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(đề xuất)
(Đề gồm 4 phần, 12 trang)

Question 1 (5p.)
Listen to one radio item and complete the gaps in the summary below with ONE WORD only.
Write your answers in the space provided. Be careful as you can listen only ONCE.
Violent video (1) ………………… could be responsible for a rise in violence by children in
society, but not enough (2) ……………….has been done to prove it. Although a disturbed child
may (3) …………………violently after playing a (4) …………………. computer game, it is
possible that he or she will react similarly after a less violent stimulus. There is a great amount of
violence on TV and in computer games because violence (5) ……………… well. Young (6)
……………….; however, play less violent games than young males, but this may be because of
the way in which (7) ……………….. companies package their products. Computer games are
(8) ……………..; unlike TV, playing games is not a passive activity. Perhaps children can relieve
their (9) …………….. harmlessly in this way. Or maybe such games reward violence instead of
punish it. If you agree, telephone (10) …………………….
Question 2 (5p.)
Listen to the talk and fill in the missing information in the notes below. WRITE NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer. Write your answers in the
space provided. Be careful as you can listen only ONCE.
Plan for the trip to Belfast
First day – what to do

Second day – what to do
Visit an art gallery, Belfast
Visit Ulster Museum and see (2)
Cathedral and (1)
…………………………………….. of
……………………………….. human history and the 16th century
Spanish (3)………………….. treasure
Visit the zoo
Visit the Botanic Gardens and see (4)
……………………………. And visit the
Palm House
Go to a concert at Uster Hall
Free time, you can go to some local pubs
to enjoy friendly atmosphere and some
Question 3 (5p.)
Listen to a man on VOA Special English Program introducing Forest Service in America and
choose the correct letter A, B or C. Write your answers in the space provided.
1. All of these are under the supervision of Forest Service, EXCEPT …
A. rivers
C. agriculture
B. grasslands
D. lakes

2. Which of the following is true about forest fires?

A. They burn down more than 3 hectares of land every year.
B. They are one of the threats to wild lands in America
C. They are an unnatural part of forest growth.
D. They threaten everybody’s life
3. According to the recording, fuel ...
A. comes from dead and tiny plants
B. grows under tall trees.
C. can’t be removed when there is a fire.
D. is always cleared by hand.
4. All are true about invasive species, EXCEPT …
A. they are non native plants and animals.
B. they damage the economy
C. they all come from Asia
D. they grow at the loss of native plants and animals.
5. The loss of open space …
A. is needed by many animals.
B. is controlled by hundreds of experts from Forest Service
C. makes it easier for houses near wild lands to catch fire.
D. can bring about wild lands for the animals.
Your answers:


Question 1. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Write your
answers (A, B, C, or D) in the space provided under this part. (10p.)

1. The Government's present policy is seen as a _____ to local democracy.
A. threat
B. harm
C. suppression
D. sneer
2. Sport provides an _________for teenager’s feeling of aggression or frustration.
A. overflow
B. exit
C. outlet
D. exhaust
3. My throat infection left me very __________ and made talking difficult
A. hoarse
B. dumb
C. inarticulate
D. speechless
4. At that time our only hope of success______in recruiting extra help.
A. lay
B. arose
C. resided
D. stood
5. The fumes were so thick that she was_____ for breath
A. suffocating
B. gasping
C. inhaling
D. wheezing
6. Before the group of doctors would give their opinion they wanted to______ with each other.
A. confess
B. confirm
C. confer
D. confide

7. He clearly had no __________of doing any work, although it was only a week till the exam
A. desire
B. ambition
C. willingness
D. intention
8. An application to join this scheme places you under no obligation________
A. indeed
B. eventually
C. apart
D. whatsoever

9. Whenever she catches a cold, she gets a _______ all over her face
A. lump
B. rash
C. blemish
D. sore
10. As he made no_______ to our quarrel, I assumed he had forgiven me.
A. statement
B. mention
C. reference
D. comment
11. Certain kinds of plants can grow only in _______ soil.
A. loose
B. slack
C. sparse
D. scarce
12. My father takes a(n) _______ view of my borrowing so much money from a person like

