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BTAV 12 UNIT 1 HOME LIFE test keys

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1. Multiple Choice.
1. A..........knit community is the one in which relationships are very close.
A. close
B. closely
C. tightly
D. B and C
2. Mrs. Brown is bored with doing the..........chores.
A. household
B. domestic
C. housework
D. A and B
3. The father used to be the..........of the household in Vietnam.
A. head
B. leader
C. president
D. boss
4. There has been a shift of.........from manufacturing to service industries.
A. change
B. alteration
C. emphasis
D. movement
5. There was a wealth of..........evidence.
A. supportive
B. support
C. supported
D. supporting
6. They tried to.........astonishing feats of engineering by building the tunnel.
A. perform
B. attempt

C. achieve
D. All are correct
7. It's time for you to..........a profession.
A. enter
B. go into
C. join
D. All are correct
8. He's..........slowly after the operation.
A. mending
B. recovering
C. relieving
D. A and B
9...........frankly, I'm not surprised you failed.
A. Completely
B. Quite
C. Entirely
D. All are correct
10. Let me give you a..........with those bags.
A. help
B. hand
C. support
D. hold
11. The neighbours are very kind, they are always willing to..........a hand.
A. offer
B. make
C. lend
D. provide
12. He has acted..........obedience..........the law.
A. in-to
B. at-to

C. in-of
D. under-to
13. He needs a hobby to keep him busy and stop him from..........mischief.
A. coming into
B. going in
C. getting into
D. getting on
14. She..........no secret of her dislike of her father.
A. does
B. makes
C. expresses
D. conveys
15. She said she'd prefer us to arrive..........nine o'clock.
A. no after than
B. not after than
C. not later than
D. no later than
16. When I last saw him, he..........in London.
A. has lived
B. is living
C. was living
D. has been living
11- We..........Dorothy since last Saturday.
A. don't see
B. haven't seen
C. didn't see
D. hadn't seen
18. The train..........half an hour ago.
A. has been leaving B. left
C. has left .

D, had left
19. Jack.......the door.
A. has just painted
B. paint
C. will have painted D. painting
20. My sister..........for you since yesterday.
A. is looking
B. was looking
C. has been looking D. looked
21. I............Texas State University now.
A. am attending
B. attend
C. was attending
D. attended

22. He has been selling motorbikes..........
A. ten years ago
B. since ten years
C. for ten years ago D. for ten years
23. Christopher Columbus.......America more than 500 years ago.
A. discovered
B. has discovered
C. had discovered
D. had been discovering
24. He fell down when he........towards the church.
A. run
B. runs
C. was running
D. had run

25. We..........there when our father died.
A. still lived
B. lived still
C. was still living
D. were still living
26. They..... table-tennis when their father comes back home.
A. will play
B. will be playing
C. play
D. would play
27. By Christmas, I..........for Mr. Smith for six years.
A. shall have been working
B. shall work
C. have been working
D. shall be working
28. I.......in the room right now.
A. am being
B. was being
C. have been being
D. am
29. I...... to New York three times this year.
A. have been
B. was
C. were
D. had been
30. I'll come and see you before I...........for the States.
A. leave
B. will leave
C. have left
D. shall leave

II. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One example has been done for you.
0. A. In the distance, the sky was beginning to brighten.
B. I brighten up at their words of encouragement.
C. A personal letter will usually brighten up a person's day.
1. A. You need to be able to handle........in this job.
B. How can anyone enjoy the........of city life?
C. There is a great deal of........on young people to conform.
2. A. I've got a tight........in my stomach
B. He suddenly had the.........of being followed.
C. I got the….....that he didn't like me much.
3. A. A.........profession is a job that involves looking after or helping other people.
B. He's a.........person.
C. Children need a..........environment.
4. A. Most....... now own at least one TV set.
B. Leaflets have been delivered to each of the......
C. Thirteen percent children in the United States live in one-parent..........
5. A. They carried out........checks at the airport.
B. The visit took place amidst tight........
C. Job........is the guarantee that you will keep your job.
6. A. Her mother is now on the night........at the factory.
B. Do you like working in.........(s)?
C. The nighty.........has just come off duty.
7. A. She can overcome the problems thanks to her........family.
B. She was very..........during my father's illness.
C. We have had a mutually.........relationship for over 30 years.
8. Af They keep a list of people who are.........to work nights.
B. I'm perfectly..........to discuss the problem.
C. The landlord was........to accept us as tenants.
9. A. They will set up a.........to computerize the library system.
B. The party attempted to assemble its aims into a focussed political.........

