Migrating to the Cloud
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Migrating to the Cloud
Oracle Client/Server
Tom Laszewski
Prakash Nauduri
Technical Editor
Ward Spangenberg
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Laszewski, Tom.
Migrating to the cloud : Oracle client/server modernization / Tom Laszewski, Prakash Nauduri.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-1-59749-647-6
1. Cloud computing. 2. Systems migration. 3. Oracle (Computer file) 4. Client/server computing.
I. Nauduri, Prakash. II. Title.
QA76.585.L38 2012
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About the Authors ...................................................................................................xv
About the Technical Editor .................................................................................. xvii
Migrating to the Cloud: Client/Server Migrations
to the Oracle Cloud ............................................... 1
What Is Cloud Computing?...........................................................2
Cloud Computing Service Models ...........................................3
Cloud Computing Deployment Models ...................................5
The Oracle Cloud ..........................................................................6
Legacy Client/Server Databases and Applications.....................10
Why Migrate?..............................................................................11
Why Oracle? ...........................................................................13
Migration Strategies ...............................................................16
Endnotes ......................................................................................19
Identifying the Level of Effort and Cost .................. 21
Complexity of Database and Application SQL
Migration Defined .......................................................................24
Overall Estimating and Scoping Approach ................................25
Questionnaires ........................................................................25
First-Pass Migration with Oracle SQL Developer.................27
On-site Visit or Web Conference(s) .......................................27
Migration Workshop...............................................................28
Scope Deliverables .................................................................28
Analysis and Design....................................................................28
Database Migration .....................................................................29
Schema and Data ....................................................................29
Stored Procedures ...................................................................30
Triggers ...................................................................................30
Application Migration .................................................................32
SQL Only................................................................................32
Language Migration ...............................................................33
Language Migration: Sybase and SQL Server
C/Cþþ APIs...........................................................................33
Service Enablement ................................................................34
Integration Architecture ..............................................................34
Infrastructure Products, Utilities, and Tools ...............................34
Application Server Migration to Oracle WebLogic...............34
Hardware and Software...............................................................35
Exadata and Exalogic: Database and Middleware
Hardware and Software ..........................................................35
Oracle Virtualization and Oracle Enterprise Linux:
Database and Middleware Hardware and Software...............36
Operating System Migration ..................................................36
System, Customer Acceptance, and Performance
Moving to Production..................................................................37
Other Things to Consider............................................................38
Project Management and Enterprise Architect ...........................38
Migration Effort Examples..........................................................38
SQL Server Visual Basic Migration Estimate .......................39
Sybase Cþþ, PowerBuilder, Java, and Business
Object Migration Estimate .....................................................40
DB2 PowerBuilder and Java Migration Estimate ..................40
Endnotes ......................................................................................43
Methodology and Design ...................................... 45
Migration Options .......................................................................45
Methodology and Design ............................................................46
Analysis and Design ...............................................................51
Migration ................................................................................55
Optimization ...........................................................................63
Post-Production Support.........................................................66
Migration Services ......................................................................66
Relational Migration Tools.................................... 69
Initial Database Migration...........................................................70
Database API and Protocol Options.......................................70
SQL Loader and External Tables ...........................................73
Oracle SQL Developer Migration Workbench
Database Migration.................................................................73
Oracle Gateways.....................................................................74
Oracle ETL and ELT Tools ....................................................75
Oracle Tuxedo Workbench for DB2 z/OS .............................76
Oracle GoldenGate .................................................................77
Third-Party Tools....................................................................77
Reducing Data Migration Time and Disk
Requirements ..........................................................................78
Matrix of Oracle and Third-Party Database Migration
Initial Stored Object Migration...................................................79
Matrix of Oracle and Third-Party Stored Object
Migration Tools ......................................................................81
Application SQL Migration ........................................................83
Oracle SQL Developer Migration Workbench
Application Migration ............................................................84
Ispirer ......................................................................................84
SwisSQL .................................................................................85
Unit Testing .................................................................................86
Performance Testing....................................................................86
System Testing.............................................................................86
Production Rollout ......................................................................87
Oracle GoldenGate .................................................................87
Oracle CDC ............................................................................88
ODI CDC Knowledge Modules .............................................89
Matrix of Production Rollout Tools .......................................89
Global and Niche Service Providers...........................................89
Endnotes ......................................................................................91
Database Schema and Data Migration ................... 93
Database Migration Tools from Oracle ......................................93
Database Schema Migration Tasks .............................................95
Data Migration ..........................................................................102
Data Extraction .....................................................................103
Data Staging and Transfer....................................................104
Data Loading ........................................................................106
