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Basic grammar for grade 10,11

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Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270

Hiện tại

(+) I/ you/ we/ they/ Nnhiều + V(nguyên)
He/ she/ it/ Nít + V(s/es)
(-) I/ you/ we/ they/ Nnhiều + don’t+ V(nguyên)
He/ she/ it/ Nít + doesn’t + V(nguyên)
(?) Do + I/ you/ we/ they/ Nnhiều + V(nguyên)?
Does + he/ she/ it/ Nít + V(nguyên)?
- Hành động lặp đi lặp lại theo thói quen.
- Chân lý, sự thật hiển nhiên đúng.
- Lịch trình, thời khóa biểu.
- Tình cảm, cảm xúc.
Vị trí trạng từ tần suất (always, usually, often,
sometimes, seldom, rarely, never)
- Trước động từ thường

Signal words
- Always, usually, often, sometimes,
rarely, seldom, occasionally, never
- Every day/ week/ month/year..., on
Mondays/ Tuesdays, Sundays,….
- Once/twice / three times a

week/month/year ...
- Every two weeks, every three
- Whenever, every time, every now
and then, every now and again, every
so often,….

I sometimes go out with my friends in the evening.

- Sau động từ to be
I am never late for school.

- Giữa trợ động từ và động từ thường
He doesn’t always get up at 5 a.m. in the morning.

Hiện tại
tiếp diễn

Hiện tại

Quá khứ

(+) S + is/ are/ am + V-ing
(-) S + is/ are/ am + not + V-ing
(?) Is/ are/ am + S + V-ing?
- Hành động đang diễn ra tại thời điểm nói.

- Hành động tạm thời xảy ra.
- Kế hoạch trong tương lai gần.
(+) S + have/ has + P2
(-) S + haven’t/ hasn’t + P2
(?) Have/ has + S + P2?
- Hành động bắt đầu diễn ra trong quá khứ và
vẫn còn ở hiện tại.
- Hành động vẫn chưa xảy ra hoặc vừa mới xảy
ra, hay vừa mới hoàn tất.
- Hành động lặp lại nhiều lần cho đến thời điểm
hiện tại.
- Hành động vừa mới xảy ra và hậu quả của nó
vẫn còn ảnh hưởng đến hiện tại.
(+) S + V(ed/ cột 2)
(-) S + didn’t + V(nguyên)
(?) Did + S + V(nguyên)
- Hành động xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ.
- Một chuỗi các hành động xảy ra liên tiếp trong
quá khứ.
- Hành động làm giá đoạn một hành động khác
đang diễn ra trong quá khứ.

- Look!; Listen! Be quiet!; Be careful!;
Don't make noise! Keep silent!; …
- Now, right now, at the moment, at
the present, …
- Today, these days, this week, this

- just, only just, recently, lately, yet,…
- since, for, since then, still, already,..
- recently / lately (gần đây)
- so far = until now / till now/ up to now/
up to the present (cho đến bây giờ); in
the last few days (trong vài ngày qua)
- today/ this morning/ this week/…; for
a long time (trong một thời gian dài);
for ages (từ lâu); all day/ all my
life/…; several times / many times /
two times,… (nhiều lần/ 2 lần,…):
- This is / It’s the first / second… time
(Đó là lần thứ nhất / thứ hai..)
- last + thời gian (week, month, year,
- khoảng thời gian (three days, two
weeks, four months,...) + ago
- in + thời gian trong quá khứ (in
- from ... to.... (from 1999 to 2003)
- all + day/ night/ …
- yesterday, when I was young,…


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Quá khứ

tiếp diễn

Quá khứ

lai đơn

lai gần

lai tiếp

tương lai

(+) S + was/ were + V-ing
(-) S + was/ were + not + V-ing
(?) Was/ were + S + V-ing?
- Hành động đang diễn ra tại 1 thời điểm xác
định trong quá khứ.
- Hai hành động xảy ra song song cùng 1 lúc.
- Hành động đang diễn ra thì hành động khác
xen vào.
(+) S + had + P2

(-) S + hadn’t + P2
(?) Had + S + P2?
- Hành động xảy ra trước 1 hành động khác
trong quá khứ.
- Hành động xảy ra trước 1 mốc thời gian trong
quá khứ.
(+) S + will + V
(-) S + won’t + V
(?) Will + S+ V?
- Hành động sẽ xảy ra nhưng bộc phát tại thời
điểm nói.
- Dự đoán không có căn cứ.
(+) S + is/ are/ am + going to +V
(-) S + is/ are/ am + not+ going to +V
(?) Is/ are/ am + S + going to +V?
- Dự định trong tương lai.
- Phỏng đoán có căn cứ.
(+) S + will/shall + be + V-ing
(-) S + won’t/shan’t + be + V-ing
(?) Will/shall + S + be + V-ing
Hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm cụ thể
nào đó trong tương lai.
(+) S + will/shall + have + P2
(-) S + won’t/shan’t + have + P2
(?) Will/shall + S + have + P2

- Hành động sẽ được hoàn tất trước một thời
điểm hoặc trước một hành động khác trong
tương lai.
- Hành động đang xảy ra trong một khoảng thời
gian cụ thể ở tương lai.
- Phán đoán một hành động có khả năng chắc
chắn xảy ra trong tương lai.

- at 6.00 p.m yesterday, at that moment
last week, nine o’clock yesterday
morning, etc.
- during, while, when, as, during + N/
noun phrases.

- by + thời gian
- by the time
- before/ after
- by the end of +…

- in 10 minutes
- I hope/ think/ believe that…

- Next week, next month,…

- At this time/ at this moment/ at
present+ future time (at this time
tomorrow/ at this moment next
year…), at 5 p.m tomorrow…

- By next time, by the end of….,

before + future time (before 9a.m
tomorrow), for (6 months..)


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Exercise 1
1. Robert _____ in three important water polo games so far.
A. had played
B. has played
C. played
D. is playing
2. Michael _____ water sports when he was younger.
A. used to play
B. is used to play
C. used to playing
D. is used to playing
3. We _____ next vacation in London.
A. spend
B. are spending
C. will spend
D. are going to spend
4. Look! The bus _____.
A. left
B. has left
C. leaves
D. is leaving

5. Robert _____ tomorrow morning on the 10:30 train.
A. arrived
B. is arriving
C. has arrived
D. would arrive
6. Could you please turn off the stove? The potatoes _____ for at least twenty minutes.
A. are boiling
B. boiling
C. were boiling
D. have been boiling
7. By the time Brown’s daughter graduates, _____ retired.
A. he
B. he has
C. he’ll being
D. he’ll have
8. After I _____ lunch, I looked for my bag.
A. had
B. had had
C. have has
D. have had
9. By the end of next year, George _____ English for 2 years.
A. will have learned B. will learn
C. has leaned
D. would learn
10. The man got out of the car, _____ round to the back and opened the boot.
A. walking
B. walked
C. walks
D. walk
11. For several years, his ambition _____ to be a pilot.

A. is
B. has been
C. was
D. had been
12. Henry _____ into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner.
A. was going
B. went
C. has gone
D. did go
13. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he _____ dinner.
A. finish
B. finishes
C. will finish
D. shall have finished
14. Before you asked, the letter_____.
A. was written
B. had been written C. had written
D. has been written
15. She _____ English at RMIT these days.
A. studies
B. is studying
C. will study
D. is going to study
Exercise 2
1. We _____ English this time next Monday.
a. learn
b. will learn
c. are learning
d. will be learning
2. Ask her to come and see me when she _____ her work.

a. finish
b. has finished
c. finished
d. finishing
3. Look that those black clouds! It _____.
a. is going to rain
b. will rain
c. would rain
d. can rain
4. Oil _____ if you pour it on water
a. floated
b. floats
c. will be floated
d. float
5. Henry _____ for 10 years when he finally gave it up.
a. has smoked
b. has been smoking c. had been smoked d. had been smoking
6. When I arrived at the party, Martha _____ home already.
a. went
b. have gone
c. had gone
d. would go
7. Almost everyone _____ for home by the time we arrived.
a. leave
b. left
c. leaves
d. had left
8. By the age of 25, he _____ two famous novels.
a. wrote
b. writes

c. has written
d. had written
9. While her husband was in the army, Janet _____ to him twice a week.
a. was writing
b. wrote
c. was written
d. had written
10. Her family _____ to America before 1975.
a. went
b. have gone
c. had gone
d. would go
11. We _____ English this time last week.
a. learned
b. were learning
c. have learned
d. had learned


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Exercise 3
1. They _____ this course by next June.
a. have finished
b. will finish
c. are going to finish d. will have finished
2. Alan took a photograph of Sandra while she _____.

