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Trắc nghiệm Anh 8 Kỳ I

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Subject : English 8 HỌC KỲ I
Unit Content Answer

1.It ……often hot in the winter.
A. is B. are C. be D. am
2. Her mother …..this city two years ago.
A.leaved B. leave C. is leaving D. left.
3. A child whose parents have died is
called a / an ……….
A. cousin B. neighbor C.nephew
4. He is …….to ride his bike to school .
A. not enough old B. not old enough
C. enough not old D. enough old
1. Would you like ……… a message ?
A. leave B. leaving C.to leave D. left
2.A telephone you can carry around with
you is called ………
A .mobile phone B. address book
C. fax machine D. public
3. Don’t come in .Please wait …for your
A. inside B. downstairs C.outside
D. upstairs
4. Deaf- mutes can……speak……hear .

A. both….and B. not only….but
C. either….or D. neither …..nor
1.He is old enough to look after ……..
A. hiself B.him C. himself D. his
2. We should go to the …..to buy some
A.kitchen B. market C. theater D.
3. She worked hard ….she could pass the
final exam .
A. so that B. to C. as result D. so as to
A. is
D. left
D. orphan

B. not old
C.to leave
A. mobile
C. himself
B. market
A. so that
4. The calendar is…….the clock ……the

picture and the lamp .
A. on / next to B. under / between
C. behind / between D. above / on
1. I ……. play tennis a lot ,but I don’t
play very often now .
A. was B. am C. used to D. used
2. My mother used to live ….a farm .
A. in B. at C.during D. on
3. The office will be closed……..
Christmas and New Year.
A. at B. before C. between D. after
4. …..is a story passed on in spoken form
from one generation to the next .
A. novel B. fiction C. Folktale D.
1. He is a……. student in my class .
A. good B. well C. best D. better
2. I know you work really …… this
semester .
A. hardly B. harder C. hardest D. hard
3. She advised me …..late .
A. not to be B. to not be C. not be
D. not being
4. John ……. an old friend in the street
this morning .
A. carried on B. got along C. came
across D. turned off
1. It’s too cold outside ………..close the
door , please ?
A. Do you B. Can you C. Did you

D. Would you
2. Most people enjoy ……..to different
parts of the world .
A. travel B. to travel C. traveling
D . traveled
3. It’s lunch time. Let’s stop …… lunch .
A. have B. having C. to have
D. to having
4. You should walk on the …………
B .under /
B. used to
D. on
C. between
D. folktale
A. good
D. hard
B . not to be

C . came across
B. Can you
C. traveling
D. to have
A. sidewalk B. street C. avenue
D. road
1. They have studied …….six o’ clock .
A. in B. at C. since D. for
2. We haven’t had a holiday ….10 years .

A. for B. in C. at D. since
3. My mother was too tired… cook dinner
A. to B. too C. at D. on
4. They are offering a 10% ….on all sofas
this month .
A. concern B. reward C. discount D.
1. Farmers often look…….other work
when they need more money .
A. for B. at C. after D. over
2. Minh ………in this town since 1978.
A. lives B. has lived C. lived D. is
3. We …….a party next Saturday .Can
you come ?
A. have B. will have C. are having
D. are to have
4. I often spend my weekends
…….through pleasant open countryside.
A. travel B. traveling C. to traveling
D. to travel

A. sidewalk
B. since
A. for
A. to
A. for

B. has lived
C. are having
B. traveling

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