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(PDF Bản siêu đẹp ) Bài tập trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh lớp 11 Mai Lan Hương ( Unit 1 8)

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Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

a. v illa ge
a. w h ich

b. dangerous
b. changeable

c. gossip
c. each

d. passenger
d. characteristic


a. pasture
a. uncertain
a. chore

b. acquaintance
b. tell
b. m ach in e

c. constant
c. pursuit
c. much

d. talkative
d. picture
d. such

Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the
underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one.
13 .

She found it difficult to g e t ______ w ith new friends.
a. acquaint
b. acquainted
c. acquaintance
d. acquaints
M y frien d often show s h er ______ w h en ever I have troubles.
a. sym pa th y

b. sym path ize
c. sym pathetic
d. sympathetically
He does not kn ow m uch about the project but he is v e r y _______.
a. en th u siastic
b. enthusiast
c. enthusiasm
d. enthusiastically
Daisy is s o ______ . She only cares about herself, not about other people.
a. helpful
b. selfish
c. loyal
d. talkative
She is not determ ined and often changes her ideas. W hat a /a n ____ girl she is!
a. uncertain
b. mutual
c. suspicious
d. changeable
Although w e are classm ates, I do not have a n ______ relation sh ip w ith him.
a. aim less
b. unselfish
c. special
d. acquaintance
Joh n left a _______im pression on me. I w ill never forget him.
a. loyal
b. la stin g
c. capable
d. constant
____ is the quality o f bein g faithful and loyal to a particular person or belief.

a. A cquaintance
b. C onstancy
c. Sym pathy
d. Sorrow
14. He is not g o o d ______ m aths. H e is incapable _______ calculating.
a. at / o f
b. on / fo f
c. for / o f
d. w ith / in
15. Tw o friends should be l o y a l _______each other.
a. on
b. w ith
c. over
d. to
16. M y close frien d is often c o n c e r n e d ______ all problem s that I m ention.
a. over
b. w ith
c. above
d. into
17 . _______frien d in n eed i s _______ frien d indeed.
a. T he / the
b. A / a
c. 0 / 0
d. 0 / the
18. The exam is com in g so the teachers m ake th eir students _______ a lot.
a. study
b. to study
c. studying
d. studied
19. H er parents w an t h e r _______a doctor.

a. becom e
b. to becom e
c. becom in g
20. It is _______the directions.
a. you too k in d to give m e
very kin d o f you to give m e

d. becam e

b. you very kind to give m e
d. very kind o f you give me



21. I con sider it m y a f f a i r ______ the new com ers in m y class.
a. to help
b. help
c. helped
d. h elpin g
22. T hese em ployees are m ade ______ overtim e.
a. to w ork
b. w ork
c. w ork in g
d. w orked
23. The teach er n ever lets us ______ out w h e n _______ .

a. to go / explains b. go / explainin g
c. goin g / to explain
d. gone / explained
24. W h en ever I see an action film , I feel m y h e a r t ______ strongly.
a. to thum p
b. thum p
c. thum ping
d. thum ped
25. He bought a com puter because he w anted to store all the in form ation that
he had collected.
a. Buying a com puter because he w anted to store all the inform ation that
he had collected.
b. Although he w anted to store all the in form ation that he had collected, he
bought a com puter.
c. H e bought a com puter for him that he stored all the in form ation that he
had collected.
d. He bought a computer to store all the information that he had collected.
26. He was the f i r s t ______ the fire.
a. discover
b. to discover

c. discovering

d. discovered

27. The m anager had som e letters to sig n .
a. that he had to sign
b. for signing
c. so that he sign ed
d. w hich are for sign in g

28. I th in k he i s ______ our business.
a. not reliable enough to be informed
c. not reliable enough for being informed

b. not enough reliable to be inform ed
d. not reliable enough being inform ed

29. He is ______ everybody in m y class likes him.
a. very kind that b. kind enough that c. so kind that
d. as kind
30. John was __ w e all w ant to m ake friends with him
a. so a good student that
b. so a student tr.ar
c. such a good student that
d. a student such g : : d that


Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.
31. Peter / m y close friends
a. P eter is m y close friends.

b. Peter is one o: m y close friends,

c. Peter is one m y close friends.
32. he / g ood -look in g / blon d hair
a. He is good-looking, but blond hair.
c. He is a good-looking with blond hair.

d. Peter is the :n :

b. He is r :
d. He is g: :

33. square face / look / in telligen t
a. H is square face looks intelligently.
b. It is a square face look in g intelligent.
c. He has a square, face looks intelligent.
d. He has a square face w hich looks in telligrr.:




my close friends.
: .. and blond hair,

k:r.g w :th blond hair.

34. we / be / friend s / last school year
a. W e have been friends since last school year.
b. W e w ere frien d s sin ce last school year.
c. W e have been frien d s last school year.
d. W e are frien d s since last school year.
35. Peter / good / M aths
a. Peter is very good at M aths.
c. P eter is very good for M aths.

b. P eter is too good at M aths,
d. Peter is too good for M aths.

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
There are m any proverbs about friends and friendship, such as “True frien d ­
ship is like sound health; the value o f its seldom known until it is lost” ,and “A
real frien d is som eon e who walks inwhen the rest o f the w orld walks out". W hen
you read these quotes, stop and think about your
friendship. Do you and
friends act in a caring way towards one another, do you respect them and do they
respect you, but m ost o f all do you value the relationship and love spending tim e
together? F riendship is m ore than just hanging out together at lunch and gossip­
ing about other people. True friendship is when two people have mutual respect
for one another, and really care about the each other’s feelings and dreams. You
need to be able to be honest w ith your friends. I f there is ever a tim e where you
feel that you cannot tell them the truth, for fear that they w ill be m ad or will not
understand, then they are not true friends. Friends share w ith each other im por­
tant things that they would not share with others. Friends also care about each
other, stick up for one another and enjoy spending tim e together.
36. The passage is a b o u t _______.
a. a frien d
c. proverbs about frien d s and friendsh ip

b. friend sh ip
d. caring for friends

37. The author advised u s ______ .
a. not to tell a secret to a friend
b. to resp ect pur friends

c. not to tell a frien d about im portant things d. to m ake friends to gossip
38. F rien ds _______.
a. should not spend tim e together

b. should be honest
d. should n ot care much

c. should gossip about others
39. W h ich sen ten ce is N O T true?
a. F riends should respect each other.
b. W e should be h on est w ith our friends.

c. W e can share im portan t things w ith a friend.
d. D ish on esty is needed for true friendship.
40. W h ich o f these can be used to describe true friendship?
a. be h on est and be m ad
c. have lunch and gossip

b. hang out and gossip
d. trust, respect and share

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
(41) ____ you grow and mature your friends may change, but that does not
mean that you have to ( 4 2 ) ____ away with your old friends, your relationships may



change though. ( 4 3 ) _____ close attention to the different types o f friends you have
had, the ( 4 4 ) ____ your friends treat you, what sort o f things you can talk about,
and the things you like ( 4 5 ) ____ . Soon you will see what ( 4 6 ) ____ in a friend are
m ost im portant to you. N ot everyone values openness or honesty, w hen others
look (47) ____ an extraordinarily caring individual as a friend. W hatever it is that
you value m ost, ( 4 8 ) ____ sure that your needs as well as your friends’ are being
met. I f you are feelin g neglected or m istreated by a “friend” then you need to look
more closely at this relationship. Friendship should bring you joy, ( 4 9 ) ____ m is­
ery. Find out w hat you w ant out o f a friendship, and try not to be overtaken by
those around you w ho are not yet mature enough ( 5 0 ) ____ to a true friendship.
c. Although
41. a. Because
b. For
d. As
42. a. m ake
b. get
c. give
d. do
b. G ive
c. Pay
d. Take
43. a. Look
c. road
44. a. w ay
b. fact
d. route
c. did
d. done
45. a. to do

b. do
c. qualities
b. certain ties
d. quantities
46. a. p ossib ilities
c. down
d. into
47. a. at
b. for
c. keep
d. turn
48. a. m ake
b. feel
b. not
c. none
d. no
49. a. nor
c. com m ittin g
b. to-com m it
50. a. com m it
d. com m itted

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
c. capable

d. quality

b. believe
b. uncertain

c. changeable
c. com m on
c. sym pathy

d. mutual
d. num ber
d. influence

b. in terest

c. betw een

d. friend sh ip


a. acquaintance


a. con stan cy

b. easily
b. attraction


a. rumour

a. loya lty


a. gossip

Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the
underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one.

