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Topic 1: Study(


Topic 18: Weather

Topic 2: Work

Topic 19: Movie stars

Topic 3: Major

Topic 20: Tea & Coffee

Topic 4: Home(

The area you

Topic 21: Pet

live in)
Topic 5: Hometown

Topic 22: E-mail

Topic 6: Smile

Topic 23: Sleep

Topic 7: Outdoor

Topic 24: Crowded place

Topic 8: Math

Topic 25: Patience

Topic 9: Reading

Topic 26: Public holiday

Topic 10: Borrowing/lending

Topic 27: Taking photos

Topic 11: Perfume

Topic 28: Share things

Topic 12: Social network

Topic 29: Handwriting

Topic 13: Visit relatives

Topic 30: Watch sky

Topic 14: Street market

Topic 31: Transportation

Topic 15:Plan/Time management

Topic 32: Music/Instrument

Topic 16: Garbage

Topic 33: City

Topic 17: Travel

Topic 34: Sports

Topic 1 Study1


1. Do you work or study?
I’m currently a senior student at Hunan University, and I’m studying computer science at the moment.
2. Which university did you go?
The university I attended is called XXX University, which is a top-level university in Viet Nam. I’m
really proud to be a student there and honestly, I was so close to being rejected2 because I thought my
grade for the University Entrance Exam was subpar3 compared to the enrollment requirement of the
previous year.

3. Why did you choose your school / university?
Well, when I was a high school student, I heard my university has a really good undergraduate
program for Computer Science4, which is really what I’m passionate about and love to study. Besides,
my parents also rooted for5 me to go there as they believe four years of study there would be a big
help for my future career.

4. Do you like your school?
Yes, I do like my school. I mean, even though I’m often swamped with all the assignments and exams6,
I often have a blast7 studying there. The teachers are all nice and cool. None of them have ever given
me a hard time. And most importantly, I have some really awesome friends at school who I hang out
with all the time.

1 Study:

2 so

close to being rejected
4 Computer Science
5 rooted for somebody:
often swamped with all the assignments and exams
7 have a blast:

3 subpar:

5. How many hours do you spend on study every week?
I probably spend about ten or twelve hours studying every week. I have a lot of different classes and
they all have different assignments, so they keep me on my toes8. I should probably be studying more,
to be honest, but I get distracted pretty easily.

6. Which part of your school do you like?
I really like meeting new people. The classes at school are fun because I’m learning new things, but
it’s great to be able to make friends with the other students. Some of my closest friends are people I
met in class; we just happened to hit it off9 and now we’re as close as peas in a pod 10.

7. How do you improve your study efficiency?
When it comes to studying efficiently, I try to make sure there aren’t any major distractions around
me. For example, I turn off my phone and I avoid listening to music. It helps me focus on my study
so that I stay on track11 and avoid wasting all my time.

8. Which part of your study do you like the most?
I like writing the most. Even if it’s just writing essays, I think it’s really fun to express my thoughts
through the written word12. I’ve always enjoyed those kinds of classes the most. I think it ’s good
practice for the real world, where you have to be able to express yourself clearly.

9. Which part do you hope your school to change? /Which part of your school needs an
Well, off the top of my head, the most urgent part of my school that needs to be improved is the gym
in our campus. I mean, the whole place should be flipped13 because everything in the gym is literally
worn out14. The basketball court doesn't even have a hoop. It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? I really hope our
school can do something about it.

8 keep

me on my toes:

hit it off:
10 as close as peas in a p
11 stay on track
12 express my thoughts through the written word:
13 the whole place should be flipped
14 worn out:

Topic 2 Work15
1. Do you work or study?
I’m currently working fulltime as a programmer at VNG; I’ve been working there for 5 years.
2. Do you like your job?
Yes, I am really happy with what I do. Most of the time, it’s very rewarding to be able to help people
every day. Besides, it’s a really good company to work for. The pay is good and they even hand out
bonuses16 twice a year!

3. What do you do to improve your productivity?
Whenever I feel like I’ve lost focus on work and started slacking17, I take a 5-minute break and make
a cup of instant coffee. It sounds simple but it works like a charm for me18. After I’ve had some coffee,
I feel pumped up19 and have more energy.