Data Loading Using Oracle SQL*Loader............................107
Data Loading Using the External Table Feature .................110
Data Loading Using SQL Developer ...................................112
Data Migration Using ETL Tools Such as ODI...................113
Data Validation ..........................................................................113
Sample Sybase Database Migration to Oracle Using
Oracle SQL Developer ..............................................................115
Prerequisites for Schema Migration Using SQL
Developer ..............................................................................115
Database Schema Migration.................................................117
Database Stored Object Migration ....................... 131
SQL Developer Environment for Sample Migrations ..............133
Translation Scratch Editor....................................................135
Stored Procedure Migrations.....................................................136
Oracle Differences ................................................................137
Top Challenges and Solutions ..............................................138
Example Sybase Stored Procedure Migration .....................139
Oracle Differences ................................................................142
Top Challenges and Solutions ..............................................143
Example SQL Server Trigger Migration..............................144
Views .........................................................................................147
Oracle Differences and Top Challenges and
Solutions ...............................................................................147
Example SQL Server View Migration .................................148
Unit Testing ...............................................................................150
Setting Up the Unit Testing Environment and Creating
the Unit Test .........................................................................151
Unit Test of Oracle Stored Procedure ..................................151
Unit Test of Sybase and SQL Server Stored Procedures ....151
Application Migration/Porting Due to
Database Migration ............................................ 155
Types of Application Changes ..................................................155
Factors Influencing Application Changes .................................156
Migration Options and Solutions ..............................................159
Manually Identifying Changes and Modifying
Applications ..........................................................................159
Migrating Applications Using Scripts and Tools.................159
Emulation Technology-based Solutions...............................162
Application Migration Tasks.....................................................163
Database Connectivity Changes ...........................................164
Embedded SQL Changes......................................................168
Application Code Changes ...................................................171
Database API Changes .........................................................173
Changes to External Interfaces and Replication
Solutions ...............................................................................173
Error Handling ......................................................................175
Performance Optimization....................................................175
Application Build Process Changes .....................................178
Migrating Applications to the Cloud .................... 181
Application Migration Options .................................................182
Emulation/Web Service Enablement....................................183
Rearchitecture/Rewrite .........................................................184
Automated Migration ...........................................................184
COTS ....................................................................................185
Moving to Noncoding Fusion Products ...............................186
Rehosting ..............................................................................186
Portfolio Rationalization ...........................................................187
Application Analysis .................................................................188
3GL Applications ......................................................................190
4GL Applications ......................................................................190
Target Languages and Environments ........................................191
Java and Java EE ..................................................................192
Java EE Frameworks ............................................................192
Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF)..........193
Oracle Application Express (APEX)....................................193
Oracle Fusion Product Solutions..........................................194
Application-Supporting Tools and Custom Scripts ..................195
Applications in the Cloud .........................................................195
Target Hardware and Software Stack Options..........................197
Building Your Own Nonvirtualized Cloud ..........................198
Building Your Own Virtualized Cloud Platform .................200
Oracle Virtualized Red Stack ...............................................202
“Cloud in a Box”: Exalogic .................................................203
Pros and Cons of Each Hardware and Software
Stack Option .........................................................................205
Hosting Options.........................................................................207
Endnotes ....................................................................................208
Service Enablement of Client/Server
Applications ...................................................... 209
The Unique Client/Server Dilemma .........................................210
Replacing Client/Server Systems with a
Cloud-based Application ......................................................211
Restructuring Client/Server Code ........................................211
Reusing Client/Server Applications Using SOA .................212
LegaSuite: Platform for SOA-Enabling Windows
Client/Server Applications ........................................................213
Step by Step for Creating an SOA Interface from a
Legacy Windows Client/Server Application.............................214
Development Process............................................................217
LegaSuite Runtime Considerations...........................................228
Sizing for Performance and Scalability ...............................230
Load Balancing.....................................................................231
Infrastructure Changes..........................................................233
Including Client/Server Application Logic with
Oracle Middleware ...............................................................233
From Windows Client/Server Applications to SOA in
the Real World...........................................................................234
Case Study In-Depth: Social Interest Solutions
Modernizes Public Assistance Enrollment Process
with LegaSuite ......................................................................235
Endnotes ....................................................................................238
Oracle Database Cloud Infrastructure
Planning and Implementation............................ 239
Oracle Database Cloud Implementation Considerations .......239
Server Consolidation and Virtualization
(IaaS and PaaS) ..................................................................240
Workload Consolidation and Database Migrations to
Oracle (PaaS or DBaaS) ....................................................241
Database Considerations for Multitenant Applications
(Software as a Service or SaaS) ........................................245
Infrastructure Planning for Database Migrations to
Oracle (DBaaS).......................................................................247
Platform Considerations.....................................................248
Platform Sizing ..................................................................252
Exadata System Sizing ......................................................254