H e w as so ______ that he distrusted all his friends.
a. suspect


b. suspicious

c. suspicion

d. suspiciously

F rien dsh ip offers us g r e a t ______ in life.

a. please
b. pleasa n t
c. pleasure
d. pleased
H e is a lw a y s _______in w ord and deed.
a. loyal
b. loyally

c. loyalty
d. loyalist
9. M y father took _______ an interest in collecting stam ps. He had a valuable
stam p collection.
a. on
b. up
c. in
d. over
10. True friendship should be b a se d _____ understanding each other and faithfulness.

a. out

b. at

c. on

d. over

11. I do n ot w ant to listen to you. I am t i r e d ______ your criticism s.
a. o f


b. in

c. for


d. w ith

12. I seem to rem em b er that Sam has ever told m e _____ num ber o f ______ lies.
a. a / 0
b. the / the
c. 0 / the
d. the / 0
13. True frien d sh ip w ill _______ as lon g as our lives.
a. spend
b. take
c. last
d. keep
14. The fath er is the one that I can share both joys and sorrow s,
a. feelin gs o f great happiness
b. great eagerness
c. feelin gs o f distress
d. in ten tion
15. She felt a n _______ to h im w hen they first m et each other.
a. attraction
b. enthusiasm
c. interest
d. aim
16. He has only o n e _______in life - to becom e rich.
a. quality
b. feelin g
c. aim
d. secret
17. C ontrary to ______ , no one was hurt in the accident.

a. truth
b. trust
c. rumour
d. jo y
18. He advised m e ______ the facts before I made a decision _ _ _ _ _ the job.
a. con sid erin g / to accept
b. con sider / acceptin g
c. con sider / accept
d. to con sider / to accept


19. It is a nice s u r p r is e ______ you here.
a. see
b. to see
c. seeing
d. seen
20. They have _______ th ey cannot find tim e ______ .
a. such m any th in gs to do that / for going out
b. such m any th in gs for doing that / goin g out
c. so m any th in gs for doin g that / go out
d. so m any th in gs to do that / to go out
21. Loyalty one o f the im portant qualities for true friendship.
a. is considered be b. considers being c. considers to be d. is considered to be
22. It is im possib le _______ such a difficult th in g w ithout any help.
a. to do
b. do
c. doing
d. done
23. Look! D o you see an in sect ______ on your foot.

a. to craw l
b. craw l
c. craw ling
d. craw led
24. She w ore a m ask so that nobody recognized her.
a. so that not to be recogn ize
b. so as not to recogn ize
c. so as not to be recogn ized
d. in order to not recogn ized
25. T hose tourists w e r e _______th eir journey.
a. enough tired to continue
c. very tired that they could not continue

b. too tired to continue
d. too tired for continuing

26. A fter a n igh tm are s h e ____ _ s le e p in g so she
a. found it difficult to go on / to read
b. found to go on was difficult / for reading
c. found difficult to go on / in order to read
d. found it is difficult to go on / to read
27. D id you n otice som eone ______ the room last night?
a. enter
b. to enter
c. en terin g
28. T here ______ mutual understanding betw een friends.
a. must be
b. m ust to be
c. m ust

looked for a book .

d. entered
d. be



29. The police let h im _ _ _ _ _ after they had asked him som e questions,
a. to leave
b. leave
c. leavin g
d. left
30. The acciden t is t h o u g h t ______ caused by human error.
a. bein g

b. was

c. having been

d. to have been

Error Identification
31. I f you have a friend you w ill realize that there is another human being
w hich you can trust com p letely .

32. True frien d sh ip can offer a gentle haven w here you can be relaxed and
feelin g sa fe .
33. A friend can help you solve problem s and to share the g rie f tim es along
w ith the great tim e s.
34. T w o close frien d s can spend tim e to be together w ithout n eedin g to p reten d .
35. It took her a lo n g tim e gettin g accustom ed to the new en viron m en t and
m ake frien d s w ith other classm ates.

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
F rien dsh ip is a b ig statem ent. Lots o f people are lovers but are not friends.
L ots o f peop le are re la tiv e s and are n ot frien d s. L ots o f p eop le w h o w ork
together are not friends. You can appreciate or adm ire som eone, but that does

not m ean that you m ake him or her a friend.
W hen I had m y n ear-death illn ess last year and the follow in g lon g recu­
peration, I had a lot o f tim e to think about w hat m akes som eone a friend. If
they are scared o f you w hen you need help, sorry, that is not friend sh ip. I f their
attitude is “for b e tte r or w o rse ,” i f th ey stick to you through trou bles and
difficulties, it is the tim e w hen you can tell it is true friendship. I do have som e
friends, but not as m any as I thought. A nd there was a tim e, in the late 80s
when my friend, Ken, really needed m e but I did not com e through for him. I
rem em ber h an gin g out in m y happy suburban house in M enlo Park, and not
com ing to help him through the loss o f his wife. Luckily, I got to apologize for
that but Ken said he did not m ind.
I do not have a tidy answ er about K en and m e and friend sh ip. Som etim es
we w ere friends, and other tim es, clearly, not. But I guess there is som ething
rem arkable in tw o people overcom in g the barriers to frien d sh ip to fin d som e
real com m unication at som e point.
36. A ccordin g to the w r i t e r ______ .


a. all lovers are friends

b. all your relatives are also your friends

c. whoever you admire is your friends

d. not all w orkm ates are friends


In true friend sh ip, ______ .
a your friends are alw ays scared o f you
; friends stick to each other through troubles and difficulties
; we should have as m any friends as possible
i friends are scared o f h elpin g each other
: 5 "''Vhat happen ed to the w riter last year?
a. H is w ife passed away.
: He had an interesting experience,

b. He was seriously ill.
d. He had got som e new friends.

