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Bộ đề mẫu môn tiếng anh thi công chức tỉnh quảng ngãi đợt 2năm 2017 (3 phần)

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1. Our physical environment ____ have an enormous impact on our well-being.
2. You will _____ how to use biology and technology to maximize crop and
animal production.
3. Jane, I’m sorry. I am very busy now, I have _____ time to answer your email
at all.
4. In certain parts on the earth, women still ___ water a long way to their village.
5. We are ______ work at the moment.
6. Jessica and Jack are ___ the desk.
7. My family’s picture is ___ the wall.
8. It is not easy learning Chinese at home. Do you think I should ____ an
evening course?
9. Jake and Mary don’t want to ___ salmon.
10. All of the civil servants in the ministry had no idea who would deliver the
first speech in the afternoon session of the conference, because the hosting
organization so_______.
11. You don’t ___ come with me to the party if you are busy tonight.
12. Nowadays, in both urban and rural areas, the environment is ______more
and more polluted.
13. That book is not mine. It is ___ , I think.
14. Last week, not may people ____ their wedding.
15. My uncle is a doctor. Her father is a doctor, too. They are ___ doctors.
16. We have many blessings for those _____ we are deeply grateful to.
17. New York is the place ______ people of many different cultures live and
work together.
18. Those strangers were wearing heavy overcoats to ___ themselves against the
19. Feng ___ eggs, bread and butter.
20. When I was a child, I used to go to school___ bicycle.
21. Professor Albert _____ us English language.

22. Young people often spend much time on _____ smartphones.
23. Knowing our feelings _____ stress can explain what causes the stress.
24. Last month, the Civil Service Commission _______ a new code of conducts.
25. In the movie that I saw yesterday, a lot of passengers who ___ in the ship
crash are still suffering from shock.
26. The doctor showed them ___ to do some exercises.
27. It ___ Michael almost an hour to find a pair of shoes that fitted him.
28. They ____ should do it for her as she could not do it by herself.
29. My children are looking forwards _____ the Lunar New Year.
30. Yesterday, we waited for a traditional taxi. However, finally, we gave up
waiting and took a Grab car.
31. This type of material is normally used for _____ many plastic products.
32. The scientific journal on organizational sciences is_____ once a month.
33. _______ the fact that the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.
34. Jane feels like giving up her job _____ the consequences she will face.
35. Can you help me___ the window?
36. His dissertation is divided into five parts and each of these _____ three
37. How do you _____ about the pollution problem in this area?
38. ____ the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.
39. Performance are failing _____ a lack of trained workers.
40. ____ December 2012 the University Board for Teaching and Learning
approved the University's Teaching and Learning Strategy 2013-2018.
41. The University ______ six teaching and learning deans who work alongside
the Pro-Vice-Chancellor.
42. Paris is one of the _____ expensive city in the world.
43. I haven't seen Peter _____ today.
44. Deforestation ______causing an alarming decrease in the amount of farming

45. This committee ______ in partnership with staff and the student community
to inspire innovative and creative approaches to teaching and learning.

46. This award is valid for _____ to three years.
47. Agriculture combines _____ study of natural and life sciences with valuable
academic and practical aspects of management.
48. Tomorrow is Jane’s birthday. I ___ her some flowers.
49. Reading is recognised _____ a mark of excellence by employers. The
knowledge gained has allowed me to fulfil my potential.
50. John filled in the application forms and ___ for the job that he kept dreaming
of nights and days.
51. Making time to ____ outside on a nice day also delivers a huge advantage.
52. One study found that _______30 minutes outside in good weather boosted
one’s positive mood.
53. In our modern society, stress has ______ a habit.
54. Peace isn’t something that you can easily find in just one day and then you
never have to struggle ______ hold onto.
55. Scheduling ______ ‘worry time’ is a classic intervention in CBT used to
help you gain control over anxiety and worry.
56. I ____ learnt there is a quiet and calm eye to the storm, waiting for us all
57. Toddlers _______ fearless creatures when trying new things.
58. It doesn’t matter ______ she doesn’t get it right every time.
59. The trouble is, everything ______ new when you’re trying to start a new
baby business like I am.
60. Possible careers ______ these degrees include farm management, animal and
crop research and advisory services, and overseas development work.
61. The funding from Innovate UK and BEIS will ____us to try to make a new

batch of the new MERS vaccine candidate fast.
62. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to _______ something that people find
63. I’m scared that even if I do create something, no one would ______ to buy
64. It is the perfect route______ agriculture, sustainable rural livelihoods and
related industries.

65. Fear only has _____ power that you give it. It’s power is making you get too
afraid to try something. So if you’re afraid but try something any way, it doesn’t
have any power.
66. It is important for everyone ___ learn English.
67. It's time for dinner. I think that you ___ not go outside now.
68. It's everyday anxiety that can distract us ______ the magic of the present
69. Everyone struggles _____fear, even if they tell you that they don’t.
70. The fear of launching, of putting yourself out there, never _____ away
71. The reason people are able to ______ with their self-doubt and still achieve
success is that they experience it, they acknowledge it, and they keep moving.
72. You have the power to set yourself _______ for success.
73. The reason you’re doubting ______ is probably because you feel that the
work you’re doing is so important, it should be done by a perfect human being.
74. No one _____ perfect, and no one else is going to do the thing that you’re
75. Self-doubt keeps us doing _____best work.
76. Don’t forget to take _____ break from the screen every once in a while for a
breath of fresh air.
77. Most of the time, the best thing you can do in this situation is to steer _____

the skid.
78. If you’re afraid of something, of putting yourself out there, of creating a kind
of connection or a promise, that’s a ______ that you’re on the right track.
79. Systematic muscle relaxation training is _____strategy used in Cognitive
Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to reduce anxiety.
80. Every decision you make has a direct impact _____ your future
81. Self-doubt keeps us ______ our best work.
82. There’s no secret trick to conquer self-doubt and fear _____ failure.
83. It’s easier to act your way ______ a new way of thinking, than to think your
way into acting.

