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Giáo án BDHSG Tiếng Anh 9 Ngày……Tháng…… Năm 200..
Lesson 1
A. Teaching points: By the end of the lesson students will be able to revise and practice
• Simple past tense
• Past simple with “wish”
• Past progressive
• Used to
B. Procedure:
I. Simple past tense:
- Revise the use and the form:
Ex: We played soccer yesterday.
1. Use:
2. Form:
a. Affirmative: S + V_ ed
- They went to Hanoi two weeks ago
b. Negative: S + did not + V
-She didn’t visit her grand parents last summer.
-They didn’t go to Hanoi 2 weeks ago.
c. Interrogative: Did + S + V?
- Did she visit her grandparents last summer?
- Yes, she did/ No, she didn’t.
d. To be: was, were.
- I was home last night.
- They were in New York 2 years ago.
3. Adverbs:
- Yesterday
- …ago 3 weeks ago
- Last… last week/ year/month
II. The past simple with Wish“ ”

- Revise the use and the form:
Ex: + I wish I were taller.
+ She wishes she were rich.
+ They wish they could play soccer well
+ Hung wishes he had a computer.
* Form:
* NOTE: After wish: - to be : were
- can : could
- will: would
* I wish = If only
Ex: I wish I could fly = If only I could fly.
* Cã thể thay WISH = Would rather
Ex:- I wish my vacation was longer. = I’d rather my vacation was longer
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S + wish + clause ( S + V_ed)
Giáo án BDHSG Tiếng Anh 9 Ngày……Tháng…… Năm 200..
III. Past progressive tense
- Revise the use and the form of the past progressive tense.
Ex: Hoa was watching TV at 7 o’ clock last night.
1. Use: -
8 o’clock Now
They were doing their homework at 8 o’clock last night
We were eating dinner when he came in.
My mother was watching TV while my father was reading a newspaper.
2. Form:

a. Affirmative:
- Mai was playing soccer at 5.00 yesterday afternoon.
b. Negative:
- Mai wasn’t playing soccer yesterday afternoon.
c. Interrogative:
- Was Mai playing soccer yesterday?
- Yes, she is/ No, she isn’t
3. Adverbs: While - when
IV. Used to
1. Used to + V. ( §· tõng)
- He used to smoke but now he doesn’t.
- He used not to live in London.
- Did he use to live in London?
2. Be/get used to + V-ing ( quen víi viÖc g× ®ã)
Ex: - He is used to hearing the noise from his machine.
- They get used to living in the big city.

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S + was/ were + V-ing
S + was/ were + not +
Were/was + S + V_ing?
Giáo án BDHSG Tiếng Anh 9 Ngày……Tháng…… Năm 200..
A. Language focus:
• Past simple
• Past progressive
• Past Simple after “Wish” clause
• Used to
B. Exercise

I. Complete each sentence with the simple past of the verbs in the list
Sting bite quit cling feel mean swim blow
1. I broke a tooth when I ………………….into a peace of hard candy.
2. The little boy ………to his mother’s hand as they walked toward the school bus
3. Maria promised to help us. I hope she ………………..what she said
4. Arthur………….out of all the candles on his birthday cake.
5. We both…………smoking three month ago, and we already fell much better.
6. Douglas………..The out side of his pocket to make sure his wallet was still
7. A bee ………… ……me on the hand while I was working in the garden.
8. Mathew Webb was the first person who ………………across the English
II. Use the past simple or past progressive for the verbs in the brackets.
1. When I ( leave)……………..the house this morning, it (rain) ……….very
2. They (eat)……………….their dinner when we ( arrive)…………………
3. The handle(break)……….……just as they (move)………………the
heavy box into place.
4. We (cross)……………the street when the policeman (shout)…………..at
5. The students (still write)……..…………their papers when the bell (ring)
6. When we (arrive)…………..at the meeting every one (discuss) ………..…
the plan
7. I (read)……………the newspaper while Davis (get)……………..ready to
8. While I (walk)……………..around the park I (see)………….two different
9. Fred(argue)…………… with George when we (walk)…………… into
their office.

