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(Thời gian làm bài 180 phút không kể thời gian giao đề)
Đề thi gồm 01 trang

Section 1. Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/ OR A NUMBER for
each answer.


Contact number:
Size of car engine:
Type of car:

Patrick Jones
27 .....…………..(1) Road, Greendale


Manufacturer: Hewton
Model: ……………………..(3)
Year: 1997
Previous insurance company:
Any insurance in the last five years?

……………………..(4) Star
Yes 
No 

If yes, give brief details:
Name(s) of other driver(s):
Relationship to main driver:
Uses of car:

Car was ……………………..(5) in 1999
Simon ……………………..(6)
- social

Start date:
Recommended insurance arrangement

- Traveling to ..……………..(7)
31 ……………………..(8)

Name of company: Red …………………………...(9)
Annual cost: $ ……………………………………….(10)

Section 2. Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Stop A


Further information
Has lovely garden

Main Booking Office:
First boat: 8 am

Last boat: ………….(1) pm
Stop B
……………………… (2)

Has good ………………(3)

Stop C

of city centre
Bookshop specializing in


the ………………………
Stop D

Entertainment Complex

(4) of the local area
……………………… (5)
Bowling alley
Video game arcade

Section 3. Choose the correct answer
1. The Antarctic centre was established in Christchurch because
A New Zealand is a member of the Antarctic Treaty
B Christchurch is geographically well positioned
C the climate of Christchurch is suitable
D the history of Christchurch is suitable
2. One role of the Antarctic Centre is to
A provide expeditions with suitable equipment
B provide researchers with financial assistance
C ensure that research is internationally relevant
D ensure that researchers are globally recognized
3. The purpose of the Visitors’ Centre is to
A provide accommodation
B run training sessions
C show people what Antarctica is like
D supply equipment
4. Dr Merrywhether says that Antarctica is
A unlike any other country
B extremely beautiful
C too cold for tourists
D similar to some other countries

5. According to Dr Merrywhether, Antarctica is very cold because

A of the shape of the continent
B it is surrounded by a frozen sea
C it is an extremely dry continent
D of the large amounts of water
Part II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Question 1 – 10. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence
1. I was passing their house, so I __________Claire and Michael
A dropped in

B came up with

C got on with

D run into

2. I don’t really___________winter sports very much
A deal with

B face up to

C go in for

D get round to

3. The attorney told his client that___________
A they had little chance of winning the case

B it was nearly impossible to win him the case
C the case was of a small chance to win
D the case had a minimum chance to be won by him
4. One of the professor’s greatest attributes is_____________
A when he gives lectures

B how in the manner that he lectures

C the way which give lectures

D his ability to lecture

5.____________better working conditions
A What’s interesting the workers most is
B What’s interested the workers most is
C What interest the workers most is
D What interests the workers most is
6. The concert was given____________the auspices of the Y.M.C.A.
A on

B with

C through

D under

7. Her mother’s illness cast a cloud__________her wedding day
A over

B for

C in

D on

8. She did six hours’____________studying a day for her exam
A solid

B heavy

C strong

D big

9. The weather was fine and everyone was________the coast
A going in for

B making for

C joining in

D seeing about

10. There isn’t any sugar, I’m afraid. You’ll have to_________
A run out

B put up with

C do without

D make for

Question 11 - 15. Look at the passage below and underline 5 words which are not
necessary, or are ungrammatical in some lines.
For example:
0. The end of every century brings across people who believe for one reason
or another that the world will be coming to an end in the near future.
1. However, when the end of a millennium approaches, this
2. group becomes more numerous and even louder. The end of civilisation
3. was given further twist by the so-called Y2K bug. The name comes in
4. from the Y which is for year, and 2K which is computer-speak for 2000.
5. The problem was developed many years ago when computers did not have
6. much memory. To save space, the numbers for the years were written
7. with only two digits (58 for 1958 and so on further).
8. As the end of the century approached nearer, there were worries
9. about what these programmes would do when they met dates
10. beginning 00 for 2000. Because we are so dependent on computers,
11. people felt that if these programmes failed, perhaps our civilisation
12. might too. In fact, thanks to urgent action, and because
13. the computers were better designed than most people thought,
14. the problem was minimally small.
Question 16→20. Replace each italicized verb or phrase with the correct form of a
synonymous phrasal verb in the box. There are more phrasal verbs than you need.
back down
bring up
crop up
get round
have on

