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1. Years of fighting have left the area __________ ruins.
2. Until now, wage increases have always kept pace ___________ inflation.
3. In Sweden it is ___________ the law to hit a child.
4. There was a shortage ___________ food and safe water after the flood.
5. The new measures are aimed ____________ increasing the productivity of crops.
6. Being aware __________ the importance of economic reforms, the Vietnamese Communist Party
initiated an overall economic reform policy.
7. Sue shares a house __________ three other students.
8. How much do you spend __________ food each week?
9. Sun oil can protect the skin __________ the sun.
10. You were kind __________ me when I asked you for some help.
11. That fashion magazine is full __________ advertising for women’s clothes
12. Sally is often not well. She suffers __________ very bad headaches.
13. It wasn’t easy but in the end we succeeded __________finding a solution to the problem.
14. The secretary provided me __________ a great deal of information.
15. This car isn’t mine. It belongs __________ Mike.
16. We spent the evening listening __________ music
17. What time did they arrive __________ London?
18. Thank you for looking __________ my mother while she was ill
19. I’ve been searching __________ my keys.
20. Were you able to make use __________ the book I lent you last week?
1.The government have tried to achieve the ____________ of poverty and crime. (eliminate)
2. _______________, the new regulation will work to our advantage. (eventual)
3. Despite the recession the company is confident of further ________________. (expand)
4. The traffic warden took the registered number of the _______________ parked car. (legal)
5. The building is now ________________ by birds. (inhabit)
6. He was found to be _________________ responsible for the accidence. (legal)

7. The plane was ________________ damaged in the crash. (substantial)
8. They have created an environment in which _______________ should flourish. (produce)
9. Since 1990, India has had high growth rates, and has emerged as one of the wealthiest _____________
in the developing world. (economics)
10. Those specialists are trying to find ways of making more _____________ use of agricultural land.
11. They still remain the need for an integrated system of subsidies which will ____________ farmers to
look after their upland environment and producing food. (able)
12. Despite the plan's emphasis on agricultural ______________ , the industrial sector received a larger
share of state investment. (develop)
13. In the South, ________________ development concentrated on rice cultivation, and nationally, rice and
rubber were the main items of export. (agriculture)
14. During the time of economic reforms, the economy has grown _____________ with only a few major
setbacks. (constant)
15. Henry was a studious student. He needed no _________________ to work hard. (encourage)
16. These new economic reforms have allowed for international _______________ and development in the
country. (invest)
17. It is often a good idea to start with small, easily _____________ goals. (achieve)
18. They have made a substantial change; that means, they have made a _____________
change. (consider)
19. The organization works to promote ____________ between nations.( friend)
20. Business was ____________ last month. (stagnancy)
III. Choose the correct completion.
1. Even though / Despite her doctor warned her, Carol has continued to smoke nearly three packs of
cigarettes a day.
2. Even though / Despite her doctor’s warnings, Carol has continued to smoke nearly three packs of
cigarettes a day.
3. Even though / Despite the warnings her doctor gave her, Carol has continued to smoke nearly three
packs of cigarettes a day.

4. Even though / Despite the fact that her doctor warned her of dangers to her health, Carol continues to
5. Even though / Despite she has been warned about the dangers of smoking by her doctor, Carol
continues to smoke.
6. Although / In spite of an approaching storm, the two climbers continued their trek up the mountain.
7. Although / Despite he had practiced for many hours, George failed his driving test again.
8. Even though / In spite of repeated crop failures due to drought, the villagers are refusing to leave their
traditional homeland for resettlement in other areas.
9. The villager refuse to leave even though / in spite of the threat to their food supply is serious because of
the continued drought.
10. The villager refuse to leave even though / in spite of their threatened food supply.
IV. Complete the sentences using the given phrases (A-Z).
A. its many benefits
B. its inherent dangers
C. it has been shown to be safe
D. it has been shown to cause birth defects and sometimes death
E. his fears of heights
F. he is afraid of heights
G. he is normally quite shy and sometimes inarticulate
H. an inability to communicate well in any language besides English
I. having excellent skills in the job category they were trying to fill
J. he had the necessary qualifications
1. In spite of ________, nuclear is a clean and potentially inexhaustible source of energy.
2. In spite of _________, Carl enjoyed his helicopter trip over the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
3. Because of his age, John was not hired even though ______________.
4.Although ____________, many people avoid using a microwave oven for fear of its rays.
6. Jack usually has little trouble making new friends in another country despite ____________.
7. In spite of __________, the use of chemotherapy to treat cancer has many side effects.
8. Though _____________, Bob managed to give an excellent presentation at the board meeting.

