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02 MA DE ON THI TNPT 2018 SO 49

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(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2017- 2018
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1:A. medieval
B. metallic
C. mechanic
D. melancholy
Question 2:A. fought
B. fundamental
C. cauliflower
D. fluorescence
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 3:A. trout
B. fought
C. scout
D. found
Question 4:A. prune
B. brunette
C. fortune
D. tune
III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 5: Smoking is a causative factor in the development of several serious diseases, including lung cancer.

A. source
B. origin
C. cause
D. reason
Question 6: The issue of pay rise will loom large at the year-end conference.
A. be raised suddenly
B. become important
C. be discussed
D. cause worry
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 7: I’m becoming increasingly....... Last week I locked myself out of the house twice.
A. forgetful
B. absent
C. oblivious
D. mindless
Question 8: The.......are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.
A. odds
B. chances
C. bets
D. prospects
Question 9: Everyone is hoping and praying that......peace will eventually come to the area.
A. lasting
B. irrevocable
C. ongoing
D. durable
Question 10: She's not very....... She’s never quite sure what she wants to do.
A. lively
B. energetic
C. decisive
D. active

Question 11: Even though I didn’t want my son to leave home, since he was twenty-one there was nothing I could do
A. resist
B. hinder
C. cease
D. prevent
Question 12: Even though they don’t agree with what’s happening, they’re too.......to protest.
A. apathetic
B. outgoing
C. subdued
D. quiet
Question 13: He’s very......about his private life. He’s got no secrets.
A. open
B. trustworthy
C. sincere
D. direct
Question 14: Which of the following describes a country’s armed force that operates at sea?
A. navy
B. air force
C. army
D. civilians
Question 15: My car is very......; it’s never broken down.
A. edible
B. reliable
C. unreliable
D. inedible
Question 16: Helen’s parents were very pleased when they read her school.......
A. diploma
B. account
C. report

D. papers
Question 17: Before you begin the exam paper, always read the......carefully.
A. instructions
B. answers
C. orders
D. rules
Question 18: Don’t be........ . Say thank you.
A. rude
B. tactless
C. nasty
D. crude
V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following
Question 19: ~ A: “Don’t get a black cat - they bring bad luck!” ~ B: “......................”
A. No, it can jump over this fence.
B. Don’t be serious. It’s just for fun.
C. Yes, I bought it at the bazaar.
D. That’s a load of rubbish!
Question 20: ~ A: “.................” ~ B: “Is there something on your mind?”
A. I’ve been feeling a bit anxious lately.
B. I feel like going out for a while.
C. I’ve been out strolling all day.
D. Why don’t you think more rationally?
VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 21: Public opinion is currently running against the banking industry.
A. stand up for
B. kick out
C. poke fun at
D. look up to

Question 22: She can't accept even mild criticism of her work.
A. severe
B. high
C. deep
D. soft
VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 23 to 28.
In far too many places in England today, the agreeable habit of taking afternoon tea has vanished. 'Such a shocking waste
of time,' says one. 'Quite unnecessary, if one has had lunch or ...(23)... to eat in the evening,' says another.

All very true, ...(24)... but what a lot of innocent pleasure these strong-minded people are missing! The very ritual of teamaking, warming the pot, making sure that the water is just boiling, inhaling the fragrant steam, arranging the tea-cosy to fit
snugly around the container, all the preliminaries ...(25)... up to the exquisite pleasure of ...(26)... the brew from thin
porcelain, and helping oneself to hot buttered scones and strawberry jam, a slice of feather-light sponge cake or home-made
Taking tea is a highly civilized pastime, and fortunately is still in favour in Thrush Green, where the inhabitants have got it
down to a ...(27)... art. It is common ...(28)... in that pleasant village to invite friends to tea rather than lunch or dinner.
Question 23:A. views
B. designs
C. proposes
D. minds
Question 24:A. no wonder B. no way
C. no doubt
D. no matter
Question 25:A. run
B. come
C. draw
D. lead
Question 26:A. sipping

B. quenching
C. nibbling
D. munching
Question 27:A. sheer
B. rare
C. fine
D. pure
Question 28:A. custom
B. procedure
C. habit
D. practice
VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 29: We had prepared everything carefully for the party. Few guests came.
A. In spite of having prepared everything for the party carefully, few guests came.
B. Despite our careful preparation for the party, few guests came.
C. Although everything for party prepared carefully, few guests came.
D. However few guests came, we had prepared everything for the party carefully.
Question 30: She could dress herself when she was 3. She remembers this.
A. She remembers having dressed herself when she was 3.
B. She remembers having herself dressed when she was 3.
C. She remembers being able to dress herself when she was 3.
D. She remembers to dress for herself at 3.
IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions from 31 to 37.
Being told to bring a deckchair and a good book for the first day in a new job might not be the kind of
advice you’d expect to receive from your new boss, but that’s exactly the advice Jamie Fox was given
when he took up a post to help out a local farmer.
Fox, twenty-two, a music graduate from Bangor University, uses a range of musical instruments to scare off partridges that

have been destroying crops because ordinary scarecrows don’t quite seem up to the job. Despite working from 7.30 a.m. to
4.00 p.m. for a minimum wage, Fox, who is saving up to finance a trip to New Zealand, is quite content with his unique
position. Indeed, he’d much rather be out in the open air reading and playing instruments, he says, and time passes much
quicker than sitting at home doing nothing and claiming unemployment benefit.
Fox can do anything he likes to pass the time. As well as playing musical instruments and reading to relieve the monotony,
other perks of the job include doing Sudoku puzzles, observing the wildlife and daydreaming. He does, however, need to get
out of the comfort of his chair occasionally to scare the partridges off the fields. And although the work is far from lucrative,
some of Jamie’s friends, including those with more generously paid jobs, are reportedly envious of his position and the fact
that he spends the best part of the day doing largely as he pleases.
His employer, farmer William Youngs, claims that he was forced to take someone on as a human scarecrow after the
partridges didn’t respond to more traditional methods of frightening them away. Since losing thirty acres worth of crops to the
birds at a cost of thousands of pounds, Youngs has tried a variety of approaches to protect his livelihood. Now, however, he is
happy with the solution and claims that Jamie’s presence in the fields is proving very effective and making a real difference.
Question 31: Jamie Fox’s plans include......
A. becoming a farmer.
B. earning more money.
C. joining a band.
D. travelling abroad.
Question 32: What is true about Jamie’s job?
A. He gets uncomfortable.
B. He doesn’t need to move.
C. He makes a lot of noise.
D. He has replaced another person.
Question 33: Mr Youngs decided to employ Jamie because......
A. he can pay him a low wage.
B. he wants to help with the problem of unemployment
C. he considered Jamie a good worker.
D. he lost lots of crops previously.
Question 34: Jamie’s friends are envious because of......
A. the fact he enjoys what he is doing.

B. the hours he works.
C. the money he earns.
D. the nature of his work.
Question 35: Jamie Fox is happy with his job because......
A. he never gets bored. B. he has plenty of free time during the day.
C. he uses his educational background.
D. he thinks it is better than being out of work.
Question 36: The phrase “up to the job” is closest in meaning to......
A. good enough to do the job
B. over-consuming
C. unable to fulfill it
D. unsuitable for the job
Question 37: Which word is the synomym with “lucrative”?

A. profitable
B. lubricious
C. successful
D. glistening
X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 38 to 44.
Entrepreneurial schoolboy Tommie Rose, made £14,000 towards his university fees by selling sweets from a 'black market'
tuck shop at his school. Tommie, fifteen, bought chocolate, crisps and fizzy drinks in bulk from discount stores and sold them
to fellow pupils at a competitive mark-up. For three years, he saved his £60 to £70 daily earnings towards the £9,000-a-year
tuition fees for university, and has his eye on studying business at Oxford or Cambridge.
However, teachers at Buile Hill High School in Salford, Greater Manchester, threatened to suspend the teenager from school
if he didn't shut down the unofficial tuck shop. Tommie, who lives in Salford, was suspended from his previous school for
ten days for running a similar business, which he said was inspired by television shows such as Dragons' Den and The
His parents, Gary, thirty-three, an office worker, and Tracy, also thirty-three, a gym manager, said they would struggle to

support their son through university on their own. 'He's a typical teenage boy who saw what he wanted and worked hard for
it,' said Mr Rose. 'He realised that if you want to get ahead in business and in life, you have to start at a young age. I could
only dream of making that sort of money at his age.'
James Inman, the head teacher at Buile Hill School, said, 'We admire this pupil's entrepreneurship, but school is not the
place to set up a black market for junk food. We have extremely high standards and with our healthy-eating policy, we do not
allow fizzy drinks or large amounts of sweets.'
Faced with the threat of suspension, Tommie has decided to close his tuck shop business for now and donate the remaining
snacks and drinks to the homeless in Manchester. However, aware of the advantages of working as he studies, Tommie plans
to continue earning money and gaining valuable experience. The young entrepreneur is meeting his head teacher with a
business plan for a healthy tuck shop, and has found himself back in the news again as he attempts to sell a signed bottle of a
well-known energy drink online to the highest bidder. He also has plans for a new business involving T-shirts and has been
offered work experience at a recruitment firm in Manchester. Tommie said, 'I have had a few other job offers since the story
appeared in the media. I just love the world of business.'
Question 38: Buile Hill School's reaction has prompted Tommie to......
A. leave school to experience working for a local business.
B. give up his attempts to
make money.
C. redesign his tuck shop business.
D. start an Internet-based business selling snacks.
Question 39: The word “recruitment” is synonymous with.....
A. recovering business B. new employment
C. assembling service
D. finding new members
Question 40: Tommie's father......
A. finds it difficult to support his son's actions.
B. says Tommie has always dreamed of making money.
C. admits that Tommie is not a regular teenager.
D. feels that Tommie has learned an important lesson early in his life.
Question 41: The phrase “suspended from school” is closest in meaning to.....
A. temporarily not allowed to go to school

