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Tai lieu luyen thi noi IELTS

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Bài thi nói IELTS kéo dài trong khoảng thời gian 11-15 phút và chia làm 3
Phần 1
Giảm khảo sẽ hỏi một số câu hỏi liên quan đến các đề tài quen thuộc, cơ bản
về bản thân thí sinh như họ tên, nơi sinh, gia đình, việc làm, môi trường học
tập, nền giáo dục, tình trạng hôn nhân, quê hương, ngày lễ truyền thống….
1. What is your (full) name?
Warm up/
2. Can I have your name please?
3. Could you tell me your full name please?
4. What shall I call you?

5. How can I address you?
6. Does your name have any special meaning?
7. Is your name important to you?
8. Have you ever changed your name? Why or why
9. Why do so many people change their name?
1. Describe your family.
2. Do you have a large or a small family?
3. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
What do they like doing in their free time?
Which order are you in your family?
4. Can you tell me something/ a little about your
5. What do your parents do?
6. Do you have strict parents? Are your parents strict?
7. Do you live with your family?
8. How much time do you spend with your family?
9. What do you like to do together as a family?
10. Do you get along well with your family?
11. Which part of your parents do you most resemble/
take after? Why do you say that?
12. When was the last time you met your extended





family? What was the occasion?
13. Are people in your country generally close to their
families? Are people/ they generally close to their
families in your country?
1. Describe your education. (education background)
2. What kind of school did you go to when you were a
3. Did you go to a co-educational school?
4. What was your favourite subject when you were a
5. Who was your favourite teacher?
6. What is the education system like in your country?
7. Do you think your country has an effective
education system?
1.What are you studying? / Where are you studying?
2. What’s your major?
3. Why did your choose that major?
4. What do you find most interesting about your
5. What is your favourite subject?
6. What do you dislike about your study?
7. What do you plan/ intend to do after your
8. What are your ambitions for the future?
9. Do you/ expect to receive any qualifications?
10. What are the advantages of studying instead of

1. What do you do? Can you describe your job to me?
2. What are your responsibilities?
3. What do you do for a living?
4. How long have you been doing it?
5. Describe the company or organization you work for.
6. How many people does your firm employ at
7. Can you have some time off whenever you want?
8. If they offer you a well-paid job, will you take it?
9. Why don’t you apply for another job?
10. Can you tell me something/ a little about your boss?
What kind of person is he/ she? Like?
11. Have you ever had any serious work? Do you enjoy
your work?
12. Can you describe one of your typical working days?
13. What’s your daily routine on a working day?



14. Why did you choose to do that job?
15. Are there any kinds of work you would rather do?
16. What things do you like about your work? Why?
17. What do you think is the attraction of your work?
18. What is your ideal job?
19. What do you dislike about your job?

20. Do you want to change your current job? Why or
why not?
21. Are you willing to do your job permanently?
22. If you could change your job or profession, what
would you do?
23. Describe the process of getting a job in your
24. What are your plans for the future.
1. Can you describe your hometown or village to me?
2. Tell me something about your hometown.
3. What are you from?
4. Where is your hometown?
5. Where do you come from?
6. What’s special about it?
7. What is the name of the street you live on?
8. What kind of street do you live on?
9. Is it easy to travel around your hometown?
10. What do you like about your town?
11. What is the weather like in your town?
12. What building is considered famous in your town?
13. What do people in your town do?
14. What are the main industries in your hometown?
15. How has your town changed over the last twenty
16. What problems does your hometown face?
17. What are the advantages of living in your
18. What changes have taken place in your city in
recent years?
19. Compare your hometown with another city.

20. What are environmental problems faced by your
21. Do you think better to live in the center of town or
outside in the countryside?
22. Would you like to live in your hometown when you
retire/ get older?
23. When are you next going back to your hometown?







24. Do you often visit your hometown?
25. How often do you go back to your hometown?
26. Is your hometown famous for anything?
27. What is the name of your hometown?
28. What kind of transport do people usually use in your
1. What’s the weather like in your country?
2. Does the weather affect your mood?

