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Teaching the students of class 11a3 to speak english naturally throngh using effortless english method at quan son 2 upper secandary school in quan son, thanh hoa

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Table of content

1.1. Rationale……………………………………………………………… 1
1.2. Research scope………………………………………………… … …... 1
1.3. Aim of the study………………………………………………….. …... 2
1.4. Methods of the study……………………………………………………..2
2.1. Effortless English………………………………………………..…………3
2.2. Seven essential rules of “ Effortless English” method………….…….....…3
Chapter 3: The application of “effortless english”
Method in teaching the students of class 11A3 to speak
naturally at Quan Son 2 Upper Secondary
3.1. The purpose…………………………………………….……………… .10
3.2. The participants………………………………………………………
3.3. Time and the process of this application…………………………………..10
3.4. Some important points of” Effortless English” method used in this study.10
3.5 Some suggested listening topics…………………..…………………........ 11
3.6. An illustrating example for a lesson……………………………………….11

3.7. The result and findings of the study……………………………………….16
( enclosed CD with the listening tracks of the illustrating lesson)

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Rationale
In the last two decades, English has been a compulsory subject in
schools, colleges and universities throughout Vietnam. Although, the learning
and teaching of English have been paid much attention to, there exits certain
problems in learning English in Vietnam, especially in upper- secondary
schools. Despite the fact that upper- secondary school students have a large
amout of vocabulary and structure, they tend to find that it is difficult to use
what they have to speak, especially in communication in real life.
The GCSE examination and the entrance examination for uppersecondary school students are replaced by only one examination- the national
examination. English is one of the core subjects, which are complusory in
this examination. Therefore, Students have invested a lot of time in studying
However, it can be said that most of students are stressed and frustrated
about their speaking abilities. Some feel completely hopeless and feel they
will never be able to speak English powerfully.
Generally speaking, students often feel nervous or shy when they try to
speak English. They even struggle to understand what someone is saying to
them despite years of study. They are embarrassed about their pronunciation
or worried that they speak too slowly. Despite the fact that they have
vocabulary and grammar, it is difficult for them to actually to use their

English to speak.
Quan Son is one of the mountainous districts of Thanh Hoa province.
The living condition and studying condition are poor and restrict. Although
students who are in grade 11 have been learning English for 6 years, they still
feel that English is a very difficult subject, especially the speaking skill. They
have many difficulties in using English to speak or communicate with others.
Besides, Quan Sơn has the boder with Lao and a lot of foreigners come here
every year. They mainly use English to communicate with people living here.
However, most of them can’t speak English, even students.
For these reasons, I would like to choose the topic” teaching the
students of class 11A3 to speak english naturally
through “effortless english” method at Quan Son 2
upper- secondary school in Quan Son, Thanh Hoa” in the
hope of guiding upper-secondary students, especially the students of class
11A3 at Quan Son 2 upper- secondary school the ways to speak English
naturally. I also expect that this study may help the students be able to
gradually speak English easier and more fluently without hesitation and
1.2. Reseach scope


The study focuces on applying” Effortless English” method in teaching
speaking to the students who are in grade 11 so that they can speak English
easily and naturally in studying as well as in real life.
1.3. Aim of the study
The study is aimed to help the students of class 11A3 use English naturally in
speaking step by step.
1.4. Methods of the study

In order to achieve the above aim, the teacher supplies topic- listening videos or
tapes . After that, students will have time to lisen them again and again. After
listening in a period of time, they will gradually know spoken English and speak

Chapter 2: Literature review

2.1. Effortless English
“Effortless English” is a teaching method developed by A. J. Hoge- a
native English teacher. He is the author of ” Effortless English- Learn to speak
like a native”, the host of “ The Effortless English Show” with over 40 million
downloads worldwide. This method includes seven essential rules for learning
English which can lead learners to fluency.

