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Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9
Date of pre: 5/10/18
Period 16
Getting Started
Date of T : .. /10/18
Week 6
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to changes in adolescence.
- Practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic
a. Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic “Teen stress and pressure”
b. Grammar: Use reported speech with confidence, question words before fo-infinitive
Skill: Listening, reading, writing and speaking
1. Teacher: - Materials: Ss’ books, text books
- Method: group work, individual work
2. Ss: vocabulary
IV. TIME: 45’
1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date
2. Checking up: None
3. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm up: Have Ss

- Look at the picture
look at the picture and
and answer.
answer the Qs:
- Where are Phuc, Nick,
and Amelie?
- What are they going to
- What are they talking
- Why do you think Mai
couldn't come?
2. Vocab
T uses techniques
- Listen, take notes
New words:
and copy down
- tense (adj): căng thẳng
- be stressed out (v): làm căng thẳng
- disappoint (v): làm thất vọng
- graduate (n/v): sự tốt nghiệp
Checking vocab(Act 1)
- medical degree (n): bằng cấp về y học
Match the word that have -Do ás directed
- doubt (v): do dự
opposite meaning with
a. Find the opposite of the …….
the word given
1. to stay up late
a. to be releaxed

2. to be stressed (out) b.to work continuously
3. good grades
c. go to bed early
4. to disappoint someone d. bad exam résult
5. to take a break
e.to have no plan
6. to be fully booked
f.to make s.o happy
1c,2a, 3d, 4f, 5b, 6e
3. Listen
- Introduce the topic :
Why was Mai tired and
- Listen and follow
didn’t want to go out?
- T plays the tape
-Listen then answer
School year: 2018- 2019
- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van

Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9
- Act2: Have Ss work
individually, then in
pairs, to compare their
answers with each other.
Correct the task as a class
and encourage Ss to

explain why the chosen
option is the correct
5. Language note
-Act3: Ask Ss what they
think Amelie's statement
means. Then explain if

- Individually, then in
pairs, to find the
correct answers. Then
try to explain

- Work in pairs to
discuss to find the



Act2. B. Choose the best answer.
1. C 2. B 3. C
4. A 5. B 6. A

Act3: c.What do you think Amelie means …
Amelie wishes her parents could put
themselves in her situation to better understand

- Act4:Have Ss work in
- Work in pairs to do
Act4: 2. Fill the gaps with the words in ……
pairs to complete this
the task and compare
T may explain the difference between
task. Remind them to pay the answers with a
'depressed' and other words such as 'tense',
attention to the content
'worried', or 'stressed'. (The word 'depressed' is
words in each sentence,
- Give the answers
very strong and used only to describe someone
which may help them to
who is deeply sad and has lost hope.)Ss work
choose the most suitable
in pairs
1. worried/tense/stressed; relaxed/confident 2.
- Draw Ss' attention to the - Look at the
3. depressed/frustrated
REMEMBER! box and
4. confident/relaxed/calm
ask them to add more
and listen.
5. delighted/confident

adjectives of emotions
6. frustrated/worried
and feelings formed from
the -ed form of verbs.
- Act5(ss can do at
Act5:3. Match the sentences with the
home)Have Ss work
- Work individually
individually first, then in first, then in pairs to
pairs. Then give
give corrective
1. encourage someone
corrective feedback to the feedback to the whole 2. give advice to someone
whole class. Ask Ss to
3. empathise with someone
give examples of the
4. assure someone
situations in which these
5. empathise with someone
sentences are said.
6. encourage someone
6. F. Practice: Act 6
As an example, tell the
Act6:4. How do you feel to day?
class how you feel today - Work individually
Some scenarios such as:
and what has happened

first, then in pairs to
- feel worried because my cat is sick.
that made you feel that
do the task.
- feel disappointed because it has been raining
way. Encourage Ss to
all day long.
select appropriate
- feel delighted because my son is Star of the
Week at his primary school.
4. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary and practice the conversation.
- Prepare: A closer look 1
School year: 2018- 2019

- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van


Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9




Date of pre: 5/10/18
Period 17
A Closer Look 1
Date of T : … /10/18
Week 6
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to changes in adolescence.
- Identify in which situations to stress the verb be in sentences and say these sentences
a. Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic “Teen stress and pressure”
b. Grammar: Use reported speech with confidence, question words before fo-infinitive
Skill: Listening, reading, writing and speaking
1. Teacher: - Materials: Ss’ books, text books
- Method: group work, individual work
2. Ss: vocabulary
IV. TIME: 45’
1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date
2. Checking up: Ask Ss practice “Getting started”
3. New lesson:
Teacher’s act
Students’ act
1.Warm up
- Two teams play the Warm up
- Have Ss play –
adjectives of emotions

