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BAI KIEM TRA so 1 HOC KY i 20182019

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Thời gian: 45 phút
Name....................................................... Marks......

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the
following questions.
01. ~ Whistling or clapping hands to get a person’s attention is considered rude.
A. politely
B. polite
C. discourteous
D. embarrassing
02. ~ Indian men agree that it is unwise to confide in their wives.
A. believe in
B. reveal news to
C. hide feelings
D. keep secrets from
Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
03.A. apology
B. disappointment
C. conversation
D. economic
04.A. household
B. approve
C. applause
D. complaint
Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question below it.
If parents bring up a child with the aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause great damage to him. According to several
leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which some parents make. Generally the child will understand
very well what the parents expect and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children.

However, if parents are not unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are hopeful in a sensible way, the child may
succeed in doing very well especially if the parents are very supportive of their children.
Michael Lee is very lucky. He is very fond of music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private
piano and violin lessons. Although Michael’s father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra, he never makes Michael enter music
competitions if he is unwilling.
Michael’s friend, Winston Wren, however, is not so lucky. Although both his parents are successful musicians, they set too high a
standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are, and so they enter him in every piano competition held.
They are very unhappy when he does not win. "When I was your age, I used to win every competition I enter," Winton’s father tells
him. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.
05. According to the author’s opinion,........
A. Unrealistic parents should arrange private lessons for their children.
B. Parents should be supportive of theirchildren.
C. It is unimportant to let the child develop in the way they want.
D. All sensible parents can train their children to success in everything.
06. It is one of parents’mistakes if........
A. they want their child to be a musician.
B. They make their child try to achieve too much.
C. They help their child to win music competitions.
D. They don’t care for their child’s education much.
07. Michael is lucky because........
A. His father is a musician in an orchestra.
B. His family is rich enough to have a car.
C. His parents help him in a sensible way.
D. He is free to do anything that he likes.
08. The main idea of the passage is.......
A. how parennts should make a child a musician.
B. what aim of a child can be much earlier to reach.
C. what differences there are between two kinds of parents. D. how parents should bring up a child.
09. Winton’s parents set so high a standard for him that.......
A. He is afraid that he may disappointthem

B. He often wants to kill himself someday.
C. He has to do his best to do everything.
D. He has made greater progress in music.
Choose the best answer to complete the passage.
Many people think that they can ...(10)... a lot about the culture of a foreign country simply by living in that culture. ...(11)... this is
not necessarily true. Often the ...(12)... we stay in a foreign country, the more we realize how little, we actually know about the
culture of that country. Books and talks about other people's culture can just be dangerous because they concentrate on culture
differences and exaggerate national characteristics; sometimes a lot of the information they contain is untrue.
In a survey recently carried out'in Britain, people were asked to ...(13)... a list of anything that they thought was ...(14)... of Britain
and would interest foreign visitors there. Most of them mentioned Shakespeare, the Queen, village inns, English folk dancing,
football hooligans, umbrellas, English castles, cricket, and fish and chips wrapped in newspaper.
10.A. learn
B. understand
C. master
D. be aware
11.A. But
B. While
C. Whereas
D. However
12.A. more
B. farther
C. longer
D. less
13.A. put on
B. take
C. make
D. have
14.A. typical
B. aware
C. featured

D. important
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
15. I hadn't expected James to apologize but I had hoped........
A. that he call me
B. him to call me
C. that he would call me
D. him calling me
16. The teacher praises good......when the children follow directions.
A. mistake
B. custom
C. behaviour
D. decision
17. Seat belts were introduced so that traffic accidents........be reduced.
A. must
B. should
C. would
D. will
18. His English teacher recommends that he........a regular degree program.
A. begins
B. begin
C. will begin
D. is beginning
19. Would you please........write on the test books?
A. not
B. not to
C. don't
D. to not I.

20. Whatever happens, don't let anyone into the building without.......identity.

A. incorrect
B. right
C. true
D. proper
21. I'd.......the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.
A. rather not have
B. rather not to have
C. rather not having
D. not rather had
22. Her husband had lived at home before they were married and so.......
A. he had
B. he did
C. had he
D. did he
23. Does your new secretary.......shorthand?
A. know how take
B. know how to take
C. know to take
D. know how taking
24. I went in to work for an hour even though I.......it was a holiday.
A. knew
B. know
C. have known
D. will know
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
25. Can you lend me a hand to move this table?
A. ask to marry me
B. love me
C. give me money

D. help me
26. We should pay attention to the teacher’s explaining.
A. notice
B. watch and listen to
C. take note of
D. look at
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences in italics.
27. They spent their honeymoon in Paris........
A. where they have met two years before
B. the place they met two years ago
C. where they met two years ago
D. where they had met two years before
28. He wanted to know.........
A. whether I am going to the cinema
B. that I has gone to the cinema
C. if I am going to the cinema
D. if I was going to the cinema
29. The festival provides a chance for Welsh-speaking people.......
A. together for a whole week
B. to get together since a whole week
C. to be together for a whole week
D. be together since a whole week
30. When A lice had done the shopping.......
A. she had picked her children from school
B. she has picked her children from school
C. she picked her children up from school
D. she picks her children up from school
31. If you are not satisfied with the hotel service,.........
A. you should say so
B. could you say so

