Reason for choosing topic
Research purposes
Research subjects
Research Methods
New points of initiative
Theoretical basis
Situation of the problem before the application of
Survey results
Measures used to solve the problem
Measure 1: Raise awareness for parents, students about the
importance of English.
Measure 2: Organize learning activities, play reasonably
create interesting learning
Measure 3: Study at home
Measure 4: Organize extra-curricular activities
Measure 5: Collaborate with organizations and mass 11
Measure 6: Construction of school rules: Do not speak 11
Vietnamese in English (except in some special cases)
Measure 7. Organize classes in the form of teams
Measure 8.: Provide opportunities for students
communicate with English-speaking foreigners.
Effectiveness of the initiative
to 12
1. Reason for selecting the topic
We live in the twenty-first century of modern civilization, the century of
science and technology. Our country is entering the stage of industrialization,
modernization, integration with the international community. , especially when
our country is officially a member of the WTO. The decisive factor in the
success of industrialization and modernization is that the human resources of
Vietnam are developed in both quantity and quality on the basis of the
intellectual level. As a result, the education and training of our country has
changed from education and training to teaching and learning methods in order
to effectively contribute to the process of preparing the country's resources.
Meeting the new educational objectives, the textbook program has changed
positively: focusing on innovating teaching methods, teaching and learning
activities based on positive activities of students under the organization. It is a
good way of teaching and learning to develop independent thinking. It helps to
develop the method, the need for self learning, the interest in learning, the
confidence in studying for the students. Thus, the current school curriculum is
geared toward such core core subjects and English is also the case.
English subjects are taught in elementary school later than other subjects,
especially in mountainous areas in general and Lang Chanh in Thanh Hoa
province in particular, but it is the key to open treasure of human knowledge. So
students - human resources in the future, Must be fluent in this language with
listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. However, it is undeniable fact
that learning a foreign language in general and English in particular is a good
listening comprehension. The purpose of learning a foreign language is to
communicate but most students have the mentality of "shy talk", shy, not
confident when communicating in English for many objective and subjective
reasons such as: no environment Communicate in English, do not practice
speaking at home or do not have friends to practice communication ... This
explains in part why after completing the elementary program the number of
students able to communicate in English at a basic level occupies a The rate is
very modest.
Applying a new elementary English program developed from the point of view
of communication is the main goal of the process of developing and developing
communication skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. teaching,
teaching and learning English in elementary schools aims to provide students
with the ability to use English as a basic level of communication and relatively
well-versed in the form of Listening-Speaking-Reading-Writing, towards the
formation of the ability to use English easily, effectively in normal
communication. That is why I always find ways to help students use English to
communicate effectively.
With practical experience teaching, exploring and referring to a number of
resources I have found "Some Measures to Help students at grade 4 of Lang
Chanh Town Primary School Develop English speaking Skills". I hope with This
initiative can refer to, apply to overcome some of the "learning" does not go
with the "onions" in the English language of students in general and primary
students say private.
2. Purpose of the study
- Improve the quality of teaching and learning English for students in grade 4 in
Lang Chanh Town Primary School, especially speaking skills.
- Test my own experiences in developing your students' English speaking skills.
- Develop English speaking skills for elementary students.
3. Research objects
- Students in grades 4A, 4B, 4C Lang Chanh town primary school school year
4. Research Methodology
- Methods of document study, investigation, question-answer, time of
colleagues, comparison of students' learning results, statistics ...
5. New features of initiative
5.1. Measure 6: Construction of school rules: not speaking Vietnamese during
English lessons (except in some special cases)