84. Kieran Tie is a designer and marketing strategist _____ helps nice folks tell
their authentic story, attract more customers, and build a business and life on
their terms.
85. When he’s not writing his popular weekly letters, you can find him _____
time with his wife and daughter in their Denver home.
86. A few tweaks can transform this tiresome task ______ a pleasurable ritual.
87. The French method ______ built around principles mostly uncommon to the
American way of grocery shopping and pantry keeping.
88. French citizens typically _______ small refrigerators that they stock on a
meal-by-meal basis.
89. What the French keep in their fridge and cupboards _____ most likely cover
only a few days' worth of meals at a time.
90. They walk to a local indoor or outdoor market, bakery, or butcher ______
91. _____ the instructor tried hard, they could not complete the project in time
as they were lacking in skills and knowledge.
92. Furthermore, _____ French love to savour their food, each meal is its own
delightful culinary adventure.

93. Food manufacturers have _____ that they can increase demand and sell more
products if they give you more variety.
94. Because American grocery stores are packed with countless options, it's easy
_____ fall into the hypnotizing trap set for us.
95. You can't depend _______ them or count on them because they are weak
and only there to give you shade.
96. For many of us, it’s often fun to reminisce; however, when you’re on your
way to destiny you can’t afford _____ spend time looking in the rear-view
97. Writing things down helps _______ mental clutter.
98. Writing stimulates a bunch of cells at the base of the brain called the
reticular activating _____ (RAS).
99. Once you write ______ a goal, your brain will be working overtime to see
you get it.
100. After a series of consecutive failures, Carrey wrote himself a check _____
$10 million for ‘acting services rendered’, later placing the check in his wallet.

101. He removed it seven years later when he ______ a payment in the exact
amount for the hit film ‘Dumb and Dumber’.
102. There’s also scientific proof that the pen is mightier ______ the keyboard.
103. Typing information ______ your computer, laptop or mobile device is
effective, it’s not as efficient as writing it down.
104. There’s a connection ______ handwriting and cognitive abilities.
105. ________I don’t write it down, I will forget.
106. On a 2014 television appearance, T.D. Jakes _____ down with Arsenio
Hall for a candid conversation about overcoming life's difficulties.
107. During their time together last year, Arsenio _______ up a favourite quote
by Jakes.
108. It is the breaking of life that _________ the blessing of life.

109. Comfort often _______ an amnesia effect in our lives
110. It gives us _______ false sense of security.
111. We mistakenly believe that we ______ the main source of security in our
lives and those around us.
112. When the unexpected ________ and we are challenged, it reminds us of
our own limitations and causes us to look beyond ourselves for help.
113. Self-reliance is ______ a brittle fence that was eaten away by termites.
114. It may have the appearance of strength and fortitude, but a little agitation
_______ its true condition.
115. Hoa never takes an umbrella ____ it’s raining heavily.
116. When we _______ broken, the fences we construct that have isolated us
from those around us come crumbling down.
117. Focusing on only a few meals ______ a time can snap you out of this spell.
118. You'll save money by only buying ____ you need, and you'll focus on
meals, not on having reserves of gimmicky snacks.
119. The French choose quality over quantity where their budget_______.
120. The French are known _______love fresh, local, and unprocessed foods.
121. French women know that ________ is not just reserved for artists.
122. ______France, meals are part of a two- to three-hour ritual where each
morsel is meant to be enjoyed.

123. ____of what he said was unbelievable.
124. Yet when Americans buy in bulk, we aren't thinking _____ all the
delightful meals that we can prepare and share but rather foods that might easily
be nuked in a microwave and eaten on the go.
125. The French way of grocery shopping _______ a healthier lifestyle.
126. I ______ the grocery store is sort of a nostalgic place.
127. By re-evaluating how we're shopping and being intentional _____ what we
buy, food will become less of a constant battle.

128. All of these practices are conducive ______ healthy weight maintenance
and nutrition.
129. They also prefer ______ eat smaller portions of foods that they truly love.
130. When we cease ______ view shopping for and eating food as tiresome
chores, we rid ourselves of an unhealthy mind-set toward our daily bread.
131. The content of the novel was ___ complicated that it was completely
132. Last year, I _____ hosting monthly dinners with my friends at different
local restaurants, I was in the gym each morning, and I was writing on the
133. I couldn’t remember ______ last time my wife and I just sat on the couch
to watch TV or share a laugh together.
134. Last year, I _____ an honest inventory of how I was spending my waking
hours, and I accepted that I was doing too much.
135. As I began to ______ my relationship more, I told my wife that I valued her
and what we were working to build.
136. I found that I was no ______ just busy; I was productive and feeling
fulfilled in my personal relationships.
137. Every time we say ‘yes’ to something, we’re saying ‘no’ to
138. If we’re not careful, our relationships might suffer, our health might _____
and we might end up way off our centre.
139. When we fully put ourselves _____ the things we care about, we reap
greater rewards.
140. We’re more efficient, effective, and we _____ to enjoy the experience.

141. Even though it might sound counter-intuitive, when we _____time to focus
on one thing at a time, we can be more productive.
142. I don't have as much time for reading ___ I would like to.