3. How do rainy days make you feel?
4. What’s your favourite season of the year?
5. What do you like to do when it’s hot?
6. What do you usually do in the winter?
7. How many seasons are there in your country?
1. Describe your house.
2. What kind of building do you live in?
3. How long have you lived there?
1. Do you have many friends? (How about close
2. How long have you known them?
3. What do you usually do together?
4. What do you like the most about them?
5. How often do you see them?
1. Have you ever been to a wedding?
2. Whose wedding was it?
3. Where was it held?
4. What did people wear?
5. Describe the wedding ceremony?
6. What sort of gifts did people buy for the bridal
7. What kind of costume did the bride and groom
1. Do you like to travel?
2. What kind of places have you visited in your life?
3. Which place would you really like to visit? Why?
4. What’s the best place you’ve ever visited?
5. Have you visited many foreign countries? What was
your favourite place? Why?
6. What countries would you like to visit (in the

7. Would you like to live abroad? Why/ Why not?
8. What things would you recommend a foreign tourist
to do in your country?
9. Have you ever had any problems while you were








10. When you think you will next travel abroad?
(Where would you like to go?)
11. Have you been to any English speaking countries?
(What do you think about it/ them?)
12. Have you travelled much?
13. Have you visited any foreign countries?
14. Which part of the world would you most like to

15. If you could live in another country/ travel
somewhere, where would you choose?
1. Do you think computers help society?
2. Do you think computers are bad for health?
3. How do you think computers have changed the
1. Do you the Internet much during the day?
2. What do you usually do on the Internet?
3. What are some advantages of the Internet?
4. What are some disadvantages?
5. Do people in your country use the Internet a lot?
6. Do you do any shopping on the Internet?
1. Do you send and receive email regularly?
2. Who do you usually communicate with?
3. How often do you check your email?
4. Do you think writing email has strengthened or
weakened people’s writing skills?
5. What are some disadvantages of email?
1. What do you think about smoking in public places?
2. Do you think smoking should be banned in people’s
1. What is the attitude towards marriage in your
2. Do most young people plan on getting married in
your country?
3. What are some of the advantages of marriage?
4. What are some of the disadvantages?
5. Is the divorce rate high in your country?
6. Do you think people should be allowed to get

1. Do you have any hobbies? What are your hobbies?
2. Have you got any interests or hobbies?
3. What are some of your hobbies?
4. What are some of the advantages of having a



Free time



5. How much time do you spend on your hobby?
6. Are there any new leisure activities you would like
to take up?
7. Do you prefer corrected stay at home in the evening
corrected? (Why?)
8. How do you usually spend your weekends/ days
9. What do you usually do in the evening?
10. Do you prefer going out or staying at home? Why?
1. Do you enjoy watching movies?
2. What’s your favourite film?

3. Who are your favourite actors?
4. How often do you watch films?
1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
2. How much time do you spend week for doing these
3. Why do you like doing these activities?
4. How did you start doing these activities at first?
5. Are there some other hobbies or sports you would
like to try? Why?
6. How has the way people spend their free time
changed over the years?
7. What do you do when you have a holiday?
8. Who do you usually spend holiday with?
9. Where do you like to spend your holidays? Why?
10. Can you describe a typical day in your holidays?
11. Why are holidays important to you?
12. If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world,
where would you do? Why?
13. What do people usually do during holidays in your
1. Describe a place would you like to go.
2. Why is this place special to you?
3. When did you first visit this place?
4. Where is this place located?
5. What language is spoken there? Can you speak that
1. How did you come here today?
2. What is public transport like in your town?
3. How do you think it could be improved?
4. Do you think people should use public transport

more? Why (not)?






1. How much time do you spend shopping every
2. Do you enjoy going shopping? Why (not)?
3. How do you feel about shopping?
4. Do you like shopping on the Internet?
5. Which is the most popular place to shop in your
6. What is your favourite shop and why do you like it?
7. What problems are there with shopping in your
1. Can you describe the house where do you live to
2. What is there to do in the area where you live?
3. What do you like about the area where you live?
4. How do you think it could be improved?

5. Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town
or outside in the countryside? Why?
1. Do you enjoy reading? Why?
2. What sort of things do you read?
3. What kind of books do you like to read?
4. Tell me something about your favourite book.
5. Where do you like to read?
6. What are the advantages of reading instead of
watching television or going to the cinema?
1. Do you like sports?
2. Do you enjoy watching sports?
3. Do you enjoy participating in any sports?
4. How often do you participate in sports?
5. What equipment do you need for your favourite
6. What sports are most popular in your country?
7. What sports and games did you enjoy playing when
you were a child?
8. Do you take as much exercise as in the past?
9. Why is exercise good for you?
1. Do you enjoy playing any games?
2. What kind of games do you play?
3. Do you think adults should play games?
4. What do children learn from games?
5. What kinds of games did you play when you were a
6. What games are popular in your country nowadays?
7. What kinds of games were popular when you were









Going out


Do you think mental games like chess are good for
Do you have a favourite colour?
What are your national colours?
Do any colours have a special meaning in your
Do you think colours affect our moods?
Can you learn anything about a person from the
colours he/ she likes?
Do you like the same colours now as you did when
you were a child?

