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Longman yazoo starter teachers book

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Yazoo Starter

Yazoo is a motivating story-based course for young learners.

At each level, an appealing cast of characters contextualise
the language and make learning fun. The Starter level focuses
on Listening and Speaking, and provides an alternative
entry point for those not yet ready to read and write.

Teacher’s Book

The Teacher’s Book provides
• an overview of the course principles and approach
• a list of flashcards
• step-by-step lesson notes plus optional activities
• Pupils’ Book audioscripts


Teacher’s Bo

The Active Teach CD-ROM provides an interactive version of
the Pupils’ Book and includes
• class audio
• animated Story Times
• flashcards for all vocabulary items

Pupils’ Book
Pupils’ audio CD
Activity Book

Pupils’ CD-ROM



Teacher’s Book
Active Teach CD-ROM
Class audio CDs
Vocabulary flashcards

Danae Kozanoglou

Starter Components

Danae Kozanoglou
28/01/2011 10:47


Teacher’s Bo

Danae Kozanoglou
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Yazoo Starter




Receptive Language


Introduction to the Teacher’s Book
List of Flashcards

1 I’m a lion.

Hello! I’m (Cabu).
What’s your name?
lion(s), elephant, parrot,
I’m (Cabu). I’m a (lion/
boy, girl, banana,
girl/boy). Look, (an
flower(s), bee(s),
elephant and a bee).


Trace the …. Stand up. Sit down.
Cut out the mask. Fold. Write
your name. Decorate your card.
Stop. Look. What’s the odd one
out? Circle the … in the jungle,


2 It’s red.

yellow, blue, red, green

Look, it’s (yellow).
Is it (green)? Yes./No.

Stick. Colour. What colour is this?
Point to something (+colour),
Colour, branch, leaf, apple,
Stand up. Sit down. Ball, What’s
this? What colour is it?

Story Time 1

dog, ball
(+ revision)

I’m sorry. Thank you.

Oh no. game


Jungle Fun 1



What is it? What’s missing?


3 Five

three (bees)
Plurals: bees, bananas, five (yellow bananas

How many? Match. Take a bite.
Look, it’s … steps,


4 Here’s

your desk.

teacher, desk, chair,
book, door

Hello! I’m your teacher.
Here’s your (desk).

Point to …
What’s different? What’s this?
Draw. Circle. How many?


Story Time 2
The green

alien, apple
(+ revision)

Look! Here’s your...
(+ revision)

Go to …
please, apple core


Jungle Fun 2



Is it different? What’s this?


5 It’s a

bag, pencil, crayon,

What is it? It’s a (bag).
It’s (blue). Is it a (pencil)? Stop! Look! What colour is it?

6 Stand up!

sit down, stand up,
clap, turn around, up,

Sit down.

OK, good. Please.
up and down, in the jungle


Story Time 3
Super Ant

fish, ant
(+ revision)


Listen. Now. Well done.


Jungle Fun 3



What’s missing?


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7 This is my

mum, dad, brother,
sister, me

This is my (brother) / (me). Who’s missing? Where’s …’s
Hello. I’m …

8 I’ve got a

Look. I’ve got a (yellow)
train, plane, bike, guitar,
My favourite toy is my
(blue) (bike).

What has … got? What have
you got? What’s Cabu’s
favourite toy?


Story Time 4
At the park

car, kite


Well done. Be careful. new


Jungle Fun 4



What’s the odd one out?


I can see a (pink) (bird)!
I can see (two) (bags).
My favourite colour is

What colour is this? What’s your
favourite toy? What colour is it?

something, Have you got a …?
hot, cold


very good, How many? Guess
how many. Let’s count. Look!
Listen and count. What’s
missing? apple tree


9 I can see pink, black, orange,
a pink bird. white, big, small

Receptive Language



10 I’m six!

six, seven, eight, nine,

six (pencils)
six (red) (apples)
How old are you? I’m

Happy birthday!

Story Time 5

cake, balloon
(+ revision)


It’s nice. It’s my balloon. I’m


Jungle Fun 5





11 I’ve got
two eyes.

eye, nose, ear, mouth,

Look! I’ve got (two)
(ears) / (a) (mouth).
I can see a …

Pass the … Touch the/your …
What’s missing?
What number is it? What’s the
next number?


12 I like

I like (ice cream).
ice cream, chips, salad, I don’t like (salad).
Salad and chips,
please. Thank you.

restaurant, Who likes ice cream?
What’s this? I like a (red) food.

Story Time 6
The fairy café

fairy, dragon
(+ revision)



Jungle Fun 6



Happy New

fireworks, sparkler,

Happy New Year
Look at my ....

Wave your sparklers


Family Day

family, park

family day

What’s missing? Who’s missing?


My Picture Dictionary

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Yazoo is a motivating story-based course for young learners
with five levels. At each level, an appealing cast of characters
contextualise the language and make learning fun.
The course combines a clear grammar syllabus with a strong
focus on communication and progressive skills development.
Regular Content lessons in Yazoo 1, 2, 3 and 4 introduce
children to subjects across the school curriculum, such as
Maths, Science and Social Science.
Constant in-built recycling and regular Reviews help to ensure
that no-one falls behind. The wide variety of practice activities
throughout the course keep children interested and engaged
and also cater for different learning styles: visual, auditory,
kinaesthetic, musical and interpersonal.

Yazoo is appropriate for children who have started learning
English in pre-school or for children who have no previous
knowledge of the language. Yazoo Starter provides a
gentle introduction to English. Yazoo 1 introduces students
to the English alphabet and gradually builds learners’
confidence and competence in reading and writing in
English. On completion of Yazoo 4, children will have attained
communication competencies up to level A1 of the Council
of Europe’s Common European Framework for Modern
Languages (CEF).
A full range of support components is provided to the teacher,
including full teaching notes, optional activities, digital
resources and games. This ensures that lessons with Yazoo
can proceed smoothly, with clear learning objectives, logically
staged practice sequences and the option to vary procedures
and pace with additional fully-correlated materials.

Principles of the course
Yazoo Starter is for children learning English at the start of the
school system. At this early stage of learning, it is especially
important that the English language classroom is enjoyable
and unthreatening. A key aim of Yazoo Starter is to develop
a positive attitude to English through the use of motivating
activities, including games, TPR activities, songs, stories and
puzzles, and plenty of personalisation.

Unit structure
Yazoo Starter contains a Hello lesson and 12 four-page units,
each focusing on a topic. Each unit has a clear communicative
aim: the children learn words and structures and then put

them to use in games and personalisation activities.
A Story Time lesson and Jungle Fun review lesson are included
after each unit, providing an opportunity to consolidate and
extend new language in different contexts.