C. you can do it
D. you will say it
Choose the sentence which means the same as the first one.
32. The Vietnamese use first names in both formal and informal situations.
A. In both formal and informal situations do the Vietnamese use first names.
B. Both formal and informal names are used in Vietnamese situations.
C. In both formal and informal situations, first names are used by the Vietnamese.
D. The Vietnamese use first names in neither formal nor informal situations.
33. The teacher asked "Who speaks English in this class?"
A. The teacher asked who speaks English in that class.
B. The teacher wants to know who spoke English in that class.
C. The teacher wanted to know who can speak English in this class.
D. The teacher wanted to know who spoke English in that class.
34. Most Americans use first names quickly when addressing their new acquaintance.
A. When talking to their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
B. When talking their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
C. When they talking their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
D. Most Americans use first names quickly when they addressing with their new acquaintance.
35. You must not stand too close to people in Britain.
A. People in Britain are not allowed to stand too close to you. B. Don't stand too close to people when you are in Britain.
C. Standing too close to people in Britain is not allowed.
D. Stand too close to people in Britain is not a must.
36. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?” my friend asked me.
A. My friend asked me if Caron had talked to Kevin.
B. My friend asked me that Caron had talked to Kevin.
C. My friend asked me if Caron talked to Kevin.
D. My friend asked me whether Caron has talked to Kevin.
Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
37.A. rough
B. house

C. doubt
D. sound
38.A. daughter
B. taught
C. caught
D. laughter
Choose the underlined part which needs correcting.
39. He (A) tried (B) phoning you (C) many times but he couldn't (D) get through.
40. We can (A) rise our hand (B) slightly to (C) show that we (D) need assistance.
The End


Thời gian: 45 phút
Name....................................................... Marks......

Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
01.A. conversation
B. apology
C. disappointment
D. economic
02.A. applause
B. approve
C. complaint
D. household
Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
03.A. doubt
B. house

C. rough
D. sound
04.A. daughter
B. laughter
C. caught
D. taught
Choose the sentence which means the same as the first one.
05. The teacher asked "Who speaks English in this class?"
A. The teacher wanted to know who can speak English in this class.
B. The teacher wanted to know who spoke English in that class.
C. The teacher asked who speaks English in that class.
D. The teacher wants to know who spoke English in that class.
06. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?” my friend asked me.
A. My friend asked me if Caron had talked to Kevin.
B. My friend asked me whether Caron has talked to Kevin.
C. My friend asked me that Caron had talked to Kevin.
D. My friend asked me if Caron talked to Kevin.
07. Most Americans use first names quickly when addressing their new acquaintance.
A. When talking to their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
B. When they talking their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
C. When talking their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
D. Most Americans use first names quickly when they addressing with their new acquaintance.
08. The Vietnamese use first names in both formal and informal situations.
A. In both formal and informal situations, first names are used by the Vietnamese.
B. The Vietnamese use first names in neither formal nor informal situations.
C. In both formal and informal situations do the Vietnamese use first names.
D. Both formal and informal names are used in Vietnamese situations.
09. You must not stand too close to people in Britain.
A. Stand too close to people in Britain is not a must.
B. Don't stand too close to people when you are in Britain.

C. Standing too close to people in Britain is not allowed.
D. People in Britain are not allowed to stand too close to you.
Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question below it.
If parents bring up a child with the aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause great damage to him. According to several
leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which some parents make. Generally the child will understand
very well what the parents expect and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children.
However, if parents are not unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are hopeful in a sensible way, the child may
succeed in doing very well especially if the parents are very supportive of their children.
Michael Lee is very lucky. He is very fond of music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private
piano and violin lessons. Although Michael’s father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra, he never makes Michael enter music
competitions if he is unwilling.
Michael’s friend, Winston Wren, however, is not so lucky. Although both his parents are successful musicians, they set too high a
standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are, and so they enter him in every piano competition held.
They are very unhappy when he does not win. "When I was your age, I used to win every competition I enter," Winton’s father tells
him. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.
10. It is one of parents’mistakes if........
A. they want their child to be a musician.
B. They help their child to win music competitions.
C. They don’t care for their child’s education much.
D. They make their child try to achieve too much.
11. Winton’s parents set so high a standard for him that.......
A. He has to do his best to do everything.
B. He has made greater progress in music.
C. He is afraid that he may disappointthem
D. He often wants to kill himself someday.
12. Michael is lucky because........
A. His family is rich enough to have a car.
B. He is free to do anything that he likes.
C. His father is a musician in an orchestra.
D. His parents help him in a sensible way.

