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3 descriptions vocabulary

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GIÁO VIÊN GIẢNG: NguyÔn Lª Minh Phîng
KHOA: Khoa học Cơ bản

Make the statements into questions.
1. You’ve got a brother.
→ Have you got a brother?
2. She’s got brown eyes.
→ Has she got brown eyes?
3. Yes, I have.
→ Have you got a sister?
4. No, she hasn’t got fair hair
→ Has she got fair hair?

Unit 3:


Vocabulary – Describing people
Moustache (n): ria, ria mép
Beard (n): râu
Bald (adj): hói, đầu trọc
Glasses (n): kính đeo mắt
Good looking (adj): dễ, ưa nhìn
Attractive (adj): quyến rũ, hấp dẫn
Slim (adj) : mảnh dẻ, thon gọn, mình dây
Middle age (n): trung tuổi, tuổi trung niên.

Blond hair (n) : tóc vàng

1. Look at the pictures
a. Match the descriptions and the pictures

short hair

brown eyes

long hair

a moustache


dark hair

fair hair



blue eyes

green eyes

1. Look at the pictures

b. Listen and check your ideas

Tape 3.2

1. Look at the pictures
c. What do you notice about the word “bald”?

“Bald”: lacking hair on all or most of the scalp.
(thiếu tóc trên tất cả hoặc phần lớn da đầu)

2. Look at these way of describing people

a. Write these words in
the correct places.
1. not very tall.
2. quite tall.
3. very tall.




2. Look at these way of describing people
b. Think of someone famous (or find someone in this book) who:
1. is quite fat.

2. is quite slim .
3. is very good- looking
4. is not very attractive
5. has got very long hair
6. has got blond hair
7. is quite ugly
8. is very old
9. is about 50 years old
10. has got a moustache.

a friend, a member of your family, yourself or a famous

My friend is about twenty- two years old. She isn’t very
tall. She’s very slim and she’s quite attractive. She’s
got very dark hair and brown eyes. Her hair is quite

Describe a member of your family

My father is about fifty - nine years old. He isn’t very
tall. He’s not very fat and he’s quite kind hearted. He’s
bald and has got a moustache..


- Do exercises 5 page 16 Work book
- Learn by heart the words in wordlist back of Student’s Book.
- Prepare for the next lesson reading and writing

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