Backup and Recovery and Disaster Recovery
Monitoring and Management of the Oracle
Database Cloud ..................................................................260
Summary .................................................................................260
Sybase Migrations from a Systems Integrator
Perspective, and Case Study............................. 261
Why Consider Database Migration from Sybase to
Oracle? ....................................................................................262
Technical Challenges ..............................................................266
Key Architectural Differences between Sybase
ASE and Oracle ......................................................................267
Database Server..................................................................267
Memory Model ..................................................................268
Transaction Processing.......................................................269
Analytics ............................................................................269
Procedural Languages ........................................................270
Security ..............................................................................271
Backup and Recovery ........................................................271
High Availability................................................................271
Partitioning and Storage.....................................................272
Database Clustering ...........................................................272
Sybase Analytics Appliance versus Oracle Exadata .........273
Performance .......................................................................273
Development Tools ............................................................273
Keeping the Current Sybase Environment Running
during the Migration...............................................................274
Migration Tools.......................................................................274
Cost of Migration....................................................................275
Sizing the Target Oracle Database Environment ...................276
Infrastructure Migration Challenges.......................................276
Server Consolidation...............................................................277
Oracle mLogica Case Study ...................................................278
Business Drivers.................................................................279
Situation Analysis ..............................................................279
The Challenge ....................................................................279
Implementing the Solution ................................................280
Results ................................................................................280
Summary .................................................................................280
Application Migration: Oracle Forms to
Oracle Application Development
Framework 11g................................................ 283
Oracle Application Development Framework Introduction ..283
Oracle ADF Organizational Impact...................................284
Options: Rearchitect or Rewrite .............................................285
Rearchitecting ....................................................................285
Rewriting from Scratch......................................................286
Migration/Rewrite: Common Implementation Steps .............288
Forms-to-ADF Mapping ....................................................288
What Doesn’t Map? ...........................................................290
The ADF Data Model ........................................................290
Migrating Forms to ADF ...................................................290
Application Module Client Exposed Methods ..................292
View Objects and Queries in the Application Module .....293
ADF Task Flows ................................................................293
Other Forms-to-ADF Mappings .............................................296
Table-based Search/Edit.....................................................296
List of Values versus Drop Downs ....................................298
Post-Query versus View.....................................................298
Keystrokes and Menu Items versus Buttons .....................299
Case Study: Manufacturing and Logistics .............................300
Background and Challenge................................................300
Analysis and Design ..........................................................301
Assessing Complexity........................................................302
Mapping Forms to ADF with ART ...................................304
Project Results....................................................................305
ADF in the Cloud ...................................................................306
Amazon and Oracle Cloud Templates...............................306
Summary .................................................................................308
Application Migration: PowerBuilder to
Oracle APEX .................................................... 309
Oracle Application Express Overview ...................................309
Why Migrate PowerBuilder to APEX?..................................310
Background on Carter’s, Inc. .................................................311
The OMNIA Sales Order Management Pilot Project ............312
Legacy System Characteristics and Technical Architecture..313
Legacy System Characteristics ..........................................313
Legacy Technical Architecture ..........................................314
Legacy System Challenges .....................................................315
Carter’s Priorities ....................................................................317
Migration Options Considered ...............................................317
Pilot Project Results................................................................319
The OMNIA2 Project .............................................................320
Design Objectives ..............................................................321
The New OMNIA2 Architecture............................................323
PL/SQL Emphasis When Using Oracle APEX.................325
APEX in the Cloud.................................................................326
Summary .................................................................................328
Challenges and Emerging Trends....................... 331
Business Challenges in Database and Application
Technological Challenges in Database and
Application Migration ............................................................332
Emerging Trends in Database and Application
Migration Technology.............................................................333
Business Challenges in the Adoption of Cloud
Technical Challenges of Cloud Computing ...........................335
Emerging Trends in Cloud Services and Offerings ...............335
Summary .................................................................................339
Index ......................................................................................................................341
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About the Authors
Tom Laszewski has more than 20 years of experience in databases, middleware,
software development, management, and building strong technical partnerships. He
is currently the director of cloud migrations in the Oracle Platform Migrations
Group. His main responsibility is successful completion of cloud migration projects
initiated through the Oracle partner ecosystem and Oracle Sales. These migration
projects involve mainframe service enablement and integration, mainframe rehost
and rearchitecture, and Sybase, DB2, SQL Server, Informix, and other relational
database migrations. Tom works on a daily basis with TCS, Infosys, and niche
migration system integrators, customer technical architectures, CTOs and CIOs, and
Oracle account managers to ensure the success of migration projects. Tom also
works with cloud service providers to assist in their migration of current non-Oraclebased offerings to an Oracle-based platform. This work involves solution architecture of Oracle-based cloud solutions utilizing Oracle Exadata, Oracle Virtual Server,
and Oracle Enterprise Linux.