4. How long do your work every week?
Well, I usually work 40 hours a week because I have a typical 9-to-5 job. But during a busy business
season, I’ll typically20 be asked to work overtime like 10 more hours a week. But the rate of pay for
overtime work21 in my company is one and a half times higher than the regular wage. I don't mind
working overtime so long as I get paid more.


hand out bonuses:

it works like a charm for me
19 pumped up:
20 typically
21 rate of pay for overtime work:


5. Do you think your company needs to make some changes? Which part of your working
environment needs an improvement?
Well… As far as I’m concerned , I really wish my company wasn’t so strict about the dress
code22. It really bugs me23 to have to wear a uniform day in and day out24. Plus, I have to be really
careful keeping the uniform clean otherwise I might get fined25 at my workplace. It would be great if
we could have a casual Friday26.

6. What do you learn from work?
Well…The most valuable lesson I learned from work is how to collaborate with27 my coworkers. It’s
not something that I really understood back in school. But in a real job, a ton of tasks need good
teamwork and can’t be done on your own. For instance, when I coordinated a marketing event with
my colleagues, it was of the essence to28 make sure everyone was on the same page29, or else we
might’ve messed up 30 the whole thing.

7. Do you enjoy working in different cities? (5-8 )
Yes, I do. Honestly, I don’t like sett li ng in one place 31, so being able to move around keeps
things interesting. Working in different cities exposes you to all kinds of cultures, which I think is
really beneficial. It’s good to expand your horizons and see lots of different sights.


dress code:

It really bugs me:
24 day in and day out
25 get fined:

26 have a casual Friday
27 collaborate with:

it was of the essence to:
everyone was on the same page
30 messed up:
31 settling in one place:

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8. Is this job a good opportunity? / Is it good for your future development?
Yes, it’s a wonderful job. Even though I’m sw amped with 32 the tasks at work sometimes and have
to work overtime33, overall, I believe it’s a good career for me. I’m very passi onate about 34 my job
and I really know what to do. Plus, doing this job right now will definitely help me build my
resume 35 later, since it requires excellent workmanship.

9. Do you want to change your job?
No, I don't want to hop my job36 right now. It’s mainly because the pay is not bad. I mean, it’s not
way higher than others but I’m pretty comfortable with it. Plus, it’s not easy to find a proper job in
today’s job market, is it? Sometimes, i t’s bett er to appreci ate what you h ave now 37.

10. Are nine-to-five jobs good?
I suppose nine-to-five jobs are pretty good! Even though they can feel pretty repetitive after awhile,
I think it’s important to have a stable job38 that pays you well. After all, money doesn ’t grow on trees.
Plus, you have the weekends free, which gives you a chance to kick back and relax.

I’m swamped with
work overtime:
34 passionate about:
35 build my resume:
36 hop my job:
37 it ’s better to appreciate what you have now
38 have a stable job

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Topic 3 Major39
1. What is your major?
I’m studying computer science at Hunan University. It’s an undergraduate major, and it usually takes
four years to gain the degree. I feel happy being enrolled in this program, because coding is one thing
I’m passionate about. Plus, I think I have a knack for40 it since my math is good.

2. Do you like your major?
Yes, I do like my major. But you know… there will always be parts you like and parts you don’t like.
For example, the field training is very interesting, but the theoretical courses are about as fun as
watching paint dry because some abstract concepts are quite difficult to understand.

3. What is your plan after finishing your school? (5-8)
It’s hard to say right now41. Everything feels like it’s up in the air42. But after I graduate from school,
I’d like to have a job that’s somehow related to my major. You know, it’s cool to apply what you’ve
learned at college in the real world. I’m not sure what kind of job I want to have, but I’m sure I’ll

figure it out soon.

4. Do you like the courses of your major?
Yes, I do like most courses in my curriculum, especially the ones related to programming. Taking one
of my favorites, the Java Programming, as an example, the knowledge I learned in the lectures is not
only theoretical but also very practical in real life.



have a knack for:
It ’s hard to say right now
42 it ’s up in the air:

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5. Why did you choose to study that (major)?
Well, as for the reasons why I decided to study computer science, I think the main one is that I have
lots of passion in that field. I never feel bored and I always enjoy studying and researching things
about it, and I’ve noticed that since I was still in high school. So, I told myself that if I went to a
college, I would take computer science as my major.

