I. Reasons for choosing the topic.
In the trend of global integration, English is considered as an international
language.“English is now widely known as the major language of
intercommunication, international commerce, business, science, culture, and so
on. As a result, there has been a positive trend of teaching and learning English
across the country. English is also introduced to the educational curriculum from
primary education to tertiary education”[2]. However, their results of learning
English are not really good. Many Vietnamese students cannot communicate in
English, even though they spent 6-7 years learning English at schools. The
problem is that they learn English just to pass regular tests or examinations,
while they cannot use English in reality. Especially, many students got high
scores from exams and tests, but they can only write grammatical sentences,
while they are very bad at listening and communicating.
Additionally, English is a language and it is a foreign language so it is too
difficult for students, especially rural students to learn although they have been
learning for several years. It would be too boring for teachers to teach and for
students to learn English if teachers didn’t reform teaching methods to interest
students. I have been thinking of how to change the methods but whatever new
methods teachers may use, weak students will become bored, passive and
inactive if teachers don’t interest them effectively.
In recent years, at Lam Kinh high school as well as the other high schools
in rural and mountainous areas, teaching and learning English has been taken
into consideration. Throughout years’ time of my teaching English in the period
of general education renovation, I have myself thought that it is necessary to
reform methods of organizing activities in speaking lessons to motivate students.
I have positively realized that only by organizing pairwork and groupwork
effectively can we interest students in English speaking lessons. These
activities can be considered to be useful techniques which are suitable for the
students’ psychology. They strongly do delight either learners or teachers when
they have skillfully used traditional activities. Besides, they can raise the time
and quality of speaking skill - one of the most important skill of learning and
teaching English.
It is all the reasons above that led me to the choice of the study “Some
measures to raise the effectiveness of Speaking lessons through pair work
and group work activities for grade 10 students at Lam Kinh high school”.
This study is intended to make a modest contribution to an increased
understanding of using pairwork and groupwork activities in teaching English
speaking skill at high schools.
Note: At this page, the paragraph “English is now widely…. to tertiary education” is consulted
from Reference number [2].
II. Aims of the study
With the reasons above in my mind, the specific aims of the study,
accordingly are:
- To introduce pairwork, groupwork and show the advantages and
disadvantages of working in pairs and groups.
- To suggest how to organize pair and group work effectively and how to
deal with initial problems that may arise.
- To show how pairwork and groupwork can be used for various classroom
- To help teachers be confident in using pair and group work themselves.
III. Objects of the study
With the hope of improving the learning English through games, the study
focuses on the Grade 10 students at Lam Kinh high school and English
textbooks grade 10.
IV. Methods of the study
To realize the aims of the study, a variety of methods used: collecting
data, making personal observations, reading reference books, applying in
teaching and drawing out experiences through attending classes.
V. New points of the study
Although the study has some similarities with the previous one, I draw my
attention to measures to raise the effectiveness of Speaking lessons through pair
work and group work activities for grade 10 students at Lam Kinh high school
with the hope of investigating into ways to organise pairwork and groupwork
more effectively in English speaking classes, which make lessons more
interesting and stimulating.
I. Theoretical background
1. Pair work and group work
1.1. Definition of pair work
Pairwork is a classroom activity in which the whole class is divided into
pairs by the teacher. Every student works with his or her partner in pairs and all
the pairs work at the same time. In fact, a pairwork consists of two students
working together at the same time.
Definition of group work
Groupwork is a group of students working together. A class can be
divided into small groups to work together ( usually three or more students in
each group), as in the pairwork, all the groups work at the same time.
2. Advantages and disadvantages of pairwork and groupwork
Pairwork and groupwork have both advantages and disadvantages. These
are mentioned below.
2.1. Advantages
- To increase the amount of student practice: When students work in pairs or
groups they have more chance to practise. By working in pairs or groups
students often feel more willing to talk among themselves in a small group
rather than with a teacher in a large group so that it dramatically increases the
amount of talking for individual students.
- To increase learners’ confidence: The students feel much more comfortable to
speak foreign language with one or two other students rather than with the
whole class and the teacher. Especially shy students or ones who are not good at
speaking language yet feel more relaxed and self-confident trying to put their
language abilities to a test during the activity and seeing how to use them. This
encourages students to cooperarte with one another.
