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Questions Speaking A2

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What’s your name?
- My name’s………………
2 How do you spell your name?
- It’s……….
3 Where are you from?
- I’m from Ca Mau
4 What’s your nationality?
- I’m Vietnamese
5 What’s your home address? / Where do you live?
- I live at ………………….. street, ………….. ward, …………… district, Can Tho city.
6 What’s your email address?
- My email address is
7 How old are you?
- I’m ………………years old
8 What’s your major?
- My major is…………..
9 What’s your hobby?
- My hobby is ……………………………..
- My hobbies are ………………………………………
10 Are you good at singing/ dancing/ English?
- Yes, I am/ No, I’m not
11 Do you like music/ films ?
- Yes, I do/ No, I don’t
12 How long have you studied English?
- I have studied English for ….. years
13 What do you like to do in your free time?
- In my free time, I like to listen to music/ watch films/ movies…
14 Do you live with your parents?
- Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.
15 Who do you live with?

- I live with my family/ I live alone



Where’s your house?
- My house is on THD street,/in Can Tho city
Is your house in a convenient location?
- Yes, it’s near the market/ hospital/ in the center of the city
What color is your house?
- It’s blue/ white/ pink
How many rooms are there in your house?- There are 5 rooms in my house
What are they?
- They are a living room, 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen
What are there in your bedroom?
- There are some pillows, 2 chairs, a bed, a desk, a cabinet….
7. What are there in the living room?
- There are some chairs around the table, some plants in the corners, a TV on the
What are there in the kitchen?
- There are some chairs around the table, a cupboard and cooking items
Is there a yard in front of / behind your house?
- Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t
What’s your favorite room in your house? Why?
- My favorite room is my bedroom, because I feel comfortable in my own room/
because it’s my own room.

Which room do you spend the least time in?
- Maybe the bathroom
Which room do you spend the most time in?
- Of course my bedroom, because it’s my own room
Do you get along well with your neighbors?
- Yes, of course
Are there any parks/ schools/ markets near your house?
- Yes, there is one ( its name is….)/ No, there aren’t.
Are you satisfied with your house? Why?
- Yes, I am. Because it’s nice/ comfortable/ my home/ our warm nest.



1. How many seasons are there in your country?/ in your hometown? What are they?
- In the South, there are 2 seasons: rainy season and dry season. In the North, there are 4

seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.
- In my hometown, there are 2 seasons: rainy season and dry season
2. What’s your favorite season? Why?
- I like spring, because it’s cool and beautiful.
3. What do you usually do in spring?/ summer?....
- I like to enjoy the beauty of flowers and special food in spring.
- I have to study hard all the time, so I just travel with my family in summer, when I have
no class or I have free time.
- I like to enjoy the cool weather in fall.
- I like to stay home and enjoy hot milk in winter.

4. What is your favorite thing to do in rainy season?
- I like to read books or listen to music in my own room
5. Where is the best place to be in summer? How about winter?
- I think Da Lat is the best place to be in summer.
- Sweet home is the best place to be in winter.
6. What’s the weather like in your hometown in rainy season/ dry season?
- In rainy season, it’s rainy and cool.
- In dry season, it’s sunny and hot .
7. What are some fun activities for each season?
- In rainy season, we like to play, make jokes and laugh in the rain.
- In dry season, we would like to go to the supermarket to enjoy cool air.
8. Have you ever been caught in bad weather? (If yes, what did you do?)
- No, I haven’t.
9. What month gets the most rain in your country?
- I think June gets the most rain in our country?
10. Which do you like better, hot weather or cold weather
- I like cold weather, because I feel better in cold weather than hot weather
11. What kind of climate do you prefer when choosing a place to go on vacation?
- I prefer to travel on clear and cool days.
12. What do you like to do when it’s rainy heavily?
- I like to read books or listen to music in my own room
13. What do you like to do when it’s sunny?- I like to go swimming












Do you think you are healthy? Why do you think so?
- Yes, I think I’m healthy because I do exercise every day.
Do you eat healthfully? What do you usually eat?
- Yes, I do. I eat a lot of vegetables, fish but less fat food.
What food do you eat to be healthy?
- To be healthy, I eat adequate/ enough nutrition with vegetables, meat, and fruit.
What food shouldn’t we eat much?
- We shouldn’t eat food with/ containing much sugar and fat because they are not good
for our health.