“Effortless English” is going to be the result of the work learners put in
everyday. By following his system, learners will make progress and achieve
the result of speaking naturally and “ effortlessly” ( unforced, without stress,
hesitation or nervousness).
In other words, “effortless” is the result, not the beginning. The goal is to
speak English efforlessly. In fact, the name Effortless English was inspired by
the Taoist idea of “ wu wei” or effortless effort. It’s a description of that flow
state where learners can be expanding a lot of effort and yet it feels totally
effortless and natural, not forced.
So the point is that “Effortless English” is not about laziness, quick, fixes
or impossible scams… “Effortless English” mean learners speak English
fluently. They do not struggle as they speak. They do not feel nervous or
stressed. They do not think about grammar rules or translation.
When learners speak English effortlessly, they communicate their ideas

clearly. They express their feelings powerfully. They focus on connecting with
other people, not on conjugating verbs. They actually enjoy the process of
speaking English as they work, travel and learn.
Effortless English enables learners to learn English naturally and
autommatically- the way children learn before they enter school.
In this method, learners are trained to speak English easily, fluently and
2.2. Seven essensial rules of “Effortless English” method
2.2.1 The first rule- Learn phrases, not individual words
A phrase is a group of words. It’s not a whole sentence but a part of a
sentence. When finding a new word, learners always write down the phrase it
is in. When they review, they always review all of the phrase not an individual
word. For example, they have the word "hate", and they want to learn this new
word. They just write down the word "hate", and then they will find in their
dictionary the meaning and then they'll memorize it. Hate, hate, hate, hate.

That's the old way. In school they probably remembered a lot of individual
words. They had those big vocabulary lists, they tried to memorize all of them,
trying to remember all these individual single words. It's not a good way to
Much better if they learn a phrase, a group of words. They find these
phrases in the real English podcasts that they're listening to, in the real English
story books that they're reading. So they don't memorize a list in a book. They
listen to real English and when they hear a new word they write it down. Or
when they're reading a story book and they see a new word, they write it
down. But do not just write down that word, they write down the whole
Instead of saying "hate", and they just write down "hate", they would

say... they would write down "John hates ice-cream". They write down the
whole phras, because phrases give they a lot of information, much more
Firstly, phrases are easier to remember, because they have meaning, they
have a kind of a picture, a story, especially when learners get them from
something that they're reading or listening to. They'll remember it. "John hates
ice-cream". They remember the whole story, they remember who John is, they
remember that he had ice-cream and then they remember he hated it, he didn't
like it. So they have all these extra pieces of information, all this extra
information helps them remember the meaning of the phrase and the meaning
of that word. So it helps their memory. Much easier to remember.
Secondly, when they learn phrases, they are learning grammar also. They
are not only learning an individual word, they're learning grammar, they're
learning how to use that word correctly. They don't need to think about the
grammar. They don't need to know the rules. It's automatic. This is another
way that native speakers learn English grammar. They learn groups of words,
not just one word by one word by one word. Word by word is slow and it
doesn't help, and they don't learn any grammar. But when they learn a whole
phrase, they write down a phrase, they're getting extra information. .
For example "John hates ice-cream". Just that word, that -s on the end:
"hates", John hates. They know from grammar study that they're making the
subject and the verb agree. They don't need to think about that. Just write
down the phrase "John hates ice-cream" and study it, and review it. Always
learn the phrase, not just that word. And so, in the future, whenever they say
"he hates ice-cream", "she hates ice-cream", they will add that S, the "sss",
because that's how they learned it. They learned it correctly.
On the other hand, if they learn it from a text book, they just learn: the
word "hate" means "does not like". And they only learn that form, "hate",
"hate", "hate", and they study, they study, they study, they memorize it. That's
when they start making mistakes, because they learned it only this one way.

They didn't learn it with other words, so sometimes they'll say "he hate icecream". They'll forget the S because they, they never learned it correctly in a

