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GDP graph task 1 ielts writing

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The bar graph highlights data about the proportion of the GDP from IT and service
industry in the UK over an eight-year period between 1992 and 2000.
Overall, what stands out from the graph is that there were upward trends in the
percentage of the GDP from both IT and service industry. Another interesting point is that
the proportion of the GDP from IT industry was always higher than that from service
industry over the period covered by the graph.
In details, if we look at the percentage of what everyone within a country’s borders makes
from service industry, it began at 4% in 1992, and then there was a significant growth
with approximately 6.5% in 1994. Subsequently, the proportion of the GDP from service
sector in the UK rose steadily over the next four years, finishing at just over 8% in 2000.
With regards to IT industry, from a starting point of roughly 6%, the percentage of the
GDP from this sector went up dramatically to approximately 8% in 1994. Despite a slight
decline in 1996, the proportion of the GDP from IT industry then rose sharply, reaching a
peak of around 15% at the end of the year surveyed.

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