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1. Should children live in boarding school?
Well, this experience has both advantages and disadvantages.
On one hand, by living here, children learn to be independent.
Meanwhile, those living with their family have to depend on
family for any decision they make. Besides, surrounded by new
friends, children can enlarge relationship. Some of them could
be great shoulders for them to cry on in the future. In addition,
they can accumulate important living skills like finance
management or communication. However, it cannot be denied
that living here makes them lonely. Away from family, they may
feel vulnerable to social evils as well. Besides, some families
may find this experience rather exorbitant
2. Should farmers use chemicals to increase yields?
Chemical usage has both pros and cons. First, it is true that by
using certain chemicals, farmers can increase productivity and
generate a greater amount of profit. Besides, according to
several studies, certain chemicals, which are carefully controlled
by scientists, prove safe to customers. In addition, these
chemicals can erase dangerous pests or weeds that harm crop

Nevertheless, it is believed that these chemicals, if not well
tested, can put people's health in danger. Some problems like
genetic mutation or cancer are caused by the excessive usage of
chemicals in farming products. In addition, they may cost a
huge amount of money. Environmentally speaking, they cause
soil erosion, degrading land quality and affecting crops in the
long term
3. Education is a life-long task?

When we are little children, we are supposed to learn to have
enough skills for future work. No sooner do we graduate from
university than some people think that we should stop learning.
However, in a knowledge-based society like today, we need to
study continuously to get promotion and gain higher salaries.
The work environment is very competitive, which means that
knowledge and perfection are important.
Reaching the twilight years, the old are believed to learn as
well. Can you imagine that young generation grow up and look
down on the old for lack of knowledge and experience? The old
may feel despised and find that they need to learn to keep pace
with youngsters.
4. Should citizens pay tax?
Tax payment is compulsory for various reasons. First, without
tax payment, how could governments have enough money to

upgrade infrastructure and facilities like road-building and riverclearing? In addition, it is ridiculous when each citizen enjoys
this service but has no responsibility to pay for it. In developed
countries, in order to achieve significant development, all of
their citizens learn to be willing to pay tax to governments.
Besides, if each nation wants to have high-skilled labor to
produce the best items, education investment with qualified
teachers and the most modern equipment is necessary. But to
obtain this goal, governments have to allocate a certain part
from tax payment obviously. Furthermore, when it comes to
epidemics in rural areas that take lives of people, governmental
money taken from tax is essential to provide immunization
programs for citizens.
5. What is your favorite competition?

I recalled a competition I participated in at secondary schoolthat was an English speaking contest.
Never did I have enough confidence to take part in such a
competition because at primary school, my English remained
limited, but after entering secondary school, I saw
improvement. During the time the contest took place, I was so
nervous due to some difficult questions. I nearly wanted to give
up on it, but no sooner did I see my mother smiling at me
outside the room than I regained my confidence and took all my
courage to continue doing it.

Luckily I got the second place, despite not being the winner of
the competition. What I learnt from it was that knowledge was
part of success, yet belief and confidence were more crucial. In
addition, I strongly realize that failure is not a disaster, but
mother of success. Since the first time competition, I dare to
enter into more contests than ever. I recommend that young
generation should join in more competitions to train their skills
like concentration, patience, courage and to recognize their
strengths and weaknesses as well.
6. How does technology affect food industry?
Technology has both positive and negative effects on food
industry. On one hand, with cutting edge technology, people
can quicken the process of cooking food. Micro-oven can
shorten the process to only one minute, for example. Besides,
delivery of food is much more convenient. Food can be
transported to any place through the support of airplane, train
and other means of media. Furthermore, chemicals are used to
increase agricultural yields for farmers. Nevertheless, it cannot
be denied that packaged food contains a high amount of

cholesterol. In addition, it can adversely affect relationship
between people. By cooking ourselves without much support of
high technology, people can spend time together talking,
chatting and sharing experience. This cement our relationship