5.2 Measure 7: Organize classes in the form of teams.
5.3. Measure 8: Provide opportunities for students to communicate with Englishspeaking foreigners.
1. Theoretical basis
The Education Law 2005 (Article 5) stipulates that "educational methods must
promote the positive, natural, active and creative thinking of learners, foster selflearning learners, Exercise and rehearsal. "
The goal of general education is to help students develop holistic, intellectual,
physical, aesthetic and basic skills, develop personal ability, dynamism and
creativity, To form the personality of the Socialist Vietnam,
build the character and responsibility of citizens, prepare students to continue to
study or enter into working life, participate in building and defending the
country. The general education program promulgated in conjunction with
Decision No. 16/2006 / QD-BGDDT dated May 05, 2006 of the Minister of
Education and Training also stated: "It is necessary to bring into play the
positive, self-consciousness, initiative and creativity of the pupils, suitable with
the characteristics of subjects, characteristics of pupils, conditions for each class,
learning, the ability to cooperate, practice skills to apply knowledge into reality,
affect the emotions, bring joy, excitement and responsibility for learning for
According to the project "Teaching and learning foreign languages in the
national education system in the period of 2008-2020", implementing new
compulsory language training program at general education level, Completion of
the primary education program at the first level according to the Association of
Foreign Language Examination Executives (EEAS), ie 'Can understand, use the
familiar structures; Basic terms meet specific communication needs. Can
introduce themselves and others; Can respond to information about yourself
such as where you live, relatives / friends etc. Can communicate simply if the
speaker speaks slowly, clearly and willingly to cooperate with help.
2.Situation of the problem before the application of experience
2.1. Advantages:
- The Department of Education is always interested, instructed, directed closely
and help timely for the teaching of foreign languages of the school.
- The leaders of the school has always taken care of teaching and learning
foreign languages such as: supporting the purchase of teaching aids, attendance
classes to draw experiences, encourage and promptly encourage teachers and
Students take part in competitions: English-speaking festival, English on-line
Olympics ...
- Most parents care about, help, coordinate well with teachers in their children's
teaching and learning English.
- The teacher is enthusiastic, closed, eager to learn, good at teaching and always
trying in teaching.
2.2. Difficulties:
- The school does not have classrooms dedicated to English subjects, audiovisual equipment is limited.
- Some parents do not understand the importance of English so there is a
neglected attitude to learning English by their children.
- The majority of students are not aware of the importance of English, so they
have not paid much attention to studying, learning to cope, go home to study
hard, especially "afraid to speak". Long term will result in the completion of
elementary school students do not communicate the basic.
- Some teachers have not prepared the visual acuity fluctuating lively, attractive,
the organization of teaching is not rich enough ... so not exciting to learn English
for students.
Besides, if students just study in class and do not practice communication,
they will not be able to create the required language skills. On the other hand,
not all parents know to teach, test, help, guide their children to study at home.
This is also a very difficult problem in supporting learning English for students
at home.
- There is no English language environment for students to experience and
practice listening and speaking skills, so students do not have the habit of using
the knowledge learned in practice, so when using the language is not flexible,
does not naturally lead to no confidence. Since then they are "hesitant" to use
second language. As a result, many students get bored out of school, afraid to
learn even afraid to learn English. So teachers need to pay attention to this
psychology of students.
- Many extracurricular activities, or English speaking contests, have not yet been
organized to create excitement, motivation and opportunity for students to apply
knowledge into practice.
- Overcrowded classroom makes teachers unable to cover all students. Some
disadvantaged families are not eligible to buy textbooks or homework
assignments, so home study and review is limited.
2.3 Survey results
The results of the survey of students at grade 4 of Lang Chanh Town Primary
school of the school year 2017-2018 are as follows:
students SL
**Data analysis
The results show that the English language skills of the students are very
limited. Only 9.2% of the students speak well, 19% of the students complete the
survey well, 47.9% of the students know and answered 5/10 sentences about
personal information, and the content was learned, the remaining 15.9% students
only ask and answer 1-2 or 3 sentences not even sentences. So if there are no
positive and timely effects to change the situation then students will not be able
to communicate in English at A1 level when completing elementary school.So I
studied the practice, consulted friends, colleagues, books, the internet ... to find
some of the measures below to overcome some of the weakness in English
speaking skills of grade 4 Lang Chanh Town Primary School.
3. Measures used to solve the problem
3.1. Measure 1: Raise awareness for parents, students about the importance
of English.
- Purpose: Help students and parents to be aware of the importance of English.
- Content and rule: Propagate and make realistic requests for students and
parents to be aware of the importance of English. Ask your supervisor to
coordinate with the grassroots level and related organizations to organize
exchanges, English speaking days, English clubs .... Students and parents will be
actively involved in learning English.