Do you like music?
What kind of music do you like?
When do you usually listen to music?
What kind of music did you like when you were
What kind of music is popular in your country?
Do you play any musical instruments?
Do you wish you could play corrected musical
Which is your favourite instrument?
Which country are you from?
Where is that/ the country located?
Which part of the country do most people live in?
What are the main industries in your country?
Is it easy to travel around your country?
What type of clothes do you like to wear?
What kind of clothes do people in your country
usually wear?
How important is fashion to you?
What kind of clothes do you dislike?
Do you think people behave differently in different
kinds of clothes?
What kind of clothes do people wear to work in
your country?
Are clothes expensive in your country?
Do you like going out or staying at home?
What do you like to do when you go out?
How often do you go out?
Do people in your country go out a lot?
How and where do people in your country usually






Daily routine


6. What kind of entertainment is popular in your
1. What’s the most important festival in your country?
2. How do people celebrate that festival?
3. What special food is associated with that/ the
4. What special activities are associated with that/ the
5. What do you enjoy most about that/ the festival?
6. Do you think festivals are important for a society?
7. Are there any festivals would you like to go to?
8. When did you last go to a festival?
9. Does your hometown have any famous festivals?
1. How do you usually celebrate your birthdays?

2. How did you celebrate your last birthday?
3. How do you think you will celebrate your next
4. What is the most important day of the year to you?
5. What is the next big celebration in your family?
(What are you going to do?)
1. Which places would you recommend to a visitor to
your country?
2. Do a lot of tourists visit your country?
3. What do they usually do there?
4. How has tourism changed your country?
5. Is your country expensive for most tourists?
6. What are some famous landmarks in your country?
1. Describe your daily routine.
2. What do you usually do?
3. What do you do on the weekend?
4. What is your typical weekday like?
5. Does your life change much from week to week?
6. Do you have any free time during the week?
1. Do you watch television a lot?
2. What do you usually what on television?
3. How many hours do you usually watch television?
4. What are the most popular shows in your country?
5. What kind of shows do you like to watch?
6. What are some advantages of television?
7. What are some of the disadvantages of television?
8. What did you last watch on television?
9. Why do you think certain TV shows are so popular?

Food and drink


Future plans

1. What are some of your favourite foods?
2. What foods are popular in your country?
3. What are some of the famous dishes of your
4. Do you enjoy cooking?
5. Who does the cooking in your family/ house?
6. What is the most famous dish in your country? Can
you describe it?
7. What is your favourite dish?
8. What kind of food do you like?
9. Which is your main meal of the day?
10. Do you prefer eating at home or in a restaurant?
11. On what occasions do you eat special meals?
1. Do you live in a house or a flat? / what sort of home
do you live in? what kind of accommodation do you
live in?
2. Where do you live now? How long have you been
living there?
3. Where are you living now?
4. Do you live near here?
5. What do you like about your home? Is there

anything you would like to change/ improve about
your home.
6. What would your dream house be like?
7. Can you tell me about the kind of accommodation
you live in? what do you like about living there?
8. What is your local area like?
9. What sort of accommodation would you most like
to live in?
10. Do you still live in your family home?
11. Can you tell me about where are you living at the
12. Would you like to move house? Why/ why not?
13. What is your favourite room in your house? Why?
14. How long do you think you will continue living in
your present accommodation?
15. Who do you live with? / Do you live on your own?
1. What are your plans for your next holiday? / do you
have any plans for your next holiday?
2. What are you going to do at the weekend/ on your
next days off?
3. What do you think you will be doing in ten years’


Language studies






4. Do you have any plans or ambitions for the future?
5. Do you have any plans to travel or live abroad?
1. Do you speak any other languages? / How many
languages do you speak?
2. Why are you taking the IELTS exam?
3. Do you have any for after you take the IELTS
4. What will you do if you pass the IELTS exam?
5. How long have you been studying English?
6. Why is it important for you to learn English?
7. Do you enjoy English at school?
8. Do you enjoy studying English?
9. What do you find most difficult about learning
10. What activities do you find most useful for learning
English? What do you think the best way to study a
language is?
11. How much time do you spend studying English
every week?
1. What kinds of things make you laugh?

