior

B. mandatory

C. beneficial

D. constructive

4. The house is convenient for the kid’s school.
A. far from

B. uncomfortable

C. comfortable

D. opposite

5. In the 1920s, amateur theater performances benefited poor families and other
charitable causes.
A. untrained

B. inexperienced C. non-profit

D. nonprofessional

6. Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions
A. clean

B. encounter

C. arrive

D. happen

7. The soil must be kept damp at all times or the plant will die.
A. bright

B. arid

C. sober

D. moist

8. Do you think English is a comparatively easy language to learn?
A. easily

B. comparably

C. increasingly

D. relatively

9. He was asked to account for his presence at the scene of the crime.
A. complain

B. explain

C. exchange

D. change

10. Despite its reputation, the concert hall suffered from several detrimental
renovations over the years.
A. dangerous

B. significant

C. extreme

D. harmful

Exercise 3 : Rewrite each of the following sentences without changing its
original meaning.
1. Though he was poor, he wasn’t always unhappy.
→ Despite being poor, he wasn’t always unhappy.
2. The mother smiled happily. She took the baby in her arms.

→ Smiling happily, the mother took the baby in her arms.

Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

3. He drives so carefully that he has never had any accidents.
→ He is so careful a driver that he has never had any accidents.
4. If you don’t take care of those shoes, they won’t last for long.
→ Unless you look after those shoes, they won’t last for long.
5. Nam is excited about going to Spain on holiday.
→ Nam is looking forward to going to Spain on holiday.
6. Mrs Baker is proud of her cooking.
→ Mrs Baker prides herself on her cooking.
Exercise 4: Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce
complete sentences from the following sets of words and phrases.
1. Jane/ promise/ keep in touch/ us/ while/ Australia.
→ Jane promised to keep in touch with us while she was in Australia.
2. I/ feel like/ have breakfast/ this morning/ because/ headache.
→ I didn’t feel like having breakfast this morning because I had a headache.
3. He/ used to/ go hunting/ forests/ younger
→ He used to go hunting in forests when he was younger.
4. I/ look forward/ see you again/ next month.
→ I am looking forward to seeing you again next month.
5. It/ high time/ he/ cut/ hair.
→ It’s high time he had his hair cut.
These types of exercises will help students amass a considerable vocabulary,

using synonyms, antonyms with different shades of the context. Exercises about
sentences will help them consolidate the knowledge of grammar, master the
sentence structure so that students can write proactively, avoid writing
Vietnamese then translate into English, or thinking in Vietnamese. Consequently,
the writing will not be natural.
Thus, the application of these techniques to practice teaching writing
effectively must be combined with some other types of exercises and depending
on the flexibility of the teacher as well as the capacity to comprehend and
interest in learning of students. Teaching and learning only achieve high effect
when students participate in learning actively, teachers must be proactive,
creative and capable people. In each hour practice writing paragraphs in
particular and in general English lessons I usually try to lead the students to
understand the concept in a simple way, practicing from easy to difficult, the
exercises have diversified in form, and must be rich in content. Exercises must
be realistic, not far from daily life. After guiding the students the basic skills to
Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

practise, I help them explore ideas and utilize all the learnt vocabulary and
grammar structures to write their writings. At the end of each writing lesson, I
often spend time checking up, correcting and giving marks. Because I think that
it is the most important step to assess the students’ result. When correcting
mistakes, I concentrate on the format, the content, the coherence, the unity,
grammar and vocabulary. Sometimes, I choose any article, then present in front
of the whole class and ask students to correct and comment according to Scoring
Model or students can correct mistakes each other. At last I will comment and

give general mistakes for students. In this way, I find that students feel happy
because after a period of study now they already know how to present
knowledge, their thoughts within an article. It is a significant success. Such
success should be encouraged by the timely encouragement, are recorded by
high achievement check and evaluation.
4 . Achievements:
Previously, when carrying out the old curriculum (three years) I mainly
taught how to write paragraphs for advanced students, but this skill is no
assessment of the exam graduation or entrance examinations should no
comparative figures. Since the implementation of the new textbook program
until now, Especially, since 2013, writing paragraphs are used in the national
exams, I have paid more attention to the writing paragraph skills.
Courses from 2010 to 2016 teams of gifted students of grade 12 have won
many prizes, always ranked from the first to the fifth. The past two years, I
always focused on teaching skills to write paragraphs. After each class, each
course, the quality of writing has increased significantly. Data conducted in three
classes for a course: 10 C1- 11B1- 12 A1; and 10 C2- 11B2- 12 A2, 10 C511B5- 12A5



