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Вопрос 1

Look at the announcement. What does it say? Choose the correct interpretation А, В or С.

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Please report lost property immediately
to any member of staff

Выберите один ответ:
Ask a member of staff to show you the lost property list.
The staff will fill in a lost property report immediately.
Tell the staff what you have lost without delay.

Вопрос 2

Look at the text. What does it say? Choose the correct answer.

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Балл: 2,00

Maria’s sorry but she’s going to be late this evening.
The train is delayed again! Don’t forget you’re meeting

her at the station. She should be there at 7.15.
What is Anita doing?
apologising for missing the meeting
reminding somebody of an arrangement
explaining that she will be late

Вопрос 3

Look at the text. What does it say? Choose the correct answer.

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Балл: 2,00

Стр. 1 из 5

Welcome to Hotel Maroc
Dear guests
Our holiday advisor is available in the
lounge every day 8-10 am for booking
guided tours, museum/garden
tickets, camel rides.
Enjoy your stay!

Hotel Maroc’s holiday advisor accompanies guests on tours.
People staying at Hotel Maroc can arrange activities through the hotel.
Daily sightseeing trips start from the Hotel Maroc.

12.11.2017, 10:12

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Вопрос 4
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The people all want to buy a book (A-H) for a young person.

Балл: 5,00

Стр. 2 из 5

A. I Wonder Why
The wonders of science come alive for children in this delightful book. As well as enjoying the lovely pictures, they will also learn about how
plants grow, see how different birds care for their young and discover some interesting information about insects.
В. Basic Technology
A love of knowledge begins early with this colourful reference book. Find out interesting facts and learn about important inventions in the last
century. If you know a child who asks questions like 'What makes a car go?', then this is the book for you.
С. Painting History
This is a beautiful book showing famous paintings through history. Each painting is described in detail, including simple facts about the
people shown in them and their lives. Children are invited to look more closely at the pictures and to try some of the techniques themselves.
D. The Hunter
In this exciting story, wonderfully illustrated by a famous wildlife artist, Jamina finds a baby elephant whose mother was killed by hunters.
Looking for help, she travels back through the African bush and is able to enjoy the nature all around her. Her journey teaches her the
importance of doing all we can to save and protect our world.
E. Forest Tales
This book is a collection of seven well-known animal stories from different cultures around the world. They are particularly suitable for
reading aloud and would make good bedtime stories. Each story is about six pages long with bright and colourful pictures on every page.

F. Journey to the Past
Lying ill in bed, Lucien knows he is not like other boys. In this imaginative story he finds out just how different he is. He discovers that he has
the power to transport his mind through space and time. This amazing novel will appeal to those who read to escape from the real world.
G. Time Travellers
This very interesting set of stories shows what life was really like for people at certain points in history - the building of the Eiffel Tower, the
sinking of the Titanic, the first moon landing. Written as diaries, these stories are historically accurate.
H. Joanna's Search
Joanna was brought up by her aunt and uncle and has never known her parents. At 14, she decides to try and find the answers to the
questions that she has always asked herself - 'Who am I?', 'Where do I come from?' The novel tells the moving yet funny story of Joanna's
search for her identity.
Decide which book would be the most suitable for the following people to buy:
Bruno is looking for a book his daughter will enjoy reading and which will also help with a project she is doing at
school. She has to describe an important event from the past.


Gina wants a book for her nephew who is interested in nature. He's always asking questions about the world
around him and Gina thinks he's ready to start learning a few simple facts.


Tony wants to buy a novel for his teenage sister. She likes stories that are true to life and that show people in
difficult situations.


Edita's son loves animals and she would like to buy him a book with beautiful pictures and a strong message
about the need to respect the environment.


Lydia is looking for a book about animals for her granddaughter, who cannot read yet. She wants a book with
several stories in it, and some attractive pictures.


12.11.2017, 10:12

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Вопрос 5

/>You will hear Sarah Brown talking about her work as a television weather forecaster.

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For each question, choose the correct answer
1. How long has Sarah worked as a weather forecaster?
two years

seven years

thirty years

2. What does Sarah say about her job?
She sometimes has to work at night.
She enjoys getting up early.
She works ten or twelve hours a day.

3. When Sarah does a weather forecast,
she prepares it in advance.
she sometimes forgets her words.
she worries about making a mistake.

4. Sarah's husband
works on the same days each week.
wants to move nearer his work.
spends a lot of time travelling.

5. Sarah is pleased because she
has got her pilot's licence.
taught her husband to play tennis.
took part in a long race.