- To motivate students’ fluency: While working in pairs or group abilities,
students can use the language freely and express their opinions and thoughts
without any restrictions. It is difficult not to get the impression that fluency can
be improved only during constant speaking practice in the atmosphere of
independence and in the state of relaxation[5].
- To increase students’ motivation: While working in pairs or groups, the
activities are available. As we know, a huge variety of activities influences the
course of a lesson and its success. The more different activities the teacher use
in the lesson, the bigger their motivtion is. In fact, students’ motivation increases
Note: At this page, the section 2.1. “ advantages ….in the state of relaxation” is consulted
from Reference number [5].
because they are active and feel important during these activities. In keeping
with this, the teacher is going to experiencesuccess in his/her work because
motivated students are usually good languages learners and they always make
2.2. Disadvantages
- To speak native language: One of the disadvantages is that students often
speak in their native language. If the class is really big with too many students, it
is very difficult for the teacher to listen to all pairs or groups at the same time.
However, the teacher can still do something to change situation. The teacher
should estabilish certain rules at the beginning of the school year and be very
strict about them.After sometime the good habit of speaking only English may
be established.
- To make mistakes: An other problem is incorrectness. While students work in
pairs and groups, the teacher usually do not disturb them, even if he/she notices
some mistakes they have made, but we should not forget that errors or mistakes
are an indissoluble element of the process of learning. Besides, students try to
correct each other rather than learn the mistakes. One of the main points of
having learners speak to each other is to help them increase their confidence and
reduce the anxiety that is often found in a purely teacher-centered classroom.
Pairwork and groupwork activities are usually geared to fluency enhancement
rather than accuracy practice.
- To eliminate shy and weak students from the practice: Some shy and weak
students can be eliminated from the practice, because of individuals who always
tend to dominate. It is not a problem when they work in pairs, but as far as the
groups are concerned, the teacher should assign roles to avoid one or two
learners taking over the activity and others becoming passive observers.
- To make noise and indiscipline: Working in pairs and groups in a large class
makes noise and indiscline, the teacher have more troublesome than the learners
have. Participants in a pairwork or groupwork activity are normally unware of
the noise and of what other pairs or groups are doing. The only possible here
could be solved if the classroom had particularly thin walls[5].
II. Practical background
1. Difficulties from students
1.1. Passive learning style
The students are still deeply affected by the old methods such as Grammar
Translation or Audio-lingual Method and the learning environment at lower
secondary school where speaking was not encouraged and focused. They get
used to listening to the teachers, taking notes and doing exercises, not speaking.
1.2. Low level of English language proficiency
While working in pairs or groups, some students can not express ideas in
English because of their poor vocabulary, grammar, and even pronunciation.
Note: At this page, the section 2.2. “disadvantages …particularly thin walls” is consulted
from Reference number [5].
Some of them do not have any knowledge to present the given topic. All these
factors prevent them from participating in pairwork and groupwork. Gradually
they will lose their interest in working in pairwork and groupwork.
1.3. Learners’ fear of making mistakes
Many students are afraid of making mistakes because of their low level of
proficiency and their lack of ideas. They are not confident enough to express
their ideas for the partners.
2. Objectives factors
2.1. Large-sized classes
All classes in Lam Kinh high school consists of more than 45 students, so
that it is very difficult for teachers to organize pairwork and groupwork , to
control the class and to put an eye on every student. During the time working in
pairs or groups, only good and talkative students make use of the chances to
raise their voice, shy and less able students can not be given enough care,
attention and encouragement.
2.2. Lack of reference books and teaching aids
In the school library, reference books are not avalaible. There are only
some reference books for doing exercises. Teachers must self-prepare for their
lesson without school’s helping.
The lack of teaching aids like video recorders, multi-functions projectors
lowers the effectiveness of working in pair and group. Teachers can not show the
pictures or conversations in real life by showing them video clips or TV
1. Solutions
1. 1. Steps of organizing pair and group work
* Select the activity: An activity that is best suited for group work may meet
the following criteria:
- The activity has multiple tasks that can be shared among group members or a
single task, such as generating ideas, that benefit from the participation of all
individuals within a group.