Yazoo Starter organisation
Unit 1
Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Unit 2
Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Story Time

Jungle Fun

Two festivals lessons are provided at the back of the Pupils’
Book as well as character mask cut outs. Suggestions for

using the masks are provided within the teacher’s notes.

Language presentation
In each unit, 4–5 new words are presented through simple
pictures. The new words are recorded so that children can
hear and repeat them. The new words and one or two key
target structures are then contextualised in a humorous,
self-contained cartoon story featuring the Yazoo Starter
characters. The main characters are three friends - Trumpet,
a young elephant, Cabu, a lion cub and Paco, a parrot.
Additionally, there are two children characters who feature
throughout – Rob and Vicky.
The stories are all set in the jungle, but in contexts that reflect
the children’s own world. Trumpet, Cabu and Paco play in the
jungle, go to the jungle school, introduce their families, learn
numbers, learn about pets, eat in the jungle restaurant and
in general lead the kind of life that young children can easily
relate to. Through the stories, the children get to know and
identify with the characters, and share their adventures. The
children can act out the stories before moving on to practice
activities. This helps to reinforce the new language in a fun
and non-threatening way.
Each unit includes a song, which consolidates the target
language. The tunes are easy to learn and sing.

Yazoo Starter focuses on listening and speaking skills and on
developing the recognition and motor skills which will lead
to reading and writing in successive levels. The Activity Book
provides activities to practise motor skills, including matching,

drawing, colouring, tracing and sticker-based tasks.

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Games, fun and motivation

Yazoo Starter has been written to ensure that learners enjoy
varied and stimulating practice sequences. The wide variety of
practice activities keep children interested and engaged and
also cater for different learning styles. Every unit ends with a
game or personalisation activity and includes a sticker-based
practice task.

Having fun and keeping children motivated to learn English is
a core objective of the materials provided in Yazoo Starter.

The Activity Book provides further pencil-to-paper practice
activities to consolidate new language. These may be
allocated for homework, but can often also provide the
opportunity for quiet time in the classroom. The teacher’s
notes offer suggestions for when an activity may be used
in class.

Yazoo Starter provides teachers and learners with plenty of

options to vary classroom or home activities. The CD-ROM
provides learners with fun digital interactive games and

Songs are one of the best ways for children to learn and
remember language. Singing songs helps young learners
to build confidence in the language through repetition, and
promotes musical skills and development of rhythm. Many
songs in Yazoo Starter have accompanying actions, which also
supports kinaesthetic learners.
The Yazoo Starter songs are available on both the Class Audio
CDs and on the Pupils’ audio CD for learners to listen again
and sing at home.

Stories and values
In addition to the ongoing adventures of Cabu, Trumpet and
Paco, Yazoo Starter also recognises that children are hugely
motivated by stories. The regular Story Time lessons feature
six different illustrated stories where pupils encounter recycled
target language in a new context, in addition to a limited
amount of new language.
The stories have been written to highlight different aspects of
the primary values curriculum, such as respecting differences,
playing safely and sharing.

Most units include two games. Games provide motivating
and meaningful ways of practising the new language in a
genuinely communicative context, and are very popular with
children. Photos are provided to allow teachers to set up

games quickly and keep pupils on task.
Additionally each Jungle Fun revision lesson includes a
quiz or board game to help consolidate new language in a
fun context.

Multiple intelligences
No two people absorb and retain information, new skills
and knowledge in the same way, which means that English
language teaching classrooms are full of children who learn
more effectively in different ways! Yazoo Starter has been
designed to ensure that a broad range of children’s learning
styles are catered for, by providing a wide variety of materials
and practice activities.
Similarly, interaction patterns are also varied, allowing for
individual work, pairwork, group work and whole-class
modes of learning.
The broad range of presentation types and practice activities
give opportunities for children to experiment with different
modes of learning and appeal to the different intelligences –
musical, logical/mathematical, verbal/linguistic, kinaesthetic,
visual/spatial, interpersonal and intrapersonal.

Recycling and review
The Yazoo Starter syllabus is structured to ensure that new
language can be recycled in subsequent lessons in different
contexts. This maximises the number of times learners
encounter new language and aids with language retention.
The Jungle Fun review lesson after every two units allows
teachers and learners to revise new language and will
highlight any weaknesses which may need reviewing.

The Activity Book also includes a Jungle Fun page featuring
extra review activities.

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Course components
For pupils
Pupils’ Book
The 88-page Pupils’ Book presents, practises and revises the
target language of the course. It comprises:
• a two-page ‘Hello’ lesson introducing the characters to
the children
• twelve four-page topic-based units
• six two-page Story Time lessons after every two units
• six two-page Jungle Fun review lessons after every
two units
• two Festival lessons: New Year and Family Day
• a Picture Dictionary illustrating all the key words from the
Pupils’ Book
• cut out character masks for drama activities
• full-colour stickers for use with the sticker listening tasks

Pupils’ Audio CD
The Pupils’ audio CD is packaged with the Pupils’ Book and
includes all of the cartoon presentations and songs for
children to listen to at home with their parents.

Activity Book
The 64-page Activity Book provides further practice and
consolidation of the language presented in the Pupils’ Book.
It comprises:
• twelve four-page units with practice activities for all of the
key language introduced in the Pupils’ Book
• six pages of Story Time activities
• six pages of Jungle Fun review activities
• two pages of Festivals activities
The lesson notes in this Teacher’s Book give guidance on how
to use the Activity Book exercises.

Pupils’ CD-ROM
The Yazoo Starter Pupils’ CD-ROM is packaged with the Activity
Book and comprises:
• interactive language practice activities and games for
every unit of the Pupils’ Book
• song activities in every unit
• animated versions of the Story Time stories
• interactive practice activities of Jungle Fun review lessons

For Teachers
Teacher’s Book
This 88-page Teacher’s Book comprises:
• this Introduction, which includes a list of flashcards (see
page vi)
• detailed lesson-by-lesson teaching notes for the Pupils’
Book and Activity Book
The lesson-by-lesson notes are presented together with

a reduced facsimile of the Pupils’ Book spread, for easy
reference. Lesson objectives, target language, recycled
language and a list of materials required for the lesson are
given at the beginning of each lesson spread.
The teaching notes provide a standard ‘lesson plan’, consisting
of these stages:

Presentation of vocabulary
Presentation of language
Exploitation of the story (acting out)
Activity Book – setting homework / quiet class time
Ending the lesson

Alternative lessons

Song – consolidation of Lesson 1
Exploitation of the song (sticker activity, TPR, singing)
Activity Book – setting homework / quiet class time
Ending the lesson

Class Audio CDs
The Class audio CDs contain all of the audio material in the
Pupils’ Book, including the cartoon stories, listening tasks and
songs. Complete audioscripts for the recordings which are not
included on the pages of the Pupils’ Book can be found in the
lesson notes.