Word web
and feelings
- Give comment
a. Vocab
-Teach some new

b. Exercises
- Let Ss work
individually to
complete this
exercise. Tell Ss to
pay attention to the
content words
surrounding the
gaps, and identify the
part of speech of the
missing words.
- Explain to Ss the
phrases in the box
first. Elicit from Ss

- Follow and copy

- Work individually
then in pairs to do
the task. Some Ss

may write the
answers on the
board. Check their

- Work in apairs and
discuss to do the
task. Check the
answers with the

School year: 2018- 2019

- informed (adj): có cân nhắc
- embarrassed (adj): xấu hổ
- reasoning skills (n): các kĩ năng lập luận
- self-aware (adj): tự nhận thức
- adolescence (n): giai đoạn vị thành niên
- guidance (n): lời hướng dẫn
- overcome (v): vượt qua
1. Complete the paragraph with…...
1. shape and height
2. reasoning skills
3. embarrassed
4. independence
5. self-aware
6. informed
2. Match the source of stress and pressure…...

A. 5
B. 2
C. 6
D. 3
E. 1
F. 4

- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van


Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9
some examples for
each item.
3. Practice
-Share some of
personal experience
from teenage years
- Work in apairs to
where relevant.
do the task. Check
- Now tell Ss the
the answers with the
ways we used to deal class.
with these
situations. Ask Ss to

work in pairs to
complete the task.
- Listen and do the
task as requested
- Play the recording
again or say the first
sentence in the
conversation in
attention to the
stressed 'isn't' and
ask them to practise
saying the question.
Now explain the
Emphasise that
normally the verb be
is unstressed, except
for the situations
mentioned in the



3. Which of the following….. Discuss with…
4. Have you ever been in any of……

If time allows, ask each pair to join at least another
pair to make a group discussion.

Stress on the verb be in sentences
5. Listen to the recording……..
Play the recording as many times as needed so that
Ss are familiar with the stressed be in the
statements. Note that only the words in italics
should be stressed, the other forms of be are
unstressed. With the whole class, refer to the
REMEMBER! box to elicit the reasons why the
verb be is stressed in each item. Ss then practise
saying the sentences in pairs.
6. Look at the following sentences….
Tell Ss that these sentences contain both stressed
and unstressed verb forms of be. Ss work
individually first to underline those that should be
stressed. Then play the recording for Ss to check.
Give corrective feedback as a class, then Ss practise
saying the sentences.
1: - You aren't worried about the exam? Good for
- I am worried! But I try not to show it.
2: - Do you think Jack is good at Japanese?
- He is. But he's a bit shy to speak it.
3: - Isn't badminton her favourite sport?
- Yes, it is.
4: - Who's he? (no stress)

5: - Sorry - we're late!
- Actually, you aren't. We haven't started yet.
6 - Is she happy at the new school?
- Yes, she is. She likes it a lot.

4. Homework
- Learn by heart all the new words. Practice saying sentences in 2 and 3
- Prepare: Closer Look 2

School year: 2018- 2019

- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van


Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9



Date of pre: 5/10/18
Period 18
A Closer Look 2
Date of T : .. /10/18
Week 6

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to changes in adolescence.
- Use reported speech with confidence, question words before fo-infinitive
a. Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic “Teen stress and pressure”
b. Grammar: Reported speech with confidence, question words before fo-infinitive
c. Skill: Listening, reading, writing and speaking
1. Teacher: - Materials: Ss’ books, text books
- Method: group work, individual work
2. Ss: vocabulary
1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date
2. Checking up: Ask Ss to practice 2 and 3 in “A Closer Look 1”
3. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ act
1. Warm up:
- Whole class play
Give 9 words about
“WH-Questions” on
the board and let Ss
play game “Bingo”
- Have Ss play a game
2. Presentation:
Grammar: Reported
1. Read the conversation in Getting Started….

speech: review
- Ask Ss to work in - Work in pairs to Mai: “I'm too tired and don't want to go out.”
pairs to complete the complete the task. Mai: “I want to be a designer.”
task. If needed, give
Mai's parents: “Design graduates won't find jobs easily.
Ss a quick review of
We want you to get a medical degree.”
reported speech.
2. Rewrite the following sentences in…...
-Work individually Key:
- Let Ss work
to complete this 1. My parents told me they would visit me that week.
individually to
Then 2. Our teacher asked us what we were most worried
complete this
their about.
exercise. Then they
answers in pairs.
3. Phuong told me she was so delighted because she had
compare their answers
just received a surprise birthday present from her sister.
in pairs before T gives
4. Tom said Kate could keep calm even when she had
corrective feedback as
lots of pressure.
a whole class.