C. The final term will be devoted to........work.
10. A. While travelling she missed the comforts of.........
B. Nowadays a lot of people work from.........
C. He had always wanted a real...........with a wife and children.
11. A. He has no idea how to.........a business.
B. Stop trying to............my life for me.
C. The shareholders want more say in how the company is.........
12. A. They had to abandon their...........to climb the mountain.
B. They have begun to vaccinate children in an….....to check the spread of the disease.


C. The doctors made one last desperate.........to save the boy's life.
13. A. He tried to lighten the......by telling a joke.
B. The classroom presented a cheerful busy..........to the visitors.
C. There's a real carnival….....in the streets.
14. A. He spoke........about the ordeal.
B. They......admitted their responsibility.
C. ......., I couldn't care less what happens to him.
15. A. The plan was......welcomed.
B. The new drug will be........available from January.
C. He was a.........unpopular choice for captain.
III. Fill in each gap with a word from the box.
supportive - happiness - biologist - biology - spread - pressure
base - close-knit - mischievous - come - caring - mended 1. ........is a scientist who studies biology.
2. ........is the scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals.
3. ........means kind, helpful and showing that you care about other people
4. When you live in the country, you can enjoy the..........community of a small village.
5 ...........lies made by the Prime Minister have damaged his reputation.

6. He........shoes for a living.
7. Their trip to France didn't........up to expectations.
8. His arguments have a sound economic.........
9. Do you have to..........yourself out all over the sofa?
10. Children with.........parents often do better at school than those without.
11. It was only later in life that she found.........and peace of mind.
12. Doctors are under increasing….......to work longer hours.
IV. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.
1. Make sure the ropes are.......fastened.
2. His home and business are being held as......for the loan.
3. The movie featured Robert Lindsay in a.......role.
4. People would......pay more for better services.
5. She is a strong.....of the free market.
6. The....... of people to get involved has impressed the organisers of the event.
7. I hope you haven't been up to any........while I was away.
8. I saw a few......faces among the crowd.
9. The government repeatedly stressed its support for…....choice in selection of a child's school.
10. The bishop criticized the government for its "callous,........attitude" to the homeless
and the unemployed.




V. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
1. Information must be stored so that it is secure.......accidental deletion.
2. You're going to have to shift........yourself from now on.
3. Sit down and make yourself.......home.
4. He works away........home during the week.
5. I passed my driving test.......the first attempt
6. Two factories were closed....... an attempt to cut costs.
7. A terrorist has made an attempt........the President's life.
8. The director is.........increasing pressure to resign.
9. His prrfbrnance didn't really come up........his usual high standard.
10. The searchers spread.........to cover the area faster.
VI. Fill in each gap with only one suitable word.
1. Recent years have witnessed a........away from fatty foods.
2. The....... will require very little work to start up; that's the beauty of it.
3. They share housework........, so there's no problem.
4. It is........accepted that people are motivated by success.
5. Will you........us for lunch?
6. Education has been reluctant to join........with business.
7. I don't have anything........to wear for the party.