There are 75 vocabulary flashcards for the key items presented
in the Pupils’ Book. The flashcards reproduce the vocabulary
pictures from each unit of the Pupil’s Book. For a list of the
flashcards included, please see page vi of this introduction.

Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboard
Yazoo Starter Active Teach is designed for use with any
Interactive Whiteboard (IWB). It can also be used with a
computer and projector. It contains all the Pupils’ Book lesson
pages in digital form, together with the class audio material.
In addition, it provides:
• an additional interactive activity for each unit
• interactive flashcards for all the vocabulary in the Pupils’
Book, accessible by topic or in alphabetical order

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Teaching with Yazoo
Unit and lesson structure
Each of the twelve units of the course consists of enough
material for up to four lessons. The Activity Book provides
additional material that can be used in class for quiet time.
Each unit begins with the presentation of new language
through the cartoon story. The children act out the story. In
the second lesson, further listening and speaking practice is
provided. The third lesson in each unit starts with a song. It
consolidates the language taught in a new context. Lessons
usually end with a game and/or a personalisation activity
allowing the children to activate the language and relate it to

It is a good idea to signal the beginning of the lesson clearly
and start with a warm-up activity that is enjoyable and
involves the whole class. The step-by-step teaching notes
suggest a variety of warm-up activities.

Procedure for presenting vocabulary
The new words for each unit are always presented in Picture
Dictionary style at the top of the Pupils’ Book page, and are

also recorded on the audio CD.
• Use flashcards or classroom objects to present the new
words and their meaning. (Relating the new words to
tangible objects in the classroom also helps to make the
words more memorable for the children.)
• Tell the children to open their books and look at the
pictures. Play the CD; the children point, listen and repeat.
• Hold up the flashcards again in random order and elicit
the words.
• You can also present the vocabulary on a Whiteboard,
using the Flashcards on the Active Teach disk.

Procedure for cartoon stories
• Invite the children to look at the pictures. Use L1 to ask
questions about the pictures and prompt discussion.
• Play the CD; the children listen and point to each character
as they are speaking. Ask simple questions in L1/English to
check understanding.
• Play the CD again, pausing after each line for the children
to repeat.
• Divide the class into groups, and give each group the role
of a character. Play the CD again; the children repeat their
parts. Encourage them to copy the characters’ voice and
intonation and to mime some of the actions.
• Let the children practise in groups. Invite a group or groups
to perform for the class.

The practice stages of the unit involve a variety of different
activities, including further listening activities, speaking

activities and games. Simple heads down, pen to paper
activities are also included, such as drawing and colouring.
There is an additional interactive practice activity on the
Active Teach disk.

Procedure for games / role plays
• Ask the children to look at the photo in their Pupil’s Book
and describe in L1 what is happening. Elicit what they think
the children are saying.
• Demonstrate the game with a child or group, until
everyone knows what to do.
• Let the children play the game in groups or pairs, if they
are able to do so. If you feel that they are not ready for pair
work, play the game as a team game, or with pairs/groups
in front of the class.

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Procedure for teaching songs
• Invite the children to look at the picture(s) and talk about
what they can see, saying who the characters are and
what they are doing.
• Play the CD. The children listen and follow in their books.
They can also clap the rhythm. Demonstrate movements if
the song lends itself to action.
• Play the CD. Ask the children to sing along and make the

movements if appropriate.
• Some songs involve sticker activities. The stickers can be
found at the end of the Pupils’ Book. Help the children to
find the stickers. Pause the CD to give them time to place
their stickers in the right position on the picture.
• For some of the songs, you can divide the class into groups
and give them a part to sing.
• Use the lesson flashcards and hold them up as the words
are heard in the song.

Ending the lesson
Always end the lesson on a positive and cheerful note. The
step-by-step teaching notes suggest a variety of round-up

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List of Flashcards
Unit 1
Lion (Cabu)
Elephant (Trumpet)
Parrot (Paco)
Unit 2
Story Time 1

Unit 3
one (banana)
two (bananas)
three (bananas)
four (bananas)
five (bananas)
Unit 4
Story Time 2

Unit 5

Unit 10
six (pencils)
seven (pencils)
eight (pencils)
nine (pencils)
ten (pencils)

Unit 6
sit down
stand up
turn around

Story Time 5

Story Time 3

Unit 11

Unit 7
Unit 8

Story Time 4
Unit 9

Unit 12
ice cream
Story Time 6
Happy New Year
Family Day

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Aims: to get to know the characters; to learn greetings
Target language: Hello, I’m (Cabu). What’s your name?
Materials: Unit 1 flashcards: lion (Cabu), elephant (Trumpet),
parrot (Paco); Class CD1

• Greet the children as they come in. Say Hello and smile.
Encourage them to say Hello in response.
• Point to yourself and say I’m (name). Ask the children
around the class What’s your name? Encourage them
to say I’m (name). Then answer: Hello, (child’s name).

• Hold up the character flashcards one at a time and say
the name of each character: Cabu (the lion cub), Trumpet
(the elephant) and Paco (the parrot).
• Hold up the Pupils’ Book and point to the characters on
the cover. Explain that Cabu, Trumpet and Paco live in the
jungle. Cabu is a lion, Trumpet is an elephant and Paco
is a parrot. The children will get to know them and the
other two characters (the two gorillas) during their
English lessons.
• Tell the children to open their books at pages 2–3. Open
your own book and hold it up to demonstrate. Give them
time to look at the characters. Then ask them to tell
you who they can see. Elicit the names Cabu, Trumpet

and Paco.

• Tell the children to listen to the CD and point to the
characters. Play the track all through. Hold up your book
and point to the characters while the CD is playing, to
demonstrate for the children.
• Point to each character again and elicit the names. Repeat
the names for the children if necessary: Jim and Fiona.
• Play the CD again section by section. Pause the CD after
each section and invite the children to repeat.
• Divide the class into two. Play the CD again. One half of
the class repeats the first line, the other half repeats the
second line, and so on. Then swap over.
CD1 Track 02
Cabu: Hello. I’m Cabu. What’s your name?
Fiona: I’m Fiona.
Paco: Hello. I’m Paco. What’s your name?
Jim: I’m Jim.
Ms Maru: Hello, I’m Ms Maru.
Mr Kuma: And I’m Mr Kuma.
Trumpet: Hello. I’m Trumpet.
What’s your name?
What’s your name?



