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NĂM HỌC 2012 - 2013
Môn: Tiếng Anh 7
Thời gian: 120 phút (không kể phát đề)

(Đề thi gồm 04 trang ; Thí sinh làm bài vào tờ giấy thi)
A. LISTENING (2,0 marks)
These people are calling their friends about the weekend. Listen and decide the statements are true
or false. Write “True” for the true sentences and “False” for the false ones on your answer sheet.
1. Penny agrees to go to a movie with Bob.
2. Anne can’t come to the party.
3. Kent invites Nancy to a movie.
4. Anne and Mike are going to see a football game.
5. Wendy can’t go to Jack’s house.
B. PHONETICS. (1,0 mark ) Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently
from the others in each group. Write your answers (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet.
1. A. raised
B. coughed
C. practiced
D. talked
2. A. athletics
B. month
C. gather
D. both
3. A. invitationB. collection
C. equation

D. celebration
4. A. horrible
B. household
C. rehearse
D. hour
5. A. throw
B. allow
C. flow
D. grow
C. GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY. (5,0 marks)
I. (4,0 marks) Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Write your answers
(A, B, C, or D) on the answer sheet.
1. Hoa is staying ______ her uncle and aunt’s house in Ha Noi now.
A. with
B. on
C. in
D. at
2. I don’t want much sugar in my coffee. Just ______, please.
A. a few
B. a little
C. fewer
D. less
3. How ______ do you go to see the dentist? – Once every two months.
A. far
B. long
C. often
D. many
4. Hurry up! We ______ for you. If you are slow, you are going to miss the train.
A. are waiting
B. waited

C. wait
D. waits
5. Can you see any people in the house? Yes, only ______
A. a little
B. little
C. few
D. a few
6. Will you be home ______ dinner tonight?
A. to
B. at
C. for
D. on
7. He came into the room, ______ the light and ______ the door behind him.
A. turned on/ closing B. turning on/ closed C. turned on/ closed D. turning on/ closing
8. A lot of students in my class can sing quite ______
A. nice
B. lovely
C. sweet
D. beautifully
9. This apartment is _______ for us because it’s rather cheap and near the city center.
A. easy
B. suitable
C. ready
D. large
10. After ______ an aspirin, her headache disappeared.
A. eating
B. drinking
C. taking
D. chewing
11. Peter: “How about going to the movies with me on Saturday night?” – Mary: “______”.

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A. Of course not
B. Sure, thanks
C. It’s my pleasure D. That’s very kind of you
12. Of all the schools in town, mine is ______
A. large
B. larger
C. larger than
D. the largest
13. Hoa is sad because she knows ______ here.
A. someone
B. no one
C. anyone
D. everyone
14. My joke made the whole class ______ a lot.
A. to laugh
B. laughing
C. laugh
D. laughed
15. Nam: “Ba is in hospital.” -Mai: “Oh really? I didn’t know. I __________ and visit him”.
A. will go
B. am going
C. am going to go
D. go
16. When she was six, she had to stay home to __________ her younger brother.

A. take after
B. look after
C. keep in
D. take care
17. It’s difficult to cross this street because there is too much ______
A. crowd
B. people
C. traffic
D. transport
18. You should pay more ______ in class.
A. part
B. care
C. notice
D. attention
19. The shirt looked beautiful. I tried it on but it didn’t ______
A. fit
B. match
C. go with
D. suit
20. Tom: “I think computers are useful.” - John: “ __________ “.
A. I’m not agree
B. So do I
C. I disagree too
D. I do either
II. (1,0 mark) Supply the correct form of the words in capital to complete the sentences. Write your
answer on the answer sheet.
1. My father has a ________________ computer. He often brings it with him when he’s away on
business. (PORT)
2. We are all _____________ about going on an excursion to Cuc Phuong forest next weekend.

3. Some of the children _______________ boys, play marbles when there is a break. (MAIN)
4. My mother is a safe _______________. She cycles safely.
5. Did they make a _______________ not to go to Italy for their vacation? (DECIDE)
I. (2,0 marks) Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the
answer sheet.
You have a headache and you sneeze and cough. Your nose is all stuffed up , and it keeps running,
so you have to blow it every few minutes. You know by these __________(1) that you have a cold,
and you feel completely _________(2). You are not sure if you will live through the day.
Everyone suffers __________(3) the common cold at some time or other. It isn’t a serious
__________(4), but people spend over a billion dollars a year on different kinds of cold medicine
every year. This medicine can relieve the symptoms. That is, it can make you cough __________(5),
make your head less intense, and stop your nose __________(6) for a while. However, it can’t cure
you cold. So far, __________(7) no cure for the common cold and no medicine to prevent it.
__________(8) there is no cure or preventive medicine for colds, people have all kinds of ideas
about __________(9) to prevent and treat colds. Some people think that if you eat a lot of onions, you
won’t catch cold. __________(10) say that you should avoid getting wet and chilled, or you will catch
cold. However, this is apparently not so.
1. A. diseases
B. fevers
C. cures
D. symptoms
2. A. sad
B. hungry
C. miserable
D. thirsty
3. A. from
B. of
C. with