- The activity involves problem solving and discussion
* Presentation: It is advisable to give the instructions before giving out
materials of dividing the class into groups. Try to foresee what language will be
needed, and have a preliminary quick review of appropriate grammar or
vocabulary. Finally before giving the sign to start tell the class what the
arrangements are for stopping: If there is a time limit, or a set signal for
stopping, say what it is; if the groups simply stop when they have finished, then
tell them what they will have to do next. It is wise to have a reserve task planned
to occupy members of groups who finish earlier than expected.
* Preparation of materials: The teacher will need to personally collect, or
organize students to collect, physical specimens for investigation. For example,
if the teacher anticipates doing a lesson on the role of the media, she or he might
ask the students to bring into class examples of newspapers and magazines.
There should be materials sufficient for each group.
* Size and selection of group: Group size normally ranges between 3-5
students. Group size can sometimes go larger, although groups larger than 8 do
not ensure that everyone will participate.
- Group membership can be determined in different ways. A random selection
might be done by "counting off" with students (go around the room
systematically having students count 1, 2, 3, etc, with each numbers representing
a group) or selecting groups on the basis of birth date.
- In a nonrandom selection, groups will be selected based on the teachers' prior
knowledge. Usually, groups are selected to maximize diversity within the group,
since diversity enhances learning. Such groups often have a balance of girls and
boys, and students with differing ability levels. Teachers can also use their best
judgment about personality mixes that would enhance the work of the group.
* Organize students within the group: A highly structured approach would be
that the teacher assigns a specific role to each group member. Depending upon
the task, the roles might include 'materials handler', 'scribe', 'reporter to the large
group' and so on. A semi-structured approach might be that the teacher
recommend certain roles, but leaves it to the group to assign roles.
A more structured approach, with rotation of tasks within a group, is often
used with younger children. A less structured approach can be used with
students with experience in group work or for simple tasks that do not require
that students take on different roles.
* Control the class during students’ working time: Teacher goes from group
to group, pair to pair, monitor, and either contribute or keep out of the way
whichever is likely to be more helpful. If you do decide to intervene, your
contribution may take the form of :
- Providing general approval and support;
- Helping students who are having difficultly;
- Keeping the students using the target language(in many cases your mere
presence will ensure this!)
- Tactfully regulating participation in a discussion where you find some
students are over dominant and others silent.
* Time the group work: The teacher should anticipate student questions about
timing, the task results, sharing with the whole group, and so on. After giving
clear instructions to the students, the teacher should be available to answer
questions, but not interfere with the groups' activities.
It is common in many classrooms that a small group activity constitutes
20 minutes of a 40 minute-period, with 10 minutes allowed for sharing small
group work with the whole class.
* Give feedback: A feedback session usually takes place in the context of fullclass interaction after the end of the group work. Feedback on the tasks may take
many forms:
- Giving the right solution, if there is one.
- Listening to and evaluating suggestions.
- Pooling ideas on the board.
- Displaying the meterials the groups/ pairs have produced.
1.2. Some difficulties of pair work and group work and suggested solutions
* High noise level: If pair work is successful, it's noisy. In a normally crowded
classroom equipped with easily movable desks or tables, the problem can be
alleviated by keeping as much distance as possible between the pairs. The best
‘solution,’ however is simply to keep pair-work sessions short — twenty
minutes is probably a reasonable maximum. A high level of noise can be
tolerated for approximately that amount of time. If the session lasts longer, the
noise will become distracting and annoying.
* Furniture: The best furniture for an ESL classroom is small, light tables, and
simple, light chairs; these can easily be rearranged for pair work. But, of course,
many classrooms are not ideally furnished for ESL work. Large tables are
difficult to move and to arrange but if they are accompanied by light, movable
chairs, they can often be left in place and chairs placed opposite each other on
both sides.
* Partners with no information to offer: Since information exchange is
essential to pair work, if one student in a group has no information to exchange,
the activity will fail. When pair work is preceded by an ‘information-acquiring
activity’, this problem can be largely eliminated by making sure that everyone
understands their material well. And of course it is also important to make sure
that the information and the method of conveying it are appropriate for the
students’ level.