13. The main idea of the passage is.......
A. what aim of a child can be much earlier to reach.
B. how parennts should make a child a musician.
C. what differences there are between two kinds of parents.
D. how parents should bring up a child.
14. According to the author’s opinion,........
A. Parents should be supportive of theirchildren.
B. It is unimportant to let the child develop in the way they want.
C. Unrealistic parents should arrange private lessons for their children.
D. All sensible parents can train their children to success in everything.
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
15. Whatever happens, don't let anyone into the building without.......identity.
A. true
B. proper
C. right
D. incorrect
16. I'd.......the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.
A. rather not having
B. rather not to have
C. not rather had
D. rather not have

17. His English teacher recommends that he........a regular degree program.
A. begins
B. will begin
C. begin
D. is beginning
18. The teacher praises good......when the children follow directions.
A. mistake

B. behaviour
C. custom
D. decision
19. Seat belts were introduced so that traffic accidents........be reduced.
A. should
B. will
C. would
D. must
20. Does your new secretary.......shorthand?
A. know how take
B. know how taking
C. know to take
D. know how to take
21. Would you please........write on the test books?
A. don't
B. not to
C. to not I.
D. not
22. Her husband had lived at home before they were married and so.......
A. did he
B. he did
C. he had
D. had he
23. I hadn't expected James to apologize but I had hoped........
A. that he would call me B. that he call me
C. him calling me
D. him to call me
24. I went in to work for an hour even though I.......it was a holiday.
A. will know
B. know

C. knew
D. have known
Choose the best answer to complete the passage.
Many people think that they can ...(25)... a lot about the culture of a foreign country simply by living in that culture. ...(26)... this is
not necessarily true. Often the ...(27)... we stay in a foreign country, the more we realize how little, we actually know about the
culture of that country. Books and talks about other people's culture can just be dangerous because they concentrate on culture
differences and exaggerate national characteristics; sometimes a lot of the information they contain is untrue.
In a survey recently carried out'in Britain, people were asked to ...(28)... a list of anything that they thought was ...(29)... of Britain
and would interest foreign visitors there. Most of them mentioned Shakespeare, the Queen, village inns, English folk dancing,
football hooligans, umbrellas, English castles, cricket, and fish and chips wrapped in newspaper.
25.A. learn
B. be aware
C. understand
D. master
26.A. But
B. However
C. Whereas
D. While
27.A. less
B. more
C. farther
D. longer
28.A. have
B. put on
C. make
D. take
29.A. typical
B. aware
C. important
D. featured

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the
following questions.
30. ~ Whistling or clapping hands to get a person’s attention is considered rude.
A. polite
B. politely
C. embarrassing
D. discourteous
31. ~ Indian men agree that it is unwise to confide in their wives.
A. believe in
B. keep secrets from
C. reveal news to
D. hide feelings
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
32. Can you lend me a hand to move this table?
A. ask to marry me
B. love me
C. help me
D. give me money
33. We should pay attention to the teacher’s explaining.
A. take note of
B. watch and listen to
C. look at
D. notice
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences in italics.
34. When A lice had done the shopping.......
A. she has picked her children from school
B. she picked her children up from school
C. she had picked her children from school
D. she picks her children up from school

35. They spent their honeymoon in Paris........
A. the place they met two years ago
B. where they had met two years before
C. where they met two years ago
D. where they have met two years before
36. If you are not satisfied with the hotel service,.........
A. you should say so
B. could you say so
C. you can do it
D. you will say it
37. He wanted to know.........
A. that I has gone to the cinema
B. if I was going to the cinema
C. if I am going to the cinema
D. whether I am going to the cinema
38. The festival provides a chance for Welsh-speaking people.......
A. together for a whole week
B. to get together since a whole week
C. to be together for a whole week
D. be together since a whole week
Choose the underlined part which needs correcting.
39. We can (A) rise our hand (B) slightly to (C) show that we (D) need assistance.
40. He (A) tried (B) phoning you (C) many times but he couldn't (D) get through.
The End


Thời gian: 45 phút

Name....................................................... Marks......

Choose the sentence which means the same as the first one.
01. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?” my friend asked me.
A. My friend asked me if Caron had talked to Kevin.
B. My friend asked me if Caron talked to Kevin.
C. My friend asked me whether Caron has talked to Kevin. D. My friend asked me that Caron had talked to Kevin.
02. Most Americans use first names quickly when addressing their new acquaintance.
A. When talking to their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
B. Most Americans use first names quickly when they addressing with their new acquaintance.
C. When talking their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
D. When they talking their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
03. The teacher asked "Who speaks English in this class?"
A. The teacher wanted to know who can speak English in this class.
B. The teacher wanted to know who spoke English in that class.
C. The teacher wants to know who spoke English in that class.
D. The teacher asked who speaks English in that class.
04. The Vietnamese use first names in both formal and informal situations.
A. The Vietnamese use first names in neither formal nor informal situations.
B. In both formal and informal situations, first names are used by the Vietnamese.
C. Both formal and informal names are used in Vietnamese situations.
D. In both formal and informal situations do the Vietnamese use first names.
05. You must not stand too close to people in Britain.
A. Standing too close to people in Britain is not allowed.
B. Don't stand too close to people when you are in Britain.
C. Stand too close to people in Britain is not a must.
D. People in Britain are not allowed to stand too close to you.
Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
06.A. complaint
B. household

