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S + can + V = S + to be +able to + V = S + to be + capable of + V-ing
(Ai đó có thể làm gì)
1. Anna could play chess when she was a baby. (able)
2. He is capable of running up to the top of the hill in just over six minutes. (can)
3. He will never be able to play tennis again after his accident. (capable)
4. You can't survive on a desert island for so long. (able)
5. When I was younger, I could stay up all night and not get tired. (capable)
It takes sb + time + to do sth = Sb spend(s) + time + doing sth
(Ai đó dành / mất bao nhiêu thời gian để làm việc gì)
1. It takes me one hour and a half to drive my children to school. (spend)
2. A good chef spent an hour cooking this meal. (It took)
Like sth/ doing sth = Enjoy sth/ doing sth = Be + fond of + sth/ doing
sth = Be interested in sth/ doing sth = Be keen on sth/ doing sth
(Thích cái gì = Có hứng thú với cái gì)
3. She is keen on taking photos of her children. (interested)
4. Taro doesn't like reading books. (enjoy)
5. The children are interested in swimming in the afternoon. (fond of)
not only ... + but also = both ... and
(Không những thế này mà còn thế kia = Vừa thế này vừa thế kia)
1. Ali has studied not only in the United States but also in Australia. (both … and)

2. Young people normally like both music and sports. (not only .. but also)
3. She is not only hard-working but also careful. (both … and)
4. Emily both sings and dances very well. (not only .. but also)
5. Both the father and his son are getting bald. (not only .. but also)
It's (high) time (for sb) to do St = It's (high) time S + V (past simple)
(Đã đến lúc phải làm gì/ Đã đến lúc ai đó phải làm gì)
1. It's time for him to stop playing extreme sports.

2. It's high time for him to realise that he is not the best student in class.
S + stop/ give up + V-ing = S + no longer + V = S + don't / doesn't + V
+ anymore/ any longer = S + used to +V
(Ai đó dừng/ bỏ làm gì = Ai đó không còn làm gì nữa = Ai đó đã từng làm gì)
3. I no longer wait for him because he is always late.
I don’t ...........................................................................................................
4. Peter's wallet was stolen on a bus to London. He no longer travels by bus.
Peter's wallet was stolen on a bus to London. He gives .....................................
5. I don't play golf every Sunday any longer.
I no longer ....................................................................................................
S + let + sb + do smt = S + allow + sb + to do smt
(Cho phép ai đó làm gì)
1. The doctor doesn't allow me to go out.
The doctor doesn't let ......................................................................................
2. Authorities in Tehran do not let him leave the country.

Authorities in Tehran do not allow ....................................................................
3. Her husband will not let her go on business trip with her boss.
Her husband will not allow ...............................................................................
It's no use/ good doing smt= There is no point in doing smt
(Vô ích khi làm gì đó)
It is no use trying to escape - no one ever gets out of here.
There is no point in .........................................................................................
It is no good telling him anything - he won't listen.
There is no point in .........................................................................................
S + started / began + V-ing / to-V = S + have PII / have been + V-ing
(Bắt đầu làm việc gì / Làm việc gì được bao lâu)
1. I started writing this novel 3 months ago. (for)
2. She has been playing the piano since she came back from school. (when)
It seems that… = It appears that... = It is likely that… = It looks as if…
(Có vẻ như là / Dường như là…)
3. It appears that they are very confident of winning this game. (looks)
4. It seems that Jackson is a kind and generous man. (appears)
5. It looks as if she is so disappointed of the result of the final exam. (likely)
Hardly + had + S + PII when S + V-ed/ irregular
= No sooner + had +S + PII than S + V-ed/ irregular
(Ngay khi .... thì)
1. No sooner had I shut the door than I realised I'd left my keys inside.
Hardly ............................................................................................................

2. The couple had no sooner arrived than the priest started the ceremony.

No sooner.......................................................................................................
3. Hardly had I finished the meal when I started feeling hungry again.
No sooner.......................................................................................................
4. I had hardly left my house when it began to rain.
Hardly ............................................................................................................
5. Hardly had I fallen asleep when the neighbour's dog started barking.
No sooner.......................................................................................................
S + V + Wh-word + clause = S + V + Wh-word + to V
1. I don't know what I should wear in her wedding.
I don't know ...................................................................................................
2. He didn't know how he could solve that problem.
He didn't know ................................................................................................
3. He can't think what he should say to his teacher.
He can't think .................................................................................................
4. wondered where they could go for their holiday.
They wondered ...............................................................................................
5. She doesn't know who she can contact in an emergency.
She doesn't know ...........................................................................................
S + to be + adj = What + (a/an) + adj + N(s/es)!
1. That was an interesting film.
What .............................................................................................................. !
2. The food is nutritious.
What .............................................................................................................. !
3. These pineapples are big and fresh.
What .............................................................................................................. !
S + to be + adj = How + adj + S + to be!
S + V + adv = How + adv + S + V!
1. drew the picture perfectly.
How ............................................................................................................... !
2. He can speak English fluently.

How ............................................................................................................... !
So sánh
1. James plays football better than any other boys in the class.
James is ............................................................................. in the class.
2. She is more successful than her three sisters.
She is ................................................................................. the four sisters.
3. He has never scored so high in a test as he did in this one.
This is
ever received in a test.
4. We were told that the show was not very entertaining but it was.
The show was ..................................................................... we had been told.
5. The shop is not very busy today compared to yesterday.
Yesterday the shop ............................................................. it is today.

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