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bài tập tiếng Anh 6 Unit 6

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Unit 6 – PLACES
I. Em hay dung cau true
there is va there are de viet
hoan c cau dirdi day.
Vi du :
hotel / near /
Tarn's house
There is a
hotel near
Tarn's house.
1. flowers / behind / my house
2. police station / front / drugstore
3. well / right / brother's house
4. river / next / rice paddy
5. two photocopy stores / near /
6. hospital / between / museum /
7. many trees / on / our street
8. mountain / opposite / uncle's
9. two temples / in / our

10. movie theatre / left /
III. Em hay doc doan van sau. Dira theo
npi dung trong bai viet T (True) cho m6i
cau dung, F (False) cho moi cau sai. Neu
cau khong co thong tin trong bai danh

dau (?). p/J^
Hello. My name is Viet. I'm seventeen
years old and I'm in grade 11.1 live with my
parents and my sister in the city center. My
house is on Hang Bac Street. Near my house,
there is a small park. Next to the park, there
is a lake. There is a bookstore opposite my
house. To the left of the bookstore, there is a
photocopy store and there is a drugstore to
the right of it. On our street, there is also a
bakery, a restaurant, a small temple, a movie
theatre and a toystore. The restaurant is
between the bakery and the toystore.
1. Viet is eleven years old.

2. Viet's sister is in grade six.
3. There are four people in his house.
4. The lake is in the park.
5. There is a big park near Viet's
6. The bookstore is between the
photocopy store and the drugstore.
7. The bakery is next to the

8. There is a movie theatre on his
9. The temple is between the
toystore and the bakery.

10. There is a stadium behind
the park.
IV. Em hay viet mot ch& cai vao mdi
ch6 trong de tao thanh tii co nghia.
1. F_O_____R
6. F__O__T
2. V_____L _ G _
7. B_T_ _E_
3 • __I_E_
8. _P_O_ _T_
4. T_____P_E
9. R____H_
5. M_____E_M
10. B_H
V. Em hay sap xep nhiirng cau sau
thanh mot bai hoi thoai co nghia.
1. It's small.
2. Is your house near a lake ?
3. Hello, Thuy. Where do >ou uvc :
4. Yes. It's on the left of the vard.

5. Yes. There's also a rice paddy near
my house.
6.1 live in the country.
7. Yes. There is a large vard in front of
my house.
8. In the country ? Is your house big
or small ?

9. Does your house
have a well ?
10. Does your house
have a yard ?
VI. Em hay dien diing dang ciia ttr
trong ngoac o cuoi moi cau sau vac cho
Vi du :

There are many.......trees

the street, (tree)
1. There is a.............................rice paddy
near my house, (beauty)
2. Our

..............are in the bookstore,

3. In the...................there's a museum, a
factory and a stadium, (neighbour)
4. The photocopy is between the.........................
and the drugstore, (bake)

5. He..............................television every
evening, (watch)
VII. Em hay dat cau hoi cho phan gach
chan 6 moi cau sau.

1- The bakery is in front of my house.
2. My father works in a factory .
3. There are three bookstores near Lien's
4. Thuy's house is in the country .
5. My brother's name is Quang.
6. Their children are three and nine years
7. That is a rice paddy.
8. These are our neighbors .
9. There is a park next to our
10. Rose is in class 9C.
VIII. Em hay xem hai buc tranh sau roi
dien cac gioi tir thich hop vao mdi ch6
trong de hoan thanh nhumg cau ben
1.The museum is................................the
2.The cafe is .................................... the
and the museum.
3. There are some tables.....................the

4. There's a car park.....................the
5. There's a bank..........................the

4. There's a car park....................the museum.
5. There's a bank.........................the museum.


There's a newspaper and a box .........................

the chair.
7. There is a doll..................................the box.
8. The newspaper is..............................the box.
9. There is a photograph.......................the wall.
10. The chair is................................the wall.
IX. Em hay chon tir cho trifdc dien vao m6i ch6 trong de hoan thanh
doan van sau. M6i tir chi duroc dung mot Ian.









This is Nam's room. His room is not very ...................(1). There are two
..............(2), a table, a bed, a wardrobe and a ....................(3) in his room
The table is....................(4) the window. There is an ink-pot, some books and
an English-Vietnamese ...................(5) on the table. The bed is on the
...........................................................(6) of the room. There are also some
books and .........................................on the bed. The wardrobe is
...........................................................(8) the bed. Nam has many
...................(9). His clothes are all in the wardrobe. The bookshelf is on
the ............(10). There are many books on it.

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