The best way to alleviate this difficulty is by ‘rotation’- having students
change partners - once, twice, or more - during the activity. Doing this means
that each of the conversations will have to be kept quite short in order to keep
the whole activity within the twenty-minute time span, but that, it is to be hoped,
will bring a healthy intensity to the conversations.
2. Methods for implementation
In order to organize pairwork and groupwork more effectively, the
teachers and students should do the following things :
2.1. To the teachers
* Teachers should have a good preparation: They should prepare a various
materials for lessons with pictures and information, then teachers should create a
good atmosphere for students to take part in pairwork or groupwork by noticing
something such as creating pairs and groups. Teachers have to decide how to put
individual students into pairs or groups and with which of their classmates. The
teachers can base such decisions on any one of the following principles:
friendship (to put friends with friends), streaming (mixture of weaker and
stronger students), chance (for no special reasons of friendship, ability or level
of participation), changing groups (to change parners often).
* Teachers should design activities with a purpose: Normally, every real life
communication has a purpose to convey information. Activities in the language
classroom stimulate communivation outside the classroom when they are
structured with such a purpose. In other words, the clearer the purpose of the
discussion is the more motivated students will be. Moreover, teachers should
base the activities on easy language. Generally, the level of language needed for
a discussion should be lower than used in intensive learning activities in the
same class. The language required for a discussion should be easily recalled and
produced by students so that they can speak fluently. In some cases, pre-teaching
or reviewing essential vocabulary before the activity starts is a good idea.
* Teachers should use task-based activities: In real life, people use language
to perform tasks such as solving problems, developing plans or teaching. The
use of similar task-based activities inside the classroom will encourage students
to use the language.
* Teachers’ attitude towards students: During the time of working in pairs and
groups, teachers’ attitude towards students will decide the success of the lesson
such as: observing, listening and how to help students, giving encouragement
and even giving feedback. Teachers should use different ways of giving
feedback or correcting errors for different lessons. For lessons that focus on
form like grammar lessons, direct and immediate feedback and error correction
are needed and expected. However, in communicative lessons like speaking, the
flow of talk should not be interrupted by the teachers’corrections. Teachers
should only give feedback and correct errors after students already finish the
task. When giving feedback, teachers should give feedback on both form and
content. It is advisable that the teachers should encourage students to selfcorrect. Giving feedback and correcting errors are als good ways to motivate
students as it is a useful comprehension for students and it shows that the
teachers really listen to what they say.
2.2. To students
Students should participate in pair and group positively with the highest
motivation. They should become active speakers in the class with the careful
prepararion of knowledge. Students should improve their background
knowledge by reading supplementary materials in terms of videotapes or reading
texts from the internet or other sources like magazines or newspapers. Students
should be aware that confidence is especially imporatnt in working in pair or
group. If they are afraid of making mistakes, afraid of losing face, they can not
make use of the chances to express their ideas and show their language use.
Their teachers and friends will not laugh at them but help them correct their
mistakes which later results in their progress.
3. Some suggested exercises of working in pairs and groups and their
Pairwork and groupwork can be organized in teaching process about
English skills such as listening, reading, writing, speaking and grammar. These
are some kinds of exercises that are suitable for pairwork and groupwork.
3.1. Warm up: that is the first part before teaching the main content of the
lesson. Teachers often organize a simple activity to help students to be familiar
with the topic and do not need to spend much time. Its purpose is to create
excitement encourage students to work.
Example 1:
English 10 (Basic curriculum) ( page 14, 15)
Aims: to revise the names of school subjects .
- Teacher asks students to close their books.
- Teacher delivers the first handout.
1. Civic education
a. Toán
2. Technology
b. Vật lý
3. Maths
c. Tin học
4. Literature
d. Thể dục
5. Physics
e. Địa lí
6. Biology
f. Giáo dục công dân
7. Chemistry
g. Văn học
8. Physical education
h. Lịch sử
9. Geography
i. Công nghệ
10. History
j. Sinh học
11. Informatics
k. Hoá học
- Teacher asks them to match one item in column A with one item in column B.
- Teacher asks them to work in groups in 2 minutes, then checks this exercise in
- Teacher asks students to read aloud the names of these subjects in chorus.