2. Do you like making other people laugh?
3. Do you think it’s important for people to laugh?
4. Is laughing the same as feeling happy, do you think?
1. What would you suggest a visitor should see and do
in your country?
2. Are there any traditional arts or music you would
3. Tell me about the kinds of foreign visitors or
tourists who go to your country.
4. In what ways has tourism changed your country?
1. Do you enjoy dancing?
2. Has anyone ever taught you to dance?
3. Tell me about traditional dancing in your country?
4. Do you think that traditional dancing will be popular
in the future?
1. How do most people travel to work where you live?
2. What traffic problems are there in your area?
3. How do traffic problems affect you?
4. How would you reduce the traffic problems in your
1. Do you eat fruits?
2. How often do you eat fruits?
3. Where do you buy your fruits from?

Telephone calls

Technology at

home/ office




4. Do you think it’s important for people to eat fruits?
1. How often are you on the phone?
2. Do you like calling friends or family more often?
3. Did you call your friends a lot when you were a
4. Do you think children should have to pay their own
telephone bills?
1. How often do you use electric appliances at home/
2. How do you think they help you with your chores?
3. Are there any other advantages?
4. Are there any drawbacks to using these appliances?
5. Do you think people should use electric appliances
more often or less often than they do now?
1. How often do you take photographs? Why?/ why
2. Why do people take photographs?
3. Do you prefer photographs or people or places?
1. Is being late acceptable in your culture? (Why/ why

2. Are you ever late for appointments? (Why/ why
3. Why type of excuses do you think are alright for
4. How do you feel when someone is late for an
appointment with you?
1. Do you dream much at night?
2. Do you often remember your dreams?
3. Do you think we can learn anything from dreams?
4. Do people in your country talk about their dreams?
5. Do you think that dreams can come true?



Phần 2

Giám khảo sẽ đưa cho thí sinh một đề tài (topic card) ngẫu nhiên mô tả
một sự việc, hiện tượng,….. có liên quan đến bạn, trong yêu cầu cũng sẽ
có 4 gợi ý để thí sinh có thể dễ dàng phát triển ý. Thí sinh có 1 phút để
suy nghĩ và trình bày trong vòng 1 -2 phút.
Ví dụ:

Describe a special occasion when you had a really enjoyable

You should say:
What the occasion was
Where you are the meal
What you ate
And say why you enjoyed it so much.
- Describe a book that impressed you.
- Describe a book you have never read but would like to do in the future.
- Describe a dish you know how to cook.
- Describe a festival that is important in your country.
- Describe a film you have never seen but would like to see.
- Describe a film you have seen which you remember well.
- Describe a friend you had when you were a child.
- Describe a game you used to play when you were a child.
- Describe a garden you remember visiting.
- Describe a happy childhood event.
- Describe a happy event in your life.
- Describe a historical place.
- Describe a hobby you were interested in when you were a child.
- Describe a hotel you have stayed in.
- Describe a lake, a river or a sea you have visited.
- Describe a language you would like to learn.
- Describe a museum or art gallery that you have visited.
- Describe a new sport or hobby you would like to take up.
- Describe a newspaper or magazine you enjoy reading.
- Describe a party.
- Describe a piece of modern technology you own.


Describe a place that you would like to travel.
Describe a place where you often go on your days off.
Describe a practical skill you have.
Describe a present you have given someone.
Describe a restaurant you know.
Describe a shopping centre you often visit.
Describe a special occasion in your life.
Describe a sporting even you have attended.
Describe a subject taught in your school.
Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school.
Describe a thing which is important to you.
Describe a TV programme that you often watch.
Describe a wedding you attended.
Describe a wild animal that can be found in your country.
Describe an activity you like doing.
Describe an advertisement you like.
Describe an area of countryside you know and like.
Describe an artist or entertainer you admire.
Describe an enjoyable event that you experienced when you were at
Describe an environmental problem.
Describe an important choice you had to make in your life.
Describe an important letter that you received.
Describe an item you often use in your free time.
Describe an old person you admire.
Describe one of your neighbours.
Describe someone in your family who you like.

