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Gia Khanh secondary school
Binh xuyen – vinh phuc
school Year 2008-2009
Time : 45’
Full name: .. .………………… ………………… ………
Class: 8 ……
Mark teacher’s remark
MÃ ĐỀ: 001
I. Hãy lựa chọn phương án trả lời đúng (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) chứa từ gạch chân có cách
phát âm khác.
1. A. wrap B. animal C. package D. matter
2. A. paper B. make C. garbage D. save
3. A. about B. found C. south D. bought
4. A. socket B. document C. problem D. computer
5. A. prisoner B. chinese C. inventor D. visit
6. A. electricity B. fix C. find D. liquid
7. A. throw B. th at C. earth D. think
8. A. there B. th ink C. this D. they
9. A. recycle B. victim C. contact D. communicate
10. A. recycle B. represent C. reuse D. reduce
II. Hãy lựa chọn phương án trả lời đúng (ứng với Aø, B, C hoặc D) để điền vào chỗ trống trong
câu sau:
1. What…………. You………………after shool?
A. does/ do B. does/does C. do/do D. do/ does
2. We can use garbage to make………………………
A. animal food B. wrap things C. fertilizer D. toys
3. Miss Black is talking to……………of Quang Trung shool.
A. teachers B. Nam C. students D. librarian
4. We can ………………things like envelopes, glass and plastic bottles and old plastic bags.
A. reuse B. recycle C. remember D. reduce

5. My sister in the ………… in my family
A. tallest B. taller C. tall D. the taller
6. Car tires….. to make pipers and floor coverings
A. recycles B. are recycled C. recycled D. are recycling
7. Bob is a …….. businessman
A. success B. succeed C. successful D. succeeding
8. The prefix “re” in the word “reuse” means……
A. for B. again C. against D. no
9. The village is very quiet and…….
A. peacer B. peace C. peacefully D. peaceful
10. It’s dangerous…….. in this river
A. swim B. swam C. to swim D. Swimming
11. …………… means not buying products which are overpackaged.
A. remember B. reduce C. reuse D. recycle
12. Farmers collect house hold and garden waste to make.
A. compost B. floor coverings C. piper D. glassware
13. Friends of the Earth shows people how to the enviroment.
A. protect B. make C. save D. use
14. We should use ..instead of plastic bags.
A. cloth bags B. paper C. tree leaves D. metal bags
15. .is presentative from friends of the Earth.
A. Mrs Black B. Miss Hoa C. Miss Black D. Mrs Hoa
16. It is not to remember : reuse, reduce, recycle.
A. difficult B. easy C. long D. short
17. Relax for some minutes and youll feel..
A. comfortably B. comfortable C. comfort D. uncomfort
18. Were looking forward to.. you in June
A. being B. seeing C. see D. saw
19. You must be. when you open the door
A. caring B. careless C. careful D. care

20. Try and find another use for old things is..
A. reuse B. remember C. reduce D. recycle
III. Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi dới đây:
Millions of old car tires are thrown away every year, but tires can be recycled to make
pipes and floor coverings. Nowadays ,many people wear shoes and sandals made from old
car tires.
Millions of old cans are thrown away every year all over the world. In Oregon, the
government made a new law several years ago . they said that there must be a deposit on all
drink cans . the deposit is returned when people bring the cans back for recycling.
In industry ,most glass is recycled. The glass is collected and sent to the factories. There it is
broken up, melted and made into new glassware.
1. What do people do with old car tires?
2. How many old car tires are thrown every year?
3. What do people do with cans ?
4. Is the glasses collected and sent to the factories?
5. Is it melted and made into new glassware?
Gia Khanh secondary school
Binh xuyen – vinh phuc
school Year 2008-2009
Time : 45’
Full name: .. .………………… ………………… ………
Class: 8 ……
Mark teacher’s remark
MÃ ĐỀ: 002