a. didn't look
b. wasn't looking
c. hasn't looked
d. hadn't looked
3. I _____ my key. Can you help me look for it?
a. lose
b. lost
c. had lost
d. have lost
4. Last night Tine _____ in bed when suddenly she heard a scream.
a. read
b. was reading
c. had read
d. had read
5. We _____ a party next week. Would you like to come?
a. have
b. will have
c. are having
d. will have had
6. The Red River _____ very fast today-much faster than yesterday.
a. flows
b. is flowing
c. will flow
d. is going to flow
7. While mother _____ dinner, the phone rang.
a. cooked
b. had cooked
c. has cooked
d. was cooking
8. Fish _____ on earth for ages and ages.

a. existed
b. are existing
c. exist
d. have existed
9. The phone _____ constantly since Jack won the first prize this morning.
a. has been ringing b. rang
c. had rung
d. had been ringing
10. The earth _____ on the sun for its heat and light.
a. is depend
b. depending
c. has depend
d. depends
11. By the end of this year, Tom _____ English for three years.
a. will be studying
b. has studied
c. will have studied d. has been studying
12. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong _____ down onto the moon, the first person ever set foot on another
a. was stepping
b. stepped
c. has stepped
d. was step
13. When boarding the plane, many passengers were annoyed because they _____ waiting in the airport for
three and a half hours.
a. are
b. were
c. have been
d. had been
Exercise 4

1. The child _____ before the doctor arrived.
a. died
b. had died
c. has died
d. was dying
2. We cleaned up the room as soon as the guests _____.
a. had left
b. has left
c. left
d. were leaving
3. The secretary _____ the report by 10:00 yesterday.
a. hasn't finished
b. hadn't finished
c. didn't finish
d. would finish
4. They will have gone home before you _____ to meet them.
a. came
b. come
c. will come
d. are coming
5. We _____ Doris since last Sunday.
a. don't see
b. haven't seen
c. didn't see
d. hadn't seen
6. My sister _____ for you since yesterday.
a. is looking
b. was looking
c. has been looking d. looked
7. Jack _____ the door.

a. has just painted
b. paint
c. will have painted d. painting
8. I'll come and see you before I _____ for America.
a. leave
b. will leave
c. have left
d. shall leave
9. The little girl asked what _____ to her friend.
a. has happened
b. happened
c. had happened
d. would have been happened
10. John _____ a book when I saw him.
a. is reading
b. read
c. was reading
d. reading
11. I have been waiting for you _____.
a. since early morning b. since 9 a.m
c. for two hours
d. all are correct
12. Jack _____ the door.
a. has just opened
b. open
c. will have opened d. opening


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Chuyển đổi từ hiện tại hoàn thành sang quá khứ đơn và ngược lại
Dạng 1.
S+ haven’t/ hasn’t + P2 + for + khoảng thgian = It’s + khoảng thời gian + since + S + last+ V(quá khứ)
E.g. I haven’t seen my father for one month =It ’s one month since I last saw my father

Dạng 2.
S + have/ has + never + P2 + before = It/ this is the first time + S + have/ has + (ever) + P2
E.g. I have never seen that man here before = It/ this is the first time I have ever seen that man here.

Dạng 3.
S + haven’t/ hasn’t + P2 + since/ for + time = The last time + S+ V(quá khứ) + was … ago/ in…
= S + last + V(quá khứ) + in…/ …ago/ when + mệnh đề (S+ V)
E.g. I last saw him when I was a student. = I haven’t seen him since I was a student.
= The last time I saw him was when I was a student.

Dạng 4.
S + has/ have + P2 + since/ for + time = S + started/ began + V-ing + …ago/ in …
E.g. I have worked here for 10 years. = I started working here 10 years ago.

Dạng 5.
When + did + S + V/ start to V? = How long + have/ has + S + P2?
E.g. When did you start working there? = How long have you worked there?

Exercise 5: Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one.
1. Eight years ago we started writing to each other.
A. We write to each other for 8 years.
C. We wrote to each other for 8 years.

B. We are writing to each other for 8 years.
D. We have been writing to each other for 8 years.
2. We started working here three years ago.
A. We worked here for three years.
B. We have no longer worked here for three years.
C. We have worked here for three years.
D. We will work here in three years.
3. My father hasn’t smoked cigarettes for a month.
A. It’s a month since my father last smoked cigarettes.
B. It’s a month ago that my father smoked cigarettes.
C. It’s a month that my father hasn’t smoked cigarettes.
D. It’s a cigarette that my father smoked a month ago.
4. I came to live here three months ago.
A. It was three months since I lived here.
B. I’ve been living here for three months.
C. I lived here for three months.
D. I didn’t live here for three months.
5. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago.
A. He hasn’t had his eyes tested for ten months.
B. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then.
C. He had tested his eyes ten months before.
D. He didn’t have any test on his eyes in ten months.
6. The famous actor was last seen in 2000.
A. The famous actor hasn’t been seen since 2000. B. No one has seen the famous actor since 2000.
C. The famous actor didn’t see anyone in 2000.
D. Both A & B
7. Mr. Brown bought this car five years ago.
A. Mr. Brown started to buy this car 5 years ago.
B. It is 5 years when Mr. Brown bought this car
C. Mr. Brown has had this car for five years.

D. It is 5 years ago since Mr. Brown bought this car.
8. It’s a long time since we last went to the cinema.
A. We have been to the cinema for a long time.
B. We haven’t been to the cinema for a long time.
C. We don’t go to the cinema as we used to.
D. We wish we went to the cinema now.
9. He's the most difficult housemate ___________.
A. I never dealt with.
B. I never had to deal with.
C. I've ever had to deal with.
D. I've never had to deal with.
10. I haven’t been here before.
A. Being here is a pleasant experience.
B. This is the first time I have been here.
C. I have wished to be here for long.
D. Before long I will be here.
11. The last time I saw Rose was three years ago.
A. I hasn’t seen Rose for three years.
B. I haven’t seen Rose three years ago.
C. I haven’t seen Rose since three years.
D. I haven’t seen Rose for three years.


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Exercise 6: Rewrite the following sentences
(01) I haven't played football since 2000.

The last time ______________________________________
(02) I haven't enjoyed myself so much for years.
It's years since ____________________________________
(03) She started to learn English 8 years ago.
She has _________________________________________
(04) I've never met such a famous person before.
It's the first time ___________________________________
(05) I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
This is the first _________________________________________
(06) I haven't been to HCM city for 2 years.
The last time ____________________________________
(07) He hasn't laughed so much for ages.
It's ages ________________________________________
(08) She hasn't seen that boy here before.
It's the first ______________________________________
(09) She hasn't written to us since last year.
The last time ____________________________________
(10) I haven’t seen him for 8 days.
The last ______________________________________
(11) This is the first time he went abroad.
He hasn’t ______________________________________
(12) She started driving 1 month ago.
She has ______________________________________
(13) We began eating when it started to rain.
We have ______________________________________
(14) I last had my hair cut when I left her.
I haven’t ______________________________________
(15) The last time she kissed me was 5 months ago.
She hasn’t ______________________________________
(16) It is a long time since we last met.

We haven’t ______________________________________
(17) When did you have it?
How long _________________________________?
(18) This is the first time I had such a delicious meal.
I haven’t ______________________________________
(19) We haven’t been to a concert for over a year.
The last time _________________________________________
(20) Your birthday party was the last time I really enjoyed myself.
I _________________________________________
(21) It’s nearly 20 years since my father saw his brother.
My father _________________________________________
(22) Mr John hasn’t visited France since 1990.
Mr John last _________________________________________
(23) When did you last ride a bike?
How long is it _________________________________________?
(24) The last time I went swimming was when I was in France.
I haven’t _________________________________________
(25) You haven’t tided up this room for weeks.
It’s _________________________________________
(26) He was last in touch with me three weeks ago.
He hasn’t _________________________________________


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270


V sb (not) to V
Tell (bảo)
Remind (nhắc nhở)
Want (muốn)
Force (bắt buộc)
Order (ra lệnh)
Invite (mời)
Offer (đưa ra lời mời/đề nghị)
Enable (làm cho có thể)
Persuade (thuyết phục)
Advise (khuyên)
Allow/ permit (cho phép)
Encourage (khuyến khích)
Cause (sai, khiến, bảo)
Ask (yêu cầu)
Convince (thuyết phục)
Challenge (thử thách)
Expect (hy vọng)
Hire (thuê)
Require (yêu cầu, đòi hỏi)
Teach (dạy bảo)
Urge (thúc giục)
Warn (cảnh cáo)
Strive (cố gắng, phấn đấu)
Long (nóng lòng, mong đợi)
Dare (dám)
Desire (thèm muốn)
Hesitate (lưỡng lự)
Deserve (xứng đáng)