5. She told her mother she had got a very high score in
her last test.
6. The doctor asked him if he slept at least eight hours a
Question words before fo-infinitives: Tell Ss that the
School year: 2018- 2019

- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van


Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9
- Explain the Look
out! box.
- Do the first sentence
with the class as an
example. Ask Ss to
work individually to
rewrite the sentences
before receiving
correction from T.
- Have Ss work in
pairs to complete this
- Remind them they
can choose from the
verbs ask, wonder,
(not) be sure, have no

idea, (not) know, (not)
decide, (not) tell to
report these questions.



question words who, what, where, when, and how can
-Listen and take be used before a to-infinitive to express a situation that
it is difficult or uncertain.
3. Rewrite the sentences using question …….
Work 1. I don't know what to wear.
to 2. Could you tell me where to sign my name?
complete the task. 3. I have no idea when to leave for the bus.
compare 4. We're not sure where to hang the painting.
their answers with 5. He wondered how to tell this news to his parents.
a partner.
6. They can't decide who to go first.
- Give feedback
4. Rewrite the following questions …...
- Work in pairs to Key:
do the task.
1. They wondered/couldn't tell how to use that support
2. He had no idea who to turn to for help.

3. Mai asked her mother when to turn off the oven.
4. Phong and Minh couldn't decide where to park their
5. He was not sure whether to call her then.
6. They wondered what to do to make Linh feel happier.

Game: Something
- Play the game
About Our Teacher
First, ask the whole
class to agree on five
questions they would
like to ask about T.
Write them on the
board. Prepare two
different versions of
answers to these five
questions. Write each
version on a separate
piece of paper so that
you do not forget
Then divide the class
into two groups. Tell
Ss that one group will
stay inside the
classroom and the
other outside. Each
group will listen to T

for the answers to the
questions and the
group will then have
to report to the other
group what they have
heard from T.
When the two groups
School year: 2018- 2019
- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van


Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9
have been separated
and cannot hear each
other, go to each
group and tell them
one version of the
answers. Ask them to
remember what you
Finally, ask the two
groups to gather again
inside the classroom.
Now ask them to
answer the five
questions written on
the board according to

the information they
have received by
reporting what you
have told them.
4. Homework
- Learn by heart all the new words and structures
- Prepare: Communication

School year: 2018- 2019


- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van



Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9



Date of pre: 5/10/18
Period 19

Date of T : .. /10/18
Week 7
1. Formation of behavior: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Read and get some information then talk about “Life skills for teens”
a. Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic “Teen stress and pressure”
b. Grammar: Reported speech with confidence, question words before fo-infinitive
c. Skill: Listening, reading, writing and speaking
1. Teacher: - Materials: Ss’ books, text books
- Method: group work, individual work
2. Ss: vocabulary
1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date
2. Checking up: Ask Ss to practice 2, 3 and 4 in “A Closer Look 2”
3. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm up: Talk
about the meaning of
“Life Skills”
- Write 'Life skills' on
the board and ask Ss
- Individual talking
what they think it
means. Ask them to
give some examples of

life skills.
2. Prespeaking:
a. Vocab
- Listen to the
Extra vocabulary:
- Explain the words in
explanation and copy
- cognitive (adj): liên quan đến nhận thức
the Extra vocabulary
- emotion (n): cảm xúc
box. Use a dictionary
- concentrate (v): tập trung
or translate the words
- self-discipline (n): tự rèn luyện
since they are all
- resolve (v): giải quyết
abstract concepts.
- risk taking (n): liều lĩnh
1. Read about the necessary life skills for
teenagers in the United States. …..
- Have Ss work in
- Work in pairs to
pairs to complete this
complete the task.
1. C 2. B
3. D 4. A 5. E
task. Go around and

offer help if needed.
3. During speaking:
2. Discuss: Do we teenagers in Viet Nam need
School year: 2018- 2019

- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van


Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9
- Give Ss plenty of
- Work in pairs. Then,
time to look closer at
Ss work in small
each skill to discuss the groups. After their
questions in pairs.
discussion, each group
Then, Ss work in small should cross out the
groups. After their
life skills which they
discussion, each group think are not suitable
should cross out the
for Vietnamese teens.
life skills which they
think are not suitable
for Vietnamese teens.
4.Post speaking.
- Work in small groups

- Have Ss work in
to make their own list
small groups to make
for Vietnamese teens.
their own list for
Vietnamese teens.
- Copy down the 'big
list' they have created
in 3 in their notebooks.



all or some of these skills? Why/Why not?
Write on the board two lists: one containing the
skills Ss think are necessary for Vietnamese
teenagers, and one containing those that they think
are not.