10. When their son ( get married)…………………in 1980, they (live)
……………in Nha Trang.
III. Make sentences. Put the verbs into the correct form: the past simple or the past
1. while I/ write/letter/ phone/ ring.
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Giáo án BDHSG Tiếng Anh 9 Ngày……Tháng…… Năm 200..
2. you/read/ newspaper/ as soon as it/ arrive.
3. she/ not lock/ door/ when/ she/ leaves/ office.
4. train go through/ tunnel/ when it/ suddenly/ stop.
5. she/ wash/ hair/ when/ doorbell/ ring.
6. John Logie Baird/ invent/ telephone/ or/ television?
7. they/ cry/ when/ they/ hear/ bad/ news.
8. cat/ lie on/ sofa/ when/ mouse/ come into/ room.
-> ………………………………………………………………………...
IV. Write sentences.
1. I hate having wear my crash helmet whenever I ride my motorbike to
-> I wish……………………………………………………………………
2. I’m not used to the noise in this city.
-> I wish…………………………………………………………………….
3. I don’t have a big dictionary.

-> I wish…………………………………………………………………….
4. It’s pity that my room is too small
-> I wish……………………………………………………………………
5. It’s pity the weather isn’t better today.
-> if only…………………………………………………………………….
6. I’m sorry I can’t do this exercise.
-> If only ……………………………………………………………………
7. It’s pity you can’t understand how I feel about you.
-> If only……………………………………………………………………
Are you ever sorry about that you aren’t tall?
-> Do ……………………wish………………………………………….?
8. I’d love to be really intelligent!
-> If only…………………………………………………………………….
9. I’m sorry you don’t like my painting.
-> If only……………………………………………………………………
V.Fill in each blank with use/ used to/ be used to/ be used for .
1. You can ………………….this knife to cut bread.
2. We ………………………working hard.
3. Gold………………………guaranteeing the value of the paper money.
4. People in many countries of the world………………… English as their
first language.
5. He ………………….visit me on Sundays when he was here last year.
6. We……………… reading books and magazines in English.
7. I…………………like sweets when I was a small child.
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Giỏo ỏn BDHSG Ting Anh 9 NgyThỏng Nm 200..
8. My father the hot climate in Hue
Lesson 2
A. Teaching point: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to revise and practice with:

* Present perfect tense and Passive form
B. Procedure:
I. Present perfect tense.
- Revise the use and the form of the present perfect tense.
Ex: + We have learned English for 5 years
+ I've lost my keys
+ She has read that book many times ago
1. Use:
* Diễn tả một hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục
trong tơng lai.
* Diễn tả một hành động vừa mới xảy ra và kết thúc nhng còn để lại kết quả
* Diễn tả một hành động dợc làm nhiều lần trong quá khứ
2. Form:
a. Affirmative:
Ex: - They have lived in Hanoi since 2000.
b. Negative:
Ex: Nam hasn't worked in that company for 2 months.
c. Interrogative:

Ex: Have you finished your homework yet?
Yes, I have already done it.
3. Adverbs
- For: + period of time for 5 weeks
- Since: + point of time since 1999
- already - yet - recently - just - ever
II. Passive form
- Revise the use and the form of the passive form
Ex: - That house was built last year
- This road will be made next month

Nguyn Huy Hi 5

S + have/ has + V_ pp
S + have / has + not+ V_
Have/ has + S + V_
pp ?
Giỏo ỏn BDHSG Ting Anh 9 NgyThỏng Nm 200..
A . Form:
- Active: S + V + O
- Passive: S + be + V_ pp + by agent
- He closed the doors

- The doors are closed by him
B. Note:
1. Khi chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động động từ to be ở câu bị động đợc chia
theo thì hoặc dạng của động từ chính ở câu chủ động.
Ex: They have painted that house for 2 months
-> That house have been painted for 2 months
2. Trong câu bị động:
a. Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn đặt trớc "by"
Ex: - He was found in the forest by the police.
b. Trạng từ chỉ thời gian đặt sau "by".
Ex: A car is going to bought by him tomorrow.
c. Nếu tân ngữ chỉ sự vật sự việc thì ta ding giới từ "with" thay "by" trớc tân ngữ
Ex: - The room was filled with smoke
d. Nếu động từ chủ động có hai tân ngữ thì một trong hai tân ngữ có thể ding làm chủ
ngữ trong câu bị động. Tuy nhiên tân ngữ về ngời đợc sử dụng nhiều hơn.
Ex: - I'm writing her a letter
-> She is being written a letter.