3.2. Measure 2: Organize learning activities, play reasonably create
interesting learning
- Purpose: Create learning excitement for students
- Content and rule: Prepare the visual lively, attractive, flexible application of
various forms of teaching organization. Teachers should use a variety of English
and correct pronunciation, phonetics, intonation in class. Organize the activities
of the first 15 minutes in English once a week. Organize diverse, regular games.
**Games should be used regularly:
Game 1: Slap the board
- Purpose:
+ Practice reading and reinforcing listening comprehension and word
Rapid reflex in children.
- Preparation: vocabulary learned, pastel.
- How to play: The teacher introduces the name of the game and draws some
different figures on the board: circles, triangles, squares, rectangles,
diamonds, .... Then record some new words to learn in the above picture. Play
the team, the teacher divided the class into two teams and named each team,
each team nominates each team should play with the other team. The two of you
stand in front of the table at a certain distance and listen to the teacher read the
words and then quickly hit the teacher's hand as read on the board, who beat fast
and right will bring back his team 1 point. Continuing with the other pairs, the
end is the number of words the teacher has written on the board.
- End of the game: If the team scores more points then the team wins, the winner
will be given a clap or star.
* Note: This game can also nominate a good friend to read any words on the
board for the two of you to hear and to read the words in the play. Can play in
pairs or groups.
Game 2: Lucky number
- Purpose: Create exciting atmosphere, high concentration in class.
- Preparation: Prepare a number of questions and answers to the lesson.
- How to play: The table teacher consists of 15 squares and records any 15
natural numbers, which correspond to those 12 questions that students must
answer, 3 sentences are 3 numbers Lucky number.Each lucky number is a point
10 and does not need to answer the question. Teachers divide the class into two
- Each team will nominate a team leader to see who will be selected first, and in
the group to discuss which decision to choose the number for the team leader, if
they choose to hit the question with the teacher read questions and the group
must discuss the answer, the correct answer is 10 points;
If the other team has the right to reply. Select the Lucky number box does not
answer the question is still 10 points. 2nd time to the other team select the cell
and do the same for the first time .... until all the numbers on the board have
been chosen, the game ends.
- Ending the game: If the team scores multiple points then the team wins.
* Note: Can be changed to increase the competitiveness, creating exciting
atmosphere by setting points, in 15 cells, 12 cells have 5 points, 2 cells have 10
cells and a special box is 20 points . Can change the question in accordance with
content and time allowed.
Game 3: Hangman
- Purpose: Create an exciting and passionate learning environment that helps
students review and test their vocabulary.
- Preparation: Word to play.
- How to play :
General implementation steps:
The teacher suggests the number of letters of the word to guess on the number of
dashes on the board.
Ask students to guess by word in the word.
If the student guesses wrong, the teacher tiles a brick (in the order in the figure)
Students miss the wrong answer 8 times, the teacher answers from.
Follow the general steps as above, this game has no competition between the
two teams. So, in the process of implementing most of the teachers there is a
little improvement to increase the appeal for the game. For example, the teacher
can divide the class into two teams and the teacher prepares two different
vocabulary for the two teams, the team with more answers then the team will
win. Alternatively, the teacher can divide the class into 4 teams, for teams to
choose from and to play each other (team 1 quiz team 2, team 2 quiz team 3,
team quiz quad team 4, quad team quiz 1)
Placing students in a game is also a way to increase student activeness and
reduce the work load for teachers in the classroom.
Divide the class into 2 or 3 teams and name each team at the bottom of the rack
that the teacher draws on the board. The teacher assigned the subject and asked
the students to find a five-letter word, then each one had a brother on the board
write the word out and read aloud to the class.
Continuing the second time, each team selected a volunteer on the board to
record the number of letters of the teacher.
- Ending the game: Give a round of applause to the winning team.
* Note: Each turn on which no team on the board is also drawn a stroke.
Game 4: Bingo
- Purpose: Strengthen, deepen knowledge, attract students to learn.
- Preparation: From.