143. If you commit to something, be present and show up ____ it.
144. People respect you when you’re honest _____ what you want to do and
know where you’d rather not put your time.
145. I get up early so that I have _____ time to journal, meditate and write down
things I’m thankful for.
146. According to the recent election's results, the Democrats are ____ smallest
of the four main political parties.
147. I challenge myself to be present during staff meetings. I’ll silence my
phone, _____ notes in a notebook.
148. Being more productive doesn’t _____ mean just doing more.
149. It means doing more of _____ we care about.
150. You already _____ everything you need to shift where you’re putting your
energy and time, and to say ‘yes’ to yourself more.
151. Whether you realize it _____not, people who refuse to grow with you
simply can't go with you.
152. At some point ______ your life you must realize that everyone can’t go
with you to the next level
153. Some people come _____ your life and they are like leaves on a tree.
154. If you ______ there’s something that can be tackled the following day, hold
off on placing it on your list.
155. The painting was ___ to be over one hundred years old.
156. ___ the soup so that it won’t be boil over.
157. Once you’re done ______ your list and you have more time, feel free to
start on the next day’s action items.
158. You're _____ fire when you're focused.
159. Our tendency when going through times of great difficulty is to rush _____
them as quickly as possible.
160. Some people like to have the windows open all the time; ___ don’t.

161. This resistance to be present in times of _____ can lead us to miss hearing
the voice of instruction.
162. Slowing down ______us to realize that the true lesson to be learned is in
the pain and not always on the other side of it.
163. It’s imperative that we establish healthy boundaries _____ others and make
sure we’re keeping track of everything we’re planning to do.
164. When someone is old, he is in his second _____.
165. They don't want to be alone _______ themselves and they've never gotten
to know themselves.
166. Everything happens _______ a reason.
167. This simple concept not ______ applies to love and career, but it also
speaks to our everyday relationships.
168. Each person that has come _______our life, whether for a period of days or
years, arrived along our path to serve a purpose.
169. Many times, we don't fully grasp when circumstances ______ and an
individual no longer adds value to our lives.
170. Most people _______ difficulty figuring out what to do once they realize
171. While it may seem somewhat harsh or insensitive to ______ties, it is
perfectly fine, and in fact, very healthy to cut people off.
172. If their presence _______ unsettling to your spirit, don’t ignore the signs
173. Your instincts only pick up ______ the truth and seek to guide you
174. There comes time when things, and people no longer bring you joy or
175. It is a sign that there is a need ______ change, and you have to take the
initiative to switch things up.
176. A lot of rooms in the school ____ repairing.
177. Attitude is everything. More so, we each have _____ power to speak things
into existence.

178. For those with a positive outlook, the fruits _____ our thoughts and actions
reap positive rewards.

179. For those who constantly complain or carry an attitude of ungratefulness,
the atmosphere ______ filled with gloom and negativity.
180. Individuals who always _____ to criticize other people show a sure sign of
wasting valuable time and energy on the wrong things and, ultimately, are not
deserving of yours.
181. Relationships are ______ exchange.
182. It takes two people _______ invested in making each other better, holding
each other accountable and being of help when in need.
183. Those who are always first _____ the table and walk away with the most
before ever leaving anything for others should take their appetite elsewhere.
184. Relationships should never _____ more of a burden than a blessing.
185. When you start to feel used or taken advantage of, mentally or spiritually,
cut it _____ quickly.
186. Everyone ______ that trust is one of most essential factors in any form of
187. Once it is compromised, things might never _______ the same.
188. Trust can take years to _______ and a only a few moments to break.
189. Those who claim a space in your circle must be people you find
trustworthy, reliable and genuinely concerned ______ what is best for you.
190. Why you are always jealous ____ Jane?
191. When the bond is broken or betrayal irreparably sets in, find ____ exit.
192. ___ a doctor, I must advise your son to give up smoking.
193. You should always surround yourself ______ people who support you and
your dreams.
194. Though support comes in _____ forms, the common thread is authenticity
and honesty.

195. ____ a lot of other members, we managed to survive the recession.
196. Those with ____ true desire to watch you win in life don’t care to offer
endless pats on the back or overlook your weaknesses.
197. He doesn’t want to explain the reason ___ his decision.
198. Stay clear of those who bring you down rather than ______ you up.
199. All things, including people and feelings,_________ .

200. When they do change, it is only fair for all parties involved to

C1.Since food (1)_____ both important for physical and mental well being,
theimportance of food in life is huge. Proper nutrition means (2)_____ you get
all the essential nutrients required for healthy functioning of the body through
your diet. These essential nutrients can only be obtained (3)_____ the diet. If
your body is in shortage of these nutrients, it can have adverse effects on your
overall functioning. The body (4)_____ the right amount of nutrients, and this
can be only done through the diet. Importance of food nutrition can also be
understood by the fact that even if a single micronutrient is missing or is in short
supply, it (5)_____ cause serious implications for the functioning of the entire
body. There are many different nutrients that (6)_____ to be consumed in order
to maintain healthy functioning of the body. These nutrients (7)_____ vitamins
and minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Each of these nutrients
(8)______a vital role to play in the functioning of the body. Therefore, the
deficiency of any one of them can cause (9)_____ organ system to fail. For
instance, potassium deficiency causes muscle cramps and calcium deficiency
can (10)_____ heart and bone diseases.

C2. A healthy diet is the basis for (1)_____ well-functioning body. Food is the
source of (2)_____ for all of our bodily functions and directly affects how our
bodies and minds function in (3)_____ stage of life. There are a variety of
reasons why a healthy diet is (4)_______, including disease prevention,
maintenance of a healthy weight and quality of life. Calories are the unit of
measure (5)_____ stored energy in food. The energy provided by food calories
is needed for every function of the (6)______, including thought, physical
activity, growth and healing. According to Medline Plus, foods containing an
equal (7)______ of calories and nutrients are ideal for a balanced diet. Proteins,
carbohydrates and fats are the building blocks of energy. After ingestion,
carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, (8)______ provides raw energy
that is either used immediately or stored in the muscles for later use. Complex
carbohydrates like whole grains, vegetables and fruits provide a (9)______ of
calories and nutrients, whereas simple carbs such as sugar and white flour are
high in calories and low in nutrients, making them a poor choice (10)_____
energy production.