C. approve
D. applause
07.A. conversation
B. apology
C. disappointment
D. economic
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
08. Can you lend me a hand to move this table?
A. give me money
B. love me
C. help me
D. ask to marry me
09. We should pay attention to the teacher’s explaining.
A. watch and listen to
B. look at
C. take note of
D. notice
Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question below it.
If parents bring up a child with the aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause great damage to him. According to several
leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which some parents make. Generally the child will understand
very well what the parents expect and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children.
However, if parents are not unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are hopeful in a sensible way, the child may
succeed in doing very well especially if the parents are very supportive of their children.
Michael Lee is very lucky. He is very fond of music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private
piano and violin lessons. Although Michael’s father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra, he never makes Michael enter music
competitions if he is unwilling.
Michael’s friend, Winston Wren, however, is not so lucky. Although both his parents are successful musicians, they set too high a
standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are, and so they enter him in every piano competition held.
They are very unhappy when he does not win. "When I was your age, I used to win every competition I enter," Winton’s father tells

him. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.
10. According to the author’s opinion,........
A. Parents should be supportive of theirchildren.
B. Unrealistic parents should arrange private lessons for their children.
C. All sensible parents can train their children to success in everything.
D. It is unimportant to let the child develop in the way they want.
11. It is one of parents’mistakes if........
A. They help their child to win music competitions.
B. They make their child try to achieve too much.
C. They don’t care for their child’s education much.
D. they want their child to be a musician.
12. Michael is lucky because........
A. His parents help him in a sensible way.
B. His father is a musician in an orchestra.
C. His family is rich enough to have a car.
D. He is free to do anything that he likes.
13. Winton’s parents set so high a standard for him that.......
A. He is afraid that he may disappointthem
B. He has to do his best to do everything.
C. He has made greater progress in music.
D. He often wants to kill himself someday.
14. The main idea of the passage is.......
A. how parents should bring up a child.
B. what aim of a child can be much earlier to reach.
C. what differences there are between two kinds of parents.
D. how parennts should make a child a musician.

Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
15. Seat belts were introduced so that traffic accidents........be reduced.

A. should
B. must
C. will
D. would
16. Her husband had lived at home before they were married and so.......
A. he had
B. he did
C. did he
D. had he
17. Whatever happens, don't let anyone into the building without.......identity.
A. incorrect
B. true
C. proper
D. right
18. His English teacher recommends that he........a regular degree program.
A. is beginning
B. begins
C. will begin
D. begin
19. Does your new secretary.......shorthand?
A. know how taking
B. know how take
C. know how to take
D. know to take
20. Would you please........write on the test books?
A. to not I.
B. not
C. not to
D. don't
21. The teacher praises good......when the children follow directions.

A. custom
B. decision
C. mistake
D. behaviour
22. I'd.......the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.
A. not rather had
B. rather not have
C. rather not to have
D. rather not having
23. I went in to work for an hour even though I.......it was a holiday.
A. knew
B. know
C. have known
D. will know
24. I hadn't expected James to apologize but I had hoped........
A. him to call me
B. that he would call me
C. him calling me
D. that he call me
Choose the best answer to complete the passage.
Many people think that they can ...(25)... a lot about the culture of a foreign country simply by living in that culture. ...(26)... this is
not necessarily true. Often the ...(27)... we stay in a foreign country, the more we realize how little, we actually know about the
culture of that country. Books and talks about other people's culture can just be dangerous because they concentrate on culture
differences and exaggerate national characteristics; sometimes a lot of the information they contain is untrue.
In a survey recently carried out'in Britain, people were asked to ...(28)... a list of anything that they thought was ...(29)... of Britain
and would interest foreign visitors there. Most of them mentioned Shakespeare, the Queen, village inns, English folk dancing,
football hooligans, umbrellas, English castles, cricket, and fish and chips wrapped in newspaper.
25.A. be aware
B. learn
C. master

D. understand
26.A. But
B. Whereas
C. However
D. While
27.A. more
B. longer
C. less
D. farther
28.A. put on
B. make
C. have
D. take
29.A. featured
B. important
C. typical
D. aware
Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
30.A. sound
B. house
C. doubt
D. rough
31.A. daughter
B. laughter
C. caught
D. taught
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the
following questions.
32. ~ Whistling or clapping hands to get a person’s attention is considered rude.
A. politely

B. polite
C. discourteous
D. embarrassing
33. ~ Indian men agree that it is unwise to confide in their wives.
A. keep secrets from
B. believe in
C. reveal news to
D. hide feelings
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences in italics.
34. When A lice had done the shopping.......
A. she has picked her children from school
B. she picked her children up from school
C. she had picked her children from school
D. she picks her children up from school
35. The festival provides a chance for Welsh-speaking people.......
A. together for a whole week
B. to get together since a whole week
C. to be together for a whole week
D. be together since a whole week
36. If you are not satisfied with the hotel service,.........
A. you should say so
B. could you say so
C. you can do it
D. you will say it
37. He wanted to know.........
A. that I has gone to the cinema
B. if I am going to the cinema
C. if I was going to the cinema
D. whether I am going to the cinema
38. They spent their honeymoon in Paris........

A. the place they met two years ago
B. where they have met two years before
C. where they met two years ago
D. where they had met two years before
Choose the underlined part which needs correcting.
39. We can (A) rise our hand (B) slightly to (C) show that we (D) need assistance.
40. He (A) tried (B) phoning you (C) many times but he couldn't (D) get through.
The End


Thời gian: 45 phút
Name....................................................... Marks......