Therefore, every time they find a new word, they shoud write the phrase
or the sentence. When they review that word again, when they study it again,
always study the entire phrase or sentence. Never study just the word, always
the whole phrase. Do this every time. Their grammar will begin to improve.
It'll improve much faster. And they'll remember the vocabulary faster and more
easily. And they will use that vocabulary more quickly. So they get a lot of
great benefits. A lot of great stuff happens when they learn phrases instead of
words. Therefore, students shoud learn phrases, not individual word as the first
rule when they want to speak English easier and more fluently.
2.2.2. The second rule- Grammar study kills your English speaking
When learners study grammar rules, they focus on grammar rules, they
focus on analysing English. In other words, they think about English, they
think about the past tense, the present tense, the future, the present perfect, the
past perfect. For writing English, They can go slowly, they can write very
slowly, they can think about it, they can erase when they mistake.
But for speaking there's no time. They do not have time to think about the
rules for the present perfect tense in English when they're listening and
speaking. There's no time. Someone asked them a question, and they must
answer immediately. They have no time to think about preposition, verb
How do native speakers learn grammar? An English native speaker
never studied grammar rules. Not until high school, and he/she studied
grammar rules for writing. In college, native speakers study grammar rules
again. For writing. But not for speaking. Native speakers learn through
listening, through hearing correct grammar, again and again and again and

again. A lot of correct grammar. So the best way to learn English grammar is
through input. In other words, English coming in, mostly through their ears . If
they focus on grammar rules, it will hurt their speaking. They'll speak more
slowly, they'll understand more slowly.
In conclusion, to speaking English naturallly, learners should not care
much about grammar rules.
2.2.3. The third rule- Learn with your ears, not with your eyes
Listening, listening, listening and more listening is the key to speaking
excellent English. It's the most important thing because if learners listen a lot,
they will learn vocabulary, grammar so they will get faster and understand
Listening is kind of the magic key to great English speaking. There's a lot
of research about this and it all shows the same thing: listening is the most
important thing they can do. When they learned English in school they
probably learned mostly with their eyes. Most English schools, middle school,
high school, university, private English schools focus on text books in the
classroom. So that's the problem. In school, basically, they learn with their
eyes, learn to write English. They also learn to think about English. So they
know a lot about grammar rules. In fact, they know more about grammar rules
than most Americans, most Canadians, most British people because native

speakers don't study that stuff very much. Native speakers learn to speak
English with their ears, by listening, listening, listening. And that's what they
must do if they want to speak English quickly, easily, automatically, correctly,
just like a native speaker.
The most important thing is they must listen to easy English. It must be
easy. What they should understand 95% [per cent] or more without stopping,
without a dictionary. They want a lot of easy English listening. Now, they

might try children's programmes. They might try children's audio books. Or
maybe audio books for teenagers, like Americans who are 13, 14, 15 years old.
If that's too difficult, find something easier.
If something's more difficult they can still use it, but they usually need
the text, they need to be able to read it. They can get an audio article or a
speech, or a lesson, and they have the text, so they can read and listen at the
same time. But listening is the most important thing. Listen, listen, listen.
Every chance they have. Get an i-pod, they know, get an MP3 player or an ipod. Listen to English all the time. Listen in the morning when they get up,
listen when they go to work, or when they're at home, listen when they're at
lunch, listen when they're coming home from work, listen in the evening. Lots
and lots and lots of English listening. Lots of easy listening.
2.2.4. The fourth rule- Repetition is the key to spoken mastery
Deep learning basically means repeating what they learn again and again.
Most schools have a lot of pressure to go fast. Students have to learn more
vocabulary, new grammar every week. So, the problem is, the students learn a
lot of stuff, but then they forget it, they forget what they learnt. Or they
remember the basic idea but they can't use it. So, for example, all students who
have studied English learned the past tense, they learned the past tense, but
they studied it in a text book and then, they went and they learned more
grammar. They learned possessives, the future, the present perfect, etc………
They're constantly going very fast, so they never mastered the past tense.
They did not learn the past tense deeply like a native speaker. That's why they
make mistakes with the past tense. They studied many years but they still
make mistakes with the past tense. It's because they never mastered it,.
So they need to slow down and repeat everything they learn again and
again. For example, when people use Efforrtless English lessons, they listen to
the same lesson set, the same group of lessons, the same topic, every day for
two weeks. It's the same lessons, maybe two or three lessons, they listen to the
same ones on Monday, Tuesday, same lessons, Wednesday, same lessons,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, for one week, two weeks. If it's still difficult, then

