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Tổng hợp phần phần Writing ôn thi Toiec

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Essay Writing
Topic 1:
In some countries, people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public
places and office buildings. Do you think this is a good rule or a bad rule? Use specific
reasons and details to support your opinion.
Nowadays, more and more people smoke in the public places and office buildings in some
countries. However, people are no longer allowed to smoke in many places. I think that all
governments should forbid people from smoking in the public places and office buildings
because smoking is not healthy, it is wasted time and it can make fire.
Firstly, smoking is not good for people‘s health, especially for the smokers. They can suffer
from many diseases such as cancer, some diseases regarding lung. Moreover, it not only
affect to the smokers but also reduces the health of people who inhale the smoke or stay with
the smokers when they smoke.
Secondly, smoking not only hurts the people’s health but also takes smokers a lot of time to
smoke. For example, my uncle is a smoking addict. A few days ago, I had a hard exercise and
I asked him to help me out. At that time, he was smoking, so he told me to wait for him until
he finished the smoke. Therefore, I have to wait for him more than 30 minutes. So if every
person smokes in the office buildings, they need to spend much time smoking and it may
distract their work or disturb other people who work with them or work in the same area with
Finally, further and even more importantly, it can lead to the flame. There are many places
that are really dangerous if it meets something to cause the fire. For example, if you smoke in
somewhere near the forest and throw the cigarette in the forest without extinguishing the fire,
it may produce the fire in all the forest. Thus, people must be really careful if they smoke in
the hazardous places.
In conclusion, I believe that the government should ban the smoke throughout the world, as
the consequences, they will not be in the greatest health, not waste their time a lot and not
create more and more fire. I will try my best to prevent every person who I meet from

Topic 2: Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to
prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to
support your answer.
Some people like to eat out at food stands and restaurants while others like to prepare and eat
food at home. Often, it depends on the kind of lifestyle people have. In my opinion, it is
better to prepare and eat food at home because it cheaper and healthier.
While eating in restaurants is fast, the money you spend can add up. When I have dinner at a
restaurant with a friend, the bill is usually over twenty dollars. I can buy a lot of groceries
with that much money. Even lunch at a fast-food stand usually costs five or six dollars for one
person. That's enough to feed the whole family at home.
Eating at home is better for you, too. Meals at restaurants are often high in fat and calories,
and they serve big plates of food-much more food-than you need to eat at one meal. If you
cook food at home, you have more control over the ingredients. You can use margarine
instead of butter on your potatoes, or not put so much cheese on top of your pizza. At home,
you can control your portion size. You can serve yourself as little as you want. In a restaurant,
you may eat a full plate of food "because you paid for it."
It's true that eating out is convenient. You don't have to shop, or cook, or clean up. But real
home cooking doesn't have to take up a lot of time. There are lots of simple meals that don't
take long to make. In fact, they're faster than eating out, especially if you think of the time
you spend driving to a restaurant, parking, waiting for a table, waiting for service, and driving
Both eating at restaurants and cooking at home can be satisfying. Both can taste good and be
enjoyed with family and friends. I prefer to cook at home because of the money and health
issues, but people will make the choice that fits their lifestyle best.
Topic 3:
It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do
you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.

Some people believe that it is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big

city. However, other people think that a big city gives more opportunities and convenience. I
think that it is better for children to grow up in the countryside because the country life seems
healthier and closer.
First of all, it is very important for a child to grow up in a healthy environment. Children need
fresh air, not polluted by the huge amount of cars and factories of the modern city. In the
country, they can spend more time exercising and walking with their friends. Scientists say
that now children spend the same amount of time watching TV as they do at school.
Probably, the possibility to join their friends for a play will change this proportion. Another
important aspect of this is that parents will have more time to spend with their children as a
result of eliminating traffic jams and decreasing driving time as a whole.
From the other side, children have some advantages living in a big city. For example, they
have more opportunities to choose from what they want to do. They can choose to attend
ballet school, school of art, gymnastics, etc. For the long run, it is good for them. They will
be better prepared for a life in a "real world" and they will have more chances to make a good
career and succeed. Moreover, a big city usually has many entertaining centres with movie
theatres and play stations. When I was a child, I liked to go to the movie theatre with my
parents to watch a premiere.
One more reason to choose a big city for a child is that a city provides better living conditions
and services such as medical, dental, etc. My friend lived in the country for a while and one
time he and his family had to drive a couple of hours to the nearest medical centre when his
child got a heavy cough.
To summarise, I agree with those people who want to raise their children in a city. The plenty
of opportunities offered by a city helps children to find what they really like and be the best at
it. Moreover, despite the air pollution, children get a better medical service that is good for
their health.
Topic 4:
Employers should pay young people the same salary as older colleagues
doing the same job. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and
examples to develop your essay.