3. In groups, work out a similar list of skills that
Vietnamese teens should have today….
Ss can base it on the text and add their own
information. Now the class needs to combine all
the group lists to make a big list for the whole
class. Write this list on a poster, or on the board.
4 Look at the list of life skills for teens that
your class has developed
Each student goes through the list and evaluates
how good he/she is with each skill. Then Ss work

in pairs to share their results.

- Ask Ss to copy down
the 'big list' they have
created in 3 in their
notebooks. Ss then
work individually:
4. Homework
- Learn by heart all the new words
- Practice writing and talking about “Life Skills for Teens”.
- Prepare: Skills 1
Date of pre: 5/10/17
Period 20
Skills 1
Date of T : …. /10/17
Week 7
1. Formation of behavior: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Read for general and specific information about a helpline service for teens in Viet Nam
- Talk about teen stress and pressure and how to cope with them
a. Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic “Teen stress and pressure”
b. Grammar: Reported speech with confidence, question words before fo-infinitive
c. Skill: Listening, reading, writing and speaking
1. Teacher: - Materials: Ss’ books, text books
- Method: group work, individual work
2. Ss: vocabulary

1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date
2. Checking up: Ask Ss to practice 1 and 2 in “Communication”
3. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities

School year: 2018- 2019

- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van


Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9
1.Warm up: Chatting: - Answer the question
1a. Ask Ss the question
and explain that a child
helpline is a
support service for
children and young
2.Pre Reading
a. Vocab
- Listen, follow and
- Teach some new
copy down.


-Check: R.O.R
b.Predict question:
Do you know what a
child headline íi?
4. Wlile reading:
- Ask Ss to read the
text again to complete
the task. Ss work in
pairs to answer the



New words:
- helpline (n): đường dây trợ giúp (nóng)
- toll-free (n): miễn phí
- counsel (v): khuyên bảo
- abuse (n): sự lạm dụng
- promote (v): thúc đẩy
- involve (v): bao gồm
- peer (n): bằng, ngang hàng (bầy đàn)
- favourable (adj): thuận lợi

- Guess
- Work individually to
do the task and then

compare their answers
with a partner.

- Work individually
first, then compare the
answers with their

2. Answer the questions.
1. It's a free service for counselling and
protecting children and young adults in Viet
2. They were callers in the 11-14 year old and
15-18 year old groups.
3. The calls were mostly questions about family
relationships, friendships, and physical and
mental health.
4. Because they were cases of missing or
abandoned children, or children who were
suffering from violence, trafficking, or sexual
5. The helpline promotes child participation in
its operations by involving children as peer
communicators and decision makers.
6. It aims to create favourable conditions for
children to develop physically and mentally.

- Have Ss work
individually first, then
compare the answers

with their partner. Then
provide feedback as a
class. For each answer,
ask Ss to refer back to
the text to find the
relevant information..
4.Post speaking
- Do the task as teacher
Draw Ss' attention to
the Study skill box.
Together with them,
find an example for
3. Read the text again……..
each expression. If
time allows, ask Ss to
1.T 2. T 3. F 4. F
5. F
add in other
expressions for asking
School year: 2018- 2019
- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van

6. T


Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9
for advice that they
have learnt or know.
- Tell Ss they are going
to listen to two students -Do as dirrected
calling a child helpline.
After Ss have
completed the task
individually, give
feedback as a class.
Then Ss work in pairs
to role-play the callers
b. While
- T plays the tape
c. Post
- Look back at Exercise
1. and do the task in
- Tell Ss the
instructions to do the
task. Give Ss a few
minutes to choose who
they want to be and to
-Listen and fill in the
think about what they
should say when they
call the hotline. Ss

work in pairs. Go
-do the task in pairs.
around and offer help if



4. Listen to two students calling…...
Key (suggested):
Caller 1
girl, from Ha Noi, last year of high
a bit depressed and confused
Problem: wants to be a designer; but her
parents want her to be a doctor
Question doesn't know what to say to her
Caller 2
boy, named Long, 13 years old,
from Ho Chi Minh City