they do it again, three weeks, four weeks. It's not a race. They want to learn
everything very deeply so that they really learn it, so that they never forget it,
so they can really use it. That's deep learning.
They can have a few things or maybe they have two or three audio
articles and each day they listen to them all, but then they repeat them again.
They're learning deeply. Even after they know the vocabulary, continue
listening to the same thing. Because knowing the vocabulary just means they

can take a test and they say the meaning, but when they hear it, do they
instantly understand it? Can they use it quickly and easily, automatically? If
the answer's no, they need to repeat more, they need to listen to that same
word, phrase, sentence, article, lesson, again and again and again. Many, many
times. This is one of the key secrets to speaking faster and learn grammar.
For example they listen to a story in the past tense. Listen to that story
again and again , one week, two weeks, three weeks. Then another story in the
past tense, one week, two weeks, three weeks. And then another story in the
past tense, one week, two weeks, three weeks. They never stop!
So they never stop this basic, key, verb tenses, grammar, learning all of it,
-... the most common words, they keep listening to them like a native speaker,
they hear them every single day. They repeat them again and again.
They just need more repetition, they learn more deeply. Focusing on the
most common verbs, the most common vocabulary, the most common English,
through listening and then repeat. When they do that, that's the key, that's the
secret, that's how they will develop, that's how they will get automatic
2.2.5. The fifth rule- Learn grammar intuitively and unconsciously
We tell the same story but we change the point of view. In other words,
we change the time, for example. Or we change the grammar somehow in the

For exaple:
There is a boy, his name is Bill. Bill goes to the store. He buys a bottle of
water. He pays two dollars for the water. He has a lot of money.
That's the little story in the present, and all they need to do is just listen to
it. Listen, listen, listen, listen again. Deep learning, they repeat it a lot of
There was a boy named Bill. Yesterday, he went to the store. He bought a
bottle of water. He paid two dollars for the water. He had a lot of money.
. Now, in a normal point-of-view story, longer and it's more difficult.
Don't think about the grammar rules, they do not think "oh, this is the past
tense, oh, paid is an irregular verb". Just listen to the story and understand the
meaning. That's all they need to do. Listen to the first story, understand the
meaning. Listen to the second story, understand the meaning. That's all.
There will be a boy. His name will be Bill. He's going to go to the store
and he'll buy a bottle of water. He's going to pay two dollars for the water.
So that's the end of our short example in the future. They just listen to
this little easy story in the future. They listen in the present. They listen to the
past. They listen to the future. And then they can do it again, they can practise
There was a boy. Since last year, he has gone to the store every day. He

has bought a bottle of water every day. And every day, since last year, he has
paid two dollars for the water. He had a lot of water. He was a very famous
So, they don't need to know the name of the grammar or the verb tense
that are used. It's called the present perfect but they don't need to know that.

All they need to do is listen to the story. They understand the meaning.
But they don't need to think about that. That's why these stories are so easy
and powerful. They just listen. They listen to story number one. They listen to
the story number two, the story number three, the story number four, and they
learn the grammar like a native speaker, like a child. When they learn grammar
like this, using these kinds of stories, it goes deep. They learn to use grammar
automatically, quickly. They learn to understand it instantly, quickly,
automatically. They don't need to think about a bunch of rules. They
Forget the rules, they don't need to know them. They want to learn it
automatically, the same way all native speakers learned English grammar.
Learn English grammar using these point-of-view stories. Their grammar, their
speaking grammar will really improve quickly, and they'll feel more relaxed
because they'll start to use correct grammar automatically, they won't even
think about it. They can stop thinking so much. They can just relax, listen and
2.2.6. The sixth rule- Learn real English and trash your textbook
Rule number 6 is to use real English materials. Only use real English
materials that are for native speakers or that are very similar to native speaker
materials. For example, when learners read, don't read text books. Text books
are terrible things to read, they don't want to use those. If they want to read
English, and reading is great, they should read easy English story books. Easy
maybe a romance book, maybe an adventure story. It should be an easy story.