- How to play: Play the checkered flag. The teacher on the board is 16 squares,
composed of 4 vertical boxes and 4 horizontal boxes, and the teacher fills them
in 16 numbers, of which 16 are 16 corresponding questions defined by the
content of the lesson. Make 2 teams and assign Team A to Mark X, Team B to
Mark O. Each team will nominate one team leader to select the umpire, the
teacher will mark the team's badge in the box, and read the assigned question in
each box for the other team to answer. Finally, the team that chooses the
umbrella that holds the 3 symbols of their team in a horizontal, vertical or
diagonal line shout Bingo.
- Ending the game: Give a round of applause to the winning team.
Game 5: Power Transmission
- Purpose: Help students test their vocabulary and change the atmosphere in
their studies.
- Preparation: Vocabulary, sentences
- How to play: The class is sitting on the spot, the teacher sets the rules and calls
starting with a young boy. He stands up and speaks a verb in English, and
quickly switches to another friend to " At this point, B must speak another verb,
if it is correct, then only fast to any C to transmit the next. Just do it if you do
not have the right words, you have to hop around the class.
- Ending the game: Praise and rejoice for the right and fast you say.
* Note: Teachers must distinguish and analyze words from the right kind of
students for the first time (be it noun, verb, or adjective ....) for good, average
grade No need to distinguish from the type. This game is not fussy but still has a
fun atmosphere, exciting and exciting during school hours for children.
Game 6: Flower Democracy
- Purpose: Forging the listening and speaking skills are structured into some
simple sentence patterns learned.
- Preparation: An ornamental bonsai with colored paper flowers in which
questions are written in English. For example: What is your name? ...
- How to play: Let the children play in the classroom, in turn to pick up flowers.
Which flower picker, then read the question of flowers for the class to hear and
answer questions in front of the class. The correct answer is rewarded and
- Finish the game: Bring back the correct and fast answers. The teacher
commented on the mistakes students made.
Game 7: Small tallk
- Purpose: Improve listening and pronunciation skills of words or sentences.
- Preparation: Some words or sentences according to the content of the lesson.
- How to play: Let the children play in groups of 4 or 5 or in sequence. The
teacher will whisper a word or phrase directly to the first friend of the group, the
first one will talk from the teacher heard in the second ear. Continue to the last
of the group will say the word or sentence up if you say the correct 5 points is
not wrong.
- End of the game: The end of the game is the team that wins many points.
3.3. Measure 3: Study at home
- Purpose: Practice speaking at home.
- Content and Method: Instruct students to practice speaking at home by
talking to their family members who know English, simple structures, and
conversational skills. If the family does not know English they can use mirrors,
teddy bears or animals, favorite toys to talk in English like playing two
shoulders. Watching movies, news or listening to songs in English is also a good
way to practice listening, speaking English.
Teachers often check out the various forms at the beginning of the lesson, for
example, letting them play the game and give them a grade, or give them the
opportunity to play a role, develop a conversation with similar content to the
lesson they are learning. The actual situation helps children remember longer,
communicate better
3.4.Measure 4: Organize extra-curricular activities
- Purpose: Create a natural English speaking environment.
- Content and procedures: Organize extra fun, healthy and useful activities
such as English club, quiz in English, English singing contest, drama,
storytelling, ringing gold, English speaking day ....
Extracurricular activities must ensure that opportunities for students to use the
knowledge they have learned in communicating in specific situations and that
the content is based around the real-world contexts surrounding their lives. Since
then they have more motivation and interest to learn English effectively.
English festival 2018
3.5. Measure 5: Collaborate with organizations and mass organizations
- Purpose: Facilitate effective teaching and learning.
- Contents and procedures: Call for mass organizations and parents to facilitate
the purchase of adequate textbooks and learning resources for students. It is
recommended that the school step by step mobilize funds for investment in
audio-visual equipment for teaching and learning foreign languages with high
3.6. Measure 6: Construction of school rules: Do not speak Vietnamese in
English (except in some special cases)
- Purpose: Motivating students to use English at the maximum.
- Content and method: Right from the first lesson, the teacher must give
students the rules of English language lesson, not to speak Vietnamese except in
special cases. Simple language in the classroom must be in English: for
example, please go outside, go to class, stand up, sit down ...
Teachers will not accept requests from students in Vietnamese, so are
classmates. English-speaking situations are complex requirements beyond the
language skills students have learned.