V to V
Agree (đồng ý)
Want (muốn)
Expect/ Hope (hy vọng)
Refuse (từ chối)
Decide (quyết định)
Plan (lên kế hoạch)
Would like (muốn)
Fail (thất bại)
Learn (học làm)
Afford (đủ khả năng)
Manage (nỗ lực)
Demand (đòi hỏi, yêu cầu)
Prepare (chuẩn bị)
Promise (hứa)
Wish (ước)
Begin/ start (bắt đầu)
Mean (định)
Determine (quyết tâm)
Happen (tình cờ),
Long (mong muốn),
Offer (đưa ra lời mời)
Choose (lựa chọn)
Claim (xác nhận)
Seem/appear (có vẻ như),
Attend (dự, có mặt)
Pretend (giả vờ)
Try (cố gắng làm gì)
Threaten (đe dọa)
Instruct (hướng dẫn)

V + where/when/how/...+ to V: teach, ask, learn,
explain, know, decide, understand, remember, forget…

- like, love, enjoy, hate, dislike, fancy, feel
like, detest, adore (kính yêu)
- finish, start, begin
- postpone/ delay (trì hoãn),
- avoid (né tránh)
- keep (on), continue, carry on (tiếp tục)
- practice (thực hành)
- miss (bỏ lỡ), escape (trốn thoát), quit (từ bỏ),
risk (liều)
- spend (dành, tiêu)
- suggest/ recommend/ propose (gợi ý, đề
xuất), mention (đề cập)
- deny (phủ nhận), admit (thừa nhận)
- mind (ngại, phiền)
- consider (cân nhắc)
- can't help (không thể không),
- imagine (tưởng tượng)
- forgive (tha thứ)
- report (báo cáo)
- involve (đòi hỏi, liên quan)
- recall (gợi lại, nhắc lại), recollect (hồi tưởng
lại), resent (phẫn uất)
- appreciate (ghi nhận)
- excuse (tha lỗi, lượng thứ)
- resist (kháng cự, chống cự)
- celebrate (kỉ niệm), discuss (thảo luận),

explain (giải thích), support (ủng hộ),
tolerate (dung thứ)

- Là chủ ngữ của câu
- Là bổ ngữ sau "to be" (là)
- Sau giới từ (bất kỳ)
Adj + to V: able, unable, happy, delighted (vui mừng),
– Sau các cấu trúc
easy, lovely, glad, sorry (tiếc), anxious (nóng lòng), content apologize (to sb) for (xin lỗi ai vì)
(bằng lòng), afraid, eager, amazed (ngạc nhiên), pleased,
accuse sb of (buộc tội ai)
disappointed, surprised, certain, willing (sẵn lòng)...
insist on (khăng khăng)
congratulate sb on (chúc mừng ai)
suspect sb of (nghi ngờ)
Dùng trong một số cấu trúc:
- S + find + adj + to V
I find it very interesting to know her. look forward to (mong đợi)
- S + be + too + adj + to V He is too old to run fast.
dream of/ about (mơ ước)
- Chỉ mục đích:
I go to school to get knowledge.
succeed in (thành công)
- It takes/ took sb + thời gian + to V
object to (phản đối) approve/disapprove of
- Sau các đại từ:nothing, anybody,… He has nothing to do. (tán thành/ không tán thành); give up (từ bỏ)
+ It's no good/use + Ving = There is no point in +
Infinitive (nguyên thể)
Ving: (chẳng ích gì)
1. Sau modal verbs: can, could, may, must,

+ It's (not) + worth + Ving (đáng/không đáng)
will, have to, might, shall, shoud,…+V
+ Have difficulty (in) + Ving (gặp khó khăn, trở ngại)
2. had better = should (nên) +V
+ spend/ waste + money/ time + Ving
would rather (muốn) +V
+ can't stand/ can't bear/ can't help (không thể không)
3. Sau let, make, help+ sb +V
+ be/ get used to Ving = be/ get accustomed to Ving
4. Have sb + V/ have sth + P2: nhờ/ thuê
+ be busy (with) doing sth (bận rộn)
5. Sau động từ giác quan: look, see, watch,
+ What about...? How about...?
notice, observe, hear, listen to, smell
+ Go + V-ing (go shopping, go swimming...)


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Một số lưu ý: Một số trường hợp có thể dùng với cả TO V và V-ING

Không thay đổi về nghĩa

Infinitive (Có tân ngữ)

Gerund (không tân ngữ)


I advise you to go by bus.

I advise going by bus.


They don’t allow people to smoke in the building.

They do not allow smoking in the building.


The teacher has forbidden his students to use
mobile phones in class.

The teacher has forbidden using mobile
phones in class.

Thay đổi về nghĩa

used to

Nghĩa khi dùng TO V

Nghĩa khi dùng V-ING

nhớ/ quên để làm gì (chưa xảy ra)

nhớ/ quên là đã làm gì (đã xảy ra)

tiếc vì điều sắp nói ra

hối hận vì đã làm gì

dừng lại để làm gì

dừng việc đang làm lại

cố gắng làm gì

thử làm gì

Có ý định làm gì

Có nghĩa là gì

S người – mang nghĩa chủ động

S vật – mang nghĩa bị động

Used to V: thói quen trong quá khứ

Be/ get used to + V-ing: quen làm gì

Remember to switch off the lights.

I regret to say that you cannot come with us.
I stopped to smoke.

I tried to solve this riddle, but I couldn’t.
I mean to change my decision.
You need to finish your homework.

When Peter was young, he used to riding a
bicycle to school.

Do you remember losing your first tooth?
I regret saying that I hated her.
I stopped smoking.

We tried baking the cake without flour, but it didn’t work.
Being beautiful means having less time for study.
The grass in your garden needs cutting.
English has become international. Businessmen are
used to speaking English at international meetings.

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs below.
1. When I met some friends yesterday morning, I stopped _____________ (talk) to them.
2. Please stop _____________ (cry) and tell me what's wrong.
3. I mean _____________ (go) home before 9:00 to watch a live football game on ESPN.

4. The injury could mean him _____________ (miss) next week's game.
5. I'll never forget _____________ (hear) this piece of music for the first time.
6. Don’t forget _____________ (take) your umbrella in case it rains.
7. Remember _____________ (clock) the door carefully before going home.
8. I can still remember my grandfather _____________ (take) me to the United States.
9. Why didn’t try ________________ (call) her on her mobile?
10. I tried ________________ (reach) her at work, but the line was busy.
11. We regret ________________ (inform) you that your application has not been successful.
12. I regret not ________________ (listen) to my parents' advice. They were right.
13. His parents won't allow him ________________ (stay) out late.
14. Police are advising people ________________ (stay) at home.
15. I'd advise _______________ (buy) your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August.
16. He recommended ________________ (read) the book before seeing the movie.
17. Caroline (used to have/ is used to having) a walkman, now she has an ipod.
18. It isn’t easy for Jo to drive in here. He (is used to driving/ used to drive) on the left of the road.
19. People from India usually find our food tasteless. They (used to eat/ are used to eating) spicy food.
20. Computers (are used to being/ used to be) very expensive. Now the prices are more reasonable.


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Exercise 2: Put the verb into the correct form:
1. "Do you mind ______________ (work) overtime?" asked the boss
2. We intend _________________ (go) to the countryside this weekend.
3. I pretended _________________ (be) sick so I didn’t have to go to work.
4. They made us ______________ (leave) the campsite after ______________ (make) such a mess.
5. I’d love ______________ (come) with you.