What common sickness do you often have? What is your advice for these ones?
- I often have a headache (and a backache) because I have to work on the computer
during the day / I have to study a lot/ I have many things to work and to remember.
What do you do to keep fit?
- To keep fit, I sleep enough, eat nutritious food and do exercise every morning.
What habits are bad for your health?
- There are many bad habits such as staying up late, eating late, drinking a lot of soft
drink, beer and wine. These are not good for health.
What are medical services in your city?
- They are general hospitals, private clinics and doctor’s offices.
How is the health welfare in your city?
- It is good. People are treated well by doctors.
Do you want to live to be 100 years old? Why/ why not?
- No, I don’t. I don’t want to be very old and ugly.
- Yes, of course. I want to see how our society changes.
Do you think that you need to lose weight? Why/ why not?
- Yes, I do. I am a little fat.
- No, I don’t think I need to lose weight because I’m satisfied with how I am.
What should we do to lose weight? / gain weight?
- To lose weight, we should do exercise every day, eat healthy food. And we should
not eat much after 5 p.m.
- To gain weight, we should do exercise and eat nutritious food and drink milk.
Do you usually get enough sleep? Why should we get enough sleep?
- No, I don’t. I often stay up late to do some extra work and I don’t have a lot of time to
- Yes, I try to sleep enough because sleeping enough is good for our health and our
How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
- It’s about 6 hours a night because I am so busy every day.
- It’s about 7 or 8 hours a night.



15 Do you agree that health is the most valuable thing in life? Explain your ideas

- Yes, I do. Health is very important to us. We can’t do anything without health even
though we have a lot of money.



What type of family is yours?
- My family is a nuclear family
- My family is an extended family
How many people are there in your family?
- There are 4 people in my family
3 Who are they?
- They are my father, my mother, my sister/brother and me.
4 How many brothers and sisters do you have?
- I have one sister/ brother
- I don’t have any brother and sister!
5 Are you the only child?
- No, I’m not/ Yes, I’m the only child in my family!
6 Do you live with your parents?

- Yes, I do.
- No, I don’t. I live alone/ I live with my friends.
7 How old is your mother/ father?
- She’s/ He’s …….years old
8 What’s your mother’s job/ father’s job?
- She’s a teacher/ He’s a farmer.
9 What does your mother/father look like?
- She’s tall and nice./ He’s tall and thin
10 What’s your mother like?
- She’s kind and friendly.
How often do you have meals with your family?
- I have meals with my family every day.
- Sometimes, when I come back to my hometown.
12 Do you spend a lot of time with your family?
- Yes, I do.
- No, I don’t. because I live far away from home
13 How often do you talk to your parents?/ mother/ father?
- I talk to my parents?/ mother/ father everyday.
- Sometimes, because I live far away form them.
14 What do your family members usually do together?
- We usually talk and watch TV together.
Do you get along well with other members in your family?
- Yes, of course.





1. Do you like to go shopping? with whom?
- Yes, I like to go shopping with my friends/ my family.
2. How often do you go shopping?/ When do you go shopping?
- I go shopping once a week,/ on the weekend
3. Where do you go shopping, the market or the supermarket?
- I usually go to the supermarket
4. Which supermarket/ market do you like ? Why?
- I like Coorp Mart, because it has many kinds of products, and the prices are
reasonable/ OK. The products have good qualities.
5. How are the prices there?
- The prices are reasonable/ fixed.
6. What do you buy when you go shopping?
- I usually buy food/ clothes
7. Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes/shoes…?
I like to buy clothes at ………………./I like to buy shoes at……………
My favorite place to shop for clothes/shoes is in the supermarket.
8. What products do you prefer to shop online for?

- I like to shop online for snack/ clothes….
9. What products do you prefer to shop in stores for?

- I like to shop food, fruits, clothes….
10. How do you feel about sales people following you and helping you when you shop?

- I greatly appreciate their help.
11. Do you know anyone who is addicted to shopping?

- No, I don’t.
12. Are you addicted to shopping?

- No, I’m not/ Yes, I’m addicted to shopping, I love shopping very much!
13. How much do you spend on shopping each week/ month?

- I spend about 500,000 VND a week, 2 million VND a month
14. How much do you usually spend each week on food?
- about 500,000 VND.
15. How much do you usually spend each week on entertainment?
- It depends, about 100,000.


1. Where are you living now? What do you think about it?



I’m living in CanTho city. I think it’s quite good/ nice
2. Do you prefer to live in a big city or in a small town? Why?
- I prefer to live in a big city, because there are many good schools, good hospitals and
good companies.
3. Do you know the neighbors who live near you?Yes, I usually talk to them

4. Did you grow up in the city or in the country?
- I grew up in the country/ city
5. What do you think about the standard of living and the cost of living in a big city/ a
small town?
- The standard of living and the cost of living in a big city is usually high
- The standard of living and the cost of living in a small town is usually lower than in
the city
6. What are some good things and bad things about Cantho city and your hometown?
- Good things about Can Tho city: there are many good schools, good hospitals and good
- Bad things about Can Tho city: sometimes the streets are flooded in rainy season
- Good things in my home town: We always have a peaceful life.
- Bad things in my home town the living standard is very low. Many people are very poor.
7. Cantho city is a nice place to live? Do you think so? Why or Why not?
- Yes, I think Can Tho is a nice place to live because the weather is nice and the living
condition is good.
8. Why do so many people want to live in big cities?
- Because there are many good schools, good hospitals, good companies and good job
opportunities in big city.
9. In your opinion, which city in Vietnam …………………?
- is the biggest one
- is the most expensive one
- is the most peaceful one
- is the most beautiful one
- It’s …………………..
10. Which of the following do you really expect to get in Cantho city:


a good job
good friends
a comfortable and modern life
a modern house
good entertainment
good education

- I would like to have/ I expect to have…………….
11. Are some parts of this city ( Cantho city) considered more dangerous than others?
Which parts?
- Sorry I don’t know.
- Maybe, there are some parts in the border of Vietnam.
12. Do you think public services in this city are good or not good? Explain your idea.
- I think public services in this city are quite good. Because I don’t have to waste a lot
of time to wait.
13. Between the city and the countryside, which one is safer to live?
- I think the countryside is safer to live.
14. Which cities would you like to visit in your country?
- I would like to visit Da Nang city because there are beautiful beaches and landscapes
in this city
15. Which cities would you like to visit around the world?
I would like to visit Paris, because it’s the capital of fashion and art.




