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What animals are these?
1. It’s big. It has a long nose and big ears.
2. It’s very very small.
-> It’s an elephant
-> It’s an ant.
It works hard.
3. It lives in Australia. It carries its baby in a
-> It’s a kangaroo.
pocket of skin on front of its body.
4. It has black and orange stripes on its body. It’s
very fast and scary.
-> a tiger.
A room at the Crazy House Hotel, Da Lat
To: ;
Subject: Weekend away!
Hi Phong and Mi,
How are you? I’m in Da Lat with my parents. We are staying at the Crazy House Hotel. Wow! It really is crazy.
Da Lat is nice. It’s cool all year round! There are a lot of things to see and lots of tourists too.
There are ten rooms in the hotel. They are named after different animals. There is a Kangaroo room, an Eagle room, and even an Ant room. I’m staying in the Tiger room. It’s