39. W e can learn from the text t h a t ______ .
a. the w riter had a house in suburb in M enlo Park
b. the w riter cam e to help his friend, Ken, w hen his w ife died
c. whenever his friend, Ken, had problems the writer immediately came to help

d. the w riter and K en are true friends at all tim e
The w riter did not com e to help K e n ______ .
a. so K en w as very angry
b. and he did not apologize
c. but K en did not m ind

d. so they w ere no longer friends

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or


F riendship is n ot about alw ays being nice, or (41)
__. A friend will tell
you w hen he or she th in ks you are full ( 4 2 ) ______ considerateness. O nly your
best friend can (43) ______ your silent pain and w ill ( 4 4 ) ________your hand till
you ( 4 5 ) _______ stron g again. For exam ple, I have a friend ( 4 6 ) _______nam e is
Bodie. She has been a frien d o f ( 4 7 ) ______ for about a decade. She could act as
a perfect m irror. A t that tim e I was fussing over a beautiful young girl that I
was in love with, but only a few m onths later, she said goodbye to me. I was
alm ost (48) _______. B odie was often with me. She gave m e som e advice, went
out w ith m e, and even w as w illin g ( 4 9 ) _______m y unlucky in love. In (50)
______ end I survived perfectly without the far-aw ay sw eetheart. Butthe lesson
o f true frien d sh ip has stayed w ith me, vividly.
d. agreeably
c. agreeable
b. agreem ent
41. a. agree
d. for
c. with
b. in
42. a. o f
43. a. feel
44. a. grab

b. enjoy
b. hold

c. watch

d. see

c. shake

d. keep

45. a. recall

b. recover

c. com e

d. becom e

46. a. who

b. w hich

c. that

d. whose

47. a. I

b. my

48. a. pleased
49. a. to share

c. me
c. upset
c. sharing

d. m ine

b. joyful
b. share

50. a. a

b. an

c. the

d. 0

d. cheerful
d. shared

Choose the word whichhas the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

a. gam e

b. bridge

c. against

d. garage


a. generous


c. gen erally

d. g iv in g





a. cheese

b. ch ild ren

c. chem ical


a. m ach in ery
a. page

b. m arch
b. m essage

c. cheerfully
c. danger

d. teacher
d. m erch an t
d. rin ger

Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the
underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one.

I som etim es th in k _______ m y schooldays w hen I felt the happiest.


a. on
b. over
c. at
d. o f
Mary did not approve their ideas. She had no sym pa th y ____ their point o f view.


a. about
b. o ff
c. w ith
M an is engaged in a _______struggle w ith Nature.


a. con stan t
b. con stan tly
c. constancy
d. in con sta n tly
M ary is often w illin g to help everybody. She is the ______ o f kindness.

d. w ithin

a. essence
b. essen tial
c. essen tially
10. T hose villagers are very _ _ _ _ _ to visitors.
a. h osp itab le
b. h osp itab ly
c. h osp ita b ility
11. _____ _ frien d sh ip is _______tw o-side affair.

d. essen tia lity
d. h osp ita b ilities

a. The / a
b. A / an
c. A / the
d. 0 / a
12. T heir friendship was based o n ______ respect, trust and understanding.
a. attractive
b. loyal

c. suspicious
13. W h ispers can n ever influence good friends.
a. have effect on
b. get acquainted w ith
c. show a sym pathy
d. be mutual trust

d. mutual

14. W e w ere obviously w ron g to put o u r ______ in her. She is not reliable.
a. en th u siasm
b. trust
c. con cern
d. selfish n ess
15. A ______ is a con versation about other peop le’s private lives w hich m ight be
unkind or not true.
a. quality

b. sorrow

c. secret

d. gossip

16. I do not have m uch tim e for leisure _ _ _ _ _ these days.
a. acquaintances b. pursuits
c. qualities
17. The ch ild ren _______they cannot keep silent.

d. pleasures

a. seem to be so excited that
b. seem being so excited that
c. seem to be very excited that
d. seem bein g very excited that
18. T he policem an did n ot perm it them ______ through the m ilitary zone. He
forced t h e m _______an oth er way.
a. g oin g / to go

b. to go / to go

c. to go / goin g

d. go / go

19. H e is a helpful friend. H e often helps m e ______ m y work.
a. fin ish

b. fin ish es

c. fin ish in g

d. fin ish ed

20. John, I have som eth in g in t e r e s t i n g ______ you, but you have to prom ise
______ it secret.
a. for tellin g / k eepin g

b. to tell / keep


d. told / keep

to tell / to keep

21. T he w ater was so polluted that the explorers could not drink it.
a. T he w ater w as too polluted for the explorers to drink.

bAi t a p t r

A c n g h i e m t i e n g a n h ii • p h a n b A i t a p

b. The w ater was polluted enough for the explorers to drink.
c. The w ater w as too polluted for the explorers drinking.
d. T he w ater w as polluted enough for the explorers drinking.
22. H is doctor advised h i m ______ , but he found it im possible _______his habit.
a. stopped sm ok in g / quit
b. to stop to sm oke / quitting
c. stop pin g sm ok in g / for quitting
d. to stop sm ok in g / to quit
j-3. The guards w ere w atching a s h o p lifte r ______ along the shop windows.
a. go
b. to go
c. w ent
d. gone
24. T h eir com pan y w as m ade ______ 100,000 U SD in taxes.
a. pay

b. to pay
c. paying
d. paid
25. The health authorities now know _______bird flu.
a. to deal w ith
b. deal w ith
c. dealing w ith
d. how to deal with
26. The P ikes has a p a in t e r ______ all the w indow s o f th eir house.
a. to paint
b. pain t
c. painting
d. painted
27. They did n ot let u s ____ the lecture because we had not got a m em ber card.
a. to attend
b. attend
c. attending
d. attended
28. T he teach er recom m en ded us _______ those books because they have som e
k now ledge that is n ecessary for us _____ .
a. readin g / get

b. to read / get

c. to read / to get

d. read / getting

29. He had spen t _ _ _ _ _ that he was broke.
a such much money b. such many money c. so much m oney d. so m any m oney

30. W e did not h a v e _______the essay so we asked the teach er for a delay.
a. tim e enough for w ritin g
c. enough tim e for w ritin g

b. tim e enough
d. enough tim e

to w rite
to w rite

Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.
31. P eter / sin cere / easy-goin g / m an / a sense o f humour
a. Peter is the sincere and easy-going man whose has a sense o f humour.
b. P eter that is a sin cere and easy-going m an with a sense o f humour.
c. P eter is a sin cere and easy-goin g man w ho is a sense o f humour.
d. P eter is a sin cere and easy-goin g man w ith a sense o f humour.
32. he / tw enty
a. He has got tw en ty o f age.
c. H e is in tw en ty years old.

b. He is tw enty in age.
d. He is at the

age o f tw enty.

33. he / w avy h air / brow n eyes
a. H e has got w avy h air and brow n eyes.
b. H e has got a w avy h air and brow n eyes.
c. He has a w avy h air w ith brow n eyes.
d. He is w avy hair and brow n eyes.

34. he / 5 feet / good look in g / friendly
a. He is 5 feet, good lookin g, but friendly.
b. H e is 5 feet tall, and good looking, friendly.
c. H e is

5 feet tall, good looking, and friendly.

d. H e is 5 feet tall but good looking, and friendly.


35. we / friends / at university
a. W e have been frien d s since we w ere at university.
b. W e m ake frien d s w hen we w ere at university.
c. W e are frien d s as we w ere at university.
d. W e have been frien d s even though we w ere at university

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
A friend is often con sidered as an ally, supporter, or sym pathizer. T here is
no distance too far betw een friends, for friend sh ip gives w ings to the heart.
F rien dsh ip m ultiplies jo y s and divides grieves. F rien dsh ip is a feelin g or em o­
tion expressed in such a w ay that a human feels w anted and im portant. It is a
relation sh ip betw een a person or persons w here everyon e has som e com panion
to talk to w h en they are in need. Friends are defined as people w hom you can
have several ty p es o f re la tio n s w ith and feel several em otion s for. A good
friend is som eone that m igh t go to in tim e o f need. H ow ever, frien d sh ips differ
betw een people. F or exam ple, the friendsh ip that som eone m ay have betw een
him and an old m an would be differen t than the frien d sh ip they m ight have

w ith som eon e at th e sam e age. T h ere are m any d iffe re n t frie n d sh ip s that
people have. F rien dsh ips can exist betw een best friends, friends, lovers, ch il­
dren, parents, siblin gs, and m any m ore. All o f these differ in som e way. E very­
one has a best friend, w h eth er it is w ith a person or an anim al. Som etim es
people w ho are lon ely fin d that they have a com pan ion sh ip with their dog or
cat. But, m ostly w hen teen agers are the ones bein g discussed then they usually
have m ore than one person th ey can go and talk to. To sum up, a best friend is
thought o f as a person w hom you tell everythin g to.
36. T h ere must be a distance betw een friends.
a. True
b. False
c. N o inform ation
37. The w ord it in lin e 5 is used to refer to friendship.
a. True
b. False
c. N o inform ation
38. W h oever frien d s are, frien d sh ip is the same.
a. True
b. False
c. No in form ation
39. Dogs and cats are the only animals that can make friends with human beings,
a. True
b. False
c. N o inform ation
40. B etw een siblin gs frien d sh ip can not exist.
a. True
b. F alse
c. N o in form ation