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.
Many people think that they can ...(1)... a lot about the culture of a foreign country simply by living in that culture. ...(2)... this is
not necessarily true. Often the ...(3)... we stay in a foreign country, the more we realize how little, we actually know about the culture
of that country. Books and talks about other people's culture can just be dangerous because they concentrate on culture differences
and exaggerate national characteristics; sometimes a lot of the information they contain is untrue.
In a survey recently carried out'in Britain, people were asked to ...(4)... a list of anything that they thought was ...(5)... of Britain and
would interest foreign visitors there. Most of them mentioned Shakespeare, the Queen, village inns, English folk dancing, football
hooligans, umbrellas, English castles, cricket, and fish and chips wrapped in newspaper.
01.A. master
B. be aware
C. learn
D. understand
02.A. But
B. While

C. Whereas
D. However
03.A. longer
B. more
C. less
D. farther
04.A. have
B. make
C. take
D. put on
05.A. important
B. aware
C. featured
D. typical
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences in italics.
06. They spent their honeymoon in Paris........
A. where they had met two years before
B. the place they met two years ago
C. where they met two years ago
D. where they have met two years before
07. If you are not satisfied with the hotel service,.........
A. could you say so
B. you will say it
C. you should say so
D. you can do it
08. When A lice had done the shopping.......
A. she had picked her children from school
B. she picks her children up from school
C. she has picked her children from school
D. she picked her children up from school

09. The festival provides a chance for Welsh-speaking people.......
A. together for a whole week
B. be together since a whole week
C. to be together for a whole week
D. to get together since a whole week
10. He wanted to know.........
A. whether I am going to the cinema
B. if I am going to the cinema
C. that I has gone to the cinema
D. if I was going to the cinema
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the
following questions.
11. ~ Whistling or clapping hands to get a person’s attention is considered rude.
A. politely
B. polite
C. discourteous
D. embarrassing
12. ~ Indian men agree that it is unwise to confide in their wives.
A. keep secrets from
B. reveal news to
C. believe in
D. hide feelings
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
13. We should pay attention to the teacher’s explaining.
A. take note of
B. notice
C. watch and listen to
D. look at
14. Can you lend me a hand to move this table?

A. love me
B. help me
C. give me money
D. ask to marry me
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
15. Whatever happens, don't let anyone into the building without.......identity.
A. incorrect
B. right
C. proper
D. true
16. Her husband had lived at home before they were married and so.......
A. had he
B. did he
C. he had
D. he did
17. Would you please........write on the test books?
A. not
B. not to
C. don't
D. to not I.
18. The teacher praises good......when the children follow directions.
A. custom
B. mistake
C. decision
D. behaviour
19. I'd.......the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.
A. rather not having
B. rather not have
C. not rather had
D. rather not to have

20. I went in to work for an hour even though I.......it was a holiday.
A. knew
B. will know
C. have known
D. know
21. Does your new secretary.......shorthand?
A. know how take
B. know how to take
C. know to take
D. know how taking
22. Seat belts were introduced so that traffic accidents........be reduced.
A. will
B. must
C. should
D. would
23. His English teacher recommends that he........a regular degree program.
A. is beginning
B. begin
C. begins
D. will begin
24. I hadn't expected James to apologize but I had hoped........
A. that he call me
B. him calling me
C. that he would call me
D. him to call me
Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
25.A. rough
B. sound
C. doubt
D. house

26.A. daughter
B. caught
C. laughter
D. taught
Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question below it.
If parents bring up a child with the aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause great damage to him. According to several
leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which some parents make. Generally the child will understand
very well what the parents expect and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children.
However, if parents are not unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are hopeful in a sensible way, the child may
succeed in doing very well especially if the parents are very supportive of their children.
Michael Lee is very lucky. He is very fond of music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private
piano and violin lessons. Although Michael’s father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra, he never makes Michael enter music
competitions if he is unwilling.
Michael’s friend, Winston Wren, however, is not so lucky. Although both his parents are successful musicians, they set too high a
standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are, and so they enter him in every piano competition held.
They are very unhappy when he does not win. "When I was your age, I used to win every competition I enter," Winton’s father tells
him. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.
27. The main idea of the passage is.......
A. what aim of a child can be much earlier to reach.
B. how parents should bring up a child.
C. what differences there are between two kinds of parents.
D. how parennts should make a child a musician.
28. Michael is lucky because........
A. His family is rich enough to have a car.
B. His father is a musician in an orchestra.
C. His parents help him in a sensible way.
D. He is free to do anything that he likes.
29. Winton’s parents set so high a standard for him that.......