look to
run across
stand up to
take to
16. “She says she’s going to be a medicine student”

dwell on
make out
track down

fall off
pick up
turn out

“Oh, don’t believe her. She’s deceiving you”. ________

17. I’d had no idea there were jewels hidden in my attic. I just found them completely by
chance. _____
18. Don’t worry, he only pretends that he is such a strict teacher. _____
19. After two-hour search, the hunters decided to give up following the stags. ______
20. We were convinced Patrick would get to like the moment he met him.______
Question 21→25. Give the correct form of the words given
A Musical Genius
For many people Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) is the most influential figure in the
history of western classical music. His extraordinary talent was already clearly evident as a
young man, (21. MERCY)___ surviving a somewhat unconventional upbringing during
which his eccentric father would often force him to take music lessons in the middle of the
night. The young Beethoven's ability won him the admiration of the leading contemporary

musical figures. Throughout the 1790s he worked hard to secure the interest of wealthy
patrons. Such patronage enabled him to concentrate on becoming a successful composer.
Whatever his awe-inspiring musical achievements, however, his personal life was
something of a disaster. His day-to-day (22. RELATE) ___ with people invariably turned
out to be rather turbulent. Although he apparently fell in love with a number of society
women, the identity of the girl who lay closest to his heart remains (23. ELUDE)__ to this
day. However, just at the point when Beethoven was beginning to reap the rewards of his
early endeavours, he had to come to terms with the crushing realization that his increasing
deafness was (24. CURE)____ . From that point on, his music displayed a (25.
STRIKE)___change in style, becoming both heavier in tone and larger in scale.
Question 26→35. Choose the appropriate words to complete the following passage
How far would you travel for a good meal? If you were a humpback whale, the
answer would be five thousand miles. These large sea animals travel at least that far from
their winter home off the coast of Columbia to their summer (26) __ areas off Antarctica.
The distance covered by some types of whale is amazing, especially when you (27) __
their enormous size. The blue whale is the largest animal that has ever (28) __ and it can
weigh as much as thirty elephants. It (29) __ as no surprise, therefore, to hear that ancient
folk legends tell of sailors (30) __ these creatures for islands. The more we (31) __ about

whales, the more wonderful they seem. Some species can (32) __ their breath for more
than an hour and dive to a (33) __ of over 200 metres. They use a system of sounds (34)
__ as echo-location to find the fish they eat and they have further sounds to keep in (35) __
with each other. The noises they produce can travel hundred of miles under water. Some
species seem to sing complicated songs which consist of a number of separate themes,
sung in a specific order which can last up to half an hour or more. If you ever get the
chance to see one of these great creatures in the wild, you will understand why they have
inspired so many legends.

26 A feeding
B dining
C eating
27 A view
B think
C consider
28 A been
B stayed
C born
29 A gets
B comes
C goes
30 A supposing
B mixing
C confusing
31 A find out
B look out
C show up
32 A store
B keep
C hold
33 A depth
B length
C width
34 A called
B known
C referred
35 A reach
B touch
C call

Question 36 →40. Fill in each blank with one suitable word

D chewing
D believe
D lived
D seems
D mistaking
D turn up
D save
D breadth
D named
D range

Stress is often called a 21st century illness but it has always been with us if perhaps (36)
………... different names. These days we regard stress as a necessary evil of modern
living. Yet stress is not negative and without it we would not enjoy some of the highpoints
in life such as the anticipation before a date or the tension leading (37) ……... to an
important match. All these situations produce stress but if you can control it and not the
other way (38) …….. you will feel stimulated, not worn out. Unlike these situations,
which are generally positive and easier to deal with, sitting in a train which is late, being
stuck in a traffic jam, working to a tight deadline are much harder to manage and control.
Stress is now recognised as a medical problem and as a signficant factor in causing
coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and a high cholesterol count. Patients are often
unwilling to admit to stress problems (39) ……..... they feel they are a form of social
failure and it is important that symptoms are identified in order to avoid unnecessary
suffering. So what should we be looking out for as danger signals? Common signs of
stress are increased tiredness, irritability and (40) ………... inability to cope with certain