6. Will you continue doing what you’re studying in the future?
Yes, I will. It’s mainly because I have a lot of passion for computer science and Web developing. I
don't think I will be bored if I make a living off of it. Plus, the income level of specialists in this field

is also higher than average, so I can have a comfortable life by working as a programmer.

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Topic 4 Home43(The area you live in)
1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
I’m currently living in an apartment near my university campus and sharing it with my best friend at college. I
really enjoy living there since the location is pretty convenient for me. But of course, owning a house is also a
dream of mine. (I hope to have my own backyard where I can relax.)
2. Where are you living now? / Why do you live there? / Do you like your living place?
I’m living in an apartment in downtown Ho Chi Minh city. I have two roommates sharing the same
apartment with me. It’s a nice place to live since the rent is dirt cheap44 for a young guy like me.
Plus, my workplace is literally a stone’s throw away from 45 there, which is the main reason why
I’ve been living there for a long time. I really hit the jackpot46 finding thisplace.

3. How is the area surrounding your home like? / Are there any good facilities nearby you home?
My living place is in the city’s downtown area. Well, there are several tasty restaurants around my
apartment, which is great for a foodie47 like me. And we also have a giant grocery store across the
street and a small park nearby. So I have to say it’s a pretty liveable48 place.



dirt cheap:
a stone’s throw away from:
46 hit the jackpot:
47 foodie:

48 liveable

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4. What are the changes of surroundings around your living place?
Well…When it comes to the changes to my neighborhood over the past few years, I think there ’ve
been more high-rise buildings built nearby so the area is denser49 than before. Besides, my favorite
improvement of this area is the building of an outdoor gym where I work out50 on a regular basis.

5. What changes do you think your neighborhood/living area need?
Um…my neighborhood is pretty close to perfect, but it would be better if there was a subway station
within walking distance of my home. Now the closest subway station is about 3 kilometers away,
which isn’t exactly a hop, skip, and a jump away. I heard the city has a plan of extending a subway
line to the street next to my home in the next few years. I hope it’s true.

6. Do you have friends living nearby? /What do people living nearby do? Do you know some of
Yes, I do. Actually, I have a coworker, also a close friend of mine, living in the same apartment
building as me. It’s a high rise apartment51 so I guess there are a couple hundred people living in it.
Honestly, even though I’ve been living there a while, I’ve only gotten to know the neighbor girl living
across the hallway. She is a teacher at a primary school nearby.

7. What are your roommates like?
Well, currently, I have two roommates sharing the same apartment with me. They are pretty cool. And
I’d say I’m glad to live with them since all three of us love playing video games, so we have a lot to
talk about and do together. It’s really a blast for us having a game night together every Saturday.

work out:
51 a high rise apartment:

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8. How long have you lived there?
I’ ve been living there for over three years and I love it. Even though I have to share a room with
threeroommates, luckily they’re all as y-going52 and nice, so we get along really well with each other.
9. Will you move home in the near future?
Well, I really have no idea if I will be moving anytime soon. But I hope not. I’ve been living in an
apartment for several years. It’s a comfortable place to live and the rent is also very affordable. But
sometimes it’s not up to me 53, I might need to work at a distant place54 later. Who knows, right?

10. What is your favorite room?
My favorite room in my home is definitely my bedroom. I think it’s where I spend most of my time.
It has all my favorite stuff in it, like my books, and I got to decorate it myself. That really makes me
feel at home – literally55! It’s important to have somewhere you can blow off steam56 and just relax.

11. How do you think your room could be improved?
It might be great to have a large bookshelf. You know, I’m a bookworm 57, but I have no bookcase
now…so if you go into my bedroom, you can see it’s pretty messy and tons of books are on the floor.
So having a new bookshelf may help me keep the room from being a total disaster zone58.


it ’s not up to me:
54 at a distant place
55 literally
56 blow off steam:
57 bookworm:
58 keep the room from being a total disaster zone

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Topic 5 Hometown59
1. Where are you from? / Which city are you living in?
I live in my hometown Tan An, which is a city in Long An province. I really love it because there're
tons of amazing attractions in the inner-city60, and people living in Tan An are very warm and

2. Do you like your hometown? / Which part of your hometown attracts you the most? / Where
is the most impressive place in your hometown?
Yes, I do. I’m from Cao Bang, which is a city in the northeast of Viet Nam. It’s famous for the Ice
& Snow Festival there, which is a really cool annual event in my hometown. Tons of visitors come to
mycity to see it every year. I love being a tour guide and showing my friends from other cities this
tourist attraction.

