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1. Reasons for choosing topic
Vietnam has been developing its reach to catch up with the civilization of
the world of humanity. Therefore, the request must be set up before the
qualifications and competence of the generations, especially the younger
generation. To broaden their perspectives and exchanges with other countries in
the world, the conditions to consider first is language proficiency. Which
language to the country can communicate with each other using todays’ English
language or in other words it is an international language. From the economic
relations in the scientific literature table... are now using English.
Young generation of civil servant students and other classes of society are
confused very much in his base language. The ability to use English in their
work as well as in communication with foreigners is very limited. For foreign
language certificate is only a matter dealing, form not really qualified personal
and each not really aware of the importance of language learning. Recently, the
perception of people about the importance of English has improve somewhat,
but from many teachers are still confused in how to organize teaching.
Especially at the elementary level, the interest in learning and teaching
English was not really high, sometimes with the ideal that elementary students
are too young to learn a foreign language. According to my opinion reverse this
completely wrong, a new baby could talk, ability to learn and remember the
words very quickly. According to research by evil scientists abroad, children
aged 3 to 4 years old learning to speak a foreign language the most effectively.
According to my experience I think that elementary school students accquire
language better than students at different ages. Because at that age, students
reach their native language, are interested in studying and analyzing the
2. Research purposes
From thinking in students’ mother tongue, they can apply to language
learning. They also due to longer remember all the excitements, curiosity and
novelty and especially the language of a different teaching them how to bring

new efficiency to discuss issuses and concern. For each group of age has the
different content knowledge and language teaching forms. For students at the
ages of junior and high school market imparting knowledge much easier in the
future. Elementary students must do so in order to convey knowledge simply

and easily to understand and remember. We can not teach classic method is to
guide students to read vocabularies and teach grammar by giving formula to
student self- assembly. For the cognitive structure of primary pupilsare learning
in the model, the formula is not effective, but learning how to “Learning
through play, learning to play that”. But remember how to play effectively, it
must depend on the form of the teaching function. As well as Math and
Vietnamese, English for elementary students are required inspire the students in
the class to deepen their knowledge to help you remember all longer. There have
been many forms of organizational learning the game, but the game just tired of
the lesson to intergrate into the curriculum of evil brother to reinforce lessons.
For a long time, I concern myself and comfortable to hold an English rewarding
playground for elementary school students. This is a useful playground,
motivating teaching and learning of English teachers and students. To participate
in the playground good caliber with such large organizations are themselves
teachers in each school should be able to organize for the students of proving the
same playing field.
In order to improve the quality of teaching and learning English in
elementary subjects, causing much excitement for elementary school students to
improve their foreign language skills to the younger generation, creating
momentum for the development of the country. I myself have a small initiative
to countribute to building systerm innovations teaching methods. I would like to
present the following content themes: “How to organize extracurricular
activities in English for elementary students in Quan Hoa Town Primary

3. Research objects
- The students are in grade 3 at Quan Hoa Town Primary School.
- Students’ book: Tieng Anh 3
- English songs.
4. Research methods
- TPR (Total physical response)
- MAT (Model  Action  Talk)
- The suggestive approach
- The communicative approach

1. Basis for argument
Devirved the purpose, requirements and based on the theoretical basis to
teach – learn English at primary schools, foreign language subject in general
education environment, required the essential contents on the following aspects:
education, ideology, morality, fostering cultural knowledge and training
communication skill in English. These aspects are closely related to each other.
Through extracurricular activities will create a good communication skill for
each student in English and communicate well through the themes of each unit.
The relation among such contents is characteristic of English subject that
teachers and learners need to be aware in the process of dominating subject.
At mountainous primary schools, learning foreign languages in general
and English in a particular subject is a new subject. To help students in grade 3
step into the basic concept in the subject as well as become familiar with a new
language, requires teachers to be very skillful in introducing new contents,
teachers need to use teaching aids in order to illustrate exactly.
2. Actual situation