8. She was unable to attend because of the........of work.
9. Shopping's a real........forme.

10. He was always........to his father's wishes.
11. She had mixed........about giving up her job.
12. How much do men share........and the care of children?
13. She used her family's history as a........for her novel.
14. You're not going out........you've finished this.
15. I love the........community of a small village.
VII. Complete the texts using the verbs in the list below.
can - make - wants - is studying - loves - lives - doesn’t have - teaches
[A] Enrique (1).......in Puebla, a town in Mexico. He's a student He (2)....... medicine because he (3).......to be a
doctor. He's married, but he (4).......any children. His wife, Silva, (5).......in a primary school. Enrique (6).......his
family. He (7).........an excellent enchilada!
has - are listening - come - am going to study
like - am sitting - live - doesn’t work
[B] Hi! My name's Rumi and I (1).......from Osaka in Japan. I (2)........with my parents. My father (3)............ a
business, but my mother (4)....... . Next year I (5)........economics at university. 1 (6).......going out with my friends.
At the moment, I (7).......in a bar with Noriko and Toshi. We (8).......to music.
are playing - are going - went - didn 't like - live have - was born
[C] Bruce is Australian. He (1)........in England, but he (2).........to Australia when he was six. He (3).........back to
England once, but he (4).........it because it was so cold after Australia! He and his brothers (5).........with their
parents in Melbourne. They (6).........a big house not far from the beach. At the moment he's on the beach with his
friends. They (7).........volleyball. Tonight he's going out with his girlfriend. They (8)............to the cinema.
VIII. Choose the correct verb form (Past Simple or Past Continuous).
1. She worked/was working quietly at her desk when suddenly the door opened/was opening and her daughter
rushed/was, rushing in.
2. He stood/was standing up, walked/was walking across the room, and closed/was closing the window.
3. A strange man walked/was walking into the room. He wore/was wearing red trousers and a pink shirt.
4. Didn't you meet/Weren't you meeting your wife while you worked/vere working in London?
5. I saw/was seeing you in the park yesterday. You sat/were sitting on a bench reading a newspaper.

6. As soon as I walked/was walking into the room, he handed/was handing me the letter.
7. His father was really angry with him because he listened/was listening to music while he did/was doing his
8. Why didn't they visit/weren 't they visiting me while they stayed/were staying in Ho Chi Minh City?
9. As he passed/was passing the bank, a man in a mask knocked/was knocking him onto the ground.
10. What did you write/were you writing when your computer crashed/was crashing!
IX. Choose the correct verb tense in the story, Simple Past or Past Perfect.
It was ten o'clock in the evening. Peter (1) sat/had sat down on his sofa and thought about the day. What a busy
day it (2) was/had been. This was his first night in his own flat. He (3) lived/had lived his entire life in the family
home, and now for the first time, he (4) was/had been on his own.
He sat surrounded by boxes that he (5) didn't manage/hadn’t managed to unpack during the day. It (6) took/had
taken months to get all his things together. His mother (7) was/had been very generous, buying him things like
towels and mugs.
He (8) went/had gone into the kitchen and (9) got/had got a beer from the fridge. He suddenly (10) felt/had felt
very tired and yawned. No wonder he (11) was/had been tired! He (12) was/had been up since six o'clock in the
morning. He (13) decided/had decided to finish his beer and go to bed.
X. Read the following passage and put the verbs in the correct form, Present perfect or Past Simple.
Twenty years ago few people (1.realize).........that computers were about to become part of our daily lives. This
short period of time (2.see)........enormous changes in business, education and public administration. Jobs which
(3.take).........weeks to complete in the past are now carried out in minutes. Clerks who (4.spend).......all day
copying and checking calculations are now freed from these tedious tasks. In offices, the soft hum and clicking of
word processors (5.replace).......the clatter of typewriters. Schoolchildren (6.become).......as familiar with hardware
and software as their parents (7.be)........with pencils and exercise books. Computerization of public records
(8.enable).........government departments to fhalyze the needs of citizens in detail. Some of us may wonder,
however, whether life (9.really/ improve)........as a result of these changes. Many jobs (10.dissappear).........., for
example, when intelligent machines (11.take)........over the work. Employers complain that clerical staff

