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Ôn thi HK II
I. Pronunciation
A. Choose the word that has the underlined letter(s) pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. affect
b. spinach
c. amount
d. balanced
2. a. closed
b. looked
c. missed
d. practiced
3. a. books
b. students
c. maps
d. pens
4. a. improve
b. explore
c. import
d. perform
5. a. satellite
b. invent
c. live
d. spinach
B. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
1. a. papaya
b. pineapple
c. durian
d. orange
2. a. affect
b. selection
c. opportunity

d. improve
3. a. moderation
b. competition
c. invention
d. exploration
4. a. cricket
b. include
c. inside
d. available
5. a. souvenir
b. prefer
c. result
d. perform

II. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentences or substitutes
for the underlined word or phrase
1. Hoa doesn’t like peas, and her aunt…………….
a. neither doesn’t
b. doesn’t either
c. does, too
d. doesn’t too.
2. The number of participants ………….. every week.
a. increase
b. is increase
c. increases
d. are increasing
3. There was a good selection of meat ………. the stall.
a. at
b. with
c. in

d. on
4. We should eat a ……….. amount of fatty food and sugar every day.
a. moderation
b. moderate
c. large
d. larger
5. Being aware ……….. the risks is the safe way to water play.
a. with
b. for
c. on
d. of
6. My mother bought some spinach and some carrots at the ……… yesterday.
a. fruit stall
b. meat stall
c. food stall
d. vegetable stall
7. Would you like to play tennis? ……………
a. I’d love to, but I can’t
b. Yes, I’d love to
c. I’m sorry I can’t
d. All are correct
8. Lan added a little salt ………the spinach so it tasted good.
a. on
b. at
c. to
d. in
9. Would you like to have …….. coffee with your meal, sir?
a. some
b. any
c. other

d. ∅
10. Although he felt very ……….., he smiled ……….
a. angry/friendly
b. happy/angry
c. angrily/in a friendly way d. happily/angrily
11. Those chocolates look ………... Can I have one?
a. nice
b. nicely
c. terrible
d. terribly
12. The boys ______ television every night unless they have homework.
a. watch
b. watches
c. watched
d. are watching
13. It's lovely to wake up in the morning and ______ birds singing.
a. hear
b. hears
c. heard
d. hearing
14. The movie was really …………...
a. bore
b. bores
c. bored
d. boring
15. We …………. watching it before it was over.
a. stop
b. stopped
c. stopping
c. were stopping

16. I cannot sleep because my neighborhood is very ……………..
a. happy
b. average
c. fun
d. noisy
17. The library is a good place to …... because it is very ……...
a. study/quiet
b. eat/ hungry
c. learn /intelligent d. read /open

18. It’s ……… to play the piano, but it’s very difficult to play …………..
a. easily/well
b. easy/well
c. easy/good
d. easily/good
19. I’m feeling very ……….. I think I’ll go to bed.
a. tire
b. tires
c. tired
d. tiring
20. I read a very ……… article in the newspaper today.
a. interest
b. interests
c. interested
d. interesting

III. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Look! Sara (go) …………………..….to the movies.
2. We (swim) …………………………… a lot while we were on holiday.

3. When I get home the children (do) ………………….. their homework.
4. They always enjoyed (visit) ………………………….. their friends.
5. (she/play) …………………………………… tennis when she was younger?
6. John was surprised (see) ……………………. me
7. We (eat)…………………..at a fancy restaurant tonight. Jason (decide)…………………… this yesterday.
8. I’d like (tell) ……………….. you something about myself.
9. We (not attend) …………………….. the meeting tomorrow.
10. My sister (like) ……………..(cook) ………………. a lot.

IV. Use the correct form of the words in backets.
1. I think the most ……………………….. idea is to go by train. (SENSE)
2. It’s a very ………………………. match. (BORE)
3. They sat down………………………. (QUIET)
4. Last year, there was a district ………………………. for school children. (COMPETE)
5. It’s really a good ………………………. (PERFORM)
6. He behaved ………………………. towards his children. (STRICT)
7. You should ………………………. do it. (CARE)
8. We were very ………………………. at the news. (SURPRISE)
9. Yesterday, a friend of mine ………………………. visited me. (EXPECTED)
10. The number of ……………………… increases every week. (PARTICIPATE)

V. Correct the mistakes.

Last night I saw a programme very funny on TV .
I didn't know his mother French was.
It is a country terribly cold in the winter.
She must to be a great tennis player.
I chose the more expensive thing on the menu.
My teacher always stand while he teaches.
He’s a very quietly person.
You must wash your hands before eat.

VI. Read the passage and choose the best answer
Most teenagers (1) ________ the world watch TV. Many (2) ________to the radio. In a lot of countries, the most
popular shows on TV are (3) ________. They (4) ________ ordinary characters and how they live.
Many teenagers like pop music. There are lots of music programs on TV and one satellite TV (5) ________ only
shows pop videos. In many countries, people can (6) ________ satellite TV. Often in large cities, cable TV is
available. With satellite and cable TV, it’s possible to choose from a wide variety of programs.

a. around
a. see
a. kinds
a. show
a. life
a. receive

b. after
b. go
b. styles
b. do
b. station
b. give

c. about
c. do
c. series
c. make
c. living
c. make

d. at
d. listen
d. minds
d. work
d. lived
d. live

True or false
1. Many teenagers around the world watch TV (T/F)
2. There are lots of music programs on TV. (T/F)
3. Cable TV is available in large cities. (T/F)
4. With satellite and cable TV, it’s impossible to choose from a wide variety of programs. (T/F)

VII. Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the words given
1. Come and have dinner with me.

Would ……………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Playing football in the street is very dangerous.
It’s ………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. They took a taxi to the airport.
They went…………………………………………………………………………………
4. You had better not watch TV too late.
You ought…………………………………………………………………………………
5. Lan is a very good cook.
6. Let’s meet for a drink.
How about…………………………………………………………………………………
7. Tom often forgets to do the homework and Jimmy does, too.
Tom doesn’t………………………………………………………………………………
8. She wrote the letter in 30 minutes.
It took……………………………………………………………………………………..
9. Remember to do your homework carefully.
Don’t forget………………………………………………………………………………
10. How high is your house?
11. James didn’t go out last night. Jimmy didn’t go out last night.
James …………………………………………………………………………………….
12. I like pop music.

VIII. Arrange these words into their correct orders

early /had/ this/ an / I/ breakfast/ morning
wet / take off /you/ coat/ had better/ your
name /I / couldn’t / remember / his / I / but / tried / hard / to
he/ taught/Tom’s / eighteen /to/ father/ when/ drive/ him/how / was
going / parents /to / with/ she / detective movie / her / is / see /

IX. Make questions for the underlined words
1. It takes me fifteen minutes to walk to school.
2. Peter is 1.7 meters high
3. Yesterday my mother went to the doctor because she had a temperature.
4. The children stayed out for an hour.
5. We take a holiday once a year.
6. He did it carefully.
7. We met Judy’s sister yesterday.
8. Mr. Brown is going to teach us English next term.