B. banned from schools
C. ejected from sschool for ever
D. prevented from schooling
Question 42: According to the passage, the writer emphasises.....
A. how young people can benefit from working while still at school.
B. the negative impacts of working while still studying at school.
C. why earning independently is important for young people.
D. how young people's attitudes to work have changed.
Question 43: Tommie set up his business......
A. because his school didn't provide a quality service.
B. so that he would be accepted at Oxford or Cambridge universities.
C. so that he would be able to afford the fees at a top university.
D. to prove what a good businessman he is.
Question 44: Buile Hill School objects to Tommie's business because......
A. he is competing with the school's own official tuck shop.
B. he has already been suspended from another school for running a similar business there.
C. they are concerned about the effect of the products Tommie sells on other students.
D. they believe Tommie is too young to run a business.
XI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 45: Everyone at the factory was worried about the possibility of losing their job.
A. The chance that they might lose their jobs troubled all those at the factory.
B. All of the factory employees realized that they would soon lose their jobs.
C. All those at the factory wondered how they might be able to keep their jobs.
D. Few of those working at the factory felt that their jobs were secure.
Question 46: Much to our astonishment, he soon proved himself to be a very talented organiser.
A. The speed with which he developed his administrative potential didn’t surprise us all.

B. His organising abilities were surprisingly enough not recognised until too late.

C. It wasn’t long before his administrative gifts became apparent, which surprised us greatly.
D. The astonishing thing was that such a talented man should take on the organisation.
Question 47: Don’t disturb me unless it is something urgent.
A. I will only bother you if there is some sort of emergency.
B. You can only interrupt me if it is some sort of emergency.
C. When you need something fast, you can call on me.
D. Unless something terrible happens, please leave me alone.
XII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.
Question 48: All the blood in the body passes through the heart at least twice the minute.
A. the minute
B. at least
C. passes through
D. All the blood
Question 49: However your profession is, you should read regularly to keep pace at least with the developments in your
own field.
A. However
B. keep pace
C. in
D. regularly
Question 50: It is vital that parents know when to punish their children and when they should reward them.
A. they should
B. It is
C. and
D. their
The End


(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2017- 2018
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 1: Don’t disturb me unless it is something urgent.
A. When you need something fast, you can call on me.
B. I will only bother you if there is some sort of emergency.
C. Unless something terrible happens, please leave me alone.
D. You can only interrupt me if it is some sort of emergency.
Question 2: Everyone at the factory was worried about the possibility of losing their job.
A. The chance that they might lose their jobs troubled all those at the factory.
B. Few of those working at the factory felt that their jobs were secure.
C. All those at the factory wondered how they might be able to keep their jobs.
D. All of the factory employees realized that they would soon lose their jobs.
Question 3: Much to our astonishment, he soon proved himself to be a very talented organiser.
A. The astonishing thing was that such a talented man should take on the organisation.
B. It wasn’t long before his administrative gifts became apparent, which surprised us greatly.
C. His organising abilities were surprisingly enough not recognised until too late.
D. The speed with which he developed his administrative potential didn’t surprise us all.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 4:A. mechanic
B. metallic
C. melancholy
D. medieval
Question 5:A. cauliflower B. fought

C. fluorescence
D. fundamental
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 06 to 12.
Being told to bring a deckchair and a good book for the first day in a new job might not be the kind of
advice you’d expect to receive from your new boss, but that’s exactly the advice Jamie Fox was given
when he took up a post to help out a local farmer.
Fox, twenty-two, a music graduate from Bangor University, uses a range of musical instruments to scare off partridges that
have been destroying crops because ordinary scarecrows don’t quite seem up to the job. Despite working from 7.30 a.m. to
4.00 p.m. for a minimum wage, Fox, who is saving up to finance a trip to New Zealand, is quite content with his unique
position. Indeed, he’d much rather be out in the open air reading and playing instruments, he says, and time passes much
quicker than sitting at home doing nothing and claiming unemployment benefit.
Fox can do anything he likes to pass the time. As well as playing musical instruments and reading to relieve the monotony,
other perks of the job include doing Sudoku puzzles, observing the wildlife and daydreaming. He does, however, need to get
out of the comfort of his chair occasionally to scare the partridges off the fields. And although the work is far from lucrative,
some of Jamie’s friends, including those with more generously paid jobs, are reportedly envious of his position and the fact
that he spends the best part of the day doing largely as he pleases.
His employer, farmer William Youngs, claims that he was forced to take someone on as a human scarecrow after the
partridges didn’t respond to more traditional methods of frightening them away. Since losing thirty acres worth of crops to the
birds at a cost of thousands of pounds, Youngs has tried a variety of approaches to protect his livelihood. Now, however, he is
happy with the solution and claims that Jamie’s presence in the fields is proving very effective and making a real difference.
Question 6: What is true about Jamie’s job?
A. He makes a lot of noise.
B. He has replaced another person.
C. He gets uncomfortable.
D. He doesn’t need to move.
Question 7: Jamie Fox’s plans include......
A. travelling abroad.
B. becoming a farmer.

C. earning more money.
D. joining a band.
Question 8: The phrase “up to the job” is closest in meaning to......
A. unsuitable for the job
B. good enough to do the job
C. unable to fulfill it
D. over-consuming
Question 9: Jamie’s friends are envious because of......
A. the hours he works.
B. the money he earns.
C. the fact he enjoys what he is doing.
D. the nature of his work.
Question 10: Mr Youngs decided to employ Jamie because......
A. he wants to help with the problem of unemployment B. he can pay him a low wage.
C. he considered Jamie a good worker.
D. he lost lots of crops previously.
Question 11: Jamie Fox is happy with his job because......
A. he has plenty of free time during the day.
B. he never gets bored.
C. he thinks it is better than being out of work.
D. he uses his educational background.

Question 12: Which word is the synomym with “lucrative”?
A. lubricious
B. successful
C. glistening
D. profitable
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 13: The issue of pay rise will loom large at the year-end conference.
A. become important
B. be raised suddenly
C. be discussed
D. cause worry
Question 14: Smoking is a causative factor in the development of several serious diseases, including lung cancer.
A. origin
B. source
C. reason
D. cause
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 15: Public opinion is currently running against the banking industry.
A. stand up for
B. kick out
C. poke fun at
D. look up to
Question 16: She can't accept even mild criticism of her work.
A. high
B. severe
C. deep
D. soft
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following
Question 17: ~ A: “.................” ~ B: “Is there something on your mind?”
A. I’ve been out strolling all day.
B. I’ve been feeling a bit anxious lately.
C. Why don’t you think more rationally?
D. I feel like going out for a while.
Question 18: ~ A: “Don’t get a black cat - they bring bad luck!” ~ B: “......................”