A. low
B. opposing
C. dim
D. gloomy
13. As the twenty-first century _______, it seems that more and more people are leading
increasingly hectic and stressful lives.
A. proceeds
B. approaches
C. comes
D. arrives
14. When I finish writing this composition, I’m going to _______ and go to bed.
A. make time
B. hit the hay
C. hit the big time
D. call it a day
15. _______, Americans eat a light breakfast. They usually don’t eat a lot of food in the morning.
A. By and large
B. Fair and square
C. Ins and outs
D. Odds and ends
16. The woodcutter had to grope his way in the thick smoke because _______ was poor.
A. sight
B. vision
C. sighting
D. visibility
17. When his parents are away, his oldest brother _______.
A. knocks it off
C. draws the line
B. calls the shots
D. is in the same boat

18. His emotional problems _______ from the attitudes he encountered as a child.
A. flourish
B. stem
C. root
D. sprout
19. My jeans _______ in the wash and they’re too small for me now.
A. reduced
B. shrank
C. diminished
D. deteriorated
20. When it comes to health care, illegible script can be dangerous, if not _______.
A. deathly
B. deadly
C. deadening
D. deathlike
Your answers

Question 2. There are TEN mistakes in this paragraph. Write them down & give the
correction. Write your answers in the space provided. (5p.)
Line 1

In an age which technology is developed faster than ever before, many people
are being attracted by the idea of looking back into the past. One way they can
make this is by investigating their own family history. They can try to find out
more about what their families came from and what they did. This is now a fastgrowing hobby, especially in countries with a fairly short history, alike Australia
and the United States.
It is one thing to spend some time going through a book on family history and



to take the decision to investigate your own family’s past. It is quite another to
carry out the research work successfully. It is easy to set about it in a disorganizing
way and cause yourself many problems that could have avoided with a little
forward planning.
If your own family stories say you that you are connected with a famous
character, whether hero or criminal, not to let this idea take over your research.
Just treat it as an interesting possibility. A simple system for collecting and storing
your information will be adequate to start with; a more complex one may only get
in your way. The most important thing, though, is to get starting. Who knows what
you might find?

Your answers



Question 3. Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of one verb from
the box and a suitable particle. Write your answers in the space provided (5p.)

My best friend __________________last night because I was sick.
John can’t remember a thing after falling. He just_________________ .
3. That girl is always ____________ excuses for everything she does!
4. We’ll meet next Saturday at 7 p.m., unless something________________ .
The manager told the applicant to think carefully about the offer; but he decided to
______ it______ .
6. You can trust me! I won’t _____you_______ .
Stop boasting and____________ . Be more modest, will you?
8. Mary is jealous of Susie. She is always_____________ her .
9. The car engine has stopped. I don’t know why it has________________
10. Where’s my rubber? I don’t know! But I saw it _____________somewhere .
Your answers

Question 4. Use the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered space. Write your
answers in the space provided. (5 p.)

1. When it’s _______, she will be let to know the truth. (RIGHT)
2. The competition welcomes _______ from any parts of the world. (COME)
3. I was surprised at his _______ to work late at night. (PREPARE)
4. The village residents remained _______ with terror, when the earth shook. (SPEAKER)
5. Heavy rain and excessive use have soil _______. (POVERTY)
6. I don’t care if you had had too much to drink. Your behavior last night was _______.
7. Workers have voted for a two-hour _______ in protest over wage cuts. (STOP)
8. It’s _______ possible for him to overrule their decision, but highly unlikely. (THEORY)
9. England set a high standard for _______. (SPORTS)
10. I always drink something _______ if I’m driving. (ALCOHOL)
Your answers
Question 5. Read the text below and Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. Write your