For elementary school students are learning English are also new and
gently knowledge, they are first introduced so very excited. Until now, the
consciousness and perpective on the importance of the subjects of evil English
student parents were very progressive. The investment of time as well as
economic subjects for this study were some what changed in a positive direction
so that the teaching was somewhat less tedious.
For an audience of elementary school students should acquire all the level
is limited, they have not really experienced in the study and consolidate
knowledge was imparted. Unable learning methods machinery but how they are
straightforward and easy to remember to make them interested in learning and
not be pressed them into rigid mold, it will not bring the desired effect, but also
can lead to counter productive.
The majority of cases are of interest for each step for English, investments
facilities for teacher training and school supplies for students Especially
implementing professional activities linked to the English teacher bring great
results for teaching.
Some teachers also have limited English teaching method innovation and
machinery stereotypes, not change much expertise in teaching methods even
under heavy textbook knowledge and according to the program, the teaching
hours also carry many forms of machinery, no director sput. There are also a
number of new teachers to be acquainted with the object of primary pupils

should also embrarrassing mothods. Some view on teaching methods for English
has not been uniform, sometimes controversial spot is not good leading to many
difficult to learning and teaching and learning resuls is not high.
Although the leaders were very interested in this subject taught in primary
schools, but also difficulties in organizing the contest to creat exchanges English
padded force for the development style movement of teaching and learning

English in school levels, especially in primary.
A playground rewarding and fun just to help them learn from each other
but to give them the motivation to learn and improve teacher proffessional and
enthusiastic about their achivements, if there was achieve real power to strive no
chance for student and teachers to assess and confirm their results of their
teaching and learning. Beside the information specified in a number of weeks
per teacher (23 periods / one week) characteristics of this course is to say litter
more to influence health. Which to organize the learning activities for students
lively, teachers have to invest a lot of time and effort learing English, the more
truly scientific and effective.
3. Solutions
* Solution 1: Teaching students dancing and singing in English
* Solution 2: Organizing English club activities
* Solution 3: Organization of the playing field for students in English
* Solution 4: Organizing outdoor activities as fitness class, team work.
From the above results are not satisfactory for the capacity of the students
I have concerned and found the document, refer to colleages and lead from
experience through the lesson to boldy change teaching methods. To creatively
explore practical applications, enhance the quality of teaching students, capacity
to fulfill their inherent. Today I want to bring my own experience to share
experiences with colleagues in order to improve the quality in teaching and
learning English in primary school so that the students may feel much more
interested in the subject of this study. Over time practical experience and
psychological exploration elementary students I found most of them are evil
loves to sing and love so exciting. So organizing games for children while
teaching is evil the essential indespensable in teaching English for elementary
school students.
Learning methods and taking part in fun activities will help students
deepen knowledge and excitement in learning more. From the study of
psychological age to apply the correct method of teaching, I have declared


myself searching and reference materials to teach English to children in all
forms dull, consistent with the characterstics of subjects this study. Teaching
English through songs are highly effective for elementary school students the
English singing, dancing, or playing organized them by subject theme, clubs.....
will effective and more efficient. This is a playground for the show the pressure
after the stressful school students and also give them lessons usefull and
interesting. From access to innovative teaching methods and applications boldly
taught me was to find a number of specific measures follow:
3.1. Teaching students dancing and alternative exercises
In the hours when there is more space transfer students to stand up
exercise (A short exercise) I have replaced some of this activity by a number of
dance or the imperative for learning English bird. The singing and dancing at the
same time help to deepen the student newspaper, the question, there is a better
reflection of activites.
This is the teaching methold TPR (Total Physical Response). They have
been singing and dancing activities in English instead of physical activity each
time moved more space. Specifically:
* Students often dance a dance song “Follow me” to present some simple
activities that evil children learn and these are the lyrics:
Follow me, follow me. Stand up, stand up
Follow me, follow me. Sit down, sit down
Follow me, follow me. Stand up, stand up
Follow me, follow me. Wave your arms
Follow me, follow me. Bend your knees
Follow me, follow me. Turn right, turn right
Follow me, follow me. Turn left, turn left
Follow me, follow me. Jump up and down

Follow me, follow me. Turn around
Follow me, follow me. Stand up, stand up
Follow me, follow me. Sit down, sit down
Follow me, follow me. Stand up, stand up


* Purpose: They are exciting through music and dance lyrics to help
reduce the stress of the previous lesson and create exciting atmosphere for the
next class. At the same time enables the limb joints and knee, they are going to
avoid fatigue. Especially students remember and inculcate the phrase activities:
Stand up, sit down, wave your arms, bend your knees, turn right, turn left,
jump up and down and turn around.