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

Friends! (41) ______ a precious gift they are! And, th e}’ are extrem ely rare.
Perhaps that is part o f th eir preciousness.
Friends! T he person s w ho (42) ______ you from your achievem ent to your
fullest potential no ( 4 3 ) ______ w hat it costs them. They love you ( 4 4 ) _______ the
person you are becom ing. They are com pletely n on -(45' ______ . They seek your
fulfillm ent and (46) ______ best interests. There is nothing better (47) ______ a
friend unless it is a person who also considers you (48 ______ their friend. O f
course friends do things that hurt friends, but (49) ______ _ is always quick to be
there. A friend is ( 5 0 ) ______ “O f whom much is required, much is given,”



41. a. w hich

b. who
b. support
b. business

c. how
c. develop
c. affair

b. as
b. ju d gm en tally
b. an

c. with

45. a. ju dgm en t
46. a. a
47. a. as
48. a. be

b. than
b. are


49. a. forgive
50. a. everyone

b. forgiven ess
b. no one

c. unforgivable
c. anyone

42. a. sym pathize
43. a. m atter
44. a. for


judgm ental

m ore than
to be

d. what
d. enlarge
d. chore
d. in


m ore
d. som eone


Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

a. video

2 . a. inside

b. exactly
b. father

c. carefully
c. table

d. serious
d. dollar


a. happen

b. n oth in g

c. pretty

d. about


a. nobody
a. student

b. em barrass
b. involve

c. excitin g

c. sum m er

d. expensive
d. cottage


Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the
underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one.



I t _______h im that he had no idea o f what was goin g on.
a. em barrass
b. em barrassed
c. em barrassin g
d. embarrassment
W e all w ere in a state o f g r e a t ______ w hen we learnt that we had passed
the final exam ,
a. excite
b. excitin g
c. excitem ent
d. excitedly
Up to now th ey have not m ade a
___ w hether they w ill go or not.
a. decide

b. decision
c. decisive
d. decidedly
She does not see h er gran dch ild ren very often so she m a k e s _______real fuss
o f them w h en she does.
a. a

b. an

c. the

d. 0

10 I was extrem ely excited when I first enjoyed a football m atch in the stadium,


a. too
b. very
c. so
d. much
Look! M ary i s _______a beautiful new dress. She looks so pretty in the dress.
a. w earing
b. carrying
c. putting on
d. brin gin g
Som e in tern ation ally fam ous football players are t h e _______o f countless

teenagers. T hey love and adm ire them very much.
a. idol
b. dream
c. present
d. star
Som ething that is _______ makes you feel shy or asham ed.
a. careful
b. careless
c. sneaky
d. em barrassing
She stood in the mucky yard and hands plunged into the pockets o f h e r ____coat.
a. floppy
b. soft
c. tough
d. gen tle


15. W e had an in terestin g journey. A ccom m odation is free and all we had to
pay _ _ _ _ _ w as m eals.
a. o f
b. for
c. to
d. back
16. She show ed the picture ______ us and said, “I spent m y child h ood in that
house. It was m y happiest days.”
a. to

b. at

c. for

d. on

17. A lot o f people th in k that it's better to pay for th eir education so that they
can be sure _ _ _ _ _ gettin g quality.
a. on

b. for

c. o f

d. to

18. N ow adays w e _______ how im portan t t e l e v i s i o n _________for our know ledge
about the w orld.
a. know / is

b. is kn ow in g / has been

c. knew / w ill be
d. have know n / was
19. E very tw elve m onths, the Earth ______ the sun.
a. circles
b. circled
c. has circled
d. is circlin g
20. I am sick o f rain and bad w eather! H opefully, w hen w e _______up tom orrow

m orning, the sun _________ .
a. w ill w ake / w ill shine
b. are w ak ing / shines
c. are goin g to w ake / is sh in in g
d. wake / will be sh in in g
21. I f y o u ______ _ to con tact m e som etim e next w eek, I _______at the Sheraton in
San F rancisco.
a. w ill n eed / stay

b. need / will stay

c. w ill need / w ill stay
d. have needed / is goin g to stay
22. W h en he _ _ _ _ _ o ff the plane, I _____ _ for him for h a lf an hour.
a. gets / w ill wait

b. got / had been w aiting

c. had got / w as w aitin g

d. has got / w ill be w aiting

23. W h en I _______to the party, Sally and D o u g ________, J o h n ______ _ drinks.
a. was com in g / had danced / m ade b. had com e / danced / m ade
c. came / w ere dancing / was m aking d. have com e / are dancing / is making
24. He took h er arm and hurried h er u p s ta ir s ____ they w ould not be overheard.
a. so that
b. so as to
c. in order to
d. in order for

25. I was beginning to feel alarm, butkept it to m yself _ _ _ _ _ our
two friends,
a. so as not to w orry
b. so that n ot to w orry
c. so as I did not w orry
d. so that not w orryin g
26. I in ten ded to buy m y daughter a big doll, rather bigger than ______ that
she has already got.
a. one

b. ones


this one

d. the ones

27. You should help your ch ildren develop their good habits and l o s e ______ .
a. the bad


b. the one bad

c. the bad ones

d. the ones bad

28. W hen I _______there, d i n n e r ________, so I had a drink first.

a. get / is prepared
b. get / has been prepared
c. got / had been prepared


d. got / was b ein g prepared


-9 . W e ______ your son in the school play last night. H e _______ a terrific acting
job. ______ in a play before that one?
a. saw / was doin g / H ad he ever acted
b. w ere seein g / did / Has he ever acted
c. had seen / had done / D id he ever act
d. have seen / has done / W ill he ever act
30. Listen! Som eon e _______up the stairs.
a. is w alk in g

b. has w alked

c. will be walking

d. w ill have w alked

Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.
31. last sum m er / after / difficult sem ester I I I eager
a. L ast sum m er, after a
difficult sem ester,

b. Last summer. A fter a
difficult semester.
c. Last summer, after a difficult semester, so I was

/ return hom e
I was eager to return home.
I was eager to
return ho
eager to return home.

d. Last summer, after a difficult semester, I was eager for returning home.
32. the flight / ten hours I I I arrive / airport / midnight I I I very tired and sleepy
a. The flig h t w as ten hours and I arrived at the airport at m idn igh t because
I was very tired and sleepy.
b. T h e flig h t to o k m e about ten hours and I a rriv e d at th e a irp o rt at
m idn igh t so I w as very tired and sleepy.
c. T he flig h t took m e about ten hours and I arrived at the airport at m id­
n igh t so th at I w as very tired and sleepy.
d. The flig h t lasted about ten hours and I arrived at the airport at m id­
n igh t although I was very tired and sleepy.
33. I / wait / m y m other / suddenly / woman / look like her / came towards me
a. A s I had been w a itin g for m y m other, suddenly a w om an w ho looked like
her cam e tow ards me.
b. W h en I w as w aitin g for m y m other, suddenly a w om an w h o looked like
h er cam e tow ards me.
c. W h en I w as w aitin g for m y m other, suddenly a w om an looked like her
cam e tow ards me.
d. W h ile I was w aitin g for my m other, suddenly a w om an w hom looked like
her cam e tow ards me.
34. I / em brace / kiss / h er / m y surprise / not m y m other

a. I em braced and k issed her. It was m y surprise, there was n ot m y m other.
b. I em braced and kissin g her, and with my surprise, she was not m y mother.
c. I em brace and kiss her, but to my surprise, she is not m y m other.
d. I em braced and kissed her, but to my surprise, she was not my mother.
35. I / lose / con tact len ses / on the plane
a. I lose m y con tact len ses w hen I was on the plane.
b. I lost m y con tact len ses w hich was on the plane.
c. W hen I lost m y con tact lenses on the plane.
d. I had lost m y con tact lenses on the plane.



Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
It’s been over tw o years now, but I still rem em ber every detail o f that day.
It was a beautiful w arm sunny clear sky day. I had to go to w ork and then had
class at H unter C ollege that night. L ittle did I know w hat would aw ait m e that
m orning. W h en I got o ff m y car, I found that the bu ild in g was b ein g evacuated
and no one could tell m e why. I could not fin d anyone that I w orked with. There
w ere hundreds o f people just gath erin g around. N o one knew exactly w hat had
happened. T h en som eone said that there was a tim in g bom b in the building
and the police w ere try in g to dispose it. I thought that I should have turned
around and tried to go h om e but a police officer forced us to keep our place. They
were look in g for the terrorists. Suddenly the building exploded in a burst o f
w hite clouds o f b illo w in g sm oke and slow ly started to collap sed dow nw ards.
The sam e officer w ho had directed us to stand there now shouted, “run” and we
did. But not fast or far enough. W e all w ere caught in the debris fallout. M ost o f
us m ade it out, som e did not. T he w orld w ent totally black and soundless, I

never heard the b u ildin g fall, I could not see, nor hear, n or feel, ju st sm ell and
taste w ere left. I could not breathe or think, nothing, the w orld ju st dissappeared
in an instant. I eventually m ade it out and hom e, but I have n ever been the
same since. I lost a m ajor part o f m y life that day, m y girlfrien d , Lynne.
36. The story happen ed
a. at the w rite r’s office
b. at Hunter C ollege
c. in the w riter’s car
d. in a classroom
37. W h ich sen ten ce is true?
a. A ll people knew w hat happened to the building.
b. T here w ere no police com ing.
c. People gath ered in fron t o f the building without k n ow in g w hat happened.
d. The w riter w ent hom e im m ediately.
38. W hat happen ed to the building?
a. It was bombed, b. It was evacuated, c. It w ent off.
d. A ll are correct
39. The p o l i c e ________ .
a. allow ed everybody to go away
b. were searching for the terrorists
c. let everybody en ter the building
d. forced everybody to enter the building
40. The w r i t e r _______ .

ran fast enough to get out o f the accident

was unconcious
m et his g irlfrien d in the accident
could not go hom e after the accident

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
W h en w e w ere w ork in g on the tenth (41) ______ o f the building, suddenly
we heard a te rrib le fire alarm . W e ( 4 2 ) _______rushed out o f the room and
scram bled to the lifts, ( 4 3 ) ______ w ere stuck. So, we ran dow nstairs in horror.
It (44) _______ m e approxim ately 30-40 minutes to get out o f the building that
day and cam e out on the street. W hen I turned (45) _______ and looked, the
building was burning and thin black sm oke was ( 4 6 ) _______. I was shocked and

b Ai


relieved that I m ade it out ( 4 7 ) ______ . I phoned my w ife at :r.:e Sr.- was 5
m onths pregn an t at the tim e, and my first son was about t: celebrate : - 2nd
birthday. By the tim e I got through to her, alm ost tw o hours had z:r:e
______ . T he b u ildin g was com pletely down. I recalled her an sw er:: ^ :r_- : ; . : : . e
saying, “h e llo ” .....I said, “I am alive, I am O K ” then we both broke icw r. :r.
tears. It took m e quite a long tim e to (49) ______ from the panic. N ow . almost
two years afterw ards, I still have every m om ent, every im age frozer. :n rr •
mind. I w ill n ev er forget the (50)
o f those in n ocen t people that da\
41. a. ground
b. floor
c. step

d. stairs
c. sneakily
42. a. im m ediately
b. slow ly
d. carefully


w hich
raisin g


o ff
risin g


w hose
liftin g


w hom

47. a. life

b. live

48. a. o ff
49. a. feel healthy

b. on

b. survive

c. ahead
c. m ake sure

d. by
d. recover

d. -alive

50. a. die

b. death

c. dead

d. dying

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the

a. language

b. happen


a. sing

c. experience
c. turn
c. finger

d. know
d. sneaky
d. expensive


a. note

b. glance
b. next


a. m oney

b. link

c. down

d. point

a. around

b. hand

c. nothing

d. autumn



Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the
underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one.


I started school w hen I was at t h e ______ o f six.
a. age
b. old
c. elderly

d. ageing

W e have a ______ suspicion that she knows more than she is telling us.
a. sneak
b. sn eak in g
c. sneaky
d. sn eak in gly
I _______th in k that we should do som eth in g im m ediately to change the
situation that we are in.
a. person

b. personal
c. personally
d. person ality
She m a k e s_____ money from working as an accountant for my father’s c o m p a n y

a. a
b. an
c. the
d. 0
10. W e had n ever experien ced this kind o f holiday before and had no idea what
to expect.
a. happened
b. spent
c. know n
d. n oticed
11. The boy glanced at m e and turned away.
a. looked carefully

b. looked quickly

c. looked atten tively

d. looked suspiciously

I ~


12. We really do not like his sneaky behavior, which has made us feel uncomfortable,
a. w earin g fash ion able clothes
b. doing things carefully
c. acting in a secret or deceptive way d. doing things carelessly
13. T he lifeboat was launched at once to rescue the four fisherm en.
a. quickly
b. carefully
c. im m ediately
14. I rem em ber lock in g the back door but I go and check t o _______.
a. turn round
b. glance at
c. m ake sure
take notes
15. M ary does n ot lik e violen ce from the film s. She alw ays
turns _ i
h orror at the sigh t o f so much blood and battery.
a. away
b. out
c. o ff
d. on
16. John quit his jo b and said n o t h in g ______ the reason w hy he left.
a. at
b. in
c. for
d. about
17. H e had fin ally accom plish ed his dream _ _ _ _ _ b ecom in g a pilot,
a. on

b. at
c. o f
d. for
18. On som e occasion s m en sm oke sim ply ______ relax.
a. so that
b. in order that
c. so as to
19. The m other tiptoed into the r o o m _____she did not wake her sleeping baby up.
a. so th at

b. so as to

c. in order to

d. for

20. J a n e _______at m y house w hen y o u ________.
a. is / w ill arrive
b. w ill be / w ill arrive
c. w ill be / arrive
d. was / had arrived
21. T h ey are sellin g th eir house to m ove t o ______ .
a. the smaller ones b. a sm aller one
c. the one smaller d. a one sm aller
22. R ight now I ______ T.V. T om orrow at this tim e, I _ _ _ _ _ T.V. as well.
a. w atch / w ill w atch
b. am w atch in g / w ill be w atching
c. have w atched / w ill have watched d. was w atch in g / am g oin g to watch