Describe something who has had an important influence on your life.
Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.
Describe something special you want to buy in the future.
Describe something that you collect.
Describe something you can do on a computer that you think is enjoyable.
Describe something you like doing at home.
Describe something you often do in the evening.
Describe something you often do or used to do in your free time with your
Describe something you or someone you know collects.
Describe what you are going to do or will probably do on your next day
Describe your favourite film.
Describe your favourite photograph.
Describe your favourite animal.
Describe your favourite free time activity.


Describe your favourite item of clothing.
Describe your favourite magazine, newspaper or comic.
Describe your favourite movie.
Describe your favourite news source.
Describe your favourite place to eat out.
Describe your favourite song or piece of music.
Talk about a house or an apartment you would like to live in.

Phần 3
(4-5 PHÚT)
Giám khảo sẽ thảo luận/ đặt câu hỏi chi tiết hơn về những gì thí sinh đã trình
bày ở phần II hoặc thảo luận về một nội dung nào đó. Các câu hỏi ở phần này
thường là các loại sau: 1. Discussion (bàn luận); 2. Compare (so sánh); 3. (
Speculate (dự đoán); 4. Analyse (phân tích); 5. Explain (giải thích); 6.
Evaluate (ý kiến)
Eating habits
1. Tell me about the types of food that people eat in your country.
2. How are the eating habits in your country different from eating habits in
the past?
3. How healthy is your country’s food?
4. Why do you think different cultures have different table manners?
5. How may eating habits change in coming decades?
1. How are education priorities today different from those in the past?
2. What is your opinion to the ways languages are taught at schools?
3. How can the type of school you go to affect career success?
4. What changes do you think will happen in the classroom in the near
1. Is water pollution a problem in your country?
2. What are some of the causes of water pollution?
3. What can individuals do to try and ensure water to be kept clean?
4. Do you think problems with the cleanliness of water will improve in the
5. What causes environmental problems?
6. What should be the government do to protect the environment?
7. What should we do to protect the environment?

8. What other measures can you think of to protect the environment?
9. How should we educate children to protect the environment?

10. What’s the difference between the old and the young as regards the
Influence of television
1. How popular is watching television in your country?
2. Tell me about the types of programme that are general on television in
your country?
3. Why do people like watching television?
4. Do you think state or private television is better?
5. What effects can watching television have on children?
Influence on the young
1. Why type of people influences the young in your country?
2. Why is it important to have role models?
3. Do you think the education system in your country influences young
people’s behaviour?
4. What types of people (parents, teachers, friends etc) are best to influence
young people’s behaviour?
5. What do you think young people will be most influenced by in the future?
Leisure activities
1. What types of leisure activities are popular in your country?
2. Why is it important for people to have time for leisure activities?
3. Why are some activities more popular than others?
4. Are the types of leisure activities that are popular today the same as those
that were popular when your parents were young?
5. What types of leisure activities may become more popular in the future?

1. Is shopping a popular activity in your country?
2. How have shopping habits changed over recent years?
3. To what extent do you think advertising affects the way people stop?
4. Are there any differences between shopping in rural areas and shopping in
urban areas?
5. Do you think shopping habits are likely to change in the future?
Travel and transport
1. How easy is it to travel around your country?
2. Which method of travel do you consider safest?
3. Has travel become safer in recent years?
4. What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel?
5. How do you think people will travel in the future?
6. How do most people travel long distances in your country?
7. Have the types of transport people use changed much over the last few
8. What kinds of improvement have there been in transport in your country in
recent years?
9. Do you think transport is likely to continue to improve in the future?

1. Is higher education too expensive in your country?
2. Should all students have to pay for their university education?
3. What advantages do universities bring to society?
4. Which is more important, research or teaching?
5. How should students spend their summer vacations?
Sports and competition

1. Why are some sports fans so passionate?
2. Is there any violence at sporting events in your country?
3. Should athletes be better role models?
4. What benefits do international sporting events bring?
5. Is it important for a country to win lots of medals?
6. What types of sports are popular in your country?
7. What are the benefits of playing a sport?
8. Do you think the types of sport that are popular will change in the future?
9. How can sports bring people from different countries closer together?
Leadership and politics
1. Do you think people are born to be leaders?
2. Can leadership skills be taught?
3. Why are elected politicians often so unpopular?
4. What should a leader do to remain popular?
5. Do you think unelecting heads of state is a good idea?
Life experience
1. Do you agree that we learn best from our mistakes?
2. What’s the best way to gain experience in life?
3. Can we gain life experience from books and movies?
4. Which is more important, experience or potential?
5. What experience do you wish you’d gain?
Retirement and old age
1. At what age should people retire from work?
2. What problems can people face after retirement?
3. How important are retirees to your country’s economy?
4. When should you start saving for retirement?
5. Why do some companies encourage early retirement?
Photography and the image
1. Is it easy to take good photographs?
2. What are the pros and cons of digital photography?