They should focus on your listening. Their listening should be 80% of
your learning. they should listen to easy English that they enjoy. They should
enjoy the speaker, their voice, their energy and the topics. Listen to people
who are speaking more naturally. Just like these videos are good to listen to,
They can also find audio books. Audio books are another great way to
practise your listening. An audio book is just a book that someone's reading
and they're recorded, so instead of reading the book, they listen to the book.
Again, choose audio books that are easy. They may need to start with
children's story books. Enjoy them, it's more fun than a text book.. As they get
better, when their level is higher, they can listen to audio books for young
adults or for older children. And they just keep listening, listening, and when
it's too easy then they choose something a little more difficult and they listen,
and a little more difficult. Eventually, when they are advanced, they can listen
to CNN or the BBC or American movies, British movies, Australian movies,
etc. But that's at an advanced level. In the beginning start with easy stuff.
Therefore, they're always choosing these real things: audio books,
podcasts, movies, TV shows (they can be children's TV shows, that's ok). Not
text books and not text books CDs. This is so important, because when they
listen to real English materials, they get real spoken English. Text books don't
teach them real English, they teach formal English. They teach written
English, in fact. The vocabulary in text books, the grammar, the style, it's all
for writing.

Real English materials only, not text book CDs. It's again a very simple,
easy rule. And now on the Internet, it's so easy to find these real materials. Just
do a Google search.

2.2.7. The seventh rule- Learn English with compelling stories
Rule number 7 helps you to speak quickly and to understand instantly,
automatically, immediately. This is true fluency, true automatic speaking.
Rule number 7, the last rule is to use listen-and-answer mini stories. In
school you probably learnt with a lot of listen-and-repeat. For example, the
teacher said: "repeat after me, class: hi, how are you?" and the class together,
everybody said: "hi, how are you?". Then, the teacher said, "I'm fine, and
you?". Then, all of the class together said, "I'm fine, and you?". This is listenand-repeat. It's an old way to learn English. But it's not powerful. When you
listen and repeat, you don't need to think in English, you don't need to think.
You just repeat what the teacher said. Maybe you don't understand, or know.
Much more powerful is: listen and answer, especially listen-and-answer
mini stories. These are special kind of stories where the teacher "asks" a
story. The teacher asks a lot of very simple and easy questions, the student
must answer questions constantly. Hearing a question, answering. Hearing a
question, answering. This is like real conversation. When you use these
listen-and-answer stories, you teach yourself to understand quickly and to
respond quickly, to speak very quickly and automatically. No thinking. That's
why these are powerful. You learn to think in English and you learn to speak
quickly, without thinking, without translatin
Imagine there's a short, little story. In the old method the teacher
would say: "repeat after me", and the teacher says: "There was a boy, he went
to the store, he bought a candy bar". And then the students repeat the story:
"There was a boy, he went to the store, he bought a candy bar".
In listen-and-answer stories the teacher asks the questions, the teacher
asks a lot of questions, very easy questions. If the question is difficult, you
might stop and think, but if the question is very easy, you can shout an
answer. One word, two words, ok. For example, the teacher would say:
"Class, there was a boy. Was there a boy?" And you shout "yes, yes". And the
teacher say "was there a boy or was there a girl?" And you immediately,
instantly shout "a boy, a boy". And he says "Ah, so, there was a boy?" Again

you shout "yes, yes, there was a boy". And he says, "Ah, I see, there was a
boy. What was his name?" You don't know, so you guess "John", or "Jim",
anything. You shout an answer. And he says "Ah, yes, his name was John".
Was John a boy or was John a girl? And you shout "a boy, a boy". And then
he continues, more questions, more questions. And because you are
constantly answering questions, you learn to think in English, you learn to
respond, to answer very quickly in English.
Chapter 3: The application of “EFFORTLESS ENGLISH”
METHOD in teaching SPEAKING English naTURALLY to

the students of class 11A3 at Quan Son 2 UpperSecondary school
3.1.The purpose
The application is aimed at guiding students to speak English natuarally
through “effortless english” method for the students of class 11A3 at Quan
Son 2 upper secondary school then improving their speaking skill . From this,
they will have more confidence in speaking English and be able to use their
English to communicate better in their daily lives.
3.2. The participants
The application is carried out with 36 students of the class 11A3 who
have been learning English for 6 years( 4 years at lower secondary school
with English 6,7, 8, 9 and 2 years at upper secondary school with English 11,
12). These students are from Quan Son 2 Upper Secondar School in Quan
Son, Thanh Hoa.
Among 36 students who take part in the study, most of them have good
knowledge in English. Although they have enough vocabulary as well as
structure to speak, they are quite shy when they speak out, even they do not
know what to say.
3.3.Time and the process of the application