-> A letter is being written to her.
C. Một số dạng câu bị động khác.
1. Dạng nhờ bảo: HAVE/ GET.
Ex:- I had him repair my bicycle yesterday.

had my bicycle repaired by him yesterday.
Ex: - I get her to make some coffee.
-> I get some coffee made by her
2. Động từ chỉ giác quan: see, watch, hear

3. Động từ chỉ ý kiến: say, think, believe, report, .
Ex: People say that he is a famous doctor.
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- Active: S + HAVE + O_ person + V_ bare inf + O_ thing
- Passive: S + HAVE + O_ thing + V_ pp + by O_
- Active: S + GET + O_ person + V_ to inf + O_ thing
- Passive: S + GET + O_ thing + V_ pp + by O_
- Active: S + V + O + V ( bare inf/ V_ ing)
- Passive: S + be + V_ pp + V (bare inf/ V_ ing)
-Active: S + V + that clause
- Passive:* It + be + V_ pp + that
Giáo án BDHSG Tiếng Anh 9 Ngày……Tháng…… Năm 200..
-> It is said that he is a famous doctor.
-> He is said to be a famous doctor.
4. C©u mÖnh lÖnh

Ex: - Write your name here.
-> Let your name be written here
A. Language focus: * Passive form
• Present perfect tense
B. Exercise:
I . Change into passive form or active form
1. They are interviewing the president on the TV at the moment.
2. They deliver the post twice a day.
3. A man was arrested later that night.
4. They took the old man to the hospital.
5. They were repairing the traffic lights yesterday.
6. Someone has opened this letter.
7. The medicines should be taken after meals.
8. The house will have to be redecorated.
9. I remember someone telling me the news.
10. A new motorway has been built.
11. The information is kept on our computer.
12. They should reduce air pollution.

13. Mike doesn’t like being criticized.
14.When I returned the town, my old school has been pulled down.
15. As I was walking home, I thought I was being followed.
16. Someone must have told Mai about the accident.
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- Active: V + O + adjunct
->Passive: Let + O + be + V_ pp + adjunct
Giáo án BDHSG Tiếng Anh 9 Ngày……Tháng…… Năm 200..
17. They have made every afford to recover the stolen painting.
18. The file you need has been save to the another folder.
19. The books sell well. It’s going to be reprinted soon.
20. They are repairing this road at the moment.
II. Use the simple past or the present perfect tense for the verbs in the brackets.
1. I (read)……….………………187 pages of this novel already.
2. Do you know who (invent)……………………………..the telescope?
3. We (study)………………………practically every lesson in the book so far.
4. The mail man (deliver0……………………….the letter just a few minutes ago.
5. That fellow (work) …………………………here for the past three weeks.
6. Our teacher (give)……………….us more than four examinations this semester.
7. Formerly, Mr. Thanh (work)……………………..for the A.B.C textile company.
8. We (have)…………………more than the normal amount of rain so far this year.