A. He often wants to kill himself someday.
B. He has made greater progress in music.
C. He has to do his best to do everything.
D. He is afraid that he may disappointthem
30. It is one of parents’mistakes if........
A. they want their child to be a musician.
B. They don’t care for their child’s education much.
C. They help their child to win music competitions.
D. They make their child try to achieve too much.
31. According to the author’s opinion,........
A. It is unimportant to let the child develop in the way they want.
B. All sensible parents can train their children to success in everything.
C. Unrealistic parents should arrange private lessons for their children.
D. Parents should be supportive of theirchildren.
Choose the sentence which means the same as the first one.
32. The teacher asked "Who speaks English in this class?"
A. The teacher asked who speaks English in that class.
B. The teacher wanted to know who can speak English in this class.
C. The teacher wants to know who spoke English in that class.
D. The teacher wanted to know who spoke English in that class.
33. The Vietnamese use first names in both formal and informal situations.
A. Both formal and informal names are used in Vietnamese situations.
B. In both formal and informal situations, first names are used by the Vietnamese.
C. The Vietnamese use first names in neither formal nor informal situations.
D. In both formal and informal situations do the Vietnamese use first names.
34. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?” my friend asked me.
A. My friend asked me that Caron had talked to Kevin.
B. My friend asked me whether Caron has talked to Kevin.
C. My friend asked me if Caron had talked to Kevin.
D. My friend asked me if Caron talked to Kevin.

35. Most Americans use first names quickly when addressing their new acquaintance.
A. When they talking their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
B. When talking their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
C. Most Americans use first names quickly when they addressing with their new acquaintance.
D. When talking to their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
36. You must not stand too close to people in Britain.
A. Standing too close to people in Britain is not allowed.
B. People in Britain are not allowed to stand too close to you.
C. Stand too close to people in Britain is not a must.
D. Don't stand too close to people when you are in Britain.
Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
37.A. conversation
B. apology
C. disappointment
D. economic
38.A. approve
B. household
C. complaint
D. applause
Choose the underlined part which needs correcting.
39. We can (A) rise our hand (B) slightly to (C) show that we (D) need assistance.
40. He (A) tried (B) phoning you (C) many times but he couldn't (D) get through.
The End


Thời gian: 45 phút
Name....................................................... Marks......

Choose the underlined part which needs correcting.
01. He (A) tried (B) phoning you (C) many times but he couldn't (D) get through.
02. We can (A) rise our hand (B) slightly to (C) show that we (D) need assistance.
Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question below it.
If parents bring up a child with the aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause great damage to him. According to several
leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which some parents make. Generally the child will understand
very well what the parents expect and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children.
However, if parents are not unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are hopeful in a sensible way, the child may
succeed in doing very well especially if the parents are very supportive of their children.
Michael Lee is very lucky. He is very fond of music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private
piano and violin lessons. Although Michael’s father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra, he never makes Michael enter music
competitions if he is unwilling.
Michael’s friend, Winston Wren, however, is not so lucky. Although both his parents are successful musicians, they set too high a
standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are, and so they enter him in every piano competition held.
They are very unhappy when he does not win. "When I was your age, I used to win every competition I enter," Winton’s father tells
him. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.
03. Michael is lucky because........
A. His parents help him in a sensible way.
B. His father is a musician in an orchestra.
C. He is free to do anything that he likes.
D. His family is rich enough to have a car.
04. Winton’s parents set so high a standard for him that.......
A. He is afraid that he may disappointthem
B. He has to do his best to do everything.
C. He often wants to kill himself someday.
D. He has made greater progress in music.
05. The main idea of the passage is.......
A. how parennts should make a child a musician.
B. how parents should bring up a child.

C. what aim of a child can be much earlier to reach.
D. what differences there are between two kinds of parents.
06. It is one of parents’mistakes if........
A. They make their child try to achieve too much.
B. They help their child to win music competitions.
C. They don’t care for their child’s education much.
D. they want their child to be a musician.
07. According to the author’s opinion,........
A. All sensible parents can train their children to success in everything.
B. It is unimportant to let the child develop in the way they want.
C. Unrealistic parents should arrange private lessons for their children.
D. Parents should be supportive of theirchildren.
Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
08.A. household
B. applause
C. approve
D. complaint
09.A. disappointment
B. apology
C. conversation
D. economic
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the
following questions.
10. ~ Whistling or clapping hands to get a person’s attention is considered rude.
A. embarrassing
B. politely
C. discourteous
D. polite
11. ~ Indian men agree that it is unwise to confide in their wives.
A. hide feelings

B. reveal news to
C. believe in
D. keep secrets from
Choose the sentence which means the same as the first one.
12. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?” my friend asked me.
A. My friend asked me whether Caron has talked to Kevin.
B. My friend asked me if Caron talked to Kevin.
C. My friend asked me that Caron had talked to Kevin.
D. My friend asked me if Caron had talked to Kevin.
13. The teacher asked "Who speaks English in this class?"
A. The teacher asked who speaks English in that class.
B. The teacher wanted to know who spoke English in that class.
C. The teacher wants to know who spoke English in that class.
D. The teacher wanted to know who can speak English in this class.
14. The Vietnamese use first names in both formal and informal situations.
A. In both formal and informal situations, first names are used by the Vietnamese.
B. The Vietnamese use first names in neither formal nor informal situations.
C. In both formal and informal situations do the Vietnamese use first names.
D. Both formal and informal names are used in Vietnamese situations.
15. Most Americans use first names quickly when addressing their new acquaintance.
A. When talking to their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
B. When talking their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
C. Most Americans use first names quickly when they addressing with their new acquaintance.
D. When they talking their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.