C3.Most people have a (1)______ idea about what they want for their lives. The
capacity to relay that vision to others is the challenge. This is something that sets
apart a leader from (2)______ rest.The main quality that all leaders share is that
they have a clear (3)_____ exciting vision for the future, and the ability to
communicate that vision.Only a leader can (4)_____ about the future and plan
for the future each day.In order to develop a clear vision andplan for your future,
there are several tips to keep (5)_____ minds. Firstly, let communicate your
vision. Secondly, let motivate people (6)_____ give their best. It is the vision of
the future possibilities, of what can be, that arouses emotion and motivates
people to give their best.The most powerful vision (7)_____ always qualitative,

aimed at and described in terms of values and mission. It is not a quantitative
vision, described (8)______ terms of money and numbers. Thirdly, let keep in
mind that money is important. Of course, money is important. The decision and
commitment to ‘be the best in the business,’ though, is far more exciting. Last
but not (9)_____, let practice patience under pressure. This is the important
quality required for rapid promotion is the ability to function well under
pressure, especially in a crisis.Keeping your good performance in a crisis
(10)______ to practice patience and self-control under difficult or disappointing
C4.There are (1)______ major mental obstacles that deter financial success. The
most common reason is that some people believe, for whatever reason, that they
don’t deserve to (2)_____ rich.Some people believe that they don’t deserve to be
successful and happy.Of course, this (3)_____ untrue. Yet, this negative way of
thinking can lead to destructive financial habits. These habits can be hard to
break. The first thing to do is that you (4)______ change your attitude toward
money. Negative experiences in childhood, which are all too common, can have
terrible effects. For example, when people (5)______ do succeed as the result of
hard work, they feel guilty.These guilt feelings then cause them to do things to
get rid of the money, to throw it away. They spend it or invest it foolishly. They
lend (6)_____, lose it or give it away. They engage in self-sabotage. It can come
in the form of overeating, excessive drinking, drug usage, marital infidelity and
often dramatic personality (7)______.To change your results with money, you
have to change your attitude (8)______ it. You have to make a habit of seeing
money as something positive. It must be courted and coaxed and flattered and
treated (9)_____ care and attention. It gravitates toward people who respect it,
value it and are capable of doing worthwhile things with it. It flees from people
who do not understand it, or who do not take proper care (10)_____ it.

C5.In a 2005 article called ‘Effects of Exercise and Diet on Chronic Disease’ it
was reported that chronic illnesses in Western society (1)_____ increasing and
are now the leading causes of death in the modern (2)_____. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC state that the top three killers (3)_____
America are heart disease, cancer and stroke as of 2007. The 2005 article also
states that these chronic diseases are based (4)____ three main factors including
genetics, diet, and physical activity levels. They state that most people have the
perception that genes cause chronic disease, (5)_____ they state that the genetic
factors are heavily influenced (6)_____ the environment and lifestyle that the
person lives and not solely based (7)______ genes. Simply put, this means that
if someone (8)_____ a family history of disease, they do not (9)_______ have
the same destiny (10)_____ they make appropriate lifestyle changes.
C6.The more (1)_____ you invest into setting priorities before you begin a task,
the faster you will get the important things done. The (2)_____ important and
valuable the task is to you, the more motivated you are to overcome
procrastination and launch yourself into the job.William Matthews said, ‘The
first law of success is concentration – to bend all the energies to one point, and
to go directly (3)______ that point, looking neither to the right or to the left’.
Today, I want to share a method of (4)_____-management for setting priorities
that I’ve been using for years, called the ABCDE method.The ABCDE Method
is (5)_____ powerful priority setting technique that you can use (6)_____ single
day. This technique is so simple and effective that it can make you one of the
most efficient and effective people (7)______ your field. The ABCDE list is a
to-do-list on steroids when it comes to learning (8)______ to prioritize.The
power of this technique lies in its simplicity because it’s so action
oriented.Discipline yourself (9)_____ do nothing else until this one job is
complete. It will become one of the best time-management tools you (10)_____

C7.The most powerful word (1)______ how to become a public speaker is
“ask”. The future belongs to the askers. The future belongs to people who
confidently ask for what they (2)_____, and especially to speak to a company or
organization.You can call them up (3)______explain that you specialize in this
subject and that you’d love to speak to their organization.Ask them for the
opportunity. Ask them (4)______ more information. Ask them if they use

speakers and when they will next be using a speaker again.The more you ask,
the more answers you (5)______.When I began my speaking career I advertised
my seminars (6)_____ every possible way: radio, television, newspapers and
even billboards if you can imagine, and direct mail by the thousands of pieces.
And I did that (7)_____ I was broke.I used to joke that when I started off in
professional speaking I learned how to sell again. I (8)______ my house. I sold
my car and my furniture. I sold nearly everything trying to buy business with
public advertising.You cannot get (9)______ engagements or even seminar
attendees by simply advertising.Finally, when I had no more money I picked up
the telephone and got (10)_____ hold of decision makers and made
C8.The start of a new year always represents (1)_____ exciting time. For many
people, it feels like a fresh start – a brand new year full of brand (2)_____
possibilities. In preparation for a (3)_____ new year, there are several things that
people often as follow. Firstly, before you can achieve (4)_____ goals, you first
have to set them.These goals should be (5)_____ than the typical New Year’s
resolutions that are all but forgotten by the time February rolls around; they
should be serious commitments that you (6)______ through on for the duration
of 2018.The specific goals you set is entirely up to you. They could be related to
your health, your relationships, your career, (7)______ anything between.The

important part is that you choose goals that mean something to you and follow
through to make those goals a reality. Secondly, so far too many people remain
in negative situations (8)______ they feel as if they are stuck there with no
opportunity for escape. Finally, you should learn (9)_____to say ‘No’. There is
such a thing as stretching ourselves too thin, and people (10)____ far too often
guilty of agreeing to more than they can actually handle.
C9.We often judge the (1)_____ brilliant people because they’re different. But
we don’t need them to be normal; we need them to be brilliant.The world needs
brilliance, (2)____ it always has. It’s rare and powerful, and when it has a
chance to reach its full (3)_____ in just the right circumstances, we are all better
off for it.But brilliance can be a challenge. Those among us who march to the
beat of a different drummer can be intimidating, or (4)_____ strange. They don’t
do small talk very well. You might not invite them to your next dinner party.
They are not standard in any way.The truth (5)_____, we don’t need these
people to be normal or standard in any way. We need them to try and fail 10,000