3. How long have you lived in your hometown?
I’ve been living in my hometown since I was born . I’ve never thought about leaving my hometown
because my entire social circle61 is there and the cost of living is pretty low. However, I also want to
work in a different city for a few years to broaden my horizons62.

4. How long are you going to stay there?
I have no idea. It really depends on63 where I can work. I’ll stick around 64 if I can find a decent job
after graduation. Otherwise, I won't be able to stay there and I’ll have to go back to my hometown,
since living in Jinan practically costs an arm and a leg65.

61 my entire social circle
62 broaden my horizons
63 It really depends on:
64 stick around
65 costs an arm and a leg

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5. Is your hometown suitable for children to grow up?
Well, I think everything is good66except the air pollution. There are tons of parks and museums in my
hometown, so children can do tons of interesting and educational activities. But the air quality…you
know, I often see the buildings outside my window looming in the smog67 …It really threatens
children’s health.

6. Is there anything that you dislike about your hometown?
Yes, I suppose so. One thing I’m not satisfied about with my hometown is the traffic there. Lots
of drivers don’t follow the traffic rules and often have road rage68, so road accidents in my hometown
are common and often fatal.

:all aspects of my hometown are good
looming in the smog
68 road rage:

Topic 6 Smile

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1. Do you often smile?
It’s funny to think about it, but I actually do smile pretty often. I’m a pretty upbeat69 person. I
like looking on the bright side of things. So that means I usually have a smile on my face, especially
when I’m talking to friends and family. It’s always best to wear a smile.
2. Do you smile when people take pictures of you?
Yes, I definitely smile if I’m getting my picture taken. It’s always good to look happy in a photo. It
makes you look better, to be honest. Plus, nobody wants to look back at old photos and see someone
who looks miserable70. So I make a point of 71 smiling for pictures.

3. When do people give fake smiles?
I think people give fake smiles when they’re getting their pictures taken. You know, if they’re having
a good time, the smile might be real. But a lot of times72, you have to smile if someone takes a picture
just because it’s polite. You might just be posing for a photo73 and not smiling for real.

4. Can you recognize a fake smile?
Well, sometimes it’s hard to tell 74. My sister is really good at fake-smiling. If you didn’t know her
well, you would think it was real. But sometimes you can tell if people aren’t smiling for real. Fake

smiles are usually too big to be natural. They look really stiff75 and awkward76.

71 make a point of
72 a lot of times
73 be posing for a photo:

76 awkward:

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5. When do people smile to others?
I guess people smile at others when they’re happy to see them. For example, if you have a good friend
that you haven’t met up with in a while, you would probably smile when you finally see them. People
also smile when they greet other people, whether they’re close or not.

6. When was the last time that you saw many people smile?
Um… the last time I saw lots of people smile was in a movie theatre. We were all watching the newest
Marvel movie77. There was a really funny scene78, and when I looked around, everyone was smiling
and laughing. Personally, I busted a gut laughing79. It was nice that we could all enjoy the movie

Marvel movie:
79 busted a gut laughing

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Topic 7 Outdoor
1. Where did you play when you were a child?
When I was younger, I liked playing outdoors. There was a forest practically within spitting distance
of80 my neighborhood that I would explore with a couple friends. It wasn’t very big, so it was safe
for us to check out on our own. I loved being in nature; it really set me at ease81.