Before Oracle, Tom held technical and project management positions at Sybase
and EDS. He has provided strategic and technical advice to several startup
companies in the database, blade, XML, and storage areas. Tom holds a master of
science degree in computer information systems from Boston University.
Prakash Nauduri has more than 19 years of experience working with databases,
middleware, and development tools/technologies. In his current role as technical
director in the Platform Migrations Group at Oracle, he is responsible for promoting
adoption of Oracle products such as Oracle Exadata, Exalogic, Oracle Database, and
Fusion Middleware in non-Oracle-to-Oracle platform migrations as well as assisting
cloud service providers in development of Oracle-based cloud offerings. Before
joining Oracle, Prakash worked with automotive companies in India, namely Hero
Group and Eicher Tractors Ltd., as developer/database administrator/system analyst.
He holds a bachelor of science degree from Berhampur University in Orissa, India.
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About the Technical Editor
Ward Spangenberg (CISSP, CISA) is the director of Security Response for Zynga
Inc. Ward manages three divisions for Zynga: Incident Response, eDiscovery/
Forensics, and eCrime. His teams are responsible for helping to maintain the safety
and security of more than 200 million daily active players.
As a security professional with more than 15 years of real-world IT experience,
Ward is an expert in many areas of IT security, specializing in security engineering,
compliance, cloud research, and security integration. He has provided security
services across industries including defense, law enforcement, finance, and health
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• Book Overview
• Audience
• Book Layout
Cloud computing is being adopted at a rapid rate by both large and small
companies. Cloud computing is all about moving from departmental, distributed
computing to rapidly provisioned and Internet-accessible shared resources. Shared
resources are centralized resources that typically involve consolidation and
migration projects.
Migrations from mainframe and midrange systems have been occurring for
decades. The legacy migration marketplace is a multimillion-dollar-per-year business, yet there are only around 15,000 mainframes in the world. This pales in
comparison to the number of servers that are running relational databases and the
number of PCs running client/server applications that access these relational databases. One major financial services institution is running 600 UNIX servers with
more than 1,000 Sybase databases and tens of thousands of client/server applications
on user desktops. Another Fortune 1000 company is running a Citrix server farmer
of 1,000 servers for a PowerBuilder application. This company would incur
significant savings if it could move this legacy client/server application to an Oracle
cloud infrastructure. This book will provide readers with the knowledge and insight
to successfully migrate client/server applications to the cloud.
The main purpose of this book is to serve as a reference guide as you plan,
determine effort and budget, design your Oracle cloud infrastructure, execute the
migration, and move your Oracle cloud environment into production. In order to
achieve this objective, this book covers a range of topics, from Oracle application
and database cloud offerings, to the migration of your infrastructure to the cloud.
Database and application migrations can become a complicated exercise if they are
not planned and executed carefully. Understanding various migration approaches
and choosing the appropriate approach is key to successful execution of a migration project. Many migration tools and technologies are available to ease the
migration effort that will be covered in this book. Useful code snippets as well as
step-by-step instructions in database migrations are included to assist database
administrators and developers in executing migration projects. Also included are
four case studies that highlight the business and technical challenges, processes,
and results achieved by Oracle and its partner ecosystem. The customer success
case studies cover service enablement of DOS-based applications, Sybase to
Oracle, Forms to Java EE, and PowerBuilder to APEX. Finally, future trends in
migration technologies as well as cloud computing to prepare the audience for the
future are also discussed in this book.