answers in the space provided. (10p.)
One of the most amazing marathon races in the world is the Marathon of the Sands. It takes
(1)_______ every April in the Sahara Dessert in the south of Morocco, a part of the world where
temperatures can (2)_______ fifty degrees centigrade. The standard length of the marathon is
42.5 kilometers but this one is 240 kilometers (3)_______ and takes seven days to complete. It
began in 1986 and now attracts about two hundred runners, the majority of (4)_______ ages
range from seventeen to forty-seven. About half of them come from France and the (5)_______
from all over the world. From Britain it costs £2,500 to enter, including return air fares. The race
is rapidly getting more and more popular (6)_______, or perhaps because of, the hard conditions
that runners must endure. They have to carry food and (7)_______ else they need for seven days
in rucksack weighing no more than twelve kilograms. In addition to (8)_______, they are given a
liter and a half of water every ten kilometers.
Runners do (9)_______ terrible physical hardships. Sometimes they lose toenails and skin peels
on their feet. However, doctors are always (10)_______ hand to deal with minor injuries and to
make sure that runners do not push themselves too far.
Your answers
Question 1. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each
gap.Write your answers in the space provided. (10p.)
It stands to (1)_______ that a city like Los Angeles, which is home to the rich and famous, is

also where you find the Association of Celebrity Personal Assistants.
Celebrity personal assistants are a unique group among Hollywood professionals. (2)_______ the
lawyers and agents who rub shoulders with the stars and (3)_______ millions, personal assistants
(PAs) are not paid well. They typically earn about $56,000 a year which, (4)_______ their round5

the-clock obligations, isn’t much by Hollywood standards. As for the job description, it’s also far
from glamorous.
Responsibilities include doing laundry, (5)_______ groceries and paying bills. So what's the
attraction? One celebrity PA says, ‘I don’t (6)_______ myself a vain or superficial person, but it
would be (7)_______ to say that we all don't like being close to someone's that's powerful.’ But
not everyone is qualified for the job.
Rita Tateel teaches would-be assistants to the stars and begins her lessons with some (8)_______
truths: 'You must be in good health at all times, because you are (9)_______ a celebrity's life. If
you get sick their life can't just stop. And you need to be flexible and able to (10)_______ in all
kinds of hours. You have to be a can-do person. If there’s one word that celebrities don't want to
hear, that word is “no”.’
1. A. truth
B. discussion
C. argument
D. reason
2. A. However
B. Unlike
C. Despite
D. Similarly
3. A. give
B. take
C. make
D. pay
4. A. given

B. received
C. spend
D. being
5. A. shopping
B. clutching
C. fetching
D. bringing
6. A. describe
B. know
C. consider
D. think
7. A. true
B. honest
C. lie
D. wrong
8. A. such
B. hard
C. heavy
D. advice
9. A. working
B. running
C. dealing
D. getting
10. A. take
B. adapt
C. get
D. put
Your answers

Question 2. Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Write your answers in the space provided. (10p.)
Cooperation is the common endeavor of two or more people to perform a task or reach a jointly
cherished goal. Like competition and conflict, there are different forms of cooperation, based on group
organization and attitudes.
In the first form, known as primary cooperation, group and individual fuse. The group contains
nearly all of each individual’s life. The rewards of the group’s work are shared with each member.
There is an interlocking identity of individual, group and task performed. Means and goals become one,
for cooperation itself is valued.
While primary cooperation is most often characteristic of preliterature societies, secondary
cooperation is characteristic of many modern societies. In secondary cooperation, individuals devote
only part of their lives to the group. Cooperation itself is not a value. Most members of the group feel
loyalty, but the welfare of the group is not the first consideration. Members perform tasks so that they
can separately enjoy the fruits of their cooperation in the form of salary, prestige, or power. Business
offices and professional athletic teams are examples of secondary cooperation.

In the third type, called tertiary cooperation or accommodation, latent conflict underlies the shared
work. The attitudes of the cooperating parties are purely opportunistic: the organization is loose and
fragile. Accommodation involves common means to achieve antagonistic goals: it breaks down when
the common means cease to aid each party in reaching its goals. This is not, strictly speaking,