6. A man in India wanted
to meet Sarah's family.
a photo of Sarah.
to receive a letter from Sarah.

Вопрос 6
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Look at the six sentences for this part.You will hear a man called Karl, and his wife Jenny, talking about the holiday they have just had.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, choose YES. If it is not correct, choose NO.

Балл: 6,00

Стр. 3 из 5

1. Jenny and Karl are both pleased to be home after their holiday.
2. Jenny thinks the weather forecast they heard for their holiday week was correct.
3. Jenny and Karl both liked the way their hotel served meals.
4. Jenny thinks they had a better room on this holiday than last year.
5. Karl was angry about the state of the hotel sports equipment.
6. Jenny and Karl are both keen to plan another holiday immediately.

12.11.2017, 10:12

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Вопрос 7
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Балл: 2,00

/>Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.
You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. I have never been to Paris before.
2. This .........................have been to Paris.
The gap can be filled by the words ‘is the first time I’, so you write: is the first time I
1. I’ve never had such uncomfortable shoes.
These shoes are ................... ones I’ve ever worn.

Вопрос 8
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Балл: 2,00

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.
You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. I have never been to Paris before.
2. This .........................have been to Paris.
The gap can be filled by the words ‘is the first time I’, so you write: is the first time I
1. It was a mistake for the company to install the new computer system.
2. The company ……………………………….. the new computer system.

Вопрос 9

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

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Балл: 10,00

Стр. 4 из 5

Example:0 very, so, too, such
Answer: very
Drawing has always been a (0) ___ popular hobby. Young children draw with a pencil as
often seen as a special skill, and it is
can be

Drawing is first

skills. The only

that some people seem to draw perfect pictures without any effort. Yet drawing, like writing,

; you can draw accurately if you work really hard at it.
all about looking carefully. It sounds easy to say that all you

simple. The best way to draw a familiar
Nowadays there are

as they can hold one. Drawing is

to do is look at things, but it really is that

is to imagine that you are looking at it for the first

courses and materials available than ever before


means that you can experiment to improve your

is your imagination.

12.11.2017, 10:12

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Вопрос 10

/>Read the text and questions below. For each question, choose the correct answer.

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Стр. 5 из 5

At home in Venice
by Francesco daMosto
I was born in Venice, one of the most popular tourist destinations in Italy, and studied architecture at university here. Though I have also
spent time away, I have always come back because it’s my home.
In Venice, there are no roads, only canals, so you have to get around on foot or by boat. I live on a canal in the Rialto area in a house that
was built in 1588 for the Muti family, who were merchants in the silk trade. In the mid-eighteenth century, it was home to the Vezzi family,
who made things like plates and bowls in fine china and became rich sending these around the world. These merchants’ houses in Venice
are like palaces. Their owners had to have space to show off their goods, but the building also had to be an office, a factory, a store and a
home. My house came into our family in 1919, when it was bought by my grandfather. He died before I was born but he was the director of a
museum where I often do research on old documents. On some of these, I’ve seen notes in his handwriting, so, in a strange way, I met him
through these documents.
Sadly, the population of Venice has dropped from 120,000 in the 1950s to about 60,000 now. This doesn’t include the thousands of tourists
who come to visit. I welcome the tourists but unless something is done to stop everyday shops like bakeries and chemists from
disappearing, the city will die. I want people who love the city to come here to live and work and give Venice back a life that is not just about
What is the writer’s main reason for writing this text?
to persuade more tourists to visit his city
to give readers the history of his home town
to say what he feels about his birthplace
to describe some important moments in his life

The family who first owned the writer’s home
helped to build the canals.
used to buy and sell silk.
produced plates and bowls.
were skilled architects.

What does the writer say about his grandfather?
His grandfather taught him how to study documents.
His grandfather turned his home into a museum.
He wasn’t able to get to know his grandfather personally.
He didn’t find his grandfather’s handwriting easy to read.

What is the writer’s attitude to Venice today?
He believes the city would

benefit from having fewer inhabitants.

He thinks local businesses should be encouraged to stay.
He would like people to get jobs working with tourists.
He hopes tourists will stop visiting the city.

What might the writer say about his house?
The house was made bigger in the mid-eighteenth century because the owner wanted it to look like a palace.
My house is on a canal in Venice and my family, starting with my grandfather, have lived there since 1919.
I have never lived anywhere else apart from in my home in the Rialto area of Venice.
We don’t know who lived in the house before1588 but it was owned by merchants from then until the eighteenth century.

12.11.2017, 10:12