(12.become).......dependent on calculators and cannot do simple arithmetic. There are fears that governments
(13.not/do)........enough to ensure that personal information held on computers is really kept secret. Certainly, many
people may now be wondering whether the spread of computers (14.bring).......us as many problems as it
XL Complete this letter from Australia using the following verbs. Use the present simple, present
continuous, past simple or past continuous.
In 1-10 use: arrive feel (x2) get go know spend wait write (x2)
In 11-20 use: ask complain enjoy get (not) get on hear look (x2) seem start
Dear Mum and Dad,
I (1).......this letter in a hotel room in Perth. I (2)........here a couple of hours ago after a long coach journey from
Adelaide. I (3).......pretty tired so this will only be a short note before I (4).........to sleep.
As you (5)........, I (6).......last week in Adelaide with Jean and David. 5 (7).........to them a month or so ago to tell
them when I would be arriving, and they (8).........at the airport for me when I (9).........there. For the first few days
1 (10).........quite jet-lagged, but I soon (11).........over that after a few days of lazing around on the beach.
Jean and David (12)........living in Adelaide a lot, although Jean (13)........for a new job just now. It (14)........that she
(15).......very well with her colleagues. Apparently they constantly (16)........about the working conditions and it
(17)........to annoy Jean. They (18).........me to pass on their best wishes to you. So now I (19)........forward to
exploring Perth. I (20)........it's a wonderful place. I'll write again in a few days.
XII. Complete the extract from a newspaper article with the verbs given. Use the past simple, present perfect
or past perfect.
Aston United have sacked their manager, Neil Reason. The former England football international (l.say).........that
he (2.hear)........the news when he (3.return)........from a three-week holiday in Spain and that it (4.come)........as a
complete shock. "There (5.be)........no hint of any problem when I (6.1eave) for the holiday."
Aston United (7.appoint).........Ronson as manager two years ago and last season they (8.fmish).........second in the
First Division. However, they (9.win).........only five matches so far this season.

The Chairman of the club, Peter White, last night (10.accuse).........Ronson of lack of commitment to the club.
"Neil's attitude (11.disappoint).........us recently. Over the iast few months he (12.spend)........more time on Spanish
beaches than working with the players in Aston."...
XIII, Read the following passage carefully. Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE, and then
answer the questions below.
As in other Middle Eastern societies, the family is the focal point of identity, loyalty, social status, and economic
prospects in Saudi Arabia. Households tend to be large; Saudi women bear 4 children on average, according to
2005 statistics. The roles of men and women are sharply divided in many respects, a reflection of conservative
Islamic practice and local custom. Men are expected to lead the household and provide for its financial well-being.
Women are expected to marry, have children, and raise them according to Islamic principles. Therefore, few Saudi
women work outside the home In 2003 women made up only 20 percent of the labour force, and most of these
were expatriate workers. Saudi women are not permitted to drive or to travel abroad without a male relative's
Some women and men have expressed opposition to these restrictions, and the government has on occasion
expressed a willingness to gradually provide more rights for women. However, opposition from religious
authorities, a lack of strong support from the ruling family, and the basic conservatism of broad sectors of the Saudi
population have made change very slow.
A. True or False?
1. __The size of the family in Saudi Arabia is often big.
2. __The father and the mother has the same responsibilities and rights in the family.
3. __The father is expected to support the whole family.
4. __In 2003, Saudi women made up only 20 percent of the labor force.
5. __The progress of the women's movement is slow because the majority of the society is not in favour of it.
B. Answer the following questions.
1. How big is the family in Saudi Arabia?
2. On what basis are the roles of men and women divided?
3. What are the responsibilities of men and women in the family?
4. How can a woman be allowed to drive or travel abroad?