2. Did you prefer outdoor play or indoor play when you were young?
I definitely preferred outdoor play. As a kid, I couldn’t get enough of 82 the outdoors. It was so
great to breathe in fresh air and run around outside. I would always get really fidgety83 if I had to stay
inside. I loved being surrounded by nature. It just made me feel at ease.
3. Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?
I think I prefer being indoors. As a kid, it was the total opposite84. But nowadays, I like being inside
better. The weather can be really unpredictable when you’re outside. For example, I was working on
an important project outside. But then it started raining. It was totally a bummer85 because I lost all
my work.
4. Is it important for children to play outdoors?
Yes, it’s pretty important for kids to play outside. If they just stay indoors all the time, they might
spend too much time on their cellphones and video games. You know, a lot of kids nowadays are
glued to86 their screens. They barely get any fresh air. But when kids go outside, they’re usually more

active and they can get more exercise. Games that involve running and jumping can definitely benefit
them physically.
5. Did you often go over to your friends’ houses when you wereyoung?
Yeah, I definitely went over to my friends’ houses a lot when I was little. I lived practically within
spitting distance of my best friend in particular, so she and I killed lots of time together. We played a
lot of video games in her bedroom. We had a total blast with each other.


practically within spitting distance of:

set me at ease:
82 couldn’t get enough of
83 fidgety:
84 it was the total opposite:
85 totally a bummer:
86 are glued to:

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Topic 8 Math
1. When did you begin to learn mathematics?
It’s been ages since I first started learning math. But if memory serves correctly, it was probably when
I started primary school. Of course, it was just simple math back then87. You know, it was mostly easy
stuff like addition and subtraction88. Things got way harder89 as I got older.

2. Do you like mathematics?

Honestly, I don’t really like math. I know lots of people enjoy how simple it is. After all, there’s only
one right answer. You can’t argue your way into a solution. But that’s actually why math isn’t my
cup of tea90. Other subjects require your imagination, like art or literature. So I definitely like those

3. Do you think it’s difficult to learn mathematics well?
No, I don’t think it’s too difficult. I’m good at numbers and I often got good marks on math exams
when I was in high school. But then again91, everybody has different learning styles. Some people
might have a hard time with that. It can be a real challenge to think logically. But that’s a big part of92
learning math.

4. Do you think mathematics is important in our life?
Well, I hate to admit it because it’s not my cup of tea. But I do think math is really important. Without
math, we couldn’t keep track of93 things in our lives, especially money. It would be super hard to buy
and sell things, since that involves adding and subtracting94.

5. Do you often use a calculator?
Well, I don’t use a calculator that often. In my everyday life, I don’t do a lot of math. But whenever I
do, I use a calculator. Even though it’s basic math, like adding up95 how much I spent in a month, I
like being able to double-check if I did the problem right.

back then:
addition and subtraction
89 way harder
90 isn’t my cup of tea:
91 But then again
92 that ’s a big part of
93 keep track of:
94 adding and subtracting:



adding up:

Topic 9 Reading

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1. Do you like reading?
Yes, I love reading! It can always set my mind at ease. If I’m feeling stressed out, I just pick up a
good book and get lost in the story96. I think that more people should read; it can really help you blow
off steam97. There’s nothing more calming to me98.

2. What kind of books do you read?
I like reading historical fiction99. It might sound boring, but the past is really fascinating. So reading
stories about it is definitely my cup of tea. It’s very cool to see how different authors can tell the same
part of history in different ways. Plus, it’s very educational, but fun as well.

3. Do you read electronic books?
Well, I only read electronic books from time to time100. I don’t really mak e a habit of 101 it, because
I like paper books way more. I just like holding something physical102 in my hands. But e-books are
very convenient, especially if you’re going on vacation. It’s such a pain to have to carry physical
books around.

4. What kind of books do you like to read, an E-book or a real book?
I definitely like reading real books more. It’s nice to be able to turn the pages and hold something

physical in your hands. E-books are nice for travelling, since physical books can be a pain to lug
around103, but I definitely like physical books more. There’s something irreplace able 104 about paper
5. Do you think reading is for fun or for work?
Well, I believe that reading should just be for fun. You don’t have to read a book because you think
it’ll teach you something. You just read books to be entertained. It shouldn’t feel like a chore106; you
should be able to blow off steam by reading a book. So I don’t think it should be work at all.


get lost in the story:

blow off steam:
nothing more calming to me
99 historical fiction:
100 from time to time
101 make a habit
102 something physical:
103 lug around:
104 irreplaceable
105 paper copies:
106 feel like a chore

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Topic 10 Borrowing/lending
1. Have you borrowed books from others?
Yeah, I’ve actually borrowed a lot of books from my friends. It’s definitely cheaper than buying the
latest book I want to read. Plus, since I’m such a book-lover, it helps me bond with my friends by
seeing what they like to read. You just have to make sure you return the book in good shape107.