1. How many meals do you have a day? What are they?





- I have 3 meals a day. They are breakfast, lunch and dinner.
2. What do you usually have/eat for breakfast / lunch/ dinner?
I usually have bread for breakfast.
I usually have rice, meat or fish and vegetables for lunch/ dinner
3. What’s your favorite food?
- I like beef/ chicken/ fish/ vegetables/ salads/ fruit/ milk
4. What’s your favorite drink?
- I like coffee/ milk/ fruit juice
5. Do you drink coffee/ milk/ tea every day/ every morning…?
Yes, I often drink…..every morning
No, I don’t like to coffee or tea in the morning.
6. Do you eat fruits/ vegetables every day?
Yes, I have vegetables in my meal every day.
No, I don’t like to eat……
7. What should we eat and drink to be healthy?
- To be healthy, we should eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and drink water

8. Are you a vegetarian?
- Yes, I am/ No, I’m not
9. Can you cook?
- Yes, I can/ No, I can’t
10. What dishes can you cook?
- I can cook vegetable soup, braised fish, sour soup, boiled-egg…
11. Are you a good cook?
- No, I’m not/ Yes, I can cook very well.
12. Do you eat out?
Yes, I do sometimes./ No, I don’t like eating out. It’s very expensive.
13. How often do you eat out?
I seldom eat out because it’s expensive
I eat out every day, because I can’t cook/ I don’t have time to cook
14. What’s your favorite place to eat?
- My favorite place to eat is………(at home/ in the restaurant)
15. Do you ever skip breakfast? If yes, how often and why?

- No, never. I always have breakfast in the morning.
- Yes, sometimes, when I’m busy in the morning.

1. What do you like to do in your free time?/ at the weekend ?
- I like to read books or listen to music.
Do you like listening to music?/ watching films?
What kind of music/film do you like?
I like pop, rock, folk songs…
I like cartoons, horour films, love stories, Kungfu films, action films….
What’s your favorite song/ film?- My favorite song is……./ film is…..

5. Who is your favorite singer/actor/actress?
- My favorite singer/ actor/ actress is……………
6. Do you like watching cartoons?
No, I don’t like cartoons, they are for children
Yes, I really like cartoons, they are very interesting
7. What’s your favorite cartoon?
- My favorite cartoon is………..
Do you like reading comic books?
Yes, I do./No, I don’t
How often do you read comic books?
- I read comic books everyday/ when I have free time.
- I never read comic books.
10. How often do you visit museums? When was the last time?
- I never visit museums/ I seldom visit museums.
- I don’t remember when the last time I visited the museum was.
11. Do you like reading books?
Yes, I do. I love reading books/ No, I dislike reading books
12. What are some good books that you have read?
I have read (titles of the books)………………………..………
13. What is the best book you have ever read?
14. What are some of the good films you have seen?
- Some of the good films I have seen are………../ They are…………………
What is the best film you have ever seen?
- The best film I have ever seen is………………………



1. What time do you get up?



- I usually get up at ………….a.m
2. What time do you have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?
- I have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner at……..
3. What time do you go to school?
- I go to school at….
4. What time do you go home?
- I go home at……..
5. What time do you do your homework?
- I usually do my homework at……..
6. What time do you watch TV/……?
- I usually watch TV at………….
7. What time do you go to bed?
- I go to bed at……………
8. What do you do every day?
- I do morning exercise, go to school, do housework and homework, go to evening
class, watch TV,……
9. Which activity do you spend the most time on?
- I think I spend the most time on studying, about 8 hours a day
10. Which activity do you spend the least time on?

- I spend the least time on eating. I just eat 3 meals a day
- I spend the least time on my entertainment. I only spend 15 minutes for
entertainment a day.
- I spend the least time on…………………………………………………..
11.Do you wake up early in the morning?
No, I don’t. I try but I can’t.
Yes, I do
Do you eat breakfast/ lunch/ dinner with your family?
Yes, I usually eat breakfast/ lunch/ dinner with your family
No, I don’t because I live far away from my family
Do you take a nap in the afternoon?
Yes, I do sometimes.
No, I never take a nap in the afternoon. I go to school.

Do you work out at the gym?
- No, I don’t have time
Do you watch television/ listen to music before you go to sleep?- Yes, of course. Watching TV or listening to music makes me relaxed to sleep well



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