There is an opinion that employers should pay young people the same salary as older
colleagues doing the same job. In my opinion, I strongly disagree with this view because the
older employees have more their experience and devotement to the job.
First of all, it is about the background and experience of the older employees. They can
comprehend complete problem, so they often make decisions or ways can help company
reduce risk and save time at work. In addition, when they front to complex questions, they
always keep calm, take strategies, and solve well. As a result of longer working period at
company, so they are worth receiving a larger salary.
Furthermore, paying money to older people bigger than young colleagues reflect the
thankfulness of company to people who devote their life to working. Not only that, this
encourage young people working harder, and dedicate more and more for company. That
leads to the result that company develops strongly.
In the other hand, we cannot deny to ensure equally, the employers should be paid equally
with people doing the same tasks. However, this can lead to some result that we unexpected.
For instance, when young employees receive the same amount of money like their senior
colleagues, both may lost their effort with working. Young people believe that they do not to
try, they are paid high-money while older people feel disappointed because their enthusiasm
and striven are not offset correctly.
In conclusion, older employees should be paid higher-money to charge for great
contribution of them with company, and it also makes a target for young people to try.
Topic 5:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Businesses should
do anything they can to make a profit. Use specific reasons and examples to support your
First of all, every business has certain rules and regulations, ethics which should be strictly
followed by everyone in the business. Each and every employee in the business should
respect the ethics. To earn more profit one should not mislead the government by not paying
regular taxes, showing wrong records, threatening other business people for s

elf profit, child labor and many more should be banned. These activities affect the business’s
reputation and relationship. For instance, in India in many small villages still child labor is
been followed. To make crackers, lift heavy items, in construction sites and many more
activities are taking place. Some people just wants to earn more money, they don't care about
others feelings or life.
In addition, businesses should start to care about environment and people's health. In this
growing technology and business market many businesses or industries have least concern
about our environment. They just show the world that they follow the protection rules. Many
industries leave out poisonous chemical wastes and gases, recycle, air quality is spoiled,
water is contaminated, people are suffering from various diseases, cutting tress to build larger
buildings, all these are only to achieve money.
Furthermore, businesses should maintain quality while producing products and should not be
provoked to sell illegal items for more money because people trust them before using it.
Misleading customers by selling cheap goods to market to earn more profit is not legal and
fair in the business. Some people start transporting drugs as a side business. Many businesses
do corruption to achieve success and profit. This affect their family, friends and the whole
In short, businesses should be always legal, care about people and environment. Money is not
always the first thing in life. There should be certain limits, rules, ethics, respect to run a
business successfully.
Topic 6:
People listen to music for different reasons and at different times. Why is
music important to many people. Support your answer with specific reasons and examples.
It is a well known fact that people listen to music for different reasons and at different times.
In my opinion, there are many reasons for listening to music and people have their own
difference. I think music is another language that makes the difference meaningless. I will
analyze why music is important to many people!
Firstly, there are many genders of music, such as pop and rock. Right now, people are more
interested in listening to music than watching TV when they are have much time. Actually,

every person has reasons to listen the music. Music can make people feel calm and enjoy for
some people who have problem. I think listening to music while singing a song or play ing a
music instrument is an interesting activity. Secondly, some people are addicted to listening
the music, especially for teenagers. People who like music are mostly from adults and