cooperation at all, and hence the somewhat contradictory term antagonistic cooperation is sometimes
used for this relationship.
Question 1: What is the author’s main purpose in the first paragraph of the passage?
A. To urge readers to cooperate more often
B. To offer a brief definition of cooperation
C. To explain how cooperation differs from competition and conflict
D. To show the importance of group organization and attitudes
Question 2: The word cherished in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______
A. defined
B. agreed on
C. prized
D. set up
Question 3: The word fuse in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______
A. explore
B. unite
C. evolve
D. react
Question 4: Which of the following statements about primary cooperation is supported by information
in the passage?
A. It is usually the first stage of cooperation achieved by a group of individuals attempting to
B. It is most commonly seen among people who have not yet developed reading and writing skills
C. It is an ideal that can never be achieved
D. It was confined to prehistoric times
Question 5: According to the passage, why do people join groups that practice secondary cooperation?
A. To experience the satisfaction of cooperation
B. To associate with people who have similar backgrounds
C. To get rewards for themselves
D. To defeat a common enemy
Question 6: Which of the following is an example of the third form of cooperation as it is defined in

the fourth paragraph?
A. Students form a study group so that all of them can improve their grades
B. Members of a farming community share work and the food that they grow
C. Two rival political parties temporarily work together to defeat a third party
D. A new business attempts to take customers away from an established company
Question 7: Which of the following is NOT given as a name for the third type of cooperation?
A. Tertiary cooperation
B. Antagonistic cooperation
C. Accommodation
D. Latent conflict
Question 8: The word fragile in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to
A. involuntary
B. poorly planned
C. inefficient
D. easily broken
Question 9: As used throughout the passage, the term common is closest in meaning to which of the
A. popular
B. vulgar
C. ordinary
D. shared
Question 10: Which of the following best describes the overall organization of the passage?
A. The author provides a number of concrete examples and then draws a conclusion
B. The author presents the points of view of three experts on the same topic
C. The author compares and contrasts two types of human relations

D. The author describes a concept by analyzing its three forms
Your answers



Question 3. Match each of the following headings with its suitable paragraph. The first one (0: H)
as an example has been done for you. There are two extra headings which you do not need to use.
Write your answers in the space provided. (5p.)
A. Research holds the key to success
B. New and improved techniques
C. A new kind of athlete
D. New equipment has made a difference
E. Athletes are what they eat
F. Personalized programs will help
G. The influence of drugs
H. Is there a limit to record-breaking?
[0: ___H __]
A world record is every athlete’s dream, but the hard-won records of a few years ago are mostly just
today’s qualifying times. Roger Bannister’s famous four-minute mile of 1956 has been beaten by nearly
15 seconds, while almost an hour and twenty minutes has been taken off the women’s marathon since
1953. ‘Faster, higher, stronger’ is the Olympic motto, and today’s competitors continue to push back
the boundaries of what the body can achieve. But one wonders if this can continue.
[1: ______ ]

The last forty years have seen many important technological advances. For example, since the
introduction of strong, flexible fiberglass poles, over a meter has been added to the pole vault record.
There have also been important developments in the design the running shoe. And while a shoe won’t
actually make someone run faster, modern shoes do mean many more miles of comfortable, injury-free
[2: ______ ]
Pushing back the limits now depends more on science, technology and medicine than anything else.
Athletic technique, training programs and diets are all being studied to find ways of taking a few more
seconds off or adding a few more cm to that elusive world record. It seems that natural ability and hard
work are no longer enough.
[3: ______ ]
The search to find more efficient ways of moving goes on. Analysis of an athlete’s style is particularly
useful for events like jumping and throwing. Studies show that long jumpers need to concentrate not on
the speed of approach, as once thought, but on the angle their bodies make with the ground as they take
off. However, the rules governing each sport limit advances achieved by new styles. For instance only
one-footed takeoffs are allowed in the high jump.
[4: ______ ]
In the future, it should be possible to develop a more individual approach to training programs. Athletes
will keep detailed diaries and collect data to help predict the point when training becomes overtraining,
the cause of many injuries. If athletes fee all the information into a database, it may then be possible to
predict patterns and to advise them individually when they should cut down.
[5: ______ ]
Combining the right diet with a training program is vital. Athletes are continually searching for that
special ‘go-faster’ ingredient, but apparently it’s still a battle to get them to drink sufficient liquid and

to follow a balanced healthy diet throughout all phases of training, competition and recovery. Diet in
the period after an event is particularly important and often neglected. An athlete who doesn’t replace
all the liquid lost immediately after a hard run won’t be able to repeat the performance at the same level