16. You must not stand too close to people in Britain.
A. People in Britain are not allowed to stand too close to you.
B. Standing too close to people in Britain is not allowed.
C. Don't stand too close to people when you are in Britain.

D. Stand too close to people in Britain is not a must.
Choose the best answer to complete the passage.
Many people think that they can ...(17)... a lot about the culture of a foreign country simply by living in that culture. ...(18)... this is
not necessarily true. Often the ...(19)... we stay in a foreign country, the more we realize how little, we actually know about the
culture of that country. Books and talks about other people's culture can just be dangerous because they concentrate on culture
differences and exaggerate national characteristics; sometimes a lot of the information they contain is untrue.
In a survey recently carried out'in Britain, people were asked to ...(20)... a list of anything that they thought was ...(21)... of Britain
and would interest foreign visitors there. Most of them mentioned Shakespeare, the Queen, village inns, English folk dancing,
football hooligans, umbrellas, English castles, cricket, and fish and chips wrapped in newspaper.
17.A. understand
B. master
C. be aware
D. learn
18.A. But
B. While
C. However
D. Whereas
19.A. more
B. less
C. farther
D. longer
20.A. have
B. take
C. put on
D. make
21.A. typical
B. aware
C. featured
D. important
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in

each of the following questions.
22. Can you lend me a hand to move this table?
A. love me
B. give me money
C. help me
D. ask to marry me
23. We should pay attention to the teacher’s explaining.
A. look at
B. watch and listen to
C. take note of
D. notice
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
24. Seat belts were introduced so that traffic accidents........be reduced.
A. will
B. should
C. must
D. would
25. I'd.......the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.
A. not rather had
B. rather not to have
C. rather not having
D. rather not have
26. I went in to work for an hour even though I.......it was a holiday.
A. will know
B. knew
C. know
D. have known
27. Whatever happens, don't let anyone into the building without.......identity.
A. proper
B. right

C. true
D. incorrect
28. Does your new secretary.......shorthand?
A. know how to take
B. know how taking
C. know how take
D. know to take
29. His English teacher recommends that he........a regular degree program.
A. begin
B. begins
C. will begin
D. is beginning
30. Her husband had lived at home before they were married and so.......
A. he did
B. had he
C. he had
D. did he
31. The teacher praises good......when the children follow directions.
A. decision
B. mistake
C. behaviour
D. custom
32. Would you please........write on the test books?
A. don't
B. to not I.
C. not
D. not to
33. I hadn't expected James to apologize but I had hoped........
A. him to call me
B. that he call me

C. that he would call me
D. him calling me
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences in italics.
34. They spent their honeymoon in Paris........
A. where they have met two years before
B. the place they met two years ago
C. where they met two years ago
D. where they had met two years before
35. The festival provides a chance for Welsh-speaking people.......
A. to be together for a whole week
B. together for a whole week
C. to get together since a whole week
D. be together since a whole week
36. If you are not satisfied with the hotel service,.........
A. could you say so
B. you should say so
C. you will say it
D. you can do it
37. When A lice had done the shopping.......
A. she picks her children up from school
B. she had picked her children from school
C. she has picked her children from school
D. she picked her children up from school
38. He wanted to know.........
A. if I am going to the cinema
B. that I has gone to the cinema
C. if I was going to the cinema
D. whether I am going to the cinema
Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
39.A. house

B. sound
C. rough
D. doubt
40.A. laughter
B. caught
C. daughter
D. taught
The End


Thời gian: 45 phút
Name....................................................... Marks......

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
01. Can you lend me a hand to move this table?
A. give me money
B. love me
C. ask to marry me
D. help me
02. We should pay attention to the teacher’s explaining.
A. notice
B. watch and listen to
C. take note of
D. look at
Choose the underlined part which needs correcting.
03. He (A) tried (B) phoning you (C) many times but he couldn't (D) get through.

04. We can (A) rise our hand (B) slightly to (C) show that we (D) need assistance.
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences in italics.
05. He wanted to know.........
A. if I am going to the cinema
B. whether I am going to the cinema
C. that I has gone to the cinema
D. if I was going to the cinema
06. If you are not satisfied with the hotel service,.........
A. you should say so
B. you can do it
C. could you say so
D. you will say it
07. When A lice had done the shopping.......
A. she has picked her children from school
B. she picks her children up from school
C. she picked her children up from school
D. she had picked her children from school
08. They spent their honeymoon in Paris........
A. the place they met two years ago
B. where they met two years ago
C. where they have met two years before
D. where they had met two years before
09. The festival provides a chance for Welsh-speaking people.......
A. to be together for a whole week
B. to get together since a whole week
C. together for a whole week
D. be together since a whole week
Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question below it.
If parents bring up a child with the aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause great damage to him. According to several
leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which some parents make. Generally the child will understand