* Students often dance a dance song: “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” to
express and remember how to say the words only some parts of the body. Here
are the lyrics:
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knee and toes, knee and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, eyes ears, mouth, nose
Or as another song (teachers can turn from the position of the song to
practice reflective of the students to hear the words)
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

* Purpose: When they sing at the same time touching parts of your body
when prompted to. This will help you reduce stress fatigue before and after class

to help them review and remember how to say the words of some parts of the
* Student often dance in the dance song: “Do it the way I do” to express
and remember how to say the words just some normal operations as simple as
the following lyrics :
Clap your hands high above, do it the way I do
Clap your hands down below, do it the way I do
Roll your hands high above, do it the way I do
Roll your hands high down, do it the way I do
Wave your hands to the right, do it the way I do
Wave your hands to the left, do it the way I do
Point your hands to the left, do it the way I do
Point your hands to the right, do it the way I do


* Purpose: When they sing simultaneously active language song structure.
This will help you reduce and evil tired after the previous lessons and spitritual
comfor to the next class and help you review the evil speak evil words about
some of the activities: Clap hands, roll hands, wave hands, point hands and
some phrase words and words: right, left, high above, down above.
3.2. Organizing the English playground for students
For each case, at least one year should also organize exchanges English
school level or twice. It can be organized according to the block or blocks grade

students have the opportunity to learn each other exchanges. Student will
participate in the contest learn knowledge by answering questions like the
entertainment program on TV: The magic hat, Who are millionaires, three
stars, the road to the Olympia, ringing gold or meetings mystery gift ......
In addition to participate teams contest, the contest participants also have
the participation of the audience, which encouraged the children and engaged
learning, deepen the knowledge learned, additional knowledge lacking
intergrated into the program indispensable part exam consists of gifted talents
such as singing and dancing, recitation, drama ...in English. Soak the
environment to speak to not be embarrassed to practice communicating in
* The following illustration is as an English exchange program for
students block 3 on the occasion of the anniversary of 26/ 3, founding Ho Chi
Minh Commninst Youth Union. Time is 45 minutes.
* Preparation: Teacher prepare programs content, questions, answers,
preparation of equipment: radio, speakers, projectors, system question and
answer preparation. Prepare rewards to encourage students. Students participate

interviewing the knowledge learned, sing bad songs or songs learned nearly
identical to the program.
Students include six children with two teams:
Step 1: individual contest, you have 5 minutes each for this section
- Each student will introduce himself/ herself (Greenscreen: Hello, my name
is ...... I am from class.................I am .............years old ....)
- Then you will sing songs an English, can dance illustration
- Each student will answer lots of questions by selecting the number on the
screen. These questions can be formulated as follows (This part can be set
acoording to how the questions are based on the program “Who is a millionaire”

Question 1: How do I response in English when people greet me with a question
“Good afternoon”
A. good evening

B. good morning

C. goodbye

D. good afternoon

Question 2: How I ask you “Gấp sách lại” in English
A. go out

B. close your book

C. open your book

D. sit down

Question 3: How I ask you to answer by saying “It is rainy today”
A.how are you?

B. how old are you?

C. how is the weather?

D. what is your name?

Question 4: How do you respond when you say “Nice to meet you”
A. I am fine, thank you

B. See you later

C. Nice to meet you too

D. good morning

Question 5: I ask you how you respond “I am nine years old”
A. What is your name

B. How is the weather?

c. How old are you?

D. Good morning

Question 6: When you say goodbye to someone how you say?
A. goodevening

B, goodbye

C. good night

D. good afternoon

Step 2: For the audience: Teachers put pictures on the screen and ask students to
read English words and then spell the word. If the reader finds out the word and
spell it correctly, he/she can get a gift. Time for this section is about 10 minutes.