D. about

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4. A. misery
B. illness
5. A. less
B. fewer
6. A. walking
B. jogging
7. A. it is
B. there is
8. A. Although B. Because
9. A. what
B. why
10. A. Other’s
B. Another

C. headache
C. much
C. running
C. they are
C. However
D. But
C. where
C. Others

D. wrong
D. more
D. flowing
D. there are
D. how
D. Other

II. (2,0 marks) Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
When people talk about Nha Trang, the biggest city in Khanh Hoa Province, they often think of a
tropical paradise. Nha Trang is famous for seaside resorts. It has long coastline with beautiful white
sandy beaches.
In the morning and afternoon, tourists can take part in various fascinating outdoor activities such as
mud bathing, swimming, snorkeling or scuba diving. Snorkeling and scuba diving are both interesting
sports, as swimmers may swim underwater and admire the lives at the bottom of the sea. Besides,
tourists can also take boat trips to the islands. One of the most enjoyable trips is the trip to Mieu
Island, where Tri Nguyen Aquarium was built in 1999. This aquarium is now home to different kinds
of colorful fish and even a few sharks.
In addition, tourists can spend an evening visiting a fishing village, where they could get a taste of
the local seafood. There are crabs, shrimps, lobsters, clams, oysters and several other kinds of fish – all
are fresh and delicious.
1. According to the passage, Nha Trang is famous for_________________.
A. its fresh and delicious seafood
B. seaside resorts
C. its tropical climate
D. the friendliness of its people
2. Tourists can take part in one of various fascinating outdoor activities such as _________________.
A. visiting Nha Trang Pasteur Institute
B. eating the local seafood
C. visiting Tri Nguyen Aquarium
D. scuba diving

3. At Tri Nguyen Aquarium, visitors can enjoy _________________.
A. watching a few sharks only
B. swimming underwater and admiring the fish
C. watching sharks and various kinds of colorful fish
D. feeding the fish
4. At a fishing village, tourists can _________________.
A. get a taste of the local seafood
B. choose crabs, shrimps
C. catch the fish and cook them
D. enjoy fishing
5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true about Nha Trang according to the passage?
A. Nha Trang is a nice seaside resort.
B. Tri Nguyen Aquarium is on an island.
C. Most tourists are interested in snorkeling.
D. The local seafood is fresh and delicious.
III. (2,0 marks) Fill in the blanks with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on the answer sheet.
Books play a very important_____(1) in our life. It’s true that every family _____ (2) books.
We can_____(3) books every where. We can _____(4) many things from books. Books____(5) us in
self-education and deciding_____ (6) in life.
Today, there are a lot of public _____(7) in our country and all people have the right to_____(8)
Each year hundreds of new books for_____ (9) appear in Viet Nam. The books are very _____ (10)
and children like reading them very much.
E. WRITING (6,0 marks)
I. (2,0 marks) Choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) to show the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.

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1. My brother doesn’t like peas and he doesn’t like carrots, too.
2. Let’s getting some of these vegetables, shall we?
3. Many people prefer watching TV than reading books.
4. Staying at home all day sounds boringly to me.
5. I’d like to go out and playing with my friends.
6. We usually help our mother about the housework in our free time.

7. There is fewer work in the evening than there is in the morning
8. Mr. Quang soon got used to travel to work by bicycle.
9. The doctor says you should spend only a small part of your free time to play video games.
10. From at seven in the morning until four in the afternoon, Tuan works in the fields with his father.
II. (2,0 marks) Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one,
beginning with the given words or phrases.
1. It took Mr. Hoang half an hour to walk to work yesterday.
 Mr. Hoang spent ....................................................................................................................................
2. What is the price of this pair of shoes?
 How much ............................................................................................................................................?
3. Mai is the youngest of the three girls.
 Mai is .....................................................................................................................................................
4. Her sister cooks well.
 Her sister is ............................................................................................................................................