9. Before his graduation, my brother (apply)…………..for a job with that company.
10. Mr. And Mrs. Hung ( live)……………………….in Danang from 1995 to 2001.
11. Mr. Quang, our English teacher, (write)……………………three text books.
12. I (read)………………….that book three or times before.
13. My uncle and aunt (go)………………………to Thailand during their vacation.
14.A little while ago, We (hear)…………………….some very bad news.
15. Mai and Lan (learn)………………………..a great deal of English since June.
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.
1.…………………..a car when they were living in London?
A. Have they B. Did they have C. Were they having D. have they had
2. a few days ago, I ………….that Nga ……………..for Hanoi.
A. hear – had left B. heard – had leftC. heard – has left D. hear will leave
3. I …………Tom today.
A. not have seen B. do not see C. have not seen D. was not seeing
4. Mark was listening to music while his sister ………….a book.
A. read B. reads C. is reading D. was reading
5. You ………..here for my party, won’t you?
A. shall be B. won’t be C. will be D. are going to be
6. My brother ……………….me for week.
A. hasn’t phoned B. didn’t phone C. isn’t phoning D. doesn’t phone
7. When I was young, I……………….to be a singer.
A. want B. was wanting C. wanted D. had wanted
8. I …………….lots about the job so far.
A. have learnt B. am learning C. had learnt D. learnt
9. They…………..me about it last week.
A. was telling B. told C. had told D. would tell
10. The Olympic games ……………..every four years.
A. take place B. takes place C. took placeD. is taking place
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Giỏo ỏn BDHSG Ting Anh 9 NgyThỏng Nm 200..
11. Tim was tired. He hard all day.
A. has been studying B. studies C. studied D. had been studying
12. Its a nice day. I .we go out for a walk.
A. suggested B. suggest C. is suggesting D. are suggesting
13. When I last .Jane, she to find a job.
A. see-was trying B. saw- was trying C. have seen-tried D. saw-tried
14. Itdark. Shall I turn on the lights?
A. is getting B. get C. got D has got
Lesson 3
A. Teaching points: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to revise and practice
* Prepositions of time and more * Adverbs clause of result * Modal verbs with "IF"
B. Procedure:
I. Prepositions of time:
1. AT: Dùng trớc các cụm từ chỉ thời gian sau:
- at 4 o'clock
- at night
- at Christmas, Easter,
- at once ( ngay lập tức)
- at last ( cuối cùng)
- at the moment
- at present
- at weekends
- at the end of
- at the same time
- at the age of
- at breakfast/ lunch/ dinner
2. IN
- Year: + in 1908 + in 2008

- Month: + in June + in May
- Month and year: + in May 2008
- Seasons: + In Spring + in Summer
- Part of the day: + In the morning/evening/noon ( ngoại trừ night ( at night))
- In time (đúng giờ)
- Periods: in two years time
3. On:
- Days in week: + On Monday/Sunday
- Date: + On September 9th
- Date + year: + On May 10.
- On time: ( Đúng giờ- chính xác)
II. Adverbs clause of result.
Mệnh đề trạng từ chỉ kết quả đợc bắt đầu bằng liên từ "SO"
Ex: We felt tired, so we go to bed early
- I didn't understand the lesson, so I asked my teacher.
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Giáo án BDHSG Tiếng Anh 9 Ngày……Tháng…… Năm 200..
- I have a lot of works to do, so I can't go out with you.
III. Modal verbs with If
Ex: If you do best, you can pass the test
- If you do not hurry you may miss the train.
- You will fail your examination, if you do not work hard.
I. Choose the word that has underlined part is pronounced differently from the
1. A. stayed B. visited C. corresponded D. depended
2. A. abroad B. primary C. pal D. additional
3. A. invited B. wanted C. ended D. liked
4. A. beach B. lead C. great D. pleased

5. A. unit B. climate C. city D. ethnic
6. A. comb B. plumb C. climb D. disturb
7. A. faded B. baggy C. pants D. added
8. A. poets B. occasion C. convenient D. compulsory
9. A. continues B. primary C. additional D. territories
10. A. wealth B. meat C. peaceful D. beaches
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.
1. She was born ………………..September 15
A. in B. at C. on D. from
2. We often go for a walk …………………..the weekend.
A. to B. on C. in D. with
2. My village is about 100 km ………………….the south of HCM city.
A. with B. at C. for D. to
3. We will go …………..a picnic next week.
A. at B. in C. on D. to
4. She has come here …………..yesterday.
A. since B. for C. on D. A & C
5. They will come here ………….11:30 AM.
A. between B. at C. for D. in
6. The meeting is ………………….9:00 and 2:00 PM.
A. till B. on C. at D. between
7. I can’t go to the park with you………….it is raining.
A. so B. and C. because D. but
8. It rain heavily, ……………I can’t go to the movie with you.
A. because B. so C. and D. but
9. She walked…………half an hour to reach village.
A. in B. to C. at D. for
10.He can swim and……………can I.