3. Should people share their photographs online?
4. When can an image be worth a thousand words?
5. Is a photograph a reliable form of identification?
Inventions and copyright
1. Which invention has transformed your country most?
2. Would you like to be an inventor?

3. How long should someone be able to profit from an idea?
4. Do you think intellectual property laws are too strict?
5. Should all medicines be free to manufacture?
The internet and social media
1. Which websites are popular with your generations?
2. Is using the internet a social or solitary activity?
3. How has the internet changed social behaviour?
4. Should companies check job through applicants’ online profiles?
5. What will be the next big development online?
Role models
1. Which types of people are respected most in your society?
2. Do you agree with this situation?
3. What happens when young people lack good role models?
4. What standards of behaviour should teachers set?
5. Do you agree that you should never meet your heroes?
Leisure time
1. Compare how adults spend their leisure time with how children spend their
leisure time.
2. Compare the way men spend their leisure time with the way women spend
their leisure time.

3. Compare the role of women in society today to their role several
generations ago.
4. Do old and young people like to do the same things? (Why/ why not?
What do both groups like to do?)
Learning English
1. What problems do you have when studying English?
2. Do you think that English is the most important language in the world?
3. What other language are taught in Viet Nam?
4. Do you think that age is the most important factor of learning English?
5. What difficulties would a foreigner have when he learns your native
6. What problems would Vietnamese people have when communicating with
7. When would be most suitable for children to learn English?
8. How will translation and interpretation develop in the future?
1. Compare the impact of local radio stations with that of national radio
2. Compare listening to the radio to watching TV. (What are the differences
and advantages of each?)
3. Compare radio and TV as a source of news.

4. Do young people and old people like listening to the same kind of radio
Children’s development
1. Compare the leisure-time activities of children when you were a child with

the leisure activities of children today.
2. How are the attitudes of today’s parents towards their children different to
attitudes of parents in the past?
3. How are the behaviour pattern of children different to those of teenagers
(or adults)
1. Are young people and older people interested in the same news content?
2. Are women and men interested in the same news content?
1. Is saving money in the city and in rural areas the same or different?
2. How is the way people save today different to the way people used to save
many years ago?
1. Do you think people should wait for a special occasion to give gifts or
should they give gifts whenever they feel like it? (Compare the value of
2. Do people give the same kinds of gifts to both boys and girls?
3. (As above) Compare the kinds of gifts that boys like with those that girls
4. Compare the kinds of gifts that well-educated people like with those that
less educated people like.
5. How are gifts that people give each other today different to gifts when you
were a child?
6. Do men and women have the same attitude towards gift giving? (Or: Do
men and women give the same kinds of gifts?)
Family life
1. How has family life (or, families) changed in Viet Nam in the recent past,
for example, in the past 20 or 50 years?
2. Have these been changed for the better or for the worse?
3. (Similar to above) Has the influence of family on people changed,

compared to many years ago?
Factors when choosing a job
1. Why do different people choose to do different kinds of work?
2. Compare some of the different types of work that you know.
3. What are the differences between a “job” and a “career”?
4. What do you think is the most important factor when choosing a job or a
career-the salary, how interesting the job is, or how much power one can
gain from the job?

5. If you had to choose one of two different jobs, one being well-paid but not
interesting and the another being poorly-paid but interesting, which job
would you choose?
1. In what ways are documentary films and films only for entertainment
2. (Similar to above) Films in cinemas are all for entertainment. How do you
think these films compare to documentary videos or documentary TV
3. Compare the films that older people (e.g.,over 35) like to watch with those
that younger people (e.g., 13 to 25) like to watch.
4. Compare animated cartoon films with films that have real actors. Which is
better? (Or: Which do you prefer?) (Why?)
5. What kinds of people like to watch different types of films?
6. How are movies and real life different?
7. Do different age groups like the same kinds of films?
8. Do men and women like to watch the some kinds of films?
9. In genera, when films are made of novels, how do the films differ from the

1. Are there any differences between the games boys like to play and those
girls like to play?
2. Do different age groups of people like to play different games? (Give
examples – What games?)