Suggested keys:
1-f ; 2-i ; 3 - a; 4 - g; 5 - b; 6 - j;
7 - k; 8 - d; 9 - e; 10 - h; 11 - c.
Example 2:
English 10 (Basic curriculum) ( page 134, 135)
WARMUP: Film categorization
- Teacher divides the class into small groups of 3 and 4.
- Teacher sticks the following· film posters on the blackboard or the walls
(alternatively, T can print these posters and distribute them to Ss):
- Teacher asks students to match the films with the correct types
- Teacher calls on some representatives to report the results of their group work
and gives correct answers.
Suggested keys: 1. Action film
2. Cartoon
3. Love story film
4. Horror film
5. Detective film
6. Science fiction film
7. War film
3.2. Controlled oral practice - pattern practice: This can be done in pairs and
groups in the same way as the likes/dislikes’ activity. Any controlled oral
practice can be done first with the whole class and then in pairs.Teachers often
organize activities to create conditions for all students who could participate in
practicing the speaking skill.
Example 1:
English 10 (Basic curriculum) ( page 14, 15)
Task 2 and Task 3. Talk about Quan’s activities, using the pictures below and
then tell your classmates about your daily routine[1].
- Asks students to work in pairs to describe about Quan’s activities( base on the
pictures), then ask and answer about their daily routine at that time.
T: Look at picture a, what does Quan do at 14:00?
S: He gets up after taking a short nap.
T: What do you usually do at 14:00?
S: I usually do my homework....
- Teacher suggests some phrases if necessary: to get up, to read books, to watch
TV, to go to school, to play football, to go home, to have a shower, to go to the
- Teacher asks students to fill the information in the following table. (Give each
pair a handout).
Note: At this page, the images are derived from Reference number [6], the example 1 is
extracted from Reference number [1].
Using the pictures in your textbook, describe Quan’s daily activities and find
the same information about your partner.
Quan usually…..
Your partner usually…….
- After 5 minutes, asks some pairs to practise in front of class.
Example 2:
English 10 (Basic curriculum) ( page 35)
Task 2. Imagine you are a journalist. Use the cues below to interview a
classmate about his/ her background or that of a person he/ she knows well.
Change the roles when you have finished[1].
- For weaker students, teacher should give them a handout to make it easier.
Note: At this page, the example 2 is extracted from Reference number [1].
Greeting: Hello/Hi/ Good morning…
Date of birth: When were you born?
Place of birth:Where were you born?
Home: Where are you living now ?
or Where do you live?
Parents: Can you tell me about your parents?
(name/ age/ occupation,…)
Brother(s)/ Sister(s):
How many brothers/ sisters have you got?
Primary school/ Secondary school
What’s the name of your primary school /
secondary school?
Schoolwork: How do you work at school?
Favourite subject(s):
What subject(s) do you like best?
Experience:Were you a member of any clubs?
Thanking: Thank you very much.
3.3. Practicing short dialogues: Acting out short dialogues can very easily be
done in pairs, with little chance of students making mistakes. It can be done first
with pairs of students in front of the class, and then with all the students working
in pairs at the same time.
Example 1:
English 10 (Basic curriculum) ( page 56)
Task 1: Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the uses of modern
cell phone
TV [6]
Note: At this page, the example 1 is extracted from Reference number [1] and the images in
task 1 are derived from Reference number [6]
fax machine
electric cooker
air-conditioner [6]
- Teacher have students work in pairs: Asks and answers questions about the
uses of modern inventions following the example.
A: Can/Could you tell me what a cell phone is used for?
B: Well, it’s used to talk to people when you are away from home.
- Teacher takes notes the form of the questions and answers:
Can / Could you tell me what + Noun + is use for ?
Well. It is used to +inf ( it is used for +v-ing)
- Teacher asks some pairs to report.
A: Can/Could you tell me what the radio is used for?
B: Well, it’s used to listen to the news and learn foreign languages.
A: Can/Could you tell me what the TV is used for?
B: Well, it’s used to watch football matches, and TV game shows.
A: Can/Could you tell me what the fax machine is used for?
B: Well, it’s used to send and receive letters quickly.
A: Can/Could you tell me what the electric cooker is used for?