24 hours later.
Your answer:
Question 4. There are five extracts which have been removed from the following passage. Put an
extract from A-G in the correct gap 1-5 to complete the passage. The first one (0: H) as an example
has been done for you. There is one extract you're not going to need. Write your answers in the
space provided. (5p.)
Two hundred years ago, Britain's canals were the arteries of the Industrial Revolution but now
they are used almost exclusively for pleasure. They're a great way to meet the British - and other
nationalities: even actors Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart have enjoyed a Welsh narrowboat
holiday. Bob Barton reports on a trip afloat in Mid Wales.
Less is more on the canals. (0)……F…............. Yet we felt we had seen and experienced so
much and let into the secret that is one of the most beautiful parts of Britain's unique waterway
We became very fond of Bronwen, our three year-old cruiser, which was our movable home
for a few serene days as we sailed along the Monmouth and Brecon canal in Mid Wales. With home
comforts including a fully fitted kitchen complete with gas cooker and fridge, crockery and
cookware; comfortable beds; a shower and toilet; central heating and cosy lounge area with TV and
DVD player, it is easy to see how some boaters become so enthusiastic they decide to live on them
for months at a time.
Any fears we had about taking charge of a 50ft-long behemoth on a narrow canal with its
numerous toytown-like stone bridges were quickly dispelled by John of Cambrian Cruisers. (1)
……………….. How to take on water, work the locks and lifting bridges we would encounter, and
even came along with us for the first ten minutes to check we had got the hang of things.
We need not have worried: by the end of our first afternoon of cruising we had negotiated
four lifting bridges, one tunnel and five locks, all enough to give my 'crew' a hearty appetite to be

sated in one of the many canal-side pubs. One of the lifting bridges was electrically powered and my
daughters, aged 11 and 15, loved closing the gate across the road to stop traffic and pushing the
buttons to make lights flash and the bridge slowly rise.
The 35-mile Monmouth and Brecon Canal is a small, isolated part of Britain's 2,000-mile
(3,220 km) network of navigable waterways, but it is a real gem. Built to carry coal and iron down to
the sea, it is an 18th-century time-capsule, now used entirely for pleasure, which winds its way south
from the market town of Brecon through the rocky uplands - the highest in Southern Britain - of the
Brecon Beacons National Park. (2)………………….
Its banks canopied with a wide variety of trees, the canal is constantly twisting, first one way
and then another. For much of its length it is on a ridge, high above the foaming waters of the River
Usk, whose route is even more convoluted than the canal; while in the distance are sheep-dotted

meadows and craggy peaks with romantic names such as Sugar Loaf and Table Mountain. (3)
……………….. There's always something to see, someone to wave at or talk to, or another brew of
tea or coffee to attend to: it is thirsty work!
This being springtime, wild flowers were everywhere - bluebells, daffodils, forsythia and
primroses, growing in huge bunches along the banks. Other seasons offer their own delights, I'm
sure. Birds spotted ranged from skylarks and chaffinch to pheasants and the ubiquitous ducks with
their ducklings in tow and, at one stage, a bat even circled our boat. Farther on, white tree blossom
floated down on us like snowflakes - an idyllic scene. (4) …………………
We prepared breakfast and lunch on board using the ample facilities, but when we wanted a
more substantial meal there was a good choice of pubs, often with a blazing log fire, in canalside
villages such as Talybont-on-Usk. At the Coach and Horses in Langynidr there was a particularly
tasty, wide-ranging menu: the Portuguese owner, Abilio, explained that he arrived here as chef but
liked it so much he decided to buy the whole pub and settle down.
One of the liberating aspects of canal boating is that you can moor up for the night almost
wherever the fancy takes you. We just hammered in the mooring spikes, tied-up, placed a plank
across to the bank and our mobile home was all set for the night. (5)…………………