A. No, it can jump over this fence.
B. Don’t be serious. It’s just for fun.
C. Yes, I bought it at the bazaar.
D. That’s a load of rubbish!
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 19 to 24.
In far too many places in England today, the agreeable habit of taking afternoon tea has vanished. 'Such a shocking waste
of time,' says one. 'Quite unnecessary, if one has had lunch or ...(19)... to eat in the evening,' says another.
All very true, ...(20)... but what a lot of innocent pleasure these strong-minded people are missing! The very ritual of teamaking, warming the pot, making sure that the water is just boiling, inhaling the fragrant steam, arranging the tea-cosy to fit
snugly around the container, all the preliminaries ...(21)... up to the exquisite pleasure of ...(22)... the brew from thin
porcelain, and helping oneself to hot buttered scones and strawberry jam, a slice of feather-light sponge cake or home-made
Taking tea is a highly civilized pastime, and fortunately is still in favour in Thrush Green, where the inhabitants have got it
down to a ...(23)... art. It is common ...(24)... in that pleasant village to invite friends to tea rather than lunch or dinner.
Question 19:A. designs
B. views
C. minds
D. proposes
Question 20:A. no doubt B. no matter
C. no wonder
D. no way
Question 21:A. lead
B. come
C. draw
D. run
Question 22:A. munching B. sipping
C. quenching
D. nibbling
Question 23:A. pure

B. rare
C. fine
D. sheer
Question 24:A. custom
B. habit
C. procedure
D. practice
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 25:A. prune
B. fortune
C. tune
D. brunette
Question 26:A. fought
B. trout
C. found
D. scout
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 27: However your profession is, you should read regularly to keep pace at least with the developments in your
own field.
A. However
B. keep pace
C. in
D. regularly
Question 28: All the blood in the body passes through the heart at least twice the minute.
A. at least
B. All the blood
C. passes through
D. the minute

Question 29: It is vital that parents know when to punish their children and when they should reward them.
A. they should
B. and
C. It is
D. their
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 30: I’m becoming increasingly....... Last week I locked myself out of the house twice.
A. forgetful
B. mindless
C. oblivious
D. absent
Question 31: The.......are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.
A. chances
B. odds
C. bets
D. prospects
Question 32: She's not very....... She’s never quite sure what she wants to do.
A. lively
B. energetic
C. decisive
D. active
Question 33: Everyone is hoping and praying that......peace will eventually come to the area.
A. lasting
B. ongoing
C. irrevocable
D. durable

Question 34: Helen’s parents were very pleased when they read her school.......
A. diploma

B. report
C. papers
D. account
Question 35: He’s very......about his private life. He’s got no secrets.
A. sincere
B. open
C. direct
D. trustworthy
Question 36: Which of the following describes a country’s armed force that operates at sea?
A. army
B. civilians
C. air force
D. navy
Question 37: Even though I didn’t want my son to leave home, since he was twenty-one there was nothing I could do
A. hinder
B. prevent
C. cease
D. resist
Question 38: Before you begin the exam paper, always read the......carefully.
A. rules
B. instructions
C. orders
D. answers
Question 39: My car is very......; it’s never broken down.
A. unreliable
B. edible
C. reliable
D. inedible
Question 40: Even though they don’t agree with what’s happening, they’re too.......to protest.

A. outgoing
B. apathetic
C. quiet
D. subdued
Question 41: Don’t be........ . Say thank you.
A. crude
B. nasty
C. rude
D. tactless
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 42 to 48.
Entrepreneurial schoolboy Tommie Rose, made £14,000 towards his university fees by selling sweets from a 'black market'
tuck shop at his school. Tommie, fifteen, bought chocolate, crisps and fizzy drinks in bulk from discount stores and sold them
to fellow pupils at a competitive mark-up. For three years, he saved his £60 to £70 daily earnings towards the £9,000-a-year
tuition fees for university, and has his eye on studying business at Oxford or Cambridge.
However, teachers at Buile Hill High School in Salford, Greater Manchester, threatened to suspend the teenager from school
if he didn't shut down the unofficial tuck shop. Tommie, who lives in Salford, was suspended from his previous school for
ten days for running a similar business, which he said was inspired by television shows such as Dragons' Den and The
His parents, Gary, thirty-three, an office worker, and Tracy, also thirty-three, a gym manager, said they would struggle to
support their son through university on their own. 'He's a typical teenage boy who saw what he wanted and worked hard for
it,' said Mr Rose. 'He realised that if you want to get ahead in business and in life, you have to start at a young age. I could
only dream of making that sort of money at his age.'
James Inman, the head teacher at Buile Hill School, said, 'We admire this pupil's entrepreneurship, but school is not the
place to set up a black market for junk food. We have extremely high standards and with our healthy-eating policy, we do not
allow fizzy drinks or large amounts of sweets.'
Faced with the threat of suspension, Tommie has decided to close his tuck shop business for now and donate the remaining
snacks and drinks to the homeless in Manchester. However, aware of the advantages of working as he studies, Tommie plans
to continue earning money and gaining valuable experience. The young entrepreneur is meeting his head teacher with a
business plan for a healthy tuck shop, and has found himself back in the news again as he attempts to sell a signed bottle of a

well-known energy drink online to the highest bidder. He also has plans for a new business involving T-shirts and has been
offered work experience at a recruitment firm in Manchester. Tommie said, 'I have had a few other job offers since the story
appeared in the media. I just love the world of business.'
Question 42: Tommie set up his business......
A. so that he would be able to afford the fees at a top university.
B. because his school didn't provide a quality service.
C. to prove what a good businessman he is.
D. so that he would be accepted at Oxford or Cambridge universities.
Question 43: Tommie's father......
A. finds it difficult to support his son's actions.
B. feels that Tommie has learned an important lesson early in his life.
C. says Tommie has always dreamed of making money.
D. admits that Tommie is not a regular teenager.
Question 44: Buile Hill School objects to Tommie's business because......
A. they believe Tommie is too young to run a business.
B. they are concerned about the effect of the products Tommie sells on other students.
C. he has already been suspended from another school for running a similar business there.
D. he is competing with the school's own official tuck shop.
Question 45: The phrase “suspended from school” is closest in meaning to.....
A. temporarily not allowed to go to school
B. banned from schools
C. prevented from schooling
D. ejected from sschool for ever
Question 46: According to the passage, the writer emphasises.....
A. how young people can benefit from working while still at school.
B. why earning independently is important for young people.
C. how young people's attitudes to work have changed.

D. the negative impacts of working while still studying at school.

Question 47: Buile Hill School's reaction has prompted Tommie to......
A. start an Internet-based business selling snacks.
B. give up his attempts to make money.
C. redesign his tuck shop business.
D. leave school to experience working for a local business.
Question 48: The word “recruitment” is synonymous with.....
A. assembling service
B. finding new members
C. recovering business
D. new employment
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
Question 49: She could dress herself when she was 3. She remembers this.
A. She remembers having dressed herself when she was 3.
B. She remembers having herself dressed when she was 3.
C. She remembers being able to dress herself when she was 3.
D. She remembers to dress for herself at 3.
Question 50: We had prepared everything carefully for the party. Few guests came.
A. In spite of having prepared everything for the party carefully, few guests came.
B. However few guests came, we had prepared everything for the party carefully.
C. Although everything for party prepared carefully, few guests came.
D. Despite our careful preparation for the party, few guests came.
The End

(Đề gồm có 04 trang)


NĂM HỌC 2017- 2018
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1:A. melancholy B. medieval
C. metallic
D. mechanic
Question 2:A. fought
B. cauliflower
C. fundamental
D. fluorescence
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 3:A. prune
B. brunette
C. tune
D. fortune
Question 4:A. trout
B. found
C. scout
D. fought
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 5: Everyone at the factory was worried about the possibility of losing their job.
A. All of the factory employees realized that they would soon lose their jobs.
B. The chance that they might lose their jobs troubled all those at the factory.
C. All those at the factory wondered how they might be able to keep their jobs.
D. Few of those working at the factory felt that their jobs were secure.
Question 6: Don’t disturb me unless it is something urgent.

A. Unless something terrible happens, please leave me alone.
B. When you need something fast, you can call on me.
C. You can only interrupt me if it is some sort of emergency.
D. I will only bother you if there is some sort of emergency.
Question 7: Much to our astonishment, he soon proved himself to be a very talented organiser.
A. His organising abilities were surprisingly enough not recognised until too late.
B. The speed with which he developed his administrative potential didn’t surprise us all.
C. The astonishing thing was that such a talented man should take on the organisation.
D. It wasn’t long before his administrative gifts became apparent, which surprised us greatly.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 08 to 14.
Entrepreneurial schoolboy Tommie Rose, made £14,000 towards his university fees by selling sweets from a 'black market'
tuck shop at his school. Tommie, fifteen, bought chocolate, crisps and fizzy drinks in bulk from discount stores and sold them
to fellow pupils at a competitive mark-up. For three years, he saved his £60 to £70 daily earnings towards the £9,000-a-year
tuition fees for university, and has his eye on studying business at Oxford or Cambridge.
However, teachers at Buile Hill High School in Salford, Greater Manchester, threatened to suspend the teenager from school
if he didn't shut down the unofficial tuck shop. Tommie, who lives in Salford, was suspended from his previous school for
ten days for running a similar business, which he said was inspired by television shows such as Dragons' Den and The
His parents, Gary, thirty-three, an office worker, and Tracy, also thirty-three, a gym manager, said they would struggle to
support their son through university on their own. 'He's a typical teenage boy who saw what he wanted and worked hard for
it,' said Mr Rose. 'He realised that if you want to get ahead in business and in life, you have to start at a young age. I could
only dream of making that sort of money at his age.'
James Inman, the head teacher at Buile Hill School, said, 'We admire this pupil's entrepreneurship, but school is not the
place to set up a black market for junk food. We have extremely high standards and with our healthy-eating policy, we do not
allow fizzy drinks or large amounts of sweets.'
Faced with the threat of suspension, Tommie has decided to close his tuck shop business for now and donate the remaining
snacks and drinks to the homeless in Manchester. However, aware of the advantages of working as he studies, Tommie plans
to continue earning money and gaining valuable experience. The young entrepreneur is meeting his head teacher with a
business plan for a healthy tuck shop, and has found himself back in the news again as he attempts to sell a signed bottle of a

well-known energy drink online to the highest bidder. He also has plans for a new business involving T-shirts and has been
offered work experience at a recruitment firm in Manchester. Tommie said, 'I have had a few other job offers since the story
appeared in the media. I just love the world of business.'
Question 8: The word “recruitment” is synonymous with.....
A. new employment
B. recovering business
C. assembling service
D. finding new members
Question 9: Tommie set up his business......
A. so that he would be accepted at Oxford or Cambridge universities.
B. because his school didn't provide a quality service.
C. so that he would be able to afford the fees at a top university.
D. to prove what a good businessman he is.
Question 10: According to the passage, the writer emphasises.....
A. how young people's attitudes to work have changed.
B. the negative impacts of working while still studying at school.