6. Unfortunately, we can’t afford ______________ (buy) a new car this year.
7. We postponed ______________ (do) our homework.
8. He denies _________________ (steal) the money.
9. He claims _________________ (be) a millionaire but I don’t believe him.
10. I expect _________________ (be) there about seven.
11. I couldn’t help ______________ (laugh).
12. It tends _________________ (rain) a lot in Scotland.
13. Do you recall _________________ (meet) her at the party last week?
14. She mentioned ____________ (go) to the cinema, but I don’t know what she decided to do in the end.
15. The teenager refused _________________ (go) on holiday with his parents.
16. I’d hate ______________ (arrive) too late.
17. I would prefer you _________________ (come) early if you can.
18. She admitted ______________ (steal) the money.
19. She delayed ______________ (get) out of bed.
20. I really appreciate ______________ (be) on holiday.
21. She waited ______________ (buy) a drink.
22. It seems ______________ (be) raining.
23. I considered ______________ (move) to Spain.
24. They practised ______________ (speak).
25. Finally I managed ______________ (finish) the work.
26. I really can’t stand ______________ (wait) for the bus.
27. She risked ______________ (be) late.
28. I miss ______________ (go) to the beach.
Exercise 3: Put the verb into the correct form:
1. She has never known how ______________ (fry) a steak.
2. She avoided ______________ (tell) him about her plans.
3. I would like ______________ (come) to the party with you.
4. He enjoys ______________ (have) a bath in the evening.
5. She kept ______________ (talk) during the film.
6. He was silly enough _______________ (dive) into the pond without _______________ first. (look)

7. Do you mind ______________ (give) me a hand?
8. She helped me ______________ (carry) my suitcases.
9. I’ve finished ______________ (cook). Come and eat!
10. He decided ______________ (study) Biology.
11. I dislike ______________ (wait).
12. He asked ______________ (come) with us.
13. I promise ______________ (help) you tomorrow.
14. I enjoy ________________ alone. I never feel lonely. (be)
15. She agreed ______________ (bring) the pudding.
16. I don’t recommend ______________ (take) the bus, it takes forever!
17. We hope ______________ (visit) Amsterdam next month.
18. She suggested ______________ (go) to the museum.
19. They plan ______________ (start) college in the autumn.
20. I don’t want ______________ (leave) yet.
21. I’m too old ________________ my habits now. (change)
22. Please stop ________________. You’re making me nervous. (whisper)


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Exercise 4: Put the verb into the correct form:
1. ________________ is not allowed here. (fish)
2. I agreed ________________ him if he is in trouble. (help)
3. She appeared ________________ very nervous. (be)
4. I keep ________________ you - it was an accident. (tell)
5. Jack is good at ________________ ceilings. (paint)
6. Would you rather ________________ to a restaurant or eat at home. (go)

7. It is difficult ________________ him. (understand)
8. She did not know what ________________ from them. (expect)
9. My wife warned us ________________ the table. (not touch)
10. He refused ________________ me what all the fuss was about. (tell)
11. There’s no sense in ________________ him. He’s not at home. (visit)
12. Elephants are known ________________ a fantastic memory. (have)
13. I let her ________________ on with her work. (get)
14. Colin had no idea of how ________________ into the house. (get)
15. I’d rather ________________ in bed than go to work. (be)
16. I crossed the road without ________________ . (look)
17. We advised her ________________ a year abroad. (not spend)
18. I always dreamed of ________________ in a small house by the seaside. (live)
19. She made us ________________ for hours. (wait)
20. She learned ________________ pupils with respect. (treat)
21. I couldn’t help ________________ when I saw the bride in the beautiful white dress. (cry)
22. My uncle has given up ________________ ((smoke) and now he prefers ________________ .(eat)
23. He wasn’t used ________________ on the right side of the road. (drive)
24. The doctor made him ____________ (promise) ____________ (reduce) his ___________ (smoke).
Exercise 5: Put the verb into the correct form:
1. We encouraged her ______________ (succeed in ) ______________ (become) a top player.
2. It's no good ______________ (force) him to go with us.
3. I promised ______________ (care) for the cat but I'm not much good at ______________ (babysit).
4. The people thanked me for ______________ (offer) ______________ (help) them.
5. I begged her ____________ (not accuse) me of ____________ (ruin) her hairstyle by ______________
(try) ______________ (kiss) her.
6. It is not worth ______________ (help) him ______________ (do) the job.
7. I let him _____________ (choose) between _____________ (fly) and _____________ (take) the train.
8. The film was really worth ______________ (see) so we made Mary ______________ (go) to the
movies with us.
9. Her forced us ______________ (accept) his offer by ______________ (raise) it by 5 %.

10. Normally I enjoy ______________ (go) out but today I'd prefer ______________ (stay) indoors.
11. She promised ______________ (not object) to his ______________ (smoke).
12. They continued ______________ (eat) after the interruption.
13. I am not in the habit of ______________ (smoke) in the car.
14. Ann reminded me ______________ (finish) my work on time.
15. He'd better ______________ (get) used to ______________ (work) harder.
16. I am capable of ______________ (stand) on my head and ______________ (play) the saxophone.
17. You'd better ______________ (start) ______________ (dig) the garden.
18. I expected someone ______________ (pick) up these papers.
19. The Romans were quite happy about Hannibal ______________ (not attack) Rome.
20. It was interesting ______________ (watch) our cat ______________ (play).
21. We have taught our children ______________ (wash) their hands before ______________ (eat).
22. ______________ (write) letters is more boring than ______________ (phone).
23. Jack decided ______________ (have) a break from work.
24. I refused ______________ (speak) with them.
25. We agreed ______________ (meet) them at the airport.
26. There is no sense in ______________ (earn) more money than you can ______________ (spend).


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Exercise 6. Rewrite the sentences with the given words.
1. What do you fancy doing this evening?
What do you want _________________________________________________________________
2. Why don’t we ask him for help?
I suggest _________________________________________________________________
3. Helen said she would go to the party with us.

Helen agreed _________________________________________________________________
4. I met you somewhere, I clearly remember that.
I clearly remember _________________________________________________________________
5. My mother said I had better go on a vacation.
My mother advised me ______________________________________________________________
6. It’s not a good idea to travel during rush hour.
It’s best to avoid _________________________________________________________________
7. He said that it was true that he didn’t have a license.
He admitted _________________________________________________________________
8. The teacher said that we mustn’t use dictionary during the test.
The teacher didn’t allow ___________________________________________________________
9. I don’t usually drink beer.
I am not used _________________________________________________________________
10. John smoked a lot when he was young.
John used to _________________________________________________________________
11. I don't find it difficult to get up early in the morning.
I am used _________________________________________________________________
12. Let's go camping tomorrow.
I suggested _________________________________________________________________
13. I would like you to help me to put the chairs away.
Do you mind_________________________________________________________________
14. My sister expects to meet my aunt next summer in Hanoi.
My sister is looking _________________________________________________________________
15. You can try to get Jim to lend you his car, but you won't succeed.
There's no use __________________________________________________________
16. Driving on the left is strange and difficult for Americans.
Americans aren't used _______________________________________________________________
17. She admitted that she has taken the necklace.
She admitted __________________________________________________________
18. I don’t intend to tell you my plans.

I have no intention __________________________________________________________
19. “You’ve stolen my money, Tam.”
She accused Tam __________________________________________________________
20. Long found it difficult to concentrate on her lesson because of noise.
Long had difficulty __________________________________________________________
21. “I’m sorry I broke your glass” Hai said.
Hai apologized __________________________________________________________
22. He tried to escape but the police stopped him.
The police prevented him __________________________________________________________
23. Smoking is not allowed on the public buses.
They don’t allow __________________________________________________________
24. I can’t possibly work in all this noise!
It is impossible __________________________________________________________
25. Susan regrets not buying that house.
Susan wishes she __________________________________________________________


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Passive infinitive (to be P2)
I want them to take this table away.
I want this table to be taken away.

Passive gerund (being P2)
She has avoided meeting you so far.
She has avoided being met (by you) so far.

1. That man seems (trust) _______________ by everyone.
2. Mr. Forster hopes (transfer) _______________ to New York by his company.
3. No one enjoys (deceive) _______________ by another person.
4. I absolutely refused (cheat) _______________ by them in that manner.
5. We appreciate (inform) _______________ about the matter promptly= quickly.
6. Naturally, I would like (promote) _______________ to higher position.
7. That author doesn’t mind (criticize) _______________ by his friends.
8. The whole problem certainly needs (consider) _______________ very carefully.
9. That fellow couldn’t avoid (choose) _______________ into military service.
10. I really didn’t expect (introduce) _______________ to the president.
11. Tom was sad about (punish) _______________ in class yesterday.
12. He was always insisted on his _______________ (call) Dr. Tuner instead of Mr. Turner.
13. To fetch water before breakfast seemed to me a rule _______________ (break)
14. The bird was lucky that it just missed _______________ (catch)
15. Please excuse my coming in without _______________ (invite).
16. No one can prevent the plan _______________ (carry out)
17. This page needs _______________ (check) again.
18. The rest of the money needed _______________ (send) to his parents.
19. This is the first hotel ___________ (build) now beside the park designed by a group of young men.
20. “Do you want your clothes _______________ (wash) today?” the maid said.
21. Anne hope _______________ (invite) to join the private club. She could make important business
contact there.
22. People like _______________ (congratulate) when they have worked hard.
1. We want (pay) _______________ better wages.
2. Do you want (become) _______________ an engineer?
3. These workers don’t enjoy (use) _______________ as cheap labour.
4. Teenagers enjoy (imitate) _______________ their idol in many different ways.
5. The Negro expected (treat) _______________ like human beings.