5. What is the result of the women's movement?
XIV. Read the following passage carefully. Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE, and then
answer the questions below.
The family is at the heart of daily life in Turkey, whether among Turks, Kurds, or Arabs. Members of extended
families typically live near each other in urban neighborhoods, and most social interactions involve visits to the
homes of relatives - parents, siblings, grandparents, and aunts and uncles. Boys and girls tend to grow up regarding
their same-gender cousins as their closest friends. From early adolescence through adulthood, most people strive to
behave in such a way so as not to bring shame to the family. Because of the strong emphasis on family life, young
people generally seek to get married soon after finishing their education. In practice, this means that women,
especially those in the working classes and rural areas, are expected to give greater priority to taking care of a
husband and rearing children than to pursuing a career outside the home.
The importance of family life is also evident in the acquisition of consumer goods, which are purchased primarily
to enhance family prestige rather than individual status. Thus, the most popular consumer goods are those that can
benefit multiple family members, including appliances and electronic items such as radios, televisions, and
computers, as opposed to goods used exclusively by one family member. The people of Turkey dress like
Europeans and North Americans. Among middle-class and upper-middle-class youth, status is attached to wearing
internationally famous name-brand clothes and shoes.
A. True or False?
1. __The family has an important role in the Turkish society, except Kurds.
2. __In town, members of a multi-generation family live under the same roof.
3. __Most people tend to strive to behave in a good manner from early adolescence through adulthood.
4. __Men and women share the same roles in their family life.
5. __Middle-class and upper-middle-class youth has a tendency tonvear clothes of Western styles.
B. Answer the following questions.
1. What do most social interactions involve especially in town?
2. Who do boys and girls regard as their best friends in Turkey?
3. When do most young people get married?

4. What is the tendency of women when they get married?
5. Why are appliances and electronic items such as radios, televisions, and computers so popular in Turkey?
XV. Choose the correct sentence which is built from the words given.
1. There/ no substitute/ hard work/ if/ want/ succeed.
A. There is no substitute for hard work if you want to succeed.
B. There are no substitute of hard work if one want to succeed.
C. There is no substitute and hard work if you want to succeed.
D. There is no substitute and hard work if they want to succeed.
2. In/ hands/ reckless driver/ car/ becomes/ lethal weapon.
A. In hands of a reckless driver makes a car becomes a lethal weapon.
B. In the hands of a reckless driver a car becomes a lethal weapon.
C. In the hands of reckless driver the car becomes a lethal weapon.
D. In hands of reckless driver car becomes a lethal weapon.
3. After/ robbery/ shop/ installed/ alarm system/ as insurance/ further losses.
A. After the robbery, the shop was installed an alarm system as an insurance to fight further losses.
B. After robbery, the shop installed an alarm system as to insurance in case further losses.
C. After the robbery, the shop installed an alarm system as an insurance against further losses.
D. After robbery, the shop installed the alarm system as insurance for further losses.
4. Given/ difficulty/ task/ 1/ lucky/ complete/ by May.
A. Given difficulty in the task, I shall be lucky to complete by May.
B. Given the difficulty of the task, I shall be lucky to complete it by May.
C. Given the difficulty of the task, I shall lucky to complete it by May.
D. Given the difficulty in the task, I will be too lucky to complete by May.
5. If/ we/ don't/ from you/ two days/ order/ will/ cancelled.
A. If we don't come from you in two days, the order will be cancelled.
B. If we don't hear from you after two days, the order will be cancelled.
C. If we don't hear from you for two days, the order will be cancelled.
D. If we don't hear from you within two days, the order will be cancelled.

