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III. Choose the best answer .
1. “What’s the ….. with you?” – “I have got a headache.”
A. question
B. matter
C. health
D. sorry
2. What do you ………………………..of Mai An Tiem ?
A. like
B. think
C. do
D. thinks
3. “I’ve got a toothache.” – “Let me have a ….. .”
A. rest
B. take
C. see
D. look
4. In the end , the prince married the……, and they lived happily ever after .
A. king
B. queen
C. prince
D. princess
5. “I’ve got a sore throat.” – “You should ….. the doctor.”
A. see
B. to see
C. seeing
D. saw
4. “She’s got a backache.” – “….. .”
A. She should carry heavy things.
B. She shouldn’t carry heavy things.
C. She should carry things.

D. She shouldn’t carry things.
6.……………. the weather like in spring?
A. When’s
B. Where’s
C. Who’s
D. What’s
5. You should wash your hands ….. breakfast, lunch and dinner.
A. before
B. after
C. during
D. at
7. You should eat ……….….. food.
A. health
B. unhealthy
C. bad
D. healthy
8. You should do morning exercise ….. .
A. regular
B. regularly
C. once a week
D. never
9. “ What is the matter with you ? “also means : ,………………………………..
A. What is wrong with you ?
B. what is the wrong with you ?
C. What is problem to you ?
C.What is the problem to you ?
10.I sometimes go ………….. in the winter.
A. ski
B. skiing
C. to ski

D. to skiing
11. The main characters in the story are the fox and the……………………………………
A. monkey
B. turtle
C. crow
D. tortoise
12. What did An Tiem and his family exchange Watermelons for ?
A. clothes
B. food
C. food and drink D. money
13. What’s your favorite drink? – ............
A. Chicken
B. Orang
C. Lettuce
D. Soda
14. Which are your brother’s favorite dishes? - ............
A. No, thanks.
B. I’m thirsty.
C. Cartoons.
D. Chicken noodles
and apple pies.
15. ............ do you feel? - I feel very hungry.
A. Who
B. Why
C. Which
D. How
16. We’re very ............ now. We don’t want any more food or drink.
A. cold
B. hot
C. full

D. hungry
17. How …………. is it from here to Vinh ?

A. left
B. far
C. near
D . right
18. What are you going ……………. tomorrow?
A. to do
B. do
C. did
D. doing
19. They ……………. swimming last Saturday.
A. go
B. going
C. went
D. goes
20. He should go to the ……………. because he has a toothache.
A. dentist
B. nurse
C. teacher
D. doctor
21. What’s the matter ……………. you? ~ I have a cold.
A. to
B. with
C. from
D. in
22. How many seasons are ……………. in England?
A. these

B. those
C. they
D. there
23. It’s often ……………. in the rainy season.
A. cold
B. warm
C. rainy
D. sunny
24. ……………. the weather like in spring?
A. When’s
B. Where’s
C. Who’s
D. What’s
25. She always ……………. to school by bike.
A. went
B. is going
C. go
D. goes
26. He ……………. football in the yard now.
A. plays
B. is play
C. playing
D. is playing
27. The students often travel to school ……………. bike.
A. by
B. in
C. with
D. on
28. Yesterday John ………….. go to school because he ………….. a toothache.
A. didn’t / had

B. doesn’t / has
C. didn’t / has
D. doesn’t / had
29. ………….. are you going this summer holiday? ~ I’m going to Paris.
A. How
B. What
C. Where
D. Who
30. We want to have a good time ………….. Hanoi.
A. on
B. at
C. for
D. in
IV. Reorder the words to make full meaning sentences.
1. Jimmy / the / matter / What / was / yesterday / with /?
2. let / Don’t / play / near / the / well / children/.
3. Peter / a / shouldn’t / stomach ache ,/ has / cold / drink / water / so / he/ .
4. can/ How/ get / to/ I / the/ museum ?
5.Nam / go / didn’t / to / school / yesterday / he / had/ a fever / because .
6. Nam / reads/ often / science/ books/ does/ and/ sports/ the / in / gym .
7. book / What / kinds/ do/ like/ reading/ of/ you/ best / ?