I. Hãy lựa chọn phương án trả lời đúng (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) chứa từ gạch chân có cách
phát âm khác.
1. A. matter B. package C. animal D. wrap
2. A. problem B. computer C. socket D. document
3. A. garbage B. paper C. save D. make
4. A. victim B. contact C. recycle D. communicate
5. A. inventor B. visitor C. chinese D. prisoner
6. A. represent B. reduce C. recycle D. reuse
7. A. south B. bought C. about D. found
8. A. that B. earth C. think D. throw
9. A. find B. fix C. liquid D. electricity
10. A. there B. think C. this D. they
II. Hãy lựa chọn phương án trả lời đúng (ứng với Aø, B, C hoặc D) để điền vào chỗ trống trong
câu sau:
1. ……………….is presentative from friends of the Earth.
A. Miss Black B. Miss Hoa C. Mrs Hoa D. Mrs Black
2. Farmers collect house hold and garden waste to make….
A. glassware B. floor coverings C. compost D. piper
3. Car tires….. to make pipers and floor coverings
A. are recycling B. recycles C. are recycled D. recycled
4. You must be…………. when you open the door
A. careless B. care C. caring D. careful
5. It’s dangerous…….. in this river
A. to swim B. Swimming C. swim D. swam
6. Bob is a …….. businessman
A. successful B. success C. succeeding D. succeed
7. We’re looking forward to….. you in June
A. saw B. seeing C. being D. see
8. We should use …………..instead of plastic bags.
A. paper B. cloth bags C. tree leaves D. metal bags

9. …………… means not buying products which are overpackaged.
A. recycle B. reuse C. remember D. reduce
10. We can ………………things like envelopes, glass and plastic bottles and old plastic bags.
A. recycle B. reuse C. reduce D. remember
11. What…………. You………………after shool?
A. do/ does B. does/ do C. does/does D. do/do
12. Relax for some minutes and youll feel..
A. comfort B. comfortable C. uncomfort D. comfortably
13. Friends of the Earth shows people how to the enviroment.
A. make B. protect C. use D. save
14. We can use garbage to make
A. animal food B. fertilizer C. toys D. wrap things
15. It is not to remember : reuse, reduce, recycle.
A. short B. difficult C. long D. easy
16. Miss Black is talking toof Quang Trung shool.
A. Nam B. students C. teachers D. librarian
17. My sister in the in my family
A. the taller B. taller C. tall D. tallest
18. The village is very quiet and.
A. peace B. peaceful C. peacefully D. peacer
19. Try and find another use for old things is..
A. recycle B. remember C. reduce D. reuse
20. The prefix re in the word reuse means
A. for B. against C. again D. no
III. Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi dới đây:
Millions of old car tires are thrown away every year, but tires can be recycled to make
pipes and floor coverings. Nowadays ,many people wear shoes and sandals made from old
car tires.
Millions of old cans are thrown away every year all over the world. In Oregon, the
government made a new law several years ago . they said that there must be a deposit on all

drink cans . the deposit is returned when people bring the cans back for recycling.
In industry ,most glass is recycled. The glass is collected and sent to the factories. There it is
broken up, melted and made into new glassware.
1. What do people do with old car tires?
2. How many old car tires are thrown every year?
3. What do people do with cans ?
4. Is the glasses collected and sent to the factories?
5. Is it melted and made into new glassware?
Gia Khanh secondary school
Binh xuyen – vinh phuc
school Year 2008-2009
Time : 45’
Full name: .. .………………… ………………… ………
Class: 8 ……
Mark teacher’s remark
MÃ ĐỀ: 003
I. Hãy lựa chọn phương án trả lời đúng (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) chứa từ gạch chân có cách
phát âm khác.
1. A. electricity B. fix C. find D. liquid
2. A. think B. throw C. earth D. that
3. A. reuse B. recycle C. reduce D. represent
4. A. bought B. found C. south D. about
5. A. visitor B. chinese C. inventor D. prisoner
6. A. save B. paper C. make D. garbage

7. A. socket B. problem C. document D. computer
8. A. there B. think C. this D. they
9. A. recycle B. communicate C. victim D. contact
10. A. package B. wrap C. matter D. animal
II. Hãy lựa chọn phương án trả lời đúng (ứng với Aø, B, C hoặc D) để điền vào chỗ trống trong
câu sau:
1. My sister in the ………… in my family
A. taller B. tall C. the taller D. tallest
2. We’re looking forward to….. you in June
A. seeing B. see C. saw D. being
3. What…………. You………………after shool?
A. does/does B. do/ does C. does/ do D. do/do
4. It’s dangerous…….. in this river
A. to swim B. swim C. swam D. Swimming
5. We can ………………things like envelopes, glass and plastic bottles and old plastic bags.
A. reduce B. reuse C. remember D. recycle
6. We should use …………..instead of plastic bags.
A. cloth bags B. metal bags C. tree leaves D. paper
7. Car tires….. to make pipers and floor coverings
A. are recycled B. recycled C. recycles D. are recycling
8. Bob is a …….. businessman
A. succeed B. succeeding C. success D. successful
9. Try and find another use for old things is…………………..
A. remember B. reduce C. reuse D. recycle
10. We can use garbage to make………………………
A. toys B. wrap things C. fertilizer D. animal food
11. …………… means not buying products which are overpackaged.

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