This book is a definitive guide on database and application migrations and
deployment of applications/databases in a cloud environment suitable for most IT
professionals including developers, database administrators, architects, IT project
managers, and executives. This book contains a wealth of information for database
administrators, developers, and architects on databases, application migration
challenges and solutions, differences among database platforms, and more. This
book can also be a valuable tool for IT project managers and executives as well as
lead architects in understanding/scoping out migration efforts, developing migration
strategies and best practices, and selecting appropriate solutions.
Architects and database administrators working in a cloud environment can gain
insight into various Oracle products that can be leveraged for deploying an Oracle
platform-based cloud offering.
This book is organized into 14 chapters, nine of which are dedicated to various topics
related to database and application migrations, infrastructure planning, cloud
computing, and other aspects of migrating to the Oracle cloud, and the last chapter,
which discusses current challenges and advances in technology around cloud
computing and client/server migrations. The remaining four chapters highlight
successful service enablement and application and database migrations to the Oracle
cloud. Various migration tasks such as schema, data, stored procedures, and application migration are covered individually in Chapters 4 through 8, with code
samples where appropriate, and, in some cases, step-by-step guidance in using the
free migration tool from Oracle, Oracle SQL Developer. For data and application
migration, there are recommendations on what approach and tools to use.
The subsections that follow provide details on each chapter in the book.
Chapter 1: Migrating to the Cloud: Client/Server Migrations to the
Oracle Cloud
In this chapter, readers will learn about the evolution of various computing architectures and the basics of cloud computing deployment models: public, private,
hybrid, and community. The chapter covers the cloud computing delivery models:
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as
a Service (SaaS). Also covered in this chapter are topics such as virtualization
techniques, Oracle products enabling cloud computing, and cloud migration
approaches and strategies.
Chapter 2: Identifying the Level of Effort and Cost
This chapter contains information on how to identify the level of effort and cost
involved in database and application migrations. This chapter also discusses the best
practices for defining complexity levels of a database and application migration.
Effort and resource estimates for each phase in a migration project, such as analysis
and design, schema and data migration, application migration, and production
rollout, are discussed in depth.
Chapter 3: Methodology and Design
It is important that any migration project include some time in the beginning to
finalize the migration options and methodology, and to perform an in-depth analysis
of differences between the source(s) and target Oracle databases. This chapter
includes the most common differences between non-Oracle relational databases
such as Sybase, SQL Server, DB2, Informix, and Oracle. It also includes guidance
on how to address the differences from other databases to an Oracle database.
Chapter 4: Relational Migration Tools
This chapter focuses on the various tools available from Oracle and its partners for
performing relational database migrations. This includes products such as Oracle
GoldenGate for production rollout of the new environment, and Oracle Enterprise
Manager Tuning and Diagnostics packs for performance acceptance testing.
Chapter 5: Database Schema and Data Migration
This chapter covers database schema migration tools as well as database schema and
data migration tasks in detail. Data migration in large database environments can
become a complex task, so this chapter discusses various methodologies and options
to migrate large databases to Oracle. A step-by-step example on migrating a sample
Sybase database to Oracle is included.
Chapter 6: Database Stored Object Migration
Oracle SQL Developer offers full support for migrating stored procedures, triggers,
and views from databases such as SQL Server, Sybase, and MySQL to Oracle.
Oracle’s SQL Developer tool is covered in detail. This chapter also discusses the
differences in SQL language implementation between Oracle and other databases,
and provides code snippets illustrating the differences. In addition, the chapter
highlights some of the shortcomings in SQL Developer and how best to address
those shortcomings.
Chapter 7: Application Migration/Porting Due to Database
Database migration has an impact on every application that performs database
Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations and all the interfaces that
interact with it. Changes must be carried out in applications, batch processes, scripts,
and integration interfaces with respect to changes in the SQL statement migration,
database API, and command-line interface (CLI). This chapter discusses the changes
required when keeping the application languages and tools the same.
Chapter 8: Migrating Applications to the Cloud
Many options and tools are available for migrating applications from one language
to another or from one development platform to another. Application rationalization
options, migration of 3GL- and 4GL-based applications, potential target languages
and environments, and hardware and software stacks are discussed in this chapter.
The chapter also covers the cloud application infrastructure environments on which
the target application can run.
Chapter 9: Service Enablement of Client/Server Applications
This chapter discusses Web service enablement of a client/server application using
Oracle partner Rocket Software’s LegaSuite application modernization software.