6. I / interested/special offer/saw/advertisement.
A. I'm interested in the special offer which saw in your advertisement.
B. I'm interested in special offer I saw on your advertisement.
C. I'm interested in the special offer I saw in your advertisement.
D. I'm interested in the special offer I saw on your advertisement.
7. I / explained/ neighbour/ she/ have/ send in/ application.
A. I explained to my neighbour that she would have to send in a written application.
B. I explained my neighbour that she would have to send in a written application.
C. I explained to my neighbour that she would have send in a written application.
D. I explained my neighbour that she would have to send in a writing application.
8. Next/ you/ here/ visit/ remember/ your sister/ you.
A.Next time you go here to visit, remember bring your sister with you.
B. Next time you come here to visit, remember taking your sister with you.
C. Next time you come here and visit, remember bringing your sister with you.
D.Next time you go here to visit, remember to bring your sister with you.
9. There/oil leak/ lots/ fish/ died/ result/ pollution.
A. There had oil leak and lots offish died result from pollution.
B. There was an oil leak and lots offish died as a result of pollution.
C. There was an oil leak and a lots offish died as result of pollution.
D. There had oil leak and lots offish died as a result of pollution.
10. Sure/ attention/ what/ doctor/ says.
A. Make sure you take attention to what the doctor says.
B. Make sure you pay attention to what the doctor says.
C. Make sure you pay attention at what the doctor says.
D. Be sure you take attention at what the doctor says.
XVI. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it.
1. If she doesn't work harder, she'll lose her job.

2. He is sorry now that he didn't invite Jane to his party.
He wishes...........................................................
3. I understood very little of what the headmaster said.
I could hardly....................................................
4. The walls of this house need painting.
The walls of this house......................................
5. I've forgotten that actor's name but he's very well-known.
That actor,..........................................................
6. "Let's organize a sponsored cycle race."
The children suggested.......................................
7. He is extremely rich but very mean.
In spite................................................................
8. You'd better not touch that switch.
If I ......................................................................
9. I'd rather you didn't smoke here.
10. How long is it since you saw Tom?
XVII. Write complete sentences, using the words or phrases given.
1. According/ many sociologists/ anthropologists/ primary function/ family/ reproduce society/ either biologically/
socially/ or/ both.
2. Thus/one's experience/one's family/change/time.
3. From/ perspective of children/ family/ family of orientation/ family/ serve/ locate/ children socially/ and/ play/
major role/ socialization.
4. From/ point of view/ parents/ family/ family of procreation/ goal of which/ produce/and socialize children.
5. However/ producing children/ not/ only function/ the family.
6. In societies/ a sexual division of labor/ marriage/ necessary/ formation/ an economically productive household.
7. Structure of families/ traditionally/ depend/ relations/ parents/ children/ spouses/ or both.

8. Consequently/ two major types/ family/ nuclear (of two generations)/ extended (of more than two generations).
- enchilada: a Mexican dish consisting of a tortilla filled with meat and covered with a spicy sauce

- tortilla: 1. a thin Mexican pancake made with corn (maize ) flour or wheat flour, usually eaten hot and filled with
meat, cheese, etc. 2. a Spanish dish made with eggs and potatoes fried together

The End



I. Multiple Choice
1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. B
11. C 12.A 13. B 14. B 15. D 16. C 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. C
21. A 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. D 29. A 30. A
II. Find a word
1. pressure 2. feeling 3. caring 4. households 5. security 6. shift
7. supportive 8. willing 9. project 10. home 11. run 12. attempt
13. atmosphere 14. frankly 15. generally
III. Gap-fill
1. biologist 2. Biology 3. Caring 4. close-knit 5. Mischievous 6. mended
7. come 8. base 9. Spread 10. supportive 11. happiness 12. pressure
IV. Word formation
1. securely 2. security 3. Supporting 4. willingly 5. supporter 6. willingness

7. mischief 8. familiar 9. Parental 10. uncaring
V. Prepositions
1. from 2. for 3. at 4. from 5. At 6. in 7. on 8. under 9. to 10. out
VI. Gap-filling
1. shift 2. project 3. equally 4. generally 5. join 6. hands 7. suitable 8. pressure
9. chore 10. obedient 11. feelings 12. housework 13. base 14. until 15. close-knit
VII. Verb forms
[A] 1. lives 2. is studying 3. wants 4. doesn't have 5. teaches 5. tea6. loves 7. can make
[B] 1. come 2. live 3. has 4. doesn't work 5. am going to study 6. like 7. am sitting 8. are listening
[C] 1. was born 2. emigrated 3. went 4. didn’t like 5. live 6. have 7. are playing 8. are going
VIII. Past Simple or Past Continuous.