B: Well, it’s used to cook rice and keep rice warm.
A: Can/Could you tell me what the air conditioner is used for?
B: Well, it’s used to keep the air cool when it’s hot and vice versa.
Example 2:
English 10 (Basic curriculum) ( page 145, 146)
Task 2: Work in pairs. Look at the table below. Ask and answer questions[1].
Aims: Students can talk about the World Cup tournaments.
- Teacher asks students to read the information about 17 World Cup
tournaments in the table.
Note: At this page, the images are derived from Reference number [6] and the example 2 is
extracted from Reference number [1].
- Teacher reads the model dialogue aloud and then asks two pairs to read the
dialogue again.
A: Where was the first World Cup held?
B: It was held in Uruguay
A: Which teams played in the final match?
B: Uruguay and Argentina.
A: Which teams became the champion?
B: Uruguay
A: What was the score of the match?
B: 4-2
- Teacher asks students to work in pairs to make similar dialogues about the
World Cup tournaments.
- Teacher moves round to make sure that students are working and to help if
- Teacher asks students to compare their answers with other pairs.
- Teacher asks some pairs to report.
3.4. Reading a text and answering questions: Students can discuss questions
in pairs or groups and then read the text: or they can read the text silently, and
then ask and answer questions in pairs or groups. This is a good way of
involving the whole class in answering questions.
Example 1:
English 10 (Basic curriculum) ( page 106, 107)
Task 1: Work in pairs. Read the paragraphs and answer the questions[1].
Instruction: You are required to work in pairs to put the actions in the order of
importance and then say what we should or should not do.
- Teacher asks students to read through the two paragraphs.
- Teacher elicits or teaches some new words:
+ sensitive (adj): quick to respond to, or be affected by
+ slight changes, signals, or influences
+imprison (v): put or keep in prison
+ reconstruct (v): build again
+ breed (v): cause (an animal) to produce offspring
+ reintroduce (v): put (a species of animal or plant) back into a former
- Teacher aks students to work in pairs to discuss the two questions in the book
using the information in paragraph A · and B.
- Teacher goes around to observe students working.
- Teacher asks some students to present their answers.
Note: At this page, the example 1 is extracted from Reference number [1], the meanings of
new words “ sensitive, .… reintroduce” are consulted from Reference number [3].
Suggested answers:
1. They are opened to help endangered species develop.
2. The animals are not kept in cages. They can live in their natural
Example 2:
English 10 (Basic curriculum) ( page 126)
Task 1: Read the text and answer the questions about the text.
“Yes, I love pop music. It keeps me happy. I really like the Backstreet Boys –
they are easy to listen to. Their songs cheer me up whenever I feel bad. I listen
to them all the time. I’ve got a Walkman so I can listen to music when I’m out.
At home, I always have the radio on and I watch pop programmes on TV” [1].
- Teacher gives the instruction: You going to read what Ha Anh says about music. Work in pairs to answer the questions.
- Teacher give students some new words:
+ keep sb happy: make sb happy
+ cheer sb up: make sb happier/more cheerful
- Teacher asks one student to read the passage aloud.
- Teacher asks students to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
- Teacher goes around to observe students working.
- Teacher ask some students to present their answers in front of the class.
- Teacher get feedback and give correct answers:
Questions and answers:
1. What kind of music does Ha Anh like?→ She likes pop music.
2. Why does she listen to it? →Because it keeps her happy.
3. What is her favorite band? → The Backstreet Boys.
4. When does she listen to music?→ She listens to music all the time[4].
3.5. Short writing exercises: Students can sit in groups and decide together
what to write - one student acts as “secretary”. This can be difficult to organize,
but in a large class it has the advantage that students correct each other’s mistake
and the teacher only has a few papers to mark at the end. Pairwork can be used
for correcting written work (e.g. homework) - students sit in pairs and correct
what their partner has written.
English 10 (Basic curriculum) ( page 107)
Task 3: Work in groups. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of zoos of
the new kind. Use the given words or phrases
- To make it easier, teacher can redesign the task by asking students to complete
the sentences using the given words and phrases. After working in groups of 4,
the representatives will read aloud a complete sentence.
