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Traditional american values beliefs

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American Culture

Chapter 2: Traditional
American Values and

The Context of Traditional American Values:
Racial, Ethnic, Religious, and Cultural Diversity

Today, the US is the most diverse country in the
Racially, ethnically, culturally, religously
The US has always had some diversity

Native Americans
Spanish settlers
French missionaries
Black slaves
British colonists

The Context of Traditional American Values:
Racial, Ethnic, Religious, and Cultural Diversity

Diversity = Pluralism (more than one)
The high diversity in the US meant that people had no
choice but to accept it
Many Americans see their diversity as their strength
Pluralism is recognized more today than it was in the past

The Context of Traditional American Values:
Racial, Ethnic, Religious, and Cultural Diversity
 How did the American national identity develop with so
much diversity?

The Context of Traditional American Values:
Racial, Ethnic, Religious, and Cultural Diversity
 “we share a common set of values that make us
American…. We are defined by the rights we have…. Our
rights are our history, why the first European settlers
came here and why millions more have come here since.”

– John Zogby

The Context of Traditional American Values:
Racial, Ethnic, Religious, and Cultural Diversity
“The land of opportunity”
 The values of the people who went to America for a new life
developed into the traditional values of American today:
– Individual freedom
– Equality of opportunity
– Material wealth
– Self-reliance
– Competition
– Hard work

Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance

Early colonists came to America to escape oppression at
home (Europe) by kings, governments, churches etc
British colonists declared independence in 1776
In 1789 the constitution was written which separated
church from state
Titles (Lord, Duke, Sir) were forbidden to prevent an
aristocratic society from developing

Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance

This created a “climate of freedom” where the individual
was most important.
Individual freedom (i.e. you can do anything you want to
do) is the most basic American value.

Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance

Freedom: the desire and the right of all individuals to
control their own destiny without outside interference
from the government, a ruling noble class, the church, or
any other organized authority.
This “freedom” has attracted many immigrants to

Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance

However, to achieve “individual freedom” they needed to be
– Financial / emotional independence from parents
Americans believe they should take care of themselves and
solve their own problems
They owe nothing to any man, they expect nothing from any
man; they acquire the habit of always considering
themselves as standing alone, and they are apt to imagine
that their whole destiny is in their own hands.

Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance

Most Americans believe they must be self-reliant to keep
their individual freedom
i.e. if you rely on someone else, you don’t have any

Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance

Sometimes, people are forced to rely on others
This is generally not a long term arrangement
Being too reliant on others means a loss of freedom, and
sometimes a loss of respect
Even when dependent on others, people must ‘appear’ to be
self reliant

Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance

Financial support (charities, welfare) to those in need is
generally for a short time only
It is expected that people will take care of themselves
Financial support is common, but not admired
Many believe it is a bad example that will weaken the
American character.

Equality of Opportunity and

Immigrants to the US believe that everyone has the
chance to succeed
People are free from excessive political, religious, and
social control
One reason is the lack of a hereditary aristocracy

Equality of Opportunity and Competition

No formal class system exists in the US
Many people believed that in their native countries, their
social class would determine how successful they could be
In America, they would not have to compete with rich and
powerful noble families

Equality of Opportunity and Competition

Many immigrants were very successful in the US –
regardless of their background
This lead to the idea of equality of opportunity
The more I advanced in the study of American society, the
more I perceived that … equality of condition id the

fundamental fact from which all others seem to be

Equality of Opportunity and Competition

“Equality of opportunity”
– Each individual has an equal opportunity for
“Success” is the main goal of American life – everyone
should have the same chance to be successful
An “ethical” rule (similar to “fair play”)

Equality of Opportunity and Competition
We… wish to allow the humblest man an equal chance to
get rich with everybody else. When one starts poor, as
most do in the race of life, free society is such that he
knows he can better his condition; he knows that there is
no fixed condition of labor for his whole life.
-Abraham Lincoln

Equality of Opportunity and Competition

The downside of equality of opportunity is competition
Americans see life as a race to succeed – with winners and
Americans believe that since they all have the same
opportunity to succeed, they have a duty to try

Equality of Opportunity and Competition

Pressure of competition is part of all Americans’ lives
Competition is encouraged at an early age (especially in

Equality of Opportunity and Competition

Americans are under a lot of pressure to compete
throughout their working lives
When they retire, many lose their prestige and respect

People who don’t compete well are seen as misfits

Material Wealth and Hard Work

People came to the US to raise their standard of living
America has very abundant natural resources – and was seen
as a “land of plenty”
Many improved their own lives or the lives of their children
Material wealth became important to Americans

Material Wealth and Hard Work

“Materialism” – to place a high value on material
possessions (cars, jewelry, etc)
Americans are perceived to be very materialistic – even
though they may value other things more highly (family,
faith etc)
Why are Americans materialistic?

Material Wealth and Hard Work
 Material wealth dictates social status in the absence of
hereditary aristocracy or titles of nobility.
 Quality and quantity of possessions became a measure of