5. They think that learning English is not easy.
 They think that it ....................................................................................................................................
6. I like listening to music more than watching TV.
 I prefer ...................................................................................................................................................
7. Lap is the most intelligent in his class.
 No one ....................................................................................................................................................
8. Can you tell me the width of West Lake?
 Can you tell me how ............................................................................................................................?
9. Walking is the most popular activity at my school.
 Other activities are .................................................................................................................................
10. Mr. Thanh couldn’t enjoy the meal because of the stomachache.
 The stomachache prevented ...................................................................................................................
III. (2,0 marks) Write a story for a competition (in 120-180 words in an appropriate style), The story
must begin with the following words:
Last night, I was tired so …
-----THE END-----

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NĂM HỌC 2012 - 2013
Môn: Tiếng Anh 7

Tổng điểm bài thi: 20 điểm;
A. LISTENING (2,0 marks)
These people are calling their friends about the weekend. Listen and decide the statements are true
or false. Write “True’ for the true sentences and “False’ for the false ones on your answer sheet.

Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0,4 điểm
1. True

2. False

3. False

4. False

5. True

B. PHONETICS. ( 1,0 mark ) Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently
from the others in each group. Write your answers (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet.
Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0,2 điểm
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. B
C. GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY. (5,0 marks)
I. (4,0 marks) Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Write your answers
(A, B, C, or D) on the answer sheet.
Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0,2 điểm

1. D. at
2. B. a little
3. C. often
4. A. are waiting 5. D. a few
6. C. for
7. C. turned on/ 8. D. beautifully
9. B. suitable
10. C. taking
11. B. Sure, thanks 12. D. the largest 13. B. no one
14. C. laugh
15. A. will go
16. B. look after
17. C. traffic
18. D. attention
19. A. fit
20. B. So do I
II. (1,0 mark) Supply the correct form of the words in capital to complete the sentences. Write your
answer on the answer sheet.
Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0,2 điểm
1. portable
2. excited
3. mainly
4. cyclist
5. decision
I. (2,0 marks) Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0,2 điểm
1. D. symptoms
2. C. miserable

3. A. from
4. B. illness
6. C. running
7. B. there is
8. A. Although
9. D. how

5. A. less
10. C. Others

II. (2,0 marks) Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0,4 điểm
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. A

5. C

III. (2,0 marks) Fill in the blanks with ONE suitable word.
Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0,2 điểm

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1. part/ role
6. problems

2. has
7. libraries

3. see / find
8. use

4. learn
9. children

5. help
10. interesting

E. WRITING (6,0 marks)
I. (2,0 marks) Choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) to show the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0,2 điểm
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. A
II. (2,0 marks) Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one,
beginning with the given words or phrases.
Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0,2 điểm. Nếu có sai sót nhỏ, giám khảo trừ ½ số điểm thành phần.
1. It took Mr. Hoang half an hour to walk to work yesterday.

 Mr. Hoang spent half an hour walking to work yesterday.
2. What is the price of this pair of racquets?
 How much is this pair of shoes / does this pair of shoes cost?
3. Mai is the youngest of the three girls.
 Mai is younger than the other two girls.
4. Her sister cooks well.
 Her sister is a good cook.
5. They think that learning English is not easy.
 They think that it is not easy to learn English.
6. I like listening to music more than watching TV.
 I prefer listening to music to watching TV.
7. Lap is the most intelligent in his class.
 No one in his class is as intelligent as Lap / No one in his class is more intelligent than Lap.
8. Can you tell me the width of West Lake?
 Can you tell me how wide West Lake is?
9. Walking is the most popular activity at my school.
 Other activities are less popular than walking at my school.
10. Mr. Thanh couldn’t enjoy the meal because of the stomachache.
 The stomachache prevented Mr. Thanh from enjoying the meal.
III. (2,0 marks) Write a story for a competition (in 120-180 words in an appropriate style), The story
must begin with the following words:
Last night, I was tired so …
Tùy theo bài viết của học sinh.
 Style: appropriate: 0.5
 Spelling + Grammar: accurate: 0.5
 Variety of appropriate language: 0.5
 The climax or key moment of the story: 0.5
/>---The end--Ngày 10 tháng 01 năm 2014

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Họ và tên: _____________
* Tìm từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác so với những từ còn lại (1,5đ)
1. A. few
B. new
C. sew
D. nephew
2. A. orchestra
B. mechanic
C. children
D. chemistry
3. A. changes
B. lives
C. apples
D. comes
4. A. glasses
B. houses
C. classes
D. dresses
5. A. serious
B. sugar
B. symptom
D. sauce
6. A. brushed