Problem online friend asked for 5 million
dong; said if he refused to give it,
his life would be difficult
Question wonders whether to tell somebody
about this

4. Homework
- Learn by heart all the new words
- Practice talking about their own ethnic group. - Prepare: Skills 2
Date of pre: 5/10/18
Period 21
Skills 2
Date of T : …. /10/18
Week 7
1. Formation of behavior: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Listen for general and specific information about the work of an advice columnist
- Write a short note to ask for advice and to give advice
a. Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic “Teen stress and pressure”
b. Grammar: Reported speech with confidence, question words before fo-infinitive
3. Skill: Listening and writing
1. Teacher: - Materials: Ss’ books, text books
- Method: group work, individual work

2. Ss: vocabulary
1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date
2. Checking up: Ask Ss to practice 1b and 2 in “Skills 1”
School year: 2018- 2019
- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van


Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9
3. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm up:
- Discuss and answer
1a. Ask Ss if they
the questions.
know what an “advice
columnist” does.
Introduce the word
New words:
a. Vocab
- Listen, follow and
- columnist (n): người phụ trách chuyên mục

- Teach some new
copy down.
- empathise (v): thấu cảm, đồng cảm
- sensitive (adj): nhạy cảm
-Check: R.O.R
b. Predict
-Ask ss if they know
what an “advice
-discuss( give s.o
columnist” does
some advice)
- Tell Ss they are now
going to listen to an
- Work individually
interview with Miss
then compare answers
Sweetie, the advice
with their partner.
columnist of 4Teen
magazine. Ask Ss to
look at the questions
in Exercise 1b first.
Ss then work
individually to
complete the task.

- Play the recording
once to check how
- Work individually

1b. Choose the best answers.
much Ss understand
then compare answers Key:
it. Then play the
with their partner.
1. likes 2. no longer in
recording again when
3. not easy 4. takes time
5. need
providing the key.
3. While listening:
-For this task, play the - Work in pairs to do
Ăct2. Answer the questions.
recording as many the task.
1. She feels like she is living her teenage years
times as needed. Ss
again, and she loves helping readers by giving them
first, then compare the
2. She said it's most important that we put ourselves
in other people's shoes.
partner. Then provide
3. Because language should be used sensitively so
corrective feedback as

that the person can get over the negative feelings.
a class.
- Activity 3
Act3. Which of the following expressions…..
Ss work in pairs for
this task. Ask them to -Work in pairs
1. No
2. Yes
3. No
4. No
5. Yes
explain their decision
options that are in the
‘no’ category are
because the language
is too strong or direct.
School year: 2018- 2019
- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van

Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9
4. Post listening
a. Pre
- Remind Ss to use the -Answer
expressions in the

Writing Study skill
box 'Giving advice':
What do you say to
give s.o an advice?
Ex: +If I were you, I
+I don’t think you
+ It might be a good
- Have Ss need to look
at 2, A CLOSER
- look at 2, A
LOOK 1. Then they
work individually to
Then they work
complete this task.
individually to
complete this task.

b. While
- Have Ss work
individually first to
write a short note to
Miss Sweetie to ask
her for advice about a
problem at school or
with their friends.

- Work in small



4. Look at 2, A CLOSER LOOK 1....
Suggested answers:
B. I know how you feel, but I don't think you
should worry about this change. It's normal, and it
shows that you're growing up.
C. If I were you, I wouldn't have too high
expectations. I would do my best in the exam, but I
don't think it's a good idea to feel so stressed.
D. Have you thought about telling this to your
parents? They might think of a good solution to
help you.
E. It might help to consider breaking this big task
into smaller tasks and then tackle them one by one.
F. It might be a good idea to talk about this to
someone. Have you thought about
turning to your teacher for help?
5a. write a short note to Miss Sweetie to ask her
for advice about a problem at school or with
their friends…….
Hi Mrs Sweetie, I'm a final year students and I'm so
confuse about choosing the university. There are a
lot of option for me with different range of entrance
requirement points. At this time I do not know what

I like and which school is suitable for me. I really
need your help. Please provide me some advice as
soon as posible. Thanh you a lot!