Year 2012-2013

Year 2013-2014

Year 2014-2015

10 C1 - 40%

11 B 1- 60%

12 A 1 - 80%

10 C2 - 50%

11 B 2- 65 %

12 A 2 - 90%

10 C5 - 55%

11 B5 - 70%

12 A 5 - 90%

10 C1 - 15%

11 B 1- 25%

12 A 1 - 30%

10 C2 - 20%

11 B 2- 35%

12 A 2 - 45%

10 C5 - 25%

11B 5 - 40%

12A 5 - 50%

Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

And the national examination took place last June, I have 6 students achieve
the maximum marks about writing paragraphs.
Comparison of data drawn from how to teach three classes together with
data from other classes and previous courses, I found more confident in my
teaching methods. The results show the progress of students on writing skills.
Students also feel happier and more confident about their capabilities of learning
a foreign language, which makes teachers have more motivation to explore,
study and improve teaching methods and assert that learning language is not as
difficult as it sounds. If students know how to determine motivation, learning
purposes and training determination and teachers are enthusiastic, persistent and
painstaking, the teaching and learning of foreign languages will inevitably lead
to success as expected.

Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

Like the issues of grammar, vocabulary and other language skills (speaking
listening, reading), writing is an indispensable part of the process of learning,
teaching and use of language.
In the process of learning writing skill, students are trained to write through
writing exercises from a piece of written standards to replace some of the
components in sentences or in texts, writing based on prompts and at last
students can write freely.
Teaching a writing lesson is as well as teaching other skills, teachers should
use specific, appropriate activities in the different phases and each certain lesson.
There are plenty of techniques to perform in teaching writing skills, the task
of the teacher is to apply the basic teaching method according to the general
principle of foreign language teaching, and depend on the specific level of
students, characteristics of the class that teachers can adjust the diversity of
forms of exercises, the difficulty of the exercises, the complexity level of the
concept to achieve the end goal is to help students integrate the knowledge
learned on writing skills most effectively.
On the basis of determining the basis of theories and analyzes the advantages
and disadvantages of teachers and students in the process of teaching writing
skills , I have applied flexible methods and tips to help students improve writing
skills in particular and improve the quality of English in general. Through the
testing process in grades, I find that students at Bim Son upper secondary school
make progress, lessons take place gently, naturally, the students like taking part
in writing activities.
With spirit of diligent research, gained experience, humility to learn from
colleagues and the older generation, I strongly give some experience in
teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

I am looking forward to my colleagues reading and contributing comments
so that this subject can become an innovation in teaching and learning.
Sincerely thank you!

Bim Son , May 20th, 2016
Statement of authorship
I hereby acknowledge that this study
is mine, The date and findings discussed
in the thesis are true, used with permission
from associates and have not been
published elsewhere.
Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school.

1. Practical English Usage- Michael Swan
2. Academic writing – Oxford Press
3. Concepts and Comments- Patricia Ackert
4. The written word Book 1- A Course in Controlled Composition- Tom
5. How to teach English
Jeremy Harmer – NXB Longman, xuất bản lần thứ 3 năm 2008.

6. Developing Writing Skills
Franciose Grellet – Cambridge University Press - 1999
7. Teaching Writing Skills in a language
Christine Nuttall – Oxford University Press – 2001
8. Luyện kỹ năng viết Tiếng Anh THPT- Nguyen Bao Trang
9. Sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh lớp 10, 11, 12 hệ 7 năm

Vu Thi Thanh Nhan

Bim Son upper secondary school
