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Unit 16: Historical Places Reading

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Teaching Reading

Look at this clip to guess which
place is mentioned here.

New Vocabulary

Representative /repre`zent∂tiv/ (adj)
to be representative of : to be used as a typical
example of sth.
Ex: This painting is not representative of his work.
She is representative of modern women.
represent (v)
representative (n)

establish /І`stæbliƒ/ (v) : to start or create an
organization, system etc.
Ex: Bill Gates established the Microsoft Software
Company in .
Before we start the project, we should establish
some rules.
establishment (n)
New Vocabulary

achievement / ∂`tƒІ ∂ v∂ m∂nt/(n)
By studying harder, they have gained achievements.

achievement (n): something you have done
→achieve (v):
New Vocabulary

pride /praІd / (n)

proud /praυd/ (a)
to be proud of : to be pleased or satisfied with
s.b /s.th
Ex: She has received a scholarship from a famous
university. Her parents are very proud of her.
proudly (adv)
New Vocabulary