C. how young people can benefit from working while still at school.
D. why earning independently is important for young people.
Question 11: Buile Hill School objects to Tommie's business because......
A. they are concerned about the effect of the products Tommie sells on other students.
B. they believe Tommie is too young to run a business.
C. he is competing with the school's own official tuck shop.
D. he has already been suspended from another school for running a similar business there.
Question 12: The phrase “suspended from school” is closest in meaning to.....
A. prevented from schooling
B. ejected from sschool for ever
C. banned from schools
D. temporarily not allowed to go to school

Question 13: Tommie's father......
A. says Tommie has always dreamed of making money.
B. finds it difficult to support his son's actions.
C. admits that Tommie is not a regular teenager.
D. feels that Tommie has learned an important lesson early in his life.
Question 14: Buile Hill School's reaction has prompted Tommie to......
A. redesign his tuck shop business.
B. leave school to experience working for a local business.
C. give up his attempts to make money.
D. start an Internet-based business selling snacks.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 15: She can't accept even mild criticism of her work.
A. high
B. soft
C. severe
D. deep
Question 16: Public opinion is currently running against the banking industry.
A. look up to
B. poke fun at
C. stand up for
D. kick out
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 17 to 22.
In far too many places in England today, the agreeable habit of taking afternoon tea has vanished. 'Such a shocking waste
of time,' says one. 'Quite unnecessary, if one has had lunch or ...(17)... to eat in the evening,' says another.
All very true, ...(18)... but what a lot of innocent pleasure these strong-minded people are missing! The very ritual of teamaking, warming the pot, making sure that the water is just boiling, inhaling the fragrant steam, arranging the tea-cosy to fit
snugly around the container, all the preliminaries ...(19)... up to the exquisite pleasure of ...(20)... the brew from thin
porcelain, and helping oneself to hot buttered scones and strawberry jam, a slice of feather-light sponge cake or home-made

Taking tea is a highly civilized pastime, and fortunately is still in favour in Thrush Green, where the inhabitants have got it
down to a ...(21)... art. It is common ...(22)... in that pleasant village to invite friends to tea rather than lunch or dinner.
Question 17:A. proposes B. views
C. designs
D. minds
Question 18:A. no wonder B. no matter
C. no way
D. no doubt
Question 19:A. lead
B. draw
C. come
D. run
Question 20:A. sipping
B. munching
C. nibbling
D. quenching
Question 21:A. sheer
B. rare
C. fine
D. pure
Question 22:A. habit
B. procedure
C. custom
D. practice
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 23: The issue of pay rise will loom large at the year-end conference.
A. become important
B. cause worry

C. be discussed
D. be raised suddenly
Question 24: Smoking is a causative factor in the development of several serious diseases, including lung cancer.
A. cause
B. source
C. reason
D. origin
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following
Question 25: ~ A: “Don’t get a black cat - they bring bad luck!” ~ B: “......................”
A. Don’t be serious. It’s just for fun.
B. Yes, I bought it at the bazaar.
C. That’s a load of rubbish!
D. No, it can jump over this fence.
Question 26: ~ A: “.................” ~ B: “Is there something on your mind?”
A. I’ve been out strolling all day.
B. I feel like going out for a while.
C. I’ve been feeling a bit anxious lately.
D. Why don’t you think more rationally?
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
Question 27: We had prepared everything carefully for the party. Few guests came.
A. Although everything for party prepared carefully, few guests came.
B. However few guests came, we had prepared everything for the party carefully.
C. In spite of having prepared everything for the party carefully, few guests came.
D. Despite our careful preparation for the party, few guests came.

Question 28: She could dress herself when she was 3. She remembers this.
A. She remembers being able to dress herself when she was 3.

B. She remembers having herself dressed when she was 3.
C. She remembers having dressed herself when she was 3.
D. She remembers to dress for herself at 3.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 29: However your profession is, you should read regularly to keep pace at least with the developments in your
own field.
A. in
B. regularly
C. keep pace
D. However
Question 30: It is vital that parents know when to punish their children and when they should reward them.
A. It is
B. their
C. they should
D. and
Question 31: All the blood in the body passes through the heart at least twice the minute.
A. All the blood
B. at least
C. the minute
D. passes through
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 32 to 38.
Being told to bring a deckchair and a good book for the first day in a new job might not be the kind of
advice you’d expect to receive from your new boss, but that’s exactly the advice Jamie Fox was given
when he took up a post to help out a local farmer.
Fox, twenty-two, a music graduate from Bangor University, uses a range of musical instruments to scare off partridges that
have been destroying crops because ordinary scarecrows don’t quite seem up to the job. Despite working from 7.30 a.m. to
4.00 p.m. for a minimum wage, Fox, who is saving up to finance a trip to New Zealand, is quite content with his unique

position. Indeed, he’d much rather be out in the open air reading and playing instruments, he says, and time passes much
quicker than sitting at home doing nothing and claiming unemployment benefit.
Fox can do anything he likes to pass the time. As well as playing musical instruments and reading to relieve the monotony,
other perks of the job include doing Sudoku puzzles, observing the wildlife and daydreaming. He does, however, need to get
out of the comfort of his chair occasionally to scare the partridges off the fields. And although the work is far from lucrative,
some of Jamie’s friends, including those with more generously paid jobs, are reportedly envious of his position and the fact
that he spends the best part of the day doing largely as he pleases.
His employer, farmer William Youngs, claims that he was forced to take someone on as a human scarecrow after the
partridges didn’t respond to more traditional methods of frightening them away. Since losing thirty acres worth of crops to the
birds at a cost of thousands of pounds, Youngs has tried a variety of approaches to protect his livelihood. Now, however, he is
happy with the solution and claims that Jamie’s presence in the fields is proving very effective and making a real difference.
Question 32: Jamie Fox is happy with his job because......
A. he has plenty of free time during the day.
B. he uses his educational background.
C. he thinks it is better than being out of work.
D. he never gets bored.
Question 33: Jamie Fox’s plans include......
A. joining a band.
B. earning more money.
C. becoming a farmer.
D. travelling abroad.
Question 34: Mr Youngs decided to employ Jamie because......
A. he lost lots of crops previously.
B. he considered Jamie a good worker.
C. he can pay him a low wage.
D. he wants to help with the problem of unemployment
Question 35: Jamie’s friends are envious because of......
A. the fact he enjoys what he is doing.
B. the money he earns.
C. the nature of his work.

D. the hours he works.
Question 36: Which word is the synomym with “lucrative”?
A. lubricious
B. profitable
C. successful
D. glistening
Question 37: The phrase “up to the job” is closest in meaning to......
A. over-consuming
B. good enough to do the job
C. unable to fulfill it
D. unsuitable for the job
Question 38: What is true about Jamie’s job?
A. He makes a lot of noise.
B. He doesn’t need to move.
C. He gets uncomfortable.D. He has replaced another person.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 39: Everyone is hoping and praying that......peace will eventually come to the area.
A. durable
B. lasting
C. ongoing
D. irrevocable
Question 40: Helen’s parents were very pleased when they read her school.......
A. report
B. account
C. diploma
D. papers
Question 41: Even though I didn’t want my son to leave home, since he was twenty-one there was nothing I could do
A. cease
B. prevent

C. resist
D. hinder
Question 42: The.......are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.
A. odds
B. bets
C. prospects
D. chances

Question 43: He’s very......about his private life. He’s got no secrets.
A. sincere
B. trustworthy
C. direct
D. open
Question 44: Before you begin the exam paper, always read the......carefully.
A. orders
B. rules
C. instructions
D. answers
Question 45: I’m becoming increasingly....... Last week I locked myself out of the house twice.
A. oblivious
B. forgetful
C. mindless
D. absent
Question 46: Even though they don’t agree with what’s happening, they’re too.......to protest.
A. quiet
B. subdued
C. outgoing
D. apathetic
Question 47: My car is very......; it’s never broken down.