Note: At this page, the example 2 is extracted from Reference number [1], the section
“Questions and answers” is consulted from Reference number [4].
1/ I’d like / talk / about / advantages.
-> I’d like to talk about the advantages.
2/ They / be / good conditions.
> They are in good conditions.
3/ They / have / better food.
-> They may have better food.
4/ They / develop / better / natural environment.
-> They may develop better in their natural environment.
1/ I’d like / talk / about / disadvantages.
-> I’d like to talk about the disadvantages.
2/ We / spend / a lot / money / on / reconstruct / animals’ natural environment.
-> We may spend a lot of money on reconstructions of the animals’ natural
3/ Keepers/ have/ dangers when they take care/ wild animals.
-> Keepers may have the dangers when they take care of wild animals.
- Teacher goes round and help if necessary.
3.6. Discussion: With more advanced classes, discussion can be conducted in
groups. It is important to define the discussions clearly, and to ask each group to
report their conclusions afterwards.
Example 1:
English 10 (Basic curriculum) ( page 135)
Task 4: Work in groups. Talk about a film you have seen. Use the suggestions
Aims: Sts can talk about the film they have seen.
- Teacher asks students to work in groups to ask and answer about a film they
have seen using the suggestions given in the textbook.
Questions: 1. Where did you see it?
2. What kind of film is it?
3. What is it about?
4. Who is/are the main character(s)?
5. How do you feel about it?
6. Why do you prefer it to other films?
- Teacher asks students to take turns to talk about the films they have seen.
- Teacher goes around to help students and asks some students to present.
E.g: I saw " Sand life" at the cinema. It is a love story film. It is about the life of
a soldier after the war. He has already been married but after the war he returns
with another woman. Life with two wives is definitely not easy. I feel sorry for
the soldiers' life after the war. I like the film because of its humane value.
Note: At this page, the example 1 is extracted from Reference number [1].
Example 2:
English 10 (Basic curriculum) ( page 147)
Task 3: Work in groups. Take turns to talk about the World Cup winners, using
the information in the table in task 2[1].
- Teacher introduces the task: You are going to take turns to talk about the World
Cup winners in different years.
- Teacher asks students to read the model in the textbook.
Model: The first World Cup was held in Uruguay in 1930. The final match was
between Uruguay and Argentina. Uruguay defeated Argentina by 4 to 2…
- Teacher asks students to work in groups and take turns to talk about the WC
winner in a certain year.
- Teacher goes around to check and to offer help.
- Teacher asks students to talk about different World Cup.
Suggested answer:
The 17th World Cup was help in Korea and Japan in 2002. The final match was
between Brazil and Germany. Brazil defeated Germany by 2 to 0. Brazil becema
the champion and Germany was the runner- up.
3.7. Do grammar exercises: Students can do grammar exercises orally in pairs;
the teacher goes through the answers afterwards with the whole class, and
students write the exercises for homework. This is more interesting and
productive than students doing exercises alone in silence.
Example :
English 10 (Basic curriculum) ( page 115)
Task 2: Work in pairs. Imagine that you are Nga’s classmates and you are not
happy with the excursion to Huong Pagoda. Now you are talking with some
friends about what you wish you had or hadn’t done[1].
Aims: Students can talk about their excursion to Huong Pagoda and express
their regrets.
- Before students do the task, Teacher asks students to read the examples in the
textbook and recall what grammatical structure is used in the example.
Examples: If we hadn’t gone by coach, we wouldn’t have got carsick.
If we had gone by bike, we wouldn’t have got carsick.
- Teacher revises the conditional sentence type 3 by giving an example:
+ Eg: If I had had money, I would have bought this car. (But I didn’t have
money and so I didn’t buy it.)
- Teacher ask students to look at the example and tell the teacher the form as
well as the form of the conditional sentence type 3.
+Form: If + S + past perfect, S + would/ could +have + P II.
+Use: The third conditional is used to talk unreal situations in the past.
- Teacher asks students to work in pairs to make similar sentences orally.
- Teacher goes around to help students.
- Teacher asks students to compare their answers with another pairs.
Note: At this page, the examples are extracted from Reference number [1].
- Teacher calls on some pairs to speak out their answers in front of the class.