(6)_____ to invent the next light bulb, or figure out a way to fly, or go to Mars,
or improve our lives in some way that we have (7)____ thought of (8)_____
predicted. Why? Because they are brilliant (9)_____they always have been, even
when the rest of the world is not quite sure (10)_____ to make of them.
C10.We know the tried-and-true advice (1)____ optimal digestive health: Eat
lots of fiber, drink tons of water and avoid greasy foods. But what (2)_____ the
physical things you can do?David Greuner, M.D., the surgical director at NYC
Surgical Associates, offers his tips (3)_____ physically aiding your digestion,
and suggests the yoga poses below for optimal digestion. Firstly, (4)____ up
straight. Minimize your heartburn risk by sitting up straight. ‘Good posture daily
can help with stomach discomfort,’ Greuner says. ‘After (5)_____ meal, it will

help your digestion if you remain upright and avoid positions such as slouching
and lying down.’. Secondly, rest (6)______ eating. Don’t partake in any
strenuous activity after eating (7)_____ large meal. ‘You actually digest the
most when you are resting, and digestion slows when in motion,’Greuner says.
Thirdly, strike a pose. Yoga poses can help open up the abdomen, Greuner says.
‘Yoga helps (8)_____ your breath with many different breathing exercises. By
doing this, you are strengthening the diaphragm muscles, which will help
prevent reflux. There (9)____ also certain stretches that target abdominal organs,
and twists (10)_____ can help massage and wring out stuck intestinal toxins.’
C11.I’ve written over 70 books over my 40-year career, and I can (1)____ you
that as much as we would (2)____ them to, books don’t write themselves.
Motivation is the measurement of the energy that (3)____ put into any
endeavor.When you write a book, you are bound (4)____struggle with periods
where you lack the motivation to write or experience writer’s block. To combat
this, you need (5)_____arsenal of tools and techniques that you can use to help
you overcome motivational issues like getting started writing, finding (6)_____
message, or getting rid of writer’s block. Writing is a job and every job needs
the ‘write’ tool.First, you should (7)____everyday. Second, don’tedit as you
write. You should keep writing and (8)____ editing for the very end. Third, get
rid of distractions. Get rid (9)______ distractions when you write. Writing a
book requires all of your attention. Create a space where there are few if any
outside distractions. Your goal is to eliminate all distractions and get (10)____ a
state of flow.

C12.For (1)____ growing child, nutrition is all the more important. The
importance of nutrition in child development simply cannot (2)____ denied.
Since the child is still in the growing stages, all the organs are developing, and

the child needs (3)_____ lot of nutrition for proper growth. In childhood, the
importance of food and dairy products is unsurpassed. Dairy products are the
richest source (4)_____ calcium. A growing child, who is still developing the
body’s bones, needs a lot of calcium. Educationists all over the world (5)____
realized the importance of nutrition education. Since children are the target of
advertising for junk food manufacturers, it (6)_____ important that education
about food and nutrition importance be given in schools. Today, the importance
(7)______ food and nutrition is taught to students from the time they are in
school. This helps them in dealing with nutrition as well (8)_____ their body’s
needs. Nutrition education can also (9)_____ you find out what is dietary
cholesterol, what is dietary fat, what is dietary fiber, what is dietary supplement,
and what (10)____ dietetics.
C13.From infancy we're taught that we need to (1)_____ accountable for our
actions. If we hurt someone, we (2)_____ apologize; if we take something that
isn’t ours, we should give it back. As we mature, holding others accountable
(3)_____ their words and actions enables us to live with purpose and integrity.
But what happens when those in our lives struggle with being held accountable
for their (4)_____? There are 3 reasons. Firstly, their word is their bond.With
clear limits in place they had (5)____ explain their motivations in greater depth
and were more likely to be bound by their word. Secondly, it’s your
expectationthat matters.Your expectations (6)____ relationships, friendships and
work dynamics matter. If you have respectfully asked a certain family member,
for example, to stop speaking poorly (7)_____ your wife, it is both justified and
necessary to hold them accountable for their words. Tell them what you need,
how their words (8)_____ your family and that you would love to be a part of
their life only when your expectation for basic respect has been met.Thirdly, you
love yourself and honor (9)_____ limits.The more we hold (10)_____
accountable for how they treat us, the better our self esteem.