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• Hold up the flashcard for Cabu. Say to one of the children:
Hello. I’m Cabu. What’s your name? and encourage the
child to say I’m (name). Answer: Hello, (child’s name). Do
the same with the flashcards for Trumpet and Paco.
• Ask two children to stand up. Give one of them a flashcard,
and encourage them to act out the dialogue. Continue with
other pairs around the class, using different flashcards.

Invite three children to come to the front of the class. Give
each of them a character flashcard. Invite them to go round
the classroom introducing themselves.

Hello. I’m (Cabu). What’s your name?
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• Hold up the character flashcards one at a time. Say
Goodbye, Cabu! Goodbye, Trumpet! Goodbye, Paco! Wave
your hand each time and put the flashcard down on the

desk. Do this again and ask the children to repeat and
wave goodbye to the characters.
• Say Goodbye, class! and wave your hand. Ask the children
to repeat Goodbye (your name). You can do this at the end
of every class.


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Unit 1
Lesson 1
Aims: to learn new animal words; to understand and act
out the story
Target language: lion, elephant, parrot, boy, girl; I’m a
Recycled language: Hello, I’m ... , What’s your name?
Receptive language: Trace the .... In the Jungle
Materials: Unit 1 flashcards: lion (Cabu), elephant (Trumpet),
parrot (Paco), boy, girl; Class CD1; pencils

• Ask the children around the class What’s your name? Elicit
I’m (name). Then answer: Hello, [child’s name].
• Hold up the three character flashcards one at a time and
elicit the names Cabu, Trumpet and Paco.

• Practise the dialogue: Hello. I’m Cabu. What’s your name?
I’m (child’s name). Hello, (child’s name).

Listen and point. Then say. CD1 Track 03

• Use the flashcards to present the new vocabulary items
lion, elephant, parrot, boy, girl. Hold them up one by one,
say the words and ask the children to repeat.
• Ask the children to open their books at page 4. Play the CD
and ask the children to point to the pictures as they listen.
• Play the CD again. Pause after each word and ask the
children to repeat.
• Hold up each flashcard again in random order and elicit
the word from individual children.

Listen again and say. CD1 Track 05


• Play the story again. Pause after each line for the children
to repeat.
• Divide the class into three groups. Group 1 repeats
Trumpet’s lines, Group 2 repeats Cabu’s lines and Group 3
repeats Paco’s line. Play the CD again. Encourage them to
imitate the voices and to do appropriate actions.

Activity Book page 2
Complete and say.


• Tell the children to look at the picture and find the
characters as you say their names.
• Give out pencils. Hold up a pencil and say Trace Cabu. Do
the same for the other characters.
• Ask the children what they think the characters are saying.
Point to Cabu and imitate her: Hello, I’m Cabu. I’m a lion.
Encourage the children to repeat. Do the same for Paco
and Trumpet.

• Hold up the Cabu flashcard and say It’s time to go.
Goodbye, Cabu. Encourage the children to say goodbye
and wave to Cabu. Repeat for Trumpet and Paco.
• Say Goodbye, class! and wave your hand. The children
repeat Goodbye!

Listen and point. Then say.


CD1 Track 03
lion, elephant, parrot, boy, girl

Look and listen. CD1 Track 04

Look and listen.


• Ask the children to look at the pictures of the story.
Encourage them to point and name the characters.
• Ask them what they think is happening in the story (L1).
• Play the CD; the children listen to the story and point to
the characters as they speak.
CD1 Track 04
Narrator: In the jungle …
Trumpet: Aaagh!
Cabu: Hello!
Trumpet: Hello. I’m Trumpet. What’s your name?
Cabu: I’m Cabu. I’m a lion.
Trumpet: I’m an elephant.
Paco: And I’m Paco. I’m a parrot.








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Listen again and say.

lion, elephant, parrot, boy, girl
Hello. I’m (Trumpet). What’s your name? I’m a (lion).

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Unit 1
Lesson 2
Aims: to make character masks; to introduce yourself
Target language: Hello, I’m (Cabu). I’m a (lion). What’s your
Recycled language: lion, elephant, parrot, boy, girl
Receptive language: Stand up. Sit down. Cut out the mask.
Fold. Write your name. Decorate your card.
Materials: Unit 1 flashcards (lion, elephant, parrot, boy,
girl); coloured character masks (Pupils’ Book pages 83–87);
scissors, string, card for name cards; crayons

• Review the characters with flashcards. Hold up Cabu and
imitate her: I’m Cabu. I’m a lion. Repeat with Trumpet
and Paco.

• Hold up the girl flashcard and say Stand up girls. Sit down
girls. Repeat with the boy card. Point to individual girls and
boys and say Girl or boy?
• Use yourself as an example: I’m (your name). I’m a
(girl/boy). Ask individuals to talk about themselves.

Listen and point. CD1 Track 06


• Ask the children to look at the characters in Exercise 4.

• Play the CD and point to the characters. Hold up your book
and point to each character as the CD is playing.
• Play the CD again. Pause after each character speaks.
Hold up a character flashcard and prompt the children to
shout Yes if it is the correct character or No if it isn’t.
CD1 Track 06
Cabu: Hello. I’m a lion.
Paco: Hello, I’m a parrot.
Trumpet: Hello. I’m an elephant.

• Prepare in advance the materials for making the masks.
• Tell the children that they are going to make masks. Ask
them to look at the photos in Exercise 5, and find the
animal masks. Then look at the completed mask on the
girl. Play the CD.
• Say Cut out the mask. Help them cut out and attach the
masks. Once they have completed the masks, they can put

them on and act out the characters.
• Ask children with masks to shake hands and introduce
themselves to children without masks as in the recording.
• Keep the masks as they will be used throughout the course.
CD1 Track 07
Cabu: Hello. I’m Cabu. I’m a lion. What’s your name?
Tom: I’m Tom. I’m a boy.


Draw and say.

• Draw a face on the board. Point to it and say Hello. I’m
(name). I’m a (boy/girl).
• Ask the children to look at the outline of a head in their
books and tell them to draw their face using the outline.
• Ask individual children to stand up and show their pictures.
Encourage them to introduce themselves.

Listen and point.


Make a mask. Then listen and say.

CD1 Track 07



Activity Book page 3


Make a mask. Then listen and say.