Part III. Reading
Question 1 – 10. You are going to read a magazine article about various local
A Homes For All
Organisations that help the homeless are warning that people will face even greater
hardship this winter unless urgent action is taken to offer shelter to those without a home.
This warning follows publication of figures showing an increase in the number of
homeless people. Susan Evans of the organisation 'Homes for All' said: "With a shortage
of accommodation, more people than ever before - young and old - are having to sleep
rough. A cold winter is predicted this year which means that these people will have to put
up with sub-zero temperatures. Action must be taken urgently to offer these people
shelter." A nationwide demonstration to raise awareness of the problem will take place this
weekend. Supporters welcome.
B Village Protest
Residents of local village, Shilden, are preparing for a night of protest to save their village
from Government planners. Proposals for a new motorway to be built that will run within
2 kilometres of Shilden have caused uproar amongst residents. They claim that they were
given insufficient time to respond to the proposal. Tony Fellows, spokesperson for the
'Village Protest' campaign explains: "The planned route cuts across some of the most
picturesque countryside in the region. Shilden welcomes thousands of tourists each year.
Many of the shopkeepers depend on this trade and would almost certainly face ruin if
tourists were put off coming by the damage this road is likely to cause". The all-night
protest will take place in the fields where the building work is likely to begin.
C New Youth Club
Youngsters in the city-centre will lose out on a much-loved project if substantial funds are
not found this year. The 'New Youth Club', which is open to young people from the ages of
10 to 17, is being threatened with closure by Health and Safety officials who claim the
building is unsafe. The club, built 30 years ago, was badly damaged by heavy storms last
year and city engineers estimate that one hundred thousand pounds in needed to repair

structural damage. With only limited funds at their disposal, managers fear the club will

have to close. Youngsters from the club have organised an Open Day on Tuesday in an
effort to raise some of the money needed to enable the repairs to be undertaken. "This
alone won't be enough, however" warned Adam Ross, Youth Leader.
D Save Lea Valley
A rare species of butterfly and many native plants face extinction if the 'Lea Valley office
complex' project goes ahead. This is the claim made by local environmentalists involved in
the 'Save Lea Valley' campaign. They argue that the proposed development, to be built on
the site of woodland dating back hundreds of years, will rob the country of several rare
species of wildlife. 'Local people would be horrified if they knew of the consequences of
this project,' claimed environmentalist Ian Wilson yesterday. "We need to instigate a local
campaign to alert everyone to the dangers. We are starting by writing letters to everyone in
the area asking for their support. The office complex developers must not be allowed to do
1. Local businesses could be badly affected.
A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley
2. People in the area are not aware of the problem.
A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley
3. There are plans to build a brand new building.
A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley
4. The campaign do not have to meet together.
A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley
5. The problem affects all age groups.
A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley
6. The problem was caused by bad weather.
A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley
7. If the plan goes ahead it will spoil the look of the area.

A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley
8. The campaign cannot raise enough money on its own.
A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley
9. The problem was announced shortly after a report was published.
A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley

10. Young people are in danger.
A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley
11. Local people are very angry.
A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley
B – Read the passage below. Choose from the list A – G the sentence which best
summarises each part (12 – 18) of the passage.

A. Space Shuttles
B. Man on the Moon
C. The future and the spiritual
D. Development and Production challenges
E. From Sputnik to now
F. More satellites uses
G. Earth watching
Space Travel
People have always dreamed of leaving planet Earth and exploring outer space. Sputnik,
the first artificial satellite, was launched in 1957. A human being went into space in 1961.
Nowadays, aided by huge technological advancements, astronauts spend up to a year on
orbiting space stations and robotic explorers have visited nearly all the planets in our solar

The first challenge of space exploration was developing rockets powerful enough to
escape Earth's gravity, with guidance systems reliable enough to reach their destinations.
The next was constructing lightweight, durable satellites and maintaining radio
communication with them. Exceptionally high standards of reliability in manufacturing
and testing are necessary and a number of product innovations in daily use are a result of
attempts to solve specific logistical problems connected with life in space.

