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HSG Anh 7

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®Ò 3 : Líp 8
Question 1: Choose the best answer
1. Lan is Mr Sang's.............................
A. assist B. assistant C. assistance D. assisting
2. Do you know what this button is..........................
A. on B. off C. for D. of
3. My son is too tired ....................dinner.
A. to have B. have C. having D. had
4. The game is ................ a real battle.
A. as B. same C. different D. like.
5. The James are............camping next week.
A. gone B. goes C. go D. going.
6.This is the boy ..................Tim.
A. calling B. calls C. called D. call.
7. I always remember ..................off the life before going to bed.
A. turn B. turning C. to turn D. turned.
8. This dish looks ..................
A. delicously B. delicous C. delicacy D. badly.
Question 2: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the
meaning stays the same.
1. " Please turn off the radio, Tom ".
_ Tom' s uncle told ...........................
2. Why don't you tell her about your problem?
_ I think you should .....................................
3. The old man isn't strong. He can't walk by him seft.
_ The old man isn't ..............................................
4. Your bag is different from mine.
_ Your bag isn't the ...............................
5. She invites me to the party.
_ I .................................................
6. I started playing the piano two years ago.

_ I have ...................................................
7. "I sometimes work on Sundays " Huong said.
_ Huong said ...................................................
8. Could you send this letter for me?
_ Do you mind .....................................
Question 3: Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I (not eat) .................anything for two days.
2. They (move) ...............to Ho Chi Minh city in 1900 and (live) .........
there since then.
3. The sky is very dark. I think it (rain) .............
4. We should go home. It (get) ............darker and darker.
Question 4: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given.
1. I'd like to live here because the people are very ............... (friend).
2. Feeding the ducks is her ...............work (day).
3. There was a strange................... in the bowl (mix).
4. The woodpulp is cleaned and ................whitened (chemist).
5. She gave me a ............of the new house (demonstrate).
Question 5: Fill in each gap with a suitable word.
Many peole claim (0)...that.. there were other wonders, which the acient
Greeks knew nothing (1) ...........these include the Great Wall of (2) ............ .
The Tajmahal in India and Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
Angkor Wat should really be known (3) ..............a wonder because it is
(4)............largest temple in the world. The temple was built around the
(5)..........1100 to honor a Hindu God but over the next three centuries
(6) ..............became a Buddlist (7) .................center. The area surrounding the
temple, Angkor Thon, used (8)..................be the royal capital city.
The end.
Phòng giáo dục huyện yên định

Trờng trung học cơ sở định tờng
Đáp án đề thi học sinh giỏi môn tiếng anh 8
năm học 2006 - 2007
Thời gian: 90 phút
Quetion 1: (2 điểm) mmỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D
5. D 6. C 7. C 8. B
Question 2: (2 điểm) mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm
1. Tom's uncle told him to turn off the radio.
2. I think you should tell her about your problem.
3. The old man isn't strong enough to walk by him seft.
4. Your bag isn't the same as mine.
5. I am invited to the party.
6. I have played the piano for two years.
7. Huong said that she sometimes worked on Sundays.
8. Do you mind sending this letter for me?
Question 3: (2 điểm) mỗi câu đúng 0,4 điểm
1. haven't eaten. 2. moved ............have lived.
3. is going to rain. 4. is getting.
Question 4: (2 điểm) mỗi câu đúng 0,4 điểm
1. friendly. 2. daily. 3. mixture.
4. chemically. 5. demonstration.
Question 5: (2 điểm) mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm
1. about 2. china 3. As 4. The
5. year 6. It 7. Religous 8. to

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