A. inedible
B. unreliable
C. edible
D. reliable
Question 48: Which of the following describes a country’s armed force that operates at sea?
A. civilians
B. navy
C. army
D. air force
Question 49: She's not very....... She’s never quite sure what she wants to do.
A. active
B. lively
C. decisive
D. energetic
Question 50: Don’t be........ . Say thank you.
A. tactless
B. crude
C. rude
D. nasty
The End

(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2017- 2018
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
Question 1: We had prepared everything carefully for the party. Few guests came.
A. However few guests came, we had prepared everything for the party carefully.
B. In spite of having prepared everything for the party carefully, few guests came.
C. Although everything for party prepared carefully, few guests came.
D. Despite our careful preparation for the party, few guests came.
Question 2: She could dress herself when she was 3. She remembers this.
A. She remembers having herself dressed when she was 3.
B. She remembers being able to dress herself when she was 3.
C. She remembers having dressed herself when she was 3.
D. She remembers to dress for herself at 3.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 3:A. scout
B. trout
C. found
D. fought
Question 4:A. tune
B. prune
C. fortune
D. brunette
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 5: It is vital that parents know when to punish their children and when they should reward them.
A. and
B. they should
C. It is
D. their
Question 6: However your profession is, you should read regularly to keep pace at least with the developments in your

own field.
A. However
B. in
C. regularly
D. keep pace
Question 7: All the blood in the body passes through the heart at least twice the minute.
A. passes through
B. All the blood
C. the minute
D. at least
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 8: Smoking is a causative factor in the development of several serious diseases, including lung cancer.
A. cause
B. source
C. reason
D. origin
Question 9: The issue of pay rise will loom large at the year-end conference.
A. be raised suddenly
B. cause worry
C. become important
D. be discussed
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 10: Public opinion is currently running against the banking industry.
A. kick out
B. look up to
C. stand up for
D. poke fun at
Question 11: She can't accept even mild criticism of her work.

A. deep
B. high
C. soft
D. severe
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following
Question 12: ~ A: “Don’t get a black cat - they bring bad luck!” ~ B: “......................”
A. No, it can jump over this fence.
B. That’s a load of rubbish!
C. Don’t be serious. It’s just for fun.
D. Yes, I bought it at the bazaar.
Question 13: ~ A: “.................” ~ B: “Is there something on your mind?”
A. Why don’t you think more rationally?
B. I feel like going out for a while.
C. I’ve been out strolling all day.
D. I’ve been feeling a bit anxious lately.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 14 to 19.
In far too many places in England today, the agreeable habit of taking afternoon tea has vanished. 'Such a shocking waste
of time,' says one. 'Quite unnecessary, if one has had lunch or ...(14)... to eat in the evening,' says another.
All very true, ...(15)... but what a lot of innocent pleasure these strong-minded people are missing! The very ritual of teamaking, warming the pot, making sure that the water is just boiling, inhaling the fragrant steam, arranging the tea-cosy to fit
snugly around the container, all the preliminaries ...(16)... up to the exquisite pleasure of ...(17)... the brew from thin
porcelain, and helping oneself to hot buttered scones and strawberry jam, a slice of feather-light sponge cake or home-made
Taking tea is a highly civilized pastime, and fortunately is still in favour in Thrush Green, where the inhabitants have got it
down to a ...(18)... art. It is common ...(19)... in that pleasant village to invite friends to tea rather than lunch or dinner.
Question 14:A. designs
B. views
C. minds

D. proposes
Question 15:A. no wonder B. no matter
C. no doubt
D. no way

Question 16:A. draw
B. come
C. run
D. lead
Question 17:A. sipping
B. quenching
C. nibbling
D. munching
Question 18:A. pure
B. sheer
C. fine
D. rare
Question 19:A. habit
B. procedure
C. custom
D. practice
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 20: Don’t disturb me unless it is something urgent.
A. I will only bother you if there is some sort of emergency.
B. When you need something fast, you can call on me.
C. Unless something terrible happens, please leave me alone.
D. You can only interrupt me if it is some sort of emergency.
Question 21: Much to our astonishment, he soon proved himself to be a very talented organiser.

A. The astonishing thing was that such a talented man should take on the organisation.
B. It wasn’t long before his administrative gifts became apparent, which surprised us greatly.
C. The speed with which he developed his administrative potential didn’t surprise us all.
D. His organising abilities were surprisingly enough not recognised until too late.
Question 22: Everyone at the factory was worried about the possibility of losing their job.
A. All of the factory employees realized that they would soon lose their jobs.
B. All those at the factory wondered how they might be able to keep their jobs.
C. The chance that they might lose their jobs troubled all those at the factory.
D. Few of those working at the factory felt that their jobs were secure.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 23 to 29.
Being told to bring a deckchair and a good book for the first day in a new job might not be the kind of
advice you’d expect to receive from your new boss, but that’s exactly the advice Jamie Fox was given
when he took up a post to help out a local farmer.
Fox, twenty-two, a music graduate from Bangor University, uses a range of musical instruments to scare off partridges that
have been destroying crops because ordinary scarecrows don’t quite seem up to the job. Despite working from 7.30 a.m. to
4.00 p.m. for a minimum wage, Fox, who is saving up to finance a trip to New Zealand, is quite content with his unique
position. Indeed, he’d much rather be out in the open air reading and playing instruments, he says, and time passes much
quicker than sitting at home doing nothing and claiming unemployment benefit.
Fox can do anything he likes to pass the time. As well as playing musical instruments and reading to relieve the monotony,
other perks of the job include doing Sudoku puzzles, observing the wildlife and daydreaming. He does, however, need to get
out of the comfort of his chair occasionally to scare the partridges off the fields. And although the work is far from lucrative,
some of Jamie’s friends, including those with more generously paid jobs, are reportedly envious of his position and the fact
that he spends the best part of the day doing largely as he pleases.
His employer, farmer William Youngs, claims that he was forced to take someone on as a human scarecrow after the
partridges didn’t respond to more traditional methods of frightening them away. Since losing thirty acres worth of crops to the
birds at a cost of thousands of pounds, Youngs has tried a variety of approaches to protect his livelihood. Now, however, he is
happy with the solution and claims that Jamie’s presence in the fields is proving very effective and making a real difference.
Question 23: Jamie Fox is happy with his job because......

A. he never gets bored.
B. he has plenty of free time during the day.
C. he thinks it is better than being out of work.
D. he uses his educational background.
Question 24: The phrase “up to the job” is closest in meaning to......
A. good enough to do the job
B. unsuitable for the job
C. unable to fulfill it
D. over-consuming
Question 25: Which word is the synomym with “lucrative”?
A. successful
B. glistening
C. profitable
D. lubricious
Question 26: What is true about Jamie’s job?
A. He gets uncomfortable.
B. He doesn’t need to move.
C. He has replaced another person.
D. He makes a lot of noise.
Question 27: Jamie Fox’s plans include......
A. earning more money. B. travelling abroad.
C. joining a band.
D. becoming a farmer.
Question 28: Mr Youngs decided to employ Jamie because......
A. he wants to help with the problem of unemployment B. he considered Jamie a good worker.
C. he lost lots of crops previously.
D. he can pay him a low wage.
Question 29: Jamie’s friends are envious because of......
A. the money he earns.
B. the fact he enjoys what he is doing.

C. the nature of his work.
D. the hours he works.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 30: Which of the following describes a country’s armed force that operates at sea?
A. army
B. civilians
C. air force
D. navy

Question 31: Before you begin the exam paper, always read the......carefully.
A. rules
B. answers
C. instructions
D. orders
Question 32: Helen’s parents were very pleased when they read her school.......
A. diploma
B. report
C. papers
D. account
Question 33: My car is very......; it’s never broken down.
A. unreliable
B. inedible
C. reliable
D. edible
Question 34: Everyone is hoping and praying that......peace will eventually come to the area.
A. durable
B. lasting
C. ongoing
D. irrevocable

Question 35: He’s very......about his private life. He’s got no secrets.
A. direct
B. sincere
C. open
D. trustworthy
Question 36: Don’t be........ . Say thank you.
A. tactless
B. crude
C. nasty
D. rude
Question 37: The.......are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.
A. chances
B. odds
C. prospects
D. bets
Question 38: She's not very....... She’s never quite sure what she wants to do.
A. active
B. decisive
C. lively
D. energetic
Question 39: Even though they don’t agree with what’s happening, they’re too.......to protest.
A. apathetic
B. quiet
C. subdued
D. outgoing
Question 40: I’m becoming increasingly....... Last week I locked myself out of the house twice.
A. absent
B. mindless
C. forgetful
D. oblivious

