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STUDENT: ĐỖ BÍCH NGỌC- 030632161469- D03

Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03

A. OVERVIEW OF GLOBALIZATION..............................................4
I. The Definition of Globalization...................................................4
II. The Nature of Globalization.........................................................5
I. In The World................................................................................5
II. In Vietnam...................................................................................8
WEB SOURCES...................................................................................16


Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03



Globalization is currently very strong impact to the country, to social life of the
whole human community, as well as the lives of individuals. However, perceptions and
attitudes towards globalization is very different. While some countries approaching
globalization an exhilaration in many other countries, the anti-globalization movement
takes place in a wide and attracts thousands of participants. But despite the different
attitude, support or oppose globalization continues as an inevitable trend and increasingly
expanding. This is a matter of vast and so complex that we must approach the issue of
globalization in many prisms, different angles. But no matter the perspective or vision
does necessarily point out: Nature, dynamics, trends and contradictions that arise in the
process of globalization in general and the relationship between economic globalization
and politics in particular in the current context. Globalization is first expressed in the
inevitability of economic globalization. That is the most important factor, as the nucleus
of globalization.
In Vietnam, after more than 20 years of innovation has achieved much success.
Economies operate under market economy-oriented socialist, trends are also very strong
impact have great influence to all aspects of economic life - politics – social. Currently,
more and more deeply into the process of international integration, the more we perceive
more clearly the positive aspects of this impact, at the same time as the negative impact
that this trend by creating the financial crisis the East Asian currencies (1997) clearly
shows that. XXI century ushered in a new era with new opportunities and new
challenges, our country is gradually transforming the quality of the development process,
including the steps of international integration in substance, such as the implementation
of the rules AFTA , APEC, WTO. The research trends as globalization should be
respected as one of the important basis for design guidelines and development strategy on
the way forward.

Therefore, we have to learn this problem to look deeper and overview, as well as to
find out the cause and solutions can development. This is also the reason why I choose
this topic.
Due to the wide range of research and access to information sources as well as
competence and experience a limited coal should inevitably make mistakes. I'm so


Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03
looking forward to the teacher can get the directions, suggestions, fixes of the master to
the article can improve.
I sincerely thank.


The Definition of Globalization
1. The concept of globalization

Globalization is a concept used to describe the changes in society and in the
economy in the world, created by linkages and exchanges increased between nations,
organizations or individuals in the corner Education, economy, etc. .. on a global scale.
Looking critically at the concept, globalization in its broadest sense can be said to be
a prismatic, complex, and multidisciplinary topic. It can be examined from several angles
which includes not only economic, the most common viewpoint, but also social, cultural,
ideological and political ones. James Rosenau, a foremost political scientist, defined
globalization as ‘a label that is presently in vogue to account for peoples, activities,
norms, ideas, goods, services, and currencies that are decreasingly confined to a
geographic space and its local and established practices’ (Stallings 2000). For those

looking at it from the economic angle, it refers to the increasingly internationalized
character of the emerging global economy. To the lawyers, it has to do with ‘the
threatened changes in legal status of states and their citizens” (Saker et al. 2004). It
means different things to different people, but the bottom-line is that these disciplinarybased viewpoints fail to take into consideration the multiplicity and complexity of change
processes, and therefore fail to appreciate their effects, both directly and indirectly.
Globalization is widely accepted and referred to as ‘the widening, deepening and
speeding up of world-wide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life,
from the cultural to the criminal, the financial to the spiritual’ (Lawal 2006). This widely
accepted definition shows the way in which globalization today connects the cultures and
communities in one corner of the world to development occurring in another country.


Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03
2. History of Globalization
Globalization, in the classical sense, began in the 15th century, after the maritime
expeditions large scale. Big expedition first round by Ferdinand Magellan world done in
the year 1522. As well as appearing roads trade between Europe, Asia, Africa and
America, the phenomenon is not near here.
In addition to the exchange of material goods, some varieties are planted from
climates to other climates (such as potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco). The term
"liberalization" appears to indicate a combination of economic theory on absolute free
market and the cancellation of the barriers to the circulation of goods.
Period began using gold as the standard of the monetary system (gold) and
liberalization in the 19th century is often officially called "the beginning of
globalization". "At the beginning of globalization," fell into decline when entered World
War first, and then collapsed completely after the crisis of the gold in the late 1920s and
early 1930s.
Since World War Second, the round of trade talks by the GATT initiative, has put the

issue of globalization and thereby leading to a series of agreements to remove restrictions
on "commercial free". Uruguay Round proposed treaty establishing the World Trade
Organization or WTO trade, to settle trade disputes. Treaties bilateral trade, including part
of the Maastricht Treaty of the European Treaty of Free Trade of North America
(NAFTA) has been signed aims to reduce the revenue equan and trade barriers. Since the
1970s, the impact of international trade is increasingly clear, both positive and negative.

The Nature of Globalization

Personality is a historical trend, globalization is determined by the development of
powerful, landmark of the productive forces in an era of scientific and technological

Globalization is both an objective nature, containing both liberal capitalist
nature; both positive and negative; has brought opportunities, advantages and risks,
challenges for the nation, especially the least developed countries and developing

Globalization is a process of open and cooperative, both fierce struggle, the
complex between nations, corporations, communities and individuals ... together.

Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03

To protect national interests in the process of participating in globalization,
countries around the world have been implementing robust processes regionalization.


In The World
1. Effects of globalization on world trade

Globalization helps developing countries to deal with rest of the world increase their
economic growth, solving the poverty problems in their country. In the past, developing
countries were not able to tap on the world economy due to trade barriers. They cannot
share the same economic growth that developed countries had.
However, with globalization the World Bank and International Management
encourage developing countries to go through market reforms and radical changes
through large loans. Many developing nations began to take steps to open their markets
by removing tariffs and free up their economies. The developed countries were able to
invest in the developing nations, creating job opportunities for the poor people. For
example, rapid growth in India and China has caused world poverty to decrease.
It is clear to see that globalization has made the relationships between developed
countries and developing nations stronger, it made each country depend on another
country. According to Thirlwall (2003:13) " Developing countries depend on developed
countries for resource flows and technology, but developed countries depend heavily on
developing countries for raw materials, food and oil, and as markets for industrial goods".
One the most important advantages of globalization are goods and people are
transported easier and faster as a result free trade between countries has increased, and it
decreased the possibility of war between countries. Furthermore, the growth in the
communication between the individuals and companies in the world helped to raise free
trade between countries and this led to growth economy.
However, globalization has many economy and trade advantages in the developing
countries, we must also note the many disadvantages that globalization has created for the
poor countries. One reason globalization increases the inequality between the rich and
poor, the benefits globalization is not universal; the richer are getting rich and the poor

are becoming poorer.

Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03
Many developing countries do benefit from globalization but then again, many of
such nations do lag behind." In the past two decades, China and India have grown faster
than the already rich nations. However, countries like Africa still have the highest poverty
rates, in fact, the rural areas of China which do not tap on global markets also suffer
greatly from such high poverty (blogspot.com.2009). On the other hand, developed
countries set up their companies and industries to the developing nations to take
advantages of low wages and this causing pollution in countries with poor regulation of
pollution. Furthermore, setting up companies and factories in the developing nations by
developed countries affect badly to the economy of the developed countries and increase
3. Globalization and cultural boundaries
Globalization has many benefits and detriment to the culture in the developing
countries. Many developing countries cultures has been changed through globalization,
and became imitate others cultures such as, America and European countries.
Before globalization it would not have been possible to know about other countries
and their cultures. Due to important tools of globalization like television, radio, satellite
and internet, it is possible today to know what is happening in any countries such as,
America, Japan and Australia. Moreover, people worldwide can know each other better
through globalization. For example, it is easy to see more and more Hollywood stars
shows the cultures different from America. In addition, today we can see clearly a heavily
effect that caused by globalization to the young people in the different poor nations, it is
very common to see teenagers wearing Nike T-Shirts and Adidas footwear, playing HipHop music, using Apple iPad and iPhone and eating at MacDonald, KFC and Domino's
Pizza . It is look like you can only distinguish them by their language.
One the other hand, many developing countries are concerned about the rise of
globalization because it might lead to destroy their own culture, traditional, identity,