A step-by-step example walks you through the process of service-enabling a client/
server application. In addition to covering the service-enablement process, this
chapter includes deployment-related information for LegaSuite in conjunction with
Oracle Fusion Middleware products and the cloud. Three case studies highlight,
at a high level, successful client/server application Web service enablement, and
a fourth case study details how LegaSuite helped a nonprofit organization in
California to modernize its public assistance enrollment process.
Chapter 9 was written by Patrycja Grzesznik, a product manager at Rocket
Software. Patrycja has more than 15 years of experience in product management and
software development. Currently, she is a research and development team lead at
Rocket Software with a focus on service-oriented architecture (SOA), integration,
and user interface generation.
Chapter 10: Oracle Database Cloud Infrastructure Planning
and Implementation
This chapter focuses on Oracle database cloud infrastructure implementation topics
such as server and workload consolidation and virtualization. It also covers aspects
of the target infrastructure such as platform sizing considerations including database
server sizing, storage sizing, Exadata sizing, backup and recovery, disaster recovery,
and more.
Chapter 11: Sybase Migrations from a Systems Integrator
Perspective, and Case Study
This chapter presents a case study from a preferred Oracle partner, mLogica,
highlighting a successful Sybase-to-Oracle database migration. It also discusses
topics such as business justification for migration, target system sizing, and workload consolidation. The chapter highlights the many challenges that mLogica has
encountered during migration projects and how the company successfully addressed
those challenges.
Founded by a former head of Sybase Worldwide Strategic Services, mLogica is
a specialized database consulting firm with deep expertise in Sybase technologies.
mLogica has extensive database migration and data server consolidation experience
in the Oracle platform. mLogica also provides managed Sybase pre- and post-sales
database administrators and implementation experts to more than 200 active clients
Chapter 12: Application Migration: Oracle Forms to Oracle
Application Development Framework 11g
This chapter presents a migration approach and case study from an Oracle partner,
Vgo Software. Vgo Software has expertise in migrating Oracle Forms-based
applications to J2EE and SOA-based applications. This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) v11g, a high-level
process overview for modernizing Oracle forms, and how Forms application
components map to ADF 11g. Also provided is a case study that brings the presented
ADF overview, process, and mappings to light.
Vgo Software is a leader in the application modernization industry, delivering
modernization services using a combination of proprietary tools and bespoke
modernization processes. Vgo fosters a holistic approach to modernization, ensuring
that the demands of the business, organization, and technology are met. Vgo has
worked with companies around the world in modernizing their business operations
and platforms.
Chapter 13: Application Migration: PowerBuilder to Oracle APEX
This chapter covers the process of migrating a PowerBuilder application to Oracle
Application Express (APEX). The Oracle partner that wrote this chapter, JSA2
Solutions, has significant expertise in migrating client/server applications to APEX.
The approach involved for a large-scale, mission-critical Carter’s PowerBuilder
application migration to APEX along with the migration, challenges, and solutions
are discussed in depth. The chapter also covers the reasons why APEX is a “cloudready” product for both cloud development and deployment.
JSA2 Solutions works with clients to extend their enterprise resource planning
(ERP) solutions and modernize legacy business applications. The company provides
expertise in business domain, application modernization, Oracle APEX, SOA, and
Java EE knowledge areas. JSA2 helps clients from concept to delivery of applications to meet unique business requirements and extend the life of their systems.
Chapter 14: Challenges and Emerging Trends
Innovation in the IT industry is usually driven by current challenges and advances in
technology. This chapter takes stock of current challenges in application and database migrations and how these challenges can be met, as well as adoption of cloud
computing in general. The ironic aspect about this chapter is that cloud computing is
essentially a rebranding of an old concept dating back to the 1960s of time sharing
on centralized mainframe computers. Instead of calling it “cloud computing,”
hosting companies such as EDS and CSC called it “outsourcing.” So, what is old is
new and innovative again.
Migrating to the cloud involves migrating your databases, applications, and infrastructure. The goal of this book is to cover all these areas of cloud migrations.
However, this book will be helpful for anyone migrating just database(s), just
applications, or just infrastructure to the Oracle cloud. Migrating to the cloud is more
an art than a science, but we have attempted to demystify the art by sharing our
experiences and knowledge and by including Oracle partner experiences and case
We are pleased to have the opportunity to share our knowledge and passion of
migrating to the cloud with you. We hope you enjoy reading the book as much as we
enjoyed writing it. We wish you luck in your current or future cloud migration