teenagers. Actually, I really enjoy listening to music. Usually, I follow my mood when I
listen to music and i think it makes me very happy.
However, music also becomes more important for some people, such as singers and song
writers. Singers or instrument players always listen to music to develop their skills on music.
Music is their living and they depend on it for their life. Besides, music is more important for
people who make music as a business field, such as businessmen of music stores.
To sum up, music is a universal language because all of people can enjoy it. I think for some
people, music is their profit because their lives depend on it.
Topic 7:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watching TV is bad
for children. Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.
Today, television becomes a popular entertainment. Many people think that this kind of
entertainment is good for children while others do not agree with this idea. In my opinion,
watching television is not good for children because of several reasons.
Firstly, television contains many bad programs which make them easily become crimes. In
facts, a lot of children are intensively influenced by violent films which often appear on TV.
Some of them become familiar with violence and having tendency to use violence in schools.
Moreover, advertisements which sometimes present expensive stuffs such as mobile phones,
mp3 or laptop, cause children waste a lot of money on them. In some cases, a number of them
even steal their parents money just because they need a thing that they desire. Therefore, TV
is not a healthy entertaining medium for children.
Second, TV sometimes is a reason for bad performance of children in schools. Many children
spend lots of times on TV because it has so many interesting programs. It is sure that the
more time children experience on watching, the less time they spend on studying. According

to Institution of Children Investigation on Health Journal, they state that each of normal child
in American cities spend 3 hours per day on watching TV. This Institution also assumes that
children wasting 2 hour per day on TV usually get higher grades than grades of children
wasting 4 hour per day on it. In addition, spending a lot of time in front of TV also makes
children face bad heath which importantly cause them unable get better scores.
In summary, TV can influence badly on mind and study of children. We need bring them into
other activities that have advantages for them such as playing sports and swimming.

Topic 8: Some people prefer to spend their free time outdoors. Other people prefer to spend
their leisure time indoors. Would you prefer to be outside or would you prefer to be inside
for your leisure activities? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Nowadays spending leisure time is one of the most important concerns for people, especially
for youth. Certainly, with our sophisticated lives, which are spent just in studying or working,
having a good plan for free time is crucial. All in all, people are different in their taste of
planning for spare time. Some people like to spend their spare time indoors. On the other
hand, most of the people including me prefer to schedule to going outdoors in our free time.
In my judgment, spending leisure time outdoors is more wisely than indoors. Because, being
outdoor we can enjoy nice weather and landscapes, also we can benefit freedom in taking
actions, in addition we can make diversity and consequently change mood.
The main reason of selection outdoors is enjoying weather and landscapes. Definitely,
everyone has experienced nice climate of special green lands which are suitable for camping,
there gave wonderful feeling to visitors. Although going to wildland and nature has some
struggles and its advantages are outweighted. Being outdoors not only we can enjoy the
beauty of nature and good weather but also we can experience amazing feeling of adventure.
For example, I remember three years ago when I was a High school student in Berlin. One of
my friends and I decided to go to a waterfall near Berlin, we enjoyed a lot in that green jungle
with nice weather. In fact, that made our spirit fresh. Indeed, I am concerned that the best
choice for spending free time is going outdoors.

The second reason which leads me to prefer outdoors is freedom that offers us. Undoubtedly,
if we are outdoors, We will be able to join a variety of wonderful activities like singing,
playing, cooking odd foods, and doing some ridiculous actions. For instance, a couple weeks
ago I went outdoors with my friends, we did lots of interesting things. For example, we
played some traditional plays, and also we had a great dancing time, and at night we cooked a
very odd meal for ourselves. Therefore, I am positive that, outdoor is the best place for
having freedom and doing some ridiculous things with friends.
In short, spending leisure time outdoors is preferable because of a variety of its advantages
for us. Actually, enjoying weather and views, freedom, and changing mood are the results of
spending time outdoors. I believe that, it is essential for individuals to be sometimes far away
from their house.