6. My new hi-fi kept (make) _______________ a funny noise.
7. We hope (invite) _______________ to discussions with the company.
8. Your teacher hopes you (not make) _______________ that mistake again.
9. I’m thinking of (invite) _______________ to Tom’s party.
10. Do you agree (lend) _______________ me some money?
11. Do you agree (give) _______________ one mark in that situation?
12. He was made (answer) _______________ the question by the police.
13. He allowed me (use) _______________ his typewriter.
14. She expected (introduce) _______________ to the principal.
15. I don’t appreciate (interrupt) _______________ when I’m speaking.
16. Please quit (smoke) _______________ right now. I can’t stand the smelling.
17. Mrs. Brown was sad about (steal) _______________ a lot of precious jewelries.
18. She hates (look) _______________ at by the others.
19. Do you agree (lend) _______________ me some money?
20. I don’t like (criticize) _______________ when I am not there.


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Exercise 1: Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form.
1. Mary enjoys ___________________ to music. (listen)
2. I don’t mind ___________________ the washing up. (do)
3. Irregular verbs are not easy ___________________ . (remember)
4. Mathew is really good at ___________________ . (cook)
5. She waited ___________________ a movie ticket. (buy)
6. The doctor encouraged his patients ___________________ healthy food. (eat)

7. My flat is easy ___________________ . (find)
8. She is interested in ___________________ a doctor. (become)
9. He is saving money ___________________ a new car. (buy)
10. When I met her I couldn’t help ___________________ her. (hug)
11. My favorite hobby is ___________________ . (cook)
12. My father helped me ___________________ my homework. (do)
13. I’m sick of ___________________ hamburgers every day. (eat)
14. It is important ___________________ the net for more information. (surf)
15. She advised me ___________________ a doctor as soon as possible. (see)
16. I don’t feel like ___________________ English today. (study)
17. Isabel got Mike ___________________ her car (wash)
18. ___________________ sport every day is good for your health. (do)
19. At last they decided ___________________ the apartment. (rent)
20. I pretended ___________________ asleep. (be)
21. Sheila stopped ___________________ hello to her friends. (say)
22. It’s no use ___________________ over spilt milk. (cry)
23. The following questions are easy ___________________ . (answer)
24. She told us where ___________________ the necessary material. (find)
25. Would you mind ___________________ this letter for me? (post)
26. They suggested ___________________ by bus. (travel)
27. We plan ___________________ to Europe this summer(go)
28. It was hard for her ___________________ smoking. (quit)
29. We were all happy about ___________________ the New Year in Vienna. (celebrate)
30. It seems difficult ___________________ everything about the topic. (know)
31. Just avoid ___________________ unnecessary mistakes. (make)
32. Can you imagine ___________________ my car before we leave? (finish)
33. We are used ___________________ up early in the morning. (get)
34. She enjoys ___________________ . (paint)
35. I forgot ___________________ the door when I left. (lock)
36. I regret ___________________ you that your application was rejected. (inform)

37. We intend ___________________ you next spring. (visit)
38. I decided ___________________ more often. (exercise)
39. Mary keeps ___________________ about her problems. (talk)
40. Ireland doesn’t allow ___________________ in bars. (smoke)
41. Nancy seemed ___________________ disappointed. (be)
42. I can’t bear ___________________ so much responsibility. (have)
43. She is fond of ___________________ picnics. (have)
44. She promised ___________________ smoking. (stop)
45. They urge their citizens ___________________ more waste. (recycle)
46. John is thinking about ___________________ abroad. (study)
47. She considered ___________________ to New York. (move)
48. The aquarium needs ___________________ . (clean)
49. Tom agrees ___________________ me. (help)
50. She warned him ___________________ late. (not be)


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Exercise 2: Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form.
1. I can’t imagine __________________ at home. (work)
2. We have decided against __________________ a new car. (buy)
3. She seems __________________ her new job. (like)
4. The students hope __________________ the exam. (pass)
5. He won’t go by plane. He is afraid of __________________ . (fly)
6. I am lazy. I don’t feel like __________________ any work. (do)
7. Remember __________________ the letter. Otherwise they won’t get it by Saturday. (post)
8. Have you ever learned how __________________ such a plane? (fly)

9. They were too lazy __________________ out with us. (go)
10. I always enjoy __________________ to my grandfather. He always tells me great stories. (talk)
11. I’m very interested in __________________ French. (learn)
12. My pen friend is coming next Friday. I’m really looking forward _________________ her. (meet)
13. Don’t you mind __________________ away from your family for such a long time? (be)
14. The children promised __________________ back by nine. (be)
15. I wanted to go alone but Joe insisted on __________________ with me. (come)
16. Tom offered __________________ me home. (bring)
17. Why not __________________ a weekend in Scotland? (spend)
18. I’m sorry I can’t come to your party but thank you for __________________ me. (invite)
19. Our neighbors apologized for __________________ such noise. (make)
20. Paris is always worth __________________ to. (travel)
21. I’m sure I gave him back the money. I remember __________________ it back to him. (give)
22. She eventually managed __________________ her bike. (repair)
23. Would you like __________________ a cup of coffee? (drink)
24. There’s no point in __________________ the matter. He has already made his decision. (discuss)
25. I prefer __________________ to skiing. (snowboard)
26. Do you mind __________________ Anita to the doctor? (bring)
27. It is difficult __________________ him. (understand)
28. We had difficulties __________________ your house. (find)
29. They decided __________________ Tennis in the afternoon. (play)
30. We expect him __________________ us on Sunday. (join)
Exercise 3: Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form.
1. They are likely __________________ up at any time. (show)
2. The man denied __________________ the crime. (commit)
3. Their memories of __________________ in Africa will stay with them forever. (travel)
4. He has always been afraid of __________________. (fly)
5. __________________ is good for your health. (swim)
6. Would you mind __________________ me the sugar. (pass)
7. She promised __________________ the report as soon as possible. (read)

8. I had a hard time __________________ the situation to my husband. (explain)
9. She had some problems __________________ without glasses. (read)
10. Paul gave up __________________ five years ago. (smoke)
11. What about __________________ to the zoo tomorrow? (go)
12. Barca __________________ in winning the Spanish championship. (succeed)
13. They had fun __________________. (ski)
14. My friend was happy __________________ me at the party. (see)
15. He was ashamed __________________ that he had lied. (admit)
16. It was very kind of you __________________ me. (help)


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
17. She always wastes her time __________________ bad books. (read)
18. We had no problem __________________ from the airport to the train station. (drive)
19. She hadn’t expected this task __________________ so difficult. (be)
20. It’s no use __________________ a taxi. We’ll be late anyway. (take)
21. Don’t forget __________________ the document as soon as you are finished. (sign)
22. She made me __________________ like a real man. (feel)
23. __________________ video games all the time is very boring. (play)
24. She is fond of __________________ comics. (read)
25. Alvaro admitted __________________ during the English test. (cheat)
26. The teacher reminded us __________________ irregular verbs. (learn)
27. The boy refused __________________ what his mother said. (do)
28. Brenda really hates __________________. (study)
29. I used __________________ basketball during my college years. (play)
30. How long does it take you __________________ to the university? (walk)

Exercise 4: Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form.
1. Don't let them ___________________ (cross) that dangerous road on their own.
2. What about ___________________ (have) a last drink ?
3. They accused me of ___________________ (break) the window.
4. They'd rather ___________________ (go) to Tuscany than to Ireland.
5. There was a very good reason for ___________________ (not believe) in what he said.
6. I don't know what ___________________ (believe) anymore.
7. Remember ___________________ (phone) Tom tomorrow - OK I won't forget.
8. The teacher watched the pupil ___________________ (cheat).
9. Why not ___________________ (spend) our holiday in Florida this year ?
10. She is always the last ___________________ (arrive)
11. Most teachers insist on their pupils ___________________ (do) the homework.
12. She has often made me ___________________ (cry).
13. I expect ___________________ (hear) from you by Monday.
14. It's no use ___________________ (pretend) ___________________ (like) her food.
15. How old were you when you learnt ___________________ (drive) ?
16. I don't mind ___________________ (walk) home but I'd rather __________________ (get) a taxi.
17. I can't make a decision. I keep ___________________ (change) my mind.
18. We had to keep him from ___________________ (fall) off the cliff.
19. He had made his decision and refused ___________________ (change) his mind.
20. It was a good holiday. I enjoyed ___________________ (be) by the sea.
21. Did I really tell you I was unhappy? I don't remember ___________________ (say) that.
22. The water here is not very good. I'd avoid ___________________ (drink) it if I were you.
23. I pretended ___________________ (be) interested in the conversation.
24. I got up and looked out of the window ___________________ (see) what the weather was like.
25. I have a friend who claims ___________________ (be) able to speak 5 languages.
26. I like ___________________ (think) carefully about things before ___________________ (make) a
27. Steve used ___________________ (be) a footballer. He had to stop ___________________ (play)
because of an injury.