In addition to overcoming the challenges of no atmosphere, extremes of temperature and
cosmic radiation, it was necessary to develop tools and techniques for space navigation,
scientific observations and experiments and coping with incidental crises as they arose.
The Apollo program, which in 1969 sent astronauts to the Moon and back, was a huge
achievement watched globally by millions on (pre satellite) T.V, although some have
subsequently claimed that the whole spectacle was an elaborate hoax.
Emphasis then shifted to maximizing efficiency and comfort during long-term stays on
space stations and developing reusable spacecraft. The latter resulted in the space shuttle
fleet but encountered a major setback when the U.S spaceship Challenger exploded shortly
after takeoff in 1986.
A great advantage of putting satellites into space is the ability to look at Earth (Landsat1
went into polar orbit in 1972). Large-scale photos enable observation of land masses,
oceans and weather patterns, remote regions can be mapped in detail and electromagnetic
cameras return a wealth of useful data, for example infrared images which allow
researchers to discriminate between healthy crops and diseased ones.
Objects such as stars emit electromagnetic radiation, different wavelengths of which
provide scientists with various types of information about the universe. Infrared radiation

reveals objects that are not hot enough to emit visible light, such as dust clouds. X rays can
indicate extremely high temperatures caused by violent collisions or other events. Earth's
atmosphere absorbs high-energy radiation in order for life to exist on the planet, but it also
hides many celestial objects from ground-based telescopes. Satellite data has enabled the
first cosmic map and discovered further evidence for the 'Big Bang' theory of the origin of
the universe. The Hubble telescope, sent into orbit in 1990, provides astronomers with

spectacularly detailed images of space. Satellites are used for political reasons too: the
classified 'keyhole' system is reported to be able to read a car license plate from 100 miles
in orbit, while military uses include detection of missiles and nuclear weapons and the
development of the Global Positioning System, extensively used for navigation.
The future of space exploration depends on many factors: technological evolution,
political rivalries and partnerships between nations, and public attitudes to continuing
costly space exploration. Human spaceflight in Earth's orbit and unpiloted spaceflight
within the solar system will continue. Piloted spaceflight to other planets or any flight to
other solar systems remains distant, but advances in space technology could take space
exploration into the areas of contemporary science fiction. Despite all this, the Apollo
astronauts claimed that their personal greatest discovery from the Moon voyages was an
increased spiritual awareness of planet Earth as a small but beautiful oasis of life in an
essentially empty and impersonal universe
Question 19→25. Choose the most suitable sentence from the list A-H for each part of
the article. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
Career success in the arts
John Prince, famous dancer and choreographer, gives advice on how to succeed in a career
in the arts.
I asked John how he got started and what requirements there are. "Well, to be a
professional dancer it's useful to have had acting lessons or some background in drama. If

you want to succeed in musical theatre you have to have a good singing voice as well.
When you approach an agent you should take a portfolio with your CV, your statistics
sheet and some good photos and reviews of past performances. You'll need dance clothes,
ballet shoes, tap shoes, and even roller skates depending on what kind of show you are
going to go for." (19) ____ "Of course, you need to be extremely fit if you want to be a
professional dancer. I dance or move about for about six hours a day. There are great
health benefits to being a dancer. I can eat a lot of pasta without gaining weight because
dancing increases your metabolism so much." (20)____ John has a very busy schedule in

the next few months. He took time out to speak to me today from the making of a pop
video to promote N-ergy's latest record. "I choreographed the dance routine for the boys
and they only had 2 days in which to learn it! I am going to be working on a video for
another well known band - but that's top secret. Next month I'll be touring Spain in a
production of a musical that was written by a friend of mine, Michaela Evans. (21)____As
for the future, I've come to realise that I would never be content to be just a chorus dancer
- I'm too much of an individual for that. Like all artists I'd love to become a household
name by writing and choreographing my own musicals." John was born in Jamaica to a
Jamaican father and a Scottish mother but the family emigrated to England 20 years ago.
"I have a little sister I adore, who is also training to be a dancer." How does it feel to have
someone else following in your footsteps? (22)____ Has he much more to learn, I
wondered. "I've spent an incredible amount of my life training to get where I am. I went to
college for two years in England, I trained for six months in Paris and about eight months
in America. But you never really stop training or learning your art." (23)____ So, would
you say it's been plain sailing? "I feel I've been lucky to a degree; many people hit
problems breaking into the arts. It can be a vicious circle really. You can't become a
member of Equity, which is the actors' and dancers' union, without good contracts and you
can't get good contracts without being a member of Equity. My advice to people who want
to get into the arts would be to go out into the world, and try everything else first. (24)