The study is carried out on extra lessons on Wednesday afternoons of the
class 11A3. Each lesson last 45 minutes once a week at class and everyday at
home. The study lasts 4 months ( from January,4th, 2016 to May 4th 2016)
with 16 lessons.
The teacher have students listen audio files or videos on Projector( as
mentioned in Literature review) and gets the students to listen and answer the
short questions again and again. Students have these listening files on their
computers or mobile phones. From listening many times, they may develop
their speaking skills.
- The students are listened an audio file in 2 weeks. They listen once a week
at class and everyday at home.
- They have new listening audio file every 2 weeks.
3.4. Some important points of” Effortless English” method used in this
3.4.1. Listening is the first skill and the most important one to be ale to
speak. ( the third rule)
The most important thing is they must listen to easy English. It must be
easy. What they should understand 95% [per cent] or more without stopping,
without a dictionary. They want a lot of easy English listening. Now, they
might try children's programmes. They might try children's audio books. Or
maybe audio books for teenagers, like Americans who are 13, 14, 15 years old.
If that's too difficult, find something easier.
If something's more difficult they can still use it, but they usually need
the text, they need to be able to read it. They can get an audio article or a
speech, or a lesson, and they have the text, so they can read and listen at the
same time. But listening is the most important thing. Listen, listen, listen.

Every chance they have. Get an i-pod, they know, get an MP3 player or an ipod. Listen to English all the time. Listen in the morning when they get up,

listen when they go to work, or when they're at home, listen when they're at
lunch, listen when they're coming home from work, listen in the evening. Lots
and lots and lots of English listening. Lots of easy listening.
To be able to speak English, students should listen first in a period of
time, like a child.
3.4.2. Deep learning ( the fourth rule)
Deep learning basically means repeating what they learn again and again.
Most schools have a lot of pressure to go fast. Students have to learn more
vocabulary, new grammar every week. So, the problem is, the students learn
a lot of stuff, but then they forget it, they forget what they learnt. Or they
remember the basic idea but they can't use it. So, for example, all students
who have studied English learned the past tense, they learned the past tense,
but they studied it in a text book and then, they went and they learned more
grammar. They learned possessives, the future, the present perfect,
3.4.3. Listening and answering( the seventh rule)
3. 5. Some suggested listening topics
Basin on the content of units in the textbook of English 11and the
requirement about the communicative English. I recommand some topics
such as:
- People: Introduce yourself, the family,the hobby, the person they like, the
person they admire, the closest friend, the idol…
- Education: the school, the subject they like, the teacher they admire, the
education system they wish, describe theyr school day…
- Sport: the popular sport in theyr country or in the world, the kind of sport
they often play in their free time…
- Tourism: the place they want to visit, the famous places in their
hometown, their villages….
- Job: their dream, the job they would like to do in the future,
3.6.An illustrating example for a lesson

A lesson consists of 5 parts:
1. Main Article (nội dung chính của chủ đề bài học)
2. Vocabulary Lesson (bài học nghe giải thích từ vựng và luyện phát âm
3. Listen & Answer Mini Story (bài học nghe và trả lời, luyện kỹ năng
giao tiếp phản xạ tự nhiên)
4. Point of View Grammar Story (bài học văn phạm tự động)
5. Commentary (phần tác giả bình luận thêm về chủ đề)
An illustrating Lesson : A Kiss
1. Main Article:( Students listen to a tape and watch a video illustrating for
the content of the article in 5 minutes twice)