B. touched
C. laughed
D. amused
I. Chọn một đáp án đúng nhất trong số A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành câu (6,0đ)
1. Children are…......of seeing the dentist.
A. afraid
B. scared
C. worried
D. A&B are correct
2. How do you feel today? – I feel …… better, thanks.
A. too
B. fewer
C. much
D. a lots
3. I didn’t see the end of the film because I ………..asleep.
A. fell
B. felt
C. went
D. felled
4. I’d like to eat more of this cake, but it’s very............
A. fat
B. fatty
C. fattened
D. fattening
5. I don’t want much sugar in my coffee. Just………., please.
A. little
B. a little
C. fewer
D. less

6. "Look at that brush", she said to her mother. "Isn't it one of ....... ?"
A. our's
B. ours'
C. ours
D. our
7. I divided the sweets ………..several children.
A. during
B. between
C. into
D. among
8. ………people in our country earn enough for a comfortable life.
A. Most of
B. The most
C. Almost all the
D. Mostly
9. We know that the food we eat affects our ........life.
A. whole
B. all
C. most
D. during
10. I don’t like brown rice. Haven’t you got…………….?
A. white ones
B. any white
C. no white
D. a white
11. Don’t buy plenty of..................foods because they’re not..........for you.
A. fat/ good
B. fatter/ better
C. fatty/ good
D. fatty/ well

12. Please ............the milk carefully. I don’t want it to boil over.
A. see
B. watch
C. look at
D. notice
13. “Was he disappointed ?” – “ Yes, he found the movie.............”
A. boring
B. boringly
C. bored
D. bores
14. Every student in those five rooms must bring..........own books to class.
A. one’s
B. his
C. their
D. someone’s
15. Who …….you to come and see me?
A. spoke
B. told
C. said
D. did tell
16. Mr Brown goes………work……….his car every day.
A. to/ in
B. to/ by
C. for/ by
D. for/ in
17. In Today’s newspaper there ………….a lot of news about the earthquake.
A. have
B. has
C. is
D. are

18. Now she is used ...........early every morning.
A. to get
B. getting
C. for getting
D. to getting
19. No one can do it well and…………..
A. so can she
B. neither can she
C. she can’t, too
D. she can, either
20. This letter is……….French and I can’t speak a word of French.

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A. in
B. with
C. by
D. on
21. On the table there were vegetables, bread and two large ...............
A. bowl of soup
B. bowl of soups
C. bowls of soups
D. bowls of soup
22. Always ........ honest in whatever you do.
A. to be
B. be
C. are

D. being
23. There are ........ girls in our class.
A. no
B. not
C. none
D. any
24. We often go to school six days ……… week.
A. one
B. a
C. in a
D. both A and B
II. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu (2,5đ)
1. Take these pills and you (feel)1 better then, Ba.
2. Why you (make)2 so much noise in your room, Lan?
- We (rehearse)3 a play for the school anniversary celebrations.
3. We (see)4 a movie tomorrow. You (join)5 us?
4. On my way to work I generally (meet)6 many children who (go)7 to school.
5. He (study)8 hard when he (be)9 young.
6. Mumps (be)10 a very unpleasant disease.
III. Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong số A, B, C hoặc D ở những câu sau (2,0đ)
1. Do you know when was she born?
2. Million of foreign visitors come to Viet Nam every year.

3. I had not to work yesterday because it was my day off.
4. Chi usually spends two hours to do her homework.
5. The table was so heavy that I could hard lift it.
6. You look tired. You’d better staying inside at recess.
7. The teacher, together with his students, are planting trees.
8. The doctor measured her temperature and said that it was normal.
IV. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu (2,0đ)

1. Catching the common cold is………for everybody.
2. Videos are also very useful in…………..
3. This lovely appartment has two bedrooms and it is………..
4. You mustn’t drive………….on busy streets.
5. Sugar is not an………….food because we need it to live.
6. Some of the………….of computer games are as young as 14 or 15.
7. In……….to that, my bike tires were flat.
8. Hoa preferred to…………with her friends.