Suggested keys:
2. If we had brought enough food and drinks we wouldn’t have spent a lot of
money eating in expensive restaurants.
3. If some of us hadn’t had food poisoning we could have enjoyed our visit.
4. If we had had rain coats, we wouldn’t have got wet and have got a cold.
5. If some of us hadn’t left our luggage on the coach when we arrived, we could
have had clothes and money with us.
6. If we had been careful when walking in Huong Pagoda, we wouldn’t have got
7. If we hadn’t thrown wast in the forest, we wouldn’t have got a fine.
8. If we had stayed there more than one day, we could have visited all the
In short, using groupwork and pairwork is a good way to teach English
for students. Teacher should use these activities effectively to encourage the
studying spirit of students.
IV. Results after applying the study in teaching
By organizing pair work and group work, students in my class
become more confident in English class. Once I give a task and ask them to
work in pairs or groups they can understand and do it successfully. During the
practice, students can help each other to correct their mistakes in pronunciation,
intonation or grammar. After a year applying pair work and group work
activities in teaching English at Lam Kinh high school, I have got some
satisfactory results. Most of my students have become more interested in
learning English and of course their ability to use English in communication has
been improved step by step. In each lesson, students are more active, more
flexible and enthusiastic participation in the speaking lessons.
That is the main reason of the following results from the test of
speaking carried out during the recent school year at my school in comparison
with those before being applied as follows:
Note: At this page, the section “Suggested answers” is consulted from Reference number [4].
Table 1:
Before applying
( 44
students) students)
The number of students scoring proficient
The number of students scoring pretty
The number of students scoring average
The number of students scoring below
11,4 %
38,6 %
2,2 %
15,2 %
39,1 %
50 %
43,5 %
Table 2:
After applying
The number of students scoring proficient
The number of students scoring pretty
The number of students scoring average
The number of students scoring below
( 44
students) students)
11,4 %
36,4 %
27,3 %
19,6 %
47,8 %
15,2 %
24,9 %
17,4 %
Comparing the results obtained from the two tables above, I can see the
progress of the students when speaking English through pair work and group
work activities with these methods. As can be seen in the Table 1, the percentage
of students getting bad marks in the speaking test accounts for more than 50%
and the rate of students scoring good or excellent makes up for below 15%.
From the second table, after the adoption of measures to organize pair work and
group work in teaching speaking skill, the percentage of students scoring at or
above average has increased significantly (from about 50% in Table 1 to about
80% in Table 2).
I. Summary of the study
In these activities, we can unexpectedly happen to realize students’ talents
because they are equal to students, easy to work, suitable for the whole class
even weak students. Furthermore, the students who hardly prepare the lessons
might have high scores in the activities because quick-wittedness and
intelligence are much more important than understanding about everything. The
sense of equality, atmosphere of excitement, feeling of the fair work in students’
reach, spirit of solidarity, the factors of which help students to ignore their
shyness which prevents them from speaking freely and actively. This has a great
influence on teaching results.
This result indicates that the measures which I have applied to organize
pair work and group work effectively to grade 10 students at Lam Kinh high
school have yielded positive results. Students are not only able to speak English
fluently but also feel excited about learning speaking lessons with different pairs
or groups. They no longer have to meet the psychological fear of speaking
English in public or short tests of speaking. On the contrary, the foreign
language lessons becomes more fun and more exciting.
II. Suggestions for further study
Obviously, small groups or pairs of students working together is a highly
effective and essential strategy for teaching English. It can improve motivation
and contribute to a feeling of cooperation and warmth on the class. However, it
is concluded that pair work and group work are best used when they are not the
only classroom interaction pattern, but when they are combined with other
strategies. Besides pair and group work, students can also complete activities
individually and as a class. Mixing up the structure of the activities will keep
classes interesting. Therefore, teacher had better plan the lessons to include
teacher-centered work, individual work and pair work as well as group work.
Surely, this study can not avoid having limitations and making mistakes.
Therefore, I would like teachers to contribute your sincere ideas so that I will
have perfect and suitable methods of teaching English for high school students. I
hope it will be helpful for teaching English at high school and suitable for
communicative teaching approach.
Exeperience initiative’s Writer
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