28. How do you ___________________ (make) this machine work ? - I'm not sure. Try
___________________ (press) the button and see what happens !
29. What do you advise me ___________________ ? (do)
30. They intend ___________________ a new house next year. (buy)


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270

Present Participle vs Perfect Participle
I. Present participle (Hiện tại phân từ)
- Thay cho một mệnh đề
+ Hai hành động xảy ra đồng thời cùng 1 chủ từ, thì 1 trong 2 mệnh đề có thể được thay bằng hiện tại phân từ.
He washed his car and sang happily.

 Washing his car, he sang happily./ He washed his car, singing happily.

+ Hai hành động xảy ra kế tiếp nhau: sự kiện xảy ra trước được thay bằng hiện tại phân từ.
She put on her coat and went out.

 Putting on her coat, she went out.

+ Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do: (because, since, as)
Because he drove carelessly, he had an accident.  Driving carelessly, he had an accident

+ Mệnh đề quan hệ: khi đại từ quan hệ làm chủ từ và mệnh đề quan hệ mang nghĩa chủ động

The girl who lent me this book is my best friend.  The girl lending me this book is my best friend.

- Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian: (after, before, when, while, since, as …)
Since he left school, he has worked in a restaurant.  Leaving school, he has worked in a restaurant.

- Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự nhượng bộ: (although)
Although I knew he wouldn’t come, I still keep waiting for him.  Knowing that he wouldn’t come, I still keep waiting for him.

Chú ý: Với những mệnh đề trạng từ có cấu trúc be + adj, ta bỏ chủ ngữ và động từ, chỉ giữ lại tính từ.
Although he was nervous, he gave a wonderful speech.  Although nervous, he gave a wonderful speech.

II. Perfect participle (Phân từ hoàn thành)

having + P2

- Dùng rút ngắn mệnh đề khi hành động trong mệnh đề đó xảy ra trước (thường dùng quá khứ hoàn thành)
khi 2 mệnh đề có cùng chủ ngữ.
He finished all his homework and then he went to bed.  Having finished all his homework, he went to bed.

- Dùng rút ngắn mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian khi 2 mệnh đề có cùng chủ ngữ.
After he had fallen from the horse back, he was taken to hospital and had an operation.
 After having fallen from the horse back, he was taken to hospital and had an operation.

III. Past participle (Quá khứ phân từ)


- Thay thế cho mệnh đề quan hệ: khi đại từ quan hệ làm chủ từ và mệnh đề quan hệ mang nghĩa bị động
The car which is made in Japan is very expensive.  The car made in Japan is very expensive.

- Thay thế cho Subject + Passive verb
I often saw her at the disco. She was surrounded by her admirers.  I often saw her at the disco, surrounded by her admirers.
He was loved by all who knew her. He devoted his life to others.  Loved by all who knew her, he devoted his life to others.
The house was built of wood, so it was clearly a fire risk. Built of wood, the house was clearly a fire risk.

- Being + P2 sau after, before, when, since, while, on, by.
After the bike was cleaned, it looked as good as new.  After being cleaned, the bike looked as good as new.
When he was being questioned, he suddenly burst into tears.  When being questioned, he suddenly burst into tears.

Exercise 1: Choose the best answer.
1. Publishing (A) in the U.K, the book has won (B) a number of awards in (C) the recent regional book fairs. (D)
2. Building (A) thousands of years ago, the ancient palace (B) is popular with (C) modern tourists. (D)
3. Having been selected to present the Association of American Engineers at the International Convention, __.
A. the members applauded him
B. a speech had to be given by him
C. the members congratulated him
D. he gave a short acceptance speech
4. _____ the can, my hand was cut.
A. As I was trying to open
B. Having tried to open
C. While trying to open
D. Trying to
5. _________, 70 percent alcohol is more effective than 100 percent alcohol.
A. An antiseptic used
B. When used as an antiseptic
C. An antiseptic when used
D. How an antiseptic is used
6. __________, the examinees knew it was time to stop.
A. Hearing the bell B. To hear the bell
C. Heard the bell

D. To have been heard the bell
7. ______ with her boyfriend yesterday, she doesn't want to answer his phone call.
A. Having quarreled
B. Because of she quarreled
C. Because having quarreled
D. Had quarreled


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Exercise 1: Combine the clauses using participle constructions (Present, Past or Perfect Participle).
1. We switched off the lights before we went to bed.  Having switched off the lights, we went to bed.

2. The boy asked his mother’s permission and went out to play.
 _____________________________________________________________
3. As he had drunk too much, he didn’t drive home himself.
 _____________________________________________________________
4. After I had dropped him at the station, I drove straight to the supermarket.
 _____________________________________________________________
5. She filled the washing machine and switched it on.
 _____________________________________________________________
6. She had been to disco the night before and she overslept in the morning.
 _____________________________________________________________
7. She was admired by everyone and began to grow arrogant.
 _____________________________________________________________
8. She had not slept for two days and therefore she wasn’t able to concentrate.
 _____________________________________________________________

9. Since I had not seen him for ages, I didn’t recognize him.
 _____________________________________________________________
10. I had not ridden a horse for a long time and I found it very difficult to keep in the saddle.
 _____________________________________________________________
11. When I entered the room, I was surprised at what I saw.
 _____________________________________________________________
12. She was shocked by the bad news and burst into tears.
 _____________________________________________________________
13. She had finished her degree and started to work for an international company.
 _____________________________________________________________
14. She walked home and met an old friend.
 _____________________________________________________________
15. She was born in Hollywood and knows all the famous movie stars.
 _____________________________________________________________
16. She went out for a walk. Then she had a fatal accident.
 _____________________________________________________________
17. The dog wagged its tail and bit the postman.
 _____________________________________________________________
18. He was picked up by his mother and didn't have to wait for the bus.
 _____________________________________________________________
19. He was a good boy and helped his mother in the kitchen.
 _____________________________________________________________
20. I worked very hard for the exam. Then I passed it.
 _____________________________________________________________
21. First I considered what to study. Then I decided to major in Maths.
 _____________________________________________________________
22. As they didn't have enough money, they spent their holidays at home last year.
 _____________________________________________________________
23. The event is organised by our team and will surely be a great success.
 _____________________________________________________________

24. The film is based on real events and tells the story of a reporter.
 _____________________________________________________________
25. He bought a radio. First he checked the price.
 _____________________________________________________________
26. The room had not been tidied up yet and looked like a battlefield.
 _____________________________________________________________


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Cần nhớ - Động từ đi với giới từ
Blame sb for doing st: đổ lỗi cho ai đã làm gì
Criticize sb for doing st: chỉ trích ai đã làm gì
Apologize to sb for doing st: xin lỗi ai vì điều gì
Thank + O + for V-ing: cảm ơn ai về việc gì
Pay for sth: trả cho cái gì
Succeed in doing st: thành công việc gì
Participate in = take part in: tham gia
Believe in sth: tin vào cái gì
Arrive in (Ha noi, England); arrive at (the hotel)
Accuse sb of doing st : buộc tội ai làm gì
Remind sb of st : nhắc nhở ai nhớ đến điều gì
Approve sb of st : tán thành

Warn + sb + of/ against/ about doing st: khuyến
cáo / cảnh báo ai về việc gì.
Provide sb with st: cung cấp cho ai cái gì
Agree with sb on st: đồng ý với ai về
Deal with: giải quyết, đương đầu

Congratulate sb on st/ doing st : chúc mừng ai vì…
Compliment sb on st/ doing st: khen ngợi ai vì…
Ban sb on doing st = forbid sb to do st: cấm
Insist on doing st khăng khăng, nài nỉ làm gì
Depend on sth: phụ thuộc vào
Go on: tiếp tục
Look forward to V-ing: chờ đợi, mong ngóng
Contribute to sth/ V-ing: đóng góp, góp phần
Get/ be used to + V-ing: quen làm gì
Explain sth to sb: giải thích cái gì cho ai
Worry about sth: lo lắng về điều gì
Think about/ of sth: nghĩ về điều gì
Dream about/ of sth: mơ ước về điều gì
Care about: quan tâm, bận tâm
Complain about sth: phàn nàn về điều gì
Prevent/stop sb from doing st : ngăn cản ai
Borrow sth from sb: mượn ai cái gì
Suffer from sth: chịu đựng

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions.
1. I love this music. It reminds me __________ a warm day in spring.
2. Janet warned me __________ the water. She said it wasn’t safe to drink.
3. Cory is accused __________ breaking into the neighbor's house.
4. Mark apologized __________ Jack __________ starting the argument.
5. If you try hard, you can succeed __________ reaching your goal.
6. I am looking forward __________ exploring my options.
7. They don't blame me __________ wanting to improve my education.
8. My father warned me __________ thinking negative thoughts. Think positive!
9. My grandfather suffered __________ arthritis.
10. I don't know what we'll do at the weekend. It depends __________ the weather.
11. A lot of people borrow money __________ the bank.
12. My mother doesn't approve __________ my new boyfriend.
13. I congratulated her __________ winning the tournament.
14. He has a bodyguard to protect him __________ enemies.
15. His parents don’t approve __________ what he does but they can’t stop him.
16. The careers officer will provide you __________ all the relevant information about the job.
17. She complains __________ bullying.
18. Laura dreams __________ living on a small island.
19. Do you agree __________ staying in a foreign country?
20. The girls insisted __________ going out with Kerry.
21. Edward thinks __________ climbing trees this afternoon.