Make a name card. Then say.

• In advance, prepare card and coloured pencils or crayons.
• Point to the different stages in the activity: Polly folds the
card and writes her name. Polly decorates the card. Polly
puts her card on the table and introduces herself.
• Tell the children it is their turn to make cards. Say and
demonstrate: Fold the card. Write your name. Decorate the
card. If children have difficulty with writing, you can write
their names and ask them to decorate the cards.
• Then ask the children to put the name cards in front of
themselves and introduce themselves to their partners.

Draw and say.


Hello. I’m (Cabu). I’m a (lion). What’s your name?
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• Hold up the character masks and encourage the children
to say and wave goodbye to the characters.
• Say Goodbye, class! and wave your hand. The children
repeat Goodbye, (your name)!


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Unit 1
Lesson 3
Aims: to name objects and animals; to understand and
act out a story
Target language: banana, flower(s), bee(s), hippo(s);
Stop! Look! (A banana.)/(Flowers.)
Recycled language: Hello, I’m …. What’s your name?
Receptive language: What’s the odd one out?, Circle the ...
Materials: Unit 1 flashcards (lion, elephant, parrot, boy,
girl, banana, flower, bee, hippo); Class CD1

• Holding one of the character flashcards, walk around the

class and say to individual children: Hello. I’m Trumpet. I’m
an elephant. What’s your name? Encourage the children to
respond: Hello, Trumpet. I’m (name). I’m a (boy/girl).

Listen and point. Then say. CD1 Track 08

• Use the flashcards to present the new vocabulary items
banana, flower, bee, hippo. Hold them up one by one, say
the words and ask the children to repeat.
• Ask the children to open their books at page 6 and look at
the pictures. Play the CD twice. The first time, the children
point to the pictures as they listen. The second time, stop
after each word and ask the children to repeat.
• Hold up each flashcard again in random order and elicit
the word from individual children.

• Then play the story again, but this time, choose two children
to act it out with you. You can do this several times and if the
children are more confident they can do this on their own.

Activity Book page 4
Find, circle and say.


• Ask the children to look at the pictures in number one.
Encourage the children to join you as you point and say
what’s there: hippo, elephant, hippo, etc.
• Explain the concept of the odd one out in L1, then ask the

children: What’s the odd one out? Elicit the correct response
and say Yes, it’s the elephant. Can everyone say that?
• Say and demonstrate Circle the elephant. Children circle the
elephant in their books.
• Continue in this way for all the sets of pictures.

• Tell the children: It’s time to go. Hold up the the flower
flashcard and say and mime Smell the flower. The children
mime this.
• Hold up the hippo flashcard and say Wave to the hippo.
The children wave. Hold up the elephant flashcard and say
Say goodbye to the elephant. The children do this.
• Hold up the bee flashcard and say Now buzz buzz buzz
away like bees. The children or you buzz away.


Listen and point. Then say.


Look and listen.

CD1 Track 08
banana, flower, bee, hippo

Look and listen. CD1 Track 09

• Ask the children to look at the pictures of the story and tell
you what they think is happening (L1). Ask them to point to
and name the new items they have learned in Exercise 1.
• Play the CD; children listen and point to the characters as
they speak.


CD1 Track 09
Voice: In the jungle …
Cabu: Look! A banana!
Trumpet: Ouch!
Cabu: Look! Flowers!
Trumpet: And bees.
Paco: Stop! Look, hippos.



Listen again and say. CD1 Track 10

• Play the story again. Pause for children to repeat.
• Divide the class into three groups. Give each group the
role of one character. If possible, ask them to put on their
masks. They listen and repeat the lines of their character.

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Listen again and say.

banana, flower, bee, hippo
Stop! Look!

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Unit 1
Lesson 4
Aims: to listen and identify animals; to sing a song; to
consolidate new vocabulary
Target language: Look, (an elephant and a bee).
Recycled language: parrot, banana, flowers, hippos, bees,
lions, Look
Receptive language: In the jungle
Materials: Unit 1 flashcards (lion, elephant, parrot, boy, girl,
banana, flower, bee, hippo); Class CD1, crayons

• Revise the items from previous lessons. Hold up the first

flashcard from the set. Say Look, a banana and ask the
children to repeat.
• Then start giving the wrong words and ask whether that’s
right: Look, a banana. Is that right? The children tell you the
correct word and you say: Oh yes.
A flower. Continue until you have covered all the words.

Listen and circle. CD1 Track 11

• Elicit the names of the items shown. Plural forms are
introduced here, but there is no need to teach them explicitly.



CD1 Track 11
Look, a banana!
Look, flowers!

Look, hippos!
Look, a parrot!

Look, lions!
Look, bees!

Listen and point. Then sing. CD1 Track 12

• Ask the children to look at the pictures and name objects
and animals: flower, bee, parrot, Cabu, etc.
• Say and demonstrate actions for the song: look, elephant,
bee, parrot, lion, flower, in the jungle. Call out the words
and the children mime them.
• Play the song on the CD; the children listen and point.
• Play the CD again and encourage the children to do the
actions to the song.
• Play the CD again, and encourage the children to join in
with the words as they do the actions.
CD1 Track 12
Look, an elephant and a bee.
Look, an elephant and a bee.
In the jungle.
In the jungle.

Look, a parrot and a flower.
Look, a parrot and a flower.
In the jungle.
In the jungle.

Look, a parrot and a lion.
Look, a parrot and a lion.
In the jungle.
In the jungle.

Listen and circle.


• Say Look, a banana and ask the children to point to the
correct picture. Say and demonstrate Circle the banana.
• Play the CD twice. The second time, pause after each line
for the children to circle the correct picture.
• Ask a child to choose a picture and say, e.g. Look, lions!
The rest of the class listen and point. Repeat with different
children, then let them continue in pairs.


Activity Book page 5




• Ask the children to look at the semi-completed pictures and
name the objects/animals if they can. Tell them to complete
the drawings by tracing over the dotted lines.
• When they have finished, elicit Look, a (flower). for each
item. If you have time, they can colour the pictures.

Listen and point. Then sing.



Complete and say.


• Tell the children: It’s time to go. Say and wave: Goodbye,
girls. Encourage the girls to wave back and say goodbye.
• Say and wave: Goodbye, boys. Encourage the boys to wave
back and say goodbye.