customs and their language. Many Arab countries such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and
Jordan, as developing countries have affected negatively in some areas, their cultures.
Developing Country Studies customs and traditional have been changed. They wear
and behave like developed nations, a few people are wearing their traditional cloths that
the used to. Furthermore, globalization leads to disappearing of many words and
expressions from local language because many people use English and French words. In
addition, great changes have taken place in the family life, young people trying to leave

Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03
their families and live alone when they get 18 years old, and the extended family tends to
become smaller than before (Kurdish globe, 2010).
4. Education and Health Systems
Globalization contributed to develop the health and education systems in the
developing countries. We can clearly see that education has increased in recent years,
because globalization has a catalyst to the jobs that require higher skills set. This demand
allowed people to gain higher education.
Health and education are basic objectives to improve any nations, and there are
strong relationships between economic growth and health and education systems.
Through growth in economic, living standards and life expectancy for the developing
nations certainly get better.
With more fortunes poor nations are able to supply good health care services and
sanitation to their people. In addition, the government of developing countries can
provide more money for health and education to the poor, which led to decrease the rates
of illiteracy. This is seen in many developing countries whose illiteracy rate fell down
recently. It is truth that, living standards and life expectancy of developing countries
increase through economic gains from globalization.
According to the World Bank " With globalization, more than 85 percent of the
world's population can expect to live for at least sixty years and this is actually twice as

long as the average life expectancy 100 years ago". In addition, globalization helped
doctors and scientists to contribute to discover many diseases, which spread by human,
animals and birds, and it helped them to created appropriate medicines to fight these
deadly diseases. For example, HIV/ADIS, swine flu and birds' flu whole world know
about these diseases and they know how to avoid it. By globalization, there are many
international organizations, such as, Non-governmental Organization (NGO), World
Health Organization (WHO) and UNESCO, trying to eliminate illiteracy and deadly
diseases in the world and save the life.
In spite of these positive effects of globalization to the education and health fields in
the developing countries. However, globalization could have negative impacts also in
these fields; globalization facilitates the spread of new diseases in developing nations by
travelers between countries. Due to increased trade and travel, many diseases like
HIV/ADIS, Swine Flu, Bird Flu and many plant diseases, are facilitated across borders,

Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03
from developed nations to the developing ones. This influences badly to the living
standards and life expectancy these countries.
According to the World Bank (2004) "The AIDS crisis has reduced life expectancy
in some parts of Africa to less than 33 years and delay in addressing the problems caused
by economic". Another drawback of globalization is, globalized competition has forced
many minds skilled workers where highly educated and qualified professionals, such as
scientists, doctors, engineers and IT specialists, migrate to developed countries to benefit
from the higher wages and greater lifestyle prospects for themselves and their children.
This leads to decrease skills labour in the developing countries.

In Vietnam
1. Globalization and its effect on Vietnamese culture

Globalization does bring convenience and comfort to Vietnamese people. Now we
can enjoy goods and services with high quality and competitive prices as many foreign
companies join our market. Advances in communication help eradicate geographic
borders among countries and therefore connect our world. Especially, globalization
shortens the long-standing distance among different cultures. For example, right here in
Vietnam, we can watch latest movies made in Hollywood: Adventure, Pacific Rim,… We
can read famous books written by authors from US, UK, EU, Japan, China… We can’t
help from observe the appearance of restaurants serving Thai, Italian, Chinese, Japanese,
American, Latin American food in Ho Chi Minh City. Moreover, globalization is fast and
useful ways to present Vietnamese culture to the whole wide world.
However, that does not means globalization does no harm to the culture of our
country. One of the most concerning problems caused by globalization is the dominance
of foreign culture on Vietnamese life. “Embedded in the concept of globalization is the
notion of the cultural domination of developing nations by more affluent nations. Simply
put, people lose theirs traditional values and begin to identify with the culture of
dominant nations. They may discard or neglect their native language and dress as they
attempt to copy the icons of mass-market entertainment and fashion”.
Perhaps, the most transparent and serious effect is language. Our Vietnamese
language is facing “severe competition” from other languages, especially English.


Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03

English advertisement on the streets of Ha Noi

Where are we? Are we in Vietnam?

The address of this shop is completely written in English. No Vietnamese.
The official language of our nation is Vietnamese. So, why not appear any
Vietnamese words in these advertisements? Certainly, English is very necessary to the
development of tourism as well as nation’s economy. However, I still wonder whether the
authors of these advertisements, accidentally or deliberately, are neglecting the mother
language. No matter how it takes, that proves the dominance of foreign language to our


Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03
Particularly, nowadays, many children who are sent to international schools find it
difficult to express their ideas in Vietnamese because they use English as their mother
tongue. Someone says that it is acceptable but I totally disagree. Certainly, I do not deny
the importance of English, even I agree with the policy that English should be used as
official language in education and workplace.
However, there is no need to abandon our Vietnamese. This trade-off is not worth
5. Quality of life in Vietnam
The Vietnamese people have an overall low quality of life. According to the 2014
Human Development Index, which measures together a country's average life expectancy,
education and average income, Vietnam has a medium human development index, and
ranked 121 in the world. The average life expectancy of a Vietnamese citizen is 73 years,
and their literacy rate is 94.5%. In its urban areas, Vietnam has a high accessibility to
water, but in rural areas only 39% of the population have access to clean and safe water.
However, disparity (uneven distribution of resources) is an issue in Vietnam. Ethnic
minorities make up much of the poor in Vietnam, and have a much lower standard of
living than their Vietnamese counterparts. More rural areas also tend to be less improved.
Human Rights: Vietnam vs. Canada

Human rights are rights that every person should reasonably have, regardless of
race, culture, religion, gender or other factor. Human rights should be inalienable, which
means they can’t be taken away. The following chart compares Vietnam to the developed
country of Canada.


Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03



Right to freedom of

People are allowed “freedom
of thought, belief, opinion
and expression, including
freedom of the press and
other media of
communication” under the
Canadian Charter of Rights
and Freedoms.

Nguyễn Văn Đài is a
human rights lawyer,
democracy activist and

blogger arrested by the
government for
"propaganda against
the state."
People who criticize
Vietnam’s government
online, in print, or in other
media are often arrested
and prosecuted under
Vietnam’s decree 174.
Suffrage (Voting Rights) Citizens are eligible to
vote at 18 years of age or
older, regardless of sex,
ethnicity or other factor.

A protest in Canada

Canadian citizens may also
vote at 18. However, unlike
Vietnam, they may also be
eligible to vote while in jail if
their sentence is less than two

Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03


Right to be safe from
inhuman or cruel
torture or punishment

The right to run for

In Vietnam all people are
equal before the law, are
presumed innocent until
proven guilty, and have the
right to a defense lawyer
and to a speedy public
The minimum age for
marriage is 18 for girls and
20 for boys. Same-sex
marriage is no longer
banned, but not
recognized; they don't
receive the benefits and
rights that should come
with marriage such as
inheritance rights if their
partner died.
Vietnam has ratified the
UN Convention against
Torture and Other Cruel,

Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment
The Communist Party of
Vietnam tries very hard to
block candidates it doesn’t
want with administration.
Democratic freedom is
therefore low because
Vietnam has only one
political party. In
Vietnam’s 2011 election,
83 people independent
from the CPV ran for
parliament. Only 15 were
approved, and of those,
four were elected.

Canada has the same set of
legal rights.