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Exercise 2: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.

1. The teacher accused Michael ________ cheating on the test.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
2. I agree ________ your answer for the problem.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
3. He apologized to his friends ________ his rude behavior.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
4. The teacher approved ________ his plan for his research paper.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
5. He believes ________ his solution for the problem.
A. for

B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
6. He blames his poor English ________ his grade on the test.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
7. The students complained ________ the food in the cafeteria.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
8. The teacher congratulated all the students ________ their final reports.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
9. Success may depend ________ becoming more patient.
A. for
B. of
C. in

D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
10. Mary approves ________ my plan. Michael disapproves of my ideas.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
11. She explained her ideas about the project ________ the teacher.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
12. The teacher insists ________ our being on time to class.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
13. Michael looked forward ________ visiting his family.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with

F. about G. from
14. All the students participated ________ the discussion.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
15. We paid $120 ________ our textbooks.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
16. Her poor Spanish prevented her ________ getting the job in Peru.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
17. I provided Michael ________ information for his report.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
18. Michael reminds me ________ my brother.

A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
19. She succeeded ________ her ambition to be a teacher.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
20. Michael thanked Mary ________ her advice.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
21. Mary worries ________ her grades.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
22. Olivia arrives ________ school at 8:00 a.m.
A. for
B. of

C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
23. You must get used ________ working long hours.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
24. We warned them ________ using this computer.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
25. The patient worries ________ having the check-up.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from

I. to

K. against

I. to

K. against

I. to

K. against

I. to

K. against

I. to

K. against

I. to

K. against

I. to

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I. to

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I. to

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I. to

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I. to

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I. to

K. at

I. to

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I. to

K. against

I. to

K. against


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Exercise 3: Read the Context and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
Olivia is a dynamic person with leadership qualities. Olivia is the oldest of six children, all of whom count
on her for guidance. And there is so much they can learn from her. It is hard to account for her energy,
which seems endless. Olivia participates ________ so many activities.
Olivia has run for President of her high school class three times and has won. Her classmates support her
because she cares ________ them. She fights for what is right. Olivia believes ________ equality for
everyone. For example, the girls in her school complained ________ the lack of funds for their sports
activities. She succeeded ________ convincing the faculty to form a women's basketball team on
campus. Olivia also arrange for a meeting with the school board to petition them to add Dance as an official
physical education class. Besides that, Olivia argued for better Internet access for a number of students who
had no Internet connection at home. She asked for 24/7 access to WiFi on campus.
The school district could not afford to pay ________ a nighttime librarian, but they could help in another
way. Olivia talked the school administrators into leaving both the WiFi and the lights on outside of the
library at night. This compromise provided students ________ Internet access and a well-lighted place to
study on the library steps. The simple solution cost nothing and resulted in better Internet access for all the
students. It is hard to explain her success ________ anyone. She is devoted to her causes. She wades
through problems and finds cost-effective solutions.
Olivia's teachers will recommend her to any university that she wants to attend. She is assured of a place in

the college or university of her choice. A scholarship will furnish her with most of her needs. She
will deal _______ unexpected costs by working and saving up money over the summer. Olivia's Her high
school classmates and teachers know that she will go _____ and have a bright future.
Exercise 4: Rewrite the following sentences.
1.“I must see the manager.” he cried.
 He insisted ____________________________________________________________
2.“You won the scholarship. Congratulation,” Mary told me.
 Mary congratulated _________________________________________________________
3. “It was kind of you to help me with my homework” Lan said to Hoa.
 Lan thanked ____________________________________________________________
4.“Turn off the computer. You are not allowed to play game now,” Dick mother said.
 Dick’s mother prevented _______________________________________________________
5.“I’m sorry that I broke the glass, Carol” said Peter.
 Peter apologized ____________________________________________________________
6.“You should have waited for us,” the team leader said to John.
 The team leader criticized ______________________________________________________
7.“You damaged my camera’ said Jane to Henry.
 Jane accused ____________________________________________________________
8.“Don’t touch that switch, Peter.” I said
 I warned ____________________________________________________________
9. We managed to get to the airport in time.
 We succeeded ____________________________________________________________
10. “It was a dropped cigarette that caused the fire.”
 People blamed ____________________________________________________________
11. We are expecting a rise in food prices this month.
 We are looking forward ____________________________________________________
12. I've got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home.
 I have got used ____________________________________________________
13. I’m afraid that I am gaining weight very fast.
 I am worrying _____________________________________________________

14. I lent Peter all of my money yesterday.
 Peter borrowed _____________________________________________________
15. “I want to become one of the best hair stylists in the future.”
 Sara dreamed _____________________________________________________________


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Cần nhớ - Tính từ đi với giới từ
Be famous for = be (well-) known for: nổi tiếng
Be sorry for/ about: xin lỗi về
Be responsible for: chịu trách nhiệm
Be interested in: đam mê
Be successful in: thành công
be afraid of: sợ, e sợ
be scared of: sợ
be tired of: mệt mỏi
be fond of: thích
be proud of: tự hào
be sick of: chán
be composed of: bao gồm
be aware of: biết
be terrified of: sợ

Be fed up with = be bored with: chán
Be crowded with: đông đúc
Be contented with = be satisfied with: hài lòng
Be concerned with/ about: liên quan đến
Be acquainted with: quen với

Good at/ bad at: giỏi/ tệ
Be surprised at: ngạc nhiên
Be disappointed at: thất vọng về điều gì
Be keen on: thích
Be dependent on: phụ thuộc vào
Be crazy about: quá say mê
Be excited about: phấn khích
Be worried about: lo lắng
Be different from: khác với
Be used to = be accustomed to: quen làm gì
Be addicted to: nghiện (game)
Devoted to = dedicated to: tận tâm
Be able to = be capable of: có thể
Be grateful to: biết ơn

Exercise 5: Match the sentences with the suitable Prepositions.
1. They are afraid ______ losing the match.
2. John is good ______ working in the garden.

3. The girl is crazy ______ playing tennis.
4. I'm tired ______ waiting for you.
5. We are excited ______ making our own film.
6. Sandy is famous ______ singing songs.
7. I'm fed up ______ being treated as a child.
8. Hannah is fond ______ going to parties.
9. Are you interested ______ writing poems?
10. Joe is keen ______ drawing.
11. She is proud ______ riding a snowboard.
12. I'm worried ______ making mistakes.


Exercise 6: Fill in the gerund with the correct PREPOSITION.
1. Marius is very good _________________ (do) archery.
2. My wife is keen _________________ pop songs. (sing)
3. The construction workers are worried _________________ their jobs. (lose)
4. The pupil is known _________________ problems. (cause)
5. Some people are afraid _________________ (fly).
6. Mr S and Mr Seibel are very bad _________________ (paint).
7. Tourists in New York are interested _________________ (visit) all the sights.
8. The students of the E-Course English 8 are tired _________________ (write) tests
9. The hikers are worried _________________ enough water. (not have)

10. We are accustomed _________________ our own bath. (have)
11. The teenager is addicted _________________ TV. (watch)
12. The actor is famous _________________ crazy once in a while. (be)
13. The money will be devoted _________________ the environment. (protect)
14. The au-pair is successful _________________ the children busy for some time. (keep)
15. George Clooney is proud _________________ in humanitarian projects. (take part)


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Exercise 7: Match the First part to the second part of the following sentences.
1) England is famous
_______ at music.
2) It's great that you got that job - you should be proud
_______ from French cheese.
3) He isn't really interested
_______ of eating hamburgers all the time.
4) She is very terrified
_______ for breaking the vase.
5) Unfortunately, I'm very bad
_______ for its rainy weather.
6) I am grateful
_______ about the party.
7) She's very excited
_______ to you for all you have done for me.
8) English cheese is very different
_______ of yourself.