2 3 . ______ , M rs. P ike took the baby in her arms.
a. To sm ile h app ily
b. A s soon as sm ilin g happily
c. S m iled h app ily
d. S m ilin g happily
2 4 . ______ alon g C anary Street, I saw a terrible accident.
a. W h ile w a lk in g b. W hile I walking c. W h ile I had w alked
d. To walk
25. S m o k in g ______ bad for our health, so m y f a t h e r ________three years ago.
a. was / stopped sm ok in g

b. is

has stopped sm ok in g

c. is / stopped sm ok in g
d. is stopped to sm oke
26. H e ______ for h er for nearly one hour last night before s h e _______ .
a. was w a itin g / cam e
b. had been w aiting / cam e
c. has w aited / com es
d. w aited w ill com e
27. R igh t now, J i m _______the new spaper and K a t h y ________dinner. Last night
at this tim e, th ey _______ the sam e thing.
a. is reading / is making / were doing
b. reads m akes / had done
c. has read / has m ade / are doing
d. w ill read will m ake / did
28. M y father u s u a lly ______ beer after m eals but now he _ _ _ _ _ tea.
a. drank / w as d rin k in g

b. drinks is drin k ing
c. has drunk / drin k s


d. drinks



29. W a r s _____ the m ost terrible. A t the m om ent, w a r s ______ in som e places in
the w orld.
a. are / happen ed
c. w ere / are h app en in g

b. have been / have been happer.ir.j:
d. are / are happening

30. Since his bicycle ______ stolen last week, h e ________ to school by bus.
a. has been / goes
b. had been / was going
c. was / has gone

d. was / w ent

Error Identification
31. B ein g sick is the ultim ate w eapon that som e ch ild ren use so that to get

their parents’ attention and to m ake sure that their dem ands are met.
32. W e all have our ow n routines that w ere repeated day in and day out so that
they becom e unconscious habits.
33. B ein g able to feel safe and self-contained in the dark during the night
helps to develop the confidence that all children need to cope with new
experiences, for exam ple w hen start sch ool.
34. It was an extrem ely em otional m om ent for both o f us. I w ill never
forget the tim e w hen I first m eet m y w ife.
35. I f you th in k back to your ow n ch ildh ood you w ill probably find that
som e o f the m em ories have given you m ost pleasure in life.

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Som etim es our m ost em barrassing experiences in life have the potential to
become one o f our funny mom ents. It all depends on how you look at it.
I was con tem platin g jo in in g a local professional association and decided it
would be a good idea to attend their free introductory meeting. So I planned to go
after work, m eet the officers and introduce m yself to a few members.
On the evening the m eeting was scheduled, I happened to have had a very long
day at work. I had not had a chance to eat lunch and could feel my blood sugar
dropping. Since this m akes me light-headed and a bit grumpy, I decided I had
better stop at hom e and get a quick snack to hold me over, before I went to this
meeting. After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression, right?
That night, traffic was backed up, and it took me lon ger than usual to get
home. I decided th at all I had tim e to do was to run into the house, get tw :
apples, a few crackers and a bottle o f w ater and then hurry on to this m eetir.r
I put them all into in m y large purse, and ran back outside to get in the car
Fortunately, the traffic had cleared up. I sped up downtown and made it to the
m eetin g on tim e, w ithout eatin g anything. “G reat” I thought, “E veryth in g is


going perfectly”. I w ent inside and all the newcom ers were invited to sit at a round
table and introduce them selves before the m eeting started. It was very crowded,
and I did not really have room to put my purse on the floor or on m y chair, so I put
it on the table in front o f m e and settled down to listen to the speaker.
A fter the m eeting, I did what I had intended to do. I introduced m y self to the
officers o f this club and met a few other m em bers. W hen I was speaking I noticed
that everybody was lookin g at m e strangely and sm iled. The w orst thing hap­
pened w hen I stood up. all things in my purse dropped out! Apples, crackers, a

bottle o f water, and even som e make-up.
36. T he w riter attended an introductory m eeting o f a local professional associa­
tion w hich was held in the evening.
a. True
b. F alse
N o inform ation
37. The w riter had to w ork late on that day
a. True
b F alse
c. N o inform ation
38. T he w riter did not have lunch but she had an enorm ous breakfast,
a. True
b. F alse
c. N o inform ation
39. She put h er purse on
the chair.
a. True
b. F alse
c. N o inform ation
40. E veryth in g in h er purse dropped out except her make-up.
a. True
b. F alse
c. N o in form ation

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
It w as two years «41 * ______ in Am sterdam . I was (42; ______ m y summer
holidays in H olland w ith som e o f m y classm ates. W e had borrow ed a student’s
flat for a week, A m sterdam is a very expensive city indeed and we hoped to (43)
______ som e m oney by cook in g at hom e for ourselves. So we w ent to a superm ar­

ket and we w ere lookin g 44 ______ som ething to buy w hen a little boy, (45)
______ was w ork in g there. ( 4 6 ) __ ____ a bottle o f orange ju ice to fall down. The
entire contents soaked through my hair, my face 47 ______ my clothes.
I was in a te r r ib le state and th e boy. in ste a d ( 4 8 ) _______ a p olog izin g ,
started to laugh and so (4 9 '
people around. I felt com pletely hum iliated
and I w as n ot ab le to take it lig h tly A fterw a rd s th e boy ( 5 0 ) _________ my
em barrassm en t and he cam e back with a bottle o f m ineral water. I think it
was his way o f sayin g sorry. Then I w ent back hom e and had another shower,
this tim e ju st w ith water!



tak ing



restin g
w hom

w ith

b. did
b. felt


w hose
m ade
w atched




d. would
d. realized

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.



em ba rra ssin g
extrem ely







m em orable
im agine
m oney

Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the
underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one.

N aom i _______h er fath er as she was grow in g up.
a. idol
b. idolatry
c. idolized
d. idolizin g
7. The new law forces industries to be m o r e ______ with natural resources.

a. care
b. careful
c. carefulness
d. carefully
8. You n eed to be m o r e _______i f you w ant to becom e a novelist.
a. im agin e
b. im a g in a tion
c. im agin ative
d. im a g in a tiv ely
9. W hat is y o u r _______biggest dream i n ________life?
a. 0 / 0
b. the / a
c. the / the
d. a / the
10. H er voice and actions w ere soft, and i f she kept quiet, you h a r d l y ______ she
was there at all.
a. n oticed
b. saw
c. felt
d. w atched
11. He looked at h er and his hands pull out a ________ o f m oney from his pocket



to give her som e.

a. w ad
b. pile
c. sheet
d. piece
To every question she j u s t ______ sim ply Y e s ” or ‘N o” or ‘D on ’t know".
a. talked
b. told
c. spoke
d. replied
E verybody w as very surprised at the disappearing o f the picture. It must
have b e e n _______.
a. given
b. gone
c. disappeared
d. stolen
I can n e v e r ______ how our life would be w ithout a com puter.
a. m ake sure
b. im agin e
c. take *'
d. show
She looked so g r e a t _______her new dress.
a. in
b. w ith
c. at
d. for
W h en the leadin g actor appeared on the stage, the audience greeted him


w a r m ly _______once.

