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Bài Tập tổng hợp câu điều kiện và câu ước Part 2

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Practice of Conditional Sentences & “Wish” Clauses 2
I. Underline the correct word:
1. If the machine (stops/ will stop), please (press/ will press) this button.
2. I can’t understand what he sees in her! If anyone (treats/ treated) me like
that, I (will be/ would be) extremely angry!
3. If you (help/ helped) me with this exercise, I (will / would) do the same
for you one day.
4. According to the timetable, if the train (leaves/ left) on time, we (will/
would) arrive at 5.30.
5. If it (is /will be) fine tomorrow, we (go/ will go) to the coast.
6. If we (find/ found) a taxi, we (will get/ would get) there before the play
7. It’s quite simple really. I think I (will be/ would be) happier if I (live/
lived) in a house in the country.
8. I don’t know how to play baseball, but I’m sure that if I (do/ did), I (will
play/ would play) a lot better than anyone in this awful team!
9. If I (phone/ phoned) you tonight, (will you be/ would you be) in?
II. Put the verbs in blankets into the correct forms:
1. If our father (be) in a good mood after lunch, we (ask) him to lend us his car.
2. If our baby (be) a girl, we (call) her Marilyn.
3. If you (not/ have) that last drink, you (not/ have) the accident.
4. If I (give) up smoking, I (lose) this awful cough at last.
5. If only we (have) one more room, we (invite) all of them.
6. If this weather (last) for another week, we (be) extremely lucky people.
7. Pamela (borrow) one of my dresses for the party tomorrow if she (lose)
about five kilos between now and then.
8. We (buy) a little car if I (get) a rise next month.
9. If Mary (hear) the news, she (be) terribly happy.
10. If the medicine (be) good, she (be) well again in to time.
11. If you are kind to me, I (be) good to you.
12. If I (succeed) this time, I will enter into a University.

13. If your statement is correct, what he (tell) me is untrue.
14. If she (be) confident enough, she (take) part in this beauty contest.
15. If John were here, he (know) the answer.
16. If I did hurt his feelings, I (try) to explain to him.

17. If he (have) the money next month, he (send) his children abroad for the
18. I would always have done that if they (explain) it at the start.
III. Rewrite the following sentences so that their meanings stay the
1. I’ll call the police if you don’t leave me alone!
2. In the snowy weather we don’t go to school.
3. Without Jack’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table.
4. Make me some coffee, and I’ll give you one of my biscuits.
5. If you hadn’t told me about Sue’s hair, I wouldn’t have noticed.
6. If they had got much money, they would have bought a new car.
Had ....................................................................................................................
7. Richard only took over family business because his father decided to retire
If .........................................................................................................................
8. Without his rescue, we would have all died.

9. If his lawyer hadn’t advised him, he would have made a serious mistake.
Had ....................................................................................................................
10. If it hadn’t been for the storm, we would have finished our work.
for .......................................................................................................................
11. If she hadn’t insisted on kissing everyone good bye, she would have
caught the train.
Had ....................................................................................................................
12. We were late because it rained so heavily.
for .......................................................................................................................
13. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star

Unless .................................................................................................................
14. He lost his job because he used to go to work late.
If he
15. You will not pass the exam if you don’t work hard.

Without ...............................................................................................................
16. The fire will go out if someone doesn’t put some more coal on.
someone ....................... .....................................................................................
17. Without this treatment the patient would have died.
If the
patient ................................................................................................................
18. The pandas need a special diet, without it they become extinct.
that ................................................................................................................. ..
19. I regret having told him our plan for that evening.
wish ....................................................................................................................
20. It’s a pity I didn’t take my doctor’s advice.
wish ....................................................................................................................
21. You can’t get a driver’s license if you’re not at least eighteen years old.
Unless ................................................................................................. . .
22. I’m going to the party if you go with me.
Unless.................................................................................................. . .
23. The dog will attack you if you move suddenly.
Unless.................................................................................................. . .
IV. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each
1. We’ll give him the message as soon as he…………

a. phones
b. will phone
c. will have phoned
2. Sam’s on his way, so make him a coffee………. he arrives
a. if
b. until
c. while
3. If I………. you, I’d apply for that job.
a. had been
b. were
c. am
4. You’d better go to bed early,………..?
a. hadn’t you
b. didn’t you
c. wouldn’t you
5. If I………ill, I wouldn’t have been absent from school.
a. weren’t
b. hadn’t been
c. had been