C14.Our physical environment (1)_____ have an enormous impact on our wellbeing. Although we don’t (2)_____ complete control over our surroundings, we
can make specific efforts to infuse them with positivity.Think about your office:
What feelings (3)_____ it inspire? People who flank their computers with

pictures of loved ones aren’t just decorating—they’re (4)____ a hit of positive
emotion each time they glance that direction. Bring (5)_____ framed picture of
your spouse, child or closest friends to set on your desk. It’ll boost your mood
(6)____ time it catches your eye.Making time (7)_____ go outside on a nice day
also delivers a huge advantage. One study found that spending 30 minutes
outside (8)____ good weather not only boosted one’s positive mood but also
broadened thinking and (9)______ working memory. Don’t forget to take a
break from the screen every once in a while for a breath of fresh air.You have
(10)_____ power to set yourself up for success.
C15. I learned (1)____ accept my error. I discovered the value of growing from
my mistakes (2)______ coming to terms with missed opportunities. With time,
though, I have come to (3)_____ that many common errors, and the regrets that
follow, can (4)_____ avoided. With foresight and forethought, you (5)_____
spare yourself the wounds that result from mistakes like these.Nothing is more
limiting (6)_____ being with the wrong people. They drag you down, limit your
growth, distract your (7)______ and inflict negative thinking upon you. In
contrast, the right people are like your personal cheerleading squad, pushing you
to victory.Determine (8)_____ kind of people who inspire you to be your best.
These include those who offer unconditional love, (9)______ value to me,
continually grow, walk with me, and enjoy life. Their optimism, enthusiasm and
sense of adventure (10)______ contagious.
C16.There are five character qualities (1)______ each side of the blocks on the
Pyramid of Success that Coach Wooden referred to as the ‘mortar’ that held the

other blocks together. These character qualities bond (2)_____ other 15
character traits and make them sturdy, solid and unshakable.The mortar on the
left side of the Pyramid is made up (3)_____ambition, adaptability,
resourcefulness, fight and faith. The mortar on (4) ____ right side is sincerity,
honesty, reliability, integrity and patience.Coach Wooden explained (5)_____
strategic placement of faith and patience by describing how they are ‘leading up
from competitive greatness to the top, success, according (6)_____ my
definition, at the apex. On one side, I have patience, and on the other side, I have
faith. You need those two things.’ More (7)_____ once, Coach said that faith
and patience could be at the very top (8)____ the very bottom of the Pyramid.
He believed (9)_____ these qualities are both the goals and the bedrock of what

we need to maintain the other blocks on the Pyramid as we overcome obstacles
on (10)_____ journey to success.
C17.High blood pressure, or hypertension, may result (1)____ heart failure and
premature death. A diet high in whole grains, poultry, fish and nuts but that
limits red meat, fats, sweets and sugary drinks (2)_____ the risk of developing
hypertension. Salt and sodium intake (3)_____ also a primary contributing
factor in heart disease. Many processed and prepared foods (4)_____ high
sodium levels; avoid these products if you have any heart problems. For optimal
results, (5)_____ a heart-healthy diet with regular aerobic exercise, which helps
keep blood flowing and the heart pumping.A healthy diet provides adequate
amounts of vitamins and nutrients, which (6)_____ essential for growth, energy
and proper development. When vitamin levels are inadequate, serious health
problems can result. Vitamin A deficiency, for (7)_____, can cause blindness in
children and is particularly dangerous for pregnant women. Vitamin deficiency
anemia is caused by insufficient vitamin C, folate and vitamin B12 levels,
leading (8)_____ extreme fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, weight loss and

other undesirable symptoms. (9)_____you think you might have a vitamin
deficiency, see your doctor for some dietary suggestions, and consider taking
(10)____ daily multivitamin.
C18.Early in my career, I was named pastor of a church in California. To my
congregants it (1)_____ a well-loved worship hall, steeped in tradition. To me it
was an overcrowded building in a less-than-desirable location.Within two years,
I (2)_____ the leadership into moving and expanding. I found a great spot with a
manageable price tag. In (3)_____ youthfulness and eagerness, I thought
building a church was as easy as hiring an architect, (4)_____ engineer and a
construction firm. I was so wrong.Even then California was a highly regulated
state, and I encountered one blow after (5)_____: Local officials nixed the first
design; endangered birds restricted construction on the second. We proposed
building elsewhere (6)_____ the property only to discover endangered plants.
We relocated (7)______ and found remnants of an (8)______indigenous
population. Years passed (9)_____ we kept doling out money, mandatory
ecological studies, environmental mitigation (10)_____, costly new building

C19.Research from the University of Michigan (1)_____ that the right dose of
constructive criticism is actually one (2)_____ the biggest factors in predicting a
high-performing team. And research from John Gottman, Ph.D., a top
relationship researcher, also found (3)_____ is a sweet spot for how much
criticism helps keep relationships alive.Both teams of researchers arrived
(4)_____ a similar conclusion: In order to keep (5)______ relationship or work
team performing well, five or six positive interactions (6)______ needed for
every one criticism or negative interaction.Criticism, (7)_______ delivered
thoughtfully, helps teams perform better and helps people improve their

behavior. It (8)_____ wakes people up and makes them realize they can’t be
complacent. If people on your team are doing a terrible job, they deserve
(9)_____ know so they can improve their work. And if your partner is acting in
a way that upsets you, he or she should know why.Keeping this research in
mind, here are a (10)______tips for delivering criticism.
C20.Often, hearing the words, ‘We need to talk’ from (1)_____ boss, partner or
friend sends you (2)_____ panic mode. If you hate hearing about the things
you’ve done wrong (3)______ the mistakes you’ve made, you’re not alone. We
don’t like being criticized, (4)_____ honest feedback is one of the most valuable
tools we have for self-improvement. Criticism hurts for (5)______ reason, and
the explanation lies in neuroscience. In order to keep us alive, our brains have
evolved to react much more strongly (6)______ negative things. The brain has
evolved this way for a good reason: to keep us safe. Just as 20,000 years ago, the
brain (7)_____ trying to keep hunter-gatherers safe from warring tribes, your
brain reacts the (8)______ way to a critical comment from your spouse or
boss.But just because that negative feedback hurts, (9) ______ your partner have
avoided giving it? And should you avoid doing the same?No way! As long as
you put a little bit of thought (10)_____ it.