Question 41: Even though I didn’t want my son to leave home, since he was twenty-one there was nothing I could do
A. resist
B. hinder
C. prevent
D. cease
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 42 to 48.
Entrepreneurial schoolboy Tommie Rose, made £14,000 towards his university fees by selling sweets from a 'black market'
tuck shop at his school. Tommie, fifteen, bought chocolate, crisps and fizzy drinks in bulk from discount stores and sold them
to fellow pupils at a competitive mark-up. For three years, he saved his £60 to £70 daily earnings towards the £9,000-a-year
tuition fees for university, and has his eye on studying business at Oxford or Cambridge.
However, teachers at Buile Hill High School in Salford, Greater Manchester, threatened to suspend the teenager from school
if he didn't shut down the unofficial tuck shop. Tommie, who lives in Salford, was suspended from his previous school for
ten days for running a similar business, which he said was inspired by television shows such as Dragons' Den and The
His parents, Gary, thirty-three, an office worker, and Tracy, also thirty-three, a gym manager, said they would struggle to
support their son through university on their own. 'He's a typical teenage boy who saw what he wanted and worked hard for
it,' said Mr Rose. 'He realised that if you want to get ahead in business and in life, you have to start at a young age. I could
only dream of making that sort of money at his age.'
James Inman, the head teacher at Buile Hill School, said, 'We admire this pupil's entrepreneurship, but school is not the
place to set up a black market for junk food. We have extremely high standards and with our healthy-eating policy, we do not
allow fizzy drinks or large amounts of sweets.'
Faced with the threat of suspension, Tommie has decided to close his tuck shop business for now and donate the remaining
snacks and drinks to the homeless in Manchester. However, aware of the advantages of working as he studies, Tommie plans
to continue earning money and gaining valuable experience. The young entrepreneur is meeting his head teacher with a
business plan for a healthy tuck shop, and has found himself back in the news again as he attempts to sell a signed bottle of a
well-known energy drink online to the highest bidder. He also has plans for a new business involving T-shirts and has been
offered work experience at a recruitment firm in Manchester. Tommie said, 'I have had a few other job offers since the story
appeared in the media. I just love the world of business.'

Question 42: The word “recruitment” is synonymous with.....
A. assembling service
B. recovering business
C. new employment
D. finding new members
Question 43: Buile Hill School's reaction has prompted Tommie to......
A. redesign his tuck shop business.
B. give up his attempts to make money.
C. leave school to experience working for a local business. D. start an Internet-based business selling snacks.
Question 44: Buile Hill School objects to Tommie's business because......
A. they believe Tommie is too young to run a business.
B. he has already been suspended from another school for running a similar business there.
C. he is competing with the school's own official tuck shop.
D. they are concerned about the effect of the products Tommie sells on other students.
Question 45: According to the passage, the writer emphasises.....
A. the negative impacts of working while still studying at school.
B. why earning independently is important for young people.
C. how young people can benefit from working while still at school.
D. how young people's attitudes to work have changed.

Question 46: Tommie set up his business......
A. so that he would be accepted at Oxford or Cambridge universities.
B. so that he would be able to afford the fees at a top university.
C. to prove what a good businessman he is.
D. because his school didn't provide a quality service.
Question 47: Tommie's father......
A. feels that Tommie has learned an important lesson early in his life.
B. says Tommie has always dreamed of making money.
C. admits that Tommie is not a regular teenager.

D. finds it difficult to support his son's actions.
Question 48: The phrase “suspended from school” is closest in meaning to.....
A. temporarily not allowed to go to school
B. banned from schools
C. prevented from schooling
D. ejected from sschool for ever
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 49:A. mechanic
B. metallic
C. melancholy
D. medieval
Question 50:A. fluorescence B. fundamental
C. cauliflower
D. fought
The End

(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2017- 2018
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1:A. medieval
B. metallic

C. mechanic
D. melancholy
Question 2:A. cauliflower B. fundamental
C. fought
D. fluorescence
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 3: The issue of pay rise will loom large at the year-end conference.
A. be discussed
B. cause worry
C. be raised suddenly
D. become important
Question 4: Smoking is a causative factor in the development of several serious diseases, including lung cancer.
A. source
B. origin
C. reason
D. cause
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 5: Much to our astonishment, he soon proved himself to be a very talented organiser.
A. The astonishing thing was that such a talented man should take on the organisation.
B. It wasn’t long before his administrative gifts became apparent, which surprised us greatly.
C. His organising abilities were surprisingly enough not recognised until too late.
D. The speed with which he developed his administrative potential didn’t surprise us all.
Question 6: Everyone at the factory was worried about the possibility of losing their job.
A. All those at the factory wondered how they might be able to keep their jobs.
B. All of the factory employees realized that they would soon lose their jobs.
C. The chance that they might lose their jobs troubled all those at the factory.
D. Few of those working at the factory felt that their jobs were secure.
Question 7: Don’t disturb me unless it is something urgent.

A. I will only bother you if there is some sort of emergency.
B. You can only interrupt me if it is some sort of emergency.
C. When you need something fast, you can call on me.
D. Unless something terrible happens, please leave me alone.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 08 to 13.
In far too many places in England today, the agreeable habit of taking afternoon tea has vanished. 'Such a shocking waste
of time,' says one. 'Quite unnecessary, if one has had lunch or ...(8)... to eat in the evening,' says another.
All very true, ...(9)... but what a lot of innocent pleasure these strong-minded people are missing! The very ritual of teamaking, warming the pot, making sure that the water is just boiling, inhaling the fragrant steam, arranging the tea-cosy to fit
snugly around the container, all the preliminaries ...(10)... up to the exquisite pleasure of ...(11)... the brew from thin
porcelain, and helping oneself to hot buttered scones and strawberry jam, a slice of feather-light sponge cake or home-made
Taking tea is a highly civilized pastime, and fortunately is still in favour in Thrush Green, where the inhabitants have got it
down to a ...(12)... art. It is common ...(13)... in that pleasant village to invite friends to tea rather than lunch or dinner.
Question 8:A. designs
B. proposes
C. minds
D. views
Question 9:A. no way
B. no doubt
C. no matter
D. no wonder
Question 10:A. run
B. draw
C. come
D. lead
Question 11:A. sipping
B. munching
C. quenching

D. nibbling
Question 12:A. fine
B. pure
C. sheer
D. rare
Question 13:A. procedure B. practice
C. habit
D. custom
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 14 to 20.
Being told to bring a deckchair and a good book for the first day in a new job might not be the kind of
advice you’d expect to receive from your new boss, but that’s exactly the advice Jamie Fox was given
when he took up a post to help out a local farmer.
Fox, twenty-two, a music graduate from Bangor University, uses a range of musical instruments to scare off partridges that
have been destroying crops because ordinary scarecrows don’t quite seem up to the job. Despite working from 7.30 a.m. to
4.00 p.m. for a minimum wage, Fox, who is saving up to finance a trip to New Zealand, is quite content with his unique
position. Indeed, he’d much rather be out in the open air reading and playing instruments, he says, and time passes much
quicker than sitting at home doing nothing and claiming unemployment benefit.
Fox can do anything he likes to pass the time. As well as playing musical instruments and reading to relieve the monotony,
other perks of the job include doing Sudoku puzzles, observing the wildlife and daydreaming. He does, however, need to get
out of the comfort of his chair occasionally to scare the partridges off the fields. And although the work is far from lucrative,

some of Jamie’s friends, including those with more generously paid jobs, are reportedly envious of his position and the fact
that he spends the best part of the day doing largely as he pleases.
His employer, farmer William Youngs, claims that he was forced to take someone on as a human scarecrow after the
partridges didn’t respond to more traditional methods of frightening them away. Since losing thirty acres worth of crops to the
birds at a cost of thousands of pounds, Youngs has tried a variety of approaches to protect his livelihood. Now, however, he is
happy with the solution and claims that Jamie’s presence in the fields is proving very effective and making a real difference.

Question 14: Jamie’s friends are envious because of......
A. the money he earns.
B. the fact he enjoys what he is doing.
C. the hours he works.
D. the nature of his work.
Question 15: What is true about Jamie’s job?
A. He gets uncomfortable.
B. He doesn’t need to move.
C. He makes a lot of noise.
D. He has replaced another person.
Question 16: Jamie Fox’s plans include......
A. earning more money. B. joining a band.
C. becoming a farmer.
D. travelling abroad.
Question 17: The phrase “up to the job” is closest in meaning to......
A. over-consuming
B. good enough to do the job
C. unable to fulfill it
D. unsuitable for the job
Question 18: Mr Youngs decided to employ Jamie because......
A. he lost lots of crops previously.
B. he wants to help with the problem of unemployment
C. he considered Jamie a good worker.
D. he can pay him a low wage.
Question 19: Which word is the synomym with “lucrative”?
A. successful
B. profitable
C. lubricious
D. glistening
Question 20: Jamie Fox is happy with his job because......