a. for
b. in
c. at
d. on
17. I adm ired h im for b ein g so c o n fid e n t ______ his age.
a. on
b. in
c. from
d. at
18. H e turned dow n
the r a d i o P eter was not
disturbed by the sound.
a. in order to
b. in order for
c. in order that
d. so as to
19. I put m y bag on the rack in front o f me _ _ _ _ _ I could keep an eye on
a. so
b. so as to
c. in order to
d. so that
20. W e a r e _______w ho know how to solve your problem s.
a. the only one
b. the one only
c. the ones only

d. the cmv


21. - _______him ? - Last week.
a. W hen do you m eet
c. W hen have you m et

b W hen h i you m eet
d. W hen w ill you m eet

22. You cannot see T om because h e __________
a. is w orking
b. was w orking
c. has teen « : "king
d. had been working
23. W hen w e _______to see him last night h e ________: : music.
a. com e / is listen in g
b. had c :m e
c. cam e / was listen in g
d. w ere : : m ing had listened
24. I _ _ _ _ _ here for ten years before y o u ______ last * eek
a. have w ork ed / cam e
b. have bee-n ■ ;rk in g / com e
c. was w ork in g /
d. had reer. • irk in g / cam e
25. These students _______ hard since the beginning :: the school year because
t h e y _______th eir graduation exam next May.
a. studied / are goin g to take
b. are stu iyir.g w ill be taking
c. study / w ill have
26. I ____ no difficulty in

a have had / began b.
27. A t the m om ent John

d. have b ~ n studying / w ill take
lea rn in g E nglish since I ________t: learn it 6 years ago.
had had / begin
c. had has r-egjn d. am having / begin
_ _ _ _ _ his new car. H e _______ his
car on Sundays.

a. is w ash in g / often w ashes
b. was w ash in g
has often w ashed
c. has w ashed / is often w ashing
d. washes
tften w ashed
28. She s o m e t im e s _______to turn o ff the com puter : e : : r r s h e ________hom e.
a. forgot / had gone
b. has i : r z : t
:s ; :in g
c. is forgettin g / has gone
d. forgets goes
29. They____ good preparations before t h e y ______their & L examination yesterday.
a. made / had taken
b. had ma:.~ tcok
c. have m ade / take
d. will have m ade have taken
30. By the tim e J a c k ______ w ith help, w e _______ the -v ;rk
a. com es / fin ish ed

b. com es

c. w ill com e / w ill have

d. cam e

w ill have fin ish ed
have finish ed

Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.
31. three years ago I I I one o f the best students chc :se attend / international
student festiv a l
a. T hree years ago, I was one o f the best students w hom w ere chosen to
attend an in tern ation al student festival.
b. W hen th ree years ago, I was one o f the best students to be chosen to
attend an in tern ation al student festival
c. T h ree years ago, I was one o f the best students ch oosin g to attend an
in tern ation a l student festival.
d. T hree years ago, I w as one o f the best students t: be chosen to attend an
in tern ation a l student festival.
32. I / eager / prepare for / speech I I I have to read
in front o f all m em bers
from other countries
a. I was too eager to prepare for m y speech w hich I had to read in fron t o f
all m em bers from other countries.



b. I was very eager enough to prepare for m y speech w hich I had to read in
front o f all m em bers from other countries.
c. I was very eager to prepare for my speech w hich I had to read in front o f
all m em bers from other countries.
d. I was very eager to prepare for m y speech and w hich I had to read in
fron t o f all m em bers from other countries.
33. everything / go on / sm oothly I I I believe / I /read / m y speech fluently
a. E veryth in g w ent on sm oothly so that I believed that I was reading my
speech fluently.
b. Everything went on smoothly and I believed that I was reading my speech fluently.
c. E veryth in g w en t on sm oothly; how ever, I believed that I was reading my
speech fluently.
d. Everything went on smoothly as I believed that I was reading my speech fluent.
34. my surprise I I I fin ish / no one / clap their hands / they / for others
a. But to m y surprise, w hen I finished, no one was clappin g th eir hands as
they did for others.
b. It was m y surprise, w hen I finish, no one was clapping th eir hands as
they did for others.
c. A n d this was m y surprise, w hen fin ish in g, no one was clap p in g their
hands as th ey did for others.
d. But to m y surprise, w hen I finished, no one was clappin g their hands as
they do for others.
35. one o f m y friends / tell / m e / later I I I speak / m y m oth er tongue, V ietn am ­
ese / instead / E n glish
a. One o f m y frie n d s to ld m e la ter that I speak in m y m oth er tongue,
V ietn am ese, instead o f in English.
b. One o f m y frien d s w ho told m e later that I had spoken in m y m other
tongue, V ietn am ese, instead o f in E nglish.

c. One o f m y frien d s told m e later that I had spoken in m y m oth er tongue,
V ietn am ese, in stead o f in English.
d. So one o f m y frien d s told me later th at I had sp ok en in m y m other
tongue, V ietn am ese, instead o f speak English.

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
I w ill n ever forget it, the tim e w hen I first w orked as a teacher. On the first
day o f m y career, I really w anted to m ake a good im pression on m y students, so
I m ade a good preparation for everyth in g and I had chosen m y best clothes. My
students seem ed to listen to m e attentively but they really looked at m e with a
funny look on th e ir face, but I dism issed these thoughts from m y head and
tried to explained the lesson as w ell as possible
B efore gettin g into m y car, I stopped to use the restroom dow n the hall
W hen I looked at m y reflection in the m irror, I alm ost died. A ll over the front it
me, in m y hair and on m y purse was a white chalky substance that would root
com e off. The harder I tried to rub it, the grayer and dirtier it looked I - as
absolutely m ortified, th in kin g about the first im pression I had made I racked


my brains to think o f w hat I could have gotten all over m e and how could I have
not noticed it before I went into the meeting? Then I realized what had happened.
W e are ren ovatin g our house, and the dry wall had just been sanded. I must
have put m y purse dow n in a big pile o f dust from the dry w all. T hen I probably
picked it up, hugged it against my chest as I w ent to work I just stood in the
restroom , sta rin g at the m irror, h orrified . I w on d ered w hat th ose students
must have thought about me. W hat a first im p r e s s ::n I had just made!
36. The w riter _ _ _ _ _ on the first day o f her career.

a. was w ell-d ressed
b. could not choose w hat to wear
c. did not w orry about the first day o f her career
d. did not care for the first im pression she had m ade on her students
37. H er students _______.
a. looked at h er and laughed
b. did not realize w hat happened to their teacher
c. paid attention to th eir teach er’s explanation
d. m ade fun o f th eir teach er
38. The w r i t e r ______ .
a. could wash the w hite chalky substance on her clothes and her hair easily
b. could not wash the white chalky substance on her clothes and her hair easily
c. realized w hat happened to her w hen she entered the classroom
d. realized w hat happened to her w hen she was explainin g the
39. The w hite ch alky substance was from ______ .
a. the restroom
b. the
c. a pile o f dust
d. the dry wall o f her house
40. The w r i t e r ______ .
a. w ent to w ork by car
b. left
c. got angry due to the w hite substance d.was

h er purse at hom e
n :t em barrassed

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

I believe th at everyon e has had em barrassing experien ces in th eir life. I
had one not so lon g ago and I thought it was the m ost em barrassin g experience
that I have ( 4 1 ) _______had! It happened to me in last w in ter vacation. I join ed
a (42) _______ w in ter cam p w ith m y friends, D enise and Cher. W e all lived far
away from the place, so in order to ( 4 3 ) ______ at the cam p on tim e at 8 o’clock,
we had to leave at 7:20. T he sun was (44) ______ . flow ers w ere bloom ing and
birds w ere singing. ( 4 5 ) ______ a beautiful day! E veryth in g seem ed so nice until
I (46) ______ that I forgot to brin g som ething to drink. So I asked D enise to
drive m e to a departm en t store. She ( 4 7 ) ______ h er car in front o f the store and
I ran in to buy som e bottles o f m ineral water. W hen I got out o f the store, I ran
tow ard the car parked in fron t and got inside. Suddenly, I found it was not
D en ise’s car and the driver was ( 4 8 ) ______ by me. I felt so ( 4 9 ) ________at that
tim e. I kept a p ologizin g and ran w ith sham e and blush on m y face to D en ise’s
car. M y friends had seen the w hole story, (50) ______ cam e to pass from the
rear view7 m irror and they w ere laughing all the energy o f th eir hearts.



l a. never

b. ever

c. forever

_ a. four days
-3 a . get


c. four-day
c. reach

4 a. sh in n in g
5 . a . W hat
6. a. w atched




em barrass
w hom

9. a.

com e
raisin g

c. brigh ten in g
c. It
c. saw

b. noticed
b. let
b. pleased
b. embarrassment
b. w hich



em barrassed
w hen


alw ays

four day
W hich

d .lo o k e d
d. sent
d. shocked
d. em barrassing
d. that


Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
a. happy
a. iron

c. have
c. parent

d. hour

a. who

b. husband
b. celebrate
b. how

c. w hich

d. whose

a. friend

b. anniversary

c. birthday

d. cream

a. ch ildren

b. divorce

c. m arried

d. present

d. restaurant

Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the
underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one.