Carlos buys a new car. It's a very expensive car. It's a huge, blue, fast car.
While driving down the street, Carlos sees a girl on a bicycle. She has long
blond hair and is beautiful.
He yells to her, “What's up?”
She ignores him.
He yells, “How's it going?”
She keeps going and ignores him.
He yells, “Hey, why won't you talk to me? I want to go to dinner with you.
I'll take you to an expensive restaurant.”
The girl turns, gets off the bike, and looks at him. She says, “I don't want to
go to dinner. But if you give me your car, I will give you a surprise.”
Carlos says, “OK!” He jumps out of the car. He gives her the keys and says,
“Here are the keys.”
The beautiful blond takes the keys and then kisses Carlos on the cheek. Then
she jumps into the car and drives away.
Carlos stands on the sidewalk. Now he has no car and no girl. He says,

“That's it, just a kiss on the cheek?”
He gets on her bike and rides home.
2. Vocabulary( they listen the tape, remember and read after the tape)- 10
Carlos buy a new car. It’s very expensive. It's a huge blue fast
car, huge, huge means very very big, super big, so it's huge, huge, hugemeans
very very big, very very very big, it's a very very big car, it's huge car.
While driving down the street he sees a girl, so while means at the same time,
same time driving down the Street, seeing the girl same time, they happen at the
same time,
So while driving down the street, Carlo sees a girl on a bicycle, he yells to
her what's up, what's up is a common way to say hello, we saywhat's
up, what's up, its very popular to say what's up, instead of saying hello, if you
have a friend, you see your friend, someone you know, you say what's up, when
I see my friends, sometimes I say what's up, it means hello or how are
you, what's up.
So Carlo says what's up to the girl but she ignores him, to ignore means you
don't listen to someone, and you don't pay attention to someone, you don't look
at them, you don't listen to them, that's ignore, he ignored her, means he did not
listen to her, he did not look at her, he ignored her
or ignores present, ignores, she ignores Carlos, she does not look at Carlos, she
does not listen to Carlos, sheignores him
And Carlo yells how's it going, how's it going, how's it going means how are

you, how are you, we often say how's it going or how's it going, that the last
sound good, sometimes “g” (going-going), sometimes “no g sound” (goin-goin),
the same meaning, same just different pronunciation, so how's it going means
how are you.

So he yells to her how's it going, she keeps walking
and ignores him, keeps, here, keeps means continues, keep has another
meaning,keep can mean something else but here in this article, keeps means
continues, continues, she continues walking, she keeps walking,keeps and
So she keeps walking and she ignores him, he yells hey why won't you talk to
me, won't means will not, why will you not talk to me, is what he's saying, but
in normal speech, normal speaking, we don't say will not, we usually
say won't, i won't go to the store, means I will not go to the store, and it’s
future, future, so he asked her why won't you talk to me, why will you not talk
to me.
And he does I want to go to dinner with you, and he wants a date, he wants to go
to a restaurant with her, i take you to an expensive restaurant, not a cheap
restaurant, right, and he wants to take her to an expensive restaurant, finally the
girl turns and looks at him, and she says I don't want to go to dinner, but she
says, if you give me your car, I will give you a surprise, give me your car, and i
will give you a surprise, so if you give me your car, so he has to do that first, the
first action, and if that happens then she will give him a surprise, Carlo says
okay, because she's beautiful, he jumps out of the car, he gives her the keys, and
he says here are the keys, here are the keys, we say here, here is the book, here
are the keys, we say here is or here are when we give something to
someone, here is the key, here isthe money, here are the keys.
Okay so Carlos gives the keys to the beautiful blonde girl, beautiful blonde girl
takes the keys, and then kisses Carlo's on the cheek, cheekis the side of your
face, right, she kisses Carlo's on the side of his face, on the cheek, he kisses on
the cheek, then she jumps into the car and drives away.
Carlo's stands on the sidewalk, sidewalk is next to the Street, it's where people
walk, so the street, the street is for cars, cars and buses only, and
the sidewalk next to the street, right, sidewalk where people walk side of the