8.What/ your/ brother/ do/ does/ the/ Spring/ in ?
9. wants / a / Phong / footballer / to / be / future/ in / the.
10. week /the weather / be / What / next / like/ will ?
V. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words.
1. We should eat a …………………..fruit and vegetables.
2. How much water does she drink every day? – 8 ...................................... of water.
3. I don’t like vegetables ……………….. my sister does.
4. I have a headache. You should …………….some aspirins.
5. Nam has a pain in his stomach .He has a…………………. .
6. You should make sure your children can’t roll …………….the bed.
7. To stay healthy, you should do morning exercise……………………..
8. Don’t play with the sharp knife because he may …………………….
9. Nam didn’t go to school because he………………….a headache .
10. Tony always ……………..his teeth twice a day .
11. Mai shouldn’t ………………………………..because she may get a burn
12. We’d like to buy some ........................... of biscuits , 2 kilos of orange, chips.
13. My father eats 3 big ...................................... rice each meal. He’s very strong.
14. I would like a ...................................... of apple juice, please.
15. The post office is………………..the bakery and the pharmacy .
VI. Find One mistake and then correct it.
1 How much bananas do you eat every day?
2 She eats three cups of rice each meal.
3. My mother would like to buy 2 bunches of sausages. __________________
4. There are a lot of cloud in the winter.

5. What does he has for breakfast ?
6. There is a lot of winds in the spring .
7. He shouldn’t drinks a lot of cold water .
8. What does he wants to be in the future ?
9. The book shop is next with the post office.
10. Her brother oftens reads a book in his free time.
11. He should take some medicines .
12. The food in city is more expensiver than the food in countryside. __________
13. I ‘d like visiting Hue Imperial City next summer .
14. Hung King ordered An Tiem’s family living on an island. ______________
15. I ‘d like to be a teacher because I ‘d like to take care of patients.____________
VI. Read and match.
1.What’s the matter with you ?

A. No, it won’t.It will be rainy .

2.Why shouldn’t I play with the sharp knife ?
3.How often does your brother play volleyball ?
4.What do you think of the main character in the story ?

5.Would you like to be a teacher of English in the future ?
6.How far is it from your house to your school ?
7.Excuse me, where is the supermarket ?
8.What does he have for breakfast ?
9.How many bananas do you eat every day ?
10.What is the weather like today ?
11.Which place would you like to visit in Da Lat ?
12.What do you do in the spring ?
13.What did you do last summer vacation ?
14.What kinds of book are you reading ?
15. Will the weather be sunny next week ?

B. I have a cold.
C. I eat three bananas.
D. It is cloudy and windy .
E. I’d like to visit Cam Ly waterfall. .
F. I am reading fairy tales.
G. I often go fishing in the spring.
H. I visited Hoi An Ancient Town.
I. because you may cut yourself.
K. Yes, I would. It is my dream .
L. I think, it is far from here.
M. Go straight and then turn left.
N. She is kind and gentle.
O. Once a week .
P. A carton of milk and a loaf of

Question 1: Read and complete (1pt)





My name is Peter. In my free time, I often go out to see nice designs of houses and building,
because I would like to be a (1)………………….. in the future. My friends Mary and Linda like
different things. Mary reads book in the library in all her free time. She would like to be a (2)
……………… because she wants to write interesting and funny stories for children. Linda would
like to be a (3)……………………. to look after patients and poor people in the mountains. We
hope that our (4)………………. will come true one day.
Question 2: Match
0. What’s your name?

0- a

a. My name’s Linda.

1. Where were you last week, Linda?

1-. . . .

b. I often go swimming.

2. What do you do in summer?

2-. . . .

c. I am cooking cabbage for dinner

3. What are you doing with the stove?

3-. . . .

d. She shouldn’t carry heavy things.

4. Tony’s grandma has a backache

4-. . . .

e. I was in Ho Chi Minh city.

Question 3: Read and tick () T (True) or F (False)

My name is Tom. Every day I usually get up early and do exercises in the morning. Then I have a
big breakfast with different food like bread, sausages, meat, fish, eggs, chocolate, vegetables,
fruit, milk and so on. In a week I often have one sausage, two eggs and a lot of vegetables. I
don’t eat too much chocolate bars and sweets because they have a lot of fat and sugar. To be
healthy, I like to eat more rice, bread, vegetables and fruits.
0. His name is Tom.
1. After doing morning exercises Tom often has a small breakfast.
2. He likes to eat a lot of chocolate bars and sweets.
3. He often eats two sausages and one egg a week.

4. He likes to eat rice, bread, vegetables and fruits to be healthy.
Question 3: Write the correct words with the following pictures. (1 pt)
1. Tom would like to be a _____________.

2. Don’t climb the__________. You may fall and break your leg.

3. I would like a packet of ___________, please

4. In my free time I often _______________________.

Question 4: Put the words in oder to make the sentences. (1pt)
1. you? /matter/ with/ What’s/ the
 ..…………………………………………………………………
2. often / cartoons / watches / TV. /He / on
 ………………………………………………………………….
3. will / What / like /the weather / be /tomorrow?/


5. Phu Quoc/ go/ next / to/ I’ll / Island/ year
 …………………………………………………………………