The words given to students are suitable for all learners to participate, do not
challenge them more. The image is made in the image of school supplies such
as: books, pen, ruler, ... or pictures of family members such as: father, mother,
sister, brother ... or photo of the weather as sunny, windy, cloudy, stormy,
snowy..... Teachers make pictures with the question suggests the numbers of
letters in the word in the way of playing the “Magic hat’’
For example:
Question 1: This is a letter word to say about a school supplies. Teachers can
make the ink image on Slide presentation suggested for students if neccesary



Question 2: This is a word that consists of 5 letters, talking about a phenomenon
of the summer weather. Which consume more often us feel hot





Question 3: This is a word composed of three letters about a toy that boys liked
to play. Teachers can make imagines on slides for students to suggestions if




Question 4: This is a word composed of 6 letters, talking about family members.
Teachers can put images into slides for students if neccesary.






After students complete their answers for these questions, teacher gives
specific answers and there will be prizes for the audience. Depending on the


circumstances in wich teachers may choose some questions according to the
theme. Part of this exam questions and more student participation as possible.
Step 3: Excution team (Each team consists of 3 children)
* Preparation:

Teacher prepare for each team play a big white board, marker pen, a box of
school supplies such as: pens, rulers, pencils, books, toys, boats, robbot, cars,
dolls.... This section each team of 10 minutes. playing the same part of the game
“Three interior of stars” each team was appointed secretary to record the reading
from his friend, another who touch it in the box and picked turn the map in the
box and read the names of the objects touched her (not to be seen) Pen, eraser,
book, pen, robbot, ball.......... and another student will be supported, so things
have been reading the wrong name in the correct location. And so every 10
minutes to see which team they are going to pick up and properly be called
many things over the name, spelling more words
*First team:
Some student use hand in glove box cointaining evil things such as: pen, book,
car, doll, robbot .............Whe the student touch pen and picked up (without
looking at things) shouted: Pen: Student are appointed as secretary to write the
word pen.
If students make mistakes, they have to pick up the items in the basket
called wrong whereas if both read and write properly, it is called for in the right
basket, so on until all the things.
*Second team:
Include items in the box: doll, car, ruler, eraser, ball .... Form of play is
similar to the first team, just change a few other things for your team.
After both team have completed this contest is for you vount evil things right
and write the correct name from:
Right: one, two, three .........
Wrong: one, two, three ........
* Purpose: When organizing exchanges, they take the test and evil
children attend have the opportunity to learn from each other very much. Each
individuall will introduce themselves as more confident than when introduce in

English, student have the opportunity to impact, environmental exposure to
speak English. And the children attending will hear you say, additional
knowledge is still lacking her.
They are reviewing the words, sentences, questions and answers, better
reflexes with English. When you participate in dancing and singing in English
will give you more evil spirit of excitement, more and more favorite subjects.
Teacher organizations are playing so much is ready enabling environment for
children to learn English is extremely rewarding and fun, learning efficiency
will be great increased.
After each play teacher for the last point and synthetic teacher announced
individual and the team, presenting a gift to encourage the spirit of their
3.3. Organizing English club activities
We can organize under the theme, theme activities weekly, monthly.
Student will participate according to the grade or class, each month we have a
theme for students to grasp and exploit. The theme can mix together and arrange
themselves teacher to suit
* Example: The first we test different student studying sport theme
“Alphebet” We can set for each student or group learning each name
corresponds to the name of letter to the children themselves remember his theme
of the class.
Each operation of the game, we called them by topic and the students also
have to remember the name of your theme. In doing so they are really eager to
learn and easy to remember emulation words, deepen their knowledge. English
clubs can attract elementary school children participated most of us teach
English songs. Each of these topics we teach them one or two songs in English
* Example: This is a club meetings English for about 40 minutes. After all
songs students have learned to read English letters from A to Z we will call each

student with a letter and student self- introduction their names (I am ... I am....)
and the other student remember his name then teach them to sing the song
“Alphabet”. Let the children singing in groups, individually singing songs.
When they sing fluently about the alphabet song teacher let student to play
“Apple pass”