 Back

1. was working - opened – rushed
2. stood - walked - closed
3. walked - was wearing
4. Didn't you meet-were working
5. saw - were sitting
6. walked - handed
7. was listening - was doing
8. didn't they visit - were staying
9. was passing/passed – knocked
10. were you writing - crashed
IX. Simple Past or Past Perfect.
1. sat 2. had been 3. Had lived 4. was 5. hadn't managed 6.had taken 7. had been
8. went 9. got 10. felt 11. was 12. had been 13. decided
 Back
X. Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. realized 2. has seen 3. took 4. sSpent 5. have/has replaced 6. have become 7. were
8. has enabled 9. has really improved 10. disappeared 11. took 12. have become
13. have not done 14. has brought 15. has solved
XI. Tense revision
1. am writing 2. got/ arrived 4. go 5. know 6. spent
7. wrote 8. were waiting 9. got 10. felt/was feeling 11. got 12. enjoy/ are enjoying
13. is looking 14. Seems 15. doesn't get on/ isn't getting on 15. doesn't get on/ isn't getting on
16. complain/ are constantly complaining 19. am looking
17. is starting 18. asked 20. hear/ heard
XII. Using the past simple, present perfect or past perfect.
1. said 2. heard/ had heard 3. returned/ had returned 4. came/had come 5. was/had been
6. left 7. appointed 8. finished 9. have won 10. Accused 11. has disappointed 12. has spent 13. Is looking
14. seems 15. doesn’t get on / isn’t getting on 16. complain/ are constantly complaining
17. is starting 18. asked 19. am looking 20. hear/ heard
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XIII. Reading
A. True or False?
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True
B. Reading comprehension.
1. On average, in Saudi Arabia each family has four children.
2. The roles of men and women are divided based on Islamic principles and local custom.
3. Men are expected to lead the household and provide for its financial well-being, and women are expected to
have children, and raise them.
4. Saudi women are permitted to drive or to travel abroad with a male relative's approval.
5. The result of the women's movement is that the government has expressed a willingness to gradually provide
more rights for women.
XIV. Reading
A. True or False?
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1. False 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True

B. Comprehension questions.
1. Most social interactions involve visits to the homes of relatives - parents, siblings, grandparents, and aunts and
2. They regard their same-gender cousins as their closest friends.
3. Most young people generally seek to get married soon after finishing their education.
4. They are expected to give greater priority to taking care of a husband and rearing children than to pursuing a
career outside the home.
5. Because they can benefit multiple family members.
XV. Sentence building.
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. B
XVI. Sentence Transformation.
1. Unless she works harder, she'll lose her job.
2. He wishes he had invited Jane to his party.
3. I could hardly understand what the headmaster said.
4. The wal1 s of this house need to be painted.
5. That actor, whose name I've forgotten, is very well-known.
6. The children suggested organizing a sponsored cycle race.
7. In spite of his richness, he is extremely mean.
8. If I were you, I wouldn't touch that switch.
9. Would you mind not smoking / (or) stopping smoking here?

10. When did you last see Tom?
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XVII. Sentence building
1. According to many sociologists and anthropologists, the primary function of the family is to reproduce society,
either biologically, socially, or both.
2. Thus, one's experience of one's family changes over time.
3. From the perspective of children, the family is a family of orientation: the family serves to locate children
socially, and plays a major role in their socialization.

4. From the point of view of the parent(s), the family is a family of procreation, the goal of which is to produce,
and socialize children.
5. However, producing children is not the only function of the family.
6. In societies with a sexual division of labor, marriage is necessary for the formation of an economically
productive household.
7. The structure of families traditionally depends on relations between parents and children, between spouses, or
8. Consequently, there are two major types of family: nuclear (of'two generations), and extended (of more than two
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