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Deep work How to improve your productivity

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Why we should care about deep work ( definition and adcantage)

It happens all the time. You start out the day with great intentions to get that homework done or to work
on your project only to find it’s 9pm and you’ve barely scratched the surface. Every time you sit down to
work on something, a ping, ding or dong stops you in your tracks.
According to Cal Newport, author of Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World: “Deep
work is when you focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task,” he says. “You work on it as
hard as your brain is capable for an extended amount of time without any distractions.” Working on
something while in “deep work” mode will produce much better results than working with distracted,
fragmented attention – what most of us do every day. “Most people don’t go five or ten minutes without
glancing at their phone or inbox,” says Newport.
Here is a example
President Obama, a well-known ‘night guy,’ logged time deep into the evening from his office, reading,
writing speeches, preparing memos, examining documents, and thinking. He’d be able to finish things
during the late night hours that drew constant focus from the leader of the free world during the day.
Work accomplished = (time spent) x (intensity)
Newport explains that in order to produce content/work/services at an elite level, you must be
maintaining focus on the single task for long periods of time, completely without distraction. It’s this
narrow focus that allows you to produce your best work.
2. How to actually cultivate a deep work practice
2.1 Make it a habit
The easiest way to start deep work sessions is to transform them into a regular habit. If you deloyed
smart routines and rituals - perhaps a set time and quiet location used for your deep task each afernoon
, you would require much less willpower to start and keep going. In other words, to generate a rhythm
for this work removes the need for you to invest energy in deciding if when you’re going to go deep
For a novice, somewhere around 1 hour a day of intense concentration seems to be the limit, while for
experts this number can expand to as many as four hours
2.2 Allow yourseft to be lazy
Regularly resting your brain improves the quality of deep work. So when you work, work hard, but when

you done, be done. Another key commitment to succeed is to create a downtime – shutdown ritual.
Only the confidence that you’re done with work until the next day can convince your brain to downshift
to the level where it can begin to recharge for the next day. Put another way, trying to squeeze a little
more work out of your evenings might redece your effectiveness the next day enough that you end up
getting less done if you had instead resoected a shutdown

2.3 Schedele internet time
Schedule in advance when you'll use the Internet, and then avoid it altogether outside of these times.
Write it down on a notepad and record the next time you're allowed to go online. Until you arrive at that
time. Absolutely no network connectivity is allowed – no matter how tempting.
The point is that we increasingly recognize that these tools fragment our time and redece our ability to
concentrate. This is especially dangerous after the workday is over, where the freedom in your schedule
enables internet to become central to your leisure time. Such behavior is dangerous, as it weakens your
mind’s general ability to resist distraction, making deep work difficult later when you really want ot
concentrate. In other words when it comes to relaxation don’t default to whatecer catches your
attention at the moment, but instead dedicate some advande thinking to how you want to spend your
free time.

3. Strategy for beginer
First, my presentation don’t give enough information about deep work. If you really care about this, I
think you need to read the book which I talk before or maybe you can see a lot of video in youtube about
deep work.
Second, I divide strategy into 2 parts. Part 1 is practice in just a period of 4 weeks which start in whatever
you really confident. In this part, follow the recipe in first major issues, time is main factor in this part,
don’t spend too much concentration on intensity. That doesn’t mean you don’t care about the quality of
your work, keep working like everyday you do in the past, set up a strategy like between 9pm and 11pm,
let’s learning Enlish and u try to finish it in 1 month. And part 2 is relax, This is the short space about 1
week for you to check and adjust what you have done in the past month, also to compare the effects of
deep work bring for you.