A. he thinks it is better than being out of work.
B. he never gets bored.
C. he uses his educational background.
D. he has plenty of free time during the day.
VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the
following exchanges.
Question 21: ~ A: “.................” ~ B: “Is there something on your mind?”
A. I’ve been out strolling all day.
B. I’ve been feeling a bit anxious lately.
C. Why don’t you think more rationally?
D. I feel like going out for a while.
Question 22: ~ A: “Don’t get a black cat - they bring bad luck!” ~ B: “......................”
A. Yes, I bought it at the bazaar.
B. That’s a load of rubbish!
C. No, it can jump over this fence.
D. Don’t be serious. It’s just for fun.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 23:A. fought
B. found
C. trout
D. scout
Question 24:A. tune
B. prune
C. brunette
D. fortune
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 25: Public opinion is currently running against the banking industry.
A. kick out

B. look up to
C. stand up for
D. poke fun at
Question 26: She can't accept even mild criticism of her work.
A. deep
B. severe
C. high
D. soft
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 27 to 33.
Entrepreneurial schoolboy Tommie Rose, made £14,000 towards his university fees by selling sweets from a 'black market'
tuck shop at his school. Tommie, fifteen, bought chocolate, crisps and fizzy drinks in bulk from discount stores and sold them
to fellow pupils at a competitive mark-up. For three years, he saved his £60 to £70 daily earnings towards the £9,000-a-year
tuition fees for university, and has his eye on studying business at Oxford or Cambridge.
However, teachers at Buile Hill High School in Salford, Greater Manchester, threatened to suspend the teenager from school
if he didn't shut down the unofficial tuck shop. Tommie, who lives in Salford, was suspended from his previous school for
ten days for running a similar business, which he said was inspired by television shows such as Dragons' Den and The
His parents, Gary, thirty-three, an office worker, and Tracy, also thirty-three, a gym manager, said they would struggle to
support their son through university on their own. 'He's a typical teenage boy who saw what he wanted and worked hard for
it,' said Mr Rose. 'He realised that if you want to get ahead in business and in life, you have to start at a young age. I could
only dream of making that sort of money at his age.'
James Inman, the head teacher at Buile Hill School, said, 'We admire this pupil's entrepreneurship, but school is not the
place to set up a black market for junk food. We have extremely high standards and with our healthy-eating policy, we do not
allow fizzy drinks or large amounts of sweets.'
Faced with the threat of suspension, Tommie has decided to close his tuck shop business for now and donate the remaining
snacks and drinks to the homeless in Manchester. However, aware of the advantages of working as he studies, Tommie plans
to continue earning money and gaining valuable experience. The young entrepreneur is meeting his head teacher with a

business plan for a healthy tuck shop, and has found himself back in the news again as he attempts to sell a signed bottle of a
well-known energy drink online to the highest bidder. He also has plans for a new business involving T-shirts and has been
offered work experience at a recruitment firm in Manchester. Tommie said, 'I have had a few other job offers since the story
appeared in the media. I just love the world of business.'
Question 27: Tommie set up his business......
A. because his school didn't provide a quality service.
B. to prove what a good businessman he is.
C. so that he would be able to afford the fees at a top university.
D. so that he would be accepted at Oxford or Cambridge universities.
Question 28: Tommie's father......
A. says Tommie has always dreamed of making money.
B. finds it difficult to support his son's actions.
C. feels that Tommie has learned an important lesson early in his life.
D. admits that Tommie is not a regular teenager.
Question 29: Buile Hill School objects to Tommie's business because......
A. he has already been suspended from another school for running a similar business there.
B. he is competing with the school's own official tuck shop.
C. they are concerned about the effect of the products Tommie sells on other students.
D. they believe Tommie is too young to run a business.
Question 30: According to the passage, the writer emphasises.....
A. why earning independently is important for young people.
B. how young people's attitudes to work have changed.
C. the negative impacts of working while still studying at school.
D. how young people can benefit from working while still at school.
Question 31: Buile Hill School's reaction has prompted Tommie to......
A. leave school to experience working for a local business. B. start an Internet-based business selling snacks.
C. give up his attempts to make money.
D. redesign his tuck shop business.
Question 32: The phrase “suspended from school” is closest in meaning to.....
A. prevented from schooling

B. temporarily not allowed to go to school
C. ejected from sschool for ever
D. banned from schools
Question 33: The word “recruitment” is synonymous with.....
A. recovering business B. assembling service
C. new employment
D. finding new members
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 34: I’m becoming increasingly....... Last week I locked myself out of the house twice.
A. mindless
B. oblivious
C. forgetful
D. absent
Question 35: Even though I didn’t want my son to leave home, since he was twenty-one there was nothing I could do
A. prevent
B. cease
C. hinder
D. resist
Question 36: Helen’s parents were very pleased when they read her school.......
A. papers
B. report
C. account
D. diploma
Question 37: My car is very......; it’s never broken down.
A. inedible
B. edible
C. reliable
D. unreliable
Question 38: Which of the following describes a country’s armed force that operates at sea?

A. army
B. navy
C. civilians
D. air force
Question 39: The.......are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.
A. bets
B. prospects
C. odds
D. chances
Question 40: She's not very....... She’s never quite sure what she wants to do.
A. decisive
B. lively
C. active
D. energetic
Question 41: Before you begin the exam paper, always read the......carefully.
A. rules
B. answers
C. instructions
D. orders
Question 42: Even though they don’t agree with what’s happening, they’re too.......to protest.
A. apathetic
B. outgoing
C. quiet
D. subdued
Question 43: He’s very......about his private life. He’s got no secrets.
A. open
B. sincere
C. trustworthy
D. direct
Question 44: Don’t be........ . Say thank you.

A. crude
B. rude
C. nasty
D. tactless
Question 45: Everyone is hoping and praying that......peace will eventually come to the area.
A. durable
B. irrevocable
C. ongoing
D. lasting
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 46: All the blood in the body passes through the heart at least twice the minute.
A. the minute
B. All the blood
C. passes through
D. at least
Question 47: It is vital that parents know when to punish their children and when they should reward them.

A. It is
B. and
C. they should
D. their
Question 48: However your profession is, you should read regularly to keep pace at least with the developments in your
own field.
A. keep pace
B. in
C. However
D. regularly
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in

the following questions.
Question 49: She could dress herself when she was 3. She remembers this.
A. She remembers having herself dressed when she was 3.
B. She remembers to dress for herself at 3.
C. She remembers being able to dress herself when she was 3.
D. She remembers having dressed herself when she was 3.
Question 50: We had prepared everything carefully for the party. Few guests came.
A. Despite our careful preparation for the party, few guests came.
B. In spite of having prepared everything for the party carefully, few guests came.
C. However few guests came, we had prepared everything for the party carefully.
D. Although everything for party prepared carefully, few guests came.
The End

(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2017- 2018
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 01 to 07.
Being told to bring a deckchair and a good book for the first day in a new job might not be the kind of
advice you’d expect to receive from your new boss, but that’s exactly the advice Jamie Fox was given
when he took up a post to help out a local farmer.
Fox, twenty-two, a music graduate from Bangor University, uses a range of musical instruments to scare off partridges that
have been destroying crops because ordinary scarecrows don’t quite seem up to the job. Despite working from 7.30 a.m. to

4.00 p.m. for a minimum wage, Fox, who is saving up to finance a trip to New Zealand, is quite content with his unique
position. Indeed, he’d much rather be out in the open air reading and playing instruments, he says, and time passes much
quicker than sitting at home doing nothing and claiming unemployment benefit.
Fox can do anything he likes to pass the time. As well as playing musical instruments and reading to relieve the monotony,
other perks of the job include doing Sudoku puzzles, observing the wildlife and daydreaming. He does, however, need to get
out of the comfort of his chair occasionally to scare the partridges off the fields. And although the work is far from lucrative,
some of Jamie’s friends, including those with more generously paid jobs, are reportedly envious of his position and the fact
that he spends the best part of the day doing largely as he pleases.
His employer, farmer William Youngs, claims that he was forced to take someone on as a human scarecrow after the
partridges didn’t respond to more traditional methods of frightening them away. Since losing thirty acres worth of crops to the
birds at a cost of thousands of pounds, Youngs has tried a variety of approaches to protect his livelihood. Now, however, he is
happy with the solution and claims that Jamie’s presence in the fields is proving very effective and making a real difference.
Question 1: Jamie Fox’s plans include......
A. earning more money. B. becoming a farmer.
C. travelling abroad.
D. joining a band.
Question 2: Which word is the synomym with “lucrative”?
A. glistening
B. lubricious
C. successful
D. profitable
Question 3: Mr Youngs decided to employ Jamie because......
A. he can pay him a low wage.
B. he wants to help with the problem of unemployment
C. he considered Jamie a good worker.
D. he lost lots of crops previously.
Question 4: Jamie’s friends are envious because of......
A. the hours he works.
B. the nature of his work.
C. the money he earns. D. the fact he enjoys what he is doing.

Question 5: Jamie Fox is happy with his job because......
A. he uses his educational background.
B. he has plenty of free time during the day.
C. he thinks it is better than being out of work.
D. he never gets bored.
Question 6: What is true about Jamie’s job?
A. He gets uncomfortable.
B. He has replaced another person.
C. He doesn’t need to move.
D. He makes a lot of noise.
Question 7: The phrase “up to the job” is closest in meaning to......
A. unsuitable for the job
B. unable to fulfill it
C. over-consuming
D. good enough to do the job
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
Question 8: We had prepared everything carefully for the party. Few guests came.
A. In spite of having prepared everything for the party carefully, few guests came.
B. Despite our careful preparation for the party, few guests came.
C. However few guests came, we had prepared everything for the party carefully.
D. Although everything for party prepared carefully, few guests came.
Question 9: She could dress herself when she was 3. She remembers this.
A. She remembers having dressed herself when she was 3.
B. She remembers being able to dress herself when she was 3.
C. She remembers to dress for herself at 3.
D. She remembers having herself dressed when she was 3.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 10: He’s very......about his private life. He’s got no secrets.
A. open

B. trustworthy
C. direct
D. sincere
Question 11: She's not very....... She’s never quite sure what she wants to do.
A. lively
B. active
C. energetic
D. decisive
Question 12: Before you begin the exam paper, always read the......carefully.
A. instructions
B. rules
C. orders
D. answers
Question 13: I’m becoming increasingly....... Last week I locked myself out of the house twice.

