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BT Trắc nghiệm Anh 8

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Written test : English 1- A
Time: 15 minutes
Choose the best answer :
1- We spend our free time volunteer work.
A- to do B- do C- for doing D-doing
2- I think we ought to put the rug the armchair and the couch.
A- on B- next C- between D- in
3- The opposite of “reserved “is” .
A- helpful B- kind C- generous D- sociable
4-Write and tell me all your news.
A. soon B. early C. earlier D. late
5- She asked me you this dictionary .
A. to give B. to giving C. give D. gave
6- I know you worked really this semester.
A. hardly B. good C. hard D. bad
7- you rice soup yesterday?
A. Did/ eaten B. Do/ eat C. Dis / eat D. Do/ ate
8- A- Is Peter in ?
B –No. He is out .Would you like to leave a ?
A. message B.letter C. telephone D. call
9- I don’t know where .
A. it is B. it is C. will it D it will
10- Nien Hoa’s neighbor whe she lived in Hue .
A. were B. be C. is D. was
11- My grand mother used to on afarm when she was young.
A. live B. living C. lived D. lives
12- He has to do every thing ithout the help of .
A. modern eqipments B. eqipment modern
C. modern eqipment D. eqipments modern
13- “ The Lost Shoe” is an old
A. novel B. folktale C. action movie D. poem

14- It’ s far from my house to school .
A. afew B. few C. a bit D. many
15- You can call me when you are out by using .
A. telephone directoy B. public telephone
C. address book D. answering machine
16- Hoa’s mother gave her a new book this morning, and she it this afternoon.
A. read B. is read C.is going to read D. will read
17- You use a to cook rice.
A. steamer B. rice cooker C. saucepan D. fryingpan
18- The opposite of “ above” is .
A. on B. in C. beaneath D. out
19- There is atable and four chairs in the of kitchen.
A. left B. middle C. right D.above
20- I have to tidy the bed room I have to dust the living room.
A. first B. then C. At time D.Next to
Written test : English 1- B
Time: 15 minutes
Choose the best answer :
1- Language learners learn words in ways.
A. same B. different C. easy D. difficulte
2- Hoa seems because she received her friend’s letter yesterday.
A.happy B.happily C. easy D. difficulte
3- The opposite of “ inside” is .
A. upstairs B. outsie C. here D. downstairs
4- Mr Toan was out .So I a massage for him .
A.took B. give C. like D. want
5- Folktales are stories.
A.traditional B. modern C. new D. fact
6- After dinner , Mom the lamp and Dad told us stories.
A. lighting B. light C. lit D. light

7- You have to make childen do not to play with matches.
A. ensure B. surely C. ensuring D. sure
8- We wardrobe in the corner opposite the bed.
A. ought B. ought to C. must D. will have
9- He worked with at Boston University.
A. deaf - mute B. mute C. deaf – mutes D. blind
10- The shop close at 3 pm.If you arrive 3pm it will be closed.
A. in B.before C. after D. on
11- Straght, curly,wavy, .
A. brown B. black C. blond D. bald
12- I’m pleased that you are very well .
A.to here B. hearing C. heard D. hear
13- I was born in Viet nam.So Vietnamese is my .
A. tongue mother B. tongue language
C. mother tongue D. second language
14-Of course,the shoe Little pea.
A. fit B. fitted C. felt D. fell
15- Who invented the telephone?
A. Bell’s assistant B. Gram Bell
C. Thomas Waston D. Thomas Edison
16- It’s safe medicine in locked cupboards.
A. keep B.kept C. to keep D. keeping
17- I sometimes have to look my younger brother when my parents are away from
A.at B. in C. after D. for
18- It’s excllent . You did very .
A. good B. well C. bad D. badly
19- I’ll try my best my English pronunciation .
A. improve B. improving C. to improve D. improved
20- my English is not good to be amember of yourEnglish speaking club.

A. too B. enough C. much D. so
Written test : English 1- c
Time: 15 minutes
Choose the best answer
1- What Nga’s grandma use to do ?
A. do B. dose C. did D. was
2- My mother stay home and help her mom when she was young.
A. have to B. has to C. must D. had to
3- I was born February10
A. on B. in C. at D. of
4- He must be there 8.30 and10.30
A. after B. between C. before D. after
5- It is a. .......to meet you, Miss Lien
A. pleasant B. nice C. pleasure D. please
6- Tall, fat, plump, ..............
A. new B. slim C. fair D. dark
7- The earth ,the Mar, the Mercuryare .
A. planets B. objects C. friend D the skys
8- Tet is coming, we are going to Tet festival.
A. do B. make C. celebrate D. work
9- He try to stydy hard get good marks this semester .
A. in order B. in order that C. inorder to D. so to
10 – I get up late last year but now I donot .
A. use to B. don’t use to C. used to D. am used to
11 - I can't go to the cinema tonight. I ..........do my homework.
A.has to B.had to C.have to D. ought
12- My grandmother used to............ on a farm when she was young
A. live B. living C. lived D. lives

13 - I'll come over to pick you ...............this evening.
A.to B.up C.on D.out
14 - .......and meet my grandfather, Long
A.Stay B. Come C.Go D.Visit
15- Let's ............the couch opposite the armchair in the livingroom.
A.to putting B.putting C. put D. to put
16 - What ............ he like? He is humorous and helpful.
A. does B. is C. are D. do
17 - What does she ..................?.Oh, She is beautiful
A.look B. like C. look like D. look after
18 - Mr Tan: “Students, you’ll have to do the exercises.............”
A. yourself B. themselve C. ourselves D. yourselves
19 - We spend our free time ............volunteer work.
A.to do B. do C. for doing D. doing
20 - We are ..............enough to have a lot of friends.
A. lucky B. luckily C. luck D. luckyly

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