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Unit 8 Getting started ppt

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Unit 8
New ways to learn

Learning with
personal electronic
 1.

Have you ever
owned any personal
electronic devices?

 2.

What are they used

Activity 1:
Listen and

Activity 1: Listen and Read
 New

words/ vocabularies

1. Definitely (adv) /ˈdefɪnətli / : chắc chắn, dứt khoát

2. Essay (n) /ˈeseɪ / : bài tiểu luận
3. Calculation (n) /ˌkælkjuˈleɪʃn/: sự tính toán
Calculate (v) /ˈkælkjuleɪt/: tính toán
4. Access (v)/(n) /ˈækses/: truy cập/ sự truy cập
Accessible (adj) /əkˈsesəbl/ : có thể sử dụng được…..
5. Assignment (n)/əˈsaɪnmənt/ : phần bài tập, công việc được giao

Activity 1: Listen and Read
 New

words/ vocabularies

6. Look up sth (v): tìm kiếm, tra cứu
7. Record (v): /ˈrekɔːd/ Ghi lại
8. Take note (v): /teɪk nəʊt/ Ghi chú
9. Widen (v) /ˈwaɪdn/ Mở rộng

Activity 2: True/ False
What is the conversation about?


1. Smartphones, laptops and tablets are the modern devices
that have changed the way we think.

2. According to Phong, students use smartphones to record
their phone calls, which they later share with the class.

3. Phong says that people also use desktops the way they use
4. Programmes and materials downloaded from the Internet
can help people widen their knowledge.
5. According to Lam, a tablet is a kind of mobile computer that
can be used to take notes with a normal pen on a touch
6.Phong thinks a tablet with Wi-Fi is a great tool for looking up


Activity 3: Find the adjectives which
describe the devices used as learning tool

1.Personal (adj): your own (cá nhân)
2. Electronic (adj): having many small parts that control
and direct a small electric current (được tạo ra/hoạt động
bởi dòng điện từ)

3. Modern (adj): relating to the present time or recent time
(hiện đại)
4. Excellent (adj): exceptionally good (xuất sắc)

5. Mobile (adj): able to be moved easily (di động)
6. Useful (adj): being of practical use (hữu dụng)
7. Digital (adj): showing information in the form of
electronic image (thể hiện thông tin dưới dạng hình ảnh
điện tử)
8. Perfect (adj): being complete & without weaknesses
(hoàn hảo)
9. Great (adj): superior in quality or
degree (rất tốt, cao cấp)

Activity 4: Read the conversation again
and answer the following question

1. What personal electronic devices are the
speakers talking about?
 They are talking about smartphones, laptops and
tablet computers.

2. What have these devices changed?
 They have changed the way we learn.

3. How do students use their smartphones for
other things beside calls?

 They use them to take photos or record their work,
which can be later shared with the class.

4. Why are laptops excellent learning tools?
 Because they can be used to store information, take
notes, write essays and do calculations.

5. What does Phong do in his laptop?
 He does his assignments and
projects, and studies English.

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