Strategic Management helps enterprises clearly oriented strategic vision,
mission (mission) and its goals. Indeed, strategic management want to be effective,
organizations must manage environmental information systems business. Pursuant
to this, managers can predict the trends of the business environment and determine
where the enterprises needs to go in the future, what needs to be done to achieve
long success. Realizing the desired results in the future and aims to help managers
and employees to master what to do to achieve success and create mutual
understanding between managers and employees and the efforts to achieve the
desired. This will encourage both objects on achieving short-term performance,
better to improve long-term interests of the enterprises.
- Strategic Management helps businesses always have good strategies,
adapted to the environment.
Strategy is the general solution, oriented to help businesses achieve longterm goals. Strategies are based on the information inside and outside enterprises
and be selected by a scientific process. At the same time, the strategic management
process, administrators are always monitoring the changes of the business
environment and adjust strategy as necessary. So strategic management will
enterprises always have good strategies, adapted to the environment. This is very
important in the context of an increasingly complex environment, constant changes
and competition takes place on a global scale.
- Strategic Management helps enterprises active in decision making in order
to exploit opportunities in time and prevent or limit the risks in the external
environment, promoting the strengths and reduce the weaknesses in internal the
Environmental conditions that businesses encounter is variable. The rapid
change often create opportunities and unexpected risk. The process of strategic
management forced administrators analyze and predict the environmental
conditions in the near future and the far future. Thanks to clearly see the future
environmental conditions that administrators have the ability to better grasp the
opportunities, make the most of these opportunities and reduce risks related to the
business environment conditions and thereby make the proactive decisions. That
means when forecasting the opportunities likely to appear, the administration
prepared plans to seize the situation allows, or at risk, administrators can
proactively impact environment in order to reduce the risk or actively avoided. On
the other hand, the strengths and weaknesses has always existed within the
organization so that if no strategic management now easily be content with what is,
when the environment changes quickly strengths become weaknesses and threats
competitors of being exploited. Conversely, if the strategic management,
information systems of enterprises are reviewing the strengths and weaknesses to
administrators based leverage strengths in order to increase competitiveness, and
plans to reduce the weaknesses in order to limit the risks
- Strategic Management helps businesses achieve greater efficiency than
non-administrators. The study shows businesses how to apply strategic management
is achieving better results than the results that they achieved earlier and the results
of businesses not applying governance strategy comb. That does not mean that
businesses use strategic management will not encounter the problem, maybe even
bankrupt, but it just means that the application of strategic management will reduce
the risks encountered have serious problems and increase the ability of businesses to
take advantage of opportunities in the environment as they occur.
Despite the above advantages are very important, but strategic management
still has some drawbacks.
- Disadvantages mainly to establish the strategic management of business
takes time and effort. However, when enterprises have experienced the process of
strategic management business is a matter of time will decrease, eventually to save
time. Moreover, the issue of the time required for planning will be less important if
enterprises were offset more benefits.
- The strategic business plan can be an erroneous perception that they are
formed when rigidly fixed in writing. Strategic management of the trust that their
original plan necessarily be made without regard to the additional information. This
is a serious mistake by not properly applying strategic management business.
strategy business plan must be dynamic and grow because that environmental
conditions change, and enterprises can decide to follow the new goals or objectives
- Limit errors in the environment for long-term forecasts can sometimes be very
large. This difficulty does not reduce the need to predict. Actually assessing long-term
prospects are not necessarily accurate to detail exhaustively, they are designed to
ensure that businesses do not have to make these changes but remain overly adapted to
the forum environmental variables a little upset.
- Some businesses seem at planning stage and paid too little attention to
implementation issues. This phenomenon led some executives doubt about the
usefulness of the process of strategic management business. But the problem is not
in the business of management strategy that is in people manipulate it. Obviously,
businesses must "set out plans for the implementation of" if any form of planning
yet potentially effective.
Despite the aforementioned disadvantages that some businesses do not apply
the strategic management of business, but potential problems can generally be
overcome if know how to apply the process of strategic management business
properly. The advantages of applying the business strategy is clearly much greater
value than the disadvantages.
Here is a concrete example of the construction and implementation of
business strategies in enterprises: An Phu Dong Commercial Construction and
Transportation Joint Stock Company.
1. Introduction of the company
An Phu Dong Commercial Construction and Transportation Joint Stock Company
was established in 2002. Having a business registration number 0203000273
issued on 9th September 2002.
* Transaction offices
Address headquarters: Km 15 Road 5 - An Duong - Hai Phong
Representative offices: Km 27 + 500 road 10, Bac Son Commune, An Duong
district, Hai Phong.
Phone: 0313.580913
Tax code: 0200474310
Account number: 2111201005330 at Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development, Hong Bang District - Hai Phong.