Student put into a circle. The teacher shouted: “Let’s sing” the student
sang “Alphabet song”. While singing the students handed each an apple when
the teacher shouted “Stop” student stop singing. Lyrics stop the apple in your
hand what is it they introduced “Hello, I am ........, Nice to meet you ...... The
remaining children would shout “Nive to meet you”.
Finally, they played “Question – Answer” A Student stand up, other
student can say any words or questions to the students learned that answer.
For example: (Students S1, S2, S3 is the board .........)
S1: Hi! How are you?
S: I am fine
S2: Hi! I am C
S: Hi C. I am Q
S3: Nice to meet you
S: Nice to meet you too
S4: Goodbye
S: Bye, see you later
We give them turns to the board in response to you statemnet. Once more
content has more questions, more questions student to dialogue. For each article
we have more questions and answers such as: questions and answers about
name, age, weather ..........
* Purpose: They review the letters, how to greet an dintroduce his name,

how to get acquainted when they met, how to ask and how to say goodbye. At
the same time help them better reflexes to communicate in English.
When student are learning the theme song for school supplies (School
objects) Unit 8 in (New English book grade 3) teacher held for the children to
play games “Go to the bookshop” Student will be named after the only school
supplies: book, pen, ruler, eraser, pencil ......... In groups of five groups of 4 to 5
children. Each group is named respectively in the name of school supplies as
they were name, each of you to remember my name. Teachers stated rules and
modeling play once, then the student also observed playing, refereeing, they do
not call you any names that come or not to be named, have to jump around the
classroom. Teacher wants to buy a book, the teacher would shout “I want a
book”, student keeping the book will run again next teacher positions. Teacher

wants to buy two dimensions it would shout: T wants two rulers two student
named set is a ruler will run back to the teacher. After all the only coral school
supplies, the students will take teacher to “go to the Bookshop” Student would
shout the phrase “I want .........” so that others do like him.

* Purpose: And so, instead of several student plays the buying school
supplies: Go to the book shop and called the name of the only school supplies.
And the students are gives them deepen vocabulary and speak fluently than from
just school supplies: book, pen, ruler, eraser ........
3.4. Organizing more outdoor activities as gymnastics lessons
Student enjoyed participating in the activities and the activities that we
give students experience in English. Aim to teach student some of the only
activities not only in teaching but also to give them the real operation.
Example: The command for students lined up, forming, a circle, sit down,
turning left, turning right and going annoying .... to give students a platform for

student activities learning by playing:
- Make a line / Make two lines

- Make a circle / Make two circles / Make a small circle / Make a big
- Stand up /sit down / turn left / turn right
- Run fast / run slow / jump /sing / touch your head, shoulders / knees and
toes .... how to organize activities:
According to the methods of MAT (Model-> Action-> Talk). The teacher
models, shouted orders and the student to follow orders. Then teacher organized
students ordered several activities. It can be arranged in a variety of forms,
changing the way organizations to avoid boring game, in every activity, students
have acquired a certain knowledge.
The student has been said to hear you speak and activities. Can mix all the
activities like singing and dancing English sport activities Students singing
dancing, playing traditional game using the comands in English.
For example: After finishing Unit 6 (New English book grade 3) teach the
students have been asking others to stand up (Stand up, please!) to sit down (Sit
down, please!) can be expanded to teach some others imperative such as: Make
a line/ Make two circles/ Make a big circle/ Turn left/ turn right. When most
lessons teachers can give students 10 minutes to play, the children will learn
through play activities useful. First teacher must form, chanting the simple
- Make a line
- Make two lines
- Turn left/ turn right
The student singing and dancing the dance song “Head and shoulders,
knees and toes”

I can point just body parts in the lyrics to make them better reflection for
listening. For example: head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Replace with: head and shoulder, knees and toes, knees and toes
- Make a big circle! then the teacher for the children to play games.
The teacher models the imperative coral
- Sit down!
- Stand up!

