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kiem tra tieng anh 8

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I. Choose the best answer.
1.It’s easy for him ( to study/studying/study/studies) abroad.
2.My sister used ( be/to be/being/is) a very good student.
3.Long is tall enough ( play/playing/plays/to play) volleyball.
4.Each student ( have/having/to have/has) different ways of learning words.
5.My teacher is used to ( going/go/goes/went) to school early.
6.She ( is/was/be/has been ) a nurse since 2006.
7.He has worked as an engineer (in/for/at/since) 10 years.
8.The principle (has left/ leaves/left/leaving) here 10 minutes ago.
9.She asked me (to go/go/going/goes) out with her.
10.Lan’s father advised her (eat/eating/to eat/eats) breakfast before going to school.
II. Change into Reported speech.
1.”Can you give Tim this book?”
He asked me…………………………………………..
2.”Please sit down and open your book”
The teacher asked all students…………………………………………
3.”You should think carefully before answering the question.”
She said ………………………………………….
4.”Please make up your mind.”
She told him…………………………………………….
III. Supply the correct verb forms.
1. We (be) pen pal for 3 years.
2. She ( visit ) me next week.
3. I (not /finish) my homework yet.
4. You should ( spend) more time on your English pronunciation.
5. We (meet) him in New York last year.
IV. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.
1. I have a meeting ……………. 6 and 8 p.m.
2. You should finish your essay …………… next Sunday.
3. She left her hometown …………….. 1998.
4. She is different ………………….. her sister.

5. I am interested………………… reading books.
6. Lisa is fond ……………… playing tennis.
7. How far is it ……….. your house to the bookstore?
8. I haven’t seen him………….. a long time.
V. Rewrite the sentences, using the given words.
1. I haven’t seen her before.
This is the first time………………………………..
2.This book is 20.000 dong. That book is 30.000 dong .
That book is …………………………………………
3.You should eat less meat and more vegetables.
She advised me……………………………………………
4.”How long have you been waiting for him?”
She asks me………………………………………

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