Charter capital: 77.400.000.000 dong
* The main trades:
- Trading in construction materials and transportation
- Construction of civil works, infrastructure, irrigation and transportation,
leveling and investment advisory services building.
- Sales of coal mines, oil, grease, gas metal goods, supplies and spare parts,
electrical equipment, electronics, refrigeration, civil power, ...
* The organizational structure of the contracting unit
An Phu Dong Commercial Construction and Transportation Joint Stock
Company has 03 construction teams, 01 teams as roads, transport 02 teams, 02
workshops, 01 store construction materials business, 01 dump construction
* The organization chart of An Phu Dong Commercial Construction and
Transportation Joint Stock Company.
Deputy director of
financial supplies
Deputy Director of
Planning and Technical
Concrete mixing
team ANPHA
Building Team 1
Transport Team 1
Building Team 2
Transport Team 2
Building Team 3
Xưởng sửa chữa
Store construction
Material storage
space 1
Bridges Building
Team 1
Bridges Building
Team 2
Material storage
space 2
2. The implementation of the company's strategy in recent years
2.1. The process of developing the current strategy of the company
An Phu Dong Commercial Construction and Transportation Joint Stock
Company implement strategy was simple, the main contents include:
- Review and evaluation of environmental factors; evaluating the
implementation of the objectives set out
- Analyzing business operations, analyzing the financial situation, .... find out
what the other side needs to overcome limitations.
- Establish objectives, planning for next term
- Construction of a general strategy
2.2. The strategic level of the company
a. Company strategy
- The strategy focuses on a business area: Construction of traffic;
- The strategic alliance of companies: Contribution to equity; joint ventures
and associates.
b. Functional level strategy: Infrastructure; Marketing; Human resource;
Research and development; Manufacturing; Finance.
c. The level strategic business unit (SBU)
- Construction Business Unit
Currently the company is focused on construction operations and activities of
the SBU had to meet market integration requirements and to meet customers.
However, the Company does not have investment strategies to increase capacity to
meet growing construction of large-scale projects.
- The business units of real estate and land use right transfer: there is a time
efficient operations but should not have disbanded the unit.
d. Control strategy
The control system of the Company, such as financial control, output control,
management control, control of group and corporate culture.
2.3. Strengths and weaknesses of the company
a. Strengths
- The infrastructure is relatively stable, good relations with investors, and
brand reputation.
- Quality of projects, progress and the basic construction procedures other is
always guaranteed and investors appreciate.
- Team management and project administration experience, proficient work.
- The financial situation is stable, has cumulative assets.
- Ability joint venture well, especially with the Corporation.
b. Weaknesses
- Gather information on the market is limited.
- Effective use of invested assets is not high, untapped and effective use of
the company's land.
- Activity ineffective marketing, the marketing and job search is not
professional and do not have a clear policy, do not have separate department
focused for directors.
- Business investment, technological innovation and equipment is slow.
- In the management, decentralization is not high pressure causes the head
and passivity for the rest; The coordination between these parts do not function
well, no standardization of principles and procedures.
3. Building strategy in An Phu Dong Commercial Construction and
Transportation Joint Stock Company
3.1. Establishments Construction
On the basis of analyzing and identifying the resources and ability worthwhile,
identifying core competencies of the company today is the ability to manage
projects from this basis the Company is committed to the process of decision to
pursue business opportunities.
3.2. The selection strategy
From base strategy and its objectives, the strategy is defined as follows:
First: Focus improve its competitive position in the market for construction
of transportation projects.
Reason determine this is a strategy that's important:
- Identifying project management capabilities are core competencies of the
company, so that the need to strengthen in order to penetrate the transportation
projects have large-scale projects in many different areas.
- With the resources and capabilities worth including brand reputation,
relationships with investors, the possibility of joint ventures, construction capacity,
companies need to consolidate and continue to develop well in field construction of
transportation projects.
- Some functions current strategy is achieving outstanding efficiency in
construction of transportation projects.
Second: Market penetration of civil construction.
The reasons were:
- Ability to project manage the construction of transportation projects being
transferred to civil engineering will catch up very fast, does not take much time
- Make use of machinery capacity of the Company.
- Prepare the conditions for business investment real estate business when
opportunities appeared.
Third: Building business unit consulting, design and project management.
The reasons were:
- With the ability to project management practices have been turned, the
Company will develop core competencies to form a business unit design
consultancy and project management professional.
- In the trend will be more EPC contracts - contract to design, supply of
materials and equipment and construction. Receiving this contract will bring high
economic efficiency, but requires companies to have units operating in the field of
design and experience.
Fourth : Diversification to exploit the existing resources of the Company.
Current assets of the Company have not been exploited or not exploited
effectively. There are two types of diversification: (1) Related diversification that is
producing construction materials, repair and sales of motorcycles and equipment;
(2) Diversification unrelated business that is commercial, service, hotel, ... on the
basis of existing resources.