c. Post
5b. As a whole class, put the notes in a….
- Tell Ss when all
-show on the board
Hi Minh, I know your feeling when choosing a
group members have
university. First, I suggest that you sit alone and
finished writing the
spend an amount of time to think what you actually
advice note, they will
like. If you can’t identify your hobbies and dreams
take turns to report the
clearly, I recommend you do a “psychological
note they received,
multiple choice questions” exam in our website.
and the advice that
After understanding what field you will choose,
they offered.
School year: 2018- 2019
- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van

Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9



find the list of universities that have it. Depend on
your finance and your points, you can reach the
final decision.
4. Homework
- Learn by heart all the new words
- Practice saying the “advice” in activity 4
- Prepare: Looking back+ Project

Date of pre: 5/10/18
Period 22
Looking Back and Project
Date of T : … /10/18
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review and do exercises about the vocabulary and the
grammar notes they have learnt during this unit.
a. Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic “Teen stress and pressure”
b. Grammar: Reported speech with confidence, question words before fo-infinitive
c. Skill: Listening and writing
1. Teacher: - Materials: Ss’ books, text books
- Method: group work, individual work

2. Ss: vocabulary
School year: 2018- 2019
- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van


Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9
1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date
2. Checking up: Ask Ss to practice activity 4 in “Skills 2”
3. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm up:
- Work individually
1. Put yourself in these teen’s shoes…...
- Ask Ss to complete the first and then
Key: 1. excited/delighted
sentences by using the compare.
2. frustrated/upset with a partner.
3. tense/stressed
4. worried/tense
pictures, the options

5. disappointed/frustrated
6. emotional/depressed
2. Review
- Ask Ss to remember - Complete the task
2. Use the following prompts to say….
the meanings of these individually or in
Key: (suggested
congratulate, pairs. Then compare
1. 'Congratulations!'/ 'Well done! You did a really
empathise, encourage, with others.
great job!'
assure, and advise. Then
2. 'You must have been really disappointed.'/ 'If I
Ss need to look at the
were you, I would talk to my parents.'
situations in 1 to say
3. 'Stay calm. Everything will be all right.'/ 'It
appropriate sentences.
might be a good idea to have a break when you
feel too stressed.'
4. 'I understand how you feel.'/ 'It might help to
consider talking about this to someone.'/ 'Have

you thought about calling a counselling service?'
5. 'I understand how you feel.'/ 'It might help to
consider focusing on the good points of the
presentation rather than only the weak points.'
6. 'You must have been really emotional.'/ 'I
understand how you feel.'
3. Practice:
- Challenge Ss to - Complete this task
3. Give at least two examples for…
complete this exercise individually and share Key: (suggested)
without looking back at the answers with a
1. concentrate on doing something; organise your
They can write in
2. control feelings; know how to get over negative
similar skills, or add
new skills as they wish.
3. cooperate with others; communicate well
4. know how to act in emergencies; know when to
- Have Ss work
stop taking risks
individually then in
- Complete this task
5. cook for oneself and others; manage a small
pairs when they
individually and share budget
compare their answers

the answers with a
4. Rewrite the following in…….
with each other.
1. She said she was really stressed out, and that
she had had three sleepless nights thinking about
her exam.
2. He said he couldn't concentrate because it was
too noisy in there.
3. She said she had been very upset at first but she
was fine then.
4. He said he didn't think taking risks too often
- Have Ss work
was a good idea.
School year: 2018- 2019
- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van

Võ Như Hưng Secondary school
plan -grade 9
individually to complete - Complete the
this task.
exercise individually
or in pairs.

- Direct Ss to the to

callers in 4, SKILLS 1.
Using the notes they
produced for that
exercise, ask Ss to recall
the details of the two
- Call on five pairs to
report the advice to the
class. The class then
vote for their favourite
piece of advice.

- Discuss this task in
pairs to work out the
advice they would
give to the two
lay the game by
asking and answering



5. She said he would take a cooking class before
he went to college.
6. He said he really wished he could make
informed decisions.
5. Rewrite the underlined phrases……

1. Today I'm going to tell you what to do in case
of fire.
2. Be sure you know where to find the nearest exit
or stairway.
3. You should know how to activate the fire
4. You should know what number to call to report
the fire and ask for help.
6. Work in pairs. Look at the notes….
Some questions:
Who are the callers?
Why are they calling the helpline?
How do they feel?

Ask Ss to complete the Finished! self-assessment
box. Identify any difficulties and weak areas and
provide further practice.

4. Homework:
- Learn by heart new words.
- Do project at home
- Prepare for the next period “Review 1 - Language”

School year: 2018- 2019

- Teacher: Ngo Thi Thuy Van