I. Điền một từ thích hợp vào mỗi chỗ trống trong đoạn văn sau (2,5đ)
Ho Chi Minh was born in 1890 in Nghe An…(1)…, in the village of Kim Lien. When he …(2)
…21 years old, he …(3)…Viet Nam and travelled to Africa, England and America. After this, he
worked in a hotel in London in the early 1900s then moved to Paris in 1917. He …(4)…six years in
Paris, one …(5)…in Moscow and then moved to Guangzhou. He founded …(6)…Indochinese
Communist Party when he lived in Guangzhou. …(7)…the 1930s Ho Chi Minh continuted to travel
and after his return to Viet Nam he formed the Viet Minh in 1941. Fours years…(8)…, he became …

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(9)…of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam after Viet Nam declared its independence. Ho Chi Minh
died in Ha Noi in 1969, but he will always be …(10)…by the Vietnamese people.
II. Dùng từ gợi ý sắp xếp thành câu có nghĩa (1,5đ)
1. food/ like/ lunch/ what/ would/ for/ kind/ you/ of/?
2. have/ the farm/ often/ them/ vegetables/ from/ dirt/ on.
3. cost/ local letter/ does/ Viet Nam/ how/ it/ to/ mail/ a/ in/ much/ ?
4. means/a variety of/without/ anything/eating/balanced diet/ you/ much/ foods/ of/ eat/too.
5. eat/ enjoy/ you/ shouldn’t/ you/ much/ can/ you/ the/ food/but/ too/ have.
6. satellite/possble/from/variety/programs/with/ cable/ it’s/choose/wide/ of/ and/ to/ a/TV.
III. Dùng từ gợi ý viết lại câu để nghĩa không đổi (2,0đ)
1. We couldn’t go out because the weather was so bad.
- It was such.....................................................................................................................
2. I advise you to brush your teeth at least twice a day.
- You had..........................................................................................................................
3. He is a slower and more careful driver than I am.
- He drives........................................................................................................................
4. Why didn’t you come to class last Monday?
- Why were........................................................................................................................?
5. Ba couldn’t enjoy the meal because of the stomachache.
- The stomachache prevented............................................................................................
6. What’s the speed of the car?
- How ...............................................................................................................................?

7. I found driving on the left difficult.
- I wasn’t used....................................................................................................................
8. My teacher always drives very carefully.
- How carefully .................................................................................................................!
- The end -

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Tìm từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác so với những từ còn lại:
(0,25 điểm x 6 câu = 1,5 điểm)
1. C

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. D

I. Chọn một đáp án đúng nhất trong số A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành câu:

(0,25 điểm x 24 câu = 6,0 điểm)
1. D
11. C
21. D

2. C
12. B
22. B

3. A
13. A
23. A

4. D
14. B
24. B

5. B
15. B

6. C
16. A

7. D
17. C

8. C
18. D

9. A

19. B

10. B
20. A

II. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu:
(0,25 điểm x 10 động từ = 2,5 điểm)
1. will feel
4. are going to see; 5. Will you join
8. studied; 9. was

2. are you making; 3. are rehearsing
6. meet; 7. are going
10. is

III. Tìm và chữa lỗi sai trong số A, B, C hoặc D ở những câu sau:
(0,25 điểm x 8 câu = 2,0 điểm)
1. D : she was born
3. A : didn’t have
5. D : hardly
7. D : is

2. A : Millions
4. C : doing
6. C : stay
8. A : took

IV. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu:
(0,25 điểm x 8 câu = 2,0 điểm)
1. unpleasant

3. furnished
5. unhealthy
7. addition

2. education
4. carelessly
6. inventors
8. socialize

I. Điền một từ thích hợp vào mỗi chỗ trống trong đoạn văn sau:
(0,25 điểm x 10 câu = 2,5 điểm)
1. Province
6. the

2. was
7. During

3. left
8. later

4. spent
9. President

5. year
10. remembered

II. Dùng từ gợi ý sắp xếp thành câu có nghĩa:
(0,25 điểm x 6 câu = 1,5 điểm)
1. What kind of food would you like for lunch?

2. Vegetables often have dirt from the farm on them.
3. How much does it cost to mail a local letter in Viet Nam?

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4. Balanced diet means you eat a variety of food without eating too much of anything.
5. You can eat the food you enjoy but you shouldn’t have too much.
6. With satellite and cable TV, it’s possible to choose from a wide variety of programs.
III. Dùng từ gợi ý viết lại câu để nghĩa không đổi:
(0,25 điểm x 8 câu = 2,0 điểm)
1. It was such bad weather that we couldn’t go out.
2. You had better brush your teeth at least twice a day
3. He drives more slowly and carefully than me/ I do.
4. Why were you absent from class last Monday?
5. The stomachache prevented Ba from enjoying the meal.
6. How fast is the car?
7. I wasn’t used to driving on the left.
8. How carefully my teacher always drives!
The end
/>- Chú ý: Không làm tròn điểm

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