Make envelopes for the children to keep their masks in. They
can decorate these and you can help them write their names.
Look, an elephant and a bee.
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Unit 2
Lesson 1

Aims: to learn colours; to understand and act out the story
Target language: yellow, blue, red, green, Look, it’s (yellow)
Recycled language: banana, flower, bee, hippo
Receptive language: Stick, Colour, What colour is this?
Point to something (+ colour)
Materials: Units 1 and 2 flashcards; Class CD1, stickers for
Activity Book page 6; crayons

Listen again and say. CD1 Track 15


• Play the story again. Pause for children to repeat.
• Divide the class into three groups. Give each group the role
of one character. Ask them to listen and repeat the lines of
their character. Invite them to use their character masks.
Play the CD again.
• Act out the story with yourself and two children. Repeat
with two other children or let three children act it out.

Activity Book page 6
Stick, colour and say.


• Stick flashcards for Cabu, Paco and Trumpet, and banana,
flower, bee and hippo on the board.
• Ask some children to come to the front and stand in line.
Point to a flashcard and ask the first child to say the word,

e.g. hippo. He/She sits down. Repeat with the rest of
the children.
• If a child cannot remember a word, he/she can go to the
end of the line and try again.

Listen and point. Then say. CD1 Track 13

• Use the flashcards to present the new vocabulary items
yellow, blue, red and green. Hold them up one by one, say
the words and ask the children to repeat.
• Ask the children to open their books at page 8. Open your
own book and hold it up to demonstrate. Tell them to look
at the pictures.
• Play the CD; the children point to the pictures as they listen.
• Play the CD again. Pause after each word for children to
• Hold up each flashcard in random order and elicit the word
from individual children. Repeat faster to make it fun.

• Tell the children to find the stickers for this activity in the
middle of their Activity Book. Help them by holding up the
correct page. Hold up the red sticker and ask What colour
is this? (Red.) Say stick the red sticker. Continue for the others.
• Then direct the children’s attention to the picture. Ask:
What’s red? (The flower.) Hold up a red crayon or coloured
pencil and say Colour the flower red.
• Continue until you have coloured at least one thing in each
of the colours.
• Point to the coloured items and say What colour is the

flower? It’s red.

• Say and demonstrate: Point to something (red), etc.
• Ask individual children to follow these instructions.


CD1 Track 13
yellow, blue, red, green

Look and listen.





Look and listen. CD1 Track 14

• Ask the children to look at the pictures of the story.
Ask them to find the colours of paint in the pictures.
• Ask them what they think is happening in the story (L1).
• Play the CD; the children listen and point to the characters
as they speak.


Listen and point. Then say.


CD1 Track 14
Narrator: By the lake …
Paco: No, Trumpet. Stop. It’s yellow!
Trumpet: Huh? Oh, yes, yellow!
Cabu: Trumpet. Look! It’s blue.
Trumpet: Uhmm.
Paco: Look, Cabu, a flower.
Cabu: Thanks, Paco. It’s red.
Trumpet: Look, Cabu, green! It’s green!

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Listen again and say.

yellow, blue, red, green
It’s yellow.

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Unit 2


Lesson 2
Aims: to listen and identify colours
Target language: Look, it’s (green).
Recycled language: yellow, blue, red, green, banana,
flower, parrot
Receptive language: trace, colour, branch, leaf, apple, grass
Materials: Unit 2 flashcards; Class CD1; crayons; coloured
cards, stickers for Pupils’ Book page 9

• Play a concentration game to revise colours. Prepare two sets
of coloured cards (red, blue, green, yellow) that you can’t see
from the other side. Ask eight children to line up. Give them
each a card, but tell them not to show them to the class.
• Children from the rest of the class choose one child from the
line. He or she holds up their colour and says, e.g. Red. They
find another child/colour to match it. If they get it wrong,
the children hide their cards again. If they get it right, the
children sit down.
• Continue until all the colour matches have been found.

• Ask the children to look at the pictures in Exercise 4 and
name as many items as they can. You can teach grass for
item 1, if you wish.
• Help children to find the colour stickers at the back of
their books. Tell the children to listen and stick the stickers
beside the correct pictures.
1 grass, green 2 banana, yellow 3 flower, red 4 parrot, blue
CD1 Track 16
Look! A banana. It’s yellow.
Look! A flower. It’s red.
Look! A parrot. It’s blue.
Look! Grass. It’s green



Activity Book page 7




Colour and say.


Point and say.

Point and say.

• Walk round the classroom and point at different objects,
items of clothing, etc, and say Look, it’s (red/yellow/blue/
green). Then point at something, say Look, it’s … and elicit
the colour from the children.
• Ask the children to look at the photo in Exercise 6. Ask them
what they think the children are saying.
• Encourage individual children to stand up, point at
something and say the colour. They can continue in pairs.

Listen and stick.

Colour and say.

• Ask the children to colour the pictures to match the stickers.
• When they’ve finished, say an item and ask individual
children to point to their pictures and say It’s (green).
• Then ask the whole class to say the colours of the items in
the same way.


Listen and stick. CD1 Track 16

Complete, colour and say.

• Point to the banana. Ask the children: What’s this?
(A banana.)
• Hold up a pencil and say Trace.
• Ask the children: What colour is a banana? It’s yellow.
Hold up a yellow pencil or crayon and say Colour the
banana yellow. Continue with the other items to be
• When the children have completed the picture, ask them to
say the colour of the items in it.

• Put the colour flashcards face down on the board. Point to
a flashcard and ask the children to guess the colour. You
can play this with the class or as a team game.

Look, it’s (green).
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Unit 2
Lesson 3
Aims: to practise colours; learn a song
Target language: It’s (red) and (yellow).
Recycled language: red, yellow, green, blue, banana,
flower, bee, parrot
Receptive language: Stand up. Sit down. ball, What’s this?
What colour is it? Colour
Materials: Unit 2 flashcards; Class CD1; crayons; coloured
parrot mask (optional)

• Put the colour flashcards on the board. Ask the children to
tell you the colour as you point to each flashcard.
• Ask the children to look at the flashcards and remember
where each colour is.
• Now turn each flashcard over and put it back in the same
place, face down.
• The children have to say the colours in the right order as
you point to each flashcard.

Listen and point. Then sing. CD1 Track 17

• Ask the children to look at the picture of the parrot in
Exercise 7. Ask them what colours they can see. Then hold
up your book, point to the different parts of the parrot and
elicit the colour.
• Tell the children to listen and point to the colours. Play the
CD. Demonstrate by holding up your book and pointing to

the colours while the CD is playing.
• Tell the children to listen again and sing along. Play the CD
again. They can put their parrot masks on.
• Divide the class into two. One half of the class sings Look,
a parrot! and the other half sings Red and yellow / Green
and blue. They all sing the chorus. Play the CD again.

