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Unit 4. Volunteer work

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Lead- in:

Look at two pictures and find one common word that the person in these
pictures will say.

In this period, we will study and practise writing a formal thank-you letter.

Unit 4:

Volunteer work


In this period, we will study and practice writing a formal thank-you


Useful language.
- donate /dou'neit/ (sth) to (sth/ sb):
làm từ thiện (cái gì) cho (/ tổ chức/ cá nhân)
Ex: I donated 1.000.000 VND to the orphanage in Hue.

- gratitude /'grætitju:d / (n):
- issue /'isju:/ (v):
- receipt / ri'si:t / (n):
- assistance /ə'sistəns/(n):

sự biết ơn

phát hành, lưu hành
giấy biên nhận, biên lai
sự giúp đỡ

Task 1: Read the letter and underline the sentences that express the
following points:

1. the opening of the letter
2. the donated amount
3. the way(s) the money is used
4. the way the receipt is issued
5. the gratitude to the donor
6. the closing of the letter

1. the opening of the letter
2. the donated amount
3. the way(s) the money is used

4. the way the receipt is issued
5. the gratitude to the donor
6. the closing of the letter

Task 2: Read the letter again and give the comment on the language of this letter

It is the language of a formal letter:


+ Formal greeting: Dear Sir/Madam
+ Complete sentences, full forms: I am very happy to …/I think that …/We will …
+ Formal expression: I would like to express …
+Formal closing: Your faithfully / Your sincerely .

Some useful expressions:

I am most grateful to you for …


I would like to take this opportunity to thanks for….


On behalf of …I would like to express our thanks for….


Eg: On behalf of HiepHoa high school No I. I would like to express our thanks for your generous donation of $
2.000.000. Your contribution makes it possible for us to build a new school library.

Imagine that you have just received a donation of one million dong from
one of the local organizations to build your school library

Use the suggestions in Task 1 to write a letter to acknowledge the receipt of the donation and
express your gratitude

197 Hill Road, Los Angeles
20 December, 2005
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am very happy to have received a donation of

$ 500

from your


some days ago. The

money will help us to repair the old school building and build a new block of flats for the handicapped students.
We will certainly issue a receipt as soon as possible.
I would like to express our thanks for the donation from your company and hope to get more assistance
and cooperation from your


in the future.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
David James

Secretary of School Building Fund

197 Hill Road,
Vo Angeles
High School Number 3, Que Vo, Bac Ninh



Dear Sir/Madam,
I am very happy to have received a donation of

$ 500

from your



some days

ago. The money will helporganization
us to repair the old school building and build a new block of flats for the

handicapped students.
will certainly
to build the
library issue a receipt as soon as possible.
I would like to express our thanks for the donation from your
assistance and cooperation from your


I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
David James
Secretary of School Building Fund

Nguyen Van A


in the future.

and hope to get more

5. Signature?

1. Address & date

2. Greeting ?

Main parts of a letter

4. Closing?

3. Body


1. Write a letter of thank for a birthday present.

2. Prepare for the next lesson. UNIT 5: Language

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