very well what the parents expect and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children.
However, if parents are not unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are hopeful in a sensible way, the child may
succeed in doing very well especially if the parents are very supportive of their children.
Michael Lee is very lucky. He is very fond of music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private
piano and violin lessons. Although Michael’s father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra, he never makes Michael enter music
competitions if he is unwilling.
Michael’s friend, Winston Wren, however, is not so lucky. Although both his parents are successful musicians, they set too high a
standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are, and so they enter him in every piano competition held.
They are very unhappy when he does not win. "When I was your age, I used to win every competition I enter," Winton’s father tells
him. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.
10. According to the author’s opinion,........
A. It is unimportant to let the child develop in the way they want.
B. Unrealistic parents should arrange private lessons for their children.
C. Parents should be supportive of theirchildren.
D. All sensible parents can train their children to success in everything.
11. Michael is lucky because........
A. He is free to do anything that he likes.
B. His father is a musician in an orchestra.
C. His parents help him in a sensible way.
D. His family is rich enough to have a car.
12. The main idea of the passage is.......
A. how parennts should make a child a musician.
B. how parents should bring up a child.
C. what aim of a child can be much earlier to reach.
D. what differences there are between two kinds of parents.
13. Winton’s parents set so high a standard for him that.......
A. He has to do his best to do everything.
B. He has made greater progress in music.
C. He is afraid that he may disappointthem
D. He often wants to kill himself someday.

14. It is one of parents’mistakes if........
A. They don’t care for their child’s education much.
B. They make their child try to achieve too much.
C. They help their child to win music competitions.
D. they want their child to be a musician.
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
15. I hadn't expected James to apologize but I had hoped........
A. that he call me
B. that he would call me
C. him to call me
D. him calling me
16. His English teacher recommends that he........a regular degree program.
A. begin
B. begins
C. will begin
D. is beginning
17. Does your new secretary.......shorthand?
A. know to take
B. know how take
C. know how taking
D. know how to take
18. I went in to work for an hour even though I.......it was a holiday.
A. have known
B. knew
C. will know
D. know

19. Seat belts were introduced so that traffic accidents........be reduced.
A. must

B. should
C. will
D. would
20. Would you please........write on the test books?
A. don't
B. to not I.
C. not
D. not to
21. Her husband had lived at home before they were married and so.......
A. had he
B. he did
C. he had
D. did he
22. Whatever happens, don't let anyone into the building without.......identity.
A. true
B. incorrect
C. proper
D. right
23. The teacher praises good......when the children follow directions.
A. mistake
B. decision
C. behaviour
D. custom
24. I'd.......the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.
A. rather not have
B. not rather had
C. rather not to have
D. rather not having
Choose the best answer to complete the passage.
Many people think that they can ...(25)... a lot about the culture of a foreign country simply by living in that culture. ...(26)... this is

not necessarily true. Often the ...(27)... we stay in a foreign country, the more we realize how little, we actually know about the
culture of that country. Books and talks about other people's culture can just be dangerous because they concentrate on culture
differences and exaggerate national characteristics; sometimes a lot of the information they contain is untrue.
In a survey recently carried out'in Britain, people were asked to ...(28)... a list of anything that they thought was ...(29)... of Britain
and would interest foreign visitors there. Most of them mentioned Shakespeare, the Queen, village inns, English folk dancing,
football hooligans, umbrellas, English castles, cricket, and fish and chips wrapped in newspaper.
25.A. be aware
B. understand
C. learn
D. master
26.A. However
B. Whereas
C. While
D. But
27.A. more
B. less
C. farther
D. longer
28.A. put on
B. have
C. make
D. take
29.A. typical
B. aware
C. featured
D. important
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the
following questions.
30. ~ Indian men agree that it is unwise to confide in their wives.
A. keep secrets from

B. believe in
C. hide feelings
D. reveal news to
31. ~ Whistling or clapping hands to get a person’s attention is considered rude.
A. discourteous
B. politely
C. polite
D. embarrassing
Choose the sentence which means the same as the first one.
32. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?” my friend asked me.
A. My friend asked me whether Caron has talked to Kevin.
B. My friend asked me that Caron had talked to Kevin.
C. My friend asked me if Caron talked to Kevin.
D. My friend asked me if Caron had talked to Kevin.
33. The teacher asked "Who speaks English in this class?"
A. The teacher wanted to know who can speak English in this class.
B. The teacher wanted to know who spoke English in that class.
C. The teacher asked who speaks English in that class.
D. The teacher wants to know who spoke English in that class.
34. The Vietnamese use first names in both formal and informal situations.
A. The Vietnamese use first names in neither formal nor informal situations.
B. In both formal and informal situations, first names are used by the Vietnamese.
C. In both formal and informal situations do the Vietnamese use first names.
D. Both formal and informal names are used in Vietnamese situations.
35. Most Americans use first names quickly when addressing their new acquaintance.
A. Most Americans use first names quickly when they addressing with their new acquaintance.
B. When talking their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
C. When they talking their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
D. When talking to their new acquaintance, most Americans use first names quickly.
36. You must not stand too close to people in Britain.

A. Stand too close to people in Britain is not a must.
B. People in Britain are not allowed to stand too close to you.
C. Standing too close to people in Britain is not allowed.
D. Don't stand too close to people when you are in Britain.
Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
37.A. house
B. doubt
C. sound
D. rough
38.A. daughter
B. caught
C. taught
D. laughter
Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
39.A. disappointment
B. apology
C. conversation
D. economic
40.A. complaint
B. household
C. approve
D. applause
The End