Colour and say.


• Ask the children to look at the four balls in Exercise 8.
• Point to the brushstrokes. Ask the children to name
each colour and hold up the appropriate crayon or
coloured pencil.
• Let them colour the balls in their book.
• Point to a ball and ask Is it yellow and green? The children
answer Yes or No. Continue with the other balls.

Activity Book page 8
Find, colour and say.


• Ask the children to find and say the names of the characters.
• Demonstrate drawing along Trumpet’s path until you get to
the banana. Say What’s this? It’s a banana. What colour is
it? It’s yellow. Colour the banana yellow.
• Continue with Cabu and Paco.

• Tell the class: Stand up.
• Then one by one, ask the children to touch red/yellow/
green/blue things in the classroom: Touch something red.
Well done. Sit down. (Then they can sit down or go out.)
• Continue until all the children are sitting down (or have
gone out).

CD1 Track 17
Look, a parrot
Red and yellow.
Look, a parrot
Green and blue.
Red, yellow, green and blue.
Red, yellow, green and blue.


Listen and point. Then sing.


Colour and say.



Look, a parrot
Red and yellow.

Look, a parrot
Green and blue.
Red, yellow, green and blue.
Red, yellow, green and blue.



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red, yellow, green, blue
It’s (red) and (yellow).

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Unit 2

• Point to item 1. Say Look, a banana. Is it yellow? Elicit the
answer Yes. Ask the whole class to answer, then ask
individual children around the class. Each time, respond
Yes. It’s yellow.

• Point to item 3. Say Look, a bee. Is it green? Elicit the
answer No. Repeat with the whole class and individual
children. Each time, respond No. It’s yellow.
• Tell them to listen to the CD. They should listen to each
question, point to the picture and answer Yes or No.
• For further practice, play the CD again and ask the children
to listen and repeat.

Lesson 4
Aims: to listen and answer about colours
Target language: Is it (yellow)? Yes/No.
Recycled language: red, yellow, green, blue, banana,
flower, bee, parrot, It’s (yellow). Look, a (banana).
Receptive language: Trace. Colour.
Materials: Unit 2 flashcards; Class CD1; crayons

• Divide the class into four groups. Give each group a red,
blue, yellow or green flashcard.
• Tell the children that they are going to sing the song from the
previous lesson again, but this time, every time they hear or
sing their colour word they have to jump up (if this leads to
too much disruption, they can just put their hands up or clap).
• Play the song and encourage the groups to participate.

Listen and answer yes or no.


1 Yes 2 Yes 3 No 4 No 5 Yes

Listen and answer yes or no. CD1 Track 18

• Ask the children to look at the pictures in Exercise 9 and
name the items and colours.
• Model and elicit Look, a banana. It’s yellow. Look, a flower.
It’s red. etc.


CD1 Track 18
1 Look, a banana. Is it yellow? Yes.
2 Look, a flower. Is it red? Yes.
3 Look, a bee. Is it green? No.
4 Look, a flower. Is it yellow? No.
5 Look, a parrot. Is it green? Yes.



• Ask the children to look at the photo in Exercise 10. Elicit
what they think the children are saying.
• Demonstrate the game. Put some coloured pencils or
crayons on your desk, pick one up and hide it behind
your back. Try not to let the children see it. Ask a child: Is it

yellow? The child has to guess and say Yes or No. Show the
pencil. If the guess is correct, he/she comes to the front,
takes another pencil/crayon from your desk, hides it behind
his/her back and asks a question to another child in the
class. Continue round the class.
• You can let the children play the game in pairs using their
own pencils/crayons.

Activity Book page 9




Complete, colour and say.

• Tell the children to look at the flowers. Hold up a pencil and
say Trace the flowers.
• Tell the children that they need to choose two colours for
each flower. Each flower must be different.
• Let the children work on their flowers and when they have
finished, they can show the flowers to the class and talk about
the colours for each: Look a flower. It’s yellow and red.



• Point to different objects in the classroom and ask the
children: Is it (red)? Elicit Yes or No as appropriate.
• If the children get the answer right, shake their hands.

banana, flower, bee, parrot
Is it yellow? Yes/No.
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Story Time 1
Aims: to understand and act out a longer story; to
consolidate language from the previous units; to expose
children to the value of playing nicely
Target language: ball, dog, I’m sorry, Thank you.
Recycled language: Hello, I’m ... , What’s your name?, blue,
yellow, red, green, hippo, bee, parrot, banana, elephant
Receptive language: Oh no, game
Materials: Unit 2 flashcards; Class CD1; crayons; large
building blocks


• Play a flashcard game combining colours and animals
the children have covered so far. Set up a pile of colour
flashcards and a pile of animals.
• Ask individual children to come up and turn over one
flashcard from each pile. Ask What is it? Everyone replies:
A green elephant.
• Continue several times until you have had many different
combinations of animals and colours.
• Ask the children to look at the story pages and see if they
can see different coloured animals on the blocks. What
are they?

• Play the story again, but this time assign roles to groups of
children and ask them to stand up when their characters
are speaking. You could also encourage them to repeat
the words.
CD1 Track 20
Jack: Hello. I’m Jack. What’s your name?
Kirsty: I’m Kirsty.
Jack: A blue hippo, a yellow bee … and a red parrot.
Kirsty: Oh no, look! A ball! And ... a dog!
Jack: Thank you!
Jack: Look, a blue hippo, a yellow bee, a red parrot, a yellow
banana and a green elephant.
Kirsty: It’s the dog! Stop!
Jack: Oh no.
Boy: My ball … er … and my dog. I’m sorry.
Kirsty: Hmm, a game!
Jack: Red parrot.

Kirsty & boy: Yes!
Dog: Woof! Woof!

Act out.


• If possible, assemble some large building blocks.
• Ask for child volunteers to come to the front. Assign roles.
• Play track 20 again and ask the children to mime the

Listen and point. Then say. CD1 Track 19

• Hold up a flashcard of a ball and say What’s this? A ball.
• Repeat for dog.
• The children point to the pictures at the top of page 13 as
they listen to the CD and repeat the words.
• Ask the children to find the dog and the ball in the story.

St o r y T i m e 1


CD1 Track 19
a ball
a dog


Look and listen. CD1 Track 20

• Look at the pictures on page 12. In L1, discuss the setting.
Where are the children? What are they doing? Do they
know each other?
• Ask the children what is happening in picture 1. How does
the girl feel?
• Play the story once through.
• Then play the story again, pausing after each picture to
explain or ask questions.
• Discuss the story in L1, talking about how the boy and the
dog were disrupting the game, but in the end the children
all played together and had a good time. Remind the class
that it’s important to play together nicely.