Okay so he stands on the sidewalk, and now he has no car and no girl, he
says that's it, just a kiss on the cheek, that's it, that's it,that's it means there is
no more, there is nothing more, nothing more is coming, nothing more to get,
nothing more to do, so basically means finished, so that’s it means he only got a
kiss, he will not get more from her, he will not get something else, only a

kiss, that's it,sometimes we say that's all, that's all, same meaning, that's all
or that's it, it means totally finished,.
In a restaurant you will use this when you finish eating, the waiter or the
waitress will come and ask you, do you want something else, do you want more
food, do you want more drinks, means if you're finished, you say that's
it, that's it means we are finished eating, we don't want more food, we don't
want more drinks, right, we are finished bring the check, bring the bill, so at the
end when you finish eating in a restaurant, tell the waiter that's it, you're
Okay and then he says that's it just a kiss on the cheek then he gets on her bike,
he gets on the girl's bicycle, bicycle or bike same, and he rides home, poor
Okay that's it, that's it the lesson is finished, the vocabulary lesson is
finished, that's it.
3. Mini- Story ( Students go on listening and answer the questions)- 15 minutes
Carlos bought a new car. Did Carlos buy a new car? Yes. Yes, of course.
He bought a new car.
Did Carlos buy an old car? No. Carlos didn’t buy an old car. Carlos bought
a new car. Did Carlos buy an old car or a new car? A new car. Carlos bought
a new car.
Who bought a new car? Carlos, right? Carlos bought a new car. What did
Carlos buy? A new car. Carlos bought a new car. Was the car expensive or

was the car cheap?
Ah. It was expensive. Carlos bought a very expensive car. Did Carlos buy
an expensive bicycle? No, no. He didn’t. He didn’t buy an expensive
What did he buy? He bought an expensive car. Was the car small? No, no.
It wasn’t small. He bought a huge car – very, very big car. How big was the
car? It was huge.
It was huge. Was it a huge bicycle? No, no. It wasn’t a huge bicycle. It was
a huge car. Who bought the huge car? Carlos. Carlos bought the huge car
What color was the car? Was it yellow? No. What color was the
car? Blue. It was blue. It was a huge, blue, fast car.
4+5. Teacher’s activities( 10 minutes)
- Teacher asks students to speak any phrases or sentences they hear without
interrupting to correct( 5 minutes)
- Let students listen the article one more time.
- Teacher gets them to listen more at home, at least three times a day
whenever they want.
3.7The result and findings of the study

With the test in the first lesson without the teacher’s guidance, most of the
students (more than 20 students) feel shy to speak. After 8 listening lessons at
school and at home , more than two- thirds of the students in this class are
able to speak more easily, fluently, automatically and naturally




2 students

10 students


5 students

16 students


29 students

10 students

From the result of the study, it can be clearly seen that the number of
students who can speak without shyness or nervousness has increased. The
students have improved and developed their speaking skill through “
Effortless English” method applied in teaching the students to speak

Chapter 4: Conclusion
In conclusion, speaking is a complex and difficult skill in learning
English. It is the process that learners need time to listen before speaking like
a child learn the way to speak before they go to school.

By applying Effortless English in teaching English at class, the teacher
and the students would feel easier in speaking or communicating with other
in class as well as in real life
Through Effortless English, the students start speaking step by step and
finally they will feel easier to speak out whay want. They won’t feel worried
and have difficulty when they are asked in English.
It can be said that this method may help the students in general and uppersecondary school students in particular improve the speaking skill as well as
confidence in communicating in English..
This is my own experience in teaching English to the students of class
11A3 this school year. With the requirement of learning English now, I
believe that the students will have more confidence in their speaking skill to
prepare better for their real lives. Finally, I do hope to receive ideas from
other teachers so as to have the better study.
Tôi xin cam đoan đây là sáng kiến của bản thân, không sao chép của ai.
Quan Sơn, ngày 10 tháng 05 năm 2016

Người thực hiện

Lê Thị Hà

Hoµng V¨n V©n( Chñ biªn)( 2011) TiÕng Anh 11, Nhµ xuÊt b¶n
gi¸o dôc ViÖt Nam
Jeremy Harmer( 2008), How to teach English, Longman

A.J.Hoge( 2014), Effortless English, Effortless English LLC
Brow, H. Doughlas( 2001), Teaching by principles, New York Pearson
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