9) She said she was sorry
_______ of spiders.
10) Jamie is sick
_______ in getting married.
Exercise 8: Fill in the blanks with the correct PREPOSITION.
1. A: Are you any good _________________ chess? B: No, not really. I nearly always lose .
2. Football and advertisements! I'm really fed up _________________ the telly these days.
3. I can't believe it. Carlos is afraid _________________ pigeons. It's ridiculous.
4. She is capable _________________ great things!
5. Carla is very worried _________________ her exams.
6. I wasn't interested at all _________________ walking the dog.
7. He is quite famous _________________ his paintings.
8. Are you aware _________________ the situation in Sierra Leone?
9 She's very excited _________________ her trip to Egypt..
10. I'm very bad _________________ tennis, I'm afraid.
11. Are you still fond _________________ romantic films?
12. I’m very interested _________________ nature and the environment.
13. My sister is very keen _________________ golf.
14. I’m tired _________________ playing computer games all day.
15. Hobbits are different _________________ dwarves.
16. Dad is very proud _________________ his old coin collection.
17. He is afraid _________________ spiders.
18. The restaurant will be crowded _________________ tourists next week.
19. Mike wasn't very keen _________________ going to the cinema.
20. That man was responsible _________________ the accident.
Exercise 9: Choose the best preposition to use in each of the sentences:
1. I'm not capable ________________ that type of behavior.
A. for
B. of
C. in

D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
2. Smoking is bad ________________ you.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
3. I'm so angry ________________ this!
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
4. I'm so angry _______________ you!
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from

I. to
K. at
5. She was dressed _______________ pink.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
6. This restaurant is famous _______________ its mussels.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
7. George is married _______________ a German woman.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
8. Are you afraid ________________ him?

A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
9. I'm so proud _______________ you!
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
10. We're not associated _______________ that company.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Cần nhớ - Danh từ đi với giới từ
trouble for: rắc rối
reputation for: tiếng, danh tiếng
Do harm to = damage to: làm hại
solution to: giải pháp cho
Emphasis on = focus on: nhấn mạnh
(have an) effect on sth: ảnh hưởng lên
(have) difficulty in: gặp khó khăn
interest in: sự đam mê
Confidence in: tự tin
increase/ decrease in: tăng/ giảm
Advantage/ disadvantage of: lợi thế
chance of = opportunity of: cơ hội
(be in) danger of: có nguy cơ
hope of: hy vọng
idea of: ý tưởng
risk of: nguy cơ
way of: cách
experience of/ in: kinh nghiệm
habit of: thói quen
(have) intention of: có ý định
as a result of: là do

cause of: nguyên nhân của
Exercise 10: Fill in the blanks with the correct PREPOSITION.
1. What is the advantage ____________ farming over hunting?
2. There's a chance ____________ catching a cold these days.
3. Peggy is in danger ____________ making a mistake.
4. He has difficulty ____________ texting.
5. There's little hope ____________ catching the new Corvette.
6. I like the idea ____________ setting up a new email account.
7. There's no interest ____________ writing letters.
8. There's some opportunity ____________ bringing her parents together again.
9. There's a real reason ____________ winning the contest.
10. There's a risk ____________ digging too deep.
11. He was in trouble ____________ stealing.
12. This is a new way ____________ building a wall.
13. She has a lot of experience ____________ dealing with mentally ill patients.
14. My sister has got a talent ____________ learning languages.
15. He has a habit ____________ smoking in the morning.
16. The main disadvantage ____________ flying is that planes are often delayed.
17. Her reputation ____________ winning difficult games is well-known.
18. Our reason ____________ going to Lindelbrunn was the season.
19. I like the idea ____________ working in a Spanish school one day.
20. Many people in Libya have the hope ____________ living in peace now.
Exercise 11: Choose the best answer to fill in the blank.
1. To cater for the growing interest ______ information technology, we have had to put on three extra
courses this year.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with

F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
2. Is there any chance ____________ seeing you about this some time today?
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
3. We need to put more emphasis _______ improving staff morale rather than buying more equipment.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
4. Have you had any experience ____________ this type of work?
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at

5. They have been offered a considerable increase _______ salary in return for more flexibility.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
6. I have no intention ____________ resigning. It's up to them to dismiss me if they aren't satisfied.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
reason for: lý do cho điều gì
talent for: sự tài năng



Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
7. By the way, congratulations ____________ winning the Waverley contract!
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
8. As a result ____________ the adverse publicity, their sales went down.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
9. I didn't think there was any reason ____________ him to shout at me.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
10. The rise in interest rates had had a considerable effect ____ sales of furniture and kitchen appliances.

A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
11. We have every confidence ____________ your organising ability.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
12. I hope they find a solution ____________ this storage problem soon!
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
13. The decrease ____ demand has caused a huge drop in their profits.
A. for
B. of
C. in

D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
14. The storm did a lot of damage ____ the roof.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
15. Did they give you the reasons ____ their decision?
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
16. What was the cause ____ the problem?
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from

I. to
K. at
17. They were congratulated for their success ____ tracking him down.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. on
E. with
F. about G. from
I. to
K. at
Exercise 1: Fill in the correct prepositions.
1. Are you afraid _________________ spiders?
2. We enjoyed our holiday but we were disappointed _________________ our hotel.
3. I was surprised _________________ the way he behaved.
4. He is very fond _________________ animals.
5. She doesn’t often go out in the night because she’s afraid _________________ the dark.
6. I learn Spanish but I’m not very satisfied _________________ my progress.
7. George is terrible! He is always short _________________ money!
8. My opinion will depend _________________ his behaviour.
9. Ask Jane, she is good _________________ English.
10. He is responsible _________________ what appears in his newspaper.
11. He wasn’t very keen _________________ going to the cinema.
12. Are you good _________________ repairing things?
13. They are interested _________________ sports.
14. Amsterdam is famous _________________ its canals.
15. He said he was sorry _________________ the situation but there was nothing he could do.
16. Sorry. I'm not proud _________________ what I did.
17. She's responsible _________________ the company's PR.

18. The city centre is crowded _________________ shoppers.
19. The reason _________________ this meeting is to discuss the merger.
20. The decrease _________________ profits is due to the bad market.
21. The cause _________________ his problems is his wife.
22. Did you do any damage _________________ the car?
23. I was surprised _________________ his reaction to the problem.
24. The advantage _________________ having free time is that you can do anything you want with it.
25. We had little hope _________________ success; nonetheless, we decided to perform the operation.
26. The cash-for-vote scandal did a lot of harm _________ his reputation as a conscientious politician.


Teacher: Ngọc Anh Nguyễn
Phone number: 0969.297.270
Exercise 2: Fill in the correct prepositions.
1. We would like to see a big increase _________________ productivity.
2. I have no interest _________________ politics.
3. I admire their way _________________ doing things.
4. This city is famous _________________ its museums and art galleries.
5. Her story is different _________________ your story.
6. People are responsible _________________ their actions.
7. She is confident _________________ good results.
8. What are you interested _________________?
9. He is accustomed _________________ hot weather.
10. She is worried _________________ her son's health.
11. He is trustworthy and reliable. You can depend _________________ him.
12. Do you believe _________________ ghosts?
13. Her parents didn't approve _________________ her marriage to that man.

14. They arrived _________________ London early in the morning.
15. Don't worry _________________ it. Everything will be OK.
16. They objected _________________ his plan at first but accepted it later.
17. She is looking forward _________________ his aunt in Chicago. (visit)
18. The construction workers worried _________________ their jobs. (lose)
19. My wife apologized _________________ late. (be)
20. The au-pair succeeds _________________ the children busy for some time. (keep)
21. He blamed me _________________ the CD player. (damage)
22. We talked _________________ (have) a Singstar-party next week.
23. Mr and Mrs B. are dreaming _________________ (go back) to the US one day.
24. I've waited _________________ Judy for 30 minutes. I’m going home.
25. Stop talking and concentrate _________________ your work.
26. I don't know what we'll do at the weekend. It depends _________________ the weather.
27. She will arrive _________________ Beijing at 3 p.m.
28. I like to listen _________________ the radio when I wake up.
29. A lot of people borrow money _________________ the bank.
30. Who does this coat belong _________________?
31. She left without paying _________________ the meal.
32. When she arrived _________________ the pub, it was already closed.
Exercise 3: Fill in the gerund with the correct PREPOSITION.
1. She is looking forward _________________ his aunt in Chicago. (visit)
2. My wife is keen _________________ pop songs. (sing)
3. She has a lot of experience _________________ with mentally ill patients. (deal)
4. The secretary carried _________________ the letter. (type)
5. The construction workers worried _________________ their jobs. (lose)
6. They tried to cope _________________ in bad weather. (work)
7. The pupil is known _________________ problems. (cause)
8. My wife apologized _________________ late. (be)
9. The teacher always keeps _________________ his timetable. (complain)


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