A. Though our pace was slow in terms of distance covered, it was never boring.
B. We even remembered a torch to light the walk back from the pub!
C. That is why we were given a thorough explanation of all the safety regulations in force along
the canal.
D. He patiently talked us through the boat's simple controls.
E. It passes through no big towns but has everything else that makes this type of holiday such
fun: lovely scenery, friendly people, and a few locks, lift-bridges and a tunnel thrown in for good
F. At a speed of four miles-per-hour, we travelled less than 20 miles in three days.
G. Sometimes there was so much to take in we almost forgot to bow our heads for the distinctive
stone hump-back bridges: so narrow and low they seem to grow out of the banks.
Your answer:
Question 1. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the words or phrases given without
changing the meaning of the sentences given (5 marks)
1. It is fairly unlikely that he will be convicted of the offence.
=> There ____________________________________________________________
2. He suddenly thought that he might have misunderstood her.
=> It crossed _________________________________________________________
3. She doesn’t think very highly of politicians.
=> She’s got a ________________________________________________________
4. You must concentrate on your work more.
=> You must apply ____________________________________________________
5. Regarding payment, most major credit cards are acceptable.
=> As far ____________________________________________________________


Question 2. Rewrite the following sentences, using the given words in capital letters. Make sure that no
change in the form of the word given is allowed. (5 marks)
1. Any correspondence from the Canberra office must be dealt with before other matters. (PRIORITY).
2. I advise you not to believe what you read in the papers about me. (RELIANCE).
3. Please inform the relevant authority at once. (DELAY)
4. The film wasn’t as good as we expected. (COME)
5. Williams tried to remain impartial in the quarrel between his two cousins. (SIDES)
Question 3. (10pts) PARAGRAPH WRITING
Write a paragraph of 200 words to express your opinion:
Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others
believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which
view do you agree with? Explain why.

...The End ...


(đề xuất)
(Đáp án gồm 4 phần, 3 trang)

Question 1 (5p.)


1. games
4. violent
2. research
5. sells
3. react
6. females
Question 2 (5p.)
1. City Hall
2. 9,000 years
3. gold
4. rare plants
5. Irish folk music
Question 3 (5p.)
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. C
Question 1. (10p.)
1. A
8. D
2. C
9. B
3. A
10. C

4. A
11. A
5. B
12. C
6. C
13. B
7. D
14. D
Question 2.
1. developed  developing
2. (attracted) by  (attracted) to
3. make  do
4. what  where
5. alike  like
6. disorganizing  disorganized
7. have avoided  have been avoided
8. say  tell
9. not to  don’t
10. starting  started

7. software
8. interactive
9. frustration

10. 01256381574

15. A
16. D
17. B
18. B

19. B
20. B

Question 3.
1. dropped in
2. blacked out
3. making up
4. crops up
5. turn… down
6. let… down
7. showing off
8. putting…down
9. broken down
10. lying around
Question 4.
1. rightful
2. all-comers
3. preparedness
4. speechless
5. impoverished
6. indefensible
7. stoppage
8. theoretically
9. sportsmanship
10. non-alcoholic
Question 5.
1. place
2. reach
3. long

4. whose
5. rest
6. despite
7. anything
8. this
9. suffer
10. on
Question 1.
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. D
Question 2.
1. B

2. C
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. D

9. D
10. D
Question 3
1. D

2. A.

3. B

4. F

5. E

Question 4
1. F
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. G
6. B
Question 1. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the words or phrases given without
changing the meaning of the sentences given (5 marks- 1 mark/1 correct answer)
1. There is little likelihood of his being convicted of the offence.
2. It crossed his mind that he might have misunderstood her.
3. She’s got a low opinion of politicians.
4. You must apply yourself to your work more.
5. As far as payment is concerned, most major credit cards are acceptable.
Question 2. Rewrite the following sentences, using the given words in capital letters. Make sure that no
change in the form of the word given is allowed. (5 marks- 1 mark/1 correct answer)

1. Any correspondence from the Canberra office must take priority (be given priority) over other
2. I advise you not to place any reliance on what you read in the papers about me.
3. Please inform the relevant authority without delay.
4. The film didn’t come up to our expectation.
5. Williams tried not to take sides in the quarrel between his two cousins
Question 3. Write an essay of about 250 words on the following topic. (10 marks)
+ Content: 50% of the total mark: enough relevant main ideas.
+ Language: 30 % of the total mark: use of variety of vocabulary and structures.
+ Presentation: 20% of the total mark: use of linking words and phrases, etc.

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