A. forgetful
B. oblivious
C. absent
D. mindless
Question 14: The.......are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.
A. odds
B. chances
C. bets
D. prospects
Question 15: Everyone is hoping and praying that......peace will eventually come to the area.
A. irrevocable
B. durable
C. lasting
D. ongoing

Question 16: Even though I didn’t want my son to leave home, since he was twenty-one there was nothing I could do
A. resist
B. hinder
C. prevent
D. cease
Question 17: Even though they don’t agree with what’s happening, they’re too.......to protest.
A. outgoing
B. quiet
C. apathetic
D. subdued
Question 18: My car is very......; it’s never broken down.
A. inedible
B. unreliable
C. edible
D. reliable
Question 19: Which of the following describes a country’s armed force that operates at sea?
A. civilians
B. navy
C. air force
D. army
Question 20: Helen’s parents were very pleased when they read her school.......
A. diploma
B. papers
C. account
D. report
Question 21: Don’t be........ . Say thank you.
A. tactless
B. nasty
C. crude

D. rude
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22: Smoking is a causative factor in the development of several serious diseases, including lung cancer.
A. source
B. cause
C. reason
D. origin
Question 23: The issue of pay rise will loom large at the year-end conference.
A. be raised suddenly
B. become important
C. cause worry
D. be discussed
V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following
Question 24: ~ A: “Don’t get a black cat - they bring bad luck!” ~ B: “......................”
A. That’s a load of rubbish!
B. Don’t be serious. It’s just for fun.
C. Yes, I bought it at the bazaar.
D. No, it can jump over this fence.
Question 25: ~ A: “.................” ~ B: “Is there something on your mind?”
A. I feel like going out for a while.
B. I’ve been out strolling all day.
C. I’ve been feeling a bit anxious lately.
D. Why don’t you think more rationally?
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 26:A. fought
B. found
C. scout

D. trout
Question 27:A. tune
B. brunette
C. fortune
D. prune
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 28 to 33.
In far too many places in England today, the agreeable habit of taking afternoon tea has vanished. 'Such a shocking waste
of time,' says one. 'Quite unnecessary, if one has had lunch or ...(28)... to eat in the evening,' says another.
All very true, ...(29)... but what a lot of innocent pleasure these strong-minded people are missing! The very ritual of teamaking, warming the pot, making sure that the water is just boiling, inhaling the fragrant steam, arranging the tea-cosy to fit
snugly around the container, all the preliminaries ...(30)... up to the exquisite pleasure of ...(31)... the brew from thin
porcelain, and helping oneself to hot buttered scones and strawberry jam, a slice of feather-light sponge cake or home-made
Taking tea is a highly civilized pastime, and fortunately is still in favour in Thrush Green, where the inhabitants have got it
down to a ...(32)... art. It is common ...(33)... in that pleasant village to invite friends to tea rather than lunch or dinner.
Question 28:A. minds
B. proposes
C. views
D. designs
Question 29:A. no doubt B. no wonder
C. no way
D. no matter
Question 30:A. come
B. lead
C. draw
D. run
Question 31:A. munching B. nibbling
C. quenching
D. sipping

Question 32:A. fine
B. sheer
C. rare
D. pure
Question 33:A. custom
B. procedure
C. habit
D. practice
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 34: Don’t disturb me unless it is something urgent.
A. When you need something fast, you can call on me.
B. I will only bother you if there is some sort of emergency.
C. You can only interrupt me if it is some sort of emergency.
D. Unless something terrible happens, please leave me alone.
Question 35: Much to our astonishment, he soon proved himself to be a very talented organiser.
A. His organising abilities were surprisingly enough not recognised until too late.

B. The speed with which he developed his administrative potential didn’t surprise us all.
C. It wasn’t long before his administrative gifts became apparent, which surprised us greatly.
D. The astonishing thing was that such a talented man should take on the organisation.
Question 36: Everyone at the factory was worried about the possibility of losing their job.
A. Few of those working at the factory felt that their jobs were secure.
B. All those at the factory wondered how they might be able to keep their jobs.
C. The chance that they might lose their jobs troubled all those at the factory.
D. All of the factory employees realized that they would soon lose their jobs.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 37:A. medieval B. melancholy

C. mechanic
D. metallic
Question 38:A. fought
B. fundamental
C. cauliflower
D. fluorescence
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 39: She can't accept even mild criticism of her work.
A. soft
B. severe
C. deep
D. high
Question 40: Public opinion is currently running against the banking industry.
A. look up to
B. stand up for
C. kick out
D. poke fun at
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 41 to 47.
Entrepreneurial schoolboy Tommie Rose, made £14,000 towards his university fees by selling sweets from a 'black market'
tuck shop at his school. Tommie, fifteen, bought chocolate, crisps and fizzy drinks in bulk from discount stores and sold them
to fellow pupils at a competitive mark-up. For three years, he saved his £60 to £70 daily earnings towards the £9,000-a-year
tuition fees for university, and has his eye on studying business at Oxford or Cambridge.
However, teachers at Buile Hill High School in Salford, Greater Manchester, threatened to suspend the teenager from school
if he didn't shut down the unofficial tuck shop. Tommie, who lives in Salford, was suspended from his previous school for
ten days for running a similar business, which he said was inspired by television shows such as Dragons' Den and The
His parents, Gary, thirty-three, an office worker, and Tracy, also thirty-three, a gym manager, said they would struggle to
support their son through university on their own. 'He's a typical teenage boy who saw what he wanted and worked hard for

it,' said Mr Rose. 'He realised that if you want to get ahead in business and in life, you have to start at a young age. I could
only dream of making that sort of money at his age.'
James Inman, the head teacher at Buile Hill School, said, 'We admire this pupil's entrepreneurship, but school is not the
place to set up a black market for junk food. We have extremely high standards and with our healthy-eating policy, we do not
allow fizzy drinks or large amounts of sweets.'
Faced with the threat of suspension, Tommie has decided to close his tuck shop business for now and donate the remaining
snacks and drinks to the homeless in Manchester. However, aware of the advantages of working as he studies, Tommie plans
to continue earning money and gaining valuable experience. The young entrepreneur is meeting his head teacher with a
business plan for a healthy tuck shop, and has found himself back in the news again as he attempts to sell a signed bottle of a
well-known energy drink online to the highest bidder. He also has plans for a new business involving T-shirts and has been
offered work experience at a recruitment firm in Manchester. Tommie said, 'I have had a few other job offers since the story
appeared in the media. I just love the world of business.'
Question 41: Tommie set up his business......
A. so that he would be able to afford the fees at a top university.
B. because his school didn't provide a quality service.
C. so that he would be accepted at Oxford or Cambridge universities.
D. to prove what a good businessman he is.
Question 42: The phrase “suspended from school” is closest in meaning to.....
A. temporarily not allowed to go to school
B. ejected from sschool for ever
C. banned from schools
D. prevented from schooling
Question 43: According to the passage, the writer emphasises.....
A. why earning independently is important for young people.
B. how young people's attitudes to work have changed.
C. how young people can benefit from working while still at school.
D. the negative impacts of working while still studying at school.
Question 44: The word “recruitment” is synonymous with.....
A. finding new members B. new employment
C. assembling service

D. recovering business
Question 45: Buile Hill School objects to Tommie's business because......
A. he has already been suspended from another school for running a similar business there.
B. he is competing with the school's own official tuck shop.
C. they believe Tommie is too young to run a business.
D. they are concerned about the effect of the products Tommie sells on other students.
Question 46: Tommie's father......

A. finds it difficult to support his son's actions.
B. says Tommie has always dreamed of making money.
C. admits that Tommie is not a regular teenager.
D. feels that Tommie has learned an important lesson early in his life.
Question 47: Buile Hill School's reaction has prompted Tommie to......
A. start an Internet-based business selling snacks.
B. redesign his tuck shop business.
C. leave school to experience working for a local business. D. give up his attempts to make money.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 48: However your profession is, you should read regularly to keep pace at least with the developments in your
own field.
A. in
B. However
C. regularly
D. keep pace
Question 49: All the blood in the body passes through the heart at least twice the minute.
A. the minute
B. passes through
C. at least
D. All the blood

Question 50: It is vital that parents know when to punish their children and when they should reward them.
A. and
B. their
C. It is
D. they should
The End

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