On m y birthday, b efore I b l e w ________ the candles, I had prayed for my
future and m y fam ily.

a. on
b. out
c. in
d. at
He often plays a j o k e ______ his friends so some o f them do not like him.
a. on
b. for
c. over
d. at
W hat are you g i v i n g _______ her son on his birthday?
a. to
b. for
c. from
d. on
W e alw ays celebrate our w e d d in g _____ w ith dinn er in an expensive restau­
rant every year.
a. party

b. an n iversary

c. cake

d. ring

10. A / A n ____ is a special enjoyable event that people organize because something
pleasant has happened or because it is someone’s birthday or anniversary.
a. chance

b. celebration

c. occasion

d. gift

11. Could you k e e p ____ while I’m on the phone, please? D on’t make so much noise.
a. quiet
b. enjoyable
c. happy
d. com fortable
12. The new lyw ed _ _ _ spent their h oneym oon in H awaii.
a. pair
b. tw o
c. double
d. couple
13. Do you rem em ber how w e used to go to the c in e m a ______ ?
a. each oth er
b. one another
c. others
d. together
14. The clim ax o f the N ew Y e a r ______ was a firew ork display.
a. celebrate
b. celebration
c. celebrator
d. celebratcr-.
U N IT 3; A P AS

15. _ _ _ _ _ is all that m ost human beings are look in g for.
a. H appin ess
b. H appy

c. H appily
d. U nhappy
16. L osin g on e’s h air and teeth are the result o f ______ .
a. age
b. aged
c. ageless
d. ageing
17. People often b r i n g ______ flow ers a n d ________gifts t o ________birthday party.
a. 0 / 0 / a
b. the / the / the
c. the / O / 0
d. 0 / the / a
18. B irthday parties are held not only for children _______for adults.
a. and
b. as well
c. but also
d. nor
19. W om en d e s e r v e _______equally to men.
a. paying

b. to pay

20. I r e m e m b e r ______ m y book on the
a. to put / to see b. to put seen

c. paid

d. to be paid

table, but now it is n o w h e r e _______ .

c. putting seeing d. putting / to be seen

21. They are w h isp erin g to a v o i d _______ by th eir friends.
a. bein g h eard
b. h ea rin g
c. to be heard

d. bein g hearin g

22. I r e m e m b e r ______ m y m other said the carpets n e e d e d ________.
a. to hear

to dry clean

c. heard / dry clean ed

b. hearing

dry cleaning

d. hear / dry clean in g

23. W ould you l i k e ______ m e som e tea?
a. m ake
b. to m ake
c. m aking
d. m ake
24. She dream ed o f _____ h er 18th birthday p a r t y _________ on a luxury boat.
a. have / h old
b. having / to hold c. had / holding

d. havin g / held
25. T h ese w ork ers s t o p p e d __________ som e coffee because they felt sleepy.
a. to have

b. have

c. havin g

d. had

26. Due to h a v in g a lot o f th in gs ______ last night, we m issed _______the film .
a for doing / to see

b. don e / saw

c. doin g / see

d. to do / seeing


27. T here is no point f or this position because the salary is not high.
a. to apply
b. apply
c. applying
d. applied
28. I w ant to travel because I e n j o y ______ people a n d _______new places.
a. m eet / see b. meeting seeing c. meeting / to see d. to m eet / see
29. He risked ____________ his house w hen his com pany went bankrupt.
a. lose

b. to lose
c. losing
d. lost
30. The council con siders _ vehicles from the city cen ter to relieve traffic
ja m s and air pollution.
a. ban
b. ban n in g
c. banned
d. to banning

Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.
31. next Saturday / 18th birthday
a. N ext Saturday is m y 18th birthday.
b. N ext Saturday is the day o f m y 18th birthday.
c. N ext Saturday would be m y 18th birthday.
d. N ext Saturday w ill have been my 18th birthday.
32. I / invite / you / the party / 6pm / m y house
a. So that I would like to invite you to the party at 6pm at m y house.
b. I was in vited you to the party at 6pm at m y house.


c I would like to in vite you to the party at 6pm at m y house.
I would like to in vite you to the party, that w ill be at 6pm at m y house.
: 3 I invite / som e o f our classm ates / I hope / we / have / good tim e ::z r :h e r
a. I also invite some o f our classmates but I hope we will have a good time together.
b. I also invite some o f our classmates nor I hope we will have a good time together.

c. I also invite some o f our classmates and I hope we will have a good time together.
d. I also invite some o f our classmates or I hope we will have a good time together
: 4 there / be / special program / delicious dishes / m y m oth er I I I prepare
a. There are a special program and delicious dishes which my mother and I are preparing.
b. T here w ill be a special program and delicious dishes w hich m y m other
and I are preparing.
c. T here w ill be a special program and delicious dishes so that m y m other
and I are preparing.
d. There is a special program and delicious dishes which my mother and I am preparing.
;5 I

eager / look forw ard to / enjoy / it

a. I am too eager to lookin g forw ard to enjoying it.
b. I am enough eager to lookin g forw ard to en joyin g it.
c I am so eager to look in g forw ard to enjoy it
d. I am so eager to look forw ard to enjoying it.

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
A birthday party is a celebration that occurs to celebrate the birth o f the
r-erson being honored. Birthday parties are celebrated in m any cultures. W hile a
ir.ild’s party is usually at hom e and consists o f soft drinks and sw et. food as well
som e m ain courses, adults’ birthday parties in W estern countries ofte.i ti’ ke
;la c e in bars or nightclubs w here a range o f alcoholic beverages are consumed.
In W estern cultures, particularly in the U nited States, birthday parties are
:ften a ccom pan ied by colorful decorations such as stream ers and balloons. A
n rth d a y cake is often served w ith candles that are to be blow n out after a
"birthday w ish ” has been made. W hile the birthday cake is brought to the table,
:h e song H appy B irthday to You is sung. W ealthy people or celebrities m ay hire
an event m anagem ent agency or a party service to organize a birthday party.

The birth day cake has been an integral part o f the birth day tradition in
W estern cultures since the m iddle o f the 19th century.
The cake, or som etim es a pastry or dessert, is served to a person on his or
r.er b irth d a y , an d is o fte n d ecora ted w ith sm all n o v e lty ca n d les, w ith the
p e rso n ’s n am e an d a m essage o f con gra tu lation s in scrib e d w ith icin g. The
phrase “H app y B ir th d a y ” did n ot appear on b irth d a y cak es until the song
Happy B irth d ay to You was popularized in the early 1900s.
T radition holds th at the person w ith the birthday m ay m ake a wish, which
will com e true i f all the candles can be blow n out in one breath.
36. B irthday parties are c e le b r a t e d ______ .
a. only in the U SA
b. in W estern countries
c. in m any countries

d. all over the w orld
UNIT 3 : A P U T T