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page 4 thumbnail

Listen and point. Then say.



Look and listen.

ball, dog
Hello. I’m sorry. Thank you.

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• Do this several times with children at the front of the class,
or divide the class into groups, assign roles and ask all the
children to mime the play simultaneously.
• Encourage the children to say the words if possible.

Activity Book page 10
Complete, colour and say.


• Look at the picture of the hippo. Say Look, a hippo.
• Hold up a pencil and say Complete the hippo.
• Hold up red, blue, yellow and green crayons or coloured
pencils. Tell the children to choose a colour, and colour the

• Repeat for the other animals.
• When the children have finished, they can hold up their
pictures and point saying: Look, a hippo. It’s (colour).






• Do an animal parade. Assign children to be different
animals (hippos, parrots, bees, dogs, lions and elephants).
• If possible, put on some music and parade around the
• Then say Goodbye, parrots. They sit down or go out of the
• Continue until all the children have sat down or gone out of
the room.

Act out.

Values: play nicely
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Jungle Fun 1
Aims: to revise language from Units 1 and 2
Target language: (revision)
Recycled language: elephant, parrot, bee, hippo, lion, girl,
ball, red, blue, yellow, green
Receptive language: What is it? What colour is it? What’s
Materials: Unit 1 flashcards (hippo, lion, parrot, bee,
elephant); Story Time 1 flashcard (dog); Class CD1; crayons
(red, blue, yellow, green), paper, scissors

Find and tick.

• Look at the main picture with the children. Ask the children
to find red, blue, green and yellow things in the picture.
• Ask the children to find lions, flowers, elephants, parrots,
hippos and bananas.
• Then look at the pictures along the top. Look at the
elephant. Ask What’s this? An elephant.
• Indicate the big picture and say Find the elephant. Make

sure they find that particular elephant. Say Look. It’s
the elephant.
• When all the children have found the elephant, they tick it.
• Repeat for the other animals.

Make and do. Then say.


• In L1, explain that the children are going to make puzzles
out of their own drawings. Look at the photos on page 15.
• Review the animals we have seen so far by holding up
flashcards and displaying them at the front of the class:
hippo, lion, parrot, bee, dog, elephant.
• Distribute paper, scissors, coloured pencils or crayons. Tell
the children to choose an animal, then draw and colour a
picture of it.
• Demonstrate cutting the picture into six irregular pieces.
Encourage the children to do the same with their pictures.
• Then put the children into pairs. One child gives their
partner their puzzle to put together. When the partner
has completed it ask What is it? (A lion.) What colour is
it? (Yellow.)
• Tell the children to swap roles, so the other child completes
their partner’s puzzle.

Listen and tick. What is it? CD1 Track 21

• Look at the pictures with the children. Point and say It’s

a girl. etc.
• Explain that the children need to listen and tick the box.
• Play the first recording and ask What is it? The hippo? The
elephant? The lion? ... It’s the girl.
• Hold up a pencil and say Tick the girl.
• Listen to the other recordings. The children tick the rest of
the items they hear.

J u n g l e Fu n 1

Find and tick.

girl, ball, lion, bee
CD1 Track 21
(a girl laughing)
(a ball bouncing)
(a lion roaring)
(a bee buzzing)


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Units 1 and 2 review

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Activity Book page 11


What’s missing? Draw and say.

• Point and say the words for the pictures at the top.
• In L1, explain that in each picture, something from the top of
the page is missing.
• Look at the first picture and say What’s missing? A bee?
A banana? A hippo? A parrot? ... A bee. (You might want to
get the children to explain why in L1.)
• Say Draw the bee.
• Repeat for the other pictures.

• Quickly review the songs the children have learnt in the first
two units.
• Ask the children to vote for which song to sing by putting
their hands up.
• Play and act out the song they choose.
• Then wave to the children and say Goodbye.

Listen and tick. What is it?



Make and do. Then say.

a girl, a ball, a lion
Look, it’s a hippo.
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Unit 3

• Play the CD again. Ask them to hold up the correct number
of fingers for each number they hear.

Lesson 1

CD1 Track 24
See Track 23 in Exercise 2.

Aims: to learn numbers 1–5; to understand and act out
the story
Target language: numbers 1–5
Recycled language: bees, bananas, hippo
Receptive language: How many? Match.
Materials: flashcards: Unit 3 (numbers 1–5), Unit 1 (banana),
Unit 2 (colours); Class CD1, character masks

Warm-up CD1 Track 17
• Sing the song from Unit 2, Lesson 3 to revise the colours.
• Play the game in Unit 2, Lesson 2, Exercise 6

Listen and point. Then say. CD1 Track 22

• Use the flashcards to present the numbers 1–5. Hold them
up one by one and say the words. Count on your fingers for
each number. Ask the children to repeat and to hold up the
correct number of fingers each time.
• Ask the children to open their books at page 16. Open your
own book and hold it up to demonstrate. Tell them to look
at the pictures.
• Play the CD and ask the children to point to the pictures as
they listen.
• Play the CD again. Stop after each word and ask the
children to repeat.
• Hold up each flashcard again in random order and elicit
the word from individual children.

Activity Book page 12

• Ask the children to point and say the numbers in the left
• Start with number 1. Say One hippo. Encourage the children
to repeat.
• Say and demonstrate: Circle one hippo.
• Continue in this way for the other items.

• Ask the children to stand up.
• Tell the children to count as you point to them – one at a
time. When they get to five, say Five children (or girls/boys)
sit down (or go out – depending on what is happening next
for the class).
• Continue until all the children have had a turn to count.

Children give drawing dictations to each other: Five bees,
two flowers, etc.


CD1 Track 22
one, two, three, four, five

Listen and point. Then say.


Look and listen. CD1 Track 23

Look and listen.


• Ask the children to look at the pictures of the story.
Encourage them to point and name the characters.
• Ask them what they think is happening in the story (L1).
• Play the CD; the children listen to the story and point to
the characters as they speak.
CD1 Track 23
Voice: In the jungle …
Trumpet: Paco, look! One, two, three, four, five bananas!
Cabu: Trumpet! Bees! One, two, three bees!
Paco: Four bees.
Cabu: Look! Five bees!

Circle and say.






Listen again and say. CD1 Track 24

• Play the story again. Pause after each line for the children
to repeat.
• Put them into three groups and invite them to use their
character masks and act out the story.

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Listen again and say.

one, two, three, four, five
five (bees)

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