2. Have you ever borrowed money from others?
I don’t want to make a habit of it, but I’ve borrowed money from others in the past. For instance, last
year I accidentally ruined my laptop108 by spilling coffee on it. I had to borrow money from my friends
to pay for a new one. It was a total bummer.
3. Would you like to lend your phone to others?
Well, it depends on the situation. If they need to borrow it to make a phone call, I can totally do that
for them. But I wouldn’t want to let them borrow it for a long time. I’m pretty attached to109 my phone.
I use it all the time, so I would want to keep it to myself.

4. Would you like to lend things to others? What would you like to lend to others?
I think it’s good to be generous with your things110. Everyone likes a helping hand. So yeah, I’d like
to lend things to others if I have the chance. I’m fine with letting people borrow my books or
even my clothes if they want. It’s nice to share your stuff with others.

5. Is there anything that you will not lend to others?
I definitely wouldn’t lend anything really expensive to others. For example, I wouldn’t lend them my
laptop or my phone, since they cost me an arm and a leg111 . I wouldn’t want to lend hygiene
products112 like my toothbrush either. That would really gross me out113. It’s best to keep that stuff to

return the book in good shape:
ruined my laptop:
109 attached to:
110 be generous with…

111 cost me an arm and a leg
112 hygiene products
113 gross me out:

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Topic 11 Perfume
1. Do you use perfume?
I actually don’t use perfume very often. If it’s a special occasion, I might borrow some of my friend’s.
It’s part of dressing up and being fancy. But in general, I don’t wear it. I just don’t think it’s really
necessary. As long as you don’t stink 114, you don’t have to wear stuff like that.
2. What kind of perfume do you like?
I like perfume that smells like citrus115. You know, if it smells like lemons or oranges, it makes you
feel like you’re standing outside in a beautiful orchard 116. Those scents are really light117; they aren’t
too strong, so they probably won’t bug people as much118. Some people can be very sensitive to smells.
3. Do you give perfume as a gift to others?
To be honest, giving perfume as a gift isn’t that common with people I know. We tend to enjoy giving
clothes or books instead. But if I had to give a gift to a person I’m dating. It seems like a romantic
gift for couples. I might consider perfume.
4. How much money would you like to spend on perfumes?
I’m pretty tight with my budget119, so I wouldn’t want to spend a ton of money on perfume. If it was
a really nice scent by a famous designer, I guess I’d be willing to spend a bit extra 120. But ingeneral,
I don’t want perfume to cost me an arm and a l eg.
5. What does perfume mean to you?
To me, perfume is a way of telling the world that you mean business121. You know, it sets you apart122
and shows everyone that you put an effort into your appearance123. I think it makes you seem very
sophisticated124. Plus, it helps you put your best foot forward125. Someone wearing perfume usually

has good taste126.


As long as you don’t stink:

115 citrus:

118 won’t bug people as much
119 pretty tight with my budget
120 spend a bit extra:
121 mean business:
122 sets you apart:
123 put an effort into your appearance
124 sophisticated:
125 put your best foot forward
126 has good taste


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Topic 12 Social network
1. How often do you use social networking applications (like Weibo, Twitter or Facebook)?
Well, I spend more time on social media than I’d like to admit . It’s not the best use of my time,

but I can127 waste hours just scrolling on my phone. I probably look at WeChat moments the most. I
just like keeping up with my friends128 and seeing what’s going on in their lives.

2. Why do you use social networking apps?
I mostly use them to stay up to date with129 what’s going on in my friends’ lives. You know, nowadays,
everyone posts about130 what they’re doing online. So if there’s an important event in someone’s life,
like a wedding, you can see pictures of it on their social media. It’s a cool way to keep in touch.
3. What are the disadvantages of social networking apps?
Well, sometimes social networking apps may lead to privacy leaks131. For example, almost all the
social networking apps have your personal information, like your birthday and email address. Plus,
tons of people post updates about their lives132 online, which allows strangers to know some private
information of yours. That might be an easy way for bad people to scam133 you.