A. to B. so C. too D. such
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Present simple will/can/may… + V_ bare
Giáo án BDHSG Tiếng Anh 9 Ngày……Tháng…… Năm 200..
II. Find and correct mistakes.
1. My village is about 50 kilometers of the city center.
2. I wish I would come to you, but I can’t.
3. We usually go to our home village at least once a week on summer
4. It was very hot in the room, but I turned on the air conditioner.
5. A new bridge has been built in the city last month.
6. If only we don’t have to go to school right now.
7. Spend the weekend in the countryside is wonderful.
8. He was absent from class yesterday because of he was sick.
III. Complete the sentences below. Use the prepositions in the box.
After at between by during
for in on since until
1. Mr. Thanh isn’t here at the moment. He’ll be back…………….a few
2. We were at the seaside …………….two weeks.
3. I haven’t seen Liz………………Monday.
4. Mrs. Nhung has gone away. She’s been away………………Friday.
5. Where’s Trang? She should be here ……………..now.
6. There are usually a lot of parties ………………New year’s Eve.
7. Can I meet you……………….8 am to 9 am.
8. We met a lot of people ……………our holiday.
9. Ten o’clock is a bit early. We should come…………….that.
10.They don’t like traveling……………….night.
IV. Rewrite use the words in the brackets.

1. The movies was boring. We went home before it finished.
 (so)………………………………………………………………
2. Mai opened the door. Mai greeted the guests.
 (and)…………………………………………………………….
3. We started the trip very early. We reached the village before noon.
 ( so that) ->……………………………………………………..
4. Liz saw some wild ducks. Liz was resting under a tree.
 (while)…………………………………………………………
5. Hoa is very sick. She can’t sit up.
 (so…that) ………………………………………………………
6. Ba felt tired and hungry. Lan felt tired and hungry.
 (so) ……………………………………………………………..
7. We enjoy the fresh air in the countryside. We enjoy the food there.
 ( both)……………………………………………………………
8. The water is very cold. We can’t swim in it.
 (too) ……………………………………………………………..
9. Peter didn’t have money to buy a bus ticket. He had to walk home.
 (so)……………………………………………………………..
10.Mr. Parker feeds the chicken. He collect their eggs.
 (not only…but also)………………………………………………
V. Arrange the jumbled words to make complete sentences
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Giáo án BDHSG Tiếng Anh 9 Ngày……Tháng…… Năm 200..
1. if/weight/smoking,/you/gain/you/up/give/might.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
2. we/save/move/apartment,/may/to/some/able/if/cheaper/be/money/we/a/to
3. class/she/stay/if/get/awake/she/be/to/doesn’t/enough/in sleep,/won’t/able

4. they/successfully,/ harder/if/want/exam/must/to/the/study/they/pass.
Lesson 4
A. Teaching points: By the end of the lesson students will be able to revise and practice
with direct and reported speech.
B. Procedure:
* Reported speech.
1. C©u mÖnh lÖnh vµ c©u yªu cÇu.
Ex:- " Close the window, please" said he
-> He asked me to close the window.
- " Can you send me this letter, Lan" said Mai.
-> Mai asked lan to send her the letter.
2. Lêi khuyªn
Ex: "You should do your homework before going to school." Said teacher.
-> The teacher said that we should do our homework before going to school.
3. C©u nghi vÊn
Ex: " Are you a new student?" said he
-> He asked me if I was a student.
“Do you go to school by bike, Hung?” said teacher.
-> The teacher asked Hung if he went to school by bike.
4. C©u hái
Ex: “ Where do you live, Lan?” said he
-> He asked Lan where she lived.
“ Why did you cry, Tam?” said the fairy
-> The fairy asked Tam why she cried.
5. C©u trÇn thuËt.
“ She is a good student.” Said he
-> He said that she was a student.
“ They played soccer in the school yard” said he
-> He said that they had played soccer in the school yard.