C1. The main elements required for survival are food, fire, shelter and water.
Their order of importance will depend upon where you happen to be. In the
desert, water will head the list.Water is the most common liquid on Earth. It
covers about 71.4% of the Earth. Pure water has no smell, taste, or color. Water
is the main component of drinks like milk, juice, and wine. Water is very
important for life but it is something that most people in the modern world take
for granted. They are so used to turning on a tap that until an extreme drought

causes water rationing they seldom think about it. Yet the survivor at sea, or
after a flood, though surrounded by water, may be desperate for drinkable water.
And there are many places where, unless it rains, no obvious water is available.
Although there could be other survival necessities to deal with, water is always
universally important.
C2.Solar collectors absorb heat from the sun’s rays. They can be used to
effectively heat and cool buildings. The most common type of collector for
space heating is a flat plate designed to absorb both radiation falling directly on
it, as well as radiation scattered by the atmosphere. Collectors are usually panels
of aluminum, copper, or steel. The collector is covered with glass or plastic.
This layer allows short-wave radiation or light to enter the collector. As the
radiation passes through the glass or plastic, it is transformed from short-wave
radiation to long-wave radiation – or heat. A transfer agent (air or water) is
circulated through the collector and becomes heated. As it leaves the collector
and travels through the heating ducts of a house, it warms the air inside the
house or brings hot water to sinks, tubs, and appliances. With solar collectors,
storage is a problem: great amounts of heat must be stored for nighttime use and
for use during cloudy days.
C3. When you visit a supermarket you probably think you know exactly what
you are going to buy, but the truth is you are very easily persuaded. Over half
the decisions you make are made suddenly, on impulse, while you are inside the
store, so it is important that a product is displayed in an eye-catching position if
it is to have any chance of success. Today’s supermarkets invest millions of
pounds in powerful computer, which tell them what product sells best and
where. “Space management” is the name given to a highly complicated way of
influencing the way we shop to make sure that stores make the maximum profit.
You walk into a supermarket. You pull out a trolley and stare up and down row
after row of packed shelves. You step out into the aisles. You are faced with

possibly the widest choice of food and drink in the world. But over the next hour
or so, you will shop in a completely predictable way. This is what the space
management teams who work for supermarkets have found out. They believe
that everything depends on the following rules about our behavior in

C4.Fires play an important role in the natural changes that occur in Earth's
ecosystems. The diversity of plant and animal life in the world's forests, prairies,
and wetlands is (partly) dependent on the effects of fire.It results when matter
burns beyond its combustion point and it releases energy in form of heat
energy.Fire has been important for the survival of man in the following ways.
Firstly, fire is used for cooking food.Most of the food we eat is usually cooked.
Eating raw food has been in the decrease due to health concerns. Secondly, fire
is used for boiling water. Water is another important part of our life. Most of the
water sources like rivers are not protected and this creates chances of water
contamination. Boiling, instead of use of chemicals in water treatment will save
you the side effects which come along with excessive use of chemicals. For
many other reasons, fire is important to human’s life.
C5. In the 16th century, Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition to sail
around the world. As a young Portuguese noble, he served the king of Portugal.
After he was dismissed from service by the king of Portugal, he offered to serve
the future Emperor Charles V of Spain. On September 20, 1519, Magellan set
sail from Spain with five ships. More than a year later, one of these ships was
exploring the topography of South America in search of a water route across the
continent. This ship sank, but the remaining four ships searched along the
southern peninsula of South America. Finally, they found the passage they
sought near 50 degrees S latitude. Magellan named this passage the Strait of All

Saints, but today it is known as the Strait of Magellan.Later, Magellan became
involved in an insular conflict in the Philippines and was killed in a tribal battle.
Only one ship and 17 sailors under the command of the Basque navigator
Elcano survived to complete the westward journey to Spain and thus prove once
and for all that the world is round, with no precipice at the edge.
C6.Marie Curie, who was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, was one of the most
accomplished scientists in history. At an early age, she displayed a brilliant
mind.Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some of the
greatest scientists of her day, one of whom was Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre
were married in 1895 and spent many productive years working together in the
physics laboratory. A short time after they discovered radium, Pierre was killed
by a horse-drawn wagon in 1906. Marie was so depressed. The fact that she had
two young daughters to raise by herself greatly increased her distress.Curie's
feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was asked to succeed her
husband as a physics professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be
given a professorship at the world-famous university. In 1911 she received the
Nobel Prize in chemistry for isolating radium. Although Marie Curie eventually
suffered a fatal illness from her long exposure to radium, she never became
disillusioned about her work. Regardless of the consequences, she had dedicated
herself to science and to revealing the mysteries of the physical world.

C7.Many great inventions are initially greeted with disbelief. The invention of
the airplane was no exception. Although many people who heard about the first
powered flight on December 17, 1903 were excited and impressed, others
reacted with peals of laughter. The idea of flying an aircraft was repulsive to
some people. Such people called Wilbur and Orville Wright, the inventors of the
first flying machine, impulsive fools. Negative reactions; however, did not stop

the Wrights. In 1900 and 1901, the Wrights tested numerous gliders and
developed control techniques. In 1903 the Wrights built their first airplane,
which cost less than $1,000. When they started the engine on December 17, the
airplane pulsated wildly before taking off. The plane managed to stay aloft for
12 seconds, however, and it flew 120 feet. By 1905, the Wrights were
successful. They created the first airplane that could turn, circle, and remain
airborne for half an hour at a time. This was the first plane with the full-size
machine that could fly under its own power. As the contributors of one of the
most outstanding engineering achievements in history, the Wright brothers are
accurately called the fathers of aviation.
C8. Reading is becoming more and more important in the new knowledge
economy and remains the most effective human activity for transforming
information into knowledge.If top readers read at speeds of above 1000 words
per minute (wpm) with near 85% comprehension, they only represent 1% of
readers. Average readers are the majority and only reach around 200 wpm with a
typical comprehension of 60%.The average reader is five times slower than the
good reader. Things are even worse if we consider reading efficiency as well as
speed.There are three possible ways to improve reading. The fastest is probably
a speed reading seminar based upon good materials and animated by a dynamic
instructor.A book about speed reading is the second possibility. Such a book
usually provides speed and comprehension tests as well as techniques to
improve reading.Finally, a speed reading computer program is probably the
most efficient way to achieve top reading levels. This is the task that seminars
and speed-reading books usually leave up to the reader.
C9. There are many reasons to use alternative energy sources. One reason is to
reduce pollutants and greenhouse gases. Alternative or renewable energy
sources help to reduce the amount of toxins that are a result of traditional energy
use. These alternative energy sources help protect against the harmful byproducts of energy use and help to preserve many of the natural resources that