9. Jerry continued to be denied a promotion despite ___________.
10. DDT is still used in many countries as a primary insecticide even though _________.
V. Complete the sentences with even though or because.
1. I put on my sunglasses ____________ it was a dark, cloudy day.
2. I put on my sunglasses ____________ the sun was bright.
3. ____________ she has a job, she doesn’t make enough money to support her four children.
4. _____________ she has a job, she is able to pay her rent and provide food for her family.
5. I’m going horseback riding with July this afternoon _____________ I’m afraid of horses.
6. I knew that I should get some sleep, but I just couldn’t put my book down ____________ I was really
enjoying it.
7. I’m glad that my mother made me take piano lessons when I was a child ____________ I hated it at the
time. Now, I play the piano every day.
8. _____________Tom didn’t know how to dance, he wanted to go the school dance ____________ he felt
lonely sitting and staring blankly at the TV while all of his friends were having fun together.
9. Joe jumped into the river to rescue the little girl who was drowning ____________ he wasn’t a good
10. ____________the earthquake damaged the bridge across Skink River, the Smiths were able to cross
the river _____________ they had a boat.
VI. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings.
1. Although the weather was bad, they went swimming.
Despite ____________________________________________________.
2. Although Lan was ill, she still came to meeting.
In spite of ____________________________________________________.
3. Although he is rich, he never helps the poor.
Despite ____________________________________________________.
4. Although she is poor, she is always happy.
In spite of ____________________________________________________.
5. Although she passed the exam, she didn’t fell satisfied.

Despite ____________________________________________________.
6. Even though he was inexperienced, he got a good salary.
In spite of ____________________________________________________.
7. She decides to accept the job although the salary is low.
In spite of ____________________________________________________.
8. Although she is an accountant, she never seems to have any money.
Despite ____________________________________________________.
9. He is very nice, but I don’t trust him.
Even though ____________________________________________________.
10. Despite the rain, they went to work.
Although ____________________________________________________.
1. Bill is too young to drive a car.
 Bill isn’t ___________________________________________________________
2. His house is not as comfortable as hers.
 Her house is _______________________________________________________
3. People say that he is 100 years old.
 He ______________________________________________________________
4. Tom said : “I’m feeling very well.”
 Tom said that _____________________________________________________
5. I got all the information I need from Tom.
 Tom provided ____________________________________________________
6. Ann said to Bill : “Don’t forget to have your appoinment with Mr.Brown.”
 Ann reminded ____________________________________________________
7. They don’t understand him because he doesn’t speak clearly.
 If _______________________________________________________________
8. He didn’t buy the computer because he didn’t have enough money.
 If _______________________________________________________________
9. She was very stupid when she went out in the rain.
 It was __________________________________________________________

10. I am always nervous when I travel by air.
 Travelling by air __________________________________________________
11. The last time I saw her was in 1985.
 I haven’t ________________________________________________________
12. That meal was excellent!
 How ___________________________________________________________
 What __________________________________________________________
13. That factory is producing more and more pollution.
 More and more pollution ___________________________________________
14. We must leave now or we’ll miss the train.
 If _______________________________________________________________
15. She is a harder worker than I am.
 She works ______________________________________________________
16. How old do you think this building is ?
 When do you think _________________________________________________
17. He is sorry he didn’t invite Jane to his party.
 He wishes _______________________________________________________
18. This furniture is so old that it is not worth keeping.
 This is __________________________________________________________
19. We spent five hours getting to London.
 It ______________________________________________________________
20. When I arrived in London, I wrote a letter home.
 On ____________________________________________________________

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