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S + asked/ told + O + V_ inf
S + said (that) + S + should + V_ bare inf
S + asked/wanted to know/wondered + O + If/ whether + clause
S + asked/wanted to know/wondered + O + W-H + clause
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6. NOTE:
- Khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp nếu động từ tờng thuật ở thì hiện tại, thì
động từ chính trong câu tờng thuật không thay đổi.
Ex: - I want to drink a glass of beer says he.
-> He says that he wants to drink a glass of beer
- Khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp nếu động tờng thuật ở dạng quá
khứ, thì động từ chính trong câu gián tiếp phải lùi về một thì.
Ex: I want to drink a glass of beer said he.
-> He said that he wanted to drink a glass of beer.
* Chuyển đổi thì
* Chuyn i khỏc
*This v these:- This/Those dựng trong thnh ng ch thi gian thng i thnh
Nguyn Huy Hi 13
Direct Reported speech
- Present simple
Ex: I play volleyball
-> Past simple
Ex: I played volleyball
- Present progressive
Ex: Im playing volleyball
-> Past progressive

Ex: I was playing volleyball
- Present perfect
Ex: I have played volleyball
- Past perfect
Ex: I had played volleyball
- Past simple
Ex: I played volleyball
- Past perfect
Ex: I had play volley ball
- Simple future (will/ shall)
Ex: I will play volleyball
- Conditional ( would/should)
Ex: I would play volleyball
This That
These Those
Here There
Now Then
Today That day
Yesterday The day before / the period day
Ago Before
Last week The week before
Next week The week after/ The following week
Tomorrow The day after / the following day
Must/Have to Had to/ would have to
Must not Was not to ( were not to)
Can Could/ be able
Will/ shall Would/ should/be going to
May Might
- Had better - Used to - Would

- Should - Might - Ought to
- Had better - Used to - Would
- Should - Might - Ought to

S + said + ( that) + clause
Giáo án BDHSG Tiếng Anh 9 Ngày……Tháng…… Năm 200..
Ex: He said, "She is coming this week" ->He said that she was coming that week
- Mặt khác this và that đứng trước một danh từ (không chỉ thời
gian) thường được đổi sang "the"
Ex: " I bought this book for my son" said he
-> He said he had bought the book for his son
A. Language focus:
• Direct and reported speech.
B. Task:
I. Write a sentence, which means the same as the first one.
1.“You really must stay longer”, she said to me.
She insisted that…………………………...…………………………
2.“ Why don’t you visit the museum after lunch?” I said to them.
I suggested that………………………………………………………
3. “Our uncle came back from abroad this morning,” they said
4. ‘I hope the parcel will arrive tomorrow”
5. “ You must pay the rent by Friday”, he said to us
He demanded that……………………………...…………………….
6. “Why don’t you go away for a few days?” Jack suggested.
Jack suggested that……………………………..……………………
7. “You must stop interfering my business,” she demanded.
She demanded…………………………………..……………………

8. “ I’m living in London now” said Nam
9. “My father isn’t very well”, said he
He ………………………………………………...…………………
10. “ I don’t know what Fred is doing,”
His girl friend………………………...…………………………..
11. “Eat more fruits and vegetables” the doctor said
The doctor told……………………………..………………………..
12. “ Read the instructions before you switch on the machine” , he said to me
He told……………………………………………………………..
13. “ Can you speak more slowly?” he said to me
He asked……………………………………………………………..
14. “Don’t come before six o’clock” I said to him
I told …………………………………………………………………
15. “ Shut the door but don’t lock it” he said to us
He told……………………………………………………………..
16. “I haven’t seen Mai recently”
He said………………………………………………………………
17. “My car was stolen a few weeks ago” John said
Nguyễn Huy Hải 14

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