____ What has a dance career done for you as a person? "Thanks to dancing, I've visited
and performed in 23 countries so far. This has opened my eyes to the world, and I've been
able to understand issues like racism and inequality from a wider perspective. (25) ____
"So all in all I'm really happy to be a dancer!"
A It's fine, but I try not to give out too much advice as it gets irritating!
B And if nothing you like comes out of it, then come back and be an actor or dancer.
C Without a strict daily timetable like this you find yourself wasting too much time.
D After that it's back to England to start a new term of dance classes.
E Hopefully this has enabled me to become a better and more tolerant person as a result.
F When it comes to coping with stress, I find that exercise helps me to cope with my
problems, so I stay in good shape mentally as well.
G Like any profession where you're always travelling, you tend to acquire something new

almost every day.
H Being fully equipped with all this stuff beforehand makes it easier when you go for
Part IV. Writing
Sentence transformation
Question 1→ 10. Complete the following sentences so that the second sentence has a
similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given. You must use
between two and five words, including the words given.
1. On business trips, I prefer driving home to staying in a hotel overnight


On business trips, I’d __________________________ in a hotel overnight
2. Jack found it difficult to control his skis on the steep slope.


Jack found it difficult to_________________________ on the steep slope.
3. My views on this subject are exactly the same as yours.


There ________________________ my views on this subject and yours.
4. In my opinion, these two kinds of music are completely different from each other.
In my opinion, there is _________________________these two kinds of music.
5. I arrived late because I missed the 10.30 train


If I’d caught the 10.30 train, I _____________________time
Question 6→ 10. Complete the following sentences so that the second sentence has a
similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word
6. Nobody expected her to lose, but she did.


7. Peter always trusts me with his secrets


8. I thought it was marvellous that Jane could jump so high.


I _____________________________________________________
9. They didn’t punish Karen, only gave her a warning


Karen _________________________________________________

10. Gary is proud of the fact that he is never late.


Gary prides_____________________________________________
Question 11 – 25. Paragraph writing
The emission of greenhouse gases is mostly blamed for causing climate change by most
scientists. What would happen to us if we keep on polluting? Is there anything you can do
to help? Write a paragraph to give your own opinions and explanations. (at least 250
------------------------THE END -------------------


Section 1

1. Bank
2. dentist
3. Sable
4. Northern
5. stolen
6. Paynter
7. work
8. January
9. Flag
Section 2
1. 6.30
2. (Tower) Restaurant
3. view(s)
4. history
5. 7 screen
Section 3
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. A
Part II: Grammar and Vocabulary
1. A dropped in
2. C go in for
3. A they had little chance of
4. D his ability to lecture
5. D What interests the workers most is

6. D under
7. A over
8. A solid
9. B making for
10. C do without
11. line 3: in
12. line 5: was
13. line 7: further
14. line 8: nearer
15. line 14: minimally
16. having you on
17. ran across
18. makes out
19. tracking down
20. take to
21 mercifully
22 relationships
23 elusive
24 incurable
25 striking
36 with/ under/ using
37 up
38 round
39 as/ since/ because
40 the
Part III. Reading
1. B Village Protest
2. D Save Lea Valley
3. D Save Lea Valley

4. D Save Lea Valley
5. A Homes For All

6. C New Youth Club
7. B Village Protest
8. C New Youth Club
9. A Homes For All
10. C New Youth Club
11. B Village Protest
12 E
13 D
14 B
15 A
16 G
17 F
18 C














Part IV: Writing
1 rather drive home than stay
2 keep/ get/ have his skis under control
3 is no difference between/ is not any difference between
4 no (possible) comparison (at all) between
5 would have turned up on/ in time
6. Against everybody's expectation, she lost.
7. Peter always confides in me
8. I was marvelled at Jane’s ability to jump so high
9. Karen got off with a warning
10. Gary prides himself on always being early

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