- Touch your head! your knees! your shoulders

* Purpose: This activity help the children have the opportunity to
experience reality, they say the practice is imperative: Stand up, sit down.... and
interactive activities. Through fun activities they needed to review the words:
Stand up, Sit down....
Or after finishing teaching Unit 4 (New English book grade 3) students
have learned the number of nights, we can apply the above and add operation
count from one to ten. The teacher to student classified into two to three rows
and the student scores

- Make a line!
- Let’s count from one to ten
- Let’s sing: Let’s count from one to ten
- Students sang: “Let’s count from one to ten”
One, two, three, four, five, Jump
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten jump
One, two, three, four, five, Jump

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten jump
One, two, three, four, five, Jump
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jump
One, two, three, four, five, Jump
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jump
Once finished and finished singing the score a student can play the game
as part of activities on.
* Purpose: This activity helps the children have the opportunity to
experience reality, they say the practice is imperative and interactive activities.
Through activities they are reviewing the neccessary depending on the activity,
each post that teachers use in part on the experience you count the numbers,
counting competently, say and do imperatives: Make two lines, let’s count, let’s
sing in particular review sample questions.
The application for each post or a specific part teaches students each
object depends very much on the organization of each teacher. With the
perpective of a small article I can not describe in detail each unit or each lesson
is supposed to consult colleagues and flexible application to fit with each theme
topic of his teaching and accordance with the conditions of his students.
4. The effect of innovation initiative
After reseaching and applying this reseach topic, I find that students’
learning results have improved a lot, and become higher than the beginning of
the year, presented as below:
• Before applying the innovation initiative:



Total of


Mark 910







Mark 78

Mark 57











Mark under

• After applying the innovation initiative:


Total of

Mark 910







Mark 78

Mark 57











Mark under

1. Conclusion
After a process of applying new teaching methods for students especially
students in grade 3. I have organized assessment and comparison of the learning
outcomes of students. To compare the results statistics of student learning in the
first period, the learning outcomes of students in the second period was much
higher number of students achieving greatly increased as above.
From the comparative results of two semesters, students with monitoring
academic progress of students in the class I noticed that his initiative is feasible.
In the experiment, the teachers and the students themselves are very interested in
the teaching and learning. Students learn in an active way, the teacher is the only
organization operational guidelines. So I wish that your initiatives widely
applied in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning English in
primary school. We look forward to colleagues enthusiastically received and
suggestions for improvement over my initiative.
2. Proposal
As I am researching this topic, I find myself very eager to contribute a
small portion if his experience in building teaching English approach systems at
primary school. So I look forward to your initiatives that many teachers have

known and applied in many primary schools. So I strongly recommend to the
level on the following topics for the implementation of this success.
* School:
The school pays more attention to the English dapartment, funding for the
contestorganized exchanges annual school – level in English.
* Education department:
Application for preventation review and reduction of dietary regulations

for teachers teaching subjects tauhgt in English, instead of the more
extracurricular. For English teachers have the time to invest in effective lesson,
the teacher should arrange a maximum of 18 periods / a week.
Needing professional consistency between clustersof schools and teachers
in a specific way. There are concrete plans at the beginning of the school year
for the English contest. With such teaching and learning English new elemetary
effective implementation of the program when the English systerm for 10 years.
I look forward to the enthusiastic leaders who may be interested in helping my
initiative to promote optimal efficiency.
I sincerely thank the leadership and enthusiastic colleagues to help me with
this topic. I look forward to the review comments of the leaders as well as
colleagues in my initiative to more complete.
I sincerely thank you!

Quan Hoa, April 29th, 2018

This is my own innovation initiative.
I surely do not copy from the others’.
The writer’s name and signature

Nguyen Thi Hang


1. Student’s book English 3- Education Publishing House.
2. Teacher’ s book English 3- Education Publishing House.

3. Five-minute activities- A resource book of short activities with illustration by
Andrew Wright- Cambridge University Press.
4. Website: Pham Minh
5. Youtube: English songs for kids, games for kids in English.