d. is phoning
d. when
d. weren’t
d. don’t you
d. ’d have been

6. Unless you………… harder, you won’t succeed.

a. will try
b. try
c. are trying
d. have tried
7. I’ll just have to wait at the bus stop………… the bus turns up.
a. before
b. after
c. while
d. until
8. This broken cup cannot…………..
a. repair
b. to be repaired
c. be repaired
d. repairing
9. I’m sure she.............. if you explained the situation to her.
a. would understand b. will understand
c. had understood
d. understood
10. What would you do if you..................... a million dollars?
a. would win
b. win
c. had won
d. won
11. They’d be hurt if I..........................
a. don’t go
b. didn’t go
c. hadn’t gone
d. wouldn’t go.
12. If the ball .......... the line, that would have been the end of the game.
a. would cross

b. will cross
c. had crossed
d. crossed
13. If someone knocked a candle over, it ...................... a fire.
a. will start
b. would have started
c. would start
d. started
14. If you ......................... told us about the bad service, we would have eaten there.
a. hadn’t
b. don’t
c. didn’t
d. wouldn’t have
15. What would Tom do if he ............................... the truth?
a. would know
b. knows
c. had known
d. knew
16. If I ........................ you were sick, I would have called sooner.
a. would have known b. had known
c. know
d. knew
17. If there ......................... a row, I’m going to keep out of it.
a. will be
b. is
c. were
d. had been
18. If I ........................... you, I’d call and apologize.
a. am
b. were

c. would be
d. was
19. Jack will win the election if he ......................... harder.
a. will campaign
b. would campaign
c. campaigned
d. campaigns
20. Had you not told me that this was going to happen, I...............it.
a. would never have believed
b. don’t believe
c. hadn’t believed
d. can’t believe
21. If you.............. to go on the trip, what would you have done?
a. doesn’t agree
b. didn’t agree
c. hadn’t agreed
d. wouldn’t agree
22. If you.............., I would have brought my friends over to your house this evening to watch TV,
but I didn’t want to bother you.
a. had studied
b. studied
c. hadn’t been studying d. didn’t study
23. If I weren’t working for an accounting firm, I............in a bank.
a. work
b. would be working
c. have worked
d. will work
V. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
1. If you were here yesterday, you would have seen Jean.

2. We will visit that part of the country if it will be spring.
3. If I will make a difficult decision, I always discuss it with my friends.
4. We could had done more if we had had more time
5. He said that if he has more time, he would come to see us.
VI. Make sentences with the same meaning by omitting if.

1. If you should need more money, go to the bank before six o’clock.
2. If I were you, I wouldn’t do that.

3. If they had realized the danger, they would have done it differently.
4. If I were your teacher, I would insist you do better work.
5. If you should change your mind, please let me know immediately.
6. She would have gotten the job if she had been better prepared.
7. Your boss sounds like a real tyrant. If I were you, I would look for another job.
8. If you should need to reach me, I’ll be at the Hilton Hotel in Seoul.
9. I wouldn’t have known about your new job if I hadn’t talked to your mother.
10. If she were ever in trouble, I’d do anything I could to help her.
VII. Complete the conversation. Choose the correct form of the verbs.
Adam is a music student. He rents a room from Mr. Day.
Mr Day: Can’t you stop playing that trumpet? You’re making an awful noise.
Adam: Well, if I (1) don’t practise/ didn’t practise, I won’t pass my exam.
Mr Day: But why at night? It’s half past twelve. If you (2) played/ had played it in the daytime I
(3) couldn’t hear/ couldn’t have heard you because I’d be at work. If you (4) told/ had told me
about this trumpet when you first came here, I (5) wouldn’t let/ wouldn’t have let you have the
room. I’m afraid it’s becoming a nuisance. If you (6) don’t play/ didn’t play so loud, it (7) may not
be/ might not be so bad.
Adam: I’m sorry, but you can’t play a trumpet quietly.
Mr Day: If I (8) realized/ had realized a year ago what you were going to do, then I (9) would
throw/ would have thrown you out long ago. If you (10) go/ went on making this noise at night, I
(11) will have/ would have to complain to your college.