4. Do you think you will use more of those social networking apps?
I use a lot of them already, but honestly I’m pretty hooked on134 using social media. So I think that
I’d be open to 135 using more of them. I just like staying connected with people. And since practically
everyone uses social media nowadays, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to use them a bit more.


keeping up with my friends
stay up to date with
130 posts about:
131 privacy leaks:
132 post updates about their lives:
133 scam:
134 hooked on:
135 be open to

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5. Do you think it is an easy way to make friends through social media?
I don’t think it’s that easy. For one, there’s a lot of false information on the internet and it’s hard to
know if someone’s profile136 on a social network is real or not. Plus, even though you can learn about
their interests a lot quicker just by looking at what they post, I think it’s easier to get to know
someone137 when you see them in person.


get to know someone:

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Topic 13 Visit relatives
1. How often do you visit your relatives?
I don’t visit them as often as I’d like to . But my grandma lives very close to me. She’s
practically a hop, skip, and a jump away138. So basically I check in with her139 about once a
week. She always cooks something special for me. Getting to visit her is such a treat.

2. What do you do when visiting relatives?
I usually just have a nice chat with them. I’m often caught up with work, so I don’t have that much
time to hang out. But I love getting to sit down and talk. It’s such a treat to just hear about what’s

going on with them. I also like sharing what’s happening in my life and getting some advice.

3. When was the last time you visited a relative?
It’s been too long. I think the last time I visited a relative was a month ago. I’ve been so busy with
finishing up140 school. You know, I’ve had to study for so many exams. But before things got crazy141,
I visited my grandma and had a nice chat with her. It was a great way to blow off steam142.

4. Do you prefer visiting your friends or your relatives?
Don’t get me wrong143, I love my family. But I think I prefer visiting my friends. We just have way
more in common. It’s a lot easier to strike up a conversation with them. And I feel like I can just cut
loose144 and be myself around them. It’s just a lot more natural.

5. Why do people visit their relatives?
I suppose that people visit their relatives as a way to stay close to their family. You know, nowadays
it’s easy to neglect relationships with your family. There’s lots of other stuff that seems more
important, like work or school. But when you visit with your relatives, you help strengthen your bonds
with145 them.

a hop, skip, and a jump away
check in with her:
140 finishing up
141 before things got crazy
142 blow off steam:

Don’t get me wrong:
cut loose
145 strengthen your bonds with:


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Topic 14 Street market
1. What do street markets often sell?
I think that street markets often sell cheaper products. It doesn’t automatically mean146 they’re lowerquality though. For example, you can get fresh fruits and vegetables on the cheap 147. But there are
also knockoffs of designer brands148 when it comes to stuff like purses and wallets.

2. Are there many street markets in Viet Nam?
Yes, there are tons of street markets in Viet Nam. Actually almost every Vietnamese city has at least
one street market. Lots of them are even famous attractions for tourists. Taking my hometown as an
example, it has several massive149 street markets where you can find thousands of different snacks and
3. What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?
Well, supermarkets have a wider variety of


products, but street markets are a bit limited in

comparison, although they have cheaper stuff. This is because most street vendors151 have to be more
selective about what they sell. In contrast, supermarkets belong to big companies, so they can afford
to have tons of different items.
4. Do you prefer going to a street market or a shopping mall?
I like going to shopping malls better. Street markets are really cool and have a unique atmosphere152,
but I usually trust whatever I get from shopping malls more. They’re just more likely to be checked
for quality. Even if things cost me extra153 at a mall, I think it’s worth it.


doesn’t automatically mean:

on the cheap:
knockoffs of designer brands
149 massive
150 a wider variety of
151 street vendors:
152 have a unique atmosphere
153 cost me extra:

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5. Why do some people prefer street markets to supermarkets?
I guess some people prefer street markets to supermarkets because there are more unique products in
street markets. For example, you might find stuff that’s handmade or vintage154 in a street market.
Plus, there’s just a cool atmosphere with street markets. There are usually lots of interesting things to
look at. In contrast, supermarkets are kind of boring.

6. Would you like to visit street markets when you go to a foreign country? What would you
like to buy?
Yeah, I’d love to visit street markets if I go to a foreign country. It’s a really good way of exploring
another culture155. Plus, there are so many interesting things to see and buy in a street market. You
can find lots of souvenirs to take home and keep as memories of the trip156.

exploring another culture:
156 keep as memories of the trip:

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