Part 1
Warm up
1. Could you show me your identification card please?
Hello. Sure, here you are.
2. Could you tell me your full name please?
My full name is Bui Ngoc Mai. I am also called by my English name, which
is Vivian.
3. What shall I call you?
You could call me Vivian.
4. How are you?
I am well, thank you, and you?
5. I’m fine, thanks. How old are you?

I am 24 years old. In other words, I was born in 1990 on the twenty-first of
July 1990, to be exact.
6. Does your name have any special meaning?
Yes, my name does have some special meaning. It’s the name of a flower
symbolizing the richness. My English name was given to me by one of my
high school teachers, and it does not have any special meaning really.

7. Is your name important to you?
- No, I don’t think it can do anything for me. I believe that a person has to
work out his own life. I am planning to do this as well as I can.
- Not really. I am a part of the new generation who do not attach too much
significance to our names. Names were important to the older generation
as they have the opinion that I will determine your destiny to some extent.
However, I personally believe that I myself will determine my destiny
irrespective of what my name is. I will do this by acquiring good
qualifications and by working hard.
8. What kind of person are you?
- I am a simple and straightforward person. I am a very hard working person
and believe in hard work and persistence. I am an optimist, always think
positively about everything. I am also very sensitive to nature and have a
lot of patience for everything.
- I am basically an extrovert. I love socializing and making friends. I am
also honest and sincere, not only with my work but also with my friends. I
am always ready to help any person who is in trouble. My friends trust me
a lot. I do not like liars and people who take advantage of others. I lose my
temper with such people and so get very angry.
9. What are your strong points? What is your weakness?
- No man is perfect in this world and similarly I have certainly positive and
negative aspects as well. Talking about the positive aspects. I am a very
hardworking person and believe in hard work and persistence. I believe
that with hard work everything is achievable. Secondly, I am a positive
person who thinks positively. Besides that I am an honest person who
believes in honesty because without honesty nothing can survive for a long
time. I am a good listener, too. And hence I absorb many things from
- As far as negative aspects are concerned, I trust people very fast and this
sometimes creates problems in my life. I am also very sensitive to nature

and this creates a lot of tension in my life. I am also quite a cool person
and I don’t get angry fast. Sometimes I feel people take advantages of this.
When I am involved in my work I cannot think of anything else,
sometimes I don’t remember important things going on in the family also.
I know that this is not good, and so I am trying to rectify the same.



1. Where are you from? (Where is your hometown?)
I come from Nam Dinah. My parents have been living there for the past forty
years and so. I grew up there and I attended a well-known school called Le
Hong Phong High School. We live in a respectable area with many shops,
restaurants, and a variety of other businesses. The people in our building are
generally friendly and gentle, which makes it a pleasure to live there.
2. Do you like your hometown? (Why?)
Yes, I like living in Nam Dinh because it’s the place where most of my
friends live, and because there are plenty of things to do there. The only thing
I don’t like is the weather.
3. Where do you live now?
I am living with my aunt in Ha Noi at the moment. To be more exact, we live
in an apartment building in one of the northern suburbs of the city. I have my
own room and enjoy the privacy that it brings, but I am looking forward to the
day that I can have my own apartment. Although my aunt is very good and I
love her very much, I would like to be more independent soon.
4. Is there much to do in your current city?
Oh yes, there’s certainly lots to do there as it’s a fairly big city. If you like

going out in the evening, there are a lot of good restaurants and bars. If you
prefer cultural activities there are museums and art galleries. But if you like
nature there are lots of other things outside the city which are easy to reach.
5. Can you tell me something about your hometown?
Yes, certainly. Nam Dinh is in the northeast part of my country. It is the
capital of Nam Dinh Province. Its population is about one million people. It
has many industries such as textile and garment industries, mechanical and
processing industries, and traditional trades. In addition, it is rich in history
and culture. For example, from August 18 – 20 of each year, there is a festival
held in Nam Dinh called the Co Trach. The celebration honors General Tran
Hung Dao, a 13th-century national hero who led Vietnamese forces to victory
over the invading Mongols.
6. Can you tell me some famous landscapes or scenic spots in your
Sure. Firstly, I’d like to talk to tell you about Thien Truong Stadium – one of
the biggest stadiums in Vietnam. It is currently used mostly for football
matches and is the home stadium of Nam Dinh FC. The stadium holds 30,000
people. Thien Truong Stadium is located in Dang Xuan Thieu Street, Nam
Dinh city opposite to the Provincial People’s Committee and the Committee
of Nam Dinh. Nearby is Vi Hoang Lake, with a large natural gas field 115
metres by 72 metres, just behind My Dinh National Stadium. It has been
considered as “Theatre of Dreams” by the Press. In 2003, Thien Truong
Stadium was one of many venues to participate in organizing 2003 Southeast
Asian Games, the female football matches were also held here. The national