The minimum age for
marriage is 16. Same sex
marriage has been legal and
recognized in Canada since

Torture is also illegal in

Canadian citizens 18 and
over can run for office.
Canada has a wide range of
political parties and
independent candidates are
not impeded.


Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03

6. How does global awareness impact children?
Global awareness is the understanding of how other countries work, essentially,
including religion, cultural beliefs, politics and economics. This has affected the
education of Vietnamese children. Vietnam has been fighting illiteracy since the start of
Ho Chi Minh’s became president, after officially becoming independent from France. Ho
Chi Minh’s mission was “fighting against poverty, illiteracy, and invaders.” The way he
saw it, “an illiterate nation is a powerless one.” Vietnam recognized the need for
education because they realized the positive impact of education on societies by looking
at the rest of the world. Education was needed to narrow the gap in power and wealth
between Vietnam and other countries. The education system is still lacking in Vietnam,
but their literacy rate is high, at 94.5%.
Global awareness impacts children through exposure to other cultures. In this
modern age, exposure would come in the form of the internet, social media, literature,
advertisements, films or even a foreigner living in Vietnam. This mostly affects the
younger generation. Internet penetration, that is, the percentage of people with access to
the internet, is 34% and growing, as compared to the global average of 33%. A whopping
95% of Vietnamese people aged 15-24 have internet access. Last but not least, online
news sites are visited by 95% of Vietnam’s internet users. Taken together, these statistics

say that the younger generation of Vietnam are more likely to be globally aware and have
values and ideas influenced by other nations. So, while it doesn’t mean that the younger
generation will overthrow Vietnam’s communist government, they are certainly more
dynamic, and will bring change to the country with their different perspectives.
So how can global awareness affect this new generation? Naturally, their values
would be different from those of older generations. Secondly, they’d have a more diverse
and open outlook. The younger generation will become the future government, and this
will affect how they interact with and understand other nations. Third, global awareness
is empowering. 55% of Vietnam’s internet users think the internet has increased their
self-esteem. The Vietnamese people live in a country where expression is subject to strict
control by the Communist Party of Vietnam. If they should dare to speak out against the
government, it would mean arrest. However, that hasn’t stopped people from blogging
and writing about it, fighting for a right that other countries already have.


Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03
This is not to say that information transfer is wholly beneficial. Globalization is
integration. So while new perspectives are being gained, old traditional values may
become obsolete.
7. How has global awareness affected gender roles?
In Vietnam, it used to be the case that the father worked outside the house while the
mother managed domestic affairs. The father was the head of the household. Vietnamese
culture was very male-dominant. In older generations, evidence of this idea is very much
still present. For example, it was believed that if the woman was asked a question, it was
her husband who was supposed to answer. During the Vietnam War, the role of women
increased as most men were fighting and only women and children were left in their
Females in Vietnam can have just as good an education as boys. In fact, a larger

percentage of girls receive higher schooling than boys do. At the secondary level of
school, the enrolment rate is 63.1 percent for girls and 53.7 percent for boys.
Gender pay gaps are the percentage that female workers paid as compared to male
workers. In Vietnam, income on average only has a difference of 9.4% across the
genders. In comparison, American females on average get paid 77% of the salary
American men enjoy. In Canada, women make 72 cents for every dollar a man makes.
Employment equity is not a big problem in Vietnam. The participation rate of
women in the workforce is 73.56 percent compared to men’s 82.64 percent.
Unemployment is about the same between the two genders. As for labor standards,
employers are expected to show no gender discrimination regarding hire, utilization,
wage, and raises.
Although Vietnam has come farther than many countries in gender equality in some
areas, Vietnam has yet to achieve full equality for men and women. Vietnam has signed
the UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
However, critics have noticed that Vietnam’s actions have mostly been on paper, and
doesn’t actively enforce its policies and protect women from discrimination. Women are
still second-class citizens in Vietnam. A UN committee is concerned over the violence
against women, patriarchal attitudes, and gender stereotypes still prevalent in Vietnam.
Nguyen Bao Thanh Nghi, a sociology professor at Ho Chi Minh City Open University,
notes that the role of women has long been embedded into Vietnamese culture and
society, and that it’d be difficult to change it. According to her, awareness of gender

Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03
equality and feminism is very low, and few Vietnamese people call themselves feminists.
While accessible information and global awareness is affecting Vietnam more strongly
than it ever has, it has had little effect on gender equality.
State needs to complete systems management tool macro, create a favorable

environment for the business operations, investments of all enterprises and individuals,
on the other hand the management of state for work business and investment within the
framework of a legal system in line with the market economy. Organizing scientific
research and information systems on the world market, forming the organizational
structure reasonable foreign economic relations, preparation of human resources for the
Creating sync economy domestic market, encourage competition, antitrust, organic
sticking international integration with the economic strategy - the country's society,
creating breakthrough strategies.
Human resources the country is a decisive factor in the country's sustainable
development. Need appropriate solutions to the system of education and training.
Education formed a team of officials and cadres of scientific and technical enough
political ability and qualifications, our team of skilled workers to meet the demand for
labor reforms the country in cents globalization.
What is my role in the globalizing world as a global citizen?
 As a global citizen, like any citizen, my role is to take care of the place where I
live. This includes being aware of world issues, responding to it, and getting others to do
the same.
 As a global citizen I should be globally aware and have some understanding of
other cultures. Perhaps I won’t end up making a huge difference in the world, but I can
manage just small things. For example, gender equality is an important issue to me, and
when my friends have misconceptions of “femi-nazis” and “man-haters” I try to teach
them the difference. Globalization means countries are more interconnected. Change
happens faster than it ever has due to communication technology and transportation.
 As a global citizen I want to be aware of these changes: why they happened, their
ramifications, and how it affects me. Using my awareness I can get involved politically,

Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03

even if it’s just by voting or peaceful protest. Not only should I have an understanding of
other countries, I should look for the impacts my country has on the rest of the world. I
am ethically and economically accountable.
 As a global citizen my economic choices are important. If I boycotted goods
produced by child labour that would have an impact, however small, and would reflect
my values. I should develop my own opinions and inform myself. While I may have a
small responsibility to the world, I have a bigger responsibility to myself.
Topic "globalization" a highly developed step of internationalization. Beyond
national boundaries with Vietnam, but the integration process of globalization slow but
analytical results above do we trust more. Competitiveness can not keep pace with the
developed countries, we have many years ahead, but in the region, it is possible to catch
up and develop outstanding. When we tear down tariff barriers with countries in the
ASEAN region is favorable conditions for fair competition. From our regional integration
towards global integration. Then there will be many conditions economic development,
cultural exchange of different cultures. We have been able to benefit, limit the negative
side due to the unprepared. Direction do is "Integration not dissolved", ie economyoriented socialist, developed in its own right, cultures ethnic exchanges without losing
identity inherent. This has great significance for the creation of solidarity among people
and contribute to boosting production and business.
This is a topic I find very interesting and meaningful to students, especially students
of economic blocks. Through learning about the process of globalization helps me
expand world vision that previously less conditional learn. The core of the process of
economic globalization is the way of looking, thinking of all humanity in a world of
peace and development.

 “Toàn cầu hóa và những tác động” , GS.TS. Lý Thiết Ánh
 Ofosu V (2010), “The Effect of Globalization on Ghana, Equality”

Đỗ Bích Ngọc _ Class _ D03
 Princova, K (2010), “Globalization, vulnerability, poverty and human limits”
 Thomas Friedman (2006), “Thế giới phẳng”, bản dịch tiếng Việt do NXB trẻ phát
 David S. Landes, “ Sự giàu và nghèo của của các dân tộc”, bản dịch tiếng Việt do
Viện Nghiên Cứu Quản Lý Kinh Tế Trung Ương, Trung tâm Thông tin-Dữ liệu và
NXB Thống Kê HN phát hành.
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