we currently use as energy sources. There are many alternative energy sources:
wind power, solar power, geothermal power, and hydroelectric power are some
examples. Wind power is the ability to capture the wind in a way to propel the
blades of wind turbines. When the blades rotate, this movement is switched into
electrical current with the help of an electrical generator. In older windmills,

wind energy
turned mechanical machinery to do the physical work like crushing grain to
make bread or pumping water to get water. Wind towers are built on wind
farms, and usually there are several towers built together. Wind towers are built
on windfarms, and usually there are several towers built together. In2005, the
worldwide use of wind-powered generators wasless than 1% of all of the
electricity use combined.
C10. Solar energyis an important source of renewable energy and its
technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar
depending on how they capture and distribute solar energy or convert it into
solar power. It is used for heating, cooking, making electricity, and even taking
salt out of saltwater so the water can be drinkable and used for additional
purposes that do not need the salt. Solar power uses sunlight that hits the solar
thermal panels to convert the sunlight to heat either air or water. Other methods
of using solar power include simply opening up blinds or shades and letting
thesunlight pass into the room or using some type of mirror to eat water and
produce steam. One advantage of solar power is that it is renewable. As long as
there is sunlight, you will be able to harness the power from it. There is also no
pollution and it can be used efficiently to heat and light things. You can see the
benefits of solar energy in heating swimming pools, spas, and water tanks in
many cities across the country.

C11. Geothermal means ‘earth heat’. Geothermal energy is heat energy is
generated and stored in the Earth. Hot rocks under the ground help to heat water
to produce steam. If holes are dug in this area of the ground, then the steam
shoots up and is purified and used to drive turbines, which in turn gives power to
electric generators.Thermal energy determines the temperature of matter. The
geothermal energy of the Earth's crust originates from the original formation of
the planet and from radioactive decay of materials. The advantages of this type
of energy is that there are no harmful by-products, it is self-sufficient once the
geothermal plant is built, and the plants are generally small so there is no
negative visual effect on the area surrounding the plant.The geothermal gradient,
which is the difference in temperature between the core of the planet and its
surface, drives a continuous conduction of thermal energy in the form of heat
from the core to the surface.
C12. Hydroelectric energy comes from the potential energy of water that is
dammed up supplies energy to a water turbine and generator. Another example
of hydroelectric energy is to make use of tidal power. Today, electric generators
can be powered by hydro-power that can run backwards as a motor to pump
water for later use. An advantage is that you can control the use of the energy by
controlling the water. You can also generate water all the time as there are no
outside forces that prevent this from happening. Furthermore, there is no
pollution in using this type of energy. In fact, you can reuse the water that is

used for hydroelectric power. Thedisadvantages are that dams are expensive to
build and maintain. There also needs to be a powerful enough supply of water in
the area to produce energy.
C13. A job, or occupation, is a person's role in society. More specifically, a job
is an activity, often regular and often performed in exchange for payment for a

living. Many people have multiple jobs (e.g., parent, homemaker, and
employee). An activity that requires a person's mental or physical effort is work
(as in ‘a day's work’). The two may differ in that one usually retires from their
career, versus resignation or termination from a job.Most people spend up to
forty or more hours each week in paid employment. Jobs can be categorized as
paid or unpaid. Examples of unpaid jobs include volunteer, homemaker, mentor,
student, and sometimes intern.Jobs can be categorized by the level of experience
required: entry level, intern, and co-op.Some jobs require specific training or an
academic degree.Those without paid full-time employment may be categorized
as unemployed or underemployed if they are seeking a full-time paid job.
C14.If standard of living is your number one objective, quality of life almost
never improves. But if quality of life is your number one objective, standard of
living invariably improves. Life can be overwhelming.The tough times can seem
overbearing. Usually, we want to throw our hands up in silent resignation and
utter the words, ‘I give up’. However, you can improve the quality of your life
by making a few small adjustments to your routines by altering your behavior
and your way of thinking. And keep in mind that you’re not alone; we all go
through long periods of frustration, anxiety, fear, upset, and worry.It’s not
difficult to overcome some of our natural tendencies to slip into a state of
marginal depression. Sometimes, life doesn’t turn out the way we want it to. By
improving our habits, we can improve the quality of our lives on multiple
C15. Quality of life, as defined here, is the sum total of your health, happiness,
vitality, leisure, and income. This formulaic approach helps to paint a better
picture of the overall quality that people are subjected to. Yet, many people
simply define their quality of life by the amount of money they have. Now,
money does make the world go round. People with access to money and
resources can most certainly improve many areas of their lives. But studies

proved that those same people aren’t statistically that much happier. An increase
in income only equates to a temporary improvement of happiness. Eventually,
happiness levels baseline again. Think about it in your past. Maybe you received
promotion you were hoping for or you landed a dream job. For a short period,
you were happy. But it was fleeting. Happiness doesn’t last forever when it
comes to monetary gains, and it’s not the full picture. While money does give
you access to ‘things,’ there’s a reason why the saying ‘The best things in life
are free,’ exists.