football teams and the Olympics have chosen Thien Truong for international
matches. Thien Truong Stadium is one of the best on the scale of the level 2

city. The stadium has 20 doors, four stages divided into A, B, C and D. Each
stage A, B has seats for 7,000 people, the stage C and D has 3000 seats. There
are four rooms for athletes, four rooms for the coach, three rooms for health
car, VIP rooms, and cafeteria area. Grass on the field is of a pure, fine cultivar
imported from Thailand, in accordance with the climate in Vietnam.
7. What are the people like in your hometown?
- Well, they aren’t any different from the people in any other large cities.
For example, here we also have good and bad people, secondly, like
everyone else, they are trying to work out a good life for themselves and
their children. For example, parents are trying all they can to ensure that
their children receive a good education.
- They are mostly quite friendly, but as with most big cities everyone is
often busy so it may seem as if they are not interested in speaking or
having a chat. But if you live there you will know that most people are
quite happy to have a chat if they have time and will help you if needed.

1. Are you a student or do you have a job?
I am a student at the moment. I am studying English at University of
Languages and International Studies. We have classes in the mornings and
afternoons. We have a number of foreign teachers who help us pronounce and
use grammar correctly.
2. What are you studying at the moment?
I am studying English at university. It’s a four year course, and I started it
three years ago, so I have just one year left. I’m enjoying it a lot so it will be
sad to finish.
3. What is your major?
My major is English. So, we have chance to practice your skills: listening,
speaking, reading and writing everyday. I choose English as my major thanks
to its international popularity, especially in the business world. What I mean

to say is that when I am able to communicate well in English, I will not only
be able to study abroad and improve my qualifications, but also master a very
necessary tool for my future career.
4. What do you like most about your study?
Well, I guess the speaking part. Language is all about communication. So
when I am able to communicate with someone in English, I feel that I have
achieved something. I particularly like our free talk sessions with foreign
teachers. It gives me the opportunity to question them about their countries
and cultures.


We learn about many things from the past as politics and wars, but I like
learning about how people lived in the past the most. It’s amazing to see how
our lives have changed so much from the past up until now. In some ways our
lives have got much easier now, but in other ways the simplicity of life in the
past people much happier. Learning about all that is fascinating.
5. Can you tell me about your study habits?
I have well established study habits. For example, I have start promptly at
eight in the evenings. I study for two hours, have a ten-minute break, and then
study for another two hours. I follow this habit from Mondays to Fridays, but
over the weekends I put in more hours. For example, I study in the mornings
and afternoons, and then take the evenings off to relax with my family or
6. What do you hope to do in the future when you have finished?
I’m not sure at the moment, but I may go into teaching. This is why I’m doing
the IELTS, as I intend to carry on and do a Masters in a specific area of
linguistics. I’ll probably decide for sure what to do when I have completed


1. What is your job?
I currently work as an office manager at a large marketing company. I’ve
been in the job for about five years. I’m usually assigned to work with a
specific business in order to improve their sales through various marketing
I am working in a workshop of a large manufacturing plant at the moment. I
graduated from high school two years ago, and went to work immediately. I
am an assistant to one of the automotive electricians in the workshop. I have
to assist my artisan in getting his jobs done. For instance, I have the
responsibility to see whether the tools are in good order, and that the
workshop is always kept clean and tidy.
2. Do you have to work with other people?
Oh yes, all the time. It’s a big office and we all have to work as a team if we
want to achieve results. I have colleagues I need to liaise with such as the
graphic designers and I also have administration staff who work under me.
And of course I also have to work alongside the companies that we provide
marketing for. So yes, I definitely have to work with other people.
3. Do you think you will change jobs in the future?
Well, that’s not something. I’m thinking about at the moment as I really enjoy
what I do and it’s a really good company to work for. They pay is good and
they have other good benefits such as flexi-time and end of year bonuses. But
that said change is always a good thing, so I can’t see me being there forever.
I’m sure I will change one day.
4. What do you do for living?

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