3.7.Measure 7. Organize classes in the form of teams
- Purpose: To motivate students to strive to develop their abilities and team
spirit to win the last class.
- Contents and methods: From the beginning of the classes, the teachers should
classify them into teams suitable to the characteristics of each class such as the
number of students, the layout of tables and chairs .... after each teacher's
activity Will evaluate and award each team with stars or stickers or flowers ...
depending on each teacher.
At the end of each lesson, the teachers will be counting stars or stickers or
flowers ... and declare the winner. In fact, this kind of classroom organization
has a lot of positive feedback. Students are excited and wait for the course to
demonstrate their ability so that they will try to complete the assignment as well
as the requirements of the teacher so that higher learning outcomes, language
skills also better.
3.8.Measure 8.: Provide opportunities for students to communicate with
English-speaking foreigners.
- Purpose: Motivating and enabling students to use language in practice, so
language knowledge is not theoretically in the books. Help students become
more confident, more excited and more interested in learning so that they will
strive to promote all their foreign language ability in communication.
-Contents and procedures: Teachers should be active, flashing opportunities,
creating conditions for students to exchange with foreigners when the
opportunity. Collaborate with parents to organize extracurricular activities such
as camping, travel in a place with many foreigners so students have the
opportunity to communicate. Encourage and encourage parents and students to
attend English language centers or online via the internet.
Exchange with foreigners
4. Effectiveness of the innovation initiative
4.1. Effectiveness of initiative on educational activities
- The lessons become more exciting and lively.
- Students are more interested in English.
- Many students have confidence in speaking English and communicate with
friends and teachers very naturally.
- Improved language skills.
- Weak students can ask and answer simple questions about personal
4.2. Effective for myself
I myself feel more confident with my lectures because students are excited,
actively participate and participate effectively in the educational activities of the
subject not only in class but also at home. As a result, I felt more in love with
my job and promised myself to do more to fulfill the mission of an English
4.3. Effective for colleagues and the schools
- If every English teacher applies the measures I put in this SKKN I believe that
the results of English teaching will be significantly improved.
- For school: There have been many achievements in the exchanges at all levels
in English and parents are enthusiastic support in educational activities.
* The results of the survey of English speaking skills of the fourth graders of the
elementary school in the end of the first semester of 2017-2018 are as follows:
Class of
students SL
So after trying to find a way to overcome the weakness in speaking English of
4th grade students at the beginning of the year I have obtained the results.
Looking at this survey, we can see that there have been significant changes in
numbers at different levels. The number of excellent students increased
compared to the beginning of the year and especially the number of weak
students has decreased significantly. The average number of students is almost
the same but the quality has changed. They are more confident, more confident
and say a clear word from there.
1. Conclusion
The measures I have put forth above have helped to improve somewhat the
status of "afraid to speak" English of primary students in general and students in
grade 4 of primary school in particular. However, there are still a number of
students who are weak because this work requires a long and continuous
process, so I will make every effort to ensure that after the school year there are
no students in grade 4 of the elementary school. Ask questions and respond to
your personal information.
2. Recommendations
To achieve the goal of teaching and learning foreign languages for me, I would
- Leaders, mass organizations and regional development organizations: To pay
more attention to and create more favorable conditions for the teaching and
learning of English in general and primary schools in particular. .
In particular, more extracurricular activities such as the "English-speaking
Festival" have recently become a real motivator for the English language
learning and learning movement. Organize for English language teachers to
visit, learn from experience, improve their language skills in places where they
have an English speaking environment or where there is a good English
language teaching and learning movement.
- Schools: To support the purchase of some necessary teaching aids for English
subjects. Interested, create conditions to encourage, motivate teachers and
students in the activities related to English.
- Parents: To create favorable conditions for teachers and pupils to have
sufficient means, utensils and textbooks for teaching and learning English with
high results.
I hope to receive the sincere feedback of my friends, colleagues, organizations
and individuals in this initiative to have more experience helping students learn
and speak English better.
Finally, I sincerely thank you!
Lang Chanh, March 28th, 2018
I am sure that this is